The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, September 30, 1888, Image 2

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rAl^r HttN _........,.**#• Co, the City ef Griffin 1SB6^ “»•- wife parti** *(«*»» D»«»- ifljjjj ;i - ST p of No* York. " ■ **■' F<* was Jsmig- ■ BMB£ ?*- K. ISW'-. --=v«, "ft «v. .. v - & ■ r ■' lir l *»* iJI^V ■' )N. ■ >: jibDiit, ife r JOHN l*fp*«*. jfev' la . SSf*: rf *r" to8 ' . FnSnMo-MUSWtW. JOBS l HALL, % ■ *» OOLLEN3, ' • S. M #fey ........ W> ~ TO-OAY'S NEWS. W. M>W.nd ..licit. c.n>M.nd ctttieal examination of today’* issue * ***ry department, on the first page twites com simitar publication m ■*fe of ike same >1 notbiog The f^imiar »«n in Oeor PZ'j : sSftsaa^v Iambus w&T' Knauirer-Sun, ft ' cay >tbr«B or four IssGdSn. Mil, prepared we have been ’Sflfear years to form, with hsad^aartcrs and* fall establishment ia AtJinta, has jfft jet been in oper atitm a week and iatfierefore not up to the ataadird aimed at; bat we are MSsred that it will, when fully in j > he equal to the beet The frauohiae for this phicb & tested absolutely in the •Niggs*?i The political j^.y,s£ i cartoon on the first ?***'» f .. with-iui whiah .... ,_______ ,.. ocita»ion*l!y no metropolitan ^ er '* cotl * idered C0;| > pWem ahm ia from the weiiWn , f Thomas Nast, attdof aa jlgh a c&vfeieras those m the Louisville Courier Journal, U* Graphic or ih* New York World. *^k* ** n ot merely * Sunday issue ■ the News, but the regular size i this time on. Is there a citizen not to The way robtom is [Atlanta PpJpU,*;, & ay of aolv even though it may be th* c effectual one. To find out wbetl ‘re *111 burn, it ie only necessary to stick your linger in it; but in this case the finger can be immediately withdrawn and the wound won heals. Perhaps a more parallel experiment would be to touch your «*8gne to * piece of iron on a frosty moatuag toase whether the iron is cold; here the iron and the tangue form an altnoRt indisaolu hie uuion, which n>»y bo compared to marriage. te? ; v :?. It, is tro^that .yo t u:srt not form a proper idcjrof tbe success or failure of poart^h p!jf|| f*!0® the Mends experience or ew(e«tfaM or ac¬ quaintances who have been there or are there already., Man, after a hard, aeriousattd #t»*toua courtship, full of the,cn?t^^>^#fndes not the and fears that he may 0 »m woman (it that lime oitly woman }n tbo uni verse for him} does not, after the siege is over, the victory won, the knot tied, and the bouse hired and lived in two# fW^:'|ears (the upper room* being occupied by the sisters, cousins and aunts of the apple of big eye)— ®*fS "e any, despite, that a ccrtaiu bfogm and glamor,, seems missing wouifig wfc^l '.jp«mded (when the earlier days of ho was glad of the privilegeof hours hanging over tbo gar den gate for in the cold, and felt bis hcart thiLl ^rill, though ln he could only sea. > g ht. - -tho where his upfo hoped-for treasure hung her bustle rest at night)~-inan finds it hard even to own to birnseli that his marriage, if not a failure, has not brought all the blise be expected, and that it bss brought about as much, if not more, caro than the aforesaid blfffl. To raufco soali v confession wounds his saiMove, Fog months proviotis to his marriage, ibia man, in periods of gushing confidence, had confided to one, if cat more, cf bis masculine friends, bis,hopes and fears with re gard to the tdtun&U, winning of this (thee) priceless and incomparable girl (such confidence being inspired possibly by U«|con8nmption of a hi fie more wiaatbat usual, while still icr the possession and enjoymont of that bachelor nocturnal freedom which, from his present matrimonial standpoint, he sees with regret ran Tfshing, a mere speck in the remote borixoii of Ins unmarried pasl) To imply no n vo (such friends that this aforetime lovely and price!ces treasure is cot qailo as priceless as She war:, that her once duloot voice vergerattimaa on the shriller treble of the less lovafy rcpld; that the gar den gale has lost all its romance, and as a thing to hat g over is valueless; that various family cares have drift ed like a traveiiog sand dune and Covered up nearly ail tbo former sen timenf : that their heads never meet, as formerly, over n volume of poems, in character befitting tbo cooing and