The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, April 19, 1888, Image 4

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PURE DRUGS V 4KCY TOILET ARTICLES, LEADING PATENT MEDICINES, KASTEUB ' KEPT REMEDIES. AND P.VEBVTBINU IN A First-Class - Drug - store. At wholesale and Retail. MUrStnip of Figs and H«uetkaa’ Wine. Prow-rip- UOM filled at alt hour* of Day or Nigbt. I’aiutu, OUa, Etc., Etc, DR. C. R. ANTHONY’S DRUG STORE. R. J. DEANE, PHOTOGRAPHER. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. OT Old Pic tores. Copied and Enlarged. GrUb, April 19. ' • JACK H. POWELL, PPmiDIPTAD At SliFfln FIRST-CUSS LIVERY ★ STABLES,* BROADWAY STREET, Finest Turnouts end Best Horses fo be Had. %gT Tarw* Moat Reasonable and Strictly CASH to all! aprSwed, frt.Au.3m Tie Entire Stock of Goods STILWELL & KEITH, Are being sold at ,a GREA SAC- RIFICE. These goods MUST BE SOLD! 4 ai.Th 8 Most of them are Fresh, First-class Goods. Genuine Bargains May be had. Come while you can find what yon want. J. F. STILWELL, Receiver 23 Hill St„ GRIFFIN. GA Jan. Slit, 1888,-dAw House and Lot for Sale. The nine room house known as the Nall place, corner of Solomon and Sixth streets. One square from business portion of city. Splendid Ad place for day boarding house. if ply to C. P. or Tbo,. Nall. Situation Wanted. A lady desires a situation as nurse, or can do general housework and Cooking, ii required. Will be satis fied with low wages, and can give good references. Address •'(>,“ care News Office, Griffin, Ga. d&wtf. 400 Pairs of Shoes. I have just received 400 pairs of Drummers' Sample Shoes, which I will sell at less than New York cost. Call early Monday morning before the assortment is broken. apr8d<fcwlwj R. F. Stkicklanh Tbe right thing in the right place is with- oat doubt Dr. Ball’s Bsby Syrup, th* be-t remedy for babies while teething. Only 35 cents s bottle. r ^ --NEW l.OT- Try our Imported Olive Oil,! B Russett Apples Durkee’8 * Salad Dressing n Lemons Still 20c. doz. per f+CHEAPESr GRO CER IN TOWN!+ A B » L J A J18T RECEIVED K ie BREADS if Another Flrklu E — — OIT AT It A. M. L --Of TH XT-- Y EVERY DAY! FINK Bl’TTKH ! N. 'ROUND ABOUT. Master* ( •utrataf P«*jil* *«4 Or* • ral Sew* «*Mlf, NOT THE MAN. Our poetry editor U out of tow« But ill try ittf 1 can, And should I fail to make it rhyme Yon will know I’m not the man Mr. J. 11. Ringer is st home again. A. S. Murray is off on * snort visit to Cor inth, Mias. Miss Addis llucksby, of HoilonviHe, is via Ring friends in the city. Mrs. Jno. D. Cunningham, of Orchard llill, was In the city yesterday shoping. Mr. and Mrs. William Bcott, of Hollon- vllle, were In the city yesterday shoping. Mr. Joe Bell, of Brushy, was in the clty yeeterday and says he will hsve some peaches. Miss Ilsttie Ndtts, will leave this morn¬ ing to spend several days with her many friends in the Gale City. Mr. R.F. Strickland, wife and Master Robert, loft on the Ga. Midland yesterday evening bound for Concord. A gentleman just from that popular sum¬ mer resort, the Indian Spring, say* there is already a good crowd of visitors. Rev. A. G. Peden and wife after a week’s pleasant visit lo relatives in the city, left yes terday on the G. M. for their home in Pike county. Miss Mattie Alien,of llollonville, after a week's visit to Miss I’nie Greene, returned home yesterday afternoon on the Georgia Midland. The dinner for the hands at work cleaning np Stonewall Cemetery will be to-morrow apd the ladies request ail to send their ,con tribat Ions by 12 o’clock. Drs. T. Ellis Drewry, R. II. Taylor and E. R. Anthony, took the early train yesterday, bouud for Rome where they go to attend the State Medical Association. Mr. F. M. Kinard, of Towaiiga, was in the city yesterday and says that farmers are quite busy planting cotton aud as a general thing have good stands of corn. Rev. F. M. Daniel left on the 4:05 train yes terday evening for Brunswick to attend the Baptist Stale Convention now in session. We wish for hiui