The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, May 31, 1888, Image 3

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PBRIPT T 01 BLOOD. Imp ritl<?i la tire Llixol. produoe dlMMe*, Bodily nud menial ho'.Uh depend upon a fcealttrF condition of lire b’ood. Tlie blood, pnn!< uUriy io Uio spring and daring the hot ,aioui*r m .mbs, becomes clogged with Im¬ purities. which poto-a It end generate dle- rure. A l.arn:lt» 1 d purICer, without * purUcl* * ■’ n:luer;.I pp on lu it, such as mer- cur , it ju-tnsh, in ; r:r> ory to remove these |M|mrltl. a:u! to restore the healthy iodo of min i uuJ b.jilv. The best purifier aud tonie kiuu n t» tbo world I, Swift's Specific (8.S.SA la regard to its wonderful purifying au4 tonic powers we give a few tcsllmonlnls as follows: Mr. IV®. A. Sk’bold, with Geo. P. Kowell * Co.. 1J Spruce Street, New York, writes Man'll ii.Ii, I a;: "I feel It my duty, for the benefit uf others who may Le nffiletcd as I was, to write you this letter, which you can use ns my lestimony In any way you choose. 1 will mower any inquiry from others in relation to tbo facta herewith stated. In February last I suffered great pain and luoonventsoAf f rom bolls, all over ray peek; I coaid not torn my bend without acute pain and my bleed was in pour condition. Aftor trying all the usual remedies In such cases, and finding no relief, by tho persuasion of Hr. J. W. Fears, Manager of your New York Office, I used one bottle S. S. a, and I improved rapidly and very soon I was entirely relieved of my ••Job's Comforters." Sow not a sign of my ufillctlon can be seen. I feel strong and cheer¬ ful. h. s. S. Is a fine tonic ns proved iq my cm® I sloop soundly and my appetite Jsgood. Dr. J. N. Cheney, a well-known pliysluiau writes froi 1 Ellavllle, Georgia.! “ I uso S. 3. S. lu couvah. ent fover cases with the best re¬ sults. It v. l.I. In my Judgment, prevent turn- mer dysentery, If one will rake ft few bottles In the spring, thus preparing tbo bowels for tho strains of summer." Mrs. Scott Liston, lid Zano street (Island), Wheeling. West Virginia, writes: “ Having used 5.8.8. for the blood, I con safely say that blood It beats anything I have used to cleanse the and make a new being out of u por- «on." Mr. M. S. IJumliu, Winston, N. C., writes; "I uee It every spring. It always builds mo up, giving me appellto and digestion, and enabling me to stand the long, trying, ener¬ vating hot summer days. On using it I soon become of body and easy of mind.” Treatise cm lllood and Skip Diseases mailed frav. Tux Swift SrxciKC Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta,Ga. riw Advertisements. p AT I -linn A ,-RU Sample Treatment CDCC \.in We mail enough to * iiLi_ imviu e. 15. li. IiAUDESUACR W Co., 773 broad -t. Newark, N. J. Walter's Patent easiest Without except’n appli¬ any the Metal Shingles. ed. Absolutely • Wind, Rain and Fire Proof DURABLE AN 2 GRiv'AMETAL. Iu.-d rated catalogue r •' ju ice list freee. NATIONAL SHEET M. TAL HOOFIN'i CO. 513 East 20th St., New York City. PARKER'S KAiifi BALSAM Cl?ans<M urn* beautifies the hair. Promoter;.! ! • uvinnt (rrowtb. Never Hr ir Pci 1*3 Youthful to Restore Color. Gray to . Cuiv-ecai.i :■ :andkairfailing HINDER0 2NS. The Sftfe.ot, surest and be* t cm c f -t >>rna, Bunions, Aa dtops aii j am. Ensure-'. u>. ii- t t .o th" foot. Never fails I o cure, 15 cent* at b. I Iiscox & Oo., N, & EXHAUSTED VITALITY t • 4IE SCIENCE OK LIFE, the -* great Medical Work of tho ago on Manhood, Nervous andf physical Debility, Premature ’ Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untold mlseriesconsequeut th-reem, GOO pages 8vo, 125 * prescriptions for all diseases. Cloth, full gilt, only $1.03, mall, sealed. Illustrative sample free to all young and middle aged men. Send now. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by the Na¬ tional Medical Association. Address P. O. box 1 05. Boston, Mass., or Dr. W. IT. PARKER, grad- uateof Harvard Medical College, 25 years’practice in Boston, who may be consulted confidentially. & specialty. Diseases of Man. Office No. 4 Bulflnch st. MEMORY -MAKES- SUCCESS tt'boll.v unltkv artificial *?«tviu*. Any book learned in one reading. I lasses of 1087 at Baltimore, 1005 at Detroit 1.700 at Philadelphia, largo lassos of Colum¬ bia Law students, at Yale, 'Wellesley, Obor- lin, University of Penn., Michigan Univcrwi !y, Chautauqua, Ac., Ac. Endorsed by Hich rod 1’roetoa. the Scientist, Hons. W. W. As- lor, Judah P. Benjamin, Principal Judge Gibson, N, Y. State Dr. Brown, E. H. Cook, Normal College, Ac. The system is perfect ly taught by correspondence. Prospectus Tost frek from PROF. LOISETTE, 237 Fifth Ave., New York. BTEADY im&snm MEN TO BELL NCRSERY S IOC K on salary or commission. To the right men —good wages, and < finely meet guaranteed. For our special terms :ip- lv at once to CARkl’hllERS A PATTESON, Richmond, Virginia. ■HsaSsI I ‘ iii ■ . , . || l ..... .. "fttaqi HwHH .’’Sjj <■ ■ | t'i 7 iv .'