The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, April 20, 1888, Image 1

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'Jv «!»•- .tv. - •>•• -;v ■> ; - < . rifpin ** ■& Vui.UMK 17 one by owe THEY A Hr. 3D:3D:E:3D! Every Monday Morning ;ul;^ . • :★ finds ★ One Ulore Addition! TO THE $ ■ \ s Already Long List OF- —SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS- ----at- Scheuerman & White's •PUSH” IS OUR WIOTTO --AND--- LEAD THE VAN. WE WILL ! A Ladies Gloria Cloth Umbrella, for $1.75, that any other house in town will ask you $2.50 for! This is a goods that is destined to take the place of silk Umbrellas from the fact that one Gloria Cloth Umbrella will wear longer than two silk ones. An Assortm ent SECOND TO NONE IN THE CITY ! Mattings r Mattings ! SUCH BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS, AND ELEGANT QUALITIES ! We have many Patterns in Mattings never shown in Griffin before. Rugs in Sets ........OF........ Four Sizes! Scheuerman £ White. GRIFFIN GEORGIA, FRIDAY CORNING, AFR1I ‘20 1888 XH j: NEW YORK STORE a Our Special sale last week of Sateenss, Straw Hats. Parasols ami 11 a ml kerchiefs was such a decided success that we have determined upon pursuing Hie same plan for this week, so to-morrow morning will find a special discount on Urn following lines: Olxeolc 3>Tainsook, India Lawn, IDTottixiglxetrrL Lace, i cSo Boys Linen Slxirts Our entire stock of Checked Nainsook marked down 20 percent. We have cut our 0 I-2c. goods right down to 5c. Onr 10c. line to 7 1-2c. and the 15c. goods will be put on onr counters at 10c. Of course must be understood to be only for the week. So to get these prices you must huy during tills week. ■ The Assortment of India Lawns embraces only the products of the best looms of Europe and tor texture and finish cannot I. mled. These goods cheap enough before, but lor this week . wide goods sheer were and wite splendid finish, marked from 12 they will be 3-4c. cheaper than ever. Out •. i ra l-2c. very l-2c. to 8 They cost any where else 12 to 15c. Buy them this wee* or you will miss a bargain. We have all grades up to the finest. In Nottingham Lace and Scrim Goods We always excell in quality, quantity and price. This week however we run on special rates and our profits are even lower than ever before. . Boysaud Men needing tereplenish special their wearing apparel iu the 81iirt line will surely miss It if they do not avail themselves of these prices for this week. Our <S5c. Shirt will be run at 45c. Onr 75c. Shirt at 50c. Onr $1 Shirt for 75c. Undershirts come in for special cuts for the week. Come in anD look at the 'great leaders for the week and while in don’t fail to gaze on the thousand and one articles displayed on our counters W. C. LYONS, Prop’r. D. W. SHAFFER, Manager. Two handsome brick blocks will soon be built at Americas. Homan and Her Diseases. is the title of a large illustrated treatise. by Dr. R. V. Pierce, Bugalo, N. Y., seat to any address for ten cents in stamps. It teaches successful selNtreatmeut. --- Col. S. P. Davis, of Albany, was stricken with paralysis Monday. A negro named Williams was kill ed at Lewis 1 still, about seven miles from Hazelhurst, Monday. REGULATOR Unfailing Specie for Liter DISEASE. QVMPTflMQ, Bitt r or bad taste in O I iVir I UIYIO i mouth, t>mgue oeated white or covered with a bruwu mistaken fur; pain for in the Rheumatism; back, sides, 01 joints—often stomach; loss of sour appe¬ tite; sometimes nausea and water-brash, or indigestion; flatulency and acid eraotations; bowels alternately costive and lax; headache; less of memory, with a painful sensation of having failed to do something which ought to have been done; debility; low spirits; a thick, yellow appearance of the skin and eyes; a dry cough; fever; restlessness; the urine is scanty and high colored, and, if al¬ lowed to stand, deposits a sediment. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR YlEWiii ri Is generally need in the Sooth to arouse the Torpid Liver to a healthy action It acts with extraordinary efficacy on the Liver, JMm aifl Bowels. 