The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, October 21, 1888, Image 2

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IJilfUELl.AS 48 LAWrCl. PLUNDER. During rainy weather any timbrel U, if auifioientiy valuable, left neg¬ lected and unprotected in any place, is the legitimate plunder of the next gentleman who comes along ti her with an umbrella of such • inferior value as to warrant exchange, or with no umbrella rt all. The word ‘•steal,” “theft,” or “thicl," as ap¬ plied to seizures of umbrellas, contra baud of war through neglect, is not warrantable and must scon become obsolete. The seizure of umbrellas under these circumstances teaches a great moral lesson. The man who carries Ins umbrella over his shoulder, endangers his rear neighbor’s eyes, or he who carries it under his arm in a crowd, braced square and taut like a ship s yard, so as to rake everybody when be “come, ill stays”; and, above all, ho who on the crowded pave, while car ried away by the ardor and vehem- cn ce of a personal discussion, uses his umbrella as an adjunct to ges¬ ticulation and flourishes it reckless ly about, the more forcibly to point a moral and adorn a tale—all these are legitimate subjects to be followed aud plundered of the dan¬ gerous weapons. No strictly careful man or wo¬ man will lose an umbrella save through the processes of wear, tear and decay, as gomroon to mortal urn brellas as to mortals who carry mor tal umbrellas. The person of strict method and perfectly adjusted brain never forgets anything or at¬ tempts the doing of but ono thing at a time. When such a person de¬ posits his or her umbrella in the rack, it is with them an act plainly set down and recorded on their men tal ledgers, and deemed of as much relative importance as if they had deposited a thousand dollars in tho bank. This exchange, or oven the seiz¬ ure, of an umbrella contraband through conventionality without the formality of leaving the inferior rain protector in its place, has come to be proper and justifiable, because it Is attended with good results. It teaches the loser to be careful. Peo pie are often advised to be careiul, but are seldom told the method of cultivating carefulness. Carefulness is a science. It involves the capacity of putting on the thing you do the quantity of thought, and no more, necessary for suoh doing. Now, the man hurrying to the Post Office to get his stamps, who “absently,” as we say, thrusts his umbrella in a corner, taking nc note stall of that act, but thinking only of stamps, is unconsciously cultivating the per¬ nicious habit of absent minded ness. This habit grows, and will eventual ly pervade every act of that man’s life, and may, through similar teuden cy to neglect the thing now in hand, cause him the loss of thousands of dollars. To take that man’s um¬ brella then, ere he thinks of it, is really a charitable act, whether so in tended or not. The loss may remind him of the damage resulting from that hurried mental condition which regards all acts as irksome save that on which it is specially engaged. The man who, rain or shine, is dis¬ posed to leave his umbrella in bis of lice or the street car should bo re¬ minded by the frequent seizure of his umbrella that life is made up of details and so-called small things; that to cultivate attention to the doing of one thing, no matter how trivial, is to cultivate attention and precision in the doing of all things, and that as a factor to the highest success the care and keeping oi an umbrella is as important as the care of the Kohinoor diamond. This great moral lesson can be largely enforced and emphasized during the coming stormy season f>y the seizure of umbrellas wherever you find them unguarded and neg¬ lected. The man addicted to this practice is a great public benefac¬ tor.