The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, September 25, 1888, Image 2

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-- mm % OOVQLAB GLBSUXgB, Editor * Vnp*r l»jHHf,fInAar*nc«)P«r Anaum......1* 00 iTIttKKiT * OiC Yeas ••••#••• .......... 1.00 Jrlttn, Georgia, Sopf. 25,1888. Official Paper of Spalding Co. Official Paper of the City of Griffin Advertising 1 Rates. DAILY One dollar par aqnare tor the flnt ftwm torn, and fifty oents for each sub- m&mt one. Ten linen or less to be count- ^araOllL NOTICES No insertion 10 cents under per line this 1 £1,1 or insertion. All insertions f OI less than BO oents. paid for in ■ r lees than one dollar most be it rates will be made with parties to continue their advertisements W^KEKLY-~8ainer ates as for the Dailv. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For President, GROVER CLEVELAND, of New York. For Vice President, ALLEN G. THURMAN, of Ohio.: For Governor. -JOHN B GORDON. For Secrotary of State, N. a BARNETT. For State Treasurer, R. U. HARDEMAN. For Comptroller General, W. A. WRIGHT. For Attorney General, CLIFFORD ANDERSON. For Member of Congress, 5th Dist., JOHN D. STEWART, of Spalding, For Senator— 26th District, JOHN L HALL, of.Spalding. For Repiesentative, N. M. COLLENS, of Spalding, Some Delaware Republicans hure nominated Mr. Treat for Congress. No doubt Mr. treat is fully commit ted to tree whisky. Senator Don Cameron is said to regard Mr. Harrison as a chump. Senator Cameron and numerous prjm inent Republicans will this year vote for Belva Lockwood. $he Chinese treaty has been re¬ jected, according to authentic infor¬ mation received at the State depart ment, and the President will sign the bill recently passed by both houses excluding the Chinese entire¬ ly from this country. A heavy defaulter in New York do olarea that be owes bis fall to piny ing policy and amateur farming. Of course his case was hopebss bom the first. Had he applied himself lo amateur farming alone, however. 1 e would have saved a goi il deal of time in bringing on the crisis Philadelphia proposes to put its House of Refuge children on farms, on what is called the “cottage” or “family plan,” thus doing away with a number of disagreeable prison feat ores, With country air and opportn nities to commune with nature, no doubt the-Philadelpbin juvenile tough will be greatly benefited and grow up to bea distinguished protection statesman. Some checks must be put upon tbe balloon professors. One of them recently carried up an innocent spec tator whose feet had become entan gled in with the ropes, and who made the ascent head downward. If a professor wants to take up a few spectators for ballast, and will drop them often as occasion requires,there will be no great amount |of itidigna tion, but no professor should be per¬ mitted to yank up a spectator by tbe heels. That is mere rudeness and can in no way farther the cause of science. Mercy is » good servant that it wdl never allow its master to die u beg gar. Tbe virtues that Jie in War ner'e Log Cabin Plasters are as ben eficiont and lasting as the. qualities of mercy, Beat and cheapest porous plMter in the market. AS INDEX OF ANOTHER KIND. On August 24 Mr. Blaine said in one of his Maine speeches: “And, fi¬ nally ;rcmeobcr that the vote of Maine iti September will be an index of how strongly the popular strength is con¬ solidating in support of our splendid nations' ticket of Harrison and Mor¬ ton—two candidates who represent on every page of their political rec¬ ord and every purpose that inspires them, the great principles and patri¬ otic purposes cf the Republican par¬ ty.” What docs Mr. Blaine think of the vote of Maine in September now as an “index” of how strongly popular strength is consolidating in support of Harrison and Morton!* What sort fo an index is .hat which shows a re¬ duction of the Republican plurality of over a thousand and a Democratic gain of over three thousand ? And that, too, in spite of tho fact that tbe Republicans made a desperate strug¬ gle to increase their plurality, their recognized and most popular leader devoting his entire time since arriv ing from Europe to an attempt to achieve that result, while there seems to have been no particular effort on the part of tho Democrats whatever, the Democratic National Committee completely ignoring the campaign in Maine, and giving the party in that State no assist a nce at all. This is evidently one of those in¬ dexes which “point the other way.” THE STATE FAIR POSTPONED, The existence of yellow fever in Florida and the danger of spreading it by bringing in large crowds to Ma con from South Georgia, where they would mingle with people from all puts of the State, has decided to post pone the Stele Fa’r indefinitely, which means it will not be held this year. This action seems to be pru¬ dent and wise, and is generally com., mended. In his speech at Cincinnati, Ohio, on Tuesday, Mr. Carlisle displayed a sense of humor which was not suppos ed to find a place in his mental com¬ position. Referring to Mr. Blaine’s prominence in the Republican car.