The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, October 04, 1888, Image 2

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TB* touhtt. gitrtng ev white at a few won in«kHtoprt>oWldom getri word f«m«»fpyb<jdy. Give tbe boy who down’*belief* in studying too hard a ebsne*. Boys who study very bird at school rarely amount to anything. Grant didn’t amount to much at Weet Point; Sheridan stood fourth or fifth in bi* class; Nelson was flog¬ ged whenever) his achoolmaater felt the need of some physicsl exercise ; “Boa*” Tweed ran away from school whenever be got a chance ; Jamea Gordon Bennett awl Horace Greeiy while at school were planning the Herald and Tribune; Qolumbu* fra qoenUy get birched tor drawing now continent* in charcoal on bto desk lid, and Adam, the first man, never want to school at *11. Boys wb study very hard generally shine at examinations, where they deliver ora tions toil of idea* they’ve borrowed from some one else, after which they have great tbiogt expected of them, and then they stop shining, and go out into the world, and are never heard of again on any large scale. They break out io spectacles at an early age, are not of much account in a baseball malob, and are apt to marty lean, studious girls, likewise in spectacles, who at tbe age ot 80 in dine to akin, bon* and large families of children. The trouble to that boy* who study very hard, burn the midnight oi! and read only soiid books toil of facts (one-third of which fifty years sfter- ward are foafld to bt only somebody’s say so with the bottom tumbled out), o»e up and wear out so much of their brains aa to have very little left when they do want to uee them. They are like our walking match nuisances, who use op all their wind at the-Mart nod come lagging ia tbe rear at the finish. A boy, and even a man, ebook toll of information dog out of books to not always a bright boy or mao, and when ho talks be some times puts you in mind of on auto matio talking encyclopedia or die* tiooary wound up and bound to give you tbe right dote, or tbe time of this discovery, or tbe date of that battle, or tbe length of this river, so that you pat your nickel in at the right slit and touch tbe spring and out comes tbe information. Boys who study easy and read what pleases and interests, general¬ ly know something at the week’send. Columbus read about the Norsemen in Greenland hundreds of years be fore his time, and about things pick ed up at sea which looked as if they bad floated from aomebody’a far-off lot. He went after this sort of knowledge, aa well as navigation, as eagerly and joyfully as seme Wall street brokers go for a lamb. He studied easy because it was easy for him to study those things, and as a result he re discovered America and got pot in tbe Sing Sing of his era lor so doing. Old Commodore Van derbiU studied first* old kifia and scows, and next bigger boata ( and finally ratiroccfc, and at tost studied bow fleet to eornl and next scoop hia tunnel through New York and scoop also tbe only railroad right of way into or out of it. He studied easy and not having in bis youth his train loaded down, with hexameters troches and spondees, or words to such effect, bo bad tbs more room and life in bto upper mental story to rake in a large and necessary amount of epos duties . Mr. Morion, the Republican candi date for Vice President, has written a letter accepting the Domination. He is in favor of protection, and tbioks that “the American people’’ “ebould find under their own flag a field of limkieaa advance in the direo tion of improvement, prosperity and happiness of man,’' Yet Mr. Morton occasionally sails under a British flag to look after his English and Canadi an interests. Possibly he considers himself a little above “the American people,’* Gan it be that we hare one of tbe four hundred as a candidate for the second highest office in tbe land f Edward Walsh, an Irish editor, has been setrienoed to five week’s im prisooment without bard labor. Tbtre‘8 ao uee trying to make a bor rible example of« man by that sort of pacisbmunL That’s a vacution. That’* o Joqg seeded ^*t. Now, if it had bees fiywwaeka' hard labor without imprisonment that would hvae beefl BOtaetblng like. Tbe Georgia editors who hare to hustle around to get money enough to pay tbe postage on their ont-oNtown dr ouhtimr Hr/ vwmW have sympathised with r.DPaUh. iPlfftel) IT M ~ HHS If I f If 11 *#?