The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, October 09, 1888, Image 2

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— i •0C9LA8 6LESSITEB, Editor * Fr#p»r MUT,tl>i<n»M)r« ..... «nu.r,aHtw................. erl«*. GMrrU, Oct. 9,1888. . ' Official Paper of Spalding Co. ftflirioi Paper of the City of Griffin Adrertloing Hoteo. **P*g2l NOTIOIBS Noio^rtioDnnderthU M « 0 U pjrlin* limwrtion. • torth* Dail» DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Fwridant, GROVER CLEVELAND, of New York. For Vioe President, ALLEN G. THURMAN, of Ohio. For Member of OongreM, 6th Diet., JOHN D. STEWART, of Spalding, A political matinee was held in Bridgeport, Conn.,laat Friday after¬ noon with Bloody Shirt Foraker as the chief aotor. The dispatches state th** the viralenoe of t the speaker oaosed P. T. Barnum, one of the rice presidents of the meeting, to leeretbe platform. Bainum is used to most kinds of animals, but never carried a pole cat in the menag¬ erie. The following from that able Re pablican paper, the Philadelphia Ledger, aottnda Hke a New York Star editorial; “Preaident Cleveland maintains that dignified attitude in respect to hfe candidacy which has character lied his conduct since he was nomi Bated, He doea nothing, says 'noth log. to indicate that he is even a can didate. He attends faithfully to the •noting duties of his high office, and appears to give neither time nor thought to a contest in which he is one of the two priDcipkl figures. Hie administration continues to elioit the warmest praise even of bis political opponents." There ia one excellent reason for holding the view that Mr. Cleveland will be ra-eleoted. The people of United States are alive to thoir own interest, and a majority of them will support and sustain an Executive who has proposed, and defends against all sophistries, tbst tariff taxes shall be reduoed and that the Govern* ment, which ia sustained only by levies upon the people, shall have no more money than its honest and economical administration costs, lie* cloud it as one may, this is all there is of the one proposition involved ia this campaign. It is a proposition that ought to be, and that in all probability will be appioved. HARRUGE HOT A FAILURE FOR HIX. Mr. Edward Solomon ought to be able to give some very valuable testi mony on the ranch discussed ques lion of ‘‘la marriage a failure !” Outride of Sait Lake City and Cni cago, itia doubtful whether there is A man in this country with so exten rive and varied experience iu the mat ter aa the young musician, and tak ing bia age into account, his record will compare favorably with those of the most married men in thoBo cities of connubial bliss. Mr. Solomon’s experience began when he waa 15; bat as bis first wife was not a lady able to earn her own living, and bis, too, the genial Teddy soon forgot her and came to Ameri ca. A tall, stately blonde figured as Mre. Solomon until be met Lillian Rnasell, when tbe blonde gave way to tne beauty and Lillian became Mrs. Solomon No. 3. When tbe fair songstress ceased to be able to secure a salary of $300 or $400 a week, the composer realised that his affections bad been trifled with, so tbst s divorce became necessary. Tbe lady he b&s selected as bis fourth victim is also an actress, with consul arable ability, and he is only waiting to see whether spouse No. 3 has any chum upon him. It is clear tbst Mr. Solomon re gards matrimony as a success when tbe wife is able to earn enough to support her husband, and is, besides young and beautiful. Evidently he would not believe in encouraging matrimony except under such conditions; and certainly if each a rale were carried oat there might be fewer marriages, bat they wonld be happier than they are now. It wonld then be impossible for ladies to b«> come dissatisfied with the dresses their husbands had provided for them. There conld be no quarrels about money, becauBe, if the wife couldn’t gat any herself, she would have