The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, September 15, 1888, Image 2

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THBBE ACltSS Ok' BAUST WEATHER The bachelor editor of the Augtis ta Evening News thus philosophises on the recent spell of weather! Rainy weather now, as Mr. Bfoohe of Tipton and Middlemarch would say, rainy weather has its beauties, as well tg-•• s benefits. Most people swear at rainy weather and don't see where the beauty comes in, but this is because they have never studied the subject in s philosophical way and from a dry and delightful standpoint, or better still, from a sofa under a cosy roof, and in charm mg company. We have studied rainy weather pretty closely and continuously of late, and our con¬ clusion is that there aro just as many beauties in rainy as in dry weather, if you know where to find them. And you generally find ihem in the house. We found several even in such a damp place as Tal¬ lulah Falls, and we unhesitatingly declare our willingness to go out in ihe rain and even back to Tallu¬ lah if the same experience could be repeated. The chief beauty of rainy weath er is she who patiently sits, from choice or necessity, and listens to the rain pouring on the story over head, or the old, old story itself pouring into her pretty little pink ear. Patience is a great thing in rainy weather, aijd it is a virtue very beautiful in itself, in fact it is a regular rainyjweflther beauty, and is worth cultivating by all the other beauties. In a long rainy spell like that of .lie past week or mare, pa ience is a regulation monumental beauty. The beauty, however, who can sit and listen, and smile while she hears the double-barrelled story al¬ luded to above, is the prize beauty of the age, and we intend to draw that prize if we have to take chan¬ ces in all the showers between the Atlantic and the Mississippi for the next six rainy seasons. The rairy weather beauty, indeed, who can sit like patience on a monument and smile away our grief just non is a prize worth wading for through water falls and rain (alls, without rubbers or umbrella. The New York State Democratic convention at Buffalo Wednesday was one of the of the most harmoni¬ ous in the history of the party. Gov. Hill was renominated by acclamation and with him on tho ticket aro Ed ward J. Jones, for Lieutenant Govern or, and John Clinton Gray, for Judge of tbe Court of Appeals. Our Re publican friends who have been look iDg fora row,a riot or a rumpus when the Democrats of New York met it convention 'are respectfully invited to extract what comfort they can from Iho report of tbe proceedings- We advise them to get ready their sackcloth and ashes for November. The world is goiug to be mighty full of woo for them from this time for ward.‘ FroniBHirth to Uie brave We carry wjth ur certain physical traits, a* wc do certain mental characteristics. Inso¬ much that psychologist* have striven to des¬ ignate by generio titles certain tempera¬ ments—ai the bilious, the nervous, the lym¬ phatic. The individual with a sallow com¬ plexion is set down as bilious, often rightly so. If tho saffron in the hue of his skin is traceable to bile in the blood, its presence in the wrong place instead of the liver, will also be evinced by fur on the tongue, pain be neath -he right ribs and through tne right shoulder-blade, sick headache, For oonstipation, flatulence and indigestion. but the relief of this very common, not essentially peril¬ ous oomplaint, there is no Hostetlers more genial and thorough remedy than Stomach Bitters, which is also a beneficent tonic and strength remedy yromotter, and preventive and a of widely fever esteemed for and ague rheumatism, kidney and bladder troubles. Dr, Moffett’s TEETHINA (Teething Powders) Allavi Ir.itfitton Aids Diarfstlou, Regulate? tho Bowels. Siri'iiRtatn* the Child makes Teething t and Cosh onfv tS Cents Tetthfiia cures Erumions and 