The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, October 21, 1888, Image 4

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THE MOST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY ! E. R. ANTHONY8 DRUG STORE, H*ADQOAHT»a» FOE DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, VABM8HE8! ETC. r»oc. Hair and Tooth Brash*., Perfnmc* and Toilet Ar p^tejSU^jWrlptlon* aoooratoly ooippoudod, d»j or nl/rht. A. LOWER, Meal Jeweler and Dealer ia Diaiafis, Watcfies, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, &C. SfMcial attention fiven to Repairing. 20 Hi!l Street GRIFFIN, GA DRIED BEEP! ‘ ■ Fresh Coconuts. Fine Yellow Bananas. C* W. Clark A Son. Mrifla, tte.i Oct. SI. Hew Store I New Store I JUST OPENED! We will eellfor tbe next Thirty Day* coming AT COST 1 a large lot of Ladies, Gents ami Childrens Shoes, Dry Goods, Cloth hag, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, In order to introduce our business. continue Remember, this will only for 80 days and it will be to your in tercet to oome and see ns at once. A. ABRAHAM, 51 Hill St. SMOKE! Ona Junior Partner, tbe best Ci gar in the market Sold by all lead fog dealers in Griffin - . L. Cohen &, Co., Sole Agens, Macon, Gs, a&g8d8m The Best Meat Market In Griffin is that of Simpson & Eady Tay opposite No, 2 Engine House, lor street. Nothing hut first class meat aold, and everything fresh and olean. When you want noon meat gite them a call. octillion “The President’s Wife” la aa far ahead of any other flour in the market aa Mrs Cleveland herself is above all competition in rank and beauty. Its popularity is shown by tbe fact that its sale is not confined to a few, but it is sold by overy deal is Griffin. Re sure and order “The Presidont’s.Wife.’’ sepl5d3m PostelFs Elegant! The finest flour in the world. Those who have naod it never use any other, it never fails to give the most perfect satisfaction. Call on J. H. Keith A Co., S. H. Deane, J. M. Mills, McFarland, Boyles & Co., or G. W. Clark & Son. aug’JGdflm A Negro Riot. Yesterday afternoon officer Cun ningham arrested a drunken negro, •od I arted to the station house with him when another negro attempted to assist tbe prisoner in making his escape from the officer. About this time officer Bowden interfered and tried to put the other negro under arrest. They both resisted arrest, and it was not long before a very large crowd was around the officers and they seemed in eminent danger of being overpowered and their prison era taken away from them. Had it not been for the prompt interference of some of our citizens, serious trouble might have followed. As it was, however, the prisoners were landed safely in the lockup. It was eatimated that «t least 150 negroes were present. Both officers display ed considerable courage in making- the arrest •'The most troublesome oompauiu a person can have while being away from home, is a cough, and I would advise everybody Syrnp to before to procure starting," Dr. Drum¬ Bull's Gough mer. Blakelys' Job Office m. RUNS DAY aNI) NIGHT. *COME AND SEE.. ’HOUND ABOUT. n.lMn Cuc.ralaf «« ».S •ral f.w» ACTUM*. Oh, Whan sweat brown and fair October the autumu slowly day. (ill* The wood* and vales with pnrtding mist And shadow* linger on the hills ! Along the woodland paths the leasee Drop, silent tokens, at oar teet; So sun uud frost make nature’s mood, God gives the bitter with the sweet. Arthur Stuart left yekterday for Zehulan. Judson Nixon, of Scnoia, was in the city yesterday. Will Howell, of/-obulon, was in the city yesterday. MlaeThcoBnrr entertained the 8orosis yesterday. J. F. Harrison, of Hollonvills, was in the oity yesterday. Will Travis, of Fayetteville, spent yester¬ day in the city. Prof. J. H. Mott, of (loggansvllle, visited the city yesterday. Go toJA. Abraham’s new store, 51 Hill street, for your shoes