* How s Thfs ! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cun not be cur ed bv taking Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Fi J CHENEY & CO., l’rops , Toledo, O. We, the underssicned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, a- d believe him perfectly hono-atde in all business transac¬ tions, and tinansi tty able firm to carryout any obligations made by their West ,t Tru»x, Wholesale Drinr^ists, Toledo, Ohio. ... .... ,, -i.te, Toledo, t uivutq Ohio. v'uiu. II. Van Hoosen, Cashier, Toledo Nation¬ al Bank, Toledo, Ohio. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Price, 78c. per bot- Sold by all Druggists. oSMJfcwlm Advice to Mothers. M. j. Winsi.ow's Soothing Sr bop for children teething, is the prescription and of one of the best female nurses physicians in the United States, and lias been used for forty years with never failing success by millions of mothers for their children. During the process of teething its value is incalculable. It relieves the child from pain, cures dye en dory tery and aud diarrhoea, dusrrLma, griping griping in in the the bowels, aud wind oolie. By giving health to the c laid and rests the mother Price 25 cents « bottle. augeodAwl a •0UQU8 8LE88ITEB. Editor * lYop’r »AIH',(In4<J»»nf*)P« »«■*«.*. On* imr ........... l.W WrlBn, tteergU, Oct, 21, 18#*. Dlcitl Paper of Spalding Go. Paper of the City of Griffin AdTerttalng llntea. toqmmV oa». 1 IMST* Wd for lea* than 80 cant#. Ml insertions rlaas than one dollar must be paid for in WlftOlOff l 'kT^n*nu<^lheir^advertisement* HI WUM—V ...v..----- , *1#KltKLy-^Sam^*‘«i ** '«r ‘ h ® 1> * llv ' DEMOCRATIC TICKET. CJ^BLA»l*,"0F von raasinasT: GROVER »«W YORK. ro* vics-razsimun •• ALLEK Cl. THURMAN, OF OHIO. At Large—T mow.»» K, Watson, Jons T Gratis. Bsamxom First District— J uu> A. g««oad lliatriet—Acocsrrs L. llawas. Third District— Thomas B. Fazmaa. Fourth Diatrict-JAMB* M. Fifth District—J ams* A. Gbat. Sixth District—Roat-av D. Smith. Seventh DUtrict— McCon»«u. L. Johnson Eighth District-J ohn T. Jordan. Ninth Dtatrict—H oward W. Nrwman . Tantt District— s. HowardUam.awat. ToaoowJRastMAN, 5 th district, JOHN D. STEWART. Ororer Cleveland is all right. The foil and correct presidential ticket will be found at the head of thee* colanmr, Stephen A. Deng las, bod of the “Little Giant," ie a Chicago candi date for membership in the Illinois Legislature. Blaine iB diaguating his own party leaders in Indiana, and the Hoosier state is howling and hurrahing for Thurman, The old Roman is on top. Imprisonmeut baa no softening in ftaenee on some criminals. It sceniB to so harden them as to place them beyond all hope. For iostunce, there ia the New York convict who baa contributed $20 to the wicked high tariff campaign fund. And now old sunn Lamar, of the Macon Evening News, steps to the front and intimates that it was Mr. Randall who formulated the I’resi dent's message and the pres out oampaign. Well, well, well ! Who would have thought it, Mr. La¬ mar t Pleasant Plains, N. Y., is a repnb lican stronghold, and one of its citi sens is Mr, John Harris, who has placed in a window of his residence a transparency bearing this inscrip tion: *‘I am a republican, but no erank. Hurrah for Cleveland.” There are a good many republicans of the John Harris way of thinking. NEW YORK IS ALL RIWHT. The scare in Now York is a count er to the Republican blnff in betting. It is all in the eye of the managers to bring out all the Democrats and to bring down tneir candidates for Mayor. Whether ibis last is accorn plished or not, New York will be all right, and Mr. Cleveland will carry the city