bilKng pci|W; that, in fact, the billing is mostly, weekly confined to the set tling of the bills—to own even eo ifipcb as this is a little too much to expect from tbo average mar tied man of ihg period. This is one case where, as our cintempcuary itoald load as to infer, tba eats paw w^jnot rake out the c.icstntl?S“-a!?d marrjiige, it must bo acknowledged, is somewhat of a chee'nn’, of it is ♦apidl* bttMaafeg oee. But the ia the cheat cut wonb the rbk/of burning one's 6 n^ersl ( ’’ d ’ Rcpublicsns who are anxious to wager on the results of the coming election will please take notice that, according to th* statement ot Mr. C. W. Haynes, of Kew York, the WbolesaU Dry Goods (Jlev eland and Thurman Club wish to wager: $1,000 to $5,000 that Cleveland will receive a total of 237 electoral votes; $500 to $2,500 that the state of Illinois will g£> democratic; $500 to $1,500 that the Democrats will carry Michigan, and $500 to $1,000 that California wifi also poll a democratic majority. Mr. Haynes says men and money can be found at 343 Broadway. The daily cotton receipts of Alba By aro large, and tmil|jy. arc drawn from tery extensive Onr farmers bavo eliown ltw stwiya characterized tog their cotton into market aa as vi was picked and 00 m 7 - napoltl lho Republicans bavo the only largo hall ia tbo city artery fiight until after tha While Iho Dernocmts have hired available e,irrhe-ts Lr election __— —. The election for Governor, House officers and members of General Assembly occurs next nesday. Sure It yon imo mate up ymtr mind to Hood’s ftariaparllta do not be indneed to any other. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is a medicine, possessing, by virtue ot its combination, proportion, and curative power superior to any other article. A Boston lady wbo know wbat she and whose example is worthy imitation, her experience below: Get “ In one store where I went to buy Sarsaparilla the clerk tried to induce me their own instead of Hood’s; would last longer; that I might take it on .days’ trial: that If I did not like It I need pay anything, etc. But ho could not on me to change. I told him I knew Hood's Sarsaparilla was. I had taken it, satisfied with it, and did not want any Hood’s When I began taking Hood’s I was feeling real miserable, a great deal with dyspepsia, and so that at times I could hardly stand. I and bad for some time, Uke a person in sumption. Hood’s Sarsaparilla did mo much good that I wonder at myself and my friends frequently speak of It.” Etna A. Oorr, Cl Terrace Street, Boston. Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists, gl; six for ?5. Prepared by C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, - 400 Doses Ono Dollar PLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. To the Voters of Spalding County. At tho solicitation of friends I offer the position of Tax Collector of county, subject toa nomination of tho ocrat party if one is held. B. I). BBFWSTER. THE VERNON, Mrs. A. E. RIDDLE S SON, s Cor. First. Avenuo and Thirteenth St., COLUMBUS, : ; : J3T" You are most the cordially city. invited septlSdini to ^ith us while in New Advertisements. GUNS REVOLVERS, lend stamp price list to JOHNSTON & Pittsburgh, Penn. PARKER’S"” BALSAM HAIR and beautifies Jhc hair. Cleanses luxuriant growth. Promote* a Restore Gray .Never FatU to Color. Hair to it* Youthful [Prevents ROc. &n<l I>onctniff and hair falling EXHAUSTED ViTALiTV rpHE * great SCIENCF. Medics: OF Work LIFE, the of tho age on Manhood, Nervous anil ^ Physical Debility. Prematura 1 Decline, Errors of Voatli, and thereoa, thauntoWnilseriesconsequect SCO pages 8 to, liS proscriptions for all diseases., Cloth, fidl gilt, only St. 00 , by® mall, scalud. Illustrative sample free lo adycarr zed middle aged men. Send new. The (5. id au j Ji.tvellod Medal awarded to tho author by the K a - tfoopl Medical Association. Ad lrcBS r. O. t».v I c H3,Ato»ton, Mass., or Dr. IV. II. PARJIEIt, ,• uatcof Harvard ModioalColl<se,» years’practise In Boston, who may he consulted conlhiuutially. ooelaltv.Dlsccvc.. of Van. OffloaNo.USulflnrhst HINDERCORN8. Th© only sure Curo for Corns. 