The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, October 16, 1888, Image 2

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ll anh with them. Tbe whole five were then seated at a table in the Yemen and made to eat snd drink together, drowning their differences in flowing cups of samsbu, while tbe magistrate's snupan (secretary), at bis request, read an appropriate »er mon from tho “Amplification of the Sacred Edict” on the blessing of harmony between relations. What the Yellow Feyer Has Hone for the tiouth. Albany News and AdvertUsr. Heretofore, in all great epidemics, the after-dread of the yellow fever bas been confined to tbe infeciod city or district, but the epidemic of 1888 will be memorable as one which caused suspicion to rest on tbe whole South. Everybody under stands why this is true, for never in the time of any plague bas there been manifested such foolish fears by people absolutely removed from any danger of infection. From private sources, tho News and Advertiser learns that there is veiy little prospect of any Southern travel from Northern States this winter. The infected cities of Flor ida are not only held in great dread, but the whole South is believed to be a cess-pool of infection. Our people have only themselves to blame for this unhappy result. Tbe Northern people are even afiaid to ride in the Pullman cars that did service in the South during the epidemic, and the outlook for South ern resorts is anything but bright. Reliable information reaches us from the North that hotel men with large interests in the South will not open tbeir hotels at all the coming sea¬ son. AU tbe denial of danger and ex¬ planations that we may make will avail naught, for the panicky condi tion of the Southern people has con firmed the erroneous impressions of the conditions that hero obtain. We had just as well sit quietly down and let time correct it all. The News and Advertiser was buoyant with hopes for the future of this section, but we have nothing to glory in now but the character of the solid progress our own people are making themselves, and the true character of our own healthful condi tions which cannot be affected by the reputation from which tt suffers at the North. Tho stream of North ward travel will not overflow our oountry this season to enrich it as tho Nile enriches its banks, so indus tries dependent upon that source of profit will languish like a frost-wilt ed collard. The Tramp Printer. lt*ine Tribune. He comes along at nil times and seasons. Ho is generally foot-sore and weary; but he jerks his coat and gives you alifton the paper,and Btays over until morning. His brain is a map of all tho railroads, be has no abiding city anywhore. His objec tive point is wherever he gets to—iu the woods— the city—no rnattor where. Some time since a man was found dead under tho trucks of a freight ear on one of tho Georgia railroads. Pit pers found on nis person discovered him to bo a printer- Among these was a letter, which read as follows; “I am trying to get homo to yon, mother, and have lessened the die tance considerably since I wrote you las); but my cough troubles mo *o that I can make very little headway —though I get a ridb on the trams some times. Bat if I never see you again, mother, you will know that I elways thought of yon and loved you -—even though I was wayward and wandered away from yon and home. My prayer to God is that I may meet you once more, and I will never leave you again.” Perhaps God answered that prayer as he thought best for mother and son, for long before the letter was written the mother had been called home, and was waiting for her wan dering boy at the shining gates of