The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, August 28, 1888, Image 4

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BBSS THE MOST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY ! E. R. ANTHONY’S DRUC STORE, HJBADQCABTKBB FOB • DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, VABNISHES; ETC. Dy*-«tuff<, Ftuiar Toilet Soaps. Fancy Half and Too*b Brnsbea, FcrlToijic* an,! Toilet Ar¬ tel/. Uttar Paper, Prescriptions Pern, Ink, Envelope*, accurately Ola**, ooirpouded, Puttv, day Lamps or night. and Chimney*, fOT Physicians' R. J DEANE, PHOTOGRAPHER. Si?’ PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. tar Old Pictures, Copied and Enlarged. AT DREWRY’S DRUG STORE -YOU WILL FIND-- THE BEST TURNIP SEED At 25 and 80 cent* a pound, from Eastern grower*. Plant them whila there are good Chill season*. Remedy. HT An Infallible and Liver Com¬ tar Dreary's Peptic Cordial will cure dyspepsia july Id&w-tf putet. New Music House. —J(o); • Brawner, Deane & Co. f -- 1 (o)I- One floor of our Book and Music Store to be storked willi Pianos and Organs from a forge munber of leading makers. TERMS! BEST INSRUMENTS! EASIEST ^•r GET OUR LOW PRICES BEFORE BUYING. - 26 and 26 1-2 Hill Street, : : GRIFFIN, Ga. ■ -t%) ■A/l HrlBa, Ua„ August 2K. Ice Cream Festival. There will be a great ice cream fes tival given by tbo young ladies and gentlemen of the Dramatic Club of Zebulon on Friday night, Aug. Hist, for the benefit ot Zebulon High School. The young ladies and gen tletnen o! Griffin are respectfully so licited to be present. Vocal and in strnmental music will be the enter tainment. Geokge G. Reid, Manager. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA. Notice to the Traveling Public. l’be best and cheapest passenger route to New York and Boston is via Savannah and elegant Steamers purchas tbence. Passengers before ing tickets via other routes would do well to inquiro first of the merits of tbe route via Savannah, by which they will avoid dust and a tedious all-rail ride. Itate3 include meals and stateroom on Steamer. Round trip tickets will bo placed on sale Judo 1st, good to roturu un til Oct. 31st, New York Steamer sails tri-weekly. Boston Steamer weekly from Savannah- For further information apply to any agent of this Company, or A. to E, T. Charlton, G. P, Savannah, Ga: C. G. Anderson, Ag-t Steamer, Savannah, Ga. DOG EAT DOG ! —w— Nelson the Atlanta Hank man worked Ins infilling customers for“:dl they were worth'' j and the “Flashy Dressed Female” worked him for all he was worth, ail and they the j DEVIL will work both of them for are worth, and the i “Way of the Transgressor is Hard" and the “MILL DOES GRIND AGAIN" with the water that is past. instructed Speaking of mills reminds us that we have our miller to grind more carefully and we expect FINER AND BETTER MEAL hereafter. We have on hand and on the way. Several Cars White CORN. One Car C. R. Sides. “ “ Nice llay. • : Choice Kettle Lai-d : - now in store in Tierces. Now is time to buy all these things will be higher priced iu a few days. SOAPS! SOAPS ! ! SOAPS 11 Soap a l ^it* will pay *mcrchaots to geAmr ! price*. Remember we sell to dealers only, Colombo* calf prices. So ir you THING or write for prices, as we repre ! sent manufacturers. BREWER <i HANLEITER. jimeTTditwtf . •ROUND ABOUT. ( onc.rilo. People and «en era! NTeiri Uowlp. SHOO, FL1’. llics are here and the flics are there, And they stick to the flesh like glue, along with the buzz, the slap and the swear, Flies the fly to some skin pasture new. Miss Emma Burr returned to Macon Hugh Porter and wife, of Atlanta, Sunday here. Miss Lora Gamble, of Warm Spring?, in Griffin Sunday. Oyster suppors will sjoq take the place of ice cream festivals. Miss Lula Hello Towns, of Seuoia, was in the city yesterday. Aleck Muny left yesterday for a week’strip to Indian Springs. b. G. Aycock is doing well with a ram rod hole through two lingers. Col, H. A. Peeples, of Hampton, was in Griffin yesterday on legal business. C. 11. Wiliiams escaped from the At¬ lanta quarantine yesterday and came to Griffm. It is predicted by those who pretend to know that we are going to have an early full. Misses Maud Hammond and Kate llausom aie speuding a few days at Lo oust Grove. The most of the summer season is gone and we have had very litflo sick ness in Griffin. j, j. Little, of Ft. .Smith, Ark., for merly of this place, is spending a few- in the citv. Dr. J. ,VI. Terrell is going to houses keeping in Larry Condon’s house, ofi Sixth street. J. A. Newton goes to Thomaston on the first of September as agent for the Southern Cotton Seed Mills of Atlanta. Misses Annie and Mattie Sheilman, of Savannah, are spending some time in the city, the guest of Mrs. Wm. Reeves. The annual all day .