8topa&U pain. Co. N. totbe foot. 150. At UrugRlsta t PARKER S GINGER 'Phe best of all remedies for Pains, Colic* all Indiges¬ Stom¬ Exhaustion and and Bowel troubles. Also most effective cure for Colds, Broucbitis and of the breathing It promotes refreshing improves the appetite, nervous life and prostration, strength the gives weak new and aged, and $t.oo, ~ at 1 V Prgguists, . 50 c. Crateful--Comforting. EPPS’S BREAKFAST. “by a thorough knowledge of the wh'ch govern the oiiarations of and nutrition, end by a careful of the fine Epps properties has provided of well Mr. tur onr breakfast tab’es with a beverage which may save ns doctors’ bills. It is by the of such article of diet that a < be gradually built up until to'resist every tendency to of subtV maladies are us renrtv to attack wherever there is point. Wo may escape many a by keepingcmm-lvee v> eilaortifled blood and a properly nou ■ i dled Service Gazette, Made simply water or milk. Sold only in half- tin?, Grocers, labeled thus: JAMES EPFS A CO., Homcowatliie Chemists, London, England. v M.QUB E-JilSf' Griffin, * kJ Ga, Griffln U the HveUest, rduckiest, moet pro¬ gressive town in Georgia. This is no hyper¬ bolical description, as the record of the last fire years will show. During that time it haa built and pot Into most successful operation a $100,000 cotton actorj and is now building another with nearly twice the capital. It has pntup a arge iron and brass foundry, a fertilizer fac¬ tory, an immense ice and bottling works, a sash and blind factory, a broom factory opened up the finest granite quarry in the United State 1 , and has many other enter¬ prises in -ontemplatiou. It has secured another ■ all road ninety miles long, and while oca tea on the greatest system iu the South, the Central, has secured connection with Its important rival, the East Tennessee, Virginia nd Georgia. It has just secured direct inde¬ pendent connection with ChsU.mooga and the W< st, and haa the Prcsiu^..' - f a fourth railroad residing here a ■ “ working to Its ultimate co.uptol-... . With ta te and tin .o colored churches, it is now build ig a .$ 10,000 new Presbyterian ohnroh. It Ua3 increased its population by nearly one (Iffo. It has at- racted around its borders frifit growers from nearly every State in the Union, until it is now surrounded on nearly overy side by or¬ chards and vineyards. It is the home of the rape and its wine making capacity haa doubled every year. It has successfully Inaugurated a system of public schoo’s, with a seven years curriculum, second to n:me. This is part of tho reoord of a’ ! • i ude and simply Bhowsthe progress o. .... . .eady admirable city, with tke natural advantages of having the finest climate, summer and winter, in tiio world. Griffln is the county seat of Spalding county, situated in west Middle Georgia, with a healthy, fertile and rolling country, 1150 feet above sea level. By the census of 1890, it will have at a low estimate between 6,000 and 7,000 people, and they are all J the right sort—wide-awake, up to the tl. . ready to welcome strangers and anxion ecure de¬ sirable settlers, who will not be uc. less wel come if they bring money to help build np the town. There is about only one thing we need badly jnst now, and that is a big hotel. VVc have several email ones, but their accom¬ modations are entirely too limited for onr business, pleasure and health seeking guests. If you see anybody that wants a good loca- ionfor a hotel in the South, just mention Griffln. whore the Gbifl Griffin is the place in News is published—daily and weekly—the Dest newspaper in the Empire State of the Georgia, Please onelose stamps in sending for sample copies. This brief sketch will answer July 1st 1888. By January 1st, 1S80, it will have to be changed to keep up with the times. POFESSiONAL DIRECTORY D. L. PARMER, A T T O It N E Y A T LAW WOODBURY, : : GEORGIA. a iomptattention given to all business Will practice in all the Courts, and where ever tmsicesa calls. i^iT Collections a specialty. aprGdly HEADQUARTERS and Protective Leak's Collecting Georgia. Agency of GRIFFIN, ------- GEORGIA. S. G. LEAK, Manager. $3«r8cn<l your claims to 8. G. Leak and correspond only with him at headquarters. Cleveland & Beck, Resident Attorneys for Griffin. may9d&w8m HENRY C. PEEPLES, ATTORNEY AT L AW IIAMFTOS, GKOLfilA. Practices in all the State and Federal Courts. oct9d&wly JNO. J. HUNT, ATTORNEY