The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, May 01, 1888, Image 4

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★ PURE DRUGS! ^ . »:0:J- . * 9AMOY TOILET AHTICLEB, LEADING PATENT MEDICINES, I'AHTEUR REMEDIES, AND EVERYTHINO KEPT IN A First-Class - Drug - store. At wholesale and Retail. MFS/rnp of Fig* and Haaaelkna’ Wine. Preacrip- time Ailed at al 1. hours of Day or Night. Paint*, Oila, Etc., Etc. PR. E . ff. ANTHONY’S DRUC STORE R. J. DEANE, PHOTOGRAPHER. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO OROER. 0T Old Picture*, Copied *ad Enlarged. As*, May JACK H. POWELL, -PROPRIETOR OF-- norm first-cuss inn ★ STABLES,★ BROADWAY STREET. Finest Turnouts and Best Horses to be Had. far Term* Most Henson aide and Strictly CASH to all! aprSwed, Km Tie Entire Stock of Ms STILWELL & KEITH, Are being sold at a 6 REA sac- MFICE. Those goods MUST BE HOLD! d^Jhe Most of them are Fresh, First-class Goods. Genuine Bargains May be had. Come while you can find what you want. J. F. STILWELL, Receiver 23 Hill St, GRIFFIN. GA Jan. 81*t, 1888 . ~dAw I have five Milk (Jowb, with yeung calves, for sale, trade for dry cattle apr29tf Fill Mobri*. *-——— -w w w-------- House and Lot for Sale. The nine room bouse known as the Nall place, corner of Solomon and Sixth streets. One square from business portion of city. Splendid Ad place for day boarding house. ply to C. P- or Tho*. Nall. tf Situation Wanted. A lady desires a situation as nurse, or can do general housework and •ooking, if required. Will be satis tied with low wages, and can give good referenoee. Address “0,“ care News Office, Griffin, O*. dAwtf. Advice to M«tr.ers. M.e. Winslow’* Soothing Syrov for children teething, female ia the proscription and of one of the best nurses physician* in the United States, and has has I been used tor forty years with never failing success by millions of mothers for their children. During incalculable. the process of teething its vslne is It relieves the child from pain. cures dys ntcrv and diarrbcea, griping in the bowels, and wind colic. By mother. giving health.totbe child and rests the Price 25 cents a boitle. augeodAwly German millet seed. Cat Tail Millet seed. Evaporated 4pples. Sun Dried Apples. , doz. Fine Lemons 20 eta. doz. ’ Bananas eta. j ’ROUND ABOUT. lautri l oMonriMf aad Com •ral lm a» w i p.’ TUB A SO Lea. Now doth the festive angler brook. In the crooked mouotan Break lm rod while ©aught tugging his hook At the root that Ha wandan in the woodland And waltawa inttha wold, And catchea several minnow* And aa nnexpeotad eold. C- S. Shattuc left yesterday for Ten ne«see. Mr. and Mrs. Remshart returned from Savannah yesterday. Mrs. J. H. Sotton returned home to j Forsyth yesterday. Both fire companies made some very j good runs yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Tyua, of Milner, were in tha city yesterday shopping. Uncle Charlie Foster left yesterday to go into business in.Empire, Ga. Frank Cautben and wife, of Milner, were visiting friends in the city jester day, Mr. Joseph W. Ford, oue of Zebu Ion’s livest merchants, was in the city yesterday. Hon. H. E. Williamson, of Rover, re turned yesterday after n few days visit to Barnesville. Jack I’owell spent Sunday in Macon and did not arrive homo until 11 :30 yes terdsy morning; John Holman went fishing for a day yesterday. The firm will dispoee of his extra catch. Hereafter on Tuesdays and Saturdays, the library hours will be 8 to 11 a. m., and 4 to 0 p. m. Frol. J. O. A. Miller, of Suuuy Bide, was in attendance at the county maae meeting yesterday, Cupt. J. M. Kell, of Bunny Side, was in attendance at the meeting at tho coart house yesterday. Dr. N. D. Lefevre brought three bales of cotton into town yesterday. This beats Primus Jones’ first squares. The regular bimonthly meeting of the Middle Georgia Horticutnral Society will be held