The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, May 09, 1888, Image 3

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SI SISWB t SONS teiirw ipicj, cr. f ri. CIO RC Strongest Goiupsuiic.s, Lowest Hates, *vnmpt Settlements. ■■■nari »-mi *" t\ m n *■ New AJvertisenier.ts. (,A mTADDU I Mnnn Sample Treatment CDCC ILL AVe mail enough to in •uuvinec. 15. S. Laider-jack it Co., 773 broad st. Newark, N. J. Walter’s Patent: Without any 'exeept’n easiest appli¬ the Kelai Shingles ed. Absolutely Wind, Rain and Fire Proof DURABLE AND ORNAIYIETAL. Illustrated vTlONAL catalogue sheet METAL and price ROOFING list freee. S’ 00. 513 East 20th St., New Fork City. PA' HAia BALSAM j | Cleanses Promotes an a luxuriant t beautifies growth. the hair. Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Curcsscalp diseases ami hair falling- fiOc, nt Druggists. HINESES? CORNS. JIN. rvtfA.t, purr-l and bo^t- cure for Cornu, Bunion r"?2fc I-, , i. I . .mrt-s romfoit to tho feec. Never nT» . at J a ■.igsGiii. Uiscox&Co. EXi’AUSTED VITALITY r.C igrear 1 ENCK Or’ I-IFE, the Medie.-.t Work of the age on itanhood, Nervous and< physical Debility, Premature 1 Incline, Errors of Youth, and ti,e unt»ld mlserieseonsequent thereon, 800 pages 8vo, 125 prescriptions for all diseases.. Cloth, full gilt, only $1.00, by* mall, scaled. Illustrative sample free to all young ami middle aged men. Send now. The Goldpnd Jewelled 3Ieilal awarded to the author by the Na¬ tional Medical Associate 1 Address P. O. box 1 ,9.1, Boston, Mass., or Dr. W. H. PARKER, grad- uatcof Harvard Medical College, 25years’praetiee in Boston, who may be consulted eonfld^itlaUy. £peclalty, Diseases of Man. Otllce No, 4 Bulflnch St. MEMORY -MAKES- SUCCESS %1'beli.r unlike artificial ayitenia. Any book learned in one rending, lasses of 1087 at Baltimore, 1005 at Detroit bia 1500 Law at jPWladelfId-' Students, ’ ■...... Wellesley, lasses of Colum¬ Ober- ; , laic, lin, Chautauqua, L’niversity of l’emi., Michigan Univerei ■ y, Ac., <fce. Endorsed by Rich ml Proctoa. iho Scientist, Hons. W. W. As- •.or, Judah P. Benjamin, Judge Gibson, Dr. iiroivn, E. H. Cook, Principal >, Y. State Normal College, Ao. The system is perfect ly taught by correspondence. PROF. LOISKTTE, Prospectus PO.-T eario from 237 Fifth A ve , New York. ■ AGENTS * Wo want n few more WANTED. EN E R(5 E i It STEADY MEN TO SELL NT USERY S TOC K on salary or commission. To th* right men—good wages, and '•onstf.nt emoly meet guaranteed. For our special terms a[i- lv at nnee to CARHl'IilIERS A PATTESON, Richmond, Virginia. .. . I’N-A,'-! e.-' ,s hm fs TV.'-STED a aoeto j ifca&c done but the Victor, W'cmc the crir'iiir.torsl I of burglar-proof u popular saf«, lire and | 1 and I- operate under valuable E patents. IiOeSiou-t f it y sharks. iJcn't bnyi* safes that hoar no pat-1 trej* <?nt dales. They I bound to infringe soma I one. You can make It moneyoellin^ Catalogue oursafos. territory I and free. against we caution making,I per-1 buying, selling __sons using Safes infringing I or our patents. We have sued the concern calling I itself lor infringement. the Alpine and Monarch Sale Companies j THE VICTOR SIFE £ LOSS CO.. Cinalimcii.G. ! -ISS2S!! SAN WANTS BUT LITTLE Here below., but lie Wants iha tittle mighty quick. A 5 <3T a big one is promptly filled i y ad¬ vertising in the Daily or Weekly NEWS. Administrator’s Sale. hy virtue of all order granted 1>> the court of Ordinary of Spalding county, I will sell N Public outcry before the courthouse door, •a Gridin, on the first Tuesday in June next, Between tlie legal honrs of sale the fo! low¬ ing property: Two acres of land, more or Rss, upon which there is a dwelling house and three tenant houses, in the city of Grif- nn, situated on Broadway street. Bounded east by land of Maberry Scett, south by an ju to ey, Jolomon west by street alley and running north from by Broadway Broadway f reet. Said property belonging to estate of *• b. Mangham, deceased, and lying in the eastern portion of the city o r Griffin, Bold '■ r distribution. Terms cash. J. J. MAXGHaM, administrator A -'-ch. dc bonis non, J. C. Mangham. Notice io Debtors and Creditors, t All pursers indebted to the estate of Mary deceased, , “Utitr, late of Spalding County, Georg a, ‘piffled are hereby notified to call on the uebteduets 7i and make settlement of such in at once; and all persons having onnands against said estate are notified to present their claims properly proven. 