the Eternal City, where there is nev er night, neither any weeping, for has He not promised to wipe away all tears from their eyes* How’s Thfs ! We oiler One Hundred Dollars Reward (or any case of Catarrh that can not be cur cd by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J CHENEY A CO., Drops . Toledo, O. We, the underwigtoed, have known F . Cheney for the last 15 years, a”d believe him perfectly honorable .Uy in able all business transac¬ obligations tions, and linansi firm. to carryout any West ATruai, made Wholesale by their Druggists,Toledo, Ohio. Waiding, gists, Rinnan Toledo, A. Ohio. Marvin, Wholesale Drug E. H. Van Hoesen, Cashier, Toledo Nation¬ al Bank, Toledo, Ohio. Hain Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting directly upon the Price, blood and mucus surfaces of the system. ?5c. pier bot¬ tle. Mold by all Druggists. o9d<fcwlrc Dr. Moffett’s TEtTKIHA (TeeWig Pswders) !L»wtJg. Allays Irritation Aid* til* Diflr**Uat», Child ainlfi ll( joJat*** lV«iBlng tbe »n*f Mrengtfcen* ftatT C*«t* Tecthftift C<hi« nothin* turtt FrupttoD* At d ffi”d eqaal. U for therunnn*»r o/ any aye. /$ it safe nnd Try It > s>« will MYtf t* without TKCTHIK A m k»nf m there srt child- ten iu the it on'*.. A*k you# Jru ff :*L £= 90U8LA8 ULEHHMKB, Editor * Pr^'r *Amx.v,(i«A4fMM)rM *»«» -. *-• bT.OMlM>».<......... drta*. «Mi*ta, oet, i«, i«ss. Official Paper of Spalding Co, •fMri PiKIr Ih. City of Griffin - .......... — ■.. . Advertlalntf DULf-On* dollar per ware tor th« ail * SsS^! * oritur* 4 0 “us^ir.i 10 MBto per line CLuTr ^ a .,>i.i. 1 than 00 eento. All iuertion* tot |m than one dollar moat 1 m paid (or in *l£w 4 rate* owttUnoo will thoir idwrliMnj«nw filial to ^^T-XT^Uaa.torth. Daily. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Prooident, GROVER CLEVELAND, of New York. • For Vice President, ALLEN O. THTTBMAN, of Ohio. For Member of Congress, 5th Diet., JOHN D. STEWART, of Spalding, ___ With oommeroe unshackled, Ainer ioa is destined to outstrip Great Brit •ill. The “oeean^bound republic” of the future will astonish the ‘‘sea¬ girt isle.” After the election the American people will not be wholly without oc- eupation. They can then begin to watch the goose bone prophecies for the cold season. As soon as Bob Ingersoll’s new whiskers are long enough, he will dye them a deep black, in mourning for the party that refuses to hear its greatest orator. Everybody smiled when Mr. Tbur man laid his bandana on the table in front of him in the Supreme Court. Everybody feels pleasantly toward the old red bandana. The Republicans bate a good deal of fat to pot into the canvass, and might win in an ordinary campaign, bnt this year they seem to be bock ing against common sense. Nobody believed the story that a Boston girl bad joined the Sultan's harem. How long would the wicked Saltan stand up before Jhe cold, clear gaze of a Boston girl eyeing him through her spectacles ? Bedell, the swindling law firm clerk in New York, iB said to hare been a rascal ever since he was six years old. His employ ors bad evi dently failed to observe bis infantine gambolings. Marriage seems to be a failure in some cases from the start. In a di¬ vorce suit now pending in New York city we bear of the gloom’s enter¬ taining the bride on tbeir wedding night with the story of his love for another girl, and an offer of $10,000 if she would grant an immediate di¬ vorce. Fiction has never yet dared to reach this height. Here is war¬ rant for a new situation for the new novelists. The New York Star, which, by the way, twinkles as brightly ss over, notwithstanding tbe sheriff tried to anuff out its light the other day, says that careful and conservative