of New York by the biggest kind of a majority. The New York Sun says that the first day’s registry list shows that the metropolis will have by far the largest vote ever cast in New York. Tbip registration is all since the announcement of Messrs. Hewitt and Grant, and yet there was a gain of SO per cent over the campaign of 1884, the most fiercely contested election in years If the present ra tio of increase is maintained, Use number of registered voters will ex eeed 300,000, and the vote will be Over 285,000. The registration in 1884 was only 240,906. Under this showing the Democratic majority in New York city alone will overcome any majority that Harrison may se cure in the state at large. Brooklyn also furnishes an immense Democrat ic majority, and when the votes are eonnted the Repnblican mi betters ueuers and unci and bluffers will be , boned beyond the possibility of resurrection. In fact, the Republican party will be buried next mouth, and Democratic New York will preside at the fnner si Ob* Fact la worth a coinmn of rhetoric, said an Amor can statesman- It is a fact, established by tha testimony fctmoDy of oi thooahnds (nosannus oi of scrofula, people, people, that um Hood’s tSamparilla Sam pari doe» cure salt rheum, , and and othe, other ....m ciMxwe* or ... affection* ....... arts ... lair from impure state or low condition of the Mood. It also overcomes that tired feeding, create* a good of appetite, end Try stives strength to every part the system it. fc) ..... i i- -' , Many peculiar points make flood’i Rar- MpartlU superior to all other medlclm and Peculiar preparation fn combination, of Ingred. | r ■; o-bmi^^e Hood’s full curative Sarsaparilla value po«scsscs^^»\X*V of the^VVN the remedUaV ^jJQt ”t best known jT the vegetable king -^r '* 0 m • Peculiar in Us/tUyT D‘*"l strength Sar- and economy— . lapartlU Is Xvhlcli cine ofw cau truly hcsald Cy Hundred Medicines Dose* In Oa(! JT Qk ^^Nargvr ^^TDoIlar.” and smaller bottles V equip' larger doses, and do not produce a.s good results at flood’s. r Peculiar in It* medicinal merits, Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures hith¬ erto title unknown, of The and greatest has won for blood itself^^ tho ' purifier ever dlscovered. ’^v a home,” Peculiar —there In lU”p>odiuuno^^^j.C) Is now ^^^^niore . of flood's Sarsaparilla wbero^^ S /« S sold ia Lowell, it is made, than of all f S other blood purifiers, Peculiar In its abroad phenomc- e*S^^etio ^t^'yrnnl other record preparation of sales has attained such popu¬ larity in so short a time, r and retained Us popularity Avconfidence among all classes ot people so steadfastly. Do not he Induced to buy other preparations, but bo sure to get the Peculiar Medicine, Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggUU. fl;ti*forg5. Prepared only by C. X. HOOD * CO., Apothecaries. Lowell, Mas*. IOO Doses Ono Dollar POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Ordinary. To the Pzoi’i.E—I announce myself as a candidate for Ordinary, subject to nomina¬ tion of the Democratic party I trust that my |iast administration of the office has been satisfactory to the people and that they wilt continue to give me their confidence and support. E. W. HAMMOND. For Sheriff. Editor News—P lease announce my name as a candidate 5»r Sheriff of Spalding Coun¬ ty, subject to a Democratic nomination, if one is held R» 8. CONNELL. R. H. Johnston For Treasurer. I am a candidate for Treasurer of Spalding County, subject to nomination by the Demo¬ cratic party. R. H. JOHNSTON. For County Treasurer To the Voters or Spaldino Cointv—I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election ns County Treasurer, subject to the Democratic nomination. I respectfully