The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, June 07, 1888, Image 4

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P*! t&jplpk * PURE DRUGS!-k V#* *••*• ■■&&& ■&**& - ....... —i -.....— ■ Jfl);.| n ... H* * " , —»■ »■ " AjfCT TOILET ARTICLES. LEADING PATENT MEDICINES, t'AKTEUB BE HEDIES, AND EVERYTHING KEPT IN A First-Class - Drug - store. At vtohM&i and Retail »Sr8/ntp Night. of Kgs taJ Ha»elin»“ Wine. Prescrip- lioee filled at all boar* of Daj or Paints, Oita, Etc., Etc. DR.E. R- ANTHONY’S DRUG STORE n ■ m i ii ■ i .. ..... ........... ■ ■•.......— n R. J DEANE, PHOTOGRAPHER. PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. HTOU Plcttnao, Copied and Enlarged. 1V. flffllte -{ MANUFACTURER -< dialkrIs y- >- Ms ill Slums % ; *%4. i LEATHER AND FINDINGS. «« Hill Street Itreet, - GB1F FIN, GA I oftr at and BELOW COST as excellent lot ot LOW CUT Gents and Ladies' --- GrUba* Gn«, Jim *« JUST ARRIVED! * %• * -tnt-— TIE YERT LATEST STYLES -OF- N€W-:-AND-:-BEAUTIFUL ^SUMMER HATS. Lowest Prices! * -to:- HF Du *>ut fail to call and examine. MBS. X. L. WHITE, Cor. Bill and Broadway. NOTICE TO CITY REAL ESTATE OWNERS. The Asaeasineat of Real Estate ha* been Parties combated Interested and the books notified turned to orer call to and me ex are amine the tame and make application for re¬ duction within the next ten day*. NALL, THOd. done V88.-10d Clerk and Traaa’r. Potato slips, ten cents a hundred Jos. Morris, East Griffin. tf There will be an ice cream festival at Mrs. Nnnnally’s Friday night, to which everybody is invited. -L Dets From Drewryville. Db«wktvuj.k, Ga., Jane 6.—Oats are looking fine at present writing. Some of oar farmers are reaping their forward fields already. Crop# seemed to be in a progres live state until the recent rains, which washed some of them into end kea perdition. The chills are atiil seeking around in our community to see whom they may devour. * Some of the farmers think that the Ktst has got bold of their cotton. If yon editors will go around and look at some of the farms, you will think that something else baa got bold of if: for it looks too green for the rust. Most of the farmers are busy stirring their erops while the season is right aa they expact to go fishing *oon. Augustus McKinley and Miss Minnie Williams spent last Sunday with their friends at Stearne-sville. A. C. Martin has everybody's sym pathy in losing the work of & fine mole on account of its sickness. There was no court last Saturday at the court ground. L. C. C. For weak lungs and feebleness. Chase’* Barley Malt Whisky i* an excellent Tonic. It to absolutely pore, full of nutriment, and build* up the system. Georjre «X Hartnett sole agents for Griffin radgs Beets reoeived a telegram yes tarday stating that Dr. D. T. Johnson, of Ft. Smith, is not expected to live. Dr. Johnson is a former resident of this county and mnch liked, and the news will be reoeived with great sorrow. Oommiaaioners Mills and Brooks in speoted and aooepted the Champion bridge, over Head’sfcreek, in Akins dis trie*. yesterday. It i* ah mads of post oak, and should last forever. ’ROUND ABOUT. XalMrt CsMSial r**sif ass *»♦» •ml It CNwatw. The weather is beginning to June. Judge R. T. Daniel went up to Atlan ta yesterday. H. H. Base left yesterday for Rome on business. CoL Walker, of Monroe, was in the dtr yesterday. For milk shakes, ices and mineral wa ters go to Drewry's. eod Marshal Robinson, of Newn&n, is in Or ffin for a day or two. Quantities of peaches are being ship ped from Griffin every day. We regret to learn that Dr. Stapleton is confined to room by sickness. Bishop Beckwith will confirm at St George's church next Sunday, l(Hh inst at 11 a m. According to the reports of all our correspond tuts crops are looking very well few the season. Judge B. P. Thompson, of Hampton, spent yesterday with his Griffin friends, who are always giad to see him. A spectacle vender was on our streets yesterday. Boy your spectacles from home dealers, who are responsible. Miss Lena Warde returned yesterday from The Rock, where she has been teaching school, and will remain a month. jack Powell and his bride and their at tendaota arrived from Macon yesterday afternoon and were met at the train by a large crowd of friends. D. j. Bailey, Jr., went to Atlanta yes terday to act as best man iu the wedding of W. H. Rhett and Miss Annie Reid, which came off last night. The Haymaker’s harvest home last night was a most enjoyable affair, with a menu that conld not be excelled and plenty of brewed hop tea. The street force, under the supervis ion of Overseer Bridges, are doing some valuable and long-needed work in the bottom near the Georgia Midland depot. Miss Lorena Hinton, the beautiful and accomplished daughter of Ordinary Hinton, of Greenville, pasaed through Griffin yesterday en route to Atlanta, where she goes on a visit to friends and relatives. The engineers of the G. M. and Cen tral road had a race yesterday, from the crossing to Woodruff's, where