estimates, made since the first day’s registration in New York and Brook lyn, place Cleveland and Thurman’s plurality in the state at 40,000. Tbe democrats oan get along with tbe 33,000 that we have estimated, but if New York bas settled on that 40,000, why, let ber roll it up. A CHINESE LAWYER S PAY. They have a humorous way ef treating lawyers in China. Here is a peculiar story told by tbe Sben Pao: On Friday, Jane 29, Mr. P'oi. tbe Shanghai magistrate, adjudicated m • family lawsnit, about some laud be tween some Sbaching people called Cbo, cousins, one family accusing the Other of unjustly usurping tbe land- The ooly lawyer id the case, a Mr. Shi How -pa, received one hundred . blows with the bamboo and three months as fees for tbe various legal docomeots, petitions etc, be bad drawn up for one of tbe parties. His Worsnip then addressed tbe parties, and commanded them to then and there make it up, as tbe person who bad kept them at log¬ gerheads bad met with his just de¬ serts, aod would not give them more bad advice; and he, the magistrate, seeing two of tbe parties w->re such old men, was not inclined to be fe¬ _ The Georgia Midland BB. j Sliortoat nud Bc*l Lius Wltl» Tlironsrh Coach cm Between COLUMBUS and ATLANTA. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Washington, New York, Nashville or Cincinnati. Train leave* Colnnibus (Union Depot) 1 05 I>. m, arrive *1 Griffin .1:50 p. m., Atlanta 5:40 p. m. Atlanta , 5:4U South Bound train—Leave* Coluro i). m ., Griffin 5 40 p. m., arrives in bus S:40 p. m. Accoiumotlation Train NORTH BOUND—Daily except Sundays. Leave Colnrnbus, Midland Depot, i :00 a. m. Arrives at McDonough...........3 Griffin,...............V-:«» ‘J0 p- p- in. m. Arrives at ; SOUTH BOUND—(Daily except Sunday.) Leave Griffin......................8 McDonough................6:40 a. a, m. m. l«ave 2:05 Arrive at Columbus........•..... P> m SPECIAL TRAIN—{Sunday*only.) Leave GriffiD.................... m Arrive at Columbus..............U:do a. m I^avc Columbus................ a - ra Arrive atOriffin................. ni Arrive at McDonough............V-:20p. m M. E. GRAY, Supt. C. W. CHEARS, Ga. Geu’l Pass. Agt. Columbus, New Advertisements. GUNS ( Pittsburgh, Penn. PAHKiiR’S BALSAM HAIR the hair. Cleanses and beautifies .Promote* a luxuriant growth. Gny Never Fail* to Restore Hair to it* Youthful Color. Prevents Dandruff and hair falling Me. and gl go at Dniggista EXHAUSTED VITALITY rpHE x treat BCIEKCi! Medical OP Work IJFE, of tbe the age on Manhood, Nervotu and t Physical I c bllitPremature Decline, Errors of Youth, and theuntold miseries consequent thereon, SCO pages 8vo, 125 prescriptions for all diseases. byl Cloth, full gilt, only #1.00, mail, sealed. Illustrative sample free to all young snd middle aged men. Bond now. The Gold and Jewelled Modal awarded to tho author by the x«. tloual Medical Association. Address P. O. box IS95?»iio8ton, Mass., or Dr. W. H. PARKER, grad uateof Harvard Medical College, 55 years'practice In Roston.who may becousulted;!ally. SDCclaltv. Diseases cf Man. Office No. 4 Bulflnch st HINDERCORNS. nlf «nr«Cu; L to the feet. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC The best of all remedied for Inward Pains, Colic, Indiges¬ tion, Exhaustion and all Stom¬ ach and Bowel iTouble*. Also i the most effective cure fori Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and! affections It of the refreshing breathing^ organs. promotes the sleep improves prostration, appetite, overcomes nervous and gives new life and strength and ft.00, JJrgguists. to the weak and aged. 50c. at Crateful--Comforting. EPPS’S COCOA BREAKFAST. “by a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the oparation* of diges tion and nutrition, and by a careful applica- selected iion of the fine properties of well Coacoa. Mr. Epps has provided cur provid¬ ed our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such article of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist evt ry tendency to disease. Hundred* of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point Wc may escape many a fatal shaft by keepingourselvec well lortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” —Civil Service Gazette, Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in half- pound tins, Grocrs, labelled thus: JAMES EPl’S & CO., Homceopathic London, Chemists, England. iVELOUS lMORY DISCOVERY. Any Hooltf Ie»rn«»fl In one reading:. Wind •anilcrink cured. Jtpeakiiitr wllhoul note*. Piracy condemned l»r Huprenif Court ’inducement* to correspondence cla«>e«* with of Dr. V\ni. A. . Prospectus, world-famed opinions Specialist iu Hammond, the Mind diseases, Daniel Grcenleaf Thompson, D,, the great Fyschologist, J. M. Buckley, D. Editor of the Christian Advocate, Richard Proctor, the Scletist, Hons. Judge Gibson, Judah i’ P Beniamin, and others, LG18ETTE, sent post free by Prof. A. 237 Fifth Ave., New York. HOTEL CURTIS SPIFFIN', GEORGIA, Under New Management. A. G. DANIEL, Prop’r. r 4?T 1 »'Ur* meet all train*. feb 15dly —jt _____ ADVERTISERS :an learn the exact cos’ if an} nroposed line :: advertising in American papers by addressing ■ ieo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spn> > it., New York, v-i.f iOc* .o» JOO-i*»s* Psmiiphtet PARKER’S GINGER TONIC Tbe Beet Curw f.>r t out-ha, Weak Luna*. Affithma. Inrff- ▼aiaablejuMiiciaeaw Inw&jdrain*. £xh*iut*>n. CoabiaufttNinfl cwl- Mye po#» ith JamadaULnffer, other »i exertj a over disrate unknown to rea>ed»e*. Weak Lunina Rheumatism, Fern ale O.mpuuntt, and tbe di*tre«*.a«r iltoof Uie stomach. L*ver. Kidneys and Bowel* ore d ratfpns: thousand* to the firra-e e*bo would recover tbeir health by the timely uee oC Fxuui’ffiGuxiCR Tonic. H w new life and wrenjrtb to be acred. fcOo. at Vrttt fiatt Hnoox Si Co..»« william gtraet, V Y. Peculiar Many peculiar point* make Ih**!’* S..r- laparllla superior to all other im-di. Peculiar In comhln.di'.n, pr ;. f and preparation »t Itigrr, m Hood's Sarsaparilla jk> tli,i>^rfV the full curative value of best known remcdle^^ S n < the vegetable king Itsstrength ftSj jr "in. Peculiar In and economy— :lr ‘ aaparllla ofVXwhich is/C«>>* >«'"*- truly clue can bcsahl *51 ^^Dollar.” One. Hundred M P is On,,Qt -di'-liics In Sf quir produce or, good results as Hood's. Peculiar In it* medicinal merits, Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes curt* hilh- erto title unknown, of Tho and greatest has won blood for Itself^/- the " purifier ever discovered. reculiarinits “goodname ST Jc®? home," Ilood’s —there Sarsaparilla^^ Is now^^/more -Id in of S I^V^^tt s-w Lowell, where |*made, than of all^ yXotlar Mood purifiers.Peculiar In Us phoneme- rial record of sales has abroad ,^r pv/no attained other preparation such P"|>u- O’^Xlarity ever ln *° !ll,ort a tln,e ' . Vjffi^Xand md retained Ita popularity coufldenco amosg all classes people so steadfastly. Do not be Induced to buy other preparations, but bo sure to get the Peculiu Medicine Hood’s Sarsaparilla Bold brail druggist*. »l;*l*for»S. Prciisredonlj bj C. I. UOOD * CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Tax Collector. Kditob News:— Please announce my name a candidate for the office of Tax Collector Spalding County, subject to the Demo nomination if one is held. R. H. YARBROUGH. For Tax Collector, Kditob News:— please announce my name it