at Vineyard on May 8th, 9 p. m. The ladies are requested to meet at the librarv Tnesday morning at 9 o’ clock sharp, to transact bu incss of im porta nee, A car load of conductors passed through yesterday on their way to a convention in Toronto, Canada, on the 6th inst. Miss Maggie Steely, a very msciuat- iag young lady of Anna, ()., is the guest of Dr. N. D. Lefevre, in East Spalding. Elder T. J. Head retimed home yes terday from a successful preaching tour, duuug wnicli he baptized a ninety year old man in Schley county. The editors of all three of the Griffin papers spent Sunday in Atlanta. It is dangerous for all to leave Griffin at one time, but there ia no law against it. Dr. W. H. Ayoock, of Neal, Ga., ia one of the most popular physicians in this whole section, and noted for his readiness ami accommodation as well as his knowledge and skill. That point is very lucky in having his services. During the heated campaigu this year the man that keeps cool will have a de filled advantage. To keep the blood of any and all from boiling over, C. P. New ion has made arrangements to keep on hand a plentiful supply of ice and ice eeld beer. This will be a boon to all, besides tho raging regulator of public affairs. It ha» b«en concede.! by the houiewive* of Griffin that the "President's Wife" is the best floor for all purposes over sold in Grit fin. it contains no tu.inriou* adulterations, but U a pare wholesome goods. Every one #ho has not tried it up to date, should c*li on either J. M. Mills, 8. II, Deane or M. F. Morris A Co., and buy a sack to tests its merits. CLEVELAND AND REFORM. tat actios or tor oemocratic K4KS MEETING. _____ I'nwiaiTOcal Resalutlens aad a List of Delegate* Amply Able to Prelect Them. The Detn ocratie mass meeting of Bpahliog County met at the court house yesterday morniog at 11 o’slock and organized promptly at 11 o‘clock sun time. Some few peo pie who thought railroad time was neerer tiov., ;■ >t there in time to wit ness the proc< Mugs. The co .ven a was called to order by Prof. 0. i. Miller, as Chairman of the Co .nty Executive Committee. Col. J. J. Hunt was made permanent Chairman, and Col. X. M. Collens. Secretary. It was moved that Coi. H. P. Browu, of the Sou, who was present, be made secretary, but Judge Hall, who had mad* the original motion, insisted upon f * t was carried. Col. Hunt si -.i ae object of the meeting, which was to elect dele gates to Atlanta to select delegates to the coming National Convention. On motion of Hon. J. I. Hall, the Chairman selected the following com mittee to do business for the meet ing: J. I. Hfl '. T . O. A. Miller, F- D. Dismuke, T. tills, R. T. Daniel, H. It. Bish«v Clark Dickenson. After a short intermission the com mittee reported as follows- Resolved, 1st. We approve of the administration of the Federal Gov eminent by President Cleveland, and we heartily endorse the views set forth by him on tariff reform in his message to Congress last December. Resolved. 2d. Delegates selected by this convention to the State Con ventiou be aud they are hereby in structed to vote for delegates to the National Convention who are known to be in full accord with the views of the President ou tariff reform as Bet forth in bis message to Congress. Colquitt’s Resolved. 3d. Senator position on the tariff question meets with our unqualified approval, and his course as United States Senator has been such as to eotitle him, in our opinion, to a re-election. Resolved, 4th. We take pleasure in thus stating that our county man, Hon. J. D. Stewart, has made a moat efficient member of Congress, and we ask the other counties of the Fifth Congressional District to unite with us in renominating him for re relection to the position lie so worthily fills. Resolved, 5th. That John I. Hall, W. E. H. Searcy, J. M. Kell and John H. White, Sr., be sent to rep resent th>s