to go without. There wonid seem to be no reaaoDablo doubt that, under the conditions under which Mr. Solomon practices matrimony, marriage is a failnre. KNII’E-AKU-FORIL KTiqllETTK. A correspondent asks the following question; “When passing one’s plate for a second help of anything at the tabic, ia it proper to leave the knife and fork en it, or should they bo taken off ?” Etiquette based on cleanliness re¬ quires the knife and fork in such case to be kept on the plate, bo that they will not soil the tableoioth. Etiquette based on filfals and those fashions' ble whimsicalities which require changes in common usages every two years, simply for the sake of dif fering from other people, will possi- bly require the knife and fork to bo kept on the table while the plate makes its second excursion to tbo do sired dish. Washington on State oc casions kept his knife and fork fast clinobed in his left hand, while with his right ho wiped his mus¬ tache and kept repeating, “In time of peace prepare for war,” so ho should not forget this Bentiment in his inaugural. Emerson, by the time he had eaten his fourth morsel, for¬ got, in a transcendental aberration of mind, that he had any.knife or fork stall, and in passing his plate, if not checked, was inclined to put those culinary instruments in his pockets. The King of Dahomey, on such oc¬ casions, sticks his knife into one of his subjects as a sort of holder until the plate is returned. At country political dinners, when argrmenta- tion waxes lively, it is customary to brace well back in the chair and, ex¬ tending the arms well forward, hold knife and fork upright, clinched in both fists, so as to pound with either on tho table atany sudden burst of in We have here given sev¬ methods, some based on reason others on partial and temporary Any of them can be fol¬ lowed. CU AM CELLO It ELECTED. The Board of Trustees of the State University had a harmonious meeting Saturday morning, and sue (seeded in tho election of a Chancel¬ lor, with whom the entire member- uhip seems to feel saiisfied. The gentleman selected for this high office is l)r. William K. Boggs, of Memphis. Dr. Boggs is a brother-in-law of Gen. A. R. Lawton, and Gen. K. I’. Alexander, a prominent Presbyteri¬ an divine, well known and beloved in Georgia. He was born in South Carolina, but spent many years of his life in this State, having been for a long period in charge of a church in Atlanta, lie was recently professor in the Southern Presby- terian Theological Seminary, at Co¬ lumbia, S. C., but resigned his posi¬ tion there on account of the Wood- row trouble, which divided the sera inary and gave so much trouble to Presbyterians throughout the South. Ho is now in charge of a large church in Memphis. Ho is an able and elo quent man, of high culture, and it is believed well equipped for the Chan cellorship of the University, Dr. Boggs has asked for time to consider the proposition. A Life on the Ocean Wave Indurates the stomach against sea sickness, but a single or occasional transit across the •'illimitable wetness” is productive of griev ous Ocean qualms,especially travelers, yutchmen, when ship it is stonny. Burgeon-, commercial buyers til wit abroad, voyagers by steamboat, an all who are occasionally or frequently called upon to be where “billows are baBctted,” should take along Hoettetler’s Stomach Citters, tbe finest know n antidote for sickness, malaria, biliousness, and dis¬ orders of tho stomach and bowels. Many travelers by railroad, with delicate stomachs and nervers, likewise suffer severely en route These will find Traveling, the Hitlers snrelv swift, helpful and consolatory. even in steady and commodious steamships and sumptuous palace cars, in delight, not always a the source Hitlers of un¬ mixed Joy and and does mneh to counteract the discomforts attend¬ ing ft, aggravated brought by by delicate damp weather, health. Rheu¬ matism, on debility, egectually kid¬ ney troubles and are re¬ lieved by