solicit your voles. J. C. BROOKS. For County Clerk. Emtob News—P lease announce iiry name ns a candidate for re-election to the office of County Clerk, subject to a Democratic pri¬ mary, if one is held. h . M THOMAS. For Tax Collector. Editor News:—P lease announce my name as a candidate for tho office of Tax Collector of Spalding County, subject to the Demo¬ cratic nomination if one is held. R. Ii. YARBROUGH. For Tax Collector, Editor News:—P lease announce my name as a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Collector of Spalding county, subject to the Democratic nomination, if one is held. J. W. TRAVIS. To the Voters of Spalding County. At the solicitation of friends I offer fer the position of Tax Collector of Spalding county, subject to a nomination of the Dem¬ ocrat party if ono is held. B. 1). BREWSTER. For Tax Receiver. Editor Nbws:—P lease announce my name as a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Receiver of Spalding county, subject to to the Democratic nomination, if one is held. It. A. HARDEE. No Mercury, No Potash, Or any other Mineral Poison. It is Natures Berner, mart® exclusively from Hoots ami Herb*. It is perfectly Harmless. It U the only remedy known to the world te /toixon rn all it$ ttagr*. It cures Mercurial Rheumatism, Cancer, Scrofula, and other blood diseaae* heretofore censt iered incurable. It cure's any dlsenaa cau»e<l from impure bic»oi. It is now pre- •crlt»cd by thousands of the best phyeiciau* In the United States, as a tonic. We append the statement of a few * ‘ I hare used S 8 S.on patients conralesc- *ng from fever ami fr tu metvalea with the tH bt results. J. S. Cheney. II D , EliaviHe, Oa.»’ Rani km. Qa. Willie White w»s aftlicted with Ith scrofula scrofula seven seven y \ ears .-ars. I prescribed i>. S. 8,. and to-day day he he Is Ls a a fat fa and robust bov. C. W. Par&ee, M. D. Ricnnofcn, , , Va., Va., Va ivc Pec. is. 15. 1SS5.- issjv.—! I hare taken thit'ri Iteittle* * * of of of Swift's Swift's SjKH'tflO SjH'oittn f (< ' -'%*e4'ondary blood __i poison. iwitson. It It acta ac t* much much bet t>etter than pot¬ ash or any other r reined reim dy v _I I hax have * ever ever used. ujw I It. t. K. f . WlNFIEl \N IMFIKXP. D. M D. if.. Formerly of Suknox Co., Va. Pa. R. J Hals, the well known drugsi** and physician, of Nashville, Howard County. Ark., writes : “ Having scu.a kuowlodge I safely as to what mmend S. S. S. is cnnij-’sed the of. for all can skin dis- reco It as ease*, s, it matters not what the name may be.’' W 7 1» have a bo >k fivlnf 1.1------ a hUtory of this woi udarful ______l rcmctly, rcmctly, and and Its cures, from^all . ov**r the world, which will convlm'S you f all we v.. Aftv . is ls true, true, and and which which we we will ........... r fre** on on application. No family Contagious should l*» with’ thout it We have another on Bio lhh! Poison, sent on same terms. Write us a history of your case, and our physician will -----------v advise " it tth i w’ul you you by by letter, letter, la la strictest confide >nAdeace. W e not deceive you knowingly. For »al© by al! druggists. The swift Sracnric Co., Hrawer S. Atvanta. Os. New York, Td 6 Broadway, larndou. Lng, 55 Snow HilL *. WITTIEST.PRETTIEST JUVtMILES QUEER xmaj*/V3v~^Vx-s PEOPLEi-.i-Vr.ox GOBLQI8 GIXKT3 * 0^.4 fk,f) BTIKQSljtf taw*.* CLAWB is., m’ odr ~ — $1 oo DV M ao: lt““-« /“Ifa S* .ily* 1 ” Hywi tllinion B Ffck. •' rnr another tor leant K. H OonweU. V. D. ' /neom- ing ■fHMiSIffi-fffHaS&KR: as Jk*ep ttmf Vn ls Knx w ’- Hdu How ard Crosby. 4GKNTN ctlSd «kw4w Ghort««t ttn<l Beast X-.i*ie With Through Coach oh Between COLUMBUS and ATLANTA. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Washington, New York, Nashville or Cincinnati. Train leaves Columbns fUuion Depot) l :G5 >. m, arrive at Uriffin 3:50 p. m., Atlanta •:« p. m. train—Leaves Atlanta .i:4o South Bound In tolum p. m., Griffin 5:40 p. in., arrives ms 8:40 p. m. Aeeoinmotliitiou Xi'tiiu NORTH BOUND—Daily except Sunday*. Leave Columbus, Midland Depot. T OO a. rn. Arrives at Griffin,............... .................... ,a; £? I’’ . m. ** McDonough........... ’ 1 ‘) 3 Ofl 30 r. p. in. Arrives . at , n. . SOUTH BOUND—(Daily except Sunday.) Leave McDonough................6 ; A** a> m - Leave Griffin.....................> n Arrive at Columbus...............P> 10 SPECIAL TRAIN--(8unday»only.) Ix'ave Griffin.................- • - 8:25 a. m Arrive at Columbus..............'1'-®) II a. - m m iAiave Columbus................ Arrive at Griffin................. a ‘ m Arrive at McDonough............12:20 p. m M. E. GRAY, Supt. C. W. CHEAR8, Columbus, Ga. Geu’l Pass. Agt. New Advertisements. GUNS REVOLVERS, tend stamp for ------price list to JOHNSTON Ac SON, Pittsburgh, Penn. PARSER’S HAIR OALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hair.. Promotes a luxuriant growth. 6ray; Never Fail* to Restora Hair to its Youthful Color. Prevents Pan dm rtf and hair failing &n»». and SI 00At r>rngg1gts^_ EXHAUSTED VITALITY rPHE SC I ENViS OP LIFE, the ■*- great Medical Work of the age on Manhood, Nervoaa an<lf Physical Debility, Premature ’ Decline, Errors of Vouth, and the untold miserlesconseguent thereon, 300 pages Bvo, 125 prescriptions for all diseases.- bj(- Cloth, full gilt, only $:.oo, mall, sealed. Illustrative sample free to all young sad middle aged men. Send now. The Gold and Jewelled Jtedal awarded to the author by the x a . tleual Medical Association. Address p. O. box p«fltoston. Mass., or Dr. W. H. PARKKR, grad¬ uate of Harvard Medical College. 25ycars'practlce In Boston, who may be consulted confl<l®tially. Specialty.Diseases of Man. OfficeNo.4Buli1neh st H1NDERCORNS. The only sure Cure for Corns. Stops all pam. Ensures omfort to the feet. lie. at Druggista. Uiscox&t-u., N. I ■ PARKER S GINGER TONIC The best of all remedies lor Inward Pains, Colic, Indigcs- Stom¬ lion, Exhaustion and all ach and Bowel troubles. Also the most effective cure for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and affections of the refreshing breathing orgaas. It promotes sleep Sleep improves iiiifiiovcj the tm. appetite, “r l * overcomes nervous and prostration, strength and gives new life $r.oo, Drgguists- to the weak and aged. 50c. and at Crateful--Comforting. EPPS’S COCOA BREAKFAST. “by a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the oparations of diges tion and nutrition, and by a careful applica- iion of the fine properties of well selected Coacoa. Mr. Epps has provided cur delicately provid¬ ed our breakfast tables with a flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such article of dietlhata constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around ug ready to attack wherever there is a weak point Wo may escape many a fatal shaft by keepingourselvec welllortitied with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” —Civil Service Gazette, Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only m half- pound tins. Grocers, labelled thU3: JAMES EPPS A CO., Homoeopathic Chemists, London, England. ; A YELOUS 4 tMORY DISCOVERY; An. Booli Irarn.ll in »«««• reatling. -Wind "imilfrinx corral, (•jia-akinsr without now,. Plrwt hy hnprpmo Court *»r»at'lniluca-nia , nte, to corra*«pon<la*nc«- tln.ifa- Dr. A. Vrospeetus, with opinions of I'm. Hammond, the world-tamed Specialist in Mind diseases, Daniel Greenleaf Hibmpson, D,, the great Pysebologist, J. M. Buckley, D. Editor ot the Christian Advocate, Richard Proctor, the Sciolist, Hons. Judge Gibson, Judah F. Benjamin, and others, sent post free by Trof. A. LOISETTE, • 237 Fifth Ave., New York. HOTEL CURT IS SRIFfTN, GEORGIA. Under New Management. A. G. DANIEL. Prop'r. i t-tuen eetall trains. feblSdly ADVERTISER ;an learn theexa^. >i an) nroposeu t-. .uhertisimr in Amenc papers by address!: ' leo P. Rowell ci C o. 5 Newspaper 3urc-u . lO Sprc ,t , New York V'i*a iO*' .o** iOO-pjtije t'L * h*<* msp The Bt-S COie gg Lurarv i 1 -r t v ; , s. fitvik .' - f .