The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, April 07, 1888, Image 4

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if A PURE DRUGS! if |A 3 fft TOILST AXmajBk, LEADING PATENT MEDICINES, RA «rniEA 4 JSD EVERYTHING RETT IS A nrsMUass Drug - tftore. A* Mhmh^ rad Retail- **rS!jT 6 *> of Fif taJ Haaaeikna’ Wiw. IWnp two fiStd at ferem erf Day or Xisisti at DR. E. R. ANTHONY’S DRUC STORE R. J. DEANE, PHOTOGRAPHER. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. igTOH JVt*K*,Oo**f4 *«* Salaried. GrtArn. fit., April BpHost The Eitire stock of Ms -i *F" STILWELL & KEITH, Are bent] sold at a 6REA SAC- WFHSE. These goods IMTST BE SOLD! 4^ L The Most of them are Fresh. First-class Goods. Genuine Bargains May be bad. Come while you can Sad what yon want. J. F. STILWELL, Receiver 23 Hffi $L, 6RIFFI*. 6A Jo*. XU*. 1*0.-dAw The Biggest Thine on lee. Schlitz Celebrated Bottled Brer. This j astir world-renowned berer age. as to' excellency in quohtv an J U#t*. iauoW for axle by J UDB CAMJEE2 :, Gk>».f & Hartnett. and J. J. loos. Give them a call as21ea *red.4w Hoasp and Lot for Sale* Tb® cin® roost bouse known the X»Il plate, comer of and Sixth street*. One square business portion of city. place for day boarding bouse. ply to C. P or Tbo* Nall. A Gin's Sfhfdeb. Mane.u Ga 1 Joarat A very popular and interesting lady who resides less than a thou rand miles off, has adopted a schedu.e for various gentiemen callers. She cUssihes them into three grades- Yoang men who have uo hair upon their faces come under the bead of third-eik&r and are compelled to go home at 9 o'clock p. m. w.;en call irg a: her residence. The second- class grade consists of y-'-"£' men with incipient moustaches, who are permuted to stay until 9:3 ; while the first-c.ass schedule comprises fully matured sa::cr?. who are allow ed to remain until 11 o’clock, and in summer time have exclusive privi lege of swinging or. the ;rcr : gate and holding ner hac i ;oc a period not exceeding seven minutes by standard The second «ui third class men contemplate a : at there are .a great many dudes who are ready :o take their p ace? »re** twin .Hood % &kfi±p*r. “.a jmf kkaod. Tie Utaer » sstvcrij d* aostd bj tic yweoiarsM&tifet. Some % Low Pim! --* Iv. 18 ite. Lard $1,00, Arbarkles Coffee 22 l-2c. 1 hee>e I# l-?r^ Lemon* 20c.. Ham** 13 l-2e„ Bananas 3£c#, Fine Florida and Imported Oranfos. Rnssett Applet. ★ FI*E SHAD THIRTY TO FIFTY CENTS ! ★ GRAM) OPENING! Mrs. M. R. BROWN k CO. wifi exhibit ©b Tceadtr hutdtoaasl.C aad W«ic«sday, A; rU t At usd ltih, the heap- «M mod most sst wi M ttioery and Far.cj Good* ever shewn is Grifto. The Most Stylish Hats ! The Handsomest Feathers! The Prettiest Flowers ! The Best Bustle for 35c. in Griffin ! I#" A oordiol lo vitalise i- extended to a’’.. aprCwl Very MRS. Kreswetf-fily. M. »K< <WN CO. R. A 'EOrSD ABOCT. ■•Urn < •>c.ralM( Pr*pl, mmd Cn • r»J J»»i S«Mtr. niUI BX1STIA* sb* »iood m frost of her dressing case — Iwfc> » voftio fair in Use glass she -aw— tad the red grew dee:- oo that charming face Neath the deft care,-.* of Use rabbit's paw, And -be l&agfeed to bt-r*e}f. ec-mm at ting. when Tt.* rouge <« used "Say *b*l they like, "< nonet are »s*er tixn are Use iter;, For we are the paisiera wbc Berer strike"’ There will be . good crop of strawberries, anyhow. Tit A 0 i.-i.-U gun etui ha* t«gn :u spring inctiM. . ", M. StoeAte*. 