the Bitters. Farm and House and Lot For Sate A 202J^ acre farm in 3 miles of Griffin, Ga 80 acres in woods, 120 in splendid state state of ed cultivation, improved cleared of stomps and rocks, fix¬ for farm machinery. Machin¬ ery, stock, corn and fodder w ill be sold with farm If wanted. All ready for business anoth¬ er year. Also, a large roomy house and two acre lot in Griffin. Ga. For particulars ad. dress me at Griffin, Ga., care Clark A Son. septl9d&w3in THAU CLARK. Tho Toy the Child Likes Best -ts THE— ‘ANCHOR Stats Biiiiaj Blot's:, Heal Stone. Throe Color*. A Clrvkr Prehext for child- ion of all a***. For tl.7\ or •100 • good l mrermgo **©*•*£* box. Drwuipur© froe Catalogue *ei ■t post on application to F. Ad. Richter & Co., 910 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. ocWdAwSm ma r afsb HOOD'S, CMIP 0 WK) EXTRACT . The Importance of purifying the Wood can¬ not bo overestimated, tor without pure blood you cannot enjoy good health. At this season nearly every one needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood, and wo ask you to try Hood s Peculiar 8, ' us:irarmil ' it 9 trcD s UieB ® and builds up tho system, creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, while It eradicates disease. Tho peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of tho vegetable remedies used give to Hood's Sarsaparilla pccul- |tS6lf lar curative powers. No other medicine has such a record of wonderful cures. H you have made up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to take any other instead. It Is a Peculiar Medicine, and Is worthy your confidence. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar PLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. To the Voters of Spalding County. At the solicitation of friends I offer tor the position of Tax Collector of Spalding county, subject toil nomination of the Dem¬ ocrat party if one is held. 11. D. BREWSTER. .a* ■sraaa An Important Announcement ' About About si si s s wreks weeks ago, ftt-o, while l at business. I win nudiit-nly " nly attacked attacked and wnh hands. excruclatlua So pains In my ■ feet, feet, knees knees and l hands, hand! so .severe ‘.lately. severe the the attack attack that that throe I I took) took days my bed bed immedl In Joints 1 we ami swollen awolle in two almost or double thefr their tnjr my natural n slue, to from After After stilTor and and sleep sleep waft was driven driven rrom om tic me. me- 1 - a. • * si m...... week, using Ing the most excruciating tint pain other fora remedies, friend liniments and various kelpies# a a friend Who who sympathised sympatl with my C '‘^Why'()em’t you" get Swift's and an-t Specific If It dot nn usait. USA It. I I medicine will w ill guarantee guarantee shall cost a a cure, cure, nothing. ' not the 8 you 8 B„ and and arter arte I at one af cured tho . S. quiet ,, night and e rrst tiny, In had wc.-k a I felt greatly refreshing sleep. In three weeks n 1 could sit up and hem-fitted. ami after using six walk about ihn room, business. bottles I was out and able to go to post Hi nr,- then I have beeu regularly feet from at my nine to of duty, and stand on my ten pain. hours These - day, tho and plain nm entirely ami simple free from facts fn are till my «Y CIARA*. case, A and [ will cheerfully answer lnfiiilrloa rclutlvo ti hereto,"altlter In person or by until. Thomas itrtAS Markilub. M A UK H.11 11 W. 18th RUcet, N«w York City SAtnvji.LK, rir.LK, Tknk 1 —I hnvo wnfried off a Fo¬ ▼t*ro «((»- ffil k of rl rMIUlltUe' mtlNm rm l>j t»y a timely ruaort to Swirt'i ft'n m hj >« i ' jnc . In In alt D ________ c$»t* »»'H whe: V . I . reftl>er- manvut r«*llef r«*llef i Is a sought ponstItu(Tonal *• il i h% _ \ moril'ino meiil * com- t»n$ yntla Itwlf ■ for ' com • trout •- [.rt'atm jm.* 1 _____________ a _ of ulU that thoroughly oraiilcatu* tLe »e©« •(Is ra*o froui tl»e system. fi«? P. „ riARRISO IlAnRI30N, D. D- v. \V. Kkw Yobit, M Ttii Ayc.