/.J HtJU. j •<•• » - i 1 K JK CatalogoeanU ■ - territory »f«* ■ r I fMF _ , CUBI p.r-1 fi^^^ Wsons tree. We caution making,■ ■ buying. Safes against infringing purl ■ Belling or using sued the calling! ■ patents. We have concern Sale Companies I itself the Alpine and Monarch ■ for infringtraente Road Notice, OlFlCK COCXTY COMMI-iJONKU* ' Bpai.ding County, Georgia. > Dai id Giiffln and others having made ap¬ plication for a second class public road on the line of Henry and Spalding counties • ommencing at Benjamin Barfield’s on the public road leading from Sunny Side to Hampton and running east on the line to the settlement road on the place of David Griffin, which has been marked out by the commissioners and a report thereof made on oath by them. All persons are notified that -aid new foad will, on and after the first Tuesday in June next, bj the Commission¬ er*, etcof said county, be finally granted if no new cause be shown to the contrary. Done this 3rd May, 1888. T. R. MILLS, f<>r the County f'ommissi«ner«. MODES OF APPLYING MANURE. Different Opinion. Kiprvnvd on m Sub¬ ject of Geueral Interest. It is not an easy matter to lay down general rules In regard to the application of manures that w^|! U» wise in ail cases. Opinions differ eomewhat as to the ecouomv of spreading farru yard manure upon the surfaces <>l Heidis or lawns in late autumn or esu ly winter Circutn stances alter eases I.-vro a* elsewhere ft seems, however, teas mnule t» maintain that wintei top dressing sli. iihi be re stricted to level fields, foi both nun and snow must sweep manure from frozen hillsides before its const it itenta have had any fair chance to si :..'; into the ground. There are advocates both at home and abroad of the practice ol carting out fresh manure from the baru yard as fast us it Is made and spreading it directly on tho fields. Thu chief'gain in such practice is doubtless the saving of labor. The spreading of short manure upon grass in the spring, or in tho autumn even, is no doubt commendable In many situa¬ tions as a means of maintaining the same. A chief objection to the system of sur- faeo spreading, which applies particularly soluble to light leaching soils, is that the non¬ portions of the manure, as they lio on tho ground, are liable to dry out to a peat like substance that Is not specially useful to tho growing crop However manure may be applied, It is of importance to secure its equable distri¬ bution in the so:! in a general way, it may bo said that horse droppings and manure from sheep pens should’be applied by preference to cold clayey loams, or to moist soils rich in humus These hot manures tend to warm and enliven tho land. On tho other hand, the slowly fermenting cow manure is preferred for warm light soils On light sandy soils it will be found a good plan when using horso manure to mix it with some slow sort, as cow or swine manure Honey if* Small I’aok the In plan Gleanings in Liee Culture is described which of a Michigan apiarian by ho gets two small packages of comb honey that have proven very popular in his mar¬ ket. A seven enough eighths board insido is selected just long to slip of a Langstroth frame Then with a jack plane, setcoarso, he scoops oil' the shavings. The shavings of course roll Up, but ho tumbles them into a pai! of water, aud when they get well soaked, they are straightened out, piled up and dried. This gives thin strips of veneer, and cheaper than you can im¬ agine. Ho then fixes a board as in the second engraving. The Langstroth frame is slipped over this board. These little blocks are made by gluing a three eighths board on top of a seven- eighths board, as you seo. Now, with a circular saw, cm grooves clear through the thin board until the saw strikes the thick one. These grooves are of such a width that three of the afore mentioned strips of veneer will drop into each groove, tho strips running lengthwise of tho frame When this is done, three short pieces of veneer aro dropped into tho grooves crosswise. But to make these bits of wood stay in place when the frame Is puiled up, a little glue is put into each corner with a camel’s hair brush You want to be careful, so the is s f I IM.AN FOU MAKING SMALL SECTIONS, glue will not run in too far, aud stick to tho form. Before you put in the glue, however, drop some little squares of foun¬ dation into each little section. Tho glue should just catch each corner of tho foun¬ dation When the whole thing is dry, lift it off and