$*** <****« d SpildlDj Co. *.* h^r of U» City* W*te toylaaatobtaoa ,wj. v y - * " -• -} ; • -• ■■jvffbg *£Ss »?«$•»*« forth* Dollv, ITie TICKET. W&k For Proeident, GLHVBLAND, Of New York. For Vies* Pmid«Dt, 4LMN „fo“ UEMiN ' -." ™ 5 WART, Plf Tarawa will yj; V At moon letter be Sod* l*PS8St>* * ;> 4 skmka. •*Tbe demon of i h&* not been entirely de No, It will eontinne to ear , Tm i jprt w lonf M they §?m4fK of joeii one more bloody Bbirt.” Bat - very little nee for tbe >*r or soy other of spirit* of aril after the, Btitfoe-Harrisoa force* d»y. -;' *- Hew York Star, to * doable editorial, adroaatee tbe re* ' -i of Mayor Hewitt. Tbe atg i of tills lira in tbe fact that lathe atrictait Democratic > paper in tbe city, and ia to be nearer both tbe and Albany Admtoisira I any of its eomtetupora pp*. Mayor Hewitt, with his djs ' , and insomnia, ie getting to be 6disturbing feature i» the poli tics of tbe metropotu. UHJSTI8 0N THE KEGRO. 5 The argament made by Senator Hustle of Dooutana, in bi* contribn lion to Tbe Forum, for October. tbe Negro qoastioB, i», briefly smn toed up, ae follows* Tbe question to yet a yery grave one, because tbe negro, in tpito of all that baa boon done for him by tbe Southern white* And all tbe tortile effort* of tbe Nat ionai Government and Nortbaru.'pbil euihroptoto, baa not yet reached a seif'-reliaat or satisfactory poaitioD. etHl yearns for fruitless agitation, if all these efforts have failed, watrt there not be some ineradicable eau«e that arrests hia progress t g| aotertoViee Snob a catree Of Uto.rage, there to which in tbe to char un like *H other species of the Unman family. There to ja quasi hostility between tbe two races, placed on tbe |:|tto®e i«tg#J level, and each reoogni* e» it. They will never foae, but one ^ must rule the other. To show this, Senator Eustto quotes Hoyti&n bisto ry. tfe then reviews tbe condition the negro iu the North, especially Massachusetts, and concludes " that there to resiiy difference in no social attitude of tbe race in one the errantry from another t, except Massachusetts be is fietifa of an offensive hypocrisy. Hecoaetrnotion and Federal inter a«d Northern philanthropy ; JUMMjel the problem worse, dy thing to do is io leave it to good sense and friendliness of fhtiea. Io conclusion Sen useless to prophesy of tbe negro in this the South today be is •od satisfied, His bis ra Com pur i* a stranger to j ^<4 Ijflif p o dM v e rt oi y' to If i appeal to the of tbe Federal partisan tym The Georgia Midland E It. dhorteet and Beat Line With Through Coas h «• Botwecn COLUMBUS and ATLANTA. ONLY ONE CHANG K TO Washington* New York, Nashville or Cincinnati. Train lew* GetombssfUntoa Depto) li» |.^m, arrive at (iriffln 3Afl p. m„ AUants South Bound trsln—Leave* Attontn 3:40 p. m., Griffin 6:40 p. •»., arrive* to Colurn baa 8:40 p. m. Aecommodatiou Train NORTH BOUND—Dsllr except Sunday*. Leave CDlumbue, OrifRa',* Midlaud P**pot,'V^Os. m Arrive* at P* m * Arrive* *4 MeDwaagfa......... 3^0 p.m. SOUTH BOUND-Otolly excel t 8o»d»y.) Iwsve Griffin............... MeDo&oa^i,.,.*....... .......*• ® Lesye at Cotumtaw .........3:06 p, m Arrive SPECIAL TEAISf--(8uudsy* only -) Leave Griffin....................“ Arrive at Griffin .12:20 Arrive et McDonough p. m M. E.GBAY, Sapt. W S A C. Agt; Columbus, Oa. New Advertisements. nd stamp for -----« SON, cS^»!g®!iL luxut. nt a A r Fall* V«V «* •• Kte. and *i .00 < EXHAUSTED VITALITY *tbx X scame* or un, the *reat Medical Work 0 1 the Phytoal Debility, Premature ' DeeUne. Error, of Tooth, and theuDteidnlserlcseonseqaeut thereon, 800 page* 8 to, pmerlptkma tor all disease*.