* vass, at Mr. Harrison’s Expense, Mr. Carlisle said that he believed when a man attended to his own funeral “he ought tu be allowed to go at the head of the procession; but it seems that Mr. Harrison is not to enjoy this privilege.” This is the most faitnful statement of Mr, Harrison’s position and rights that has been made so far, and it loses none a>f its point, to Re¬ publicans, for being so serious a joke and coming ftom so serious a joker. Chief Justice Bleckley is of the opinion that the three Judges of our Supreme Court have too much work. Ho thinks that the adoption of the pending constitutional amendment to increase the number of Judges to five would expedite (he business of the court and make the bench Uss a tread-mill to its occupants’ Judge Cleckley is very correct, and the peo pie will vote as lie says in October. Dyspepsia Makes the lives ot many people miserable, and often leads to self-destruction. Wo know of no remedy for dyspepsia more successful than nood’s Sarsaparilla, It acts gently, yet surely and efficiently, tones tho stomach and other organs, removes tho faint feeling, creates a good appetite, cures headache, and refreshes the burdened mind. Give Hood’s Sarsaparilla a fair trial. It will do you good. A Hint to Fnuy People, From their arrival on this planet to their ususlly early departure from it, people of weak constitutions and angular Like physiques dormice pass a sort of half-cxietence. they burrow in their home retreats, afraid of heat, afraid of cold, constantly afraid that the shadow of the dread reaper will ina terialize and exact the forfeit which he de¬ mands from all, sooner or later. No finer medicinal assurance of comparative afforded vigor IIos- for the feeble exists than that with by t(qtcr's Stomach Bitters. Used persis¬ tence—not with spurts and spasms—thi gen¬ ial and professionally commended tonic will do much toward infusing strength into a puny system; and rounding off scrawny an¬ gles in the human figure. Appetite, nerve tranquility and and nightly malarial, repose rheumatic, are encour bilious aged by it, a It reestablishes diges tendency prevent! overcome. kidney troubles. tion and Or. Moffett's TEETHINA (feef/iing Powders) Rowel*. Allays Irritation Aids Digestion, Ohtld KfRulatcs the SiTtiKthms th« jiakcs i’eetbtng F.»«y Fruptlnns *m} Cit-l" <*Miv 25 Oin* leclhtna cure. It .1 ij and noilimjr equals for the SunmiFi- Irouffies of Cfcllilr*A of any age. It itcrftandtvrc. Try tt *tid >«a will never be wtlO'.at TKT.TtMJi A as long si there are child¬ ren in the lied •- Ask you t .ira*g;?t- Advice to Mothers. M.j. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething, is the prescription of one of tho best female nurses and physiciaus in the United States, and has been used for forty years with never failiug success’by millions of mothors for their children. During the process of teething its value is incalculable. It relieves tbe child from pam. cures dys entory and diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and wind qolic. By giving health to the child and rest- the mother. Price 25 cents a bottle, augeod&wly m Be Sure If you have made np yonr mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be Induced to take way other. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a peculiar medtctae, possessing, by virtue of Its peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation, curative power superior to any other article. A Boston lady who knew what she wanted, and whose example is worthy imitation, tells her experience below: To Get “ In one store where I went to buy nood’s Sarsaparilla the clerk tried to Induce me buy thclr own Instead of Hood's; he told mo their’s would last longer; that I might take It on ten days’ trial j that If 1 did not not Ike Who it I I need not pay anything, etc. But he coaid not prevail on mo to change. I told hint I knew what Hood’s Sarsaparilla was. I had taken It, was satisfied with it, and did not want any other. H ood’s amm smmmmm—m When I be ran t king Hood’s Sarsaparilla I was fc< ring real miserable, suffering a great deal with dyspepsia, and so weak that at times I could hardly stand. I looked, and had for some time, like a person in con¬ sumption. Ilootl’s 8 arsaparilla did mo so much good that I wonder at myself sometimes, onrl and »v>w my fvlorwla friends fvnnnanltv frequently speak cnflfflr nf of it.” it. ** MRS, Mr.a. Ella A. Goff, Cl Terrace street, Boston. Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. SI; sixforfiS. Prepared only by C. L HOOD & CO., A poll arioa. Lowell, Mass. 100 Dose 3 ne Dollar POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. To the Voters of Spalding County. At the solicitation of friends I offer for the position of Tax Collector of Spalding county, subject ton nomination of the Dem¬ ocrat party if o. held. B. D. BREWSTER. THE VERNON, Mrs. A. E. RIDDLE & SON, Prop’rs Cor. First Avenue and Thirteenth St., COLUMBUS, : : : GA. Jggf” You aro most cordially invited to stop with us while in the city. septlSdlm New Advertisements. GUNS REVOLVERS,_J price list to JOHNSTON end_stamp, & SON; for Pittsburgh, Penn. PARKER’S Cleanses .HAIR BALSAM beautifies hair and the [Promotes a luxuriant Restore growth. Gr*y Never Fail* to Color. [Prevents Hair to its Youthful Dandruff and hair falling 60a. and si 00ot Druggists. EXHAUSTED VITALITY rpHE A great SCIENCE Medical OF Work LIFE, tbe of the age on Manhood, Nervous aml( Physical Debility, Premature ' Decline, Errors of youth, and the untold miseries consequent thereon, SCO pages 8vo, 125 prescriptions for nil diseases.. Cloth, full gilt, only $ 1 . 00 , by*” mail, scaled. Illustrative sample free to all young ini middle-aged men. Send now. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by the x tloy^I Medical Association. n . Address P. o bor ISSSrrioston, Mass., or Dr. W. II. PARKER, grad Rate of Harvard Medical College, 25 years’practice in Boston, who may be consulted confidtmtiaUy SoeciaUv. Disease.) of Man. Office No^Buliiuch w. HINDERCORN8. The only sure Cure for Corns. Stops all pain. Ensures comfort to the feet. lie. at Druggists. Uiscox&Co.,N. V. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC The best of all remedies for Inward Pains, Colic, all Indiges- Stom- tion. Exhaustion Exhaustion and ach and Bowel troubles. Also the most effective cure for Coughs* Colds, Bronchitis* and affections of tho breathing organs. It promotes refreshing appetite, sleep improves the overcomes nervous life and prostration, strength and gives new to the weak and aged, 50c. and $r.oo, at Drgguists. Cratefui- ! Comforting. EPPS’S COCOA BREAKFAST. “by a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the oparations of diges tion and nutrition, and by a careful applica- iion of the flne properties of well selected Ooacoa. Mr. Epps has provided cur provid¬ ed ohr breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save ns many heavy doctors'bills. diet It is by the judicious use of such article of that a ronstitution enough may be gradually resist built tendency up until to disease. strong to every Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. Wc may escape many a falal shaft by keeping ourselvec well lortiflcd with pure blood and a properly nourished frame,” —Civil Service Gazette, Made simply half- with boiling water or milk. Sold only in pound tins, Grocers, labelled thus: JAMES EPPS <feCO., Homoeopathic London,. Chemists, England. VgLOUS licMORY DISCOVERY; Any Book learned in one reading. IMUnd wandering cured. Speaking wiikout note*. Piracy condemned by Mnpreme Court Orral iDdnceoieal. to correspondence clauses- Prospectus, with opinions '■{ Dr. VVm. A. Hammond, the world-famed Specialist in Mina diseases, Daniel Greenleaf Thompson, the great Pyseliologist, J. ....... M. Buckley. D, 1). D. 1)., Editor of tbe Christian Advocate, "k Richard Proctor, the Seletist, nnd Hons. others, Jodgc Gibson, Jadah P. Benjamih, sent post free by Frof, A. LOISETTE, 237 Fifth Are;. New Y-rk. