The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, October 04, 1888, Image 4

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■ ................ FOR THE LEAST MONEY ! — ^ .....$S&il?'VSW .. DRUG STORE, jMSm mn PAINTS, ________j, CHEMICALS, ouus, vaAnwhjmj kto. Kip fell iFUMERY AND TOILET SOAPS. —-—Also, | fall Ho* of ---— Piufit- leiiclw, Piints, ,01b, Brashes _ m ? And Druggisto* tew** brttom prkw*. «m ALWAYS b* found IT BREWRY’S DRUG STORE m urn Ffew»t,Q8imH, a*. ________ EEFF on hand the finest m?.' Sugar and Coffee, j li , TOBACCO. __ CIGARS AND LOWEST PRICJHI oluuj <m. to the dty. Brandies We here the ftne»t_ _ Ifdsles and A STD BEST Of ACL THI T SHOALS CORN WHISKY! ,t»tos the ineet Uirt le mode. All of the abova for mediesl purposes. Come mo * umm WATCHES! y> m's. ★ JEWELRY, ★ DINNER AND TEA SETS! —M- - DECORATED LUSTRE AND PLAIN WHITE ENGLISH GRANITE WARE. DECORATED AND PUIN CHINA _ ^ PLATE SETS, GLASS, TIN AND WOODEN WARE. KENTUCKY COOKING AND HEATING STOVES- SEE THEM AND PRICES. NOVELTY CO. m FSf IS**** k T: ** i« diii -M . Oct« .. 4* i ie President’s Wile” tar ahead of an; other floor in jarket os Mrs Cleveland herself all competition in rank and III popularity is shown by that it* aale is not confined *, but it ia eold by every deal », Re sore and order “The d*a Wife." seplSdOm SETTER THAN DIAMONDS. The Diamond Patent Flour ia but jtr thin all ethers, asalll will testify. Bay HO OTHER. For 'ole by J. M. Mills, S. II. Deane, McFarland, ties & Co., B. F. Strickland, Pat : & Brooks, J. H. Keith & Co., 10. W, Clark & Son, slldlm PosteU’s Elegant! r The finest floor in the world. Those who h&vo need it never use any other, it never faila to pive the most perfect aatiefactioD. Gallon J. H. Keith* Co, B H. Deane, J. M. Mills, W, Clark McFarland, A Sod. Boyles aag26d3n. & Co., or £ 11 O. 1 I ____ SMOKE! OttB Jnmos Pautnm, the best Ci gar in the market. Sold by nil lead dealers io Griffiu. L. Coh^n & ■' Co , Sole Agens, Macon, Go, * augSdSm „ PRINTER WANTED, A steady young experience man who in he* one or two years n ing office situation aa compositor and fair can get a maoent wages Pi! applying W£p at once to this office, tf 1 WWt —grr:- thing* Talked Abort. m k ia'i^rOHng tvery sheep the raiser makes end ble attention own luck, ho to care ; fcives his flock, eaye Bural Home. ;i«it fruit grower* find that excellence) (teache* and sell are much ora superior better than elie and the k btmaead Prominent that commission Le Conte merchant* rec f tie pears bo { ablppod week* civd so green not tatdlow that they tDl will tho keep retail two .7 up deafer gets them. k, An Ihiglith farmer says: “My twenty five years’ experimentation with potash on Norfolk soil* warrants me in advising He application in tho ordinary to roots in rotation." preference to any crop ’ Henry Stewart thinks quicklime is as ladinpein-ablo ahkorptivo in a dairy of aa toe. Itis taking ex moisture, ■ — orm-third of its weight and falling *ly fp a fine, dry powder, without any " too of moisture. , v .^..sor Beal asserts la The American riculturist that there to probably no to beneficial wild animal living in ’flea than tins skunk, which does an onnt the of common good In grubworm, dicing up and the of "hichnostarna fuse®, a pest to all lauds and a curse in strawberry toicrnAiional dairy show is to ba t Chk-aco at the time of the fat Nov. lli-25. ’ROUND ABOUT. j MatMr, <’•■«» rater SemGewi,.* mm* era •tel arm*. The roses from the wilkl-roee tree* Upon Upon the the gram gram ere ere ergorte* falling, failing, And geeee to happy Fly ioathward wildly ealling. Upon the top rail of the fence The squirrel* the madly chatter, end dense, And The to chestnuts forert, gaily deep patter; And Mary Jane buckwbest will soon commence To make the better. Col. E. Womack visited tho city yester¬ day. D. M. Bell, of Patlllo, was In the city yes¬ terday. A. J. Hood, of Hclloov ille, was in the oity yesterday. Miss Ella Fry, of Newnon, visited the city yeeterday, I. 0. Williams, of Hollonvllie, was to the city yesterday. Mrs. I), E. Urewry.of Cresweil, was to the oity yesterday. Miss Ell* Drewry, of Smoia, was In the city yesterday. William Flanders, of At lanta, was to the city yesterday. Mrs, Malone, of Brooks Station, visited the oity yeeterday. Bob Brooks, of Sonny Aide, brought cotton to town