7w«.— J, TV. BUTLER, Administrator, may $3.70, 1 lif* Hill property, located at the i fasti i ii ttnnitiu* ot Kiev etith Mfeet, I in I ‘iiunbiis, li. - lnnij*bt hyr j t. 1 !. . I . Swift. .1 ihn t». BurkhariJt, ; **• A’.!•>.ills, anil iiK'rii capitalists, Tin* sale was (untie thruuuh Sonit*, Hen’d & Co. i t ■ ioi in (Jit slion is 300x300 feet ai.d is on the line ol the Georgia .MiJ land road, just outside ol the city limits. 1 hi saV of this lo means great things (or Uoiunljus. The pur chasers have unlimited capital and will at once lieoiu the erection of a larne cotton mill, in which 500 looms will be operated. The building will be 120 feet wide and 220 feet long. The mill will be built upon a new plan and will but one story high. Every thing from the engine down will be be of the latest and most imptoved makes, I he mill will manufacture eeersuckers, ginghams, etc., of bet¬ ter grades than any now made in the southern states. This will be a new departure among southern mills. One of the best cotton manufacturers in the south wi!i build'and operate it. Gilder his management, it is sale to say that this will be the bes and most profitable mill in the country, li is estimated that §150,000 will build and equip the mill, but the gen tlemen at the head of the enterprise are amply able and willing to invest a much larger sum, if necessary. Work on (he mill will commence in a short time, syici it will be cornplet ed and in operation by September 15 or October 1. Blowing Up Hell Hale has beoh a laborious ami costly work, but tho end justifies the effort. Obstrnc tion in any imj ortant channel means dis aster. Obstructions in the organs of the human body bring inevitable disease. They must be cleared away, or physical wreck will follow. Keep the liver in or der, aud the pure blood coures through the body, conveying health, strength and lifa; let it become disordered and fho channels are clogged with irnpuri ties, which result in disease and death. No other medicine equals Dr. Pierce’s “Golden Medical Discovery” for acting upon the liver aud purifying the blood. Central Railroad Time Table, NORTHWARD. Griffin Special (Sunday only 7:45 a. in. Griffin Accommodation (daily except Sunday) 0:00 a. m. Passenger No. 3, 5:41 a. in. Passenger No. 11, 11:31 a. m. Passenger and Mail No. 1, 4:01 p. in. Passenger No. 13, 8:16 p. in. SOUTHWARD. Passenger and Mail No. 2, 8:20 a. m. Passenger No. 14, 10:37 a in. Passenger No. 12, 4:01 p. m. Griffin Special (Sunday only) 5:00 p. m. Griffin Accommodation (daily except Sunday) 7:10 p. m. Passenger No. 4, 8:43 p. m Hood’s Sarsaparilla is peculiar to itself and superior to all other preparations in strength, economy, and medicinal merft. (2) How to Catch $ 300,000 at Fortune’s Hand. As tlie suu rises and sets daily The with equal regularity, so the drawings of Louisiana State Lottery Company occur; so the 215th Grand Month'y Drawing (always was at Tuesday), Now Or leans, La ., on Tuesday April 10th, when large money prizes were sent hither and yon over the world. It may interest job to glance at the result: The First Capital Prize of $150,000 was won by No. 12,615 and was sold in two half tickets at $5 each, sent through office at Washing¬ ton, D. C., to M. A. Dauphin, paid through New Orleans, First La ; one $75,000 was Pa., Col. W. H. Nat 1 Bank of Pittsburgh, to Barclay, the U. S. Pension Agent there; the other half was paid the Adams workers Express for Geo. Gregg and three other in an India Rubber Philadelphia, factory—neighbors—at 19,862 No. 2,938 Alter St.. Pa No. drew the Secoud Capital Prise of $50,000, sold in fractional tenths at $1 each, sent paid to M. A. Duurhin, New Orleans, La.; one to J. Hall, Richmond, Va.; onetoChas. F. Morse, No.880Harrison Ave, Boston, Mass.; one to tlie Nat’l Bank of the Republic, Wash¬ ington, D. C.: one to R. J. Humpreys, Fran¬ grata Rosa, through the Pacific Bank of San cisco, Cal.; one to Thos. Fair, Philadelphia, Pa.; one to \V. A. Francis, Salsm, Ya. ; one th \Vm. Severance, Lebanon, Ky.; one to a depositor through Wells, Fargo & Co., San Francisco, Cal.; one to a party in Detrois, Mich., etc:, etc. No. 