—A Moot! fter speiirilnff without rilriff $ 2 <K) to bo relieved < f I’ol»on «tiy lienpflt, a few Dot Ilea of SvvifCs ,’s POKTKI 8 Sj*ef |*efilio worked ft i>erfoct cure. C. Vikxka, CU.-My little fflrl, atred a't.and r>y, aged four years, had ^scrofula scrofula in tho rorst a^riivatA-.I shape, They healthy wore anil puny am! nd sickiv. sickly. To To day they are hi aithy ro¬ Lust, all tho result of taitliiK Job S. S. S. COLLIER. I£ T. I.At>r T ake. Co.. Fla. Your S. H. R. hasj*rov«*d a wonderful sucet ss In doubt, my cm<*. T(;rt rancor «>«» my fscc, no I would have soon hurrl»<l me t.» my uoeffuiil. grove. do think ith* wonderful, end ha- II. II. Uvhd, Postmaster. Waco, Texas, May 9,1SS8. B. B. CV>., Atlanta, lia. : that appreciate Gontlwnen testimonial)!. Knowing take voti pleasure in Toiumarv lady haa tinting that ono of our customers regained her health hy the vise of four large IxvttWi* of your groat sCN'crftl remedy, after trout having >i® been nn in valid f> *r ) ♦•nrs. 11 or w:m extretno d**billt v. ratt 4 « >1 »>y atitnense Druggi.-f |»o- cullnr to her h«-x. Wn.t.isJk C'«>., s. Three f>ooii» mailed free on application. tK Swift Srixmc Atlanta Co., Qa. Drawer fi, New York, 156 Broadway. - ■ i imu. ... ?s THE VERNON. Mrs. A. E. RIDDLE & SON. Prop’rs Cor. First Avenue and Thirteenth 81., COLT v 3f BUS, : : : GA. You uro most cordially invited to stop with us wliilo in the cily. septlbdim DR. MOFrETT’S FEMALE MEDICINE_ lae Hy System Riving tone to find •tren*thenjnff the.Uter« ami build tup uj> the general health, IMHAN WE15D correct! all irrecolarltie* ami annoying trouble* from which Romany ladies suffer. It Rives tho weak,debilitated woman health am! strength,and makes cheerful the despondent, depressed in •plrltft. INDIAN In chansre ebanire WEED. of of lif Ilf. His t mo nn ladrshoufd In.lT.hnuM sitfeani be Ur ' with, “ out Unfailing, hit y vui Druggist. ___ E. K. Antiiony, Griffin nnd M. 1, mvijj Oeliard Hill, Ga, mtn uorsE iiiii!i:ii ship COLUMBIA, - GEORGIA, .TOK MoGlU K. I’rop’i -)o{- TIio best place in Columbus to get a Hath r cle iiu Shave. Give us a call when in th ity JOE McOHJEE —nm................ snarWi Now Advertisements TOADVERTiSERS A list of 1000 newspapers divided into STATES AND SECTIONS will bo -ent on appl ication —V R E E. To those who « ant tin 'r advertising to pay we can offer no better medium for thorough and cflecti&e work than the various sections of our Select Local List. GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., News paper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce street. New York. IVE Haro PARSER'S you Couirh. PriMichitis, A-'thraa, Tndir 'st -lio ion! UK I ONCER TONJC *»:i : *!*•:. clay. ima cured many of t he w orst <sas*«unci Is the bc<t remedy for all ftffecUons The throat and \xing*, and artsincr from impure IiIcvkI and exinusiion. The feeble and B*ck, tfrutrsum? a*nunst fiiseaztr. ami eiowly drifting* U> the icrmre, atU tfi many ca»ea recover their heatvU by the littteir u*e of Parker'* Giftfrer Tonic, but delay in dan- gvrous. Take it la time. It l» invaluable for all paitia aud diaordciTj of stomach and boa eis. COO. at L'rcur^wta. ( / U j /m Tfl CLARE'S cu EBSISSS ./ F.U1K, r t., for A.ircn’«%r^. 'fhelv-t • ]-*v- ir- . t w - . A ~l. XtniAm 1IJ 9 The Georgia Midland R It. Nhoftost ttii«I Host I-ii»<“ With Through Coiieh on Between COUSBUS and ATLANTA. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Washington. New York, Nashville or Cincinnati. Train leave-Columbus (Union Depot) 1:05 p. m , arrive at Griffin 3:50 p. in., Atlanta 5:40 P- ra. Atlanta 3:40 South Hound train—Leaves p. m., Griffin 5:10 p. in., arrive in Coluin bus 8:40 p. m. Af<*omi»io«lutiou Train NORTH BOUND—Daily except Sundays. Leave Columbus, Midland Depot, r:00 u- in. Arrives at Griffin,.......... ... 13:35 p. in. Arrives at McDonough........... 2:30 p. in. SOUTH ROUND—(Daily except Sunday.) Istavc Griffin........ McDonough................0:lo .............8 25 a, in. Unve a. in Arrive at Columbus...............2:05 p, ni SPECIAL TRAIN—(Sundaysonly.) Leave Griffin.................... 8:25 a. m Arrive a*. Columbus............. 11:28 a. m Leave Colniiihus................. 8:25 o. m Arrive at Griffin.................11:30 a. m Arrive nt Me Donough............13:20 p. in M. E. GRAY, Bupt. C. W. CREAKS, Columbus, Ga. Gen’l Pass. Agt, New Advertisements. GUNS^evolvebs. price list to JOHNSTON D"- A SON, Pittsburgh, Penn. PARKER’S AM , HAITI SALS ■Cleanse* ■ .*i kai.idies the hair. (Promotes ■ Never Fa a I* luxuriant to Restore growth. Gray I 1 Hair to its Youthful Color. Prevents Dandruff and hair hair faUU fa « / 4 and $l QQ nt Dm •ltftrisl EXHAUSTED ViTALiTV fJ’lIE 1 great SClE.NVp Medical OF Work UFE, the of the nge on Manhood, Nervous and ( Physical Debility, Premature ' Decline, Errors of Youth, and the unt o ld m iacrlesoonsrqucnt thereon, 800 pages 8vo, 135 prescriptions for gjl diseases. ,J Cloth, full gilt, only $1.00, 1 tuall, scaled, Illustrative sample free to all voting md middle aged men. Send now. TheOoidaud :• wellotl Modal awarded to the author by th, «: R 1 Medical |’„' a . I-:o“toston, '9 * Association. Address r. t> t Mass., or Dr. W. II. DARN Fit in Bate Boston, of Harvard who Medical College, 38 years'praclict inay bo consulted conli-haitlally 'Specialty. Disease.? of Man. Office No. i Hulfinchst HINDERCORNS. Tho only svroCure for Corns. 5 top« all pain, rnsnrr-A ■onifort to the foct. I r >C at Dru^i-W. fll.vx,xA Co., N. V. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC The best of all remedies ior Inward Pains, Colic, Indiges¬ tion, Exhaustion and all Stom¬ ach and Dowel troubles. Also the most effective cure f> r Coughs, Colds, Uronchitis and affections of the breathing organs. It promotes refreshing sleep improves the appetite, overcomes nervous and prostrati strength n, and gives new and life Drgguists. to the weak aged. 50 c. and $ 1 . 00 , at Crateful--Comforting, EPPS’S COCOA BREAKFAST. “by a thotouffh knowledge of the natural Inws which govern llio 0 [ia ratio ns of digee tin il and nutrition, ami by a in ri-ful well a;iplica- selected iion of the fine Epjis properties provided of provid¬ Coaeoa. Mr. lias i ur ed our breakfast tnhUis with n delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such article of diet thata constitution may be. gradually built up until strong enough to resist evt ry tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. Wo may escape many a lu'ai shaft by keepingourselvee well lortliied with pure blood and a properly nourished frame," —Civil Service Gazette, Made simply with boiling-water or milk. Sold Sold only only in half- pound tins, Grocers, labelled thus: .JAMES EPPS A CO., Homoeopathic London, Chemists, England. .o US IL HRY DISCOVERY. ins llooii leuriM’il in one reading, Wind •anilerinsf C'«ir#*«I. spealii'C wiltioiit note*. Court Piracy contleninfil l»y Nupreme €»• real iiuitii'emenfo to correkpondence CitM *«***- Drogpeetus, with oi inion- cf Dr. Win. A llaiiuncnd, tin- world-faun d Sp. riaii-t in Mind diseases, Daniel Grcenleaf I lionipson, tlie great Py.'thologist, J . li. Buckley, i> D.. Editor of the Christian Advocate, Richard Proctor, Hie Svictist, Hons. Judge Gibson, Judan 1’ . Benjamin, and other-, MUSETTE. sent post free by Prof. A 237 Fifth Avo., New York. HOTEL DUIIT LS aiUFFIN, GEORGIA, Under New Management. A. G. DANIEL. Prop'r. ’-if To 1 ti is meet all linirs. fvbJSdly ADVERTISERS :an learn tbe exact ca * of an} nroposed v*ne advertising in America papers by addressin*; Cdeo. P. Rowell ik Co., Ncwspapep Adrcrtism *j 3upe»u, lO Sprtj it, New York. t( v> ,'j*• lOO-Pa^o Fa* jphlr* MfT4;tfSiirTTri¥irTiii The Rvst Cure f>.p t WeaK Lunci. AAbna. Indi- rtDtUtin. . Jnit&rd jnwani rain*. Eshausisx>n. C omtiimn«rUte mat vaiaabJc. h t ---------it Dtat with Jam ai n t i i u&if, it c>erts exerts »e % cuni- ptuw oyer unknown t* other remoditM*. w max Ion**. Encumftti«»n, J'emfvJe Orimpiaint*. and tho His of thabtojiMU'h. L* y«. k-uimiv* and Lton-feU timely ejfrv uae<M p x ____ GlNvHuR T'YJOC. boc . at Enmr NPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! Over a Million Distribn' L.S.L. State Lottery Compan Incorporated by the Legislature In 18(58 ! ir locational and and........ Charitable purposes, ml - . . , franchise made a pari of the present Constitution, in 1879, by an over¬ popular vote Its GRAND EXTRAORDINARY DRAW¬ take place Scmi-Aunnally, SINGLE (June NUM¬ and and its GRAND each of the DRAWINGS take place on and al other ten months in the year, are in public, at the Academy of Music Orleans, La. “We do hereby certify that we supervise the fur all the monthly and (Jnar- Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot Company, and in person manage and con the Drawings themselves, and that th« are conducted with honesty, fairness in good faith toward all parties,! this certihcai* «• w the Company to nee fac-similes of our signatm es attached in advertisements.” CvnnlHloam. We the undersigned Hanks and Banker! pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisians Lotteries which may be presented al * .VI WiI.JI.HSV.PrM. La.Xal'l II. liXAl’X, B, M ->* -<* « Prn*tal» “ « « - »»«'! Bk. II t lBWlll,Pr»i. HOlllli'P s. O.Xat'l IIJnV AKl. i«i. A nton VI Bank : Monthly : Drawing Hi the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, October 9, 1888, PRIZE, $ 300 , 00 . 190,000 Tickets at Twenty Dollars each 810; Quarters $5; Tenths #2; Twen¬ $1. LIST OF PBIZKS.. 1 I'BlZECF poo,000 ia.......... f300,000 1 VitIZE OF 100,tK)0 is.......... 100,000 1 I'll i z it of 50,000 is.......... 50,000 11’BIZEOF 25,000 is.......... 25,000 2 Phizes of 10.000 are......... 2'>,000 5 Prizes of 5,000 are...... 25.000 25 Prizes of 1,000 arc...... 25.000 100 Prizes of 500 are...... 50.000 200 Prizes of 300 are------ 00,000 500 Prizes of 200 are...... 100,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. Prizes of $500 arc............... 50,000 do. 300 are............... 30,000 do. 200 are............... 20,00 terminal ntizEs. 100 are............... 99,900 100 are.............. 99,909 3,134 Prizes ■ L“U of 1 amounting UUiUUllvlli^, to......$ l V ...... * 1,054,800 j W IfV'Vi Note.— \T, ...Tiol.-nfo Tickets /Iroti drawing irur I Capital 'onitol Prizes T^rivrta are not entitled to terminal Prizes. For Club Rrates, or any further informa tion apply to the undersigned. Your hand¬ writing must be distinct and Signature plain More rapid return mail delivery will be as¬ sum'd by euclosing and Envelope bearing your fnil address. Send POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange in Ordinary expense) letter. Cuarency by Express (at onr addressed to DAUPHIN, if. A. New Orieatts I.a or M.*A. DAUPHIN, Washington,D. C. Address Registered Letters tc \EH ORLEAXH StTOSAt lltVh New Orleans, Da. REMEMBER .. ..... ____________ (arnrnil* Mraarrifaril uixl Early, nko are In cliarxr of lli«* drawings, is a guaantee of absoluto fairness and integrity, that the chances are all equal, and that no one can possibly divine what numbers will draw a Prize. li EM EMBER that the payment of all Prizes is GUARANTEED BY FOL K NATIO NAL BANKS of New Orleans, and the Tickets are signed by the President of an In gtitution whose chartered rights are reeog nized in the highest Courts; therefore beware of any imitations or anonymou schemes. IF TOD M r m Customers, Auglit, Bought Boarders, To be Agents, Silver or Gold, Orders, Merchandise Sold. Servants or Place, G®ods to Appraise, Lawyer or Casa, Opening Days Musical Teae n-rs, To Announce, Popular Preachers, Houses or Acres, Cooks, Batchers or Bakers. Books, Boats, To Hire or Let, Votes, skirt Offices, Dress or flounce Basement, A cure for Valise, disease, First Floor, A Handy MnsiinCiicmise Casement, A To Purchase a Dot, Cheese, Horse, Teas, Bees, Mare, Monkey Bear, Peas, » or Bloodhound or Spitz Or Are Prone Free from Fit*/., To Make Known. To Hire a Hall, Your Store, Driver or