The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, November 14, 1888, Image 2

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•OUULLS 6LBSS1VEB. EtHUr * IVtp’r •tll.V.(I>UmMSr« Aeau* •*.< | mKIrT • 0»« Tear........ l.t i aria*, uwiu, jut, I*, «w». U Piper of Spalding Co. Paper ol the City of Griffin Adv©rtl»lne OAtLT—On« dollar par «<jaar* Jor lh« •nt tuanion, and fifty oento tor »ob- miKt M*. TM Hum or Iom to b« ooant- *1^BCSUtTHOTlOBS No insertion 10 oonU ondor t»r Uoo thlr - i ~—i|i iaMrtion. All tn»er«Jolu •r Iom thou AOcooU paid for i than oit dollar mut b« 10 j rate# oil! bo their m»d* adrtrtVMmenU with t>»rtie» 'du to ootitlnor ob« week. Doilr. LT—Same fatooa* tor the Tbe tariff remains a tax, jnat the skjqa. Troth crashed to earth will _______ The official vole in the Fifth Con- greesional District is Stewsrt 10,962, Thoms* 8,032, scattering 14. ——- The New York farmers .sro got ting on*f a dollar a barrel for their apples .i— ,ku this r.n fall, Where is that •‘home market?” With s good wife, a snug fortune, and an honest heart, Grover Cleve land ought to leave, the White Honsc a very contented citizen. Mr, Harrison, in 1892, will want a Meood term, thus knocking out Mr. Sberaao until 1896. However, Mr. gberaao is cot a citizen to be easily discouraged. The heaviest snow storms ever known have begun to fall already. Oot in Kansas, Friday, it fell all day, doing great damage to telephone and Other wires. •• 111 Speaking of Cabinet officers, how would Ool. W. W. Dudley, of Indi ana, do for Secretary of the Treas ury ? His recent circular letter indi catea that he would pay off the bonds in blocks of five. In ail the excitement of the most exeiting of m*nj campaigns, the one through which we have just pass ad. there is one man who has al wwjw Ww|Mi \*h«# vti , PV*W penter, foolish one, tbo carpenter. The first Harrison died early in bis administration, and his Vice l’resi dent went hellbent to the other side. The Republicans should look well to the health of Harrison II., lest Levi Morton turus out his whiskers and become a rampant free-trader. mm— -* • •------- The Indiana Democrats are look ing to 1892, and suggest David B. Hill, of New York, for President and Isaac P. Gray, of Indiasa, for Vice President. That is several years in the future, gentlemen, and it will not - hnrt any one to go a little slow. The information conies from Wash ington that William E. Cbandior will not be returned to the Senate. Per haps Gen. Harrison will put him at the head of the Navy Department and send him out on a search for those pantaloons lost on the Talla poosa. Ever since the year one people have carried buckeyes in their pock ets as a charm against rheumatism— and now comes a Georgia man to swear that the acorn likewise carried is even a sovereign balm and cordial to all ibeills, aches, paiDS and swell iogs of a limping world. The First Presbyterian church of Indianapolis was crowded with per¬ sons Sunday, who went there, not to worship, but to see Gen. Harrison, who had happened to be elected President last week. Onr little friend Puck was about right when he re marked “what fools these mortals be.” _ Tbe Republicans in and about At lanta are picking out tbe nice plums to be given out next spring by Presi dent Harrison. Col. \ E. Buck, tbe bead and front of the party in Georgia, has already gone on to In diaoapolis to see the President elect, aod probably dish out the soup for tbe faithful in Georgia. 