10,079, drew the Third Capita! Prize of $20,009, which was sold to a a party in New Orleans, La., whose name is withheld by request. Nos 36,629 and 85,- 175 each drew one of the two Fourth Capital Prizes of $10,000, which were scattered around promiscuously. Be sure to participate in tlie Grand Quarterly and 217th Monthly Drawing at hew Orleans, La., on June 12th 1888. l)o not let tho opportunity to seize $300,0011 at Fortune’s hand escape you. Advice to Mothers. M.a. Winslow’s Soothing Strep for children teething, is the prescription and of one of the best female nurses physicians in the United States, and has been used for forty years with never failing success by millions of motbars for their children. Duriug the process of teething its value is incalculable. It relieves the child from pain, cures dys entery hnd diarrhoea, griping in toe bowels, and wind colic. By mother, giving health to the ibildand rests the Price 25 cents a bottle. angeodAwlv Indian* »f Arizona. Extensive preparation* are being made by the Presbyterian hoard of Indian schools to educate tl>o Indians of A rizona. At/Tucson they are building an §8,000 school house. Fifty acres of land have ‘ been bought on the Santo Cruz river, where the young Indians will lie in struct¬ ed in faming, and another building, to cost $0,000, will soon la* erected, where 150 pupils can bo ncconUnodated.—Chi¬ cago News. Catching Uattlcnnkcs. A novel industry lias been started by boys in the San ilomca mountains in California. They aatch rattlesnakes by means of a slip noose of cord, box them up and take them to Los Angeles, where they sell them. The Chinese are the purchasers. They use them as medicine, and the snake* sell for from fifty cents to $1 each. It is said that the Chinamen handle them fear¬ lessly and never get bitten.—Chicago Herald. Five Year* Without Winding. A clock lias been invented, and is com¬ ing into use in Europe, which is war¬ ranted by its manufacturers to run for live years without either winding oi regu¬ lation. The Belgian government placed one in a railway station in 1881, -sealed with the government seal, and it has kept perfect time ever since.—The Argonaut. Evolution of Word*. It is interesting to trace the evolution of words and expressions. Cultivated people say: “How do you do?” Those who are less precise say: “Howdydoo?” In th? backwoods of Tennessee they say “Howdy?” The noble red man of the west says “How?” While the cat on th* fence says “Ow?”—Norwich Bulletin. The Earth Exhairs Poison To the a.r iri localities where vegetation, rotted by freshets, is laid bare to the stm’s rays by the retiring flood. Millions of square acres, in the, vicinity of the great tributaries of tke Mississippi and the Missouri in the South and South-west, give forth this fever¬ laden miasmatic vapor, disseminating mala¬ rial pestilence tiroaucast. Not only through out the great West, but wherever on this con¬ tinent fever and ague makes its periodic ap¬ pearance—and from what locality is wholly exempt it?—Ilostetter’s Stomach Bitters is the recognized ited defense, the most highly accred¬ and popular means of cure. Fever and ague, bilious remittent, dumb ague and ague cake are eradicated by it. Nor is it lest po¬ tent when used to remove constipation, liver complaint and dyspepsia, kidney troubles, nervousness and rheumatic ailments. Use it upon the first appearauoe of these troubles and with persistence. u NPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! Over a Million Distributed CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,000. Louisiana Siale Lottery Company Education!)! Incorporated by the Legislature in 1868, for and Charitable purposes, and its franchise made a part of the present State Constitution, in 1879, by ank over¬ whelming populur vote. If* Grand Magic Xamlier Drawings take place monthly,and the Grand Quarterly Drawings, (March, regularly every three months June, September and December). “We do hereby certify thatwesnpervise the arrangements terly for all the monthly and Quar¬ tery Company, Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot and in person manage and cob trol the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, j d w« authorize the Company to nse this ccrtinc«.a with fac-similesof oursignatnies attached in its advertisements.” 