couDty as delegates in the State Convention which meets on the 9th proximo. Col. F. D. Dismuke moved the adoption of these resolutions, and they were nnanimonsly adopted. On motion of Col. John I. Hall, the convention adjourned. On the adjournment of the mas* meeting, the Executive Committee met. Following is the report of tlEKTlSO OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, The Executive Committee of the Democratic party of Spalding County met at tho court house, pur suant to call of the Chairman, on April 30, 1888. Prof. J. O. A. Miller, Chairman, called the meeting to older. John J. Hunt was appointed secretary. On motion of Judge Robert T. Daniel, a mass convention of tho Democratic party wns called to meet at the court house in the city of Griffiu on the 5tLi day of July, then to select delegates to the State Convention to nominate a Democratic candidate for Governor and State House officers, also to select an ex ecutive committee for tho Demo cratic party of Spalding County, and to transact sit ti other business aa may be of interest to the party. On a motion, the committee ad jonrned. ; J. O. A. Miu.f.r, Chairman. John - J. Hunt, Secretary. j We have given George A Harinctt the j in Griffin for Barley Malt Whia agency our ky. Distilled from malted barley it ig rich and nutritious and free from all impurity. For the sick and feeble it is a true toulc. E. H. Chase & Co., Distillers, I.rmisvilJe.Ky aprf5dlw<twlm The nows of the commitment trial of Aleck Magower, charged with the mor dor of an uuknown negro in Cubius dis trict, caused n large concourse of wash crwoiaeu to assemble at the court house yes’erdey morning; but the trial was posttroued until Friday in oujer that the judge might act as eeorttarv of the Democratic mass meetmg. The Griffin Light Gawd*, who hate had their aim* called in unless they take further action, want to meet tomor ; j en t of the public school* of Rome, apeut yesterday in Griffin in examining I the system of this comity, with which jj 6 highly pleased, ami lenses tbia morning for Macon, whore the ; School Teacher*' Convention is t*e»ng held today. iota! Eclipse if all other medicos by Dr. R. V. Pierce’* Golden Unrivalled Medical in Discovery” bilious disorders, is approach im iog. blood, and consumption, which is scrofulous pare disease of the lungs. According to all reports yesterday evening, A. D. Banks, a secth n boss on the S. G. A N. A. RR., shot and killed a negro in his section about four miles from town yesterday evening, and is himself lying io a dangerous condition. It is alleged that he reproved the negro very sharply, whereupon the latter ad vaneed upon him with a sharp knife and cut him two or three times. Banks retreated toward a bouse where his weapons were, and securing a shotgun shot the negro dead. Banks is so wounded that he is not expected to live. Coroner Latta was in town yesterday, but up to a lato hour had not been noti fled of the killing. Dejicate Disease* of either sex, however induced, prompt cored ly, thoroughly and permanently large illns Send 10 censs in stamps for trated treatise. Woild’s Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Notice to Griffin Light Guards. Meet at Brick Warehouse, Wed nesday night, at 7 o’clock. Import ant business. J. W. Bullard and’Ii. \ » IJakdee, d2t Committee. List or Letters. Advertised letters remaining in postoffice at Griffin, Ga., April 30tb, 1888, which will be sent to the Dead Letter office if not called for in 30 day6: G. W. Bailey, Mrs. Nettie Dolson care Dennis Dolson, Mrs. Ella Good rum, Miss G. Graham, Willie Grant, Miss Annie Homes, Mrs. Susan Hoi oway, Red Hill, Mr. Haliro, Miss Emma Harris, Miss Lizzie Prince, Miss Florie Rutherford, Miss Nettie RichardsoD, Emily Sharp, Miss Mer guier Sairdir, Mita Willistnp, col. John Wadsworth. M.O, Bow DOTH, P. M. WE/Qtfr PURE j Its superior excellence proven in million* of homes for more than a quarter of a cen tury. It isused by the United States Gov¬ ernment. Endorsed by the heads of the Great Universities as the Strongest, Purest and most Healthful. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia, Lime, or Alum. Sold only in Cans. PRICE PARING POWDER CO. NEW YOBK. CHICAGO. °T LOUIS. d4thw8thp,t >p col.nrm THE-:- VERY -LATEST STYLES IN Hats, Bonnots, Ribbons, Feathers and all Other Trimmings have just been received at Mrs. M. L. WHITE’S, The Fashionable Milliner and Dressmaker, corner Hill and Broadway streets. Would be pleased to have everybody tail and examine my stock. l-£T~ Prices the owest. FREE! ILLUSTRATED A 26 PAPER PACE Descriptive of the Soil Climate, Productions, Wealth Manufacturing Industiiee other and Southern M neral of Virginia and States. Write so W. S. ncviu. ««■'! Pa«. Agaat. ROANOKE, YA., Enclosing ?-oent Stamp. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. deceased, Mangi --------- ------ undersigned and make settlement cf such in debteduess at once; and all person* having demands against said estate are notified to present their claims properly proven. J, J. MAN'GHAM, Adip.inlstrat »r af.rWwfl C. P. NEWTON, Ag>t. GRIFFIN, GEORGU, Atlanta Beer and Ice! UNEAQUALLED! UNSURPASSED. Merit Wins! Lev Prices Tilt Defy Competition in PRICES or QUALITY! - — : 0 :- according This Beer to is the brewed most improved from the finest methods. grades Perfectly of imported free from Hops and pretend ingredients or adulterations. at y injurttin My ICE is of superior quality purchasing perfectly, Clear and Solid. Write for my prices before either. Ice delivered to any part of city. A GOOD MULE! --- Cheap for CASH or good NOTE! If you want a good load of wood send us one dollar and your or- (ter. J. H. KEITH & CO. Strawberries Every Morning, -AT--- HOLMAN * CO.’S. E. J. FLEMISTER’S ~ SPECIAL BARGAINS - FOB THIS WEEK! All Wool Nun’s Veilings, in desirable colors. 19c. well worth 30c. Wool Cashmers 36 inches wide, in all new shades at 25c. Crepe Carreaux. M wool. 40 inches wide, at 50c.—value 80c. Grand reduction i t Silk Warp and Wool Henriettas, Blacks and Colors. Best quality S. >... Silks at 75c.. sold everywhere at $1 per yard. Great Got io Prices do all Other Dress Goods io tt! ----j:o;}_ Few Piece. l ack Silks at Your own Price! Latest Trimmings to Natch all Dress Goods! ‘Belford” 4 ~. Uon Kids, Silk Embroidered, 65c. ‘ Alexander o ‘ “ “ “ $1.00 Splendid Black “ “ “ 1.00. world ‘’Mather” Kids in Greys. Blacks and Tans, at $1.00 that retail the over at $1.50. New Silk Gloves in &! icks and Colors. New Collars and Cuffs. One lot Ladies Hoes in Blacks and Assorted Colors, at 25c. on bargain counter, well worth from 40c. to 75c. Misses Silk Lisle Hose at 25c.—Grand Bargain. Dozens upon dozens Gents.’ B ack and Colored Half Hose in Lisle, Silk Clocked at 25c., well worth double the money. ------♦:<>:{--- New Ginghams, Satteens, Prints, Lawns and White Goods - RECEIVED EVERY WEEK. - Black Silk Spanish Lace Flouncing. Best value in city for money. Fine Line Torchon Laces Cheap. Will have in a few days 500 BUTTERICK FASHION SHEETS for May, to be GIVEN AWAY. Call and get one. SHOE DEPARTMENT 1 My Shoe Stock will be found the Largest and Most Complete in the city- New in Slippers, Men’s Hand for Ladies, Sewed Misses and Children. Special bargains Hanan’s, Emerson's goods, in such celebrated Makes as and Sweet & Sherwood's. - — *s?“ Examine my CLOTHING SAMPLES from Jacob Reed's Sons. Wtl guarantee FIT and WORKMANSHIP, for less money than you pay for fir**' class ready-made work. •Got)* »E HAVE OTHER BARGAINS AND SPECIALTIES that space forbids mentioning. All we ask is examination and comparison of prices of our goods with others. • Trade of aft mv former patrons solicited either for cash or on time. E. J. FLEMISTER. 51 and 53 Hill St.