The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, May 03, 1888, Image 1

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mS f-■yW it--■ • ■*«--- ■-....... MrtFFlH aily i News ^ g| Mb ^b 'J 11 IMF. 17 rices Made r*r AT LAST, AT tSS We have been selling everything bough this have season, received as is it sufficient is. Magnificent age we proof of lit ft Male Dae Mure Cut ! DOWN GOES PRICES ! * * PROFITS ARE SLAUGHTERED ! * ★ THE PEOPLE DELIGHTED ! ----—AND--- WE ARE CROWDED -FROM- \Mornmg Night Ti ALL WOOL ^HENRIETTAS' FOR 65 GTS, [tioods [been selling that measure all season 40 for Inches 75 c. But wide, the and tew we we have have [left will he offeree at 65 c. as long as they last. GREY SUITINGS AT 12 1-2 CENTS that were really considered cheap at 15 c. hut down the price goes, everything must move. 36 Inch Grey Wool Suitings For 20 Cts, We astonished competition, when we offered goods at begining of season for 25 (*., but to 20 c. have been marked. Come quickly or you will loose this opportunity. ^ All Wool , ^ In all the new and popular shades, Black and White. An elegant quality, worth every where 30 c. per yard, but these too have been marked down, and will be sold for 25 c. per yard until all are sold. SEERSUCKERS AT 10 CENTS, FORMER PRICE IS CENTS. Ladies’ Common Sense Kangaroo The most Popular, the most Durable, the most fortable Ladies Shoe sold. Every pair guaranteed. sizes fist received. GENTLEMEN’S KANGAROO SHOES for Beauty, Comfort, and Durability, the have equals. Every pair guaranteed ! Scheuerman & GRIFFIN GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 8 1888 • SPECIAL SALE OP SHOES A T new yoke store I'tiSissmsMEUBaam The above Department of Lyons’ Mammoth Establishment lias always been kept well stock with Shoes of the very Best market, hut never In its history oas it been so complete i ly packed with Childrens’, Misses’ and Ladies ly* d e in oil Tf U ’ j SHOES* GS 1YI* ^ en e ^°™ OU8 the past month and fill. Children’s Shoes, Girls’ SlioDers. MISSES SHOES, LADIES’ SLIPPERS, Young Ladies Shoes , Old ... , Ladies , , Is Li1 liup . * rs H , Old Ladies’ Shoes, !S£exi’s Slxoes YOUNG MEN'S SLIPPERS. ■A BOYS’ SHOES, Old Men’s Slippers. Plantation Shoes, GOSSAMERS. .iM iosr* Big lot of Shoes with very SMALL PRICES. Try iih once just for luck. W. C. LYONS, Prop’r. D. W. SHAFFER, Manager. SENSIBLE DEMOCRATS, THEY MEET 15 ZEBVLOX AXD HE- CLARE FOR HARMONY. The Prohi Wing ei Pike lets Square- If, Now Let the Other* Meet Them. The Democracy of Pike being un fortunately very much split up by the question of prohibition, the Pro hi wing met at Zebulon on Tuesday, while the Antis are to meet on Satur day. The meeting was organized by calling Co). J. H. Baker, an Anti, to the chair, who made an effective speech stating that while he might differ from bis neighbors on some questions, he was a Clereland Demo crat and in favor of tariff reform. A committee was appointed, who drafted the following: Whereas, We are on the eve of a great political contest in the United States between the two great parties, Republican and Democratic—the one sectional, the other national— the one the representative of mono p*liets, me other the representative •f the people—the one iho exponent and propagandist of a high protec five tariff, the other for tariff for le venue only—the one of extrava gance and corruption, tne other of economy and patriotism in the ad (ministration of the government; land Whereas, We, the Democrats „ iparty of Pike county,are in tborongb [accord with the Democratic party of the Union, following a strict construe 'Ron of the constitution, a tariff that shall be adequate to the jnst de mand of government administered, a national against a sectional party, and the interest of the great body of the people as against those of the monopolists: and Whereas, Wo find in Grover land the practical embodiment of all these great principles, illustrating bis administration the prudence of Washington, the wisdom of a son, and the unflinching will of “rf Whereas, We believe that the interest of the entire country— North,South, East and West—will bestsubserved by his re-election; i therefore, Ilesolvt.:, That we hereby the administration of President land as wi*-, just, prudent, and non.*-ctioual, ami we hereby struct om ikl- i es to the convention uu iuc Jtb of May to leet only such delegates for tiro tional convention to assemble at Louis as will reflect these ' Resoived, That hereby we our unqualified endorsement of tor Colquitt upon the great owing and absorbing tariff —the prominent, salient issue of next presidential campaign—and for bis warm genera! support Cleveland's administration. Resolved. That w take pleasure in commending our i ato repress ntative in Congress, Hon. Jas. Ji Blount, for tbe try, energy, fidelity aud abi'.,,, . which be has discharged L and served le interest of In* const I uents. Resolved, That Lis Hon. J, B. Gotdor, m the tion of the office, of State, his only met the highest expre! Mon bis fnends. but has MPprimb ed and captured r even bis n.t : t miner! mined , nnnnnentu opponents onn and !a is mntd uwi 1 ally endorsed by the Democracy pike. Resolved, That the secretary 0 this meeting furnish a copy of preamble and other resolntions the concrty papers, the j Nmvs. Macon Telegraph ard i ★ F R E S H ★ j j /S ry flOW * JP 77i (ClkS M 1 (j7XiCKSTSfi^ 7 1 f - j . 7 ! IN ONE POUND BOXES. C. W. CLARK & SON Journal. Resolved. That we report as ubIe 8 eDtlenieD to re r re «*nt us . tl)0 Stftto convention the following; j Barnesville—J A Hunt and W Croat j Milner—S J Hale and E J o®*'* Second—\V P Hemphill and R Coker. Zebfllon— J H Baker and J 1 Mitchell. Eigbtli—I V. Means and J L , fW,"' - 1 linger—'I J Barrett and I'd 1 . 1 ager ^ -*tb —I 0 Irvin and J F H ur.viile—John Dunbar aDd C Williams. Drive:* —J P Baker and J C champ Resolved further, That a ty of these delegates be allowed cist tb« four voice of the county, \ i p" !. d H. IDChairman, \\ j Iverson, Secretary. The resolutions were „ ada|>led . The objeCtf iti# t ^ cf , intinj? M del . tint . the m-U . to see . county . was : J iv ,cp.useated; and . !y, a i . i.i and an Anti were j from each dis.r.c,. ‘ 1 1 lsiance 1 e action o j convention seem* to have been | fair and one that could he m ^. v parties. NUMBER 85 I It ha* been eoncidi'd hjr tho housewives of Gridin that the ‘’Pre.ident - * Wife” I* the best floor for all purposes ever sold I»Grif fin. jtcontains no injurious adulteration*, hnt ia a pure wholesome good*. Every one who ha* not tried it tip to date, vhonld e*li on cither J. M. Mill*, 8. II, Deunc or M. F. Morris A Co , am! buy a sack to tests it* merits. ^AKlH e , POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tin* Powder never vanes. A man*; . canty, *tn»ogtb and wholesomne**. More eeocornicai than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold in eoopetiton with t.ic cj altitude of tow test, «hort weight, alum or phosphate Powders. Hold only in cans. Rora-.Baxwo Powder Co., 106 Wall Street, New York ortJ-d.Vv!»-top wlciun J»* or «tk pare. RSMsasS