yesterday, 3. T. C&tenbead and wife, of Zebulon, were in the city shopping yesterday. H. P. Brown left for Maoon yesterday af¬ ter a couple of days stay here. C.B. Williams, tiie popular Atlanta sales¬ man, was in the oity yesterday. Capt. Irwin and family, of Hampton, are stopping at the Nelms House. There were not as many people to the city yesterday as usn&l on election days. Shatfccn Mitchell, of Double Cabins, has accepted a position with toe Alliance Ware¬ house. Col. Frank Fiynt name down from Atlanta yesterday to vote and work for the Democrat¬ ic ticket. Mrs, Boykin and danghter, of Brooks |8ta slou, were In the 'ity yesterday oa a shop ptng tour. Miss Rosa Book returned from Atlanta yesterday where she has been upon a pleas¬ ure trip. The Damr News is not only nn |all wool Democrat, but will be foond to its present sir.e to be exactly a yard wide. Deane & Mitchell have literally covered the walls and floor of their ait room with beau¬ tiful pictures of every description. Deane A Mitchell received from Baltimore yesterday the most beautiful assortment of picture ever shipped to Giitfln. 1 here has never been so many flowers in Grifltn as now, and the city ia ablaze with their beauty snd the air redolent with their perfume. J. M Me Michael, cf tha postal service, was in the city yesterday. IDs headquarters Invc been changed frotu Montgomery to Macon. Some early risers insist that we had froet here yesterday morning. One gentleman said that a great many of hi* potato vines had been bitten by it. lion. 3. D. Stewart was In th.- city jester- day and will remain lu the district until after election, speaking at all important points. We will publish a Hat of his appointment* in a day or so. The Richmond Terminal people are for reaching. Tuesday they leased the E. T. V. AG. E. It. tor ninety-nine years. This movement on the part of the East Tennessee baa created quite an excitement In railroad drrtbo. aratoga Wafers - Salmon : Oysters and Celery, *ked Sausage. Attention 1* •sJie** to toa reply to tea mb Herald raiirrod oitkle In another asm. Mr. *.*«»•* stUwiloa tla al*o fail, mil*! So teefert* tort tie Ntnrs did ■ft* tsyoBdonemeBt totte artldo, IthMsIwsjr* *#pport*4 Ur. Se* tof* rail- rood preset* wboniU roateUnrc »« or when It bod an opportunity- W. 3. Duke, of Ore herd HIS, tort M» et book yeaterday. contetiitof #400 In end $50 eeeh. Ho told It down la the fu ^kto j Vomptai'i office while some basloen end went off sod forgot end when he returned to n coople of had it we* not there. A negro who •round st the time I* euepeeted of the 0, W. Smith, of CaUns District, has returned from a prospecting tow to proceed with the DnnniwT country. He bronrhi brought subscriptions to the News from H. B.D. NutoO B. MoOultoch, T. M. and W. M. Johnson, of Shiloh, and L. Smith, Of Unionvllie, Im, all formerly Spalding ooanty, and all of whom he aa doing well. With tea or twelve thousand dollar* change, toe Griffin banka thought them¬ selves well provided to make exert during this season; but they didn’t on Griffin reoeivtng the immense amount of cel ton that has been pouring in since beginning lof the last week in September, and now are very abort of silver. It ia time our own citizens were beginning to realize toe else and growing importance of Griffin. The faot i* that there ia no bigger place for its size to the whole cotton belt There is anegro den on Katon's avenue, opposite Blakely's Bakery, that rhould be looked after by toe proper authorities. On Monday night between II and 19 o’clock fighting, cursing and violent threats were indutged in which could be heard quite a distance. Officer Cunningham was notified, when be went around and the inmates said it was only a “mother correcting a disobedi¬ ent child.” The mother he* a right to cor¬ rect her child, but not to alarm the neighbor hood with indecent language and yiolent threats. A case should be made against the inmates sod they should be fined ^heavily for keepings disorderly house. We hope this matter will be Investigated at once, as this ia not the first time this has occurred. m j nfallibla aigti of physical dacay ia sleeplessness: if this ia dangeron* in an adult, E ia deadly in early cbidhood. Dr. Bull'a comforting cough ayrnp the baby. will always Pnoe 25 aa aiat in cento. Acute rheumatism ia an inflammation of the joints, marked bv pain, heat and redness. With these symptoms apply solvation Oil, the great bottle. pain care at once. Price 25 cents a WHICH WAS THE KADDEST. W. H. Dickenson Has An Interesting Time With a Dog. \V. H. Dickenson, the fat and good natur- ed clerk at W. M. Holman & Co.’s popular grocery store, aeldora allow* hie angry pa*- ak>n to-rjae; but ho did get sort of ril .