1 h- prohibition vote this year was ■ profound disappointment to those who thought tbut piohtbition was going to be a great political issue, •Dri that it would break up old party iters aod bring about the formation of new ones. There is no doubt U>*t tbe temperance cause has a strong bold npon the hearts of the people, bpt it does not >et seem that ibey think the Inst way to advance that cause is for tbs prohibitionists fit get soBtsci of tits legislative sod executive machinery of tbs states and tb* nation STlCJtny TO IT. To those who never believe in giving up the ship eves after it haa •uok, we throw the following frobl* plank from Monday’s Savannah Times; IS TIIB PKKSIDXSI T LOST? The De nocrat* hare not lost every Three great manufacturing States have shown an approval of tariff reform. Connecticut, New Jersey and Pennaylvanta have testt fied to the popularity of Cleveland’s bold assertion of the rights of tbe peo pie against the greed and assumption ol monopolista. At the close of the ballot boxes the Republicans claimed everything. But their claims were unfounded. West Virginia, from latest advices, stands firm for Democracy. New York has gone Republican, if we are to abide by the count. But has it gone Republican? If not,Cleveland will remain President. With absurd haste the Democrats were forward in oonceding tba‘. State. All along we have deprecated such undue con oe&atou. There are evidences of fraud. Tbe Democrats should not permit the Presidency to be stolen A careful investigation should be had, and if testimony can be produc ed showing the titles to the Presiden cy remaining still in the Democratic party, Mr. Harrison’s disappointment should occasion neither the country nor the opposing party any uneasi ness. We should not Allow the Republi can party to profit a second time by their own wrong. Larceny should he punished, whether on the pettiest or the grandest scale. Tbe campaign lie is oue of the oldest institutions which has come down to tbo present enlightened age. It may be foqnd twining its tendrils around tbo days of the Assyrian kings. When Miltiades was running for the Legislature in ancient Attica he was defeated because of a cam puign lie which drew away from him the support of the naturalized Pboon icans. When Julias Ctesar was a candidate for County Commissioner iu the lower Tiber district of Rome a campaign lie was aimed at him, and it greatly reduced his pluralty. There are many other notablo in stancos of tbw potency of the cam paign lie. New York baft never given hor electoral vote twice in succession to __ V ViU DWUAV J-.,., V J WMXVW tLv W“M T l. state has invariably alternated be ttveen tbe two parties every four years, and it will be in order for il to go democratic in 1892. The eleo toral vote of New York was given to Horatio Seymour, democrat, in 18G8; to U. S. Grant, republican, in 1872; to Samuel J. Tilden, democrat, in 1870: to James A, Garfield, repub lioan, in 1880; to Grover Cleveland, democrat, in 1884; and to Benjamin Harrison, republican, in 1888. The Republicans are not sure of the House yet. The latest statement is that of the New York World of Monday that tbe Republicans have three majority, with three doubtful districts to bear from. Since then fuller returns from tbe first dis¬ trict of California change tbe plurality from the Republican to the Democratic candidate, giving tbe latter a plurality of about 110. We may not be “intirely kilt” yet. Tbe Montgomery Advertiser wants to know if tbe country is drifting to wards Presbyterianism 1 President Cleveland is the son of a Presbyter ian minister and attends the church. Now comes the Republican victor, who is a Presbyterian Elder. Per haps our Presbyterian friends will get some consolation in our defeat out of this fact. A tuan who has practiced medicine for 40 years, ought to know salt from sugar: read what tie says. TOI.BDO. O . Jan. 10, 1887. Messrs. E. J. Cheney A Co —Gentlemen. I l iaT e been in tbe general practice of med¬ icine for most 40 years, and would say that In all my practice and experience, have never seen a preparation that I could prescribe with as much confidence of sucoess as 1 can Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by you lUv« prescribed it a great many times and its effect is wonderful,and would say in of con elusion