a pleasant trip and safe re¬ turn. Mr. E. \V. Doe is improving his already cosy home by building a new room in the rear. Mr. A. O. Bennett has the coutract and the work will be completed in n few days. Mrs. I). W. Patterson and Mis* Lula Mc¬ Donald, left yesterday on the Ga. Mid. for McDonough and Jackson where they will spend a week or ten days visiting relatives and frieuds. Sallie M illiams, of.tbc party mentioned in yesterday’s News war before His Honor yes terduy and after hearing the evideuee Judge Cleveland asked her to contribute *5.f>0 to tliJ cily treasury. L, Hamburger, oue of the most success¬ ful business men of Columbus, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Hamburger has done much for the advancement of the manufac¬ turing interest* c f Georgia. Air. Clark Brooks went out to Flat Shoals on Tuesday evening, and came in yesterday morning with forty pounds of Qne tiali, one of which weighed seven and one-half pounds and of the leather carp variety. Mr. Milton Mithehall went out yesterday morning to the residence cf Mr. B. N. Bar- row to photogrnph little Jannie who died Tuesday. The picture is quite a success. The child was buried from the home in the afternoon The Odd Fellows here will celebrate their sixty-ninth anniversary, of the order in America on the 36th. Rev. Dr. H, 8. Brad¬ ley has been chosen for orator on that oc easion and the public who are invited may expect a pleasant time. Editor Giessner is off on a littuug frolio for the w eek. No one enjoys the sport more thau he bat many are more successful. He always gets his share of the fun aud other good thiugs to be found in con¬ nection with trips of this kind.—(Griffin Cor. Macou Telegraph. The Spalding Greys held a business meet ing Tuesday nig lit w hich was well attonded- After the usual routine business the mem¬ bers had a short practice drill, it i* the in¬ tention of the company to turn ont in full dress uniform on the 26th. There will be a drill on next Tuesday night, and all the members are requested to be on hand promptly,in full dress uniform. Clover Joke Menko, of Macou, was shaking I hands with bis Griffin friend* yastorday. ‘•CaNsamptioB ('arc" would be ft truthful, name to give to Dr. Pieroe’a “Golden medicine Medical yet Diaeovery," discovered the efficacious for arreetiug the early But development consumption of pulmonary disease. But ‘ * conei cars” would not sufficiently indicate the scope of its influence and usefulness, in all the many diseases which spring from a derangement of the liver and blood the “Discovery” is safe and sure specific. Of all druggists. Ail lalked to Death. I remember an experience which came to a book agent, who, by exercise of uncommon strat egy, got into ’k® editorial rooms of a great New Y'ork evening pnprr some years ago. lie was a term . Talk? Bless your benighted so; he could talk like our silver to ;ue i Andy Robertson on the tarili ! All the reporters put their names on the subscription list, and the editors followed suit. Yes, even religious editor, a most pro¬ fane man, was talked into humility, and signed the fatal li?t like a Iamb. The agent departed, promising to deliver the books and collect the first inslalim iri anon a certain day. That day came around; so did the agent. He was met at the door of the editorial rooms by the office boy. There was an ante-room in which every visitor was halted before leave was given from within for his ad¬ mission. T 100 k agent had slip¬ ped through i re under a false pre tense. This *.tue the office boy knew him, and was loaded for him, in fact. The agent asked to see Mr.--, naming the editor in¬ chief. “He’s dead,” laconically leplied the boy. He was tbe cheekiest boy I ever knew. The agent started and said he was sorry to hear that. Was the manag ing editor in. “He’s dead too,” was the reply. “Are all the editors dead,” asked the agent. ‘jYes, and all the reporters. They died Tuesday last. A man talked ’em to death, every one of ’em; and iheir friends and relations a-e a looking for the man, and if you don’t git out o’ here mighty quick they’re likely to find him and if they do.