hang it in the hive. When tho little sections are full aud sealed over, take frame and all to the him grocer; slip oil tho outside, and show that he can separate the squares into long strips. With a sharp knife he can now cut them up into little cakes as wanted. If a cus¬ tomer wants two, four, six or eight, let him iiave them all in a slice, to save handling so many loose pieces. Of Interest to I*<*e Iveepera. The query recently sent out to authori¬ ty, son bee culture by “Gleaning in Bee Culture”—“Do you prefer tlio entrance elicited at the end of the frame? including Why?” plain quite a number of replies •‘yes” and “no," and several answers to the eifect that it makes no difference. In a word, a consideration of all tho replies ju#tiiies the conclusion that it does not make any difference about tho amount of honey stored, whether the bees go into the iiives sidewise or endwise. But so far as aiding the bees in housecleaning, expelling intruders, etc., is concerned, the endwise door appears to offer the best facilities. It also seems as if an entrance tiic full width of the hive, with the combs running endwise, must offer tho bees bet¬ ter facilities for perfect ventilation i nert Worth Knowing. A good force pump, with which tho orchnrdist may apply insecticides early in the season and thus prevent loss from in¬ serts. is one of tho roquisD. of tbo re¬ munerative fruit farm hi March, 1887, the enactment of a na- U at .1 law provided for i hr establishment of an agricultural experiment station in each state and territory, and appropriated of to m il state and territory the sum $.l.V:;Wi annually f' 1 *" this purpose The bill providing for these stations was in- trodueed into congress by V.' ii. [latch, of Missouri Southern cow peas. ~o valued ta the southern states us a n novo!. r of the soil, while they will not ripen their seeds in the northern states, will make a heavy crop of vines of great value I"' turning under as a green manure Procuring new seed often for most farm crops, and preferably such as has grown further north 'than where planted, eminent has frequently been advised, and ->• an authority as II. K. Alvord asserts that the advantages of doing so have been re¬ cognized by most men of experience. Poultry will not thrive in a wet or damp place claimed for the Excellent results are be dry method of feeding chickens, i. e., ginning with boiled egg and bread crumbs, changing bis diet in a few days to oatmeal, fine cracked corn and tine cracked wheat, afterwards substituting whole grain. discov¬ Se veral rich deposits have been ered in the old wat*r course beds of southern Florida that promise to supply the state with phosphates for home con¬ sumption. Snbscribe for the News. Alcoholic ('tout. In cases of alcoholic intoxication—tha poisoning—th« comatoso condition of promptest recovery of consciousness will follow the subcutaneous injection erf a mixture of one part of ammonia with two to six parts of water. Police Sttiv geons who have to deal with cases of un¬ consciousness will find this a convenient method of determining whethor a given case is due to whisky, compression of tha brain or nervous disorder.—Chicago News. The llnivaril of Honesty. The conductor of a New York Central train found $400 in one of tko cars. Learning of its owner, ho telegraphed him to lx* on hand on the return trip for his money. The owner was prompt, and, after counting tho bills, handed the con¬ ductor half a dollar. Instantly the latter lieM '■ • In; hand to the engineer, and, .Mi ; xci-d! Horry I haven't any < *‘e; ;u'il uK r.- 1 the •'.Win . !::.r i:i tile bund till "it: .iQcent re- If You Fsar an Attack Of fever and auge, or billions remittent fever don’t resort to quinine, a cumulative and pernicious drng that has ruined many remedy con Btitutions. Use without delay a which the leading physicians of America have recommended for over thirty years past—Hosttetter’s and cake Stomach Bitters. the actively Dumb ague ague no less than febrile forms of malarial disease, are prompt ly relieved and ultimately uprooted by it. In the tropics, where febrile oompiaiute of this sort are more virulent than in tho tem¬ perate zone, Hostetler's Stomach Bitters has established a reputation for preventive aud remedial efficacy which competition has not been able to affect prejudicially—nay, lias even served to sirengthen. Disorders of the stomach and bowels, partieu iarly those to which inularia gives rise, are speedily reliev ed by it. Kidney complaints, rheumatism, nervousness and sleeplessness, sick headache and constipation yield to it. Appetite and sleep are both improved by it. u NPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! Over a Million Distributed CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,000. Louisiana State Lottery Company Incorporated by the Legislature in 1868, for Educational and Charitable purposes, and its franchise made a part of the present whelming State Constitution, in 1879, by auk over¬ popular vote. If* Clraad Single iVmmtier Iftrawlnt■ take place monthly, and the Grand Quarterly Drawings, (March, regularly September every three months June, and December). ‘•We do hereby certify that we supervise the arrangements for all the monthly and Quar¬ terly Drawings of The Louisiana Stale Lot tery Company, and in person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties,! < we authorize the Company to use this certificate with fac-similesof our signatures attached in its advertisements.” •*' &T -• /<■ ;"«L Y * - ConinilMlwnerB. Wo ttie undersigned Banks and Banker*, will pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisiana State Lotteries which may be presented at our counters: It. n. W AIJK 8 LR V.Prei. ta XaCl D. P. LAilAt'X, PretStaloSsll Hit. A . HiillWIX.Prei.X. U.Sal'l Bank C1BL liUHK, Pro. I nlon <k-|JKanb Grand : Quarterly : Drawing Hi the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, June 13, 1888, Capital Prise©, <>300,000 100,000 Tickets at Twenty Dollars each Halves $10: Quartern $5; Tenths $3; Twen¬ tieths $1. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Prize cf $300,000 is.......... $1500,000 1 Prize of 100,000 is.......... 100,000 1 Prize of 50,000 is.......... 50,000 1 Prize of 25,000 is.......... 35,000 3 Prizes of 10,000 are......... 30,000 5 Prizes of 5,000 arc......... 25,COO 25 Prizes of 1,000 are......... 35,000 100 Prizes of 500 are......... 50,00q 300 Prizes of 300 are....,____ 60,000 500 Prizes of 200 are......... 100,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Prizes of $500 approximating to $300,000 Prize are.......... 50.0CO 100 Prizes of $300 approximating to $100,000 Prize are.......... 30,000 100 Prizes of $200 approximating to $50,000 Prize are........... 30,000 TERMINAL PRIZES. 1.000 Prizes of $100 decided by $300,000 Prize are............. 100,000 1.000 Prizes of $100 decided by $100,000 Prize are............ 100,0U« 3,136 Prizes of amounting to......$1,055,00( For Club Rrates, or any further informa tion apply to the undersigned. Your hand¬ writing must be distinct and Signature plain. More rred rapid by euclosing return mail and delivery Envelope will bearing be as¬ sn your full address. Send POSTAL NOTES, Express Mosey Orders, or New York Exchange in Ordinary letter. Currency by Express (at our expense) addressed to M. A. DAUPHIN. New Orleans La or M.jA. DAUPHIN, Washington,D, 0. Address Registered Letters tc .TEW (.RLEATN TATOTAL BATE New Orleans, La. REMEMBER ZZlSr. and Early, who are la cksrf* of ik» drawings, l* n guaantee of absolute fairnens and integrity, that the chances are all equal, and that no one can posnibly divine w hat number* will draw a Prize. REMEMBER that the payment of all Prizes is GUARANTEED BY FOUR NATIO NAL BANKS of New Orleans, and the Tickets '«re signed by the President of an In iitution whose chartered rights are recog nizd in the highest Courts; therefore beware of any imitations or anonymou schemes. LADIES! I»o h oar Own Ojriaf, at Hsa* with PEERLESS DYES, They will dye everything. They arc sold everywhere. Price lUc. a package—40colors Bright¬ They have no equal for Strength, for Fastness ness, Amount in Package* c r of Color, or nyn-fading Qualities. They do 1 not crock or emul. Tor sale by 8. W Mang am’* Drug Store. Griffin, Ga. m 4 MBatVKI Mflfifet r»tM ine’s oiHbaonSm Mrm fttaurUi RHEUMATISM G> asnsessr KIDNEY COMPLAINTS J ^ dyspepsia rmniCour Co KpociTDa um|)ound stomach, and quiets the nrrr turn omns. This M why it CUM «Tta Utn warm cam o{ L>y*pBpaM. CONSTIPATION I'aiw*** orajemr Oomfovki> Is net t n»th»r sturiTmi 1 lows its use. [ QM S Nervous Prostration, Mserous Headache, H<*-omaiondad by prt,feari( jial and bn Neuralgia, Nsrrous Weakness, Stomach ' rise A*-®®. Trtrt Sold ■ by Druggists , , - and Liver Dieeesee, Rheumatism, Dye- ""^pepaia, and all affectiena of the Kidney*. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO, Prop’s BUKUSUTOM. VT. Rule Nisi. Dunoan,Martin A Perdue j W. T. ff. Taylor. i Slate of Georgia, Spalding County. In tire Superior Court, February Term, i‘- > It being represented to the Court t\\ ( <- j . titlon of Duncan, Martin A lVfhi* tii .', u, Deed of Mortgage, dated the 13 h .