^ Cloth, full gilt, only gl.OO, | man, Male*, niastratlre sample free to aU young eedmUdleaeed men. Send now. The Gold and JeweUad Medal awarded to the author by the J»a- Mam., Aasoclatlon^ Dr. W. Addresa R PARKER, P. 0 . bo* or grad- oataef Harrard Medical Collect, OS yoars' practice In Bos tost, who may be consulted eonfldrmtially. Woeolaltr. Dleeaeos of ttaa. Office Ro. 4 Bulflnotut HIND1RCORN8. jaggaasn zasxJSri&ssskJSsx PARKER S GINGER TONIC The best of »K r»mr«to (or Taward Pams, Colic, sad aU ladtfes- Stom- tioa, Eshaosuon troubles. Also aeh and Bowel fox the matt e*«ctivi raw Coughs, Colds, Broaehitix **d affections It of the refreshing broathiag steep gam. pn»noief the appetite, improves prostration, overcomes nervous Crateful--Comforting. EPPS’S COCOA BREAKFAST. “by a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the oparattons of diges tion and nutrition, and by a careful well applica¬ selected tion of tbe Mr. fine Epps properties ha* provided of provid- Ooacoa. cur ed our breahfa faet table* with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us^many heavy doctors’----- ------- that constitution -... .. use of such article of diet a may be gradually bniit up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are Coating is around us ready to attack wherever there a weak point. Wc may escape many a ia’al shaft bluodand by keeping onmlvec properly nourished well tortifled frame.” with pure a —Civil Service Gazette, Made simply with aly in half- a aiuuo m i w «. w,, Homoeopathic Chemists, England. London, .LOUS ill LI_ DISCOVERY.' Bask lsam*4 tat •** »»*«*». AXiasi asadartac cnreslr 8 m»Uss wlltoai ■•«•>«. Piracy <«b4*Mm4 tty Ompromm Court final l*4M*M«aU la corrospoudeMcr tlasws- with opinions of Dr. Vfm. A. Hammond, Prospectus, the world-famed Specialist in Proctor-the acietlet, and Hon*. others, Jndge gent Gibson, JudanP. Benjamin, LOI8ETTE, post tree by Prof, A. 287 Fifth Ave., New York. HOTEL CURTIS GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, Under New Management. A. 6. DANIEL, Prop’r. *W Tot lei a meet all train*. feblSdly Farm and House and Let For Sal e A 202M acre farm in 8 miles of Griffin, Go 80 acre* In wooes, 120 in splendid state of «d ouUjvation. for oteaeed of stump* and rocks, fix- stock, improved and farm fodder machinery. Machin- ery, corn will be Bold with farm if wanted. AU ready far business nnoth. er year. Also, a Varre roomy house and two acre lot ia Griffin, Go, foe particulars ad- dress septI9d&vr8ra me at Griffin, Ga,, cere THAD Clark CLARK. A Son. ADVERTISERS :a n leara the exact; cos* >f art) nroposed ?ine :> . td veitisujg in America nipers by addressim. ♦CO. P. Rowell -is Co. ---Stf IO i fhT»' The silly effort of Senator* to re Tire the old sectional strife mails to response from any part of oo&utry. The people la this ipelgn *re dealing with tbe pres , not with ~r im Peculiar peculiar point* ink* Bead'* Bar- superior to sit other medicine*. PaeaUari la tomMMtiM, tefrwiieots^ pwpotttoa.j and preparation ot mod’s SsmpMfli* paw :*** tost known i«t» the w**t»«» kin** to’* 8»r- b*«Mh>^% onTjrjS Tjjrxxm." .✓"Oha&ffidredDoaea M«ueii»e* m and amsBer bottle* ^nv ^^/produoe .^renairo tarter good result* do»*J, and flood's. do not at as S Peculiar ia secomptohe* It* medicinal merit*. hlU»- Hood’* Sarsaparilla lor Itwll cures V. erto unknown, and to* won Mood/^A the title ot “The greatest purifier ftMMrta ever ttt“goodnams dlseovsrsd.’*^ S homo,”—there is vm S ^f^more S ot Hood’s SaraapariUa^r a sold In Lowell, ot whore all^r\4 f VV^* pother tu,Mae blood ’ than partners. Peculiar in It* ptonome- S ^Vosl record ol ealee abroath^r VjJL «V>rover W other preparation ha* attained »ueh popn- to to abort a tone. . \SP v^ui retained it* popuiaBty J^vaA coofideace among all claaaea ^/of induced people eo buy etead&stljr. other preparation*, Do not to to Medicine, bat to tare to get the Peculiar Hood's Sarsaparilla ioMbraIl*ro«si*a. fl I fix tor ft. prepared only tout HOOD * oa, Apothecaries, Iowan, Mas*. IOO Do»e» One Dollar PLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. To the Voters of Spalding County. At tbe solicitation of friend* I otter tor the position of Tax Collector of Spalding oo antv. snMoc t tet BQmlnatlaanf the Bom. ocrat party It ono la held. B. D. BBEW8TEK. THE VEKNON, Mrs. A. E. RIDDLE * SOD, Prop’* Cor. Flr*t Avenue and Thirteenth 8t., COLUMBUS, : t s GA. m* You are moat cordially city. Invited *eptl8dlm to stop us While to the * * aj. * .A sj, V w” I' •dvtaeXwntt where hl*,cepne to Crmb ol * stoo l fteee . . ead I ____and tmtm toe! - nL owe mf otoWwba'ha^t pyr pesfeet :t.