4 Atia&tt, was ' * cstj yesterday K 5. Mt-ek*. df w.i: be in lfa * esty £.»t*i eleet* today. T. W. Bioedworth. of Liberty HJi, was i* the t ;tj ya*:erd*y morci zg. Pike coart 3 row on the mmieai dewket. axd Cbarks Seed w;il be tried to-day. The Bar»esTti«e fere tws*# wifi be tried at a 1 aly adjoaraed u on of Kk* Superior Cocri. J. C Fiemme:, of Sore-. Ga.. t* now *- kiiit os tha A . A T road at Kx irilie Asst Shady Jacksoc, the ajw\y» ;oj-sitt trimmer is sow at Mr*. M. R Brown A Co w Col. N M. Colksa retnraed last fre ia a ooaple of day- at Pike C\«art Lb. E W. HammorJ, J. D. 8b*art G. G, Jordas attended coart at Zrbaloa terday. Thos. AauUiora. who 1 - now ageal Clark'* Mik End Cot* on. * a* in the city yesserday. Mrs L. D. Drewey returetd to ncojia yesterday af r aj ea-ant t»« Ttsjt hare To# can always tell a progrea-iv pa»t- iugbu-^ea* man y annual - f printer -ak ht u*es. Mr*. Cope, cf famsio, irrsved .e criy yt««,-d*y weniag and *stc is is she the rs**t Col aad Mrs T R. Mill* lie Gs. Midiaad RB. subscription ic Pike Cocaly wifi ewae up it F*lke or C ,-ar*. os Moaday. The-.ree* Lav* bedded, tie f ..were Meowed, and tie rural tird .* here to come and serenade spring. Tie wife of Elder John of vi’ie, died as Tisrsdajr nie&ti at a ripe •g* lived in the t hr.stiax fid:I Mr E. L Brown las gone north y-. factarraagvawBb for the a«w hotel to * reefed in Albany. *t * cos: of flOOfOOC. Tb* oolorcU f**bi*r* *r-a*tedot day ti.gli s trial is tbe police •ad will t«f tird *' -• Jadge Berks Mo© day W*l:<-r Ha— • alien dec lb? faaora. hi* grands.M_’>, Abbs? Rtrei*. ditti Ttiareca; iad wa* -cned yesterday Ire- -j vceisty. S-ih S,. nur *>*t ;:■* B si', and O.Fussbi, ruiroai is te CirroLun ti - Westers A Atiasti - w.l feof bst l.i.led Til:# 5 tb* M» »k oui pred.eti ' G .orgaa wti ..-« a ere it ; isfsx of N.-.rt -<rs ye ; - • 'i.H yreare ctt s ms v-.. a.-«b: re* be v».t*d ty tss.-tti. H.w ire -*t t«- tita w;.-'t oc* mvicn: 't»te: f*. litre*' T&eScz . ..• S-tsaseJ ceake* *a« fori » »T>-1. :«*iv Wl-ti tit of ti.r j.*. re- :: t r «;--ir * Li 5*8 u*f j*?or ksov is tktoack oo.&w * -:■! tie &ttia*'. If tire fas. :c* Botify mre ;*c;-ire that '.ley 1st* c* t*J tkreir rt-- ig the reati*-, tax 1 com* rtiat tb* mtr&s&zit dc ux It.' treg .* p rn; l«P yv«*cdoj foe IWwwf, S I. Loirer be wit* fd to Arkaea**. aw* r«*« ^ ten «*art wj®*« Mr. Wi#g t* am* of ttw *<*i yie-araBt geaftmam wbe ever dU be» taw i* Griffc ow* *» *w »»s*®d *k»« wM, ttw jearba*. Dos'! »**u y<*ar breath uittBe*****^ to Um ffUtioc acres* » bo* j** tod USat tk» tniia s* « test.* rat*. BcyapiSt ol poodttn aad eras tear tie halt* afi owe* Use etatfrM Sore. That » a‘o«tth< oetij wy* wldek yo* t» gti ere® with the eooop**jr Etc rybody who ee* eh«*id a«*oi tie sseeUBg at the city hall at three o’clock th*e att«r»o*B. Grime as4 Middle Georgia were Mrno&s the fires te ieali*etbe imporUs t of trase ig-atso* to thia aectaoa et.d we bar- etuiaad too good a Mart sow to atop or •ara toack The r.tgitg of Use belt of the city ha.i Hit aftersooe will be for the cfttawaa ttte: lag to hearth# aidrewe of Preeideat Jior- m. of Use State AgneultmrG Society. Mr. Horthec u a a Able Georgia#, mad ahotiid hare a good ittieae*. wbo« he will £-f fail to interest Factor (« nseir taoeej for their stoti , harder# at...