candidate for re-election to the office of Collector of Spalding county, subject the Democratic nomination, if one ia held. J. W. TRAVIS. For Tax Receiver. EtitTOft News;—Please announce my name a candidate for re-election to the office of Receiver of Spalding county, subject to the Democratic nomination, if one is held. R. A. HARDEE. To the Voters of Spalding County. At the solicitation of friends I offer fer llie position of Tax Collector of Spalding county, subject to a nomination of the Dem¬ party if one is held. B. D. BREWSTER. IfcA WITTIEST*PRETTIEST JUVENILE# QUEER PEOPLE id OXANTB * PAWN 4 QOBLYHB Jy CLAWS • 1.00 l 9 o ^ ^fi.oo By Bail. ( Elopement of the ¥roa and the Monte.) and Full ■nil of „f tho tho oddest pritnkH, pranks, elinriiilnsr rli p« of iCffi ytt the rhil> parably ftent rind fiis/unf.' —II -Hod. Howard Crosby. (hij at JEtop and VncU - • Hernu • <» ». oetl-dAwl" s. s. s. m-rt .vut : - r SWIFT’S SPECIFIC I« entirely n r*getablo preparation con¬ taining no Mercury, Potash, Ar«enlc, or othe* polnonou* tubatano«?B SWIFT'S SPECIFIC Has cured hundreds of oases of Epltheilo ma or Cancer of the Skin, thousnu 1» of cases of Eczema. Blood Humors and Skin Diseason, and hundreds of thousands of cases of Scrof¬ ula, Blood Poison and Blood Taint. SWIFT’S SPECIFIC Has relieved thousands of cases of Mercu¬ rial Poisoning, Rheumatism and Stiffness of the Joints. Chatta.noooa, clflo Co., Atlanta. T***- Qa.— June Oentlemon 27,—Swift’s In the : a bad cose of upon m<v I began der advice of another, and today I f«©l rreatly Improved. I am still taking until tig the the medicine medicine perfectly and am shall 1 I continue continue to tc do so I am wel fell. believe It \ effect a perfect cure. Yours truly, Due- P. Howard. Ill West Sixth Sf. Specific COLpfltU, Co., Atlanta, S. C., July Ga.- 7, Gentlemen: 1R8fl-The Swift I was a great sufferer from muscular rheumatUm ff.r fwo year*. I oould get no permanent re¬ lief froni any medlclno prescribed bf my physician. g 8. 1 took over I a dosen bottles of your H., and now am os well as I ever was ln my life. I am sure your medicine cured me. and 1 would recommend it to any cue truly. suffering from any blood O. disease. IfuaHU®. Yours E. Conductor C. * u. H. H Waco, Texas. May 9. 1898-Gentlemen : The wife of un.i of my customers w&g terribly afflicted with a loathsome skin disease, that covered her whole body. She was Confined to her bed for several years by this aflUctlon. and ‘ could not help herself at all. 8he could not sleep sleep from from a a violent violent Itching Itching and and stln stinging skill of the skin. The disease baffled ths of wf/tm iH'Kuri ‘ finally dcians nnlly giving giving who treated his his wife wife it. Swift’s Swift’s Her b S Specific, and tnd she she oommenoed commeno to improve almost im- uodtately. Jlately. and and ln ln a few weeks she was ap¬ looking parently looklna lady, lady, welL with with She np no Is trace trace now of of a the the heartv affliction afflict flne- left. Yours very truly, J. R. Ssaus, Wholesale Druggist, Auatlu Avenue. Treatise on Blood ad 4 Skiti Diseases mailed free Tna 8wjrr 8rgcnnc Co^ Drawer «, Atlauta. Ga.; New York, 7X> Broadway. SmSfifTsris m ’ i 8 s 1’klfiP * 2 1'=? THE VERNON, Mrs. A. E. RIDDLE & SON, Prop’rs Cor. First Avenue and Thirteenth St., COLUMBUS, : : : GA. jjgT You sre most cordially invited to atop us while in the city. septlSdlm The Toy the Child Likes Best -IS THE- “ANCHOR” St® sya Baal Stone. Three Colors. ’ A CurrxR Prssktt for child¬ ren of all age*. For $1.75, or $2.00 a good average box. poet-free Descriptive application Catalocne rent on to F. Ad. Richter & Co., SIO BROADWAY, NEW YORK. oct9dSw2m THE - CAMPAItl IN THE Dry Goods Trade lias opened up and it finds J. FLEMISTER Well Equipped with a large stock of new and desirable goods in every de¬ partment. As the season advances, however, Manufacturers and Jobbers rush off the remainder of their stock at reduced prices, and I now have or¬ ders out for these goods, and will offer themat Such prices that it will pay you to make fre¬ quent visits to my Place. - *! Will offer Monday morning one case Standard Prints at 5 c., worth 7 350 doz. Ladies Hose in Solid Black Seal Brown and Blue at 5 c. per pair, well worth 10 to 15 cents. Big Drive. 2 cases Macon Knit Hose and half Hose, heavy and good, at 10 c., worth double the money. Have the best half hose at 15 c ever shown here. Sell dozens of pairs every day. ★ SPLENDID VALUES IN FINER HOSIERY. * te^Will have displayed on our center counters on Monday morning Goods a big lot of Short lei gths and Drese Patterns of Fine all Wool Dress at al¬ most your own price. Come and see them ; they will not stay long at prices named for them. They consist of desirable colors in Sebaster pools. Serges, Cashmeres, &c- One case Cashmere, wool one way. 9 c, wortb 12 1 -2 c. teirDouble Width Cashmeres 12 1 -2 c, worth 20 c. Henriettas 36 inches wide, at 25 c. Henriettas 44 in wide at 50 c. flarSplendid assortment finer Dress Goods with Trimmings to match. liff-M-M -id-lit* Flannels, Plaid and Striped Sacking Flannels, Blankets, &c., at Ifving Prices. SEE OUR TOWELS At 10,15. 20 and 25 c. They are eye openers, Lot of fine towels, slight- ly damaged, at half price. Good Checked Homespun at« c. Shirtings, Sheetings* &c., at Factory Prices. Have the largest stock of Jeans, Cassimeres and Waterproofs in the city. God Jeans 10 c. per yard. Jeans better and heavier than School-boy brand at 25 c. All finer grades proportionately low. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes ? i My Snoe deportment will be found to contain the best goods fromthemost reliable manufactories in the country New Shoes received every day. Have on hand a lot of broken sizes in Shoes that we sell for below value EAGLE SHH0E CO'S WOMEN COARSE SHOES ARE THE BEST MADE- Splendid line Jersey Jackets, Toboggan Caps Corsets, &c. HATS ! HATS ! HATS. My stock will be found fully up to its usual standard Good desirable goods at Rock Bottom Prices. -Trunks and Satchels- 1 buy goods in this line from the most reliable manufacturer in the East and will offer you better fiuished Trunks and Satchels for the same monee that others ask for interior made goods > iWPWill say finally that it is my determina¬ tion to convert my large stock into money before January If good goods at less than their value will do it. So it will be to your interest to exam¬ ine my stock before making your purchases, E. J* FLEMISTER. State Lottery Compan Incorporated by the Legislature In 1868 . >r and Charitable purposes, ill franehine made a part of Uie preso-i Constitution, in 1870, by »u ovcf popular vote Its GRAND JKTRAORD1NARY DRAW- DRAWINGS take place on each of the other ton months in the year, and are ai in public, at the Academy of Music Orleans, La. 4 'We do hereby certify that we supervise the for all the monthly wo Drawings of The Louisiana fctateko Company, and in person manage and cod the Drawings themselves, and that the are conducted with honesty, fairness in good faith toward all parties,! cerlilica.* •*» w the Company to use this fac-simtleg of oursiguatuics attached in advertisements.” rsraisIMlonsri, We the undersigned Banks and Bankert pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisian* Lotteries which may be presented al w. W tLJISlEl .Pre.. I,».Xa*1 B. LARAIX. l*r«»l»l* *»• 1 »k. A BAlDWII.FrM. III. iiOlI.X, Pr«.l*lo« » «■ *“• X IB»*t £* B i . : Monthly : Drawing Ik the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, November 13, 1888, PRIZE, $3 00,00. 