-d on iMilHundw morning, holy flay of reat though it wae.and lm hadn't got wholly over it when a Ntws reporter rim across him late in the day. Mr. Dickenson has—<r, that Is, had—two dogs, one of which be^kept for coon* and the ether for bird*, although It ia not recorded that either was good for eyetber. On Satur¬ day one of them, which from ita subsequent notion roust have been the bird dog, showed symptom* of madac**, trying to bite large chunks ont of the cook; but it* owner was loth to kill Hen account of snch a little ec¬ centricity, and so aimply shut it up at night in the back yard. On Sunday morning he found that the dog had killed three fine large White Leghorn Cochin China Brahmas of the purest Fly moth Bock breed, imported from Pekin and worth at least twenty-five cents a piece. It made William feel bad, bnt he reflected that it was Sunday and simply turned toe dog out of the yard,when it rush¬ ed into the house and attacked toe coon dog, while the rest of toe family stood around on chair* and the cook got on top of the stove. Then at last our fat friend gave reins to his righteous wrath and bit the offending ani¬ mal a whack over the head with a 2x6 scant¬ ling that should have scattered brains all over a ten acre lot. The dog retired a few peees, but immediately returned to the attack on toe other animal, apparently much refreshed by the lick. Bat after several whacks, and after turotug over most things in the room, he was finally forced out the backdoor. Mr. Dickinson then took a pis¬ tol and his boy a gun and emptied several loads into toe last resting place of hi* valua¬ ble roosters, and the last seen of the mad dog be was ambling ofi in search of other game, while toe family got down and got ready for ehpwh. Salt at druggilti, HtgutuidM tt* BoWglt/, com wtl» Distemper. Fee 1 Ml. pound by *11 — OmlOT. ■ — Try It I In 25 0 u oi S , For the cure of . Coughs,Colds. Asthma, Croup, f Hoarseness, . Cough .looping I* Bronchitis, V reli - and for the Consumptive At druggists. persons. " score V V ANTS BUT LITTLE Here below, but he Wants tha mighty quick. A flWfMPl* • tr Iresh Cake Every Day! Leave year orders with ns-^they will be tilled l>j Mrs. Ida Judkins. Best Line of Cigars in the city. Call and we will save yon money,, J. H. Keith A Co. H lirds, „ Bananas only Celery, 35c doz. Mixed nckles,"^ Oeraew*/vf Sweet Pickles, DI/lI-Iao gallon, 85c gallon. Plain Pickles, 00c gallon. Cheese 15c lb to-day. A large lot of E Crackers just received; 20 different varieties. Schweppe fine ginger J. IVC. MILLS NEW GOODS! New Codfish Spanish Spams Onions Pork Sausage Virgin------,,- Large Yellow Bananas Diied Beef to-day. Will have fresh fish all kinds Fresh Oysters. Full line eatables to-day. Give ns a trial. Prompt delivery. Clark & Son. THE ELECTION. Hail and Collens Elected by Good Majorities The election for state house officers and members of the legislature passed off very qnietly yesterday and the en Urely satisfactory to onr readers. The ne¬ groes turned out in good force, most of them coming to this precinot, but they were not altogether solid and not enough of them had paid their taxes to carry the day; though there was a pretty good number of very fresh receipts shown. The vote polled at toe court house was very large, and the count was not finished nntU a late hour, bnt the result will be found below. All the precincts have not reported, but Hall and Oolleus have both carried the [county by good majorities, running nearly straight with the ticket. OUFFUI DISTMCT. Jno. B. Gordon...................... 503 John I. Hall.......................... 502 N. M. Collens........................ 4»9 H.M. Turner......................... 260 8. B. Buford.......................... 253 L.K. Evans......................... 25C cabins district. Gordon.............................. 34 Hall.................................. 84 Collens............................... 