8ore«, »*»d nothing equals it for the summer trout’** of Children of any age. It ii safe and rare. Try It and you will never be without TEETHINA as long u» there are child* ren lu tii j House. Ask your x»nigg:?t. Tccullar In the eombinotiou, proportion, and prepa¬ ration of its ingredients, Hood’s Sarsaparilla accomplishes cores where other preparations home, entirely which fail. is Peculiar “tower in of its strengh good name at a abroad,’ peenlla tained, in the phe nominal sales it has at¬ Hood's Sarsaparilla is the most suc¬ cessful meeicine for purifying tho blood, giving strenghth, and creating an appetite. DOUGLAS! l,E41Ur*Fr*p’r •AUT,(lii*mM)M **»«•...... LY« On*# T#MP •**••••• ••••••*•• • drub, flwitat SeU.’15,1888* dflciil Paper of Spalding Co. Official Paper el the City of Griffin __________________■" . ——— AdTcrtielna Ratoe. ttKsr*"-sfs5s^S‘ DAILY -* to* dollar par square far the : NOTICES 10 oanU par line i mg aaah insertion. No ineertion under this toadfo* late than 60 oenU. All insertion* got [h, than one dollar moat be paid for in *^j 5 b»| rata# eontinne will be their made advertisements with parties ^^ wishing to ^W ^^^merataaaafo^h^Paiiv^ DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For President, GROVER CLEVELAND, of New York. For Vice President, ALLEN O. THURMAN, of Ohio.* For Gorernor.J JOHN B GORDON. For Secretary of State, N. C. BARNETT. For State Treasurer, R. U. HARDEMAN. • For Comptroller General, W. A. WRIGHT. For Attorney General, CLIFFORD ANDERSON. For Member of Congress, 5th Diet., JOHN D. STEWART, of Spalding, For Senator—26th District. JOHN I. HALL, of .Spalding. For Representative, N. M. COLLENS, of Spalding. Summary of Chicago platform: W* 1 !!paint bright red the poor man's nor And keep the tax upon his clothes.' Jones,he will pay the freight again this year in New York, and the lie publicans will feel his weight in the eleotion. — H" ■ i ■ ■ ■ ♦ " » ........ -» THE NEWS FROM VERMONT. The Republicans have carried Ver wont, and their rejoicings show how great has been their anxioty. We suppose we must surrender all hope of changing the political complex ion of Vermont and ridding the Sen ate of Moral! and Edmunds. It was * too much to hope that the tidal wave which is sweeping all over the coun try would break down barriers erect ed in the Green Mountain State by fif ty years of ignorance and prejudice- Three, possibly four States, must be conceded to the Republicans: Oregon, Vermont, Maine, with about even chances of carrying Fennsylva nia, Ohio and Kansas, Blaine caried Pennsylvania by 81,000. Mr. Mo Glare says the majority for Harri son will be nearer 20,000 thau 40.000 Ohio went for Foroakor by 23,000 in 1887, and this ought to give a man of Harrison’s character 100,000 on the supposition that a State which will twioe elect Foreaker will elect any body with the Republican nomination. Bat the Old Roman is on the Demo eratic ticket this year, and the old Jacksonian voters are rising up all over the State. Stranger things bare happened than the defeat of Harriaon in Ohio. Of Kansas there it little to say, but before we surren der that State we will wait for tho election retrrns. Still we confess to a disappoint went of a hope, wild perhaps but patriotic,in the retarns from Oregon, Verm out and Maine. We wanted Mr. Cleveland to have every elec tonal vote cast for him in 1888, to that be might begin bis sec ond administration and the second century of oar government, as Wash ingtOB began the first, by the UDam one choice of the United States. In this we are disappointed, bnt the ma jority will be large enough to force fhw the Republicans a recognition «# the fact that tbe President of the United States represents the majes ty of tbe whole people. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. To the Voters of Spalding County. At the solicitation of friends I offer f«i the position of Tax Collector of Spalding county, subject to a nomination of the Dem¬ ocrat party if one is held. B. D. BREWSTER. .'TUS PAPKE ‘’t* Ndvcrti fliircn * * (TO Syimo? * SLWhewtdvm IV NEW VOI(< islaf *w i CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA. % Rothje to the Traveling Public. Tbe boat and obeapeat passenger ronte to New York and Boston ia via Savannah and elegant Steamers thence. Passengers before pnrebas ing tickets via other rontes wonld do well to inqaire first of the merits of the ronte via Savannnb, by which they will avoid dnst and a tedions all-rail ride. Rates include meals and stateroom on Steamer. Round sale Jane trip tickets good will be placed on 1st, to return nn til Oct. 31st, New York Steamer sails tri-weekly. Boston Steamer weekly from Savannah- For farther information apply to any agent rf H is Company, or to E, T. Ci: ulton, G. P, A. Savannah, Ga: C. G. A? pee i.v,Ag-t St earner, Savannah, Ga. if you ra rri Customers, Boarders, Aught, To be Bought Agents, r or Gold, Orders, handise Sold. Servants or Place, i.v.Js to Appraise, Lawyer Musical or Teachers, Case, Opening To Days Popular Preachers, Houses Announce, Acres, or Cooks, Butohcrs or Bakers, Books, Hire Boats, Votes, To or Let, Offices, Dress skirt or flounc e First Basement, Floor, A A cure Handy for Valise, disease, Casement, Cheese, A MuslluChcmise, To Purchase a IYf, Horse, Mare, Teas, Bees, Monkey Bloodhound or Bear, i’eas, Are Prone or bj i / 1 >r Free from Fits, To Make Known, To Hire a Hall, Your Store, Driver or team, Carriage,Dry Hosiery, oods, An Opulent Elegant LIplioIsiery* An MitrriujjCj Play .Concert or Ball, Excursions, Picnics, Skates, Plates, Knick-Knacks, To seil to gay creatur'aDiversions, Clothes Made, Diamonds, Increase Ready; of Trade, Pearls, d Rings, Coal. Coke and Woo Curls, Pictures, Lectures, Wash for Features, To buy Odd Tilings, All Kindsof Food Or sell Odd Tilings, Magic, Works on Theology, Cats, Wealth Astrology, and Felicity, Rats, World-Wide Publicity Mats, Flags, Flats Bats, Bags, Rags, Pantaloons, Hats, Nags, ResplendertCravnts, Dress shirts or collars Mutton or Beef, Almighty Dollars, Financial Relief, House for Tenement, Rent, Stocks, Store, Clocks, Cash to be Lint, Locks, Cash to be Spent, Socks, Scent, Portmenia or Box, Tent, Pig, Sheep or Ox, Roman Cemeut, Or Even a Beau— Go— Then in a Trice, Read the Advice,* Take the Advice Far Beyond Price, Written Bolow— Written Below— ADVERTISE -IN THE- Daily News To Business Men. -XTO LABORED ARGUMENT IS NEEDED LN in these days to convince INTELL1 GENT men that it Pays Well] to Advertise RMIIMMGIl SHOP COLUMBUS, . GEORGIA, .TOE MeGHEE, JProp’i -)o(-- The best place in Columbus to get a bath or clean Shave. Give us n call when in th city JOE MeGHEE Regular & Perfect DIGESTION BOMOTED BY USE OF ’ Tarrant's Seltzer . Aperient, Sold by Tarrant 4 Co., N.Y., and Druggist* everywhere, $100 to $200 Agents preferred who can furnish their own horses and give theif whole time to the busi¬ ness. Spare moments may be profitably em¬ ployed also. A few vocaneies in towns and cities. B. F. Johnson & Co., 1009 Main St/ Richmond, Va. JMWtWMKMCSg. taw ADVERTISERS :<m learn the exact cos/ >1 an) nroposed hne advertising in America: papers by addressing ' tec. P. Rowell i : z Co., f - t.<* '-.-Usin' tiuref-o Ii) ! pf «• , New V >rk. • . IV' > ,*J>* tOO-P»,« i*a fhte-’ j lagdlV|hk«JUA with I tt» cured ax hams I tta&ntoaVBw out Tvom Book of par- _ u NPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! Over a Million Diatribe' L.S.L. Louisiana State Lottery Company its franchise maae a pan 1879, o» by ub over¬ S tate Constitution, in an whelming popular vote DRAW- IU GRAND EXTRAORDINARY BER DRAWINGS take place on each of the the other ten months in the year, and are at drawn in public, at the Academy of Music' New Orleans, La. “Wedo herebycertifythatwesupervise the arrangements for all the monthly and Qnar- terly Drawings of The Louisiana