1 Camnluianm. AVe the undersigned Banks and Bankers will pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisians State Lotteries which may be presented at ourcounters: B. n.H lL.’nSLEY.Prsn. La.Sal 1 H. P- LASAl'X, Pr«a Stats Kali Hk. A. lUXItWIV,Pm. NT. U.Xal’l Hunk (flRLKOHH, Prn. t nion YlOank Grand : Quarterly : Drawing Ih the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, June 12,1888, Capital Prize, #300,000 100,000 Tickets at Twenty Dollars each Halves $10; Quarters $5: Tenths $2; Twen¬ tieths $1 . LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Prize or $300,000 is ........$300,000 1 Prize of 100,000 is ....... 100,000 1 Prize of 50,000 is........ 50.000 1 Prize of 25.000 is.......... 25,000 2 Prizxs of 10.000 are......... 20,000 5 Prizes of 5.000 are 25.000 25 Prizes of 1.000 are 25.000 100 Prizes of 500 are 50.000 300 Prizes of 300 are CO,COO 500 Prizes of 200 are--------- J00,000 approximation prizes. 100 Prizes of $500 approximating to $300,000 Prize are........ 50.0 0 100 Prizes of $300 approximating to $100,000 Prize arc........ 30,UOO 100 Prizes of $200 approximating to $59,000 Prize are.......... 20.000 terminal prizes. 1.000 Prizes of $100 decided by $300,000 Prize are............ 100,000 1.000 Prizes of $100 decided by $100,000 Prize are............ 100,006 3,136 Prizes of amounting to.. $1,055,C0C Tor Cl fib R rates, or any torther informa tion apply to the undersigned. Your hand¬ writing must he distinct and Signature plain. More rapid return mail delivery will be as- surred by enclosing and Envelope bearing your full address. Send POSTAL NOTES, Exprefs Money Orders, or New York Exchange in Ordinary letter. addressed Cuirency to by Express (at our expense) j M.A. New DAUPHIN, Orleans I.a or M.jA. DAUPHIN, Washington, I). C. Address Registered Letters tc SEW URLE.tXX SATOSAL HASH New Orleans, La. REMEMBER SELST. KV."*;.,"! drawings, anS Easiy. *k«ar* Im tharys sf the is a guaantee of absolute fairness and integrity, that the chances are sii equa . : and that no one can possibly divine what numbers will draw a Prize. REMEMBER that the payment of all Prizes is GUARANTEED BY FOLK NATIO NAL BANKS of New Orleans, and the Tickets *re signed by the President of an In titution whoee chartered rights are recog nizd in the highest Courts; therefore beware of any imitations cr anonymou •ebeme*. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS p ijxm’u (rijravroKrommq »nrt lddn«»» th* :svmt to I curative power, enmb icon*. ta»ke* It the kkteij eotapiatot*. DYSPEPSIA l‘At»v** mxnrnvmrKTu J « eiimacli. and quiet*. Uw n*ev« < ____ t&« V ti«» orjr»n*. Thu> i» «tiy it care* even wwrac cane* of Iijapopeta. J CONSTIPATION Pad**** CxuntT Caunxms fat *M««*thsr u<- It * laxative, sivtsa . a») and na:- - i Action to ih- b-cvei*. Itcwularu; rarely i low* It* uw. - Nervous Prostration, Nervous Headache, Ike- n.n^artot I>y pr of ess io ns! sad t>u Neuralgia, Nervous Weakness, Stoma,h men. Scad for book, and Liver Disease*. Rheumatism, Dys- Price $1.00. Sold by Druxuist-i 'pepsia, and all affeettsna cf tfca Kidaeys. WELLS, RICHARDSON ft CO. Pro; BURLL8UWN. VT. Rule Nisi. B. C. Kinard A Son I i J. W. Ward & I. J. Ward. | „ State 4 of , Georgia, Spalding < ounty In tho Superior court, February Term, 1S8> petition It being represented to the Court by the of II. C. Kinard A Son that by Deed J.W. of Mortgage, Ward dated the 16th day of Oct. 1887, tin- & I. J. Ward conveyed to said B. C. Kinard A. Son a certain tract of land, to-wit: Fifty acres of laud, situated in Akins District, Spalding county, Uft., amt bounded North by the lands of Bill Wise, East by .Tno. Ward, South by Burney Mad¬ dox and West by Zed Gardner, for the pur¬ pose of securing the payment of Ward ,t promisso A I. J. ry note made by the said 3. W. Ward to the said B. C. Kinard ,V Son due on the 1st dav of November,1887, for the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50,96) and Ninety-six Ceuta, which note is now due and unpaid. It is ordered that the said J. W. Ward A 1. J. Ward do pay into this Court, by the first day of next terra the principal, interest and { and costs due on said note or show cause, if i any they have to the contrary, or that in dc foreclosure bo granted to the said B.C. Kinard