— But the agent had lied. How often is the light af the house hold clouded by signs of melancholy or irritably on the part of the ladies. Yet they are not to be blamed, for they are the result of ailments peculiar But to that sex. which men know not of. tbe may be removed and joy restored by the use of Dr. Pierce.s “Favorite nrrviue Frescrip tion,” which, as a tonic and for debilitated women, is certain, safe and pleasant. It is beyond a!) compare the greet healer of women. Senator Brown’s Chivalry. New York Tribune. It is one of the misfortunes of tbe rich Senators to be constantly be sieged by appheauts for small loans. Among tbe most wealthy men of tbe Senate is Brown, of Georgia, whoso patriarchal beard and air of solemni ty make him a particular target for tbe impecunious. Tbe way iQ whicb be repelled one of tbe applicants on bis generosity is related something like this; Across tbe hotel table from the Senator sat a sad eyed woman board er who had once been in good eir cnmstances, but upon whom ndversi ty Lad frowned of late. Senator, said the sad eyed lady, you Southeinets are so chivalrous, so ready to assist those in distress. Yes, replied the Senator, hesitat ing. he had heard that before from tbe sad eyed people, and be thought he divined what was coming. Would you. Senator, with your true Southern chivalry, do me a fa vor and a great kindness’ Yes. Madam, what is—dial is—it depends somewhat—. Think well, Senator, before you promise, for it is a great kindness. The tones of the same old song tbe Senator had heard many times before from parties who wanted a $10 loan. I am afraid. Madam, that I will have to—but what is it you wish anyway* That you pass the catsup -you have everytl ing on your side. "Doctor, 1 can neither lay cor set. What *batl I do*” “I think you had better roost,” \r*s the the reply. Now it the doc ter had prescribed a bottle of Salvation Oil, for the poor fellow’s rheumatism, it would bare re¬ lieved hia patient at once. 25 cents Stra* hats and liuen duster* will not be very popular as heretofore; Dr. Roll's Cough Syrup, however, will be as popniar •« ever at 35 cent* A Sad, Sad Story. Dsar News:—I t is no new qne» tion. Did you know this man was talked to death? The answer is not the junior by only a short interval. One morniug of last week ono of our citizens, noted not only by his Ma sonic brethren, but by all who know him ut all intimately as a fervent man, was seen at the Central depot very early awaitiug the last mail that it might convey him to Atlanta, Col. E. Womack, the State solicitor of tbe Flint circuit, was seen comiDg over from the wall known Nelms House in a great hurry. Now the citizen aluded to above is a man who is not in tbe habit of railroad travel to any great extent and was conse quently at the train some forty to fifty minutes ahead of tima stand ing on the platform of the depot smoking a “two fer,’’ when the solici tor was noticed to claw in the air, twist his nose, pick at both elbows put his left thumb under bis chin, bis right thumb booked on the little finger of the left hand shaking tbe little fiuger of the right like a deers tail in feeding time. The aforesaid citizeD, being an old bird, could not be caught with chaff where no wheat was. The Colonel said: Say, see heie, yon know what I told you, its happened? I rode the goat Uie other night. I clam the pole, I went through ail right. And I was about to say they went to talking, but that would not be true, tbe Colonel weDt to talking and as the citizen had no grip in his hand, Col. Womack just poured it out and evor and anon he would drop the comers of his mouth down perpendicularly and then spread out odb of the purest seven by nice 6miles that was ever smole in the neighborhood of that depot. And prefaced the next gush of what he had passed through with, “Oh, ain’t it good?’’ Beautiful. You see the Colonel knew that tbe citizen was one of them and he wanted to tell him all that happened in seven years bc-foie the train came. The train came iu sight and the Celonel took held of the citizens band with tbe grip when he could talk no Ion ger, when the citizen quietly remark ed I am going on the traiu. when the Colonel jumped up, cracked his heels together saying all right. They entered the rear coach, the Col. taking the lead and beckoning, started forward through coach after coach until there was no door through which to go. And the torrent proceed ed, so we were told by our watch placed on them. When the cars roll ed in the shed at Atlanta the citizen rushed through the crowd, losing sight of the Col. and when he reach ed a good open place, gave a sigh of relief that caused the roo; of the carsbed to rattle with the vibration thereof. We learn that our citizen was very nielanchollv all day, not being able to eat anything to speak of and when asked if he was not going to btay to the banquet given the Grand Lodge K. of Ii., st the Kimball House that night said, “No, no. I want to go home. It hasn’t quit yet. It was too much- 1 have sold dry goods, kept a milbnery store, bad thirteen young ladies, five old maids aud three widows talking to me at once, but oh! I warded off, I warded off. But I am done for now.” And strange to'say, he is in a very peculiar fix and great fears are entertained as to his perma nent recovery. But please don’t say a word about it to tbe Col., knowing bis tenderness and desire to do good less he shou’d take it into his head to come to see this friend of his, who it is feared could not pass through the ordeal. Ousekvkr. If your liver is torpid, if your appetite is pour, if you want your stomach thoroughly cleansed, if you cannot sleep, if you want a good digestion, use Laxador, the great regulator. Price ‘35 rents. Mr. C. H. Oedamer is a Very Lucky Man Mr. Oedamer was in his cigar factory, No. 1.532 Main Street. To questions from the Newsman lie said; “Yes. drew $5,000 The Louisan* State Lottery last Tuesday, and I kave been paid every cent of the money I got ticket 60.67s, which 1 sealed up in an en¬ velope and thought no more about it until 1 read a list of the lucky numbers in the Dal¬ las News- I then examined my ticket and found that I was the sortunat# man ” The lucky man is a young unmarried German, and lives with hi* mother and sisters, the iat ter being interested with nim in the prize— Dallas (Texas) News, March H. Ckrildrea Often neeni some safe cathartic and tonic to £& and the **«£SS£MuSita! complaints incident dysentery keepwell itl^urriy to Lirer h Regui*tor Ind medicine. Its superior excellence proven in millions of homes for more than a quarter of a ren tury. It isused by the United Stale* Gov¬ ernment. Endorsed by the heads of the Great Cniversities as the Strongest, Purest and most Healthful. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder does not contain Arnmonh*, Lime, or Alum. Sold only in Cans. PRICE BAKING POM DER CO. NEW TOBK. CHICAGO. ST. POUTS, d-lthw8tiip,top col.nrm Notice to Debtors and Creditors. AH persons mdected to the estate of J. W Boyd, late of Spalding Counnty, Georgia, de¬ ceased, are hereby notified to cull on the un¬ dersigned and make settlement of such in¬ debtedness at once; and ail persons haying demands against said estate are notified to present mar7w6 their f3.70] claims ELE?A properly BOYD, proven. Executrix. MICROBE KILLER Is now the rage in Austin, Tex. Mr. Kadam, Nurseryman, Austin, Texas, is the He Cures Every Disease that doctors failed to cure, Over 500 persons in and around Austin are now using it. Send cireular of his treatment showing sworn statements and testimonials of cures made. Adress FREE! ILLUSTRATED A 26 PAPER PACE Descriptive Manufacturing oftheSoil, Tndustiiee Climate, and Productions, Mineral Wealth of Virginia and other Southern States. Write to W. H. II EVIL I., ftien'l fn «. Agent. Enclosing ROANOKE, VA., '3-cent Stamp. A GOOD MULE! Cheap for CASH or good NOTE! if you want a good load of wood send ns one dollar and your or¬ der. J. H. KEITH & CO. E. J. FLEMISTER’S ~ SPECIAL BARGAINS - f()R THIS WEEK! ;:0:j— All Wool Nun's Veilings, in desirable colors. 