State tot tery Company, and In person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, ana that the ame are conducted with honesty, fainiees and in good faith toward all parties, i-S* we authorize the Company to use this certificate with fac-simllesof oar signatures attachedm its advertisements.” Commtuluavil. We the undersigned Banks and Bankers will pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisiana State Lotteries which may be presented si ourcountors: B. M.W.tlMSll!V.Pr«». PrciStat* Bal JLu.Xat'l l Bit. B. i.BAIUWlRiPrM. p. IIJIAIX, Jf. «.atari Basil CAB*. HOII.V, Fro. Union W ’IBank Grand : Monthly : Drawing 111 the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, October 9, 188S, CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,00. 100,000 Tickets at Twenty Dollars each Halves $10: Quarters $5; Tenths $9; Twen¬ tieths $!. list or phizes. 1 Pbizecf *300,000 is.......... $300,000 1 Prize of 100,000 is.......... 100,000 l Pbize of 50,000 is.......... 50,000 1 Pbize of 25,000 is.......... 35,000 3 Prizes of 10,000 are......... 20,000 5 Pbizes of 5,000 are......... 25,000 25 Prizes OF' 1,000 are......... 25,000 100 Frizes of 500 are......... 50,00o 300 Prizes of 300 are —..... 60,COO 500 Prizes of 300 are......... 100,000 APPROXIMATION PBIZES. 100 Prizes of $500 are............... 50,000 100 do. 300 are............... 30,000 100 do. 300 are............... 30,00 TERMINAL PBIZES. 999 do. 100 are............... 99,900 999 do. 100 are............... 99,909 3,134 Prizes of amounting to......$1,054,800 Note.— Tickets drawing Capital Frizes are not entitled to terminal Prizes. For Club Rrates, or any further informa tion apply to the undersigned. Your hand¬ writing must be distinct and Signature plain More rapid return mail delivery will bearing be as- surred by enclosing and Envelope your full address. Send POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange in Ordinary letter. Currency by Express (at our expense) addressed to DAUPHIN, M. A. New Orleans La or M.;A. DAUPHIN, Washington, D. C. Address Registered Letters tc Jf BW OBJ- BAA* BA TO* At BABB New Orleans, La. REMEMBER That th* preteac* of C<*a*rala Beauregard and Early, who are In charge of the drawings, is a guaantee of absolute fairness and integrity, that the chances are all equal, and that no one can possibly divine what numbers will draw a Prize. REMEMBER GUARANTEED that the BY payment FOUR NATIO of all Prizes is NAL BANKS of New Orleans, and the Tickets are signed by the President of an In stitution whose chartered rights are recog nized in the highest Courts; therefore beware of any imitations or anonymou schemes. The Georgia Midland RR Shortest ami Best Line Witlx Xliroiiglx Conch os Between COLUMBUS aoO ATLANTA. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Washington, New York, Nashville or Cincinnati. Train leaves Columbus (Union Depot) 1:05 p. m., arrive at Griffin 3:56 p. in,, Atlanta 5:40 p. m. South Bound train—Leaves Atlanta 3:40 p. m., Griffin 5:40 p. in., arrives m Colum¬ bus 8:40 p. m. Accominodntion Train NORTH BOUND—Daily except Sundays. Leave Columbus, Midland Depot, 7:00 a. m. Arrives at GrifHn,................12:35 p. m. Arrives at McDonough........... 3:30 p. m. SOUTH BOUND—(Daily except Sunday.) Leave Leave Griffin......................8:25 McDonough................6:40 a, m. a. m. Arrive at Columbus...............2:05 p, m, SPECIAL TRAIN—(Sundays only.) Leave Griffin.................... 8:25 a. m, Arrive at Columbus..............11:28 a. rn. Leave Coiambus ................. 