83 Turner............................... 32 Bnford............. 32 Evans................................ 20 ORBS DISTRICT. Gordon.............................. 31 Hall................................. 31 Collens.............................. 30 Evans................................ I uinox district. Gordon......... HO Hall.................................. US Collens............................... MO Turner............................... 8 Bnford............................... 8 Evans ................................ 8 AKINS DISTRICT. Gordon............................... 85 Hall.................................. 80 Collens............................... 80 Turney............................... 4! Bnford.............................. 41 Evans................................ 41 Africa, Line Creek and Mount Zion dis¬ tricts were not heardfrom last night. Af¬ rica, at last accounts, stood three to one Democratic, and Mt. Zion was all one-sided. It is safe to say that the majority for the Democtatlo ticket will be about 600. It was * n overwhelming victory, RUtCTXO* WOTXS. Rev. Buford will not deliver the opening prayer in the next State Senate. Blessed are toe peacemakers, if they don’t get Hr toe wax of Atpay Jacks. Luke Euros Is feet colors and pretty wool ly, bnt he has probably discovered that he is not u yard wide, Charlie Bostwick deserves credit for the promptness with which Cabins district re turns were made out and brought in. There was 383 majority for the eonstitu tional amendment In this district, but it was generally scratched off in the [country, Wm. Moody was probably the eldest man who voted yes erday. He was carried In a carriage and helped to the pells to oast a bsl lot for white government. Somebody played a rather low down trick on the Republicans by getting out tickets with 8. B. Bnford for Secretary of State and L. K. Evans for treasurer, whereas they were not aspirants for those offices. There was a little disagreement at this pre cinct between Cols. Dismnke and Thurman as to who should run the polls, and at the end of the argument it was decided by the jary that Ool. Dismnke had won the case, but the damagee were en Capt Cunningham. Nothing tries the patience of a mau more than to to a hacking cough, which he knows could easily be cured with Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. a celebrated artist in town has just fiuiahed a new sign, it reads: Use Lnxa dor. i he golden remedy for fill liver dis eases. Price only 25 cents. The Coutagioa of Yawning, The New York World. “Did you ever notice how contagious yawn log I* f” said a round faced young man waiting for » H arlem train toe other after¬ noon at toe Park place station on tor Sixth Avenue Elevated rood, “Ion oan make any man yawn if yon go about It property,” eon tinned the young men. U I have to travel up and down Harlem a good deal, and I amuse myaelf that way. Women yarn oftower than moit. trod fat men ofteoer than terns teen. Th* heal time t* make them yarn ie eatrty in to* moveiac end late at night. -:- . tvt N 1 m & 7 ■' f, i ■, SM SI VOICING THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT WHEN we declare emphatically that the best selected the prettiest, and cheapest stock |f goods in Middle Georgia can be found at iiiii life 1 & **#. I ■it tvsss-. 'XEyi t, 7 your friends about dur efegant line of Dress Goods and Trimmings. ARE NOT AFRAID TO COMPARE OUR GOODS WITH SAMPLES FROM ATLANTA OR ANYWHERE ELSE. OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST—TIER CHANTS CANNOT LIVE AND MAKE A SMALLER PROFIT THAN WE ASK. ★ OUR CARPET DEPARTMENT # S ANOTHER FEATURr OF PUR BUSINESS THAT WE ARE PROUD OF. OUR STOCK OF CARPET. \ i*L -UYEB ON ACCOUNT OF THE WASHOUT ON THE CENTRAL, BUT WE PROMISF OUR CUSTOMERS, WHO HAVE BEEN WAITING. TO SHOW THEM THE ■Best Assortment- AND PRETTIEST PATTERNS IN TOWN. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR ING THE LAST WEEK, BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY’S, EXTRA SUPERS INGRAINS, NAPIER MATTINGS, Rugs of Every Desrip’n . —jot- rr SCHEUERMAK & Y/HTTE gives a guarantee on their shoes that no other house in Griffin can give. Besides, they show the most comfort able, the best styles, and, the most pleasing fea¬ ture of all, at the very lowest prices. TRY OUR GUARANTEED SHOES AND YOU'LL BE Convinced ! Men’s Boys and Children’s Suits - aud - Overcoats BEING RECEIVED EVERY DAY AND MARKED AT PRICES TO MOVE THEM LADIES’ RiBBED FLANNEL SHIRTS. We have open; d np a line of these goods within the past few days that we feel confi¬ dent will be just the article that the ladies want. Not too heavy and very soft. Either all wool or part wo oLR ed or White. Children and infants Ribbed Wool Vest just received. Our Mr. SCHEUERMAN has been in the Eastern and Northern markets for nearly six weeks, buying jnst snch goods as the Griffin trade needs. He is an experienced and close buyer, and the trade may ex¬ pect big hargasns. ill Tf * ■ trntm Then all they want It a hint and off they go. One night last week I sat next an old genUe man. He got on at Chambers street and rode up to Forty second street, I made him yawn twenty-seven times. Then I was tired, but toe old fellow had gone into the habit, and I thought he wonld split his jaws he kept them so far apart.” The young man hardly seated himself In toe car before he turned around and stared straight at a workingman opposite, who, of course, looked at him. Then the young man leaned - his head lazyily against window closed his eyes, opened his month very wide and begun to yawn with great deliber¬ ation and air of utter weariness. The man in toe blue overalls became interested and started intently at toe wide open mouth and toe closed eyes. The young man pnt np his hand in affection of covering his moato, and then, as if it was no nso to try to check an overpowering impulse, he drew his hand away, threw his head still fntaher back and uttered that sound peculiar to toe hearty yawner—ho-ho-ho. A moment later the man in the blue overalls gave evidence of e twiobing of the jaws, a spasm shot across his cheecks and then his mouth opened and he yawned so wide that it appeared as though he were going to divide and the top of his herd would go on up into space. The workingman was no started, and all the way lie kept yawning every few mo ments. Then the young man turned his at tention to an old lady opposite with equal success. — --- - • • • — — Get rid of that tired feeling as quick as pos¬ sible. Take Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which gives strength, a good appetite, and health. Posts Preserved with Petroleum. In building a fence around our young orchards several years ago no tried many plans for preserving posts. Having oc« casion to remove the fence t his winter we noted tho conditions cf tho posts as follows: Those sat with no preparation were decayed r.n inch or more in thick¬ ness; those coa’rd r-ifh a thick wash of lime were better attached preserved, but those were quite seriously with by worms; perfectly posts coated hot tar wero sound aa when put In tho ground; those painted with petroleum trod kerosene were equally a3 sound and as good for setting. Let the posts get thoroughly kerosene dry, and and then with a pan of cheap a whitewash brush, give tiio lower third of the post, the part to go into the ground, two or three applications of the oil, let¬ ting it sea!; in well each time. Posts so treated will not be troubled by worms ot insects of any kind, but wi'.l resist decay to a remarkable degree. This we find to bo the simplest, easiest, che. pest and best method of preservation. A Cowl Tonic for fowls. Probably the best touic for fowls, says American Take Agriculturist, pound is of tho sulphate Douglass of mixture: one iron and two ounces galH, of sulphuric acid Add and dissolve in one of water. one girilcs tablespoonful of drinking of this mixture for the birds. to one water Remove tho morning droppings instead from the of poultry houses every once or twice a week, as is often directed. If this practice wore strictly adhered poultry to there and would be less disease anion r letter results generally. Cull the fowls very claw. It will not pay to winter disqualified 1 i rds. There is more success with fever birds and higher prices. Cream is a ready absorbe nt and there- fore quickly injured by r. social ion with odors of all sorts Its superior exoeltence proven In million* of home* for more than a quarter of a ern tury. It l guard by th* United State* Gov¬ ernment. Endorsed by: he heads of toe Greet Universities Healthful. m the Dr Strongest, Price’* ^-- Purest fc-j-jSgp and meat - ..... Tim* itii mm i m