The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, October 18, 1888, Image 4

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THE HOST GOODS FORTHE LEAST MONEY 1 E. R. ANTHONY’S DRUG STORE, HEADQUARTERS FOR DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OIM, .T*BNI»HE»; ETC. ns? 1 1 Pfcjslclans' iToscription* separately co r ponded, day or night. j BOOTS, SHOES AND LEATHER —AT- '"Vii’s g p Hill i ; Hfflllus He Store Hill St. Home-made Shoes and Leather a Specialty yarWe warrant nil work nnd (shall make it a point to misrepresent noth J„*J reejifed »large abipment of Gents, Ladies and Misses fine goods Utd school shoes for Children. H. W. HASbEDKUS. WATCHES t ★ JEWELRY, * DINNER AND TEA SETS! DECORATED LUSTRE AND PLAIN WHITE ENGLISH GRANITE WARE. DECORATED AND PLAIN CHINA PLATE SETS, GLASS. TIN AND WOODEN WARE. KENTUCKY COOKING AND HEATING STOVES. SEE THEM AND PRICES. • ■ NOVELTY CO. ■ A. LOWER, Ml Mr tit Hit It limits. Mills, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, &C. Special attention given to Repairing. 20 Hill Street GRIFFIN, GA. ttriOn, Ha., Oct. 18. *AKlM c POWDER Absolutely Pure. This Powder never Tanes. A mar vel purity, strength and wholesome***. economical than ths ordinary kinds, and not ho sold in oompetiton with the ninllitu of low tost, abort weight, alum or Powders. Bold onl in oans. Powms Co., 106 Wall Street, New oW-dAwlv-tnn rolnnin lat or 4th cage. SMOKE! Oca Jbsiok Partsek, the best gar in the market Sold by all lead ing dealers in Griffiu. L Cohen & Co., Sole Agens, Macon, Ga, ang8d3in The Best Meat Market Id Griffin is that of Simpson & Early opposite No, 2 Engine House, T.ty lor street. Nothing tut first class meat sold, and eveiything fresh and clean. When yon want oood meat give them a call. octTdlm “The President’s Wite” b«s Ur ahead of any other flour in tb» Market as Mrs Cleveland herself ja above all competition in rank and feaaftty, Its popularity ia shown by J^Iact that its sale is not confined to A few, bat it is sold by every deal is Griffin. Re sure and order “The President’s, Wife.’* sep!5d3m Postell’s Elegant! The finest floor in the world. Those who have nsed it never use any other, it never failB to pive the moat perfeot satisfaction. Call on J. H. Keith & Co , & H. Deane, J. M. Mills, McFarland, Boyles & Co., or G. W, Clark & Son. aug26d3tn Elakelys Job Office RUNS DAY aND NIGHT. MTCOME AND SEE..®* ’BOUND ABOUT. Matter. ('•■txralaf P*«l>l' 1 ““«• ***•» • ral I*wi (tOMlp. MltlM'l UOT1I END* MEET. The baby tells upon tlie floor, Kick* up hi* tiny feet. mouth, And poke* hi* toe* into hi* Thu* making both end* meet. The butcher *lay» the pensive pig, Cute off his ears nnd feet, And grind* them into sausage big, Tim* making both end* meet. Fine fresh tlsli and oyaters today at i- narnt Ac Wicker'*. Mr*. Luke Powell, of Woodbury, is spend¬ ing a few day* in Hie city. See the waxwork* in 1’atterson’* llall night Admission only 50 cent* A number of Atlanta Red Men smoked pipe of peace in Griffin last night. Little Arlee, the young baby of Mr. Mr*. J. W. tittle, died yesterday J. C. Middlcbrooks, of ('reswell, move in « few days to a farm near Point. Rev. Dr. Harris, paatorof Hunter Christian church in Atlanta, attended j couycntiou yesterday. . Laat Sunday’s cartoon not having ; understood by one of our most valued sub ! scribers, we print one jto-day that we think may be more familiar in it* subject, j A. 8. Murray lias a targe line of the finest and cheapest furniture ever brought to j Griffin, and the wise purchaser will lit sure to patronise him. Sec hi* advertisement. The Baptist* have promised never to paint another wiudow if they can get rid of the last ones- Goto the entertainment to-night and help them out. Von never aided a bat ter cause, Mrs. E. E. Crocker, whose attractive ad¬ vertisement appears in another column, leave* this morning for Atlanta to replenish her *tock, having mad. large sales in the last few days. J. P. Foster, better known to his many Griffin friend* ft* Joe, eauae down from Atlanta yesterday with a gold headed um¬ brella and silver headed cane, and looking very handsome, as usual A. Lower'* advertisement appears in another column. Mr. Lower is doing a good business in the jewelry line. Eight dia¬ mond rings within a short time past is a part of his sales, and is no small thing for a town of the sue