1 ktt nmctv kv sreerne ron Malaria, Bawel HcklleMMhe, Cewplalaw »^M?«a MhSSmy*‘l0m€*tmS>\ ■inilMlI IO *Ja«iiir». Universally admitted to be THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE •9tY eETlLTE has our Z Stamp in red onirontof Wrapper, H. Zeilin « C^7hiladdn.ia, T*i Pa., „ COL. L. P. GRANT'S VIEWS- 1'KOTECltOX HAS It£TAKI)ED HAIL- ROAD CONSTRI CTION. - He Favors Incidental Protection Only, amt Endorses the President’s Mes- sage-• Glad to See Cleveland Ite-Elected. Colonel L. P. Grant, Las lived through the earlier discussions of the centmv, when Henry Clay advo cated the American system, and when the dobalt f- is. tuDgress resulted in a compromise on a tariff, the duties of which averaged twenty per cent. He has seen the operation of tar iffs through varions stages of this country’s growth, and has seen the effect of revenues, tariffs, incidental protection and that of high duties for protection’s sake. In the mean time he has been for years tie pres ident of the Atlanta West Point ; A railroad, and has been a railroad en gineer for near a half century. He has something interesting to say about ioch’ental protection and pro tection pore and simple, end be des cribes the < ffect of the latti •y I on railroad construction. | Col. was 8ecu “Ibis resi j dance Mon lay afternoon by « Jonr na j reporter, and when asked to ir>ve his . . the , tnrff, said; . views *D 1 “" e j °° ^ call a protectiouisl so far as incident al protection goes, without protec tion for the express purpose of giv iug advantage to any particular in terest in our country. That which would give incidental protection in the tariff for necessary icvenue would meet my approval. Where the protection would be incideDta', * - ” oM « i " in -'tboot *>PI>—» an. per JUST SEE HERE! --.(’O’), -;- Soda 5c. lb. 5A lbs. best Rio Coffee for $1. 42 lbs. Pearl Grits for $!, Lemons 20c. per doz. Any kind Fancy Crackers 15c. per lb. WILL HAVE TO-DAY! BUI. Freshly Ctared Dove Hams. Also, the Dove Breakfast Strips and Beef. Tlifa* art the N;Bt meats that are put up New Beets, English Peas, Tomatoes and Cabbage. Beed Irish Potatoes, Evaporated Apples, Spiced Fir Feet. Fresh Fish, Oysters and Shad. Bread and Rolls. rjm~ Don't forget us to-day. C. W. CLARK & SON. lion of our people—if we could fos ter our own industries without dis criminating unfairly among onr peo pie. I was always in favor of that much protection of manufactures. Take for instance, railroad iron and steel rails for tailroads, one of our largest wants f»r many years. I think the protection of that indas try has been excessive. While it has given very greit advantage to the manufacturer in this country, it has at the same time prevented the construction of the railroads to a c«H -,n exteol; and while a reasons ble ; .nff would be fair aod just, an esc ..sive protection has been a dis adv : Uige to our country. While it has fostered some interests, it has probably injured others to a great I think that the class of consumers discriminated against is much huger iban the class of manu faetnrei* protected, in th. industry f have mentioned, as well as in many Others I think the reduction of the tariff oil sugars would be largely Iter.efi csal to cur people, for we >.a slum ! amount of sugar compare*’ with !he iimount that we in j 1 wf>* \i; tJ much pifeswi with .Sen ator C<. >{.i it‘s speech- I think it is one of bis grandest efforts. What do you think of the presi dent's message? Without weighing it carefaily I most say that I was very much plea* NUMBER 76 ed with the tone of the message. I would be very glad to see President Cleveland re-elected and to see bie views carried out, K* v .lease H. Campbell, who has filled pulpits in many parts ot Geor gia. died at Columbus Monday. *4Kl8 c POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tim Powder never vane*. A marvel • parity, (trengUi and whoM -omoma. More economies! than the ordinary kinds, ni cm not be sold !noomjx<uton»iU» toe multitade