team, Hosiery, An Elegant Carriage.Dry Upholstery, oous, Play,Concert AnOpulcnt Marriage, Ball, Picnics, or Skates, Plates, Excursions, Knick-Knacks, To sell to gay rreatur'sDive’sions, Diamonds, Clothes Ready; of Made, Pearls, Increase Trade, Carls, Rings, Coal. Pictures, Coke and Wood Wash for Features, Lectures, To buy Odd Things, All Kindsof Food Or sell Odd Tilings, Works on Theology, Cats, Magic, Wealth Astrology, Rais, ami Publicity Felicity, Mats, World-Wide Fiat! Flags, Bat-, Rags, Pantaloons, Bags, 1 tats, Nags, Kesplender t Cravats, Dress shirts or collars Mutton Financial or Relief, Beef, Almighty for Dollars, Rent, House Stocks, Store, Tenement, L_>nt, Clocks, ( 'ash ash to be Spent, Locks, < to be Socks, Scent, i’ortmonia or Box, Tent, Pig, Sheep ov Ox, Roman Cement, < >r Even a Beau— Go- Then in a Trice, Read the Advice,5 Take the Advice Far Beyond Price, Written Below— Written Below— ADVERTISE -IN TIIE- Daily News To Business Men. -i-Y Xj O LABORED in these days ARGUMENT to convince 19 INTELL1 NEEDED GENT men that it Pays Well to Advertise ohms tli cut titulars saaWtitfttjHte cured paint Hired sent sthomewlQ: at Book homer FREE. iff pap THE - CAMPAIGN- IN THE Goods Trade lias opened up and it finds J. FLtNIISTER Equipped with a large stock of new and desirable goods in every de¬ partment. As the season advances, however, Manufacturers and Jobbers rush off the remainder of their stock at reduced prices, and I now have or¬ ders out for these goods, and will offer them at Such prices that it will pay you to make fre¬ quent visits tG my Place.'Wg offer Monday morning one case Standard Prints at 5 c., w rt li 350 doz. Ladies Hose in Solid Black Seal Brown and Blue » t 5 c per pair, well worth 10 to 15 cents. Big Drive. 2 cases Macon Knit Hose and half Hose, heavy and good, at 10 c-, worth double the money. Have the best half hose at 15 c ever shown here. Sell dozens of pairs every day. ★ SPLENDID VALUES IN FINER HOSIERY. ★ BaTWill have displayed on our center counters on Monday morning a big lot of Short let gths and Drese Patterns of Fine all Wool Dress Goods at al¬ most your own price. Come and see them ; they will not stay long at prices named for them. They consist of desirable colors in Sebaster pools. Serges, Cashmeres, &c- One case Cashmere, woe I one way. 9 c, worth 12 1-2 c, 9e£f”Doub1e Width Cashn^res 12 1-2 c, worth 20 c. Henriettas 36 inches wide, 25 ‘ Henriettas 44 in wide at 50 at c. c- ©©“Splendid assortment finer Dress Goods with Trimmings to match. Biff - Stock - Red - and - White F’lcLm.nels, Plaid and Striped Sacking Flannels, Blankets &c., at Ifving Prices. SEE OUR TOWELS At 10,15. 20 and 25 c. They are eye openers, Lot ot tfne towels, slight- ly damaged, at half price. Oootl Checked Homespun at 6 e. Shirtings, Sheetings, &e., at Factory Prices. Have the largest stock of Je ms. Cassimeres and Waterproofs in the city. God Jeans 10 c per yard. Jeans better and heavier than School-boy brand at 25 c. All finer grades proportionately low. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes f My Snoe department will be found to contain the best goods fromthemost reliable manufactories in the country New Shoes received every day. Have on hand a lot of broken sizes in Shoes that we sell for below value EAGLE SHH0E CO'S WOMEN COARSE SHOES ARE THE BEST MADE- Splendid line Jersey Jackets. Toboggan Caps Corsets. &c. HATS ! HATS ! HATS. My stock will be found fully up to its usual standard. Good desirable goods at Rock Bottom Prices. -Trunks and Satchels- I buy goods in this line from the most reliable manufacturer in the East and will offer you better fiuished Trunks and Satchels for the same mcnee that others ask for inferior made goods ---M— SSTWill say finally that il is my determina¬ tion to convert my large stock into money before January, If good goods at less than their value will do it. So il will be to your interest to exam-1 ine my stock before making your purchases, E. J. FLEMISTER.