« ‘ this rare—to sUMmiot ' roar ' tbsd Ttess i see, tiuij e* •*SUadSS2ES5i»*' Iotas* Skblxok. DrajRUt. ■“ Trf.UM oa Blood and akin ptstarts Ism. Tax 8win Bi'ccwic Co. Drsvt) ( aslant*, Os. iaict Vwhnu! and engaged Barrow who is an experienced warehouse man and a strong alliance man. The buslneaa will be conducted the same as other warehouse to Griffin; each and every alliance nmn^jn 8p*ddto^and Griffin adjoto- will be Sg® a partner of to the order basins**. Mt. Burrow According ccording to to the rules our has given liven a good bond**d the fund* will be kept to beak uiRi^ the cotton season is over, when tbe proSts ^wili ho each' paid according to the number ormOeti i ma: may will will weigh. Secret*- riea of sub-allieeces please please mention dote of initiation on trade cords, a* no one eon be a partner until he become* a mem¬ ber of our order. We solicit the patronage of tbe public generally and promise as good satisfaction assay beats totho city. Wagon yard free to farmer*. J,II. H. T, Vatthmoh, Mitubrli, PaTTZMO* . J, J. Eldxr, F. M. Scott, augSl-8m Committee. KAlHIiMiUUIi SHOP COLUMBUS, . GEORGIA, JOB McGHFJBl, Propl Tbe beat p l ene it Oh«nih)i to wW gets bath r cl* a* Mom- ftf«M »oaJU to to Hy m wM M' ' \ 1 i . J THE .U2' ■V IN Dry Goods has opened up and i E. J. FLE Well Equipped with a large steclMflii»w« partment. As the seeuea advxece and Jobbers rush eft tbe remainder at reduced prices; and I ders out for thi and will ttem Such prices that h wiil- faj-ji(«^) wate fre- ..... 4«. ^ . '' ’" '■ '■ • queni visits to my Place.“BB Macon Knit f6 Hoie and fealf Hose, heavy and good. at c., wertb double the money. Have the best half hose at 15 c ever shown here. Sell dozens of pairs ' every day. ★ SPLENDID, VALUES IH FINER HOSIERY. ★ eo-wifl have displayed on our cenler counters on Monday morning Goods a big al¬ lot of Short .tei gths and Orese Patterns of Fine all Wool Dross at most your own price. Come and see them; they wdl not stay long at prices named for them. They consist of desirable colors In Sebaster 9 pools. worth Serges, Cashmeres, Ac. One case Cashmere, woel one way. c, 12 1-2 d, sSTDouble Width Cashmeres 12 1-2 o, worth 20 c. Henriettas 36 inches wide, at 25 c. Henriettas 44 in wide at 50 c- ser’Sptendid assortment finer Dress Goods with Trimmings to match. - M -and - White Flannels, Plaid and Striped Sacii.ig Flannels, Blankels, &c., at living Prices. SEE mm TOW EES At damaged, 10,15. 20 and half 25 prirc. c. fie eye openers, Lot of fine towels, slight- ly at Good Checked Ilomcs^tm at 6 c. Shirtings, Sheetings, &c., at Factory Prices. Have the largest largest stock of leans, ________ Cassimeres . and Waterproofs in ________ the city, . God leans 10 yard. Jeans ' * better and *' heavier “ “ than Schaof-biy ' b and 25 AH finer c. per per grades yara. proportionately tow. at c. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes! STfPPHVPVi I ^ My Snoe deportment will be found to reliable manufactories in the country. Have on hand a let of broken sizes in EAGLE SHH0E CO’S WOMEN COARSE S Splendid line lereoy Jackets, Toboggan Ceps Corpse,**.. HATS ! HATS ! HATS. My stock will be found fully up to its usual standard. Good desirable goods at Rock Bottom Prices. -Trunks and Satchels- H I buy goods in this line from the most reliable manufacturer in tbe East and will offer yeu better fiuished Trunks and Satchels for the same 3 monee that others ask for inferior made goods. V W - ■*r"WiU say finally that it is my determina¬ tion to convert my large stock into money before January, If good goods at less ||r fsir value will do it. So it will be to your interest to exam* ony stock belore making you, purchases. jhX •; '~-*r .. , , NPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! Over « Million Disiribn’ A i l 1 ■' -i. m * w • Louiginnn State Lettery Jneo Edncati made part of tfw preeani It* gTate fieiohlee OonaUtuWoa, s to 1873, by over- en *S GBA^MT^RDINA.EY DRAW- the other ten month* in the yew, and Mnaio* ere al drawn to public, a» the Academy of Hew Orleans, La. and to good faith toward ell pertto*,* * * authorise tbe Company ofour elguatos to ate this attachedw- eertlfl«M« with fac-*imilee ee its advertisements.” ■Isslaaari. We the nnderalgned Bank* and Banker* will pey all Prise* drawn to The Louisian* Btate^Lotteries which may be presented »t ouroouutera: Grand : Monthly : Drawing Ih the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, October 9, 3888, CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,00. 100,000 Ticket* at Twenty Dollar* each Halves $10; Quarter* |5; Tenths 42; Twen¬ tieths 11. LIST Off PRIZES.. 1 Prize ot f300,«» 100,0001s.......... is.......... 100,000 1 Prize ox 60,W» 1 Prize at 60,000 is.......... 1 Prize o» 25,000 is.......... 25,000 3W 2 Prizes ox 10,000 are......... 2$f 5 Prizes ox 5,000 are......... 26,000 25 Prizes ox 1,000 600 are......... 50,000 100 Prizes ox are......... 00,000 200 Prizes or 800 are......... 600 Prize* ox 200 are...;..... 100,000 APPEOXIEUTIOR PRIZES. 100 Prizes ot $600 are............ a>,ooo 50.000 100 do. 800 are............. 100 do. 200 are............ 20.00 TBRMINSX. PRIZES. 999 100 are............... 99,900 999 100 are............... 99,909 8,184 Note.—T Prizes ickets of amounting drawing to......|l,054j80f Capital Prizes are not entitled to terminal Prizes. for Club Rrates, or any further toforma tion apply to the distinct undersigned. and Signature Yonr hand¬ plain writing must be mall delivery will be More rapid return as- surred by cucloelng and Envelope bearing your full address. 8end POSTAL NOTES, Exchange Express Ordinary Money Orders, or New York in letter. Currency ■ by Express “ (at our expense use) addressed to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Oneans La or M.-A. DAUPHIN,Washington, D. C. Address Registered Letters tc NEW ORLEA.NM SETUSAl D UX New Orleans, La, REMEMBER SttBSSStf ansi Early, who are ia of absolnte charge fairness mf she drawings, is a guaantee chances all equal and integrity, that the are and that no one can possibly divine whan numbers will draw a Prize. REMEMBER that the payment of all Prizes is GUARANTEED BY FOUR NATIO NAL BANKS of New Orleans, and the Tiokets are signed by the President of an In stltution whose chartered rights are recog nized in the highest Courts; therefore beware of any imitations or anonymou schemes. IF TOO Ii HI Customers, Aught, To Bought Boarders, Agents, Silver be ight Gold, or Orders, Mere hand i*e Sold. Servants or Place, Opening Goods to Day* Appraise, Lawyer Musical or Teac Case, To Announce, Preachers, sere, Houses Acres, Popular Cooks, Butchers or Bakers. or To Books, Boats, Votes, Hire ox Let, Offloes, Dress skirt or Bounce First Basement, Floor, A A euro Handy for Valise, disease, Casement, To Purchase Pet, Cheese, A MusHnChemise, a Horse, Mare, Teas, Bees, Monkey Bloodhound or Bear, Bpitz Or Peas, Arc Prone or Free from Fitz, To Make Known, To Hire a Hall, Your Store, Driver or tesm, Hosiery, Skates, Plates, Excursions,' Knick-Knack*, To sell to gay creatur’*Diveisiong, Diamonds, Pearls, Inorease Clothe* Ready; of Trade, Made, Rings, Coal, Coke and Wood Cnris, Wash Pictures, for Features, Lectures, To buy Odd Things, All Kindfcf Food Or sell Odd Things, Works on Theology, Cats, Bats, Magic, Wealth Astrology, and Felicity, Mats, World-wide Publicity Flat* Flags, Bate. Pantaloons, Bags, Bags, ReeplendettCravats, Drees shirts or collars Mutton or Beef, Almighty Dollars, Financial Relief, House fox Rent, Clocks, 8tock«, Store, Cash Tenement, be Lrnt, to Locks, Cash to be Spent, Socks, Box, Scent, Portmenia or Tent, Or Pig, Even Sheep Beau- or Ox, Roman Go- Cement, a Then in a Triee, Read the Advice,) Take the Advice Far Beyond Price, Written Below— Written Below— ADVERTISE -IN THE- Daily News To Business Men. XT OLAflORED ARGUMENT IS NEEDED to to the* then* days to convince INTELU GENT men that tt Pays WeU to Advertise