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA Notice to the Travel Public. TLe best and cheapen! Boston passenger is route to New Yotk and via Savannah and elegant SteamerB thence. Passengers before would purchas do ing tickets via other routes well to inquire first of tbe merits of tho route via Savannah, by which they will avoid dust and a tedious all-rail ride. Rates include meals and stateroom on Steamer. Round trip tickets wtU be placed on sale Jane 1st, good to return an til Oct. 31st, Ntw York Steamer sails tri-weekly. Boston Steamer weekly from Savannah; apply For further information to any agent of this Company, or to E, T. Charlton, G. P, A. . Savannah, Ga: C. G. Anderson, Ag’t Steamer, Ga. Savannah, IF Y 0 D WHS Customers, Aught, be Bought Boarder?, To Agents, Silver or Gold, Sold. Orders, Merchandise Servants or Place, Gsods to Appraise, Days Lawyer or Case, Opening Musical Tear jers, To Announce, Popular Preachers, Houses or Acres, Cooks, Bntohers or Bakers, Books, Boats, Votes, To Hire or Let, flounce Offices, Dress skirt or Basement, A cure for disease, First Floor, A Handy MuslinChemise, Valise, Casement, A To Purchase a Pot, Cheese, Horse, Teas, Mare, Peas, Bees, Monkey Bloodhound or Bear, Spitz Or Are Prone or Free from Fitz, To Make Known, To Hire a Hall, Your Store, Driver or team, * Hosiery, oods, An Elegant Carriage.Dry Upholstery* AnOpulent Marriage* Picnics, Play .Concert or Ball, Excursions, Skate?, Knick-Knacks, Plates, ereatur’sDi versions, To sell to gay Diamonds, Clothes Ready; Made, Pearls, Increase of Trade, d Rings, Coal. Coke and Woo Curls, Pictures, Wash for Features, Lectures, To buy Odd Things, All Kinds of Food Or sell Odd Things, Works on Theology, Cats, Magic, Astrology, and Felicity, Rats, Wealth Publicity Mats, World-wide Flats Flags, Bats, Rags, Pantaloons, Bags, Nags, Hats, Dress shirts collars Respleudet Mutton Beef, t Cravats, Almighty Dollars, or or Financial Relief, House for Rent, Stocks, Store, Tenement, Lint, Clocks, Cash to be Locks, Cash to be Spent, Socks, Scent, Portmonia or Box, Tent, Cement, Pig, Sheep or Ox, Roman Or Even a Bean— Go— Then in a Trice, Read the Advice,’ Price, Take the Advice Far Beyond Written Below— Written Below— ADVERTISE -IN THE- Daily News To Business Men. "VT0 LABORED ARGUMENT IS NEEDED -lAI in these days to convince INTELL1 GENT men that it Pays Well to Advertise siegular.& Perfect DIGESTION ROMOTED BT USE OF Seltzer Tarrant’s Aperient. Sold by Tarrant * Co.. N.T.. and Druggist* everywhere. $100 to $200 Agents preferred theif who can furnish their own horses and give whole time to the busi¬ ness. ployed Spare also. momentsmay few vocaneies be profitably in towns em¬ A and cities. B. F. Johnson & Co., 1009 Main St,' Richmond, Va. yoS consumptive has Itaa cured cured------- many of the --------------- worst cases and nd J is the ~ L best ^-------*‘~ ; remedy for all affections tt the throat and lungs, and______ diseases and arising sick, from Btrujr^ling impure Against blood and exhaustion. The feeble the will in disease, and slowly drifting to grave, many caoes recover their health by the timely use of Parker’s Ginger Tonic, but delay isdajv gerous. Take it in time. It fo invaluable for all pains and disorders of stomach and bowels. 50c. at Druggists, lira Warehouse! The trade committe • of the Spal ng conn ty Alliance announce that we have rented Coles warehouse and engaged Mr. B. N. Birrow who is an experienced warehouse man and a strong alliance man. The business will be conducted the same as other warehouses in Griffin; each and every ing alliance who men bring in Spalding to and Griffin adjoin¬ counties cotton will be a partner in the business. According to the rales of our order M r. Barrow has given a good bond and the funds will be kept in bank until the cotton season is over, when the profits will be paid according to the number of bales each may weigh. Seoreta- ries of sub-alliances ■will please mention date of initiation on trade cards, as no one cm be a partner until he becomes a mem¬ ber of our order. We solicit the patronage of the public generally and promise as good satisfaction ss any bouse in the city. Wagon yard free to farmers, J.H. Mitchell, H. T. Patteesos, J. J. Elder, F.M. Scott, attgSl-Bm Committee. U NPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! Over a Million Diatribe L.S.L. Louisiana State Lottery Company Incorporated by the Legislature in 1868 Lit Educational and Charitable purposes, ml Its its *franehise"made franchise Constitution, made a a in part part 18TO, of of by the the present presta* over¬ State an whelming popular vote Its GRAND EXTRAORDINARY DRAW- BER DRAWINGS take place on each of the the other ten months in the year, and are al drawn in public, at the Academy of Music' New Orleans, La. “We do hereby certify that we supervise tbe arrangements for all the monthly and Quar¬ terly Drawings of Tbe Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and in person manage and con tool the Drawings themselves, ana that tb« ame are conducted with honesty, fairoess and in good faith toward all parties, |J4 w authorize the Company to use this certmoa** with fac-simllesof our signatui es attached in its advertisements.” Commissioners. We the undersigned Banks and Bankers will pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisiana 8 tate Lotteries which may be presented si ouroounters: B. 3 I.WALHSH!l .Pr*».la.