they sep arate. The result was the Georgia Mid land left the Central about a hundred yards. Mrs. R. W. Champi m met with a se vere accident yesterday. In stepping out into the yard she fell and broke both bones of her right ankle. Dr. Dreary attended the case and she i* new doing as well as conld be expected. Mrs. Fannie Parkinson, of Loachapo ka, Ala,, who baa been on an extended visit to her brother, F. D. Bloodworth, of Savannah, stopped off Saturday to visit her father, S. W. Bloodworth, and other relatives, left yesterday afternoon for a visit to Atlanta, when she will re turn home. For some time past crowds of negroes have been congregating in front of the postoffice, iu the middle of Hill street, playing tope. Officer Cunningham run about 20 away yesterday afternoon and says he is going to stop negroes from blockading the streets. If he succeeds he will receive the thanks of our peo¬ ple. Mr. Cunningham is a good officer, and we believe he will stop this nui sanee. Congress Mineral Water SIDDALL AND FLAG BRAND SOAP. Lemons 20 Cents Per Doz. MfcJFine Bread Out to-day at 11 o’clock. BLAKELY. th? “Magnolia” list Wednesday. Miss Mamie TaVior is msseiing with the mumps I would bite to see the mumps tickle 4t old ipan” NipBiUghao. He is too iat already. Miss Bennie Hutchinson will take in the Senota high school exercises. Emmett Turnipseed and Jim Odom were so anxious for carp last Thurs ! day that without changing their clothes they with seine plunged into Wolfs Creek fast rising, raging wa¬ ters- After floundering around awhile they came out with fisher¬ man's usual luek —one little fright aned cat and a silver side. Jim Couch and wife, from the “Ridge,” are guesis of L ncle Bob Hancock this week. Billie Caldwell is fast becoming famous as a carp fisherman- So is Fred Reeves All the subscribers to the best pa¬ per m Georgia at this office are well pleased with the Griffin News. They pronounce her sound politically and true. Cocsix Dixie. Hood's Sarsaparilla is peculiar to itself and superior to all other preparations in strength. economy, and medicinal merit. <2 POLITICS AT ORCHARD HILL. Organizing a Farmers Alliance- Smail Fire—Crops. Oechabp Hill, Jane 6.— Duriog the past week v«e had delightfal seas ous, and now it is fair again, and the farmers are subduing Gon- Green in a hurry. Should the sun continue to shine one week longer, they wdl again have the crops in splendid con dition. J. D. Cunningham’s mill house caught on fire last Saturday evening while the mill was running and came very near being burned down. But the neighbors came to Lis assistance and with a united effort finally sue ceeded in extinguishing the flamefi without any serious damage being done. The house caught by the sparks from the engine. I am creditably informed that Judge Hail will be a candidate for the Senate and Major Collens for the House. I heartily endorse Jadge Hall's platform and think he is well qualified to fill the position and ought to be elected without opposi tion. Mr. Collens is also an estima ble young man, of sterling worth, and I think every way qualified to fill the position to which ne aspires. I am confident that the ticket will give perfect satisfaction in this com munity. So far as the prohibition plank in the platform is concerned, it suits me exactly, and I sincerely hope there will be no strife in that direction. Nay, let us lay aside every such weight that would so easily beset us, and come together a true Democrats, standing alone on true democratic principles and pre sent in every elecuoa, at least during this year of Democratic harmony, an unbroken fiont. Col. J. W. Beck, of Miiner. paid us a visit on last Saturday and deiiv ered to os one of the best speeches on agriculture that it has been our privilege to bear in a long while: af ter which a Farmers Alliance was or ganizod. C. A. Cooper was elected President and W. A. King Vice President. The farmers seem to te wide awake to their interest and are determined to use all the means in power to geijout from under theyoke of oppression in spite of the remon strances of our brother Orchard Hill j correspondent. We sincerely wili _bope j and believe that the Alliance be : a lasting benefit not only to the farm : er, but to all classes and professions: ; and it woaii be well to think twice before speaking once against this great organization. Roxns. You- WE/GA/r PURE iI?ST PERFECT Its superior excellence prover in millions of homes isused for more than United a quarter States ef a cen tury. It by the Gov- eminent. Endorsed by the heads of the Great Universities as the Strongest, Purest and most Healthful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia, line, or Alum. Sold only in Cana. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. msw toes- cHiciQO. ®t, re via d4»hvN? eo! nrm COUSIN DIXIE’S DINING. SfltDAY BILL OF FARE Iff A GEOR¬ GIA KOBE. Wesk’a laeMeaU la ttoe Happy Ceaitry Csmnltj of Harmbeo. Hajul*ox, June &—Oar farmers ■re happy because we are laving plenty of rain and something to do: Last Sunday after services while 1 was talking; to John Henry Jones, of Senoia, I heard some one asking for Cousin Dixie. Soou I was ap proached by i'. N. Burdelt and iu formed s Hat d a«r was being cooked atblsboi cf • me and my uumer ous family. As I make it a rule to never disappoint a good dinner, I accepted his urgent invitation to diue with him and, such a dinner! Beans, Irish potatoes cucumbers, beets, squashes, the best of light bread, fried chicken, biscuits, honey, and fruit cake, and three very lovely young ladies tv *1 on us! Gosh ! it wouldn’t do i . . 1 : r to be a single man, Or I would do just like friend A.b, C. I would go every Sunday. Mr. B. has fifty acres in cultivation to the piow. His crop is in good condition. He is certainly a worker. Mrs. B. has the finest garden in the •belt,” an or 1 full of apples and peaches aod , .re a special invita tion to come get fruit when ripe. Thanks, friends. These are the kind of friends we love to have. Miss Mattie Hntcbinson, from Eu¬ reka district, left for Jonesboro last Wednesday, to be gone several weeks visiting relatives. The Secretary of the Lime Kiln Club at Eureka carries a clock in his coat pocket as a time keeper when he goes a-courting. Miss Moliie Culpepper and Miss MamieTaylor took in SenoialastTues day. Mrs. T. F, Hodnett and Mrs. N. B. Duncan spent Tuesday with Miss Mamie Taylor at “The Elms.” J. W. Brakefield, wife and daugh¬ ter, Miss Annie, were taken Saturday night at 10 o’clock with violent vom iting and were quite sick for several hours. No cause is assigned. They were considerably betterSunday even ing. The heavy rains Tuesday and Wednesday night and Thursday morn ing have considerably strengthened General Green’s forces and impeded his enemies. The ground is boggy. W. O. Herndon, at the “Bee Hive,” bad a swarm of bees on the 30th of March, and since he hi?ed that swarm, four new swarms have is sued from it. That beats the honey tree of Spaldiog. Now, as you have had the honey trees, goose farm, jay bird farm, cu camber farm and ;peach braady ■priogs, can’t you run an under ground pipe from J. H. Mitchell’s honey tiees to Nick Willis’ brandy spring in Alabama and insert pumps all along through the. probi counties for the specia; benefit of snake bites and prohibitionists, back aches and numerous other aches? Wbat next? About thirty of onr loveliest young ladies hate invited our young men to picnic with them at Sullivan's Mills on the 3d Saturday of this month. Griffin might furnish a car load of her loveliness and escorts to come out and meet our rural beauties. What says Col. T. S. and and Jim B? Leap year, you know. Barney Reeves and Weather Prophet Roberts, accompanied by Misses Sallie and Pearl Reeves, went huckleberrying yesterday. The crowning “big” rain of ms came yesterday at 2 o’clock, wask- ng and overflowing lowlands. I learn J. W. Brakefield was quite sick Thursday. I have a brother-in-law over in Stephen, Ark., that used to “card’ me twice pe month. Now, since’ he gets the Wkeely News regular ly he has quit “carding.” I wonder if he knows that I am as anxicus io bear from him as I was before he took the News ? Prof. Tom Taylor and David Pope Eureka Mills pond fot fish this morning, but the pond was too full. The fish relused to bit®. Mrs. N. B. Duncan and rs. T. F. Hodnatt dined with ar. and Mrs. J. D. Culpepper at the “Oaks” last Wednesday. Ector, Greenville, Walt of firfis at C. P NEWTON, Ag- GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, Atlanta Beer and Ice! UNEAQUALLED! UNSURPASSED! 1 Defy Competition in PRICES or QUALITY! • o:— This Beer is brewed from the finest grades of imported Hops and r tc i m according ingredients to the adulterations. most improved methods. Perfectly free from e> y i n i*g2 or My ICE is of superior quality perfectly. Clear and Solid. Write for my prices before purchasing either. *6T Ice delivered 1o any part of city. NEW GOODS EVERY DAY! Line Fresh Groceries! Come and set a Broom made at the Oriffin Broom Factory. J. H. KEITH & CO. Strawberries -:- Every Morning, ---AT- HOLMAN & CO.’S. FLEMISTER RECEIVE!) THE PAST WEEK New India Lawns. Checked Muslins. White Lawns Fans. Silk Mils. Ladies Lisle Undervests. SWISS AND HAMBURG FLOUNCINCS 25 pieces “Renfrew” best Ginghams at 7 1-2 cents. Well worth 12 1-2 cents. -- t:o:l 31y Same Low Prices -ON-- SURA ILKS, BLACK SILKS -AND- ALL WOOL NUNS VEILINGS, Will bo maintained until they are all closed out. My Shirt Department Will he found the most complete in the city. Boys Shirt Waists at COST to close out. -I'.oX- NEW SHOES ADDED T O MY ALREADY LARGE STOCK, EVERY WEEK! Will save you money on your purchases in this line. — 1:0 ★ LARRCE ★ ASSORTMENT ★ FUR, WOOL AND STRAW HATS! Xew lot straw Bats to arrive this week l 500 May Fashion Sheets to he Given Away ! Patterns for Sale, in stock ! Co’)* YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED! E. J. FLEMISTER J 51 AND 53 HELL .STREET.