*d* gtre .,___ the* cheap .... rat*. for transporting their product* Bat wiat wc want is -ossetuiag that wifi help make nosey for grocers and merchant*, asd we can sot ask pcopk to eotce here &a<i apasd their mosey if we ear, not offer them bote - to atop at A new bukdiag for the Methodic! charc-h is edoa to be erected at Thomaeto* ia is place of she old bouse, which has become unsafe- There hare brets two oeetiDga of the building e: — ’ and it t* beUere. Uie whole tews o-operate with lhe ^mmsttee and aid sa the enterprise After eloeor examination W. Z Oaidoer. of Orchard Hiii. desire* to oorred bis mu meet about the peach crop, which he thought would be rood, 6-ht now ««M wtT to* amount to sweatT.Jre per ceaat Mr. Gardner is a preacher and thiaks be tar. cot afford to talk t- loose r about the fr- : crop- a* acme people. __ spent A party yesterua. of ciewingGnma from H^ojo*^ ana the aurrowsdutg cc—ry. aid express ibe_ selres eery maeh ptrMnrrl. They are k: and Mrs. B. Srg. and Mr. A .ex. Mard.*. Mr. Kins is ia the sio:k business. Th y Friday and wifi be in the city for s few day*. We call spacial af.eataot te the earner; recuert of the officers of the bpa i di a g Cotta ty Agricultaral Society that there ehoaic | I ees ia-rge maaa meeting of our citirtrs. today and the as well, at ‘.ha city ball j a*, three o'clock p. m, to hear addre?--ef I from Premier t Sorthea and General Sofiei I tor Cohen in tha irtereat of agrk altar* and iatmigratio*. trier-Worked Women. For “worn oat,” “run down,” deb:^ utad school teacher?, milliners, worked sear: stresses, housekeepers, and over women generally. Dr. Pierce’s Earonte Prercr-ptiou is the best of all restorative tanks. It is not a “Core all,’ bat ai Ciirably fulfills a singleness of purpose, being a most potent Specific for all those Chronic j Weaknesses and Diseases pe C" liar to women It is a powerful, gee end as well as uterine, tonic and nervine and imparts vigor and strength to the whole system. It promptly cures weak nesa of stomach indigestion, bloating, debility weak back, nervous prostration, Favor and sleeplessness, fn either sex. ite Prescription is sold by druggsst ua deroar positive^purrentee. See wrap per around bottle. Price Sl.'X* a bit tie, or six bottles for Jf .W. A large treatise oc Diseases of Women , profusely illustrated with color * —* ed platei and numerous ■ w:<c*i-cute. " ----- sent W.dKS^niArT Meukal Br.5alo, Asi , cuti: ^ > (,ys u&iz Street, N. Y. The f atare of Atunta. Secoi* seBtlne!. The city of Atlanta is encounter ing an era of railroad building that will ultimatelv rob her of her m ' earn enee as a commercial center With j the completion of the Chattanooga, i Rome and Columbus, the Marietta 1 and North Georgia and us cennee tioB*. together with the Gainesville and Chattanooga railroads, a .arge j per centage of her business will naturally be diverted to other distri ' bating points. All the business from Cincinnati. Sti Louis aid Cntcago which has heretofore paid tribute to ■ the Western and Atlantic railroad, and the city of A riant?, will be car r.ed aowc down the 1 up Chattanooga. waiiHws- Bona and , Catomoa*. _ , tarpmg me . Atlanta At.aota . . . and West Point at Newnsr. :tr tfce Cectral at Gr.ffir. tbe:e\v nriding Atlanta's best territory, ins Cen tral cau thus de.jver the proicits of the Northwest in bulk to toe dried of Macon, Columbus and Mottgom erv as cheap as they can be pnt down iu Atlanta. End the East Tennessee. Virginia and Georgia and tee Marietta and North Georgia • will control most of the Eraieni baeinee* Irens New York. Boston and Norfolk, being able to absorb the business of the Western and, Allan lie road and mak.rg Atlanta a way station, a