A; Son of said Mortgage, | t and the equity of redemption of the said .1 H Ward A I. J. Ward tlieirin he forever barred, saiJ and tlmt J. W. service of this rule be perfected publication on Ward & I. J. AVard by in the Griffin News or service upon them by .the Sheriff of said county three months before the next term of this court. JAMES 6. BOYNTON, Frank Ely Judges. A C. F.C. Peti¬ nt and Dismuke Collens, tioners Att’s. A true copy from the Minutes of this Court, a-toamim Wm. M. Thomas, Clerk. Rule Nlsf. B. C. Kinard A Sow I vs. I, J. Ward A J.W. Ward. ) State of Georgia, Spaldlug County. In the Superior Court, February Term, 1888. It being represented to the Court by the petition of B. C. Kinard A Son that by Deed of Mortgage, dated the 16th day of Oct. 1887, I. J. Ward A J. W. Ward conveyed to the said B. C. Kinard A Son a certain tract of land, towit; fifty acres of land lying in Akins follow-k District of North Spaldiug lands county,Ga.,bounded of Bill Wise, East by as Jno. AVard, by Barney Maddox and South by West by Zed Gardner, for the purpose of ■ cl¬ earing mndo by the tlie payment said I. J. of A\ a -d promissory J. AA’. Ward note to 3: the said B. C. Kinard A Bon due on the 15th day of November 1887, for tlie ($50.96), sum of Fifty Dollar* and Ninety-six cents which note is now due and unpaid. AVard J. It is ordered that the said I. J. A AA r , AVard do pay into this Court, by the first day of the next term the principal, interest and costs, due on said note or show cause, if any they have to the contrary, or that in default thereof foreclosure bo granted to the said B. C. Kinard A Son of said Mortgage, and the equity of redemption of the said 1. J. Ward A J, W. AVard therein he forever bar¬ red, and that service of this rule be perfected on said I. J. Ward A -J. AV, AVard according to law by publication in tlie Griffin News, or by service upon I. J. Ward A -J. AA'. AA'ard of a copy three months prior to the next term of this court. JAMES 8. BOYNTON, -Judge 8. C. F. C. Frank F-ynt and Dismuke A Collens, Peti¬ tioners Alt’s. Alius copy from the Minutes of tin Court. Wm. M. Thom4s, Clerk 8. C. S. C. api loamlm Administrator’s Sale. By virtue of an order granted by I tlie will court sell of Ordinary of Spalding county highest bidder, at public out cry to ihe before the court house door in Griffin, on the first Tuesday in June next, during the legal Hours of sn’o, tho following property: A house anj lot of two acres, together with fourteen acres of land, more or less, adjoin ing, known as the residence and farm of the late S. AV. Mangham, and adjoining Kincaid the lands of T 1! Nt ills, Mrs. Alice and others. Fail property being situated on tin- extension - ['Sixth street, in and near the southern ubur'M of the city of Griffin. Sold fur the j . - , i:t of deb's and distribu¬ tion. Term.'c.i-n. J. J MANGHAM, £0.00. Administrators. AV. Mangham, June Sheriff's Sales. \\T i LI- BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUE8 VY day in June next, be .ween tlie le¬ gal hours of sale, before the door of the Court House, in the city of Griffin, Spalding County, Georgia, the following described property, to-wit: Seventy-five District acres off of lot of 1 md No. 145 in tlie 4th of Spalding County, tlie said seventy-five acres of land being strip the entire length of said lot on the south side, bounded on tlie north by Head’s Creek* on the south by land of James Duffy, on the east by the lot on which I now live, and on • he west by lands of Wm. II. Touchstone. Levied on and sold by virtue of mortgage is sued from Kpciding Superior Court in favor of James U. I . --rue vs. G. S. AV. I’ark. r. G. 8 AV. Barker, a nant in p<>- ess ion. legally notified. and plan- f, <0. Also, at tin- '«me time . will be sold thirty-five ucrcs of land off -f south west corner of lot No. 25, raid land being in Spalding Com.ty, Georgia. Levied -n and sold by virtue of a mortgage fi fa i-sued from Grubbs Spalding Superior T " Court Bank-ton. i.i favor T. of & Camp v*. , AV. Bankston aud G. AV. Kinard, tenant* in po-session, legally notified $3.00. Also, ut the some time and place, will be sold aoertain brick building and lai d upon which it is located in the city of Griffin, known as Alma Hall, fronting on Solomon street about fifty five feet and running ba k from Solomon street about, sixty feet, and bounded south by property Street, of F. 1>. Dis¬ muke. north by Solomon ea-t by a narrow alley and west by lot of ( apt. 11. 