that I have yet to find a case Ca tarrh that it would not cure, if they would take it according to directions. Yours L. Truly, GORS0BH, M I) L Office, 215 Summit St We will give $100 for auy case of Catarrh that can not be cured w ith Hall's Catarrh Dure Taken internally O. F J. CHENfcYA CO., Props., Toledo, J^v* Sold by Druggists, 75c novl* 1 m MEN Who are Weak, Nerv¬ ous and Debilitated and sufferieg from Debility, Seminal Weakness, Nightly Emissions, aud all the effects of early Evil Habits which lead to Premature Decay Consumption or Insanity, send for Pears' Treatise on Diseases of Man. with particulars for Home Cure. Cures guaranteed No cure ro pay, J.R. Pears, 812 and 814 Church St.. Nashville Tenn. novl4dJt«Iy piMPfMrfflis; pick their grind their teeth* When children In their nose, they an restless, ««wator*I appetite, M a»jaifi!s^ ! EV^ i saias ""fiSSSia Kr a»—rtv grew ZsacoaNimttaal caused by scrofw Ion Utnt In the Mood. Hood's garupurma, bates a ronsUtottonal remedy, porlltc* the blood. Midi ap tbe whole system, sod per- Biliiaatiy tuns estarrb. Thousands of people who suffered severely wttb Oils disagrees! disease, testuy with pieasors that catarrh Can be eared by taking Hood's SarsaparlU.- Mrs. Alfred Cunningham, Gallon Avenue, Provi¬ dence. JL J, says: "I have suffered with catarrh In my bead for years, and paid out hundreds of dollars for medicines, but have heretofore received only temporary relief. I began to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and now my catarrh is nearly cured, the weakness of my body Is all gone, my appetite is good-In fact, I feel like another person. Hood's Sax- sapariila Is the best medicine I have ever taken, and the only one which did me perma¬ nent good. I cordially recommend It,” A gentleman in Worcester, Hass., who was Cured Of catarrh by Hood's Sarsaparilla, says: “ t would not take any moneyed consideration for the good one bottle did me.” If you are a sufferer, do not put off taking a simple remedy till your bronchial tubes or lungs ars affected, and consumption has gained a hold npon you. Be wise in time I That Dow from the nose, ringing noise In the cars, pain tn the head. Inflammation of the throat, cough, and nervous prostraUon will t>« eursd If you tak* Hood's Sarsaparilla by all druggists, gl; si* fox $) Prepared by 0. L HOOD « 00., Apothecaries, Lowell. Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. g=^=r r-T-........ - ~-~~~ ;~r For the Legislature. Dr. N. B. DRKWRY is suggested as a suit able person to represent Spalding county in the legislature, to fill the unexpired term of Hon. N. M. Coilens Dr. lire wry is every way capable of discharging the duties of the office* und his past experience in the legisla¬ ture will enable him to be of valuable service to enr county. Mamt Votbbs. For Ordinary. To the People—I announce myself as a candidate for Ordinary, subject to nomina¬ tion of tbe Democratic party. I trust that my past administration of the office has been aatiafactory to the people and that they will continue to give me their confidence and support. E. W. HAMMOND. For Sheriff. Editob --------- Nbws—P --------- lease announce my name as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the he decision of ,v- the Democratic nomination, t,„minu(!„n If If elected, J. H. Nutt w ill be my deputy. H.P.OGLETREE. For Sheriff. Editob News— Please announce my name as a candidate for Sheriff of Spalding Coun¬ ty, subject to a Democratic nomination, if one is held. It. 8. CONNELL. R. H. Johnston For lreasurer. I am a candidate for Treasurer of County, subject to nomination by tbe Demo¬ cratic party. R- H. JOHNSTON. For County Treasurer. To the Votebb of Spalihno County— 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate re-election as County Treasurer, subject the Democratic nomination. I solicit your votes. J. C. BKUUKS. For County Clerk. Editor