--inking at Tirzah comes off next Sunday. Let everybody remember it and bring a well filled bas- ket. Jesse Andrews, Colo Nall, George Seymore, Jim Newton and Barney Han dull spent yesterday shooting doves in Butts county. The meichaut who rriles upon catch* ing up passers • by and turniug them iu lo his store for trade may be said to be doing a catch penny business. There is a great deal of agitation, charges and counter charges iu police at present, which the police com rnittee might well investigate. Mrs. Atkins and her daughter, Miss j Emma left yesterday for Atlanta, after a pleasant visit to the family of P. II. Well,, of Cabin., and were .Mompnmed by Misses Alien Wells and Bettie Mitch who will be their guests for some GEORGIA RAISED SEED RYE Fresli Country Butter. Lemons still 20 Cents dozen. BLAKELY. Shakespeare was evidently foud ot water, as be speaks of a .'bubbling filled with wind.’.* It would be to know what syrup he pre The grass and the foliage, just like cro on the wing, A season of and a period of eoolnesi sue ing each other will ba nature s ram fur surplus greenueua. A .-.tatement to the effect that the old of 1888 is dead and gone where woodbine twineth and tbe whang mourneth, would sound mighty but it would be a litOe risky yet. Samuel DeLoaeh, of this city, and a Hudgins, of Waynmanville, Upson were married at the latter place and arrived in the city on 4:30 yesterday afternoon. Politics iu i • are getting pretty well Then talk of two negro cun :> * th .egislature besides the alre. / muned. The colored pop meets in Zebulon in a short Butler Hudson, who spent Sunday at Springs camp meeting, iu Pike says there were 4,000 or 5,000 present—more than were ever before by the olilest attendant— including soma fifty Griffitides. Butler couldn't r ve the name of of the pro Your poem, Voshii, would have been but for the fact that its ‘words bnrne’ scorch the fiDgers of the so that they could not put it in Sorry, Vashti, but until we cm a fireproof typesetting machine will be impossible to ventilate your though'^ in these columns. An excbaiq ;ys: A man who is of i.ior, was oat hunting was overtaken by a rain. He crept a hollow tree for protection. When rain was over, and he tried to come from the tree, he found himself to do so. When thus imprison ho reilected that he was iu the habit "borrowing his neighbor’s paper, thus the printer, and so felt so that lie slipped out of the tree an effort. Russian Taste In Colors. While our steamer was lying at the landing at Kazan I noted a chocolate brown house with yellow window shut¬ ters and a green roof; a lavender house with a shining tin roof; a crimson house with an emerald roof; a sky blue house with a red roof; an orange house with an olive roof; a house painted a bright metallic green all over; a house diversified with dark blue, light blue, red green and chocolate brown; and, finally, a most extraordinary building which dis¬ played the whole chromatio scalo within the compass of three stories and an attic. What permanent effect, if any, la pro¬ duced upon the optic nerves of the in¬ habitants by tho habitual contemplation of their brilliantly colored and sharply contrasted dwellings I am unable to say; but I no longer wonder that “prekrasni,” the Russian word for “beautiful," means literally “very red.’’