at cost. W. M. Howard, Pike county's Sheriff, was In the city yesterday. Go to A. Abraham's, 51 Hill street, if you wish to buy your olothing at cost. Read Scheuortnans & Whito's new adver Usement on this page. Mrs. E. L. Lindsay, of Orchard Hill, was in the city yesterday shopping. Everything at cost for the next thirty days at A- Abraham's, 51 Hill street. G. R. Steel,of Macon, is visiting his sis¬ ter, Mrs. J. H. Powell,of this city. W. H, Moore, a former Grifflnite, but now of Atlanta, epeni yesterday in the city. Go to A. Abraham’s, 51 Hill street, if you to save 45 per cent, on your dry goods. A. Abraham, 51 Hill street, did a rushing business yesterday, because ho is selling at oost. J. J. andJ. W. Higgins, two of Scnoia's promineut citizens, visited the city yester day. Miss Lula Hammons, a charming young lady of Woodsevilie, spent yesterday in the olty. K. .1. Flemister presents a new advertise meet today, illustrated for the Sunday edi lion. Mrs. W. H. Dlsmuke returned yesterday from Woodbury, where she has been visiting friends Aleck Bpcer, the young son of E. P. Speer has secured a $9C0 position in the treasury department. No lovelier weather than that of the past week can be boasted of in any country in the world. Mrs. J. 11, Sutton, of Monroe ecuuty, is visiting her daughter Mrs. E. M. Drewry, on Solomon street. Mis* Annie Parker, a charming and fasci¬ nating young lady of (.’reswell, ia visiting friends In the city. Bryant Collier, who is a student at Mer¬ cer University at Macon, Is spending the day with his parents. Go to A. Abraham's, 51 Hill street, if you want furnishing goods lower that you ever bought them before. Rev. G, W. Garner, of Fort Valley, .as in the city yesterday and fill* his regular up pointment at Tlrsah today. Miss Anns Jordan, and brother Master Mortimer, of Baroesvllle, ia spending the day with Miss Kate Camp. Alex Murray has dressed his residence up verry nicely and it looks just as nice a* if any young lady had planned it. Complaints are made of the lack of faei ities in purchasing cotton in Greenville, as the money is not there to pay for it. Dr. A. G Thomas, an able Atlanta divine, will preach at the Christian church this morn iug at 11 o’clock and this evening at T. The announcement of R. H. Johnston,for County Treasurer appears this morning. Mr. Johnson is well qualified Jfor the po sition. Before buying, get prices from (he Novel ty Company on gold watches, Theyguarau tee to save money on the same class of good*. Mis* Mattie Matthews, who ha* been spend ing some time wilh relatives and friends in C’artersville, to the gratification of her many Griffin friends returned home yesterday. Henry County times: •‘Griffin is one of few towns thatkeeps up a continual growth. Col. Douglas Glessner i< worth thousands to the little city atm *akim c POWDER Absolutely Pure. This Powder never varies. A mar vel o purity, strength and wholesomness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold in competiton with the mnltitu of Powders. low test, «hort weight, alum Rota or phosphate .Bakino Sold onl moans. Powder Co., 106 Wall Street, New York ot3-dArwtv-tot> coin ton lot or 4th nage. f resh (Jcilte Every Day• Leave your orders wilh us—-they will be filled bj Mrs. Ida Judkins. Best Line oi Cigars in the city. Call and we will save you money, J. H. Keith It Co. GEO. E. PRICE ,J. F FOSTER. Price & Foster 9 -DEALERS IN- Boots, Sboes, Upper and Sole Leather, French and American Calf Skins, Shoe Findings, to. .las, Means' and W. (■■ Douglas' $0 Shoes a Specialty. Marietta Street, ATLANTA, aA - WT Special attention given to visitors or orders from Griffin and Foster. J. H. White, Jr., & Co. The CLOTHIERS and gents furnishers Of GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, have a large and well selected slock of Clothing and Overcoats , Hats and Caps. EVERYTHING KEPT IN A FIRST-CLASS FURNISHING STORE, ALL AT BOTTOM PRICES. -tot— A Specialty made of the Celebrated Bay State Shoes, which have no Equal for Durability and Comfort. Thera will be preaching at tbe Baptist church today by Rsv, F.M. Daaicl at 11,00 a. ». and7:30 p. m. The regular monthly communion will he held after the morning service. BA daily mall from Greenville to Woodbu ry ha* been In operation a week, llamp Gates being the name of the mail carrier! A good hack Hue between the two towns would be a great convenience to the many Meriwether people who come to Griffin over the Georgia Midland. Close, the ear to slander nnd evil speaking; the memory to thoughts that soil the life; the heart totnfluences that impair the eympa tliies, the mind to reasonings that degrade its judgement, the eye to sights that dls tort the landscape .ot life add impair its beauty, and the soul to impressions that dc atroy its happiness for eternity. Fresh grape Juice has recently been intro dneed as a beverage in Now York, and promises to become popular. Grape* are very plentiful this year, and are offered in New York as low »« three cents per pound. The juice can be expressed and sold at five cents per glass. It is not only very palat¬ able, but has remarkable medicinal proper¬ ties, regulates the system, purifies the blood, counteracts feverish tendencies and builds np the system and repairs waste. But It will never become as popular as the grape Juice that Mr Haseelkus keeps. Gorton's Minstrels. Gorton’s eelebrat.d New Orleans Min¬ strels, an ergunizatkm well and favorably known throughout the entire country and bearing an enviable reputation for refined ar tiatic performances, will appear at Patter¬ son’s Hall on Wednesday evening, October 34th. This company is an old and thorough.y es tablishcd one. It was organized at New Or¬ leans, La., in 1867, and in 187(5 J, H. Haverly, the famous Minstrel Manager, secured the company on a five year* contract to tour the country under his direction and in .January 1877 appeared in Griffin as “Haverly’g New Orleans Minstrels." No doubt they will be remembered by many who saw them at that time. The company comes highly endorsed by some of the best journals in the country and we have every reason to believe them to be first class in every particular. Wo take the fellowing complimentary notice from the Greensboro, N. C. v Daily Patriot, Sep¬ tember 30th : “The performance of Gorton’sNewOrleans M iustrels at Benbow Opera House last even iug was unusually fine, and a very large and appreciative audience filled the hall to on joy the pleasant occasion to the utmost. The roaring farce without vulgarity, and the genial, wnolesome fun without offensive coarseness, combined to form an evenings bill of fare which the crowd received with enthusiastic delight, and digested with un bounded and unrestrained merriment. The company deservedly rauks as first class iu its special Hue of entertainment, and attract! the favor of the better order of the popnla tion in all the communities which it is now visiting. A considerable percentage of the auditory consisted of ladies.” A Happy Marriage Invitations have been extended during last week to tbe marriage ot two of Griffin’s most popular young people, Judge II. T. Daniel and Miss Rosa Beck, which will take place at the residence ol the bride’s parents, Col. and Mrs. K. \V. Beck, on East Broadway,next Tuesday afternoon at three o’clock. The ceremony will be performed by Rev. F. M. Daniel in the presence of about fifty invited guests, particular friends of the bride and groom and relatives; and im¬ mediately after its completion Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Daniel will take the train for Cincinnati and possibly other points, being gone about a week. Upon their return they will take