8:25 a.m. Arrive at Griffin.................11:30 a. m. Arrive at McDonough............13:20 p. ra. M. E. GRAY, Snpt. C. W. CHEARS, Gen’l Pass. Agt, Columbus, Ga. ER UNIVERSITY MACON. GEORGIA. --jo*- TTtlFTY-FIFTH ANNUAL SESSION opens JL 1 September 26th and closes June 28th. Elegantly furnished class rooms and neat, new Centrally cottages for students. located. Good board at reasona¬ ble rates. For catalogues and other information ap¬ ply to REV. J. A. BATTLE, julyl2w4 President. m cum business college BRIE, PA., for circulars. The best school , In America. Fall tom begins Aug. 3ft Mention this paper. THE CAMPAIGN IS NOW OPEN! m THE GRIFFIN NEWS Is in the light, and should be rend by every il TRUE DEMOCRAT! *' who desires to keep postod on the p >iuU of the greatest political struggle ever kaova in his republic, in which not alone pariy supremacy is involved, but in tho language of tbs President “We struggle to seeu-c and save cherished institutions, the welfare an! htppi- 3 ness of a nation of free men. The main battle grounds of this conflict will be New York and Indiana; and theNiwi | has made special arrangements to present trom time to time the progress of the cumpxig* ' n the Empire State of the North, as viewed from tho most absolutely trustworthy Demo- ratio standpoint, and will also have special service from Indiana, Appropriate and point* a d political cartoons will appear from time to time. In State affairs ai. ■ politics of Spalding ami urroumling counties, the people white kept fully posted tv litorial utterances and by special correspondents, being better ■I prepared to do this than any other paper tn this section. The News U the oflkial org»M the State in this county, of the county itself and of the city of Griffin, aud enjoys the full** confidence of the p.irty end its leaders. <1 With all this, ' s recognizes that there is something beside* polities even in »P® :| litfeal year, and v. height and newsy as ever. Renewed attention will he paid to attracting imtnigi :, i . co-operation with the great Democratic newspaper of the tropoiis, theNcw V >■’ 8tar. The most eminent of Southern statesmen will be invited ta | discuss the poHt.Va .i.-peet of the South; ifs most successful business men to portrty 1 industrial conditions and demands. In this, the News should receive the substantia! * and encouragement ; ’ ■ ver) citizen of this section. The fanning dcpui tn ent will appear regularly as at present and illustrated each week. , Illustrated novelettes will also continue to be an interesting feature. The price of the News pl.aes it within the reach of the humblest voter, while its char** 1, ^ ter is equal to that of papers three times the price. The Daily News will be **nt fr»» now until January 1st next for $2.50, from August 1st to January 1st for $2.10, fromSeyt** |j ber 1st to January 1st for $1.70, and from October 1st to January 1st for $1.25. The Weekly News will be sent one year for 50 cents, six months for 25 cents. C*M; the office, or subscribe through your postmaster or any of our many correspond*#!* j through Judge R. II. Allen, onr Pike County Editor, or through DOUGLAS GLESSNKR, Publish**, Griffin, 0*. GET YOUR NEIGHBOR TO SUBSCRIBE. New Advertisements mHE J. UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH is located at SLA ANEE, TENN.,upon the Cumberland Platan. 3,000 feet above the sea level. This =rh"«d, under the special patron age of the Bishops of theProtestsnt Episco¬ pal Church, in Dio South and Southwest, of¬ fers the healthiest reslsence and best adnmt- nges, School both moral and in and its educational,in Collegiate its Theo¬ Gram mar and logical Departments- For the special claims of this University the Rev,TELFAIR fer patronage, apply for documents to HODG SON, Vice-Chancellor, Sewanee. Tenn. tbs Pimag ~ MSMEnSr*- sgaafflis i SON. onr authorised agent* DR. MOFFETT’S — FEMALE MEDICINE' lne By S^t giving tone nlhD to and «trenvtheiilncl"*- lt j. : ^^m ^j ng u: >'*P£HS? t& corrects from which all Irregularities laities aed suffer. « n “ 0 JtljLvSI so many health •ndst'-eft weak, dehltlta cheerful ted the woman despondent, de Pff^ makes noladv should spirits. In chance of life SaiftandUi out INDIAN WEED. UU Ask your Druggist. E. R. Anthony, Griffin and M. F. Oehard Hill, Ga,