of Griffin. The Baptist entertainment to-night will consist of Mrs. Jarlcy’a wax works, charades, a recitation by Editor Harry C. Brown and other specialties. It will l>» highly amus- ing and will also Lx- elevating in an artistic sense, since the proceeds will go toward de¬ molishing tne star-spangled blue lights of the church. Mrs. Win. Weston and family, of Dawson, who also have a snmmar home at Gaines villa, were iu the city the first of the week looking for a new location where they eouid find a permanant abiding place summer and winter. Mrs. Weston was shown around by our clever real estate agent, Capt. Cun¬ ningham, and was very favorably impressed and it is hoped that she will locate. She could find no better point and no people more hospitable to welcome newcomers. The large store room of Mrs. M. K. Brown & Co. was very handsomely decorated yes¬ terday with festoons of cwerjreen and rib¬ bons and bouquets of natural flowers. The windows, counters and show cases were tilled with the many attractive articles in niilli- nerjr, while the trimmed hate were In each beauty and variety that bum could fail to bcmited. Tboae who did not call yester¬ day should not uiIm the oppcrtmiUy to-day. Ytsterday morning the last remain* of Judge Hviilien Holt Iiernoon, of Derator, Ala , were interred in the Ui iffln Cemetery from the residence of Dr. N. B. Dre*ry. Mr. Herndon was an ortogenarUn, haring passed into hi* four aoorc year*. He was a natire of Virginia, ard hi* family is one of note in that State. Hia nnolc wa* that fa- moo-’ Lieutenant Herndon who au nt down al sea refusing to abandon hia post of duly. He was also a cousin to President Arthur’* wife. Mr. Heradon leave* a wife and one child, a daughter, who is Mr*. N, B. Drew, cry, of this plane. THE STATE CONVENTION Full Proceedings of the Meeting of Christians. The Christian Church State convention met in Griffin on Tuesday evening according to appointment. After some beautiful music by their choir, assisted by same of the otherGriflln church choirs, the session opened with prayer by the presiding officer, Rev. Mr. Foster. The Rev. Mr. Lucas, who was to have preached the first or introductory sermon,haviua failed to airive, the presiding officer called on the ReT. J. A. Perdue, an old Griffin boy, to dis¬ charge that duty, which he did with much credit to himself and under the circum¬ stance. We will not attempt to give a synop si* of hia sermon, but will only mention one or two point*. One was that It was not de¬ creed that anyone should live hut was de¬ creed to all the human family ahonld die and after death the judgement. The other point was that no lady could be a leader of fashions and indalge in ail the gaieties of the day and atthesame time be a Christian. After the sermon, other announcement* were made for the morning by tho presiding officer, afier which the convention adjourned until morn big. WEOM80AV MORNING SESSION. After the morning songs and prayer, Elder Adams made au extended speech of welcome to the ministers and delegates, which was re sponded toby Elder Golightly.then Rev. Mr. Spencer preached an able sermon from ths text “Except the Lord bniid the house, they that build labor but in vain.” After prayer, adjourned until ii o’clock p. m AFTERNOON SESSION. The convention met at Jo’clook p. m. At. ter singing and prayer they proceeded to en¬ roll the names of the ehurclies and their del¬ egates. We are sorry to learn that a large number of the church*.* did nothave any rep rcsentatives here, but when we taka into con sideratiou that the convention cover* the State of Georgia, the great distance some would have to come, at this very busy season of tlieyenr, wearenot surprised that the del¬ egates from the extreme partsofthe State failed to come- The enrollment being over, the State Evan¬ gelist, J. A. Perdue, was called on for a speech on church extension. He substitut¬ ed a printed plan written by some one else* as the best plan for shurch extension. The plan was to organize an extension or loan fund, to loan to a weak church for a smnl] rate of interest toenablethcm to build house of worship. The convention thentook up mteoeUandous business. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a purely vegetable preparation; It i* peculiar being free in its from curative injurious ingre¬ J dient*. power. Hampton Actings amt Doings. Hampton, Ga., Oct 17—Cotton 8,^(8 Bales to date, 1,076. John 1). Tnrnipseed was over ia Fayette last Friday. Mrs. John T. Mauley i* on a visit to her mother, Mrs. McMahon, Henry Chinn has closed a contract to bnild a brick store for 8. T. A A. C. Blalock, of Fayetteville. Col. Frank Z. Curry was in Fayetteville Tuesday on legal business. Tom Brown, of Luella, was in town 8atur- day. Uncle Jimmie Edwards, we are sorry to chronicle, i* very sick. We hope for his early recovery. l’rof. T. S. McDowell is in attendance on the grand jury, of which he is foreman. Tlie boys in and around town are daily re. reiving invitations ( ?) to call upon that au. gust body of men, kuown as the grand jury. Jim Fields. 8r., now lies critically ill May Ged spare him, is onr prayer. T. V. Wynn now smiles from ear to ear It is a ten-pound girl. Breek North, Lura Fields and Jim Foster visited their respective hones on last Sun¬ day . R, H. Chinn ar.d Frank 7. Curry will visit their best girls in Griffin to-night. Dr. John Starr, of Sunny Side, was in to see us on last Monday . Will Edwards killed twelve ducks nnd crippled seventeen one moruing last week at one shot on his father's mil! pond. Tlie farmers nrc busy bedding sngar cane *eed, and, by the way, a great deal of it is raised in Henry county. Tbe old story: Trivial symptoms were neglected until rhenmantiam became cs tablished, whereas all the suffering could have been prevented by the prompt use. of Salvation Oil. 25 cents. Third I’arty Campaign Thornier, Atlanta, Oct. 17. —Messrs. A. A. Murphey, of Barnesville, and Walter B. Hill, electors at large on the third party ticket, will get out a campaign paper iu Atlanta, in the interest of Fiske and Brooks, third party nominees. The first paper will be printed next week. Mr. W. B. Iliil is expected to be the principal contributor to the paper It is understood here that $10,000 has been sent to Georgia in the interest of the third party, and they will do all they can in the way of making inroads on the Democracy of the state. Col, A. A. M.'jrphey, who is one of the most enthusiastic members of this party, thinks they will poll, at least, 6,000 votes in Georgia for their electoral tick et. Baby is king all the world over. as its rule should be as quiet as possible, fad not to provide it with Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup for all the ailments inci dent to its condition. It is a safe reuio dy. Travelers should be prepared for the change of weather r.nd the effects of ex posure Dr. by Cough providing themselves with r. Bull's Bull's Co’ Syrup. House to Rent. Flemister's. Apply to J. A. Stewart. Cahe Every Day! your orders with us—they will be tilled by Mrs. Ida Judkins. Best Line of Cigars in the city. Call aud we will save yoTKinoney, J. H. Keith A Co Mrs. E. E. CRO •20 HILL STREET, ---HAS AM. THE-- M : Styles: of: Millinery if AND TRIMMINGS ^■V’iSaxony Wools, best goods and all asorted colors, Also, German- town Wools. and Agfc. Call ard ezamine my goods prices. octlsd&wlm A. S. MURRAY Calls your attention to his n Line l if ii lire! * i i wr ti COMPLETE SUITS OR SINGLE PIECES. Suits of 9 Pieces from $20 to $ 100, Tables, Chairs Bedsteads, Spring Beds, Wardrobes, Etc, A limited number of Sewing Machines of the best makes for sale very low. I am always ready to serve my customers, noth day and night. J. H. White, Jr., A Co. Tlie CLOTHIERS AND GENTS FURNISHERS Of GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, have a large and well selected stock of Clothing and Overcoats Hats and Caps. EVERYTHING KEPT IN A FIRST-CLASS FURNISHING STORE. ALL AT BOTTOM TRICES. A Specialty made of the Celebrated Bay State Shoes, which have no Equal for Durability and Comfort. DRIED BEEP! Uncanvass Dried Beef, only 15c. per pound. Nicely cut Sugar cured uncanvass Shoulders only 12 1-2 c. per pound. Spiced Pigs r eet. Fresli Coconuts. Fine Yellow Bananas. G* W. Clark & Son. Pomona Pickings. Pomona, Ga., Oct. 17.