AT LAW QalFFTN, GEOBOIA. Office, 31 Hill Street, Up Stairs, over J. 11 l\hito's Clothing Store. mar22d&wly D. D1SMUKK. W. M. COLLINS DISMUKE & COLLINS, LAWYERS, GRIFFIN, GA. office,first room in Agricultural marl-d&wtf Building dtairs. THOS. R. MILLS, TTOKNEI AT LAW, GRIFFIN, GA. Federal Will practice in the State and Courts. Office, over George & Hartnett’s aimer. r.ov2-tf. ox d. stew t>tT. arur. r. da i; a i, STEWART & DANIEL, ATTORNEYS AT law, Over George & Ilsrlnetl's, Griffin, Fedora Ga. Will practice In the State cud -ouvti. On!. “os, WRIGHT, ’ WATCHMAKER AND JEWELJjR GRIFFIN, Ga. Hill Street, Up Stairs overj. U. White r., A Co.'s. HOTEL CtnRTIS GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. Under New Management. A. G. DANIEL, Prop’r. Ioiitre ircclall trains. feb!5dly Farm and House and Lot For Sale A 202.V acre farm in 3 miles of Griffin, Ga cultivation, 80 acres in woods, cleared 120 of stumps in splendid and rocks, state fix¬ of ed for Improved farm machinery. Machin¬ ery, stock, corn and fodder will be sold with farm if wanted. All ready for business anoth¬ er year. Also,a large roomy house and two acre lot in Griffin. Ga. For particulars ad¬ dress me nt Griffin, (la., care Clark A Son. septl9d&w3m T1IAD CLARK, ADVERTISER san learn the exau c< * of an> proposed . •V-K-criismg i n Americ •- i':v»:. by addrecou. - - K INPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! Ovet a Million Distribu' i, : *,:■ : Lottery Constitution, in 1879, by an over¬ popular vote, Its GKAND EXTRAORDINARY DKAW- — • - — and uaanifluo taae and — —- al other ten months in the year, are in public, at the Academy of Music Orleans, La. “We do hereby certify that we supervise the rangetoents for all the monthly and Quar¬ Drawings of Tho Louisiana State Lot Company, and In person manage and con tho Drawings themselves, ana that th* ame are conducted with honesty, fairness in good faith toward all parties, this certlttc»<e a •— w the Company to use fac-slmilesof oursignatmes attached in advertisements.” Commnul ansn. We the undersigned Banks and Banker, pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisiana Lotteries which may ho presented ei counters: si. B. XAXAi:X. PmaSlat* Bal l Bk. BALHWU.Prfl.X. O.XM’l Bank KOMIS, Fr*i. taloa VI Bart : .Monthly : Drawing Ih the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, October 9, 1888, CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,00, 1110,000 Tickets at Twenty D 'liars each $10; Quarters $5; Tenths $2; Twen- $1. LIST Ot FRIZES.. 1 Prize of $300,000 is....... .... $300,000 100,000 1 Prize of 100,000 50,000 ia.......... Is....... 50,000 1 Prize or 25,000 I Prize OF 25,000 10,000are......... is.......... 20,000 3 Prizes of 25,000 35Ps«ESOF:U0(Xrare:r....... 5 Prizes of 5,000 are.... .. 25,000 100 Prizes of 500 are......... 50,000 200 Prizes of 300 are....,— GO,COO 500 Prizes of 300 are........* 100,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. Prizes of *500 are............... 50,000 100 do. 300 arc............... 30,000 do. 300 are............... 20,00 terminal frizes. do. 100 are............... 99,900 999 do. 100 are............... 99,909 3,134 Prizes of amounting to. .....$l,054,80f Prizes Note.— Tickets .terminal drawing lug Prizes. Capital Capital are not entitled to further For Club Rratee, or any informa tion apply to the undersigned. and Signature Yonr hand¬ plain writing must be distinct More rapid return mail delivery Envelope will bearing be as- surred by enclosing and your full address. Send POSTAL NOTES, Express Ordinary Money Orders, or New York Exchange in letter. Currency by Express (at our expense) addressed to DAUPHIN, M. A. New Oncans La or M.;A. DAUPHIN,Washington, D. C. Address Registered Letters tc NEW ORI.KAVA IS fTOJAI. B 1JB New Orleans, La. REMEMBER SSJKfiSEIE’.?! and Early, who are in charge of the drawings, is a guaantee of absolute fairness and integrity, that the chances are all equal, and that no one can possibly divine what numbers will draw a Prize. REMEMBER GUARANTEED that the BY payment FOUR NATH) of all Prizes is NAL BANKS of New Orleans, and the Tickets are signed by the President of an In stitution whose chartescd rights therefore are recog nlzed in the highest imitations Courts; beware of any cr anonymou schemes. 