1*. Hill. Levied on and sold by virtue of a fi fa issued frem Bpalding 8uperior court in fav- or of Thomas K.Cr <• v*. F D. Dismuke. Brewer A Hunleiter, tenants in possession. legally notified. $6 00 R. 8. CONNELL. Shvriff 8. C. _ « trenetiiy Smr fiA it * ■’ ■ r- - r **7*' !» ' t r. lk r. P Artto i 4r. \Uii et ? *rri^-- t ffcJi Vdlrloklato I'ev Rule Nisi. Marl in «v l’-. i-t.n , vs. VY. T. It Taylor I . , util} Superior Court, I't ... bniaiy . . .7 Term, it being represented to tin-i-- t • , , of Duncan, Martin A I'ci-'n • - of Mortgage. Hated t!a- ll-Tuyior convey- 3 i, aid Martin A Perdue "a o-rtiti i j»*.r. cl land containing thirty G’- l acrci* tnTng lot No. 115 in the fill l>i-iri«-t of county, (•«., bounded .>n the I'r-st Jack North Crawley, on L. the Goiith West by 1*. by by 1* Starr, rome my own lands, said land, thirty at re*, be¬ worth three hundred dollars,” for the of securing the payment of a promts note made by the said W.,T. fi.Taylorto said Duncan, Martin A Perdue, tho due One on 1st day of Oct., 1887, for sum Dollars, of and Forty Eight and 50 ICO interest and attorneys fees, which is now due and unpaid, j, i8 ouier<< i that the said W.T. H. Taylor 0| ,., y j„to this Court, by Uie’tirst «iar of tim term the principal, Interest and costa, [le on said note amt mortgage or show cause any he has to the contrary, or that in de¬ - thereof foreclosure tie granted to tlie Duncan,-Martin A Perdue of said Mort- and the equity of redemption of the V,. T. It Taylor therein tic forever barred, that service of this rule lie perfected on W'. T. 11 favior according to law. 'JAMES 8. BOYNTON, Judge S. C. F C, Beck A Cleveland, Petitioners Att’ys, I certify that the foregoing is a true copy the Minutes of this Court, this Februa¬ Term, 1888. Wv |M Timm as, felrj.Viantln Clerk H,C. S. C. Rule Msi. T. Miller, Mortgage, Ac. versus J- j February 'Terra, 1888. -’•uperior Court of Schaefer partner Co. of j | Spalding County C. A Georgia. the Honorable -Limes S Boynton, Judge of said Court. It Waiter appearing T. Miller to the that Court the by the first petition day of on in llit year of our Lord Eighteen Hun and Seventy-two A C Schaefer A Co., firm composed of A. C, Schaefer and Geo. Barker, made and delivered to said Wal¬ T. Miller a certain mortgage in which sura of Six Thousand lkniars wiut ac to be t.ue the said plaintiff, said mortgage deed bears date April 1872, to secure the p>aymeul of said due, whereby they conveyed to said T. Miller the following described That tractor parcel of lend or being in the 3d District Spalding of originally County, then Pike, now known and distinguished in the p>lan of district ns Nos. Forty-seven (<7), Heven nine (79), each Seventy-eight containing Two (78), Hundred and Fifty- (51). and and One-half (202Js) acres, also, Seven- (75) acres in the northwest comer of lot Seventy-seven (77); lot also, Fifty (50) iu southeast part of No. Forty eight all in same district, containing in the Nine Hundred and Thirty.five acre*, more or lese, in the. entire tract, north by land then) known as Jno. Lindsay’s land and other*, east by land known as land of Dr. Pritchard and south by Buck Creek, and w est by of Squire Massed and others, being defendants conveyed by Philip E. Mi Daniel to February 1th, 1808. asdescrib in foregoing of petition: conditioned that if firm A. <'. Schaefer A Co. (of which C. Schaefer is now survlng partner) pay off and discharge said debt of Thousand Dollars according to its tenor effect, that then said Deed of Mortgage be void. And it further appearing that said debt re unpaid; It is therefore Ordered, that A.r. Schaefer, this surviving partner as pay into Court by the first of the next term thereof, the principal, and cost due on said Mortgage, or cause to the contrary, if there lie any; that on failure of said A. C. Schaefer, partner a* aforesaid, so to do, the of redemption in and to *aid mort- ‘ged premises i be forever thereafter barred foreclosed. Audit is further Ordered, That this Rule published for four in the Griffin News once a months, or a copy there served on the said A. C. Schaefer, surviv¬ partner as aforesaid, or his special agent attorney, at least three months ttefore the term of tl is Court, By the Court, February 8th, 1888. JAMES B. HOYNTOh, Hall Hammond, Petitioners Judge B. C. F. O. A Attorneys. I, AV. M. Thomas, Clerk of the Superior certify of Spalding County, be Georgia, do here¬ the a! «.