19c. well worth 30c. Wool Cashmer . ’> inches wide, in all new shades at 25c. Crepe Carrea*- ! wool. 40 inches wide, at 50c.—value 80c. Grand reduc jnb i Silk Warp and Wool Henriettas, Blacks and Colors. Best quality Si rah Silks at 75c.. sold everywhere at $1 per yard. • Great Cut in Prices i ail Oiler Dress Goefls ii Stock! —t :o:t- Few Piec - clack Silks at Your own Price! Late:! Tr immings to Watch all Oress Goods! “Beiford" 4 . ltd Kids. Silk Embroidered, 65c. “Alexander''^ “ “ “ $1.00 Splendid Black 1 . 00 . Mather" Kids in Greys. Blacks and Tans, at $1.00 that retail the world over at $1.50. New Silk Gloves in Bracks and Colors. New Collars and Cuffs. One lot Ladies Hoes in Blacks and Assorted Colors, at 25c. on bargain counter, well worth from 40c. to 75c. Misses Silk Lisle Hose at 25c.—Grand Bargain. Dozens upon dozens Gents.’ Black and Colored Half Hose in Lisle, Silk Clocked at 25c.. well worth double the money. -Lo:J- Mew Ginghams, Satteens, Prints, Lawns and White Goods - RECEIVED EVERY WEEK. - Blank Silk Spanish Lace Flouncing. Best value in city for money. Fine Line Torchon Laces Cheap. Will have in a few days 500 BUTTERICK FASHION SHEETS for May, to be GIVEN AWAY. Call and get one. —* :0: SHOE DEPARTMENT I Shoe Stock will be found the Largest and Most Gomplete in the city. New Slippers, for Ladies. Misses and Children. Special bargains in Men's Hand Sewed goods, in such celebrated Makes as Hanan's. Emerson's and Sweet & Sherwood's. -f.o Examine my CLOTHING SAMPLES from Jacob Reed's Sons. Will guarantee FIT and WORKMANSHIP, for less money than you pay lor first- class ready-made work. *0’ i* ; n E HAVE OTHER BARGAINS AJND SPECIALTIES that of prices space Of forbids goods mentioning, With Others. ill wt ask is examination and comparison OUT I ^ Tracle al1 ^Y former patrons solicited either for cash or on time. 1 f j FLEMISTER. 51 and 53 Hill SI, Notice is hereby given SH".A?SSif that the QuarU-rlv Mondays in June, September, Doretnber anH March, instead of the third Mondays in »» ,> months as heretofore held. The regular Monthly sessions „f Court will hereafter be held on the fourth | Monday under in each mouth. Th- Co.-t t„ be held this noti c. at * j sion, will be on the fourth X- dir. next, and the first Court be old ‘ i to . r | terlv session will beheld on the fourth Mon’ 1 day in .June next. The Inkiness in said Court will carried on as heretofore and the Court will continue to »it oc the dayg a now fixed by law until this change shall into effect. By order of WALTER C . BEEK8, j m30w4 Judge 8. C. C. Come to Beatrice, Nebraska. ( : < a p homes, mild climate, rich soil good * ’ > •■!»; population, 10,000, will double in two ;ears; values will also double. Will •oon be chief manufacturing city in the State. Immense water power. Eight rail road outlets, with others surveyed or build- ing Come, take advantage of her magic growth. half rates. Excursions For circulars faomall Eastern poinU at address. BOARD Or TRADE, Beatrice. Neb. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. All persons indebted to the estate of 8. W Mangham, late of SpaldingCount .Geargia deceased, are hereby notified to call on the undersigned and make settlement of such in debtedness at once; and all persons having demands against said estate are notified to present their claims properly proven, J. J, MANGHAM, Administrator. aprlwO the-:- very-:-latest I STYLES IIS I j ! ( Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Feathers and alt Other Trimmings have just been received at Mrs. M. L. WHITE’S, The Fashionable Milliner and Dressmaker, corner Hill and Broadway streets. Would be pleased to have everybody call and examine my stock. £ JP Prices the owest.