*»» I B. P. A. ^abl£oh”, BALIIWIII, LAM ALX. Prr'. pr...K"i£S Prm. Htntnjtmt It. O.Xsl’l I JBlu Baal Grand I Monthly : Drawing Ih the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, October 0, 1888, CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,00. 100,OOO Tickets at Twenty Dollars each Halves ; 10; Quarters $5; Tenths *2; Twen¬ tieths $ 1 . LIST OF PRIZES. I l Prize cf $300,QOO is.......... *300,000 100,000 1 Prize of 100,000 is.......... 50,000 1 Prize of 50,000 is.......... 25,000 1 Prize of 25,000 is.......... 20,000 2 Prizes of 10,000 are......... 25,000 5 Prizes of- 5,000 are........ 25,000 25 Prizes of 1,000 are......... 50,00o 100 Prizes of 500 are......... 200Prizisof 300 are......... 60,C0 0 500 Prizes of 200 are......... 100,00 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Prizes of ?500 arc............... 30,000 50,000 100 do. .300 are............... 100 do. ............... 30,00 1 ; V. \ R PRIZES. 999 do. iJflare............... 99,900 999 do.- 100 are............... 39,909 3,134 Prizes —Tickets of amounting drawing to......$1,054,800 Capital Prizes Note. aal Prizes. are not entitled to termin For Club Rrates, or any further informa tion apply to the undersigned. Yonr hand¬ writing must be distinct and Signature plain More rapid return mail delivery will be as- surred by euelosing and Envelope bearing your full address. Send POSTAL NOTES, Express Ordinary Money Orders, or New York Exchange in letter. Currency by Express (at onr expense) addressed to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans La or M.;A. DAUPHIN, Washington, D. C. Address Registered Letters tc HEW OULGAXS SATOXAL BANK New Orleans, La. REMEMBER ":iKf.’SS’.rJ aid Early, who are In charge sf the drawings, is a gnaantee of absolute fairness and and integrity, that the possibly chances are divine all equal, what that no one can numbers will draw a Prize. REMEMBER that the payment of all Prizes is GUARANTEED BY FOUR NATIO NAL BANK 8 of New Orleans, and the Tickets are signed by the President of an In stitution whose chartered rights are recog nized in the highest Courts; therefore beware of any imitations or anonymou schemes. — HOTEL CURTIS GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. Under New Management. A. G. D NIEt, Prop’r. Po-ters roe.'! Jl [i.rina. fc lj r«ij m\\ i! {[ liiiBEii SHOP COLPiiliUS, - GEORGIA, JOE McGIlVF, Prop’i - )o( ---- The best place in Colur bus to get a bath r el ean Shave. Give ns a < all when in th ity JoE McGHEE ST. JOHN’S -COLLEGE/^iSS This College enjoys the powers of a Uni¬ versity and is conducted by the Jesuit Fath era. It is situated in a very beautiful part part of New York County between the Har¬ lem R. &L. I. Sound. Every facility is giv¬ en for the best Classical, Scientific and Com¬ mercial Education. Board nnd Tuition per Year $800. Studies re-open Wednesday, September eptercber St. John's 5th, otb, 1888. 1888 . Boys 10 10 Hall, is is a Preparatory under Sehool for oya from from to to 12, 12, under the the same same direc- direc¬ John tion. Scullt, Fer further S. J., particulars apply to Rev Pres. augiSd&wlm ADVERTISERS :an learn the exact cost A an} nroposed line c. advertising in America!, papers by addressing ’co i\ Rowell & Co., New.piiatr Arivortioing Bureau, lO Fpr>? ie h., New York. ..... iu» lOO-pago F>ar-,phle* INCREASE IN NUNII -< OF }-- Supreme Court Jndg By JOHN a proclamation B. GORDON, Governe, Georgia. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMEVT 'HEREAS, Th i } ut:rai 2(it M88 T T 1886-1887 paasedihe ! foh.,.vffi"‘% ’'ssernffi , stitution. accordance with the requirenn r u .I, ' ‘ '*3 in reference to 5 a., ud ’ ,5 < that instrument; m! “ An Act to amend Pat. of Sec n . Associate Justices.' Section L Be it enacted by the Assembly of the Statp of Georgia..; _____of this State 2““ he t? Ion II, K& ■ see article VI, thereof the wore, fon. Associate Justices,” in lieu of Justwl iw. -« ins i 1 line, “and two Associate BQXimt said paragraph when amended^ nil* The Supreme Court shall consist of a Justice and four Associate Justices. A* Constitution of the members shall elected be agreed to to by two.tMw 2 8 !' ! Houses of the General each of the . shall, and hois hereby Assembly, authorized the Gore or and stellated, published to in cause at said amendment inLUwi least two newspapers for*** Congressional District in this State 3 3 period time of of holding two months the next next preceediao elect™," u Bek. HI. Be it further general above proposed amendment enacted, shall That th» ted, for ratification rejection be submit or to the (W : ■% tors of this Stole at the next general proriSd tion to be held after publication as for in.the second section qf this Act inseT W eral election districts of this State, at t election every person shall be enUtlu vote All persons for members voting of at the said General election Assembly* I of adopting tli© in fav« r Constitution shall proposed amendment to th& oli - have written or printed their the amendment ballots the of words, Paragraph “For 1 ratication Section of t of Article VI of the , II i opposed to Constitution,” the adoption and as J persons amendment shall have of said written or printede**! | the! i ballots the words, “Against ratifies- tion of the amendment of Paragraph Constitn- I m Section II, of Article VI of the * tion.” ’ Beo. IV- Be it further enacted, That the Governor be, and hereby authorized and di rected to provide for the submission of the amendment proposed in the first section of this act to a vote-of the profile, a* required bjk the Constitution of tms State, in Far. 1 Sec. I, of Article Governor XIII, and by this Act, and if ratified, the ratification shad, when he ascer¬ tains saeh from the Secretary cf State, to whom the returns shall be referred, in the same manner as in ewe of election*?,, for members of the General Assembly, to I count and ascertain the result, issue his proe. lamation for the period of thirty days an¬ nouncing such result and declaring the amendment ratified. Sec. V. If the amendment to the Constitu¬ tion, provided by this Act, shall be agreed to by the General provided Assembly, tine and ratified by the people, as by Constitution and by this Act, Assembly then it shall be the duty of the General of this State, eonven ing next after such ratification, to proceed to effect (after the proclamation of the Govern¬ or, provided in section four of this Aot,)two additional Associate Justices of the Snpnatu Court, who shall ho.d said office for six yean from the first day of January. elected 1889, and nn til their successors are and qualified. Sko. VI. B0 it further enacted, That all laws and parts ot laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are hereby repealed, Approved October 22d, 1887. Now, therefore, said State, I, do John B. this Gordon, Prods- Gov- f : i ernor of issue my mation hereby delaring that the foregoing J proposed amendment to the Constitution is ] submitted for ratification or rejection tc the voters of the State qualified to vote for mem¬ bers of the General Assembly at the general election to be held on Wednesday, Oetobsrf 3d, 1888, as provided in said Act. | JOHN B. GORDOF, J James T. Nisbkt, Governor. Secretary Executive Department. | Tise Georgia Midland HR. ^hoi*test and Best H.i»e With Through Coach es Between COLUMBUS and ATLANTA. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Washington, New York, Nashville or Cincinnati. Train leaves Columbus (Union Depot) Atlanta p. m , arrive at Griffin 3:56 p. m,, 5:40 p.m. Atlanta A.w South Bound train—Leaves Colum¬ p. m., Griffin . r j:40 p. ro., arrives m bus 8:40 p. m. Aecommodation Train NORTH BOUND—Daily except Sunday*. Leave Columbus, Midland Depot, 7:00 a. Arrives at MoDonough........... Griffin,................ 2:30 p.m. Arrives at Sunday.) SOUTH BOUND—(Daily except Leave Leave Griflfin.,.................... McDonough................ f’m SPECIAL TRAIN— (Sundays only.) Leave ........................... Columbus..............?* m Arrive at Leave Columbus.................. Arrive Arrive at at McDonough............ Griffin.................« 1- 20 P’ M. E. GRAY, Supt. C. W. CHEARS. Columbus, , Ga. Gen’l Pass. Agt. MAN WANTS BUT LITTLE Sere below, but he Wants tha- littl* mighty quick. A or a big one is promptly filled by ***' vertising in the Daily or Weekly NEWS, HIMDI SORNS.