The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, April 26, 1888, Image 1

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glv ■ : . ~.V VA; J, ' ■** lX>iFFin v Qaily Hews. VOLUME 17 ONE BY THEY A tii 1 . A.:XD:1D ID -o\. Every Monday ★ FINDS ★ One More Addition! TO THE Already Long List ---OF— —SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS- -AT---- Scheuerman Mite's PUSH" IS OUR MOTTO ■ AND— LEAD THE VAN. WE WILL A Ladies Gloria Cloth Umbrella, tor $1.75. that any other house in town will ask you $2.50 for! This is a goods that is destined to take the place silk Umbrellas from the fact that one Gloria Cloth Umbrella will wear longer than two silk ones. An Assortment o f Fans, SECOND TO NONE IN THE CITY! Mattings " Mattings! SUCH BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS, AND ELEGANT QUALITIES ! We have many Patterns In never shown in Griffin before. Rugs in Sets Four Sizes Scheuerman & GRIFFIN GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, AIM’M, -it; 1SS8 THE NEW YORK STORE . 1 Our Special sale last week of Hateenss, Straw Hats. Far a so Is and Ha ltd kerchiefs was such a decided success that we have determined upon pursuing the same plan for tills week, so to-morrow morning,' w ill find a special discount on the follow ing lines: Gliecls: M ainsook, m India, Lawn, N ottin.glia,m Lace, 3VEerx Boys Linen Sliirts ♦ Out entire stock of Checked Nainsook marked down 20 percent, We have cut ourti l-2c. goods down to oc. Our 10c. line to 7 l-2c. and the 1 >(*. goods will be put on our counters at 10c. Of course must be understood to be only for the week. 8o to get these prices you must buy during this week. v ★ The Assortment of India Lawns embraces only the products of the best looms of Europe and tor texture and finish cannot i idled. 1 hese goods were cheap enough before, hut for this week they will he cheaper than ever. Oar t v.m wide goods very sheer and wife splendid finish, marked from 12 l-2<\ to 8 3-4c. They cost any where else 12 l-2c. to loc. Buy them this week or you will miss a bargain. V»«* have all grades up to the finest. In Nottingham Lace and Scrim Goods ■ M — We always excell in (jimlity, quantity and price. This week however we ran on special rates and our profits Boys arc even lower than ever before. anil Men needin? to replenish their wearing apparel in the Shirt line will surely miss it if they do not avail them seivesot these specLil prices f(»r this vveek. Our (lie. Shirt will be ran at 4oc. Onr 75e. bhirt at oOc. Our $1 Shirt tor Lit, IJuiiershirts come in for special cuts for the week. tome m an.I) look at the great'leaders for the week and while in don’t fall to gaze on the thonaaiid and one articles displayed on our counters ■ : W. C. LYONS, Prop’r. D. W. SHAFFER, Manager. EARLY t’OTTU Jf SQUARES. Primus Jones’ Early Colton Promises Well. Hon. Primus W. Jones. tLc first bale man, brought to the News and Advertiser office yesterday, a stalk of cotton which he said was a fmr sample of ft 150 acre field, from which he confidently expects to pick a bale of cotton before Ttx is can n.u ture one. T^e stalk was eight inches high, and showed a well developed square, or an incipient bloom. Its foliage was luxuriant and the whole plant wore a healthy complexion. Mr, Joues said: I thought you would be interested in seeing what I never before observed, a cotton square in the month of April. Yon may consult the oldest farmers, and they will tell you that ih is unheard of for cotton to be so advanced April as to square Afttr looking with nafeigned tonisbment on the unexpectedly weil developed plant, the reporter asked Mr. Jones the earliest date at which he had ever known a cotton square. Well, you know that I have a hob by of raising early cotton. This is from no mere desire for notoriety, for I have demonstrated through many years of experience that the earlier cotton is forced to maturity in this climate the larger is the yield. Parly cotton is less liable to disasters that ant ualiy befad t' e crop in this latitude. Caterpillars I never destroy the fields that ate well j advanced, nor do the storms that g. n j erally prevail at the autumnal eqnir ox i find so much open cotton to blow j ont