• January,1887,W.T.11.Taylor Duncan, Marlin I’erdue convey certain d to ■ aid A “a parcel of land lot containing No. 115 thirty in (30; acre- District being of part of the 4th Spalding county, G*., bounded on the East by Jack Crawley, on the South by P. Cham- lcas, North by P. L. Starr, West by some of my own lands, said land, thirty acres, be¬ ing worth three hundred dollar*," of for the purpose of securing the payment a proniis sory note made by Hie said W.;T. Perdue, H.Tnylorto due the said Duncan, Oct.,1887, Martin A of One on the 1st day of Eight, for the stun Dollars, Hundred and Forty and 50 -100 principal, interest and attorneys fees, which amount is now due and unpaid. It is ordered that the said W.T. H. Taylor do pay into this Court, by the!first day of the next term the principal, interest and costa, due on said note and mortgage or allow cause if any he has to the contrary, or that in de- fanlt thereof foreclosure be granted to the said Duncan.-Martin A Perdue of said Mort¬ gage. and the equity of redemption of the said W. T.HTaylor therein this be forever perfected barred, and that service of rule bo on said W. T. H. Taylor according to law. JAMES 8. BOYNTON, Judge 8. C. F. C. Beck A Cleveland, Petitioner* Att'ya. I certify that the foregoing is a true copy from the Minutes of this Court, urL this 1 Fcbraa- ry Term, 1888. Wm Im. Thom**, feb35oam4rr: Clerk 8.C. S. C. Rul© Nisi. Writer T. Miller, Mortgage, Ac. lolj.hue(C,Bchaefer, versus )■ February Term, 1888. Adol Huperlor Court of sur rviving Bchaefer partner of j Spalding County A. C. A Co. Georgia. Present, the Honorable James 8. Boynton, Judge of said Court. It appearing to the Court Ly the petition of Walter T. Miller that on tho first day of April in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hun dred and Seventy two A. C. Schaefer A Co., a firm composed of A. C. Schaefer and Geo. Y. Barker, made and delivered to said Wal¬ ter T Miller a certain mortgage iu which the sum of Six Thousand Dollars w as ac knowledgcd” to be cue the said plaintiff, April which said mortgage deed bears data 1st, 1873, to secure tho payment of said amount T. due, whereby the they following conveyed described to said Waiter Miller property,to-wit: That tractor parcel of land lying or being in the 3d District of originally Monroe, then Pike, distinguished now Spalding the County, plan of and known and in aaid ty-nine district (79), as Seventy-eight No*. Forty-seven (78), (47), and Seven Fifty- one (51). and each containing Two Hundred and Two One-half (2CB>4) acres; also, Seven- live (75) acre* in the northwest comer of lot No. Seventy-seven part (77): lot also, No. Forty Fifty eight (50) acres in noutheast of (48), all in same district, containing Thirty-five in the aggregate Nine Hundred and (935) acres, more or less, in the entire tract, Jno. bounded north by land then known a* G. Lindsay's land and others, FritcLftrd eaat by land then known os land of Dr. and others, south by Buck Creek, and west by land of Squire Massett Philip and others, McDaniel being premise* conveyed by K. 1868. describ said defendants KebruaryAlh, as ed in foregoing petition; conditioned that if »aid firm of A. C. Schaefer A Co. (of which A. C. Schaefer is now serving partner) should pay off and discharge said debt of Six Thousand Dollars according to it* tenor and effect, that then said Deed of Mortgage should be void. And it further appearing that said debt re mains unpaid; It is therefore Ordered, that said A. C. Schaefer, surviving partner a* aforesaid, pay into this Court by the first day of the next term thereof, the principal, intereit and cost due on said Mortgage, or show cause to the contrary, if there lx: any; and that on failure of said A. C. 8chaefer, surviving partner as aforesaid, to to do, the equity of redemption in and to said mort¬ gaged premise* tie forever thereafter barred and foreclosed. And it is further Ordered, That this Rule be month published in the Griffin News once there * for four months, or a copy of served on the said A. C. Schaefer, surviv¬ ing partner a* aforesaid, or his special agent or attorney, at least three months before the next term of this Court, By the < juit, February 8th, BOYNTON, 1888. JAMES 8. Judge H. C. F. O. Hall A Hammond, Petitioners Attorneys. I, W. M. Thomas, Clerk of the Superior Court of Spalding County, Georgia, do here¬ by certify the a hove to be a true February extract from the minutes of said Court at l'erirt, 1888. W. M. Thomas, f. io am 4 m Clerk S. C. H. C. Rule Nisi. B. C. Kinard A Son j I. W. WardJtl. J. Ward, f State of Georgia, Spalding Uounty In the Superior court, February Term, 1888. It being represented to the Court by the petition of B. C. Kinard A Son that by Deed of Mortgage & dated the ltitli day of Oot. 1*87, J. W. Ward I. J. Ward conveyed to the suid B. C. Kinard A Son a certain tract of land, to * it: Fifty acres of land, situated in Akins District. Spalding county, Ga.. and