—Pomona has scored another victory. A short time ago our citizens sent a petition to the manager of the Central rail road requesting that Pomona be made a flag slatioD, which was grant ed. A large freight -business is be ing done already *nd it gives the place a much more lively appearance to see the train stopping to receive and discharge goods. We understand that there are to be at least three new buildings put up here immediately. Pomona was well represented in Hampton last Sunday. Ten wentnp on the train and several by private conveyance. They went 10 hear Dr. Thomas, of Atlanta, who preach ed at the Christian church. Dr. Thomas is considered one of the ablest men of tho Saate. There will be preaching at Tirsab next Sunday Mrs, G. Treasure and daughter, Miss Jessie, spent Sunday with friends in Sunny Side. Col. H. Peebles and Prof. Denton, of Hampton, were in town Monday. Mr. ami Mrs. Stanfield, of Love joy, were visiting friends ;n town Tuesday. Will Freeman happened to a very painful accident last Friday. While cutting cane be cut off the end oftna thumb. Richard Manley looks very happy It i6 a boy. The fair cnes of Pomoni seem to be in demand. We noticed four at one place last Sunday after We are glad to see the young exhibit such good taste, as there are no prettier girls to be found any where tbaD at Pomona. If you wish see the atmosphere take on a bluish tint just ask Morti mer Smith how he got home from Hampton last Sunday. Laxador is the result of years of obser ration and experience. It is now rec omended by leading physicians for cost iveuess and indigestion. DREKMflM Sweet as Roses / /, ^Fragrant! Lasting 1 The Leading Price 25 Ctg. jPsnR.yu'ixiaE. ’'Sold at Pn*o?i*ts. Laxador Cures Liver Complaint, Affections, Costfveness. Bilious Giddiness. At druggists. 26 c. DFBULL’S GOUGH tUHES SYRUP COUGHS fit COLDS FOR 25 C Salvation Pnze pr :e only only 25 25 Cts. Cts. Sold Sold by by alt alt druggists. druggists. Oil Will relievo Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings,Bruises,Lumbago,Sprains, Headache, Toothache, Sores, Burns, Cuts, Scalds, Backache, Wounds, 4c. CHBW ^ ftUGS, The Great Tobacco An. tijota.'—Rria 10 Cts. At all aruqgltta. children pick their nose, grind their teeth reatlew, unnatural in their appetite, the, aw likeiv troubled with Worms, prompt meat* should be taken and B. A.Fahamtoektl fr ™l*Ore ha* saved be given them according to direo it man, a child from death aid f mm i MiliMiiiliir ! BUST I CROWDED 1 Morning Hill Night BUT Scheuerman & White, ★ ARE PREPARED FOR A * Much Larger Crowd! THIS WEEK. SHELVINGS CRAMMED FULL, COUNTERS PILED UP WITH GENUINE, WHOLESOME BARGAINS, NOT \\ A FEW UNSEASONABLE GOODS, NOR ARE THEY CONFINED TO DOMESTICS. BUT ANY AND EVERYTHING THAT YOU NEED FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR CAN BE FOUND CHEAPER AT Scheuerman & White’s THAN ANY PLACE IN MIDDLE GEORGIA. Woolen Dress Qoods! r 10 c buys an All wool filling Cashmere. 15 c. buys a much nicer quality and worth anywhere 20 c. 25 c. bugs our brag Number, 36 inches wide and a lovely quality. But Our 35c. Henrietta Cannot be duplicated elsewhere for less than 50 c Our buyer was fortu¬ nate enough to find these goods at a great bargain The lot was too large for us, but were forced to take them all. ★ WE ARE PROUD OF OUR SUCCESS * In Dress Goods this season We dipped into a much finer line than is usu¬ ally brought to Griffin, but our friends have sustained us. and by the end of the season not a pattern will be left in stock. Broadcloth, Amazon Cloth, Surges, Henriettas, Surah Cloth, Plushes, Velvets, Plaid Surah, Braided and Beaded Passementerie. One Dollar will buy at SGHFUERMAN & WHITE'S a handsome Kid Glove that we defy any house to duplicate for less than 81 50. When this lot is gone we can get no more at the same price. THE BEST 81 50 GLOVE IN THE CITY, c. for a pair of Ladies Linen Cuffs! £5*^5 cents for a Ladies Linen Collar ! Great Bargains in Red and White Flannels, Comforts,Blankets and Bn^sy Koines. Shoes, shoes P A Ladies Kid, worked button hole, good shoe, 81 25. A Ladies elegant Dre*s Shoe, our regular 82 00 goods at 81 50. We defy you to buy our 82 50 shoes elsewhere for less than 83 00. Our >2 75 Shoes is our Leader Then Reed's Ladies Fine Shoes and Ad ler s Men s Shoes are the' Bosses " They are head and shoulders above any other make, according to our judgment, and we think we are pretty good es HOME-MADE BROGANS AND WOMEN'S COARSE SHOES. MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING ! ★ Men's Overcoats for $2 00 ; Men’s Business Suits for $5 00,worth $8 fK); Men’s Business Suite for $10 00, worth $12 50; Men's Dress Suite $10 00, $15 00 $ls 00 and $20 00. Boys Suite from $2 00 up to $10. Scheuermanfe White.