it were. £* a core fal examination of the .ate map? this iaevrtabie result will be demon stra:e<i With this ecm,>:nation cf natural drecmstances A• i as fa tare seems rather gloomy for toe empire eaty of the Soar: as sn-e daims claims beraelf to 1* * It isi weti'known fwt iLu ttie j essees of the Western and Atlafitra j road hare for aerert: years sacked the verv blood oot of the people | throngb their eiborbitanf desmaad* i ^tou. p - WeTShT^ — 5®SS taKlNg I’.isaperiorexcefienceprorees _ a BMiisoe* ...._ o{ f c .r more than a in*tier of a rets tary. It toted by the United Blase* Got- transect. Ecioreed Ec iorstd by by the head* of the _____ Pure^ Great rniTereitie- 4 as the Strongest, Cream asd most HeoJitfui. Dr. Price's Bak'.nc Powder doe* no' contain Aecntoc .a. 5„sse. * -Vli: ns. Sold only in Cass. PRICE B AKING Pt-WDER CO. sew t xx t xicaoe. st. kscia < eot.orns _ ’ ' simply becsnse they It i tbe power bf . jL *; r poyj^a ^ | > do: aod tLat * * $*7 l ____ , t0 a ‘^ :r prerent the j» !»»e Gi.uls ac3 North A atk-ati. an<t U;'- Marietta aD( J \ortb Georgia r sd®. B it we sl,: b- u tLev are ionics ^ their hold | Ott; people - apos i us jb r.k G: i there aie gocte ! meo wbo can't li« Jc-DE ADOOgb lO acd coctrol the world j _ _ i j. ^ uts always perfec tly safe t. soot!: ;&c j b^.y with opium preparatioat. Sttut- but coetaiss you tan t -^y & j. jy- Bu’. s Baoy ii co ;1ub* iujuric-ns IVTEMSIVE FARMING. Hsn. PriB»s W. Jene'« Methed- 'ibilHte* of Oar soil. A News and Advertiser scribe, meeting Eon. P. W. Joces, the first bale man of Georgia, on the streets recently, scccstei him w:th, Hello l Tour groat success as a farmer is exciting the euvy of all the world. Do you know tbit people actually pretend to say that it would strain their creda'tity to teiseve that you made twenty seven bales of cotton to the molt- And some are absolute ly saying that the fertilizer most popular wnh you is lye. Well, said the good natured plant er prince, they can believe or disbe lieve as i; suits them, but my publish ed statemeru :s a fact and I have many witnesses by whom to eslsb lish it beyond all cavil, if necessary. Some people account for year re markable yield by stating that your eotton pack:t«es were ugh? How is this' Well, my ficlors - book* are open to the insfection’of all, and if seeing is believing, they will find that my cotton bales are fully up to the aver age in weight. The first thirty pact ages this year " were tight, ^ owing to a new bund I emrioved to p*ek for me ju my absence. They averaged about 375 pounds. But my other packages have ranged from 425 to 525 pooud?- How many packages to the mule did you reaily market 5 I ma'ke’.od withiu ?. fraction twenty>eight bale* to the mule, but owing to me first thirty bales being lighter tc u fail packages. I place my yield : twenty seven bales to the mule. I also made 350 bushels of corn to tae mule and other side cro P* :c --Tmce. You certain .t , emptoT new and , sa mtlLort ; j‘ a ^ is! do you at tribute veur suocess. Well, to .t combination of circom stances. In the first place I Live the test cotton see-3 in the world. Seed that I bare- by constant cire and attention, unpre ve*i throngh the years until they are both early and prolific. Then I work. Mr hands area, ways wain the field at g.od light, and I am my overseer, and you bet they dos t throw off on use and put slock work oc cut crop*. 