—George Kerman in The Ck -Jury. Uow People Become Known. “Yes, we keep the name of every prominent family living within a radius of 100 miles of Pittsburg, and when we Issue circulars, advertisements, etc., we refer to our list and direct them accord¬ ingly. We send circulars to people who never dealt with us, and they are sur¬ prised and flattered by the evident atten¬ tion paid them, not knowing it is a sys¬ tem with us. They wonder how we get their full names. This is accomplished which by referring to a blue book, is is¬ sued yearly for tbe general information Of merchants and others. Of course our list is not so extensive as other houses, but our customers are among the ton of society. Some firms will go so far as to send articles of jewelry, precious stones, etc., to people for examination, but they first make inquiry from a bank or other reliable source as to the social standing and reliability of the person to whom the articles are sent. I never heard of but one instance of loss sustained. —Pittsburg Press - — - » * » — — SMOKE! Opr Junior Partner, tho best Ci gar in the market. Sold by all lead ing dealers in Griffin- L. Cohen & Co , Sole Agents, Macon, Ga, angSd.Sm Postells Elegant! The finest flour in the world. Those who have used it never use any other, it never fails to give tbe most perfect satisfaction. Call on J. II. Keith & Co., S. II. Deane, J. M. Mills. McFarland, Boyles &r Co., or G. W, Clark A Son. aug2Gd3m ■Png niff n lamm vn ,^in»BMr^MvajgjT£-.-i3i«peNNKawNN^ POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. —- —------------ -.......... — To the Voters of Spalding County. At th, solicitation of friends I offer for the position of Tax Collector of Spalding county, subject to a nomination of the Dem- party if one is held. B. D. BKi-WSTER. WANTED! Students for Georgia School of Technology The isst Legislature made the following in reference to the above seboff ; shall be one beneficiary for each Re¬ in the General) Assembly from county in this State, selec ted by the of Education in eai h county on com - 'and who .-hall be first n tit led to the benefits of said school.’’ I hold such exarr ination for Spalding Saturday, J. O.A. Sept. MILLER, Sth. 1888. 1 C. 8.C. twt^lll*- a You. WEIGHT PURE_ ■TT'il Its superior excellence proven in millions of homes for more than a quarter of a cen tury. It isused by the United States Gov¬ ernment. Endorsed by the heads of the Great Universities as the Strongest, Purest and most Healthful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does no*, contain Ammonia, I.ime, or Alum. Sold only in Cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. saw TOBK. CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. d4lhw8tlip,top col.nrm INCREASE IN NUMBER —t OF >- Supreme Court Judges. A PROCLAMATION By JOHN B. GORDON, Governor of Georgia. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Atlanta, July 2fith, 1888. YYTilEREAS. V V The General Assembly of 1888-1887 passed the following Act, in accordance with the requirements of the Con stitution. in reference to amendments of that instrument: An Act to amend Par. I of Sec. II of Article VI of the Constitution of this State, so as to increase the number of Judges three of the Supreme Court of this State from to five, to consist of a Chief Justice and. four Associate Justices. CSection I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority oi the same. That the Constitution of this State be amend ed by adding after the words “Chief Jus¬ tice,’’ in the 2nd line VI, cf the 1st paragraph words, “and of section II, article Justices,” thereof the of tho words four Associate in lieu in said line, “and two Associate Justices,” so that said paragraph when amended shall read: The Supreme Court shall consist of a Chief Jnstice and four Associate Justices. A aa jority of the court shall constitute a quorum. Sec. II. Be it farther enacted, that when ever the above proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be agreed to by two-thirds of the members elected to each of the two Houses of tbe General Assembly, the Govern or shall, and ho is hereby authorized and in struoted, to cause said amendment to be published in at least two newspapers in each Congressional District in this State for the period time of of holding two months the next next general proceeding election. the 8ek. III. Beit further enacted, That the above proposed amendment aliali be submit¬ ted, for ratification or rejection to the elec¬ tors of this Stole at the next general provided elec¬ tion to be held after publication as for in the second section of this Act, in sev¬ eral election districts of this 8tate, at which election every person shall be entitled to vote for members of the General Assembly. in favor All persons voting at said election of adopting the proposed amendment to the Constitution shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, “For