1 m Customers, Aught, Bought Boarders, To be Agents, Silver or Gold, Sold. Orders, Merchandise Servants or Place, Geods to Appraise, Lawyer or Case, Opening To Announce, Days Musical Preachers, Teaciers, Houses Acres, Popular Cooks, Butchers or Bakers, or Books, Boats, Votes, To Hire or Let, Offices, A Dress skirt or flounco Basement, cure for disease, First Floor, A Handy Valise, Casement, AMusliuChemiae, To Purchase a Pet. Cheese, Teas, Mare, Horse, Bees, Monkey or Bear, Peas, Bloodhound or Spitz Or Are Prone Free from Fitz, To Make Known, To Hire ft Hall, Your Store, Driver or team, Carriage.Dry Hosiery, An Elegant oods, AnOpulcnt Marriage, Upholstery, Picnics, Flay .Concert or Ball, Excursions,' Skates, Knick-Knacks, Plates, ’sDivei To sell to gay ereatur sions, Ready* Made, Diamonds, Clothes Pearls, Increase of Trade, Wood Rings, Coal. Coke and Curls, Lectures, Pictures, Wash for Features, To buy Odd Things, All Kinds of Food Or sell Odd Dungs, Works on Theology, Cats, Magic, Wealth Astrology, and Felicity, Rats, World-wide Publicity Mats, Flags, Flats Bats. Rags, Bags, Pantaloons, Nags, Hats, / Dress shirts collars ResplendettCravats, Mutton Beef, Almighty Dollars, or or Financial Relief, House fur Kent, Stocks, Store, Tenement, Clocks, Cash to be Lint, Locks, Cash to be Spent, Socks, Tent, Scent, Portmonia or Box, Roman Cement, Pig, 8beop or Ox, Or Even a Beau- Go— * Then In a Trice, Read the Advice,! Take the Advice Far Written Beyond Below— Price, Written Below— ADVERTISE -IN THE- To Business Men. AT O LABORED ARGU MENT IS XX in these days to convince INTELL1 GENT men that it Pays Well to X'y~ IN THE Dry Goods Trade lias opened up and it finds -E, J. FUEMbTER- Weil Equipped with a large flock of new and desirable gocus t * every de¬ partment. As the season advances, however, Manufacturers and Jobbers rush off the remainder of their stock at reduced prices, and I now have or¬ ders out for will these goods, and offer them at ’Such prices that it will pay you to make fre¬ quent visits to my Place. - Will offer Monday morning one case Standard Prints at 5 c,, worth 7 350 doz. Ladies Hose in Solid Black Seal Brown and Blue et 5 c per pair, well worth 10 to 15 cents. Big Drive. 2 cases Macon Knit Hose and half Hose, heavy and good, at TO c-, worth double the money. Have the best half hose at 15 c ever shown here. Sell dozens of pairs every day. ig SPLENDID VALUES IN FINER HOSIERY. ★ s®"WiIi have displayed on our center counters on Monday morning Goods a big lot of Short let gths ana Drese Patterns of Fine all Wool Dress at al¬ most your own price. Come and see them ; they will not stay long at prices named for them. They consist of desirable colors in Sebaster pools. Serges, Cashmeres, &c- One case Cashmere, wool one way. 9 c, worth 12 1-2 c, a®*Double Width Cashmeres 12 1-2 c, worth 20 c. Henriettas 36 inches wide, at 25 c. Henriettas 44 in wide at 50 c. fi&'Splendid assortment finer Dress Goods with Trimmings to match. Bif - Stock - Ret FlgtrLinels, Plaid and Striped Sackin f nnels, Blankets, at ffving Prices SEE OUR TOWELS t 10,15. 20 and 25 c. y •.! !: eye openers. Lot of ffne towtels, slight- ly damaged, at half price Good Checked Houespuii at 6 c. Shirtings, Sheetings, &c., r.t Factory Prices. Have the largest stock of Jeans, Cvssimeres and Waterproofs In the brand city. God Jeans 10 c. per yard. Jeans jitter and heavier than School-boy at 25 c. All finer grades proportionately low. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes l My Snoe deportment will be found to contain the best goods fromthemost reliable manufactories in the country. New Shoes received every day. Have on hand a lot of broken sizes in Shoes that we sell for below value EAGLE SHH0E CO’S WOMEN COARSE SHOES ARE THE BEST MADE- Splendid line Jersey Jackets, Toboggan Caps Corsets, &c. HATS ! HATS ! HATS. My stock will be found fully up to its usual standard. Good desirable goods at Rock Bottom Prices. Trunks and Satchels- 1 buy goods in this line from the most reliable manufacturer in the East and will offer you better fiuished Trunks and Satchels for the same monee that others ask for inferior made goods. say finally tha tion larg 3 ' to convert my January, If good will do it. So ine my