up their abode at the present residence of Judge Daniel and his parents, whore a suite of apartments has been elegantly furnished by the groom for their coming. The interest taken by the many friends of Judge Daniel and Miss Beck warrants the giving of these few particulars in advance of tbe ceremony which is soon to make them one; and this interest is well and deeply founded upon the highest regard. Miss Beck has reigned tho undisputed belle ot Griffin, not only because of her beauty, style and taste, but because of her bright dispo sition, tact and brilliant conversation. Judge Daniel is not only a society favorite, but a young man of solid business attainments and of promi nence aud promise in legal and poll tical affairs. It will be a happy and well balanced marriage and one to which, for once, no objection can bo found; aud the Nzws, as a mutual friedd, exteuds now the sauction of iis blessing. THE SPELLING BEE. The Great Amusement.Feature of the Coming Week. The great feature in the amusements of the coming week will be the spelling bee at Patterson’s Hall on Tuesday night for the benefit of the Public Libra ry. There will be fourteen carefully se lected spellers ou each side, captained by Col. E. W. Hammond, of Griffin, and Col. Emmett Womack, of Covington, the words to be given by that excellent connoisseur of orthography, Judgo W. C. Beeks. Webster’s blue back spell ing book will bo the standard of author ity, although soma latitude will be al lowed where thero are two w ays of spell ing a word. A hard and interesting con test may be expected unless some of the expected contestants arc scared out when the times comes. Other iulerest ing features of the evening will be cha rades, recitations, etc., one of the cha rades “Leap Year” conveying a deep aud impressive moral to the unmarried youug men of the community. The object if next Tuesday’s enter tainmsnt is a most worthy one, while the credit of it belongs mainly to two of Griffin’s most wido awake youug ladies, Misses Emma _ Johnson , , and Molne Log T> ^ era, Miss JollnBon i8 the librarian and for tbe past year has kept tbe library up by ber own pluck ami enterprise, nuaid ed by a board of directors that never bad a meeting. Her salary is now in arrears aud money is badly needed for new books, coal aud other purposes, aud tbe public should turn out largely next Tuesday night and make up tbe deficit. Admission only 25 cents for a dollar’s worth of fun, not to mention the onoma topceical instruction afforded. There was a rather impromptu spell ing match at Patterson's Hall ou Friday uigbtfor tbe benefit of tbe Presbyterian church that afforded considerable amuse rnent. Tbe forces were marshaled by Judge Beeks and Dr. Collier aud tbe words propounded by Col. Hammond. Bill Lawson was tbe first to go out, spell ing “villain’‘ very villaiuonsly as *■ vil ane. “ Others sat down ou setou, lose, choosing, losing, syllabus, cylinder, dactyl, sillabub aud syphon, when a pale, common looking little Georgia “cym bug” came along aud knocked all tbe re maiuiug eoutestauts out of tbe riug, the judge and tbe doctor fallingignominously on top of tbe heap. Tbe referee called a deadfall, pocketed all the prizes, put bis spelliug book under bis arm aud went home to prepare for Tuesday’s logomachy. “Mid pleasures ami j alacea though we may roam bo it ever eo bumble, •’ there’s no specific for paiu like Halva tion Oil. Price 25 cents a bottle, A goes! cathartic is worth its weight in gold, yet Laxador, the infallib.e re? ulator of tbe human system, is sold foa ouly 25 cents a package. Ladies Jackets. M odjeskas. New¬ markets. Make your selection at once. There are but few ot any particular We shape. do There are no duplicates. not handle the poor cheap plush made up to sell at low prices. Imported Stock inet Jackets, plain or trimmed with braid. We invite the ladies to come to our cloak room and see the richest display of Imported Cloaks and Jack¬ ets ever brought to Griffin at Nkvt York Store. Cutting at a Cotton Picking. Flat Shoals, Ga., Oct. 20.