bounded North by the lands of Bill Wise, East by Jno. Ward, South by Barney Mad¬ dox and West by Zed Gardner, for the pur¬ pose of securing the payment of a promisso¬ ry note made by the said J. \Y. Ward A I. J. Ward to the said B. C. Kiuard A Son due on the 1st day of November, 1887, for the sum of Fifty which Dollars ($50,06) and and Ninety-six unpaid. Cents, note is now due It is ordered that the said J. W. Ward A I. J. Ward do pay into tills Court, by the first day and of next due term said the principal, show Interest and if costs, on note or cause, any they have to the contrary, or that in de fault thereof foreclosure be granted to the said B. O. Kinard A Son of said Mortgage, and the equity of redemption of the snid J W Ward A I. J. Ward thelnn be forever barred, and said that J. W. service Ward of & I. this J. Ward rule be perfected publication on in by them the Griffis News or service upon by the Sheriff of said county three months before the next term of this court. JAMES 8. BOYNTON, Judge S.C. F. C. Frank Fiynt and Dismuke & Collens, Fcti- tioners Alt'*. A true copy from the Minutes of this Court. a4oam4m Wm. M. Thomas Clerk. Rill© Nisi. B. C. Kinard & Sou j vs. y* | I. J. Ward A J. W. Ward. State of Georgia, Spalding County. In the Superior Court, February Term, 1888. It being represented to the Court by the petition of B. C. Kinard A Hun that by Deed of Mortgage, dated the 16th day of Oct. I 8 H 7 , I. J. Ward A J. W. Ward convoyed to the said B. C. Kinard A Son a certain tract of land, towit; fifty acres of land lying in Akins District of Spalding county, Ga., bounded ns follows!: North by laudsof Bill Wise, East by Jno. Ward, South by Barney Maadox of and West by Zed Gardner, for the purpose se¬ curing made by the the payment said I. J. of Ward a promissory J. W. Ward note to A the said B. C. Kinard A Son due on the 15th day of November 1887, cents for the ($50.96), sum of which Fifty Doliurs and Ninety-six note in now due and unpaid. Ward A It is ordered that the aaid I. J. J. W, Ward do pay into this Court, by the first day of the next term said the principal, show interest and costs, duo on note or cause, if any they have to the contrary, or that In default thereof foreclosure bo granted to the said and the B. C. equity Kinard of A redemption Son of said of the Mortgage, said I. J. Ward A J. W. Ward therein lie forever bar¬ red, and that service of this rule be perfected on said I. J. Ward A J. W. Ward according News, to law by publication in the Griffin or by service upon I. J. Ward A J. W. Ward of a copy three months prior to the next term of tliis court. JAMES 8. BOYNTON, Judge S. C. F, C. Frank Fiynt and Dismuke A. Collens, Peti¬ tioners Att’s. A true copy from the Minutes of this Court. Wm. M. Thoaus, Cierk 8. C. 8. C. apr4oam4m June Sheriff's Sales. ’ll/I \V ;.L BE SOLD ON Til E FI K8T TUE8 day In Jane next, be,ween the le¬ gal hours of sale, before the Joor of the Court House, in the city of Griffin, described Spalding County, Georgia, the following property, to-wit- off of lot of 1 ind No. 145 Seventy- live acres in tiie 4th District of Spalding Coanty, the said seventy-live acres of land being strip the entire length of said lot on the south side, bounded 011 the north by Head’s Creek* on the south by land of James Duffy, on the east by the lot on which I now live, and on the west by lands of Wm. II. Touchstone. Levied on and «<dd by Superior virtue of mortgage favor is sued from Rprtrtug Court in of James U. Horne v-. G. 8. W. Parker. G, 8. W. Parker, tenant in possession, $6.00. legally notith-d. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold thirty-five acres of land off of south¬ west corner of lot No. 35, said land being in Spalding County, Georgia. Levied on aud sold by virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued from Spalding Superior Court in favor of Grubbs A Camp vs. T. W. Bankston. T. W. Bankston and O. W. Kiuard, tenants in possession, legally notified. $3.00. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold acertain brick building and land upon which it is located in the city of Holom-za Griffin, known a* Alma Hall, fronting runnin* on street about fifty five feet and back from Solomon street about sixty feel and bounded south by property of V. le Dis¬ muke, north liy Solomon Street, east by a narrow alley and west by lot ot Capt. H. P. Hill. I-evied on and sold by virtue of a ti fa issued from Spalding Superior court in fav¬ or of Thomas K. tree vs. F. D. Dismuke. Brewer A Henleiter, tenants in possession, legally notifi, .L $6 00 R 8. CONNELL, Bfr'ffS C. Administrator’s Sale. By virtue of an order granted by the court of Ordinary of Spalding county I will fa ll at pnblio