1 be lieve that icteihgent distribution maunre has contributed largely to my success, i do not use commit ci*i ftrtilixere as ethers do—mere y be-i ou them a ad et the strength te exhausted in toe es:.y and rap id de Te-epmeut of the piast—but put enough good fert.-zer to last t;J It crop is msture-i. and force ite nua tunry by np.i work. Your plan ties :s ;n:ensivt* Why, that is it, exactly. There is so money at rowing a erep w;tb twenty male*, and hands is prepor ties, on LOW acres mat cat be g&th end of f'*- acres by tfee proper GEO. E. PRICE E08TBI Price & Poster, Sitccessora to G.„W. Price, --DEALERS IS - fioits, Shoes, Upper and Sole Leather, FnncP and Americaa Call Skins. Shoe Tindings, Sc. m&~ Jas. Means' and W. L. Douglas' $3.00 Shoes a Specialty. , 24 Marietta Street, ATLANTA, GA. „ — _ Sullivan's Meal ON Always HAND .J. H. Keith & Co. MATCHLESS GOOIIV u THE MATCHLE88«” - And Matchless Prices. - Lit- every shape &sd CL i- r H-i- s-Uiettiiao: to-u: every G-. : ..e one of -.he tales* syles fLre.t from the '.--rgest wholesale New York house. W;-.h « taoi trimm? * asd always the verr latest desacss. I raaraatee satisfaction. I can fill any SPECLiL ORDEK FROM XEW YORK jn free, three to fire cire ^•B-bboa* In great variety of width and vA<m : - tir^e a* soritmeut of Feathers. FS-. we-- Laces. Silks tad Gauze*—alt fresh and ue» Fet*e gin miscall. sirf&diww MRS. E. E. CROCKER. ROBERT BUIST’S EASTERN SEED Irish >: Potatoes -AND- ALL KINDS GARDEN SEED --- AT HOLMAN it CO.’S. use and cultivation with eight mules I can tell you now. that, if I live five years longer. 1 will astonish the natives still mor I am going to improve my lac that I will rnrke fifty bales cf . to eTerv mule run on my f-._ I .an msturing my plans f" now for tha: improvement, and ! xfOIXa HO TT D2kb *r!euce. I kooa that .. Mr. June? markable s nc i *.vorable ! cess, has atten tion to tire ?- i. r . as it demon strates the t - ....____es of cur soil , under the .ntell gent system of intensive vaitiva'ioc. We believe with him tua*. j l of cotton , be eas.iy to the male, if can r_i? .- curisnis ire .mprove! and enriched by *u.iictnas fenilir- m and in the intensive system lijst e hope of our country. —'Albany N-. vsani Adver riser. A. 25 ' 7S# .^naot Cere ca in- -tix. i53W. & M V" . Cca. Xfflina#-| J £htt-kat:$*b* t-v SVren-r S-re*. Fre wM l VKsas». *Q ~ Kaafctifc. W<muOK } -««ikt w_ i. 'mrrtgfi »- a. # ti c - mx&uu M. sm —TT' W ' ” • •'T a^r-Kaet. l if- j” ud , « - t-h. .• K’T DB. BULL S OCOGH SYBUP Wtoopisg Z£*S£ CcticX c jg ££ : 'tSS Inctukc*. Coo- ’and fhr tie _ relief cf cots t.typ-ti-: perioas ia ti-rttac stage; cf tfis . ise. I cr Sire ty sfii Drag' pit.? recast —s j [ SSortrr; «o? wstvirey Hi% cmb reau Beak * »fi v .. ;-••••■ * ■ u(Sk» wacsA-'-J r. JACK H. POWELL, --PROPRIETOR OF--- min FiKHim ira ★ .STABLES,* m bboaontay street. Finest Turnouts and Eest Horses to be Had. ar Toros Mast Reasouat-le Strictly CASH to all! ■ar-T? wed.fri *a ia: ti. A. CUNNINGHAM. GRUFFIN . GEORGIA Has Been Appointed Agent to Spalding Court!*. by iAeGrecg-^ Boreas of Issmigr*'— i.. poities La-r.ic tiod f. r sat:- cm by poeitf tkelr property « Fid l psitkidsrs in tiili fi-xsdi in ikis eountr «c -e by addressing hire as atwre. A -— ltd-- bewses tiads and tots of all -e? --poao*- MRS. M.L. WHITE FASHIONABLE Milliner and Dress Maker, c » r - Hi "«? *«*"> S,s GRIFFIN. GA. Low Prices aad Satrsfactio- teed. Please call on »e »tofi in want of anything in *) line. We strive to ptease e v e ry orr rea* iNJ.kwSx