The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, April 08, 1888, Image 1

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: 'I _. VOLUME 17 CROWDED!! 'ON From Monday Morning * TILL * ^ Saturday , ^ VBUT NOT TOO BUSY TO ARRANGE Still Greater Drives For This Week! SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK, 1 2;') doz. Lisle (• loves at25 c's. 16 doz. E::tra Fine Silk Gloves at 50 v. j V:r 15 -erb doz. quality Undressed and cannot Kid Gloves lie bought for for 15 c—a less 'than ¥l 50. 13 doz Extra tine quality Kid Gloves at $ 1 that are absolutely worth twice that money. Jj^”Ladics’ would be Lisle Thread $1 Shirts for 00 cts that cheap at Silk Shirts 00. A line of ladies to be SLAUGHTERED! SERGES For 35 cents that are worth anywhere 50 cts per yard. A FULL LINE OF GRAY WOOL SUITINGS at 25 cts. It will; ab¬ solutely do you good to look at these goods. These attractions can't last long,and when the/ are gone them. we can get no more of REMNANTS OF BLEACHING For 8 1-2 c, worth 12 1-2 c. R£m WANTS*0F~WHITE LAWN at half their Value. REMNANTS OF SCRIM,! JUST THE THING FOR APRONS. Only *"» Cenlis. Fischues, Scarfs, and Light Weight Shawfs, a very popular Spring Wrap, our Prices never fail to sell. These Shirts and Gloves is a line of Importers Samples that Mr. Scheuerman was fortunate enough to buy for about half their value. Don’t take our word for it, but COME AND SEE. Scheuerman & White’s RENEWED FACILITIES FOR DISPLAYING THEIR BEAUTIFUL NEW SPRING STOCK, COUPLED WITH THE MOST TASTILY AR¬ RANGED, AND CAREFULLY BOUGHT STOCK FOR THIS SEASON. MAKES THEIR STORE MOST AT¬ TRACTIVE IN * MIDDIiE - GEORGIA 1 * fi^THERE IS NO DENYING THAT ATTRACTIVE SURROUNDINGS ADD GREATLY TO THF BEAUTY OF ALL THINGS. WE HAVE SPARED NEITHER PAINS NOR MONEY a*»To Please both the Fancy and Pockets of our Customers. From the moment you enter until you leave it, attractive displays greot you ON EVERY SIDE! But greater surprises still await you, as our polite and attentive salesmen give the prices on sir these novelties and staples. We are show¬ ing a beautiful line of HENRIETTA CLOTHS AT 25 CENTS With Moire Silk at 75 cents to match, that we consider Bargains. These are goods that were bougot at a Bargain. SCHEUERMAN & WHITE, GRIFFIN GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, .*API?1 L 8 1888 The Pveitiest Assortment of SAT- i | TEENS and GINGAnMS ever ranging shown in price in Griffin, from j 10 c. to 25 c Remnants of French SaLeensfor 10 worth 20 c and 25 c. Remnants of Zephyr Ginghams for 8 c, worth 10 to 12 1-2 c. THE : NEW YORK STORE The past week has been a busy one with “Lyons, the great manipulator and leader.” His store rooms have been crowded during the entire six days. We will offer 4 bargains on special hum¬ mers for 10 days just to show what we can do when we get a good running start in THROWING OUT EXTRA INDUCEMENTS. THESE WILL BE- ParasolS! IMP Can give you almost anything in the way of Parasols and Umbrellas and will make itto your interest to call during the next ten days. animlii! Spring is the Season of the year to (ay in an extra lot of Handkerchiefs and at presei 110 doz prices you will have the golden chance to buy way off the regular rates. Christian Church. Preaching at 11 a. m , and 7:30 p. m. Subject for morning, “Is the Bible a Book of Facts or Opinions! 1 * For evening, “The Law and Testimo ny.“ Sunday School at 10 o'clock. Preaching at Damascus at four; sub ject, “Basis for Christian Union.“ ' ~ Sts Unfailing Spec fle tor Liver DISEASE. QVMPTflMQ « Bitter or bad taste in O I IVIi I UtVIO • mouth; tongue coated white or covered with a brown fur; pain in the back, sides, 01 joints—often mistaken for Rneumatism; sour stomach; loss of appe¬ tite; sometimes nausea and water-brash, or indigestion; flatulency and acid eructations; headache; bowels alternately costive and lax; less of memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do something which ought to have been done; debility; low spirits; a thick, yellow appearance of 1he skin and eyes; a dry cough; fever; restlessness; the urine Is scanty and high colored, and, if al¬ lowed to stand, deposits a sediment. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR IPIBELV VEGETABLE) Js generally used in the South to arouse the Torpid Liver to a' healthy action. It acts with extraordinary efficacy on the Lira 1 , Kidneys and Bowels. AN EFFECTCAL SPECIFIC FOR .Valaris, Bowel Cswplaisu Dyspepala. Mick Headache. < onullpation. Bllllonaaeaa, Kidney Atferliona. JanndUe. Mental Oepreaalon. Coltc. Universally admitted , to be THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE for Children, for Adults, and fer the Aged. oj L y cKiuu vE has our Z Stamp in red on front of H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Sol epkopr ietohs. Price if UpUlri and Whiskey Uaa. It* cured sX home wiui ontpsta. Book of ptr- UculaanatfBEX. ! B. M.WOOIJLKY. M il W AHWfctw, (to. OOoe M CiH WliUetmU St By far the largest assort ment ever seen in Griffin. We thought we had a big stock last year, but this spring we have outdone former efforts. Prices re¬ duced for the next ten days. .New Goods coming in daily and every¬ body active and busy at the NEW YORK STORE. • • -r-i'-i Didn’t Sell Him. ArUansaw Traveler A gentleman, while riding through the Mississippi river bottoms, stop¬ ped at a negro cabin to get a drink of water. Noticing a very fine set¬ ter dog, the gentleman said: “Tbat is a beautiful dog.” «\’n> ’ <ab ’ limit ez nnttv p, dnrr »•» ‘ darismdis . here neighborhood. ’ Jo “r'‘ " ,,J “ r ° r * “No, sa!>, dal’s er fuck.” “Suppose t were u> give you *5, put a rope around the dog’s neck and lead him a-vay?” “" hear no ’plaint outen me sa h,” The man gave the negro 45, look up a rope, secured the dog and led him off. He had goue about miles when he was met by a planter, who looking at the dog, exclaimed: “Look here, what are you doing with my dog “You must be mistaken, sir. This is my dog. 1 gave an old negro 45 for him just now.” “Five dollars! Why, ho cost mo fifty. Come on hack here and show me the negro.” The man .vent back with the plant er. T hey .ound the old negro sit ting in front of his cabin. ‘Look here, Mario,” < x cl aimed the planter, “why did you sell ray dog?’ “I didn’sell yu’ dog, L'ot’n.” “You are an old liar!” exclaimed , the man. “I came alon S here and gave you $5 fo' him.’ “W’y, man you ain’t right in vo’ , mine. mine. . You V erlauno erlaung . , here here an' ou come come ; said dat de dog wuz beautiful. I didn’t’spute dat, caze be is beautiful. j Den you said dat I didn’t hab no asc \ fur sicb er dog, an’ I didn’t ’spate you cazc I ain’t. Den you said suntbin’ j ‘bout gibin’ me fi’ dollars an* I do dog erway. Dat hit me, fur ■m Straw Hats Mk-We have enot Straw Hats to cover heads of nearly every woman and child in this county. Prices for 10 days will be the charms. We have'at least 13 or 14 different styles and you will cedsuft your interest by calling and looking through. JUST SEE HERE! Soda 5c. lb. 54 lbs. best Rio Coffee for $1. 42 lbs. Pearl Grits for $1, Lemons 20c. per doz. Any kind Fancy Crackers T 5c. per lb. WILL HAVE TO-DAY! Bbl. Freshly 2nr<'d Iiove Hams. Also, the Dove Breakfast Strips and Beef. Thee* are the best meats that are put up. New Beets, English Pea*, Tomatoes and Cabbags. Seed Irish Potatoes, Evaporated Apples, Spiced Pig Feet. Fresh Fish, Oysters and Shad. Bread sad I itolF. :+T Don’t forget us to-day. C. W. C1L ARK Sl SON. ,nan <Jown in dis country is er fool ( ^ at wo,n tal£C h dollars w en a pusson gibs it ter him. Didn’t ax ’ tne is de do K ’ loD K e(i to me, au l neber tole you dat de dog wuz mine.” | ino,lc “ Vou y-'’ old ’■'•s 081 ’ K lv * me m y i *'What,de ft dollars:' e»-’ ^ ad, sail, I vould do it in er min,t an ’ sLow J°7 on tner face bein’able ter ’com merdate yer, but I ; spent oat money jes now fur some cm i. 'er feed mer ole nag wid. Jus sku. me, please, for I’se got busi lies- outyere in de woods.’’ Mortuary. Emory Uiuship, au old and res j speeded resident of Macon, died Friday afternoon of paralysis of the j brain. He born in Forsyth, but j was f moved »o Ma on at an early age, Tbi * tv ifti-is ego be married Miss L zze A.ti.ndei, of Gnffio, who with five children survives him. He i was also a relation of Mrs. Chap. | Mills, of this place, who abended i!lueM< Tbcmaa Jones, who lived tbri<J c OUt h of Griffi. , at :. ; residence ot ins mother tu law, Mrs ; Bettie i’lFs, after plowing all day : Friday, came to the honse at even- ing complaining of being slightly indisposed, and early yesterday morning he died. He was abont 35 years old and a Missionary Baptist. His funeral will take pince to-day NUMBER 65 at Mt. Gilead cbarcb. Mrs. Amelia Walker, eliet of J#r ry Walker, died at her home in Cab ins district on Friday after a and linger ing illness, at a Indian ripe old age, ground was buried at live She Springs astim on able yesterday. lady, Missionary was a Baptist moat and a member of the Union Church, and leaves a large family to monrn bar loss. * 4 KlH 0 i j POWDER Absolutely Pure. This Powder never vene*. A nsarrs* Man • economical parity, strength and ordinary wholmHUM. kinds, and can than the ■attitude not be sold in eompatiton with toe of low test, short weight, slam Boraxf&igM or phosphate Powders. Sold 106 only Wall id cans. ikut; New Task Powmk Co., dth m>Iww»ii !•» «*v w*#e.