>vt to a true extract minutes of said Court at February 188 * )V. M I homes, ft sui4:n ClerkS. C S C. Crdinary's Advert sements. OFFICE. Hfsldino Cww- tv, Georgia, March 2d, 1888.—M. O. admiuistraoir of K. K. Foster, applied to me for ielters of Dismission tlie estate of it. K. Foster, late of *aid deceased. Let all persons concerned show causa* be¬ the Court of Ordinary of said county, at office jn Griffin, on the first Monday in 1-88. by ten o’clock, a. m,, why such - le-nld i ot t e jmstNI. iG j:,. K. AY IIAMMONND, Ordinary. YUDINAKY’S OFFICE, Si aldino Couai- tv. Hair GiertROU, May 4th, lwjx.- Afr-. .-al P. Isa* applied to me for leave to lot of land No. W in Second I): t«i ‘ c- unty adjoining lauds of Ab AI «-re P. Hemphill and Mack and John I: - to estate of Isaac N. R. ’r, - 29 ! i*. more or leas. Let - i i rn-ih* concerned show cause rt of ftrainary of *aid county, my oi. >■; Griffin, on the first Monday June, 1888, by ten o’clc«ck, a- ni . why leave should not f>e granted. $3X0. K. W HAMMOND, Ordinary. j ; t trjt Pi cured Vr'.-Ukey atfcc ss Halt. with crwtpate. Book of nor- ?B.»»woaixsT.iUk ' =» rmsE. : -. 11 WSUetoai K*. as the property of Warner FaiU. r, to satiety one city tax It f** for the year IfT Tenant in pOMeokm legally notified. one shop la the city of Griffin, irounded ns follows: north by blacksmith «pV»poe- a pied by property by Robt. of Fortei If. P. , Hill south and by other* an alley, l/riod w«d nn as the property of J. R. Buckner to eat Jf •me in city »*ion lav e legally fa for the notified. tear 1867, Tenant po" One vacant tot eonlftinlnr nae-hatf acre, la the city of Griffin, bounded as follow*; uotth by part of same lot, south by Broad way street, east by pert of some lot, went by T, J. Clark. to-Ticl on as the property of A W Jones. Trustee, to satisfy two city tax (i fas. Tenant in possession legally no tided. l ine VA-'iint lot ill the :ity of Griffin, boa ml i-i ;>.« -fallow * : north by property of T. VY. i hiintinn, cast 4 by 8th urt- t, smith off. t-y an H al¬ ii.. j-nsan. Urt. on -t* tho proparty J< sr., to -at'.sfy two city tax fl fa». L». ' in p-< > *?«ton in legally th<- Hty notified. of t>rifl», n i :->t north by p-art of some property ■ ■■iv lot, south by O. M, • )-v of Griffin Oot- ■ > 'l i «* Hie property of - t-. seitt'fy one Hty tax fi f! • \< 7. l iL-Ult ill potMsalon le- -•=*’ > li >:i t. • . . ' 1.1;i-1 - i tl, .ty of fIrif- iiu i-iuit.'- d i»* fothiws ■ north by property - f 8 it. Deane, south and c t by part of same lot, Meet brfitb slreet. lasvied on lt» the p roperty of Vi. T. Cole to satisfy one city !. >: fi fa for the year 1887 Tenant to piosaeeeion legally notified. Ooct house and lot In the city of Griffin, bounded in follows : north by property of Mrs. Ilouk, soul - by BrunJwav street,east by I’hoebc Ixi*r. Lcvkd on s» the p roperty of J. I). Glow* to -fttisfy one city tsi ft fa for the year 1887, Tenant In posse*tion I'•gatly notified. due Chirk • cotton seed cleaner in the Brick warehouse, Griffin. Ga. Levied on a* the property of Becks A Blunion to satisfy one city tax ft fa for the year 18S7. R. A Thomp<ton, wareliouseman, uoUlled. One fourth acre of land in the city of Grif¬ fin, bounded as follows: north oy Peter Doyal, west by Levied Zcbulon road, south by part of same lot. on as the property of Peter Gray tosatiafy on# city tax ft fa for the year 1887. Tenant in possession legally notified. One vacant lot, containing M of an acre in the city of Griffin, hounded #* follow* : for the year 1887. Tenant tn pow" *aloo gaily notified. One house and lot in li . of Urifita, bounded as follow* sou’’ yior street, Went by Excelsior ooi by John Heaves. levied on as t i of Frank Madison to satisfy one fa for the year 1887. Tenant in povu.^iun legally no¬ tified. One house and lot in the city of Griffin, bounded a* follow*: north by I). an alley, south by Capt. AVatt, went by If. Drew rv, east by !