100,000 Tickets at Twenty Dollars each 110; Quarters $5; Tenths i3; Twen¬ tl. LIST OF PRIZES.. ! Ubizbcf $300,00018.......... $300,000 100,000 1 Prize of 100,000 is.......... 1 Prize of 50,000 is ....... 50,000 1 Prize of 25,000 is .......... 25,000 2 Prizes of 10,000 are......... 20,000 25,000 5 Prizes of 5,000 are......... 25,000 25 Prizes of 1,000 are......... 50,000 100 Prizes of 500 are......... 200 Prizes of 300 are......... 60,000 500 Prizes of 200 are......... 100,060 approximation prizes. Prizes of $500 are............... 50,000 do. 300 arc............... 30,000 do. 200 are............... 20,00 TERMINAL PRIZES. i. 100 are............... 00,900 >. 100 are.............. 90,909 Prize* of amounting to......#1,054,806 Capital Prizes Note.—T ickets terminal drawing Prizes. not entitled to For Club Rrates, or any further informa apply to the undersigned. Your hand¬ must be distinct and Signature plain rapid return mail delivery will be as- by euclosing and Envelope bearing full address. Send POSTAL NOTES, Express Money or New York Exchange in Ordinary Currency by Express (at our expense) addressed to DAUPHIN, M. A. New Orleans La or M-iA. DAUPHIN, Washington, D. C. Address Registered Letters tc MS OHLEAXN JIATOSAL BASH New Orleans, La. REMEMBER «f Ih* and Early, nboare In charge. drawings, is ft gnaantee of absolute fairness and integrity, that the chances are all equal, and that no one can possibly divine what numbers will draw a Prize. REMEMBER that the payment of all Prizes is GUARANTEED BY FOUR NATI' i NAL BANKS of New Orleans, and the Tickets are signed by the President of an In stitution whose chartered rights therefore are recog nized in the highest Courts; beware of any imitations or anonymou schemes. 7r Customers, Aught, Boarders, To be Bought Agents, Silver or Gold, Sold. Orders, Merchandise Servants or Place, G»ods to Appraise, Lawyer or Case, Opening Days Musical Tenners, To Announce, Popular Preachers, Houses or Acres, Cooks, Butchers or Bakers. Books, Boats, Votes, To Hire or Let, Offices, Dress skirt or flounce Basement, A cure for disease, First Floor, A Handy MuslinChetniae, Valise, Casement, A To Purchase a Pet, Cheese, Horse, Teas, Mare, Bees, Monkey or Bear, Peas, Bloodhound or Spitz Or Arc Prone Free from Fitz, To Make Known, To Hire a Hall, Your Store, Driver or team, Hosiery, An Elegant Carriage,Dry Upholstery, oods, Play,Concert AnOputent Marriage, Ball, Picnics. or Skutep, Excursions, Plates, Knick-Knacks, To sell to gay creatur'*Dive> sions, Diamonds, Clothes Ready-; Made, Pearls, Increase of Trade, Rings, Coal. Coke and Wood Curls, Pictures, Wash for Features, Lec tures, To Or buy Odd Things, All Works Kinds of Theology, Food sell Odd Things, on Cats, Magic, Astrology, Rats, Wealth and Felicity, Mats, World-wide Publicity Flat* Flags, Bats Rags, Pantaloons, Hats, Bags, Nags, Resplender tCravat*, Dress shirts or collars Mutton or Beef, Almighty Dollars, Financial Relief, House for Rent, Stocks, Store, Tenement, Clocks, Cash Cash to be Spent, Lent, L,ocks, to he Socks, Scent, Portmonia or Box, Tent, Pig, Sheep or Ox, Roman Cement, Or Even a Beau- Go— Then in a Trice, Read the Advice, Take the Advice Far Beyond Price, Written Below— Written Below— ADVERTISE -IN THE- Daily News To Business Men. -Ly ■\TO in LABOR these ED days ARGUMENT to convince IS INTELL1 NEEDED GENT men that it Pays Well to Advertise APlim: li riUro outpoint It* and wuefl Whisker »t Bookofpar- homo FXUBS. H*5 wttl tieu Ion seat WZwu,(m. or