•.. 1 l Ik r> — -——• ard -• ■ raurt.-. • «».<'. UvUanat4oa. ..A.uuMnu. t*«, : * * -• ‘Ltot Viuaao.«y^fx». F* over v. uii. <u»K!K)wn to OtfiM-r t* vnei; rci. * x ewi- djen. Weak t’emaS• _____P__________ Cn«ni>,aiats. a .d the me <Uatiymlngiibo:taoMo, dragging thouxanus «da ww the the .».. Si, Kidney ooki 9 aud boweia Ihetr heal th to to irra-e gra-e mbo wuc * * ouitl r-^o^er r^o^er t»y see timely u*e ert PjjutEa’s Oi.vgea Toxic. attraction ! Over a Million DistnbtD ionisiana State Lottery Compan Incorporated by the Legislature in 18C8 w and Charitable purposes, i a t franchise made a part of the present Constitution, in 18T2, by an over¬ popular vote Its GRAND EXTRAORDINARY DRAM- DRAWINGS take place on each of the other ten months in the year, and are al in public, at the Academy of Musio Orleans, La. “We do hereby certify that we superrise the for nil the monthly and Drawings of The Louisiana StateLoi Company, and in person manage and cor rol the Drawings themselves, and that tne ame are conducted with honesty, fairness in good faith toward all parties, I ’d w the Company to nse this ctrtifitme fae-similesof onraignatuies attached in advertisements." foniiulMloacri, We the undersigned Banks and Bankers pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisiana Lotteries which may be presented at H. JI. W 4LMSI.FV.Prci. La Xal'l " » * lA.VAI'X. Xa» * »*L. HtynWlX.Pm. s. O.Sat’l Bank CABI- iiOll V. l‘rr>. I nion X'lBanl Grand : Monthly : Drawing Ih the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, November 13, 1888, CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,00, 100,000 Tickets at Twenty Dollars each Halves $10; Quarters $5; Tenths $2; Twen¬ tieths f 1. list of prizes. iKSS’SKL':::::::::' •*« 11)0,000 \ Prize of 50,000 is......... 50.000 1 Prize of 25,000 is......... 25.000 2 Prizes of 10,000 are........ 29.000 5 Prizes of 5,000 are........ 25.000 25 Prizes of 1,000 are........ 25.000 100 Prizes of 500 are........ 50.000 200 Prizes of 300 are----.... 00,100 500 Prizes of 300 are........ 100,000 approximation prizes. 100 Prizes of #500 are............ 50.000 100 do. 300 are............ 30.000 100 do. 200 are............... 20,00 terminal prizes. 990 do. 100 arc............... 00,900 999 do. 100 are»............. 99,909 3,134 Prizes of amounting to......$l,054,80f Note.—T ickets drawing Capital Prizes are not entitled to terminal Prizes. For Club Krates, or any further infonna tion apply to the undersigned. Your hand¬ writing must be distinct andSignature plain More rapid return mail delivery will be ns surred by euclosing and Envelope bearing your full address. Send POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange in Ordinary letter. Currency by Express (at our expense) addressed to M. DAUPHIN, A. New Orleans La or M.;A. DAUPHIN, Washington,D. C. Address Registered Letters tc SEW (IBLEIXM SITOXAl BIX* New Orleans, La. REMEMBER ,he CG-ncral. H.