<ith street. Levied on as the j. -perty of Mrs. J. F. Mann to satisfy oge city legal, tax a fa for year 1887. Tenant in possession ly notified. house the city of Griffin, One store in bounded a* follow* : eRst !*? j • p rty of W. T. Trammell, south by pr> ; rty of W. T. Trammell, west by property of AV. T.Tram¬ mell, north by Meriwether street. Levied on as tho proi>erty of Mrs. Willie Pritchard to satisfy o«6-elly to * 9 fa for the year 48*7. Tenant in pcsoestlon legally notified. One house and lot in the Hty of Griffin, bounded as follows : north by property of 0. P, Nall, situated on Hill street aud and Daniel adjoin Ing property of T. W. Thurman Wilson. ) evied on aa the property of Nettie Matthew* to satisfy one city tax n fa for the year 1887. Tenant in posaesaion legally no¬ tified. One boose and lot in tlie cify of Griffin bounded a* follows: north hr Taylor street, anil adjoining projierty of Klien 8toke« and Elijah Htephen*. levied on as the property of Huger Comer to satisfy ouu city tax tl fa for the vear 1H S L Tenant in po**r»*jou legal¬ ly notified. One house and lot in tlifi city of Griffin, bounded as follows north by Mrs. Fountain, east by 9Ui street, south by an alley . Lev isd on us tin; property of estate of Mrs, &.A. Handall to satisfy one city tax It fa for the year 1887, Tenant in possession legally no¬ tified. One house a ui lot in the city of Griffin, situated on 6th street and adjoining I p roper- ty of Daniel AVilson and ~ T. W. Tt Lurrnau. Levied on as Uie properly of Harry fteegrares to satisfy one city tax fl fa for year l*§7. Tenant in jxtssewion legally notified. One vacant lot in the dty of Griffin, bniiud ed as follow*' south by Bolomon street, west- by R. II. Drake, cast t>y G, M. A G. RH. I-ev ied on as the property of Ute Georgia Mid¬ land & Gulf RR. Co., to Tenant satisfy one city tax tl fa for the year 188-. in y-o*session legally notilied. One vacant lot in the city of Griffin, bound ed aa follows; north by C. R. Doe, west by 13th street, south by Solomon street . Levied on as the property of Mrs. Wm. Cooper and J. D. George to -atisfy one city tax fi fa for tho year 1887. Tenant in poeieasion legally notified. One-fourth of Bn aero of land in the city of Griffin, bounded as follows: north end west by part of same land, aouth by Griffin cotton factory and east by vacant lot owned by D. J. Bailey, Jr. and J. A. Brooks. Lev ied on as the property of G. B Beeeber to satisfy one city tax fl fa for the year 1887, Tenant in possession legally notified. One house and lot in the city of Griffin, bounded as follows; north by Broadway B»., east by H. J. Sargent lot, west by M*ry Me Elroy le vied on as the property la of Calvin Parker to satisfy one city tax ft for the year 1887. Tenant in possession legally no tiflsd. One house end lot in ihe city of Griffin, bounded os follow*: cast by Calvin Parker, we*t by vacant tot of U. J. Sargent, north by Broadway street. Me Elroy Levied on as the prop¬ erty of Mary to satisfy one city tax tl fa for the year 1887 Tenant in possession legally notified. One-fourth of an acre of land in the city of Griffin, I rounded as follows; north by Broadway street, south by an 3rd alley, west Lev¬ by part of mime lot and cost by street. ied on n* the property of Mrs. Fanny Brown to satisfy one ’y tax fi fa for the year 1887, Tenant in po- «ion legally notified. One house ; >.-l lot In the city of Griffin, bounded to ■ as: west by Mill street, ad¬ joining prop! j f of Calvin Banks and T, W. Thurman. 1 rev ied on os the property of B- r-y Strozier ‘ > satisfy one city Ux fi fa for the notified. year IftsT. reliant in possession legally One hoo*e cad lotto the city of Griffin, bounded s» fallow»: north by land* of F. M. Lon, east by 8th street, south by Isaac Ma¬ lone. IjeT; 1 ‘ :. as the property of Bam Warner to satisfy one city tax fl fa for th* year IS-r Tenant in possession legally no¬ tified. May 4lb, l *-8*, T. G. MANLET, C. P. LADIES ! ISO l our Owi 0ysis|, al Haase With PEERLESS DYES* j 'They wifi dye everything, package—iOeoiote. .They are sold everywhere. Price too. e , They have no equal for Strength, Bright¬ ness, Amount in Packages < r for Fastness i of Color, or nyn-foding Qualities. They do i not citk k or stand. For sale by 8. W. Mang j ham's Drag Store, Griffin, Ga. MW visia* ri. our Agcnvy suilwrtswf of uwa ban