out cry to ihe highe-t bidder before the court house door in Griffin, the on legal tht first Tuesday in June next, during house house hours of an< and sale, lot lot of of the two two following acres, acres, together property: with A fourteen een acre* acre* of of land, land, more more or less, adjoin ing, known as the residence and farm of mmmm lands of T. K. Mill*, Mrs. Alice Kincaiuand other*. Said property being situated on the extension of Sixth street, in and near the southern suburb* of the city of Griffin. Sold for the payment of debl* and distribu¬ tion. Terms cash. mangham, J J $6.00. Administrators W. Mangham, OH KcoroSSonJwX ffiEMSSfiC .kresentj*^ VS9SSig£ Ordinary's Advertisements. /'YRDINABY’S OFFICE. Sfal&ino tv. Georoia, March 3d, 1888.—M. Bowdoin, administrator of R. K. has applied to roe for K. letters Foeter, of late of on the estate of K. rouuty, deceased. last all persons concerned show cause fore the Court of Ordinary of said county, my office in Griffin, on the first Monday in June, 1888. by ten o’clock, a. m., why such relt'- s Humid not HAMMDNND, be grunted. Ordinary. $0 1 .V K. W. { \RDINARY’S OFFICE, 8palbino Coi n V-F tv, Georoia, May lltb, 1888.—To Mary E. Woodward, administratrix of Wriii i.n J Wo. dward, deceased: 8. II. Carmichael and W. J. Alexander as heir* at law of the • W, .1 Woodward, deceased, administratrix show* by th petition tbvtyon a* such - _ mi«u ; g eaid estate,-! you have re mow. f 1 the, state of Georgia; that the aecurii) o ; our bond as administratrix is insolvent aud has also removed from tne state ot Georgia, show You are therefore required of to said County cause l<efore the court of Ordinary by 10 o’clock a- m. on the firs tMonday and in June next, why you should not give adminis¬ new sufficient security on your bond as tratrix or be discharged from said adminis¬ tration F.. and anew HAMMOND administrator Ordinary. be appoint¬ S. C. ed. W. CUT MARSHAL'S SALES. IITIU. BE BOLD BEFORE THE C1TT 1*8,betweoa ▼Y Hall door oo the firwtTueeday iadnno, foficrwteg tfc* oa«ni hour* of anle, tbo described property, lo-wtt: south bf to el’ d test by lot „ _ _ _ as the property ot Warner f«Ber, to satisfy one city tax fl ft for the year 1687. Tenant i possertoo legally notified. One shop is the city of Griffin, * follow*: north by blacfcenrith I pled by property by Hobt. of Porter.eaolh H. P. Hilt and by ofifir®. a on ** the tie property property of of J. J. R. R. Buckner Bnel to aattafy one eity tax *x L Ilf* - for .... the year 1887. Tenant in possession legal! Ou« vacant tot a In the city of Or: north by pert of seme lot, south b* Broad way by T. street,east J. Clark. Levied by pert of same the lot, weal of A. W, June*. Trustee, on to m satisfy property taro eity titled. tax H fa*. Tenant in poeseseion fegnlly no One vacant lot in the city of Griffin, booed ed as follow* : north by property of T. W. Thurman, east by 8th street, south by an a), ley. Letied on as the property of C. II. J oh neon. 8r., to satiafy two city tax fi fas. Tenant ill pu*sv«rflon legally notified. ( ire house fo*b,ws: ««a lot In north the by city of of Griffin, . l t d.-,i port same •,» -t b> p.ri of same lot, south by O. M. f. <■ , »i st by property of Griffin Cot- H f" ’rvied on a* the property Of • d C<> to satisfy one city tax i fa i • }■ i 1887. Tenant in poMeMion !*- gvl y notified. due had acre ‘>f land in the city ot G rlf~ fin, ) o»u ed a* follows ; north by prop* ty ufS II. Desne. south and eaat by par of same lot, west by Cth street. I as vied on * the property of W. T.. Cole to satisfy • city tax tl fa for lb# year 1887. Tenant In possession One bouse legally and lot notified. Griffin, in the city of bounded a* follow* : north by property of Mrs Honk, south by Brood way street, eaat by Phoebe Dtw Levied on as the property of J. 1). Gloss to satisfy one city tax « fa for the year 1887. Tenant in possession legally notified. One Clark’* cotton teed cleaner in the Brick warehouse, Griffin, Ga. Levied on as the property of Beeks A Blanton to satisfy one city tax fi fa for the year 1887. R. A. Thompson, One warehouseman, of land in SBfWI notified. of Grif, fourth acre the eity fin, bounded n* Zeb follows s north fey Fete of Doyal, west lot. by Levied r Zebulon yoad, the south by pa of y Peter same Gray satisfy on aa city tax property fi, fa for to one notified. the year 1887. Tenant in possession legally One vacant lot, containing M of follow* aa acre, in tho city of Griffin, bounded as : north by 6th part of same Levied lot, south by aa alloy, west by street. on aa the oroper ty of J. W. Little to satisfy on® city tax fi fa for the year 1887. Tenant in possession le¬ gally notified. One house and lot in tbf "tyof