-ut,r«-jriir«l and Early. Kbourr In charge »f ,h«> drawings, is a guaantee of absolute fairness and integrity, that the chances are all equal, and that no one can possibly divine numbers will draw a Prize. REMEMBER that the payment of al! Prizes is GUARANTEED BY FOUR NATIO NAL BANKS of New Orleans, and the Tickets are signed by the President of an In atltutlon whose chartered rights are nized in the highest Courts; beware of any imitations cr schemes. THE GRIFFINSTREETRAILROAD CO. Application for Notice is hereby by given, legislature that for will be made to the next charter incorporating “The Griffin Railroad Companyto give said full corporate and powers, of permission city to and the Areets alleys said said, its tracks upon the same, run the road longitudinally or across the streets alleys, to propell the ears by horse, electrici¬ ty, motor or other power; and such and further power as is necessrry to fully put in operation and operate a railroad in the city of Griffin. oct3w4 l T ISM k SUSS Iisnts IpMj CRIFFIN, CEORCiA Strongest Lowest Rates, T> rompt Settlements Tlie Toy tho Child Likes Best -IS THE— _ ANCHOR” lim Building Blacks, Heal Stone. Three Colors. A Clever Present forchild- ren of all ajres. For $1.75, or $2.'.b a good average box. post-free <vst-free Descriptive armiiration appiicat: Catalogue pent i tin on tO F. Ad. Richter & Co., 3IO BROADWAY, NEW YORK. oct9dA-» 2m Hare jon 0.™.-:-. n. tl«. a " n, i-'n J Use PARKER’S cam! GINGER TONIC ' I flay. vuiedy It hsu» many my ui i i.p vt v<: ami j ■ for all stlectfous lou u' the throat an t lur.„ lungs, . aud i:.,-. 1.3 arising from impure im^ bsood and exhaust ion, . The V.e and md tiek, Mck, straggling strogviingagainst ag:; 1 n-t tiLseas^. -• > \ and a-. : - - mw drtfi d e to the grave, wi.i m many case* recover \ hi •. hen ;I y the timolT u«? ot barker's ' lingerTonic, «:• i gr rous. Take it in time. It is inv.i'.i. • !e f.^r till pains and disorders of 51 •. u. and bov. t ls. 60 c .at -’rujtguuo JeCMS’S OALSAM CI.’AXISv*3 RU'I r3 the Jttlr. 1 . ■uiiYted « . a .. laxUrit . - rt PTOY : ’ Hover rolls to hosiers Gray Hair to its Yocfhful Color. CuresscnJp kair failing .y.-Aiiimg rl-tA HINDERC9RNS. 60 YEARS IN USE.» A Phyiician »y>, a soreroign r»m«ir for worm*7 " Vermifuge Having Havin used in ......- the original “B. A. - Fahnestock” - - my practice for many years, I have is no no iV hesitancy hesitancy rtitabit in in recommending recommendingit it as as aremedv aremedv which which f , and efficient in ail cases where a \ ermituge is needed. T»os. H. Haitdy, M. D., Cambridge, Md. .am ygaay * vhe iQiUiis « FLEMISTER’S 3D4 GRAND LOW PRICE SALE 1 HAS BEEN QUITE GRATIFYING. While we closd out many of the Bar¬ gains offered we have added UNTe'W’ T Anti it will be to your interest to visit my CROWDED STORE ROOMS if you wish to Purchase Bargains. Clothing Department, While this department of my business does not occupy as much space as some of my com¬ petitors, it nevertheless contains Some : Rich : Drives ! Will offer this week 75 Men’s Cassimere Suits for $10,00; worth from $12,50 to $15,00. These goods were purchased in the last ten days, late in the season and the party that I bought from was anxious to sell. Leave your orders for Suits, Pants, or Overcoats and I will have them made up by the best house in the country, JACOB REED’S SONS, of Philadelphia. No fit, no pay. Cloak Department. /+A Have added largely to this line in the past few weeks. TREMENDOUS BARGAINS Misses’ and ii Gum’s Wraps, LADIES’ JACKETS, \ K W M A R K E K S, Mojeskas, Jerseys, &e. * 3*1 ISKB $ hoe Department l Find that I am over¬ stocked in Childrens' Boys' ant fAisses' Still m Will save you 40 to oO per 011 this line Shots. -- -^ J ust received bifir stock r ’ 1 ]. J. FLEMISTER. ' Sweet & Sherwood’s Cel¬ ebrated Hand Sewed & Shoes at $4.00. good as any $7 goods. Buy my Eagle Shoe Company’s Penitentiary Made Shoes for Ladies’ and Misses’ and yon will have no others. All at the lowest prices, at E. J. Plemister’s.