ratication of the amendment of Paragraph 1, Section II, of Article VI of the Constitution," and all persons amendment opposed to the adoption printed of said shall have written or on the! l ballots the wordB, “Against ratifica¬ I, tion of the amendment of Paragraph of tion.” Section II, of Article VI of the Constitu¬ Sec. IV- Be it further enacted, That the Governor be, and hereby authorized and di¬ rected to provide for the, submission of the amendment proposed iu the first section of this act to a vote of the people, as required by the Constitution of this State, iu Par. I, Sec. I, of Article the XIII, and by this Act, and if ratified, Governor shall, when he ascer¬ tains sneli ratification from the Secretary of State, to whom the returns shall be referred, in the same manner as in case of elections for members of the General result, Assembly, his to count and ascertain the issue proc¬ lamation for the period of thirty days an¬ nouncing such result and declaring the amendment ratified. Sec. V. If the amendment to the Constitu¬ tion, provided by this Act, shall be agreed to by the General Assembly, and ratified by the people, as provided by the Constitution the and General by this Act, then it shall be the duty of Assembly of this State, eonven ing next after such ratification, to proceed to elect (after the proclamation of the Govern¬ or, provided in section four ot this Supreme Act,)two additional Associate Justices of the Court, who 8liallho.d said office for six years from the first day of January, 1889, and nn til their successors are elected and qualified. Sec. VI. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of law's in conflict with this Act be, and the same are hereby repealed. Now, Approved October 22d, 1887. therefore, I, John B. Gordon, Gov¬ ernor of said State, do issua this my Procla¬ proposed mation hereby delaring that the foregoing amendment to the Constitution is submitted for ratification or rejection to the voters of the State qualified to vote for mem¬ bers of the General Aasembly at tho general election to be held on Wednesday, October 3d, 1888, as provided in said Act. JOHN B. GORDON, J \ m es T. Nisis et , Gevern or. Secretary Executive Department. HOTEL CURTIS 3RIFFIN, GEORGIA, Under New Management. A. G. DANIEL, Prop’r. Porters meet ail trains. feb 15dly Clean Up. If the citizens of Griffin will put their watermelon rinds, fresh, etc., in barrels or other receptacles, the street carts will go around twice a week and carry them off. Let us keep onr city clean and onr premiees free from garbage. H. C. Burr. Ch’n Street Com. .r., . Zk'iu, ‘ ■' V. Lis ‘«ll l<- ri ..»* X .» I'kll |'e have moved back to Our: Old : Place! With full line new goods. the farm Come to see j u8. Fresh melons from every day J. H. Keith &Co. WILKINSOi — <{ DEALER IN --- Lumber, States am j DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS. -P‘t- DRESSED AND MATCHED LUMBER A SPECIALTY ! -M- BILLS SAWED TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE I ---!■>[- GOOD BRICK FOR ALL BUILDING PURPOSES. Yard and Office on West Side of Hill sired, along Central Railroad, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. jnlylld&wfm W. M. Holman & Co. -HAVE FRESH--- ,a 0 i iolia Hams, Cooked Corned Beef 12^ c. per lb. Blue Fish, better than fresh Mackerel Sweet Water Flour. Water Ground Meat. All grades Sullivan's Tobaecei And the BEST LINE OF CIGARS IN THE CITY. i. W. Hassellis, MANUFACTURER v- —AND— — << DEALER IN !~ LEATHER AND FINDINGS. sa Hill Street, ... GRIFFIN, I offer at and BELOW COST an excellent lot ot 1.0W CUT Greets’ and hodiM Shoes. v 11. W. 1IA8SELKD8. If You Are Wise “CATCH ON” TO THIS. Schr'erman & White For 30 Ways Only, Will Sell Carpets, Rias & Mattins At Actual Cost! To make room for the new goods in this line. Many homes in Griffin are living wit¬ nesses of our last August Carpet sale. Dur¬ ing which sale, we sold more Carpets than was ever put down in Griffin before, or since, in the same length of time. Brussels, Three Ply, Extra SHper, Ingrains. Hemps, all will he sold at cost, WHEN WE SAY COST, WE MEAN NOTHING MORE NOR LESS. When we say 30 days we mean no long¬ er than that, but it may be for a shorter time. This sale is to continue until our new Ci;: petsL arrive, which are now being bought.