Griffis, bounded a* follows: sou* ' nylor street. West by Exoelalor 00 1 -t by John Reeves. Levied on a* t i ty of Frank Madison to satisfy one ■, fi fa for th* year 1887. Tenant In pofemauon legally no¬ th tie house and lot in the city alter, of Griffin, bounded as follows: north by aa south, by Capt. Watt, west by N. B. Drowry, east bv 1(1 tn street. Levied on aa the property fa of for Mrs. J. 1887. F. Mann Tenant to satisfy In poss*Mloa one city legal tax B ly notified. year bounded One store house in the by city of Griffin, of W. aa follows : east pi i.perty on as the property of Mrf. WUIla to satisfy one city tax fi fa for the year 1887, Tenant in pesaesrion legally notified. bounded One house and lot In the :ijy of Griffin, as follows: north by property of 0. P, Nall, situated T. W. on Thurman Hill street and and Daniel adjoin ing Wilson. property of Nettie 1-evied onsa the property of Matthews to satisfy one city tax- ft fa for the ye ar^ 1887. Tenant In posseeaion legally no~ One lionsc and lot in the eity of Griffis bounded a* follows: north by Taylor street, and adjoining property of Ellen Stoke* sod Elijah Stephen*, levied on as th* property of Hager Comer to satisfy ono city tax fl fa for the year 1887. Tenant in poseemioa legal¬ ly notified. One house and lot in the city of Griffis, bounded a* follows: north by Mrs. Fountain, cast isd by 9th the street, south by an alley. Lev Randall on aa proixirty of estate of Mrs, for K. A. to satisfy one city tax fi fa the year 1887, Tenant in possession legally no¬ tified. One house a m! lot in the eity of Griffin, situated on 6th street and adjoining proper¬ ty of Dauicl Wilson and T. W. Thurman. Levied on as the propertyof Harry Seagrara* to Tenant satisfy one possession eity tax legally a fa for notified. year 1887. in One vacant lot in the city of Griffin, bound ed aa follows: south by Solomon street, wart by R. H. Drake,east byG. M.dO RK. Lev led on as the property ot the Georgia Mid¬ land A Gulf RR. Co., to satisfy on* city tax fi fa for the year 1887. Tenant in possession legally One notified. of vacant lot In the dty Griffin, bound ed m follow*: north by C. R. Doe, west by 13th street, sooth by Solomon street. Levied on n a* the property of Mrs. Wm. Cooper and J . D. George to satisfy one city tax fi fa I for the he year year 1887, 1 Tenant in posseeaion poeeeasion le; legally notified. One-fourth of an acre of land tn the city of Griffin, bounded as follow*.- north and west by part of same land, tooth by Griffin cotton factory and cast by vaeant lot owned by D. J. Bailey, Jr. and J. A. Brooks. lev¬ ied on as the property of G. B, Beecher to satisfy one eity tax fl ra for the year 1887. Tenant to possession legally notified. bounded One house follows: and iot in the city Broadway of Grilfin, it., as north by east by H. J. Sargent lot, west by Mary Me- Elroy. Levied on as the property of Calvin Parker to satisfy one city tax fl fa for th* year 1887. Tenant in possession legally no¬ tified . » One bouse end lot In the city of Griffin, bounded a* follows: cast by Galvin Parker, west by vacant lot of H. J. Sargent, north by Broadway street. McElroy Levied th# prop- erty of Mary to satisfy ana city tax 11 fa for the year 1887. Tenant In poeeeeekm legally notified. fried. One-fourth of an acre of land in the eity of Griffin, bounded as follows: north by Broadway street,.south by an 3rd alley, wart Lav. by yort ot name lot and eaat by street. ted on as the property of Mrs. Fanny Brown to satisfy one city tax fi fa for the year 1887. Tenant in poe-c-wion legally notified. One house ,u.d lotto the by Hill city of Griffin, ad¬ l>oanded iwfutbrawr of west Calvin Banka street, andT. join Thurman. inn property Levied the property of W. on as Berry Strojicr to satisfy one eity tax fi fa for tbs year 1887. Tenant in pow e ea l o rt legally notified. , One house and lotto the eity of Griffin, bounded *s follows: north by land* of F. M. Ison, east by 84b street, south by Isaac Ma¬ lone. Levied on as the property of Sam Warner to satisfy one city tax fi fs for the year 18-7 . Tenant In possession MANLifrcTF. legally no¬ tified. T. G. May 4th, 1888, /ORDINARY’S U OFFICE, 8 *aLl>r*e Cotrx- tt, Gsomia, May 4th, 1888-—Mis. Bai¬ lie P. Hair has applied to me for test* to sell lot of land No. 16S la Second District of Pike county adjoining lands ofTtb. Moore, W. P. Hemphill and Mock and N. John Hair, Barrow, contain belonging to estate of Isaac ing 203k acres, more or leas. Let all persona concerned show cause he fore the Court of Oruinary of said county, at my office In Griffin, on o’clock, the flirt Monday why in June, 1888, by ten a. m n luch leave should not HAMMOND, be granted. <OND, < Ordinary $3 DO. E. W.