and injure, not destroy. I have therefore pursued a policy persistent ly of planting early, manuring high ly and working rapidly, and have for years kept a record* of the stage of development at stated dates ir. a season The earliest date of which I have record of a square is the IOih day of May. \\ !k-:i was the Held from which this specimen v. ih taken planted? us ka«.i the report This field was planted the hrst week in February. My January pRn-.n" was killed outright by the ^ re<z: ’ M ‘«Hy 1 e! >nary, vvas <h ■ field chopped out? WisH !l -kt I* v;ti & -h, | pul out and brought to R b h’ n ' ^ last week In March. It has been already hoed twice and plowed twice, I had it fertilized very high y, r II expect to get a very early 1 - < 1 1:1 tb Y Lav., ex ercised jjhm'. . •■> improving my planting seed ft m y ar to year, and I attiibutc my success in marketing early cotton largely to this fact. I S iVfc st °d from the first Cotton ^at op ns, and il is a f :ct observed by my neighbors, that I can plant a field of cotton at the same time that tney do.* and my cotton a i nvs r.y, ma m.i unes iwo or tbuo Wu *=■ in advance of theirs. Do yon expect to beat Tests, this season? Yes, I think I will. 1 have market ed the first de three ye re the war before .Yxas, and I don’: b* < v, that it has ; ny advtu t >gi> < ‘ . I ...a year. In 1866, 1883 and 18*6. 1 t toarkett 1 t: oate l.-ad < f the f. me Star s'nte. The conclitioat i ?c been very favorable to my crops us far,, and the growing w at her ■ ol tLfc thre weeks L given the ; Y (J!r! 8 Cf ‘ P B ■ vigorous , wth. and early vitality promise; - r : ;d velop menl and early ma’urUv How many Uuu.. Lav y a pooled • for this year? I plant for all I can get. Hut then that is not n very courteous answer j to your qaestio I twenty eight b&lf.s last year to tie mule, on j coy place, ar-1 I am sntiefi ■ 1 that I j ought to do better. I um practicing SHIPMENT OF FRESH VEGETABLES TO-DAY ! *Co{). FRE8H FJSif, 0Y8TERS AND 8IIAD ! - You can always find something to eat at our store. H it is to be had in the country tea- Our prices are as LOW as the LOWEST ! (fOOIl GOODS ! PROMPT DELIVERY! C. W. CLARK & SON. t'o iuratin »)»lem of fnruiiog, an,I it is the only sensible way of ealti vating the soil. With Die, the energetic planter hurried out, intent on business con, nected with his farm. Mr. Jones has a mod' 1 farm, and this primitive vocation first in time and importance, as he pursues it, furnishes healtnfal exercu.i, agreeable occupation, and reasonable reward- -[Albany News and Advertiser ----- Total Eclipse !>i n ■tii. i medicos by Dr. It. V. Pierce’s ‘•Go ■u Medical Discovery” is approach g. Unrivalled in bilious disorders, im port olood, and consumption, whicu is sen,; ’ us disease of the lungs. Local Washington New*. Cob E. P. Speer writes as follows from Washington to the Atlanta Jontii.t ; * ilepr -tentative Stewart was so ill at tlr cipitol the day Mr. Mills made h ; u.-ii c-p*. >■*!» that he »an obliged • j i tire to i..i committee room, aud tbo 6ergeant-at-araag summoned Dr. | Sowers, who Lad attended Mr. Mills ; to ,)ud tl.-i . Stewart ip tol. Dr. Sowers »dv.i«d| r. to get into bed utd- • go a course of met!Ps! t taer.t. !:• suffering frou, cu ttrrh (lection of the stomach. which i... ssnmtd an acute form. He is not dangerously sick, bat bis convalescence is retarded by bis rest • 'Gseness nod impUiecce to be in his seat “A party of young iadie* from Professor Hu .er a school «t War season. Va . wn* in tb« city ■ NUMBER »0 l d .,. c bapnron«d b, Mm N.tb»n C. Munroe and Miss Nettie Batter, of the teachers at the Warreotoa college. These are all Georgia peo pie. Prof. Butler having once lived in Griffin. Among the visitor* wae a daughter of Adjotant General Kell, of Honoy Side, and another charming miss waa Jessie Lawton, of Griffin, a niece of Genera] A. R, Lawton, of Savannah.'’ ^akih® POWDER Absolutely Pure. This Powder sever Tories. A m*rrm m parity, etrangth sod who2<-«ot&aeee. More economiemi then the ordinary triada, araWtad and eaa sot be sold is ooo pelt ton with ti«e e of low teet. i bort weight, ahua or Powders iSwall onlyio oane. KoU'.l rowiwii Co*. J« W*n stmt, Xsw ,»1-’-il»WlrMP mlow»n 1«* nr «*fc W*