— [Special.]—Will Terrell had a cotton picking on Friday night, at which Bnd Lawrence and a negro fell out and the negro cut Lawrence across the back of the neck, inflicting a wound about three fourths to an inch deep and three or four inches long. It is a bad cut and may prove fatal. The worst featuro about catarrh is its dan¬ gerous tendency to consuptian. Hood’s Sar sapafiilla cures catarrh by purifying th# blood. 3. An exchange tells of a Bchoolma’am wlin has introduced a novel system of spelling in her school. When one of tbe girls misses a word the boy who spells it correctly is per¬ mitted to kiss the girl. The boys are im¬ proving, but it is feared the girls will soon forget how to spell their own names. The enterprising association that gets up a be» of this kind in Gridin isguaran teed a house at a dollar a head. Sweet Hfflipi as Roses I! /.P^'-.fraqrantlLasting! ----- The Leading - Price 25 Cts. 'Sold at Drngsist*. Laxador Cures Liver Complaint, Costiveness, Bilious Affections, druggists Giddiness. 26 At c. DF BULLS COUGH SYRUP (CURES, .RP^S Sr COLDS FDR 25 $ Salvation Oil Friceoi'.ly 25 Cts. Sold by all druggists. Will relievo Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings,Burses,Lumbago,Sprains, ? Soros, Burns, Headache, oothache, Cuts, Sncirls, Backache, Wounds,&c. LAPLUGS, The Great Tobacco An• i Cts. At all druggists. PATTERSON’S HALL, ONE NICKY ONLY. Wednesday, Oet. 24f li. GORTON’S Famous ■ New : Orleans MINSTRELS. In an Artistic, Novel, and Refined Programme of Modern Minstrelsy. POSITIVELY The most complete aud best equipped Min¬ strel Show ever seen in Griffin. PRICES. 75C. AND 50C. I-sF* Seats can be secured at D. W. Patter - son’s, without extra charge, three days in adyanee. td { [ and Wr isfccy Hal. it* cure-! it tom® will J jontnaa titulars sent Book FREE. ot par ATTRACTIONS I ' ill the Season Advances. Scheuerman & White, ■Are familiar with the people's knowing wants and alive to their own interests, full well that if we please the people, inter¬ our own ests Will be Advanced. fjgp-Plush Mod jeskas,Cloth Modjeskas,Jackets, Short Wraps and Newmarkets.*^® Many Additions to onr Cloak department most graceful received last week. The “Modjeska” for long is time, the and wrap worn a every one who lias tried them on de¬ clare them the most comfortable. ★ WE ARE SHOWING SOME LOVELY GOODS * IN TIRS LINE ★ ATTRACTIVE BOTH IN STYLES AND PRICES. * -DJ- WARMxCARMENTS KS^Will very soon be in general demand, and ey. erybody will rush to get them. Do not wait for cold weather, but prepare for it now, and avoid the rush, IF YOU WANT A FIT LN UNDER VESTS, JF YOU WANT A COMFORTABLE CORSET, IF YOU WANT CLOVES, HOSIERY, CUFFS, IF YOU WANT IIDKFN, COLLARS OR MRS. BL00DW0RTH CAN COME NEARER PLEAS¬ ING YOU THAN ANYBODY IN MIDDLE GEORGIA. THE GRANDEST ASSORTMENT OF FINE DRESS GOODS IN MIDDLE GEORGIA. MANY ADDITIONS BEING CONSTANTLY MADE. SHIPMENTS RECEIVED BY EVERY DAY’S EXPRESS. REMEMBER WE HAVE BAR¬ GAINS IN THIS LINE YOU CAN FIND NO WHERE ELSE IN GRIFFIN. Wonderful Sale of Carpets WE HAVE MA0E THE THIRD ORDER FOR CERTAIN LINES OF CARPETS THIS SEASON. WE GUARANTEE A FIT AND FEAR NO C0M- PETI0N NEITHER FROM ATLANTA NOR MA¬ CON. OUR PRICES ARE AS LOW AS THE LOWEST IN THE STATE WTBARGAINS IN CLOTHING ! HUNDREDS OF MEN AND BOYS OVERCOATS, HUNDREDS OF BUSINESS SUITS, HUNDREDS OF DRESS SUITS. SUITS QUANTITIES OF BOYS AND CHILDREN’S AT PRICES THAT INVARIABLY KNOCKS COMPETITION OUT ! Raw-silk Curtains and JDretjpery. SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW FOR THIS, IARKET AND MUCH CHEAPER THAN USUALLY FOUND LARGER PLACES. Scheuermaii& White.