News—P lease announce my as a candidate for re-election to the office County Clerk, subject to a Democratic pri mary, if one is held. W. M THOMAS. For Tax Collector Editor News— Please announce my uam# Ss u candidate for Tax Collector, subject to a Democratic nomination if one is held. W. H. HORNE. For Tax Collector. I am a candidate for Tax Collector Spalding County. Subject to the nomination, if one is held. W. W. GRUBBS. Tax Collector. Editor News —At the request of friends I nnounce myself a candidate for Tax Collec¬ tor of Spalding County subject to Democrat ic nomination. My only reason for so doing I lost my right arm in serving my country and can't plough. J. V. PATTERSON. Sunny Side, Oct. ”4,1888. For Tax Collector. Editob Nrws:—Please announce my name as a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Spalding County, subject to the Demo¬ cratic nomination if one is held. R. H. YARBROUGH. For Tax Collector, Editob News:—P lease announce my name as a candidate for re-election to th office of Tax Collector of Spalding county, .abject to the Democratic nomination, if one is held. J. W. TRAVIS. To the Voters ot Spalding County. At the solicitation of friends I offer f«r the position of Tax Collector of Spalding county, subject to a nomination of the Dem¬ ocrat party if oue is held. B. D. BREWSTER. For Tax Receiver. Editor News—P l« asc announce my nam« as a candidate for Tax Receiver of Spalding County, subject tojth,w Democratic nornina- ion, if one is held. H. T. FULLER. For Tax Receiver. Editob News — Please announce iny name as a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Receiver of Spaiding county, subject to to the Democratic nomination, if one is held. R. A. HARDEE. *“* B^rivlBf toncUjMd (tKB^tbenlDg^lhvVier- * vviTisiY 1 *' correct* alt lrrefdarltle* sad annovlnir trouble* front which tomanr ladle* health aaffer. It rlraa the weak, debilitated woman and i«re»*th.»»d make# abeerfal the despondent, depressed la eit •pints. INDIAN In change WXXD. or life noladrahoald be wltb- DrcgflsL JtuSa/tand Cnfaiin#. Ask your E. R. Anthony, Griffin ai d M, F, Swln Ochard Hill, Ga, n r r trosrwawjsitfiaasts’ MM, eat, J*«!«>/« eTeW yl. *eT«rlh*la The Georgia Midland R R ^hortewt and Ueset Llnft With Tliroufffls Coach <•■ Between COLUMBUS and ATLANTA. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Washington, New York, Nashville or Cincinnati. NO. 50, PasSlSOKB, SOUTH, Loots McDonough .......730a_ni. Arrive Griffin.................... ..................** V. Leave “ Arrive Columbus... ..........* * — * so. 51, rassnasB *m> mail, south. Leave Columbne................ , : 9'' I*',?*' Arrive Griffin...................... 3:j0 NO. 53. PAMENGKH AN” MAIL. SOUTH, Leave Griffin.....................1*' ,,J Arrive Columbus................. no. 53, pabsrngkii, north, Leave Columbus .................4:10 p. mi Arrive Griffin....................‘ i- * ' Leave ** '20 Arrive McDonough..............8:02 NO. 1, FBEIOHT, NOETH. Leave Columbus.................7:00 a. tn. Arrive Griffin.....................>-'5 2;30 p. “ rn. Leave " Arrive McDouougti.............. NO. 2, FBKIoHT, SOUTH. Leave McDonough........... 7:45 a. m. Arrive Griflin ...................8:80 ‘ Leave “ ..................... ................3 -59 Arrive Columbus : P- 1,1 M. E. URAV, 8upt. C. W. CHEAR8, Columbus, Ga. Gen’! Pass. Agt. New Advertisements. PARKEH’d BALSAM HAIR in** ihe hair. Clean.-.** ami beaut Promote* n luxuriant growth. Cray N«ver Fail* to Bettore H«ir to its Youthful Color. [Prvvtfntt* Dandruff and hair failing 60c- sf Crateful--Comforting. EPPS’S COCOA BREAKFAST. “by thoiough knowledge of the natural law? leb govern the oparations of diges tion and nutrition, and by a earefnl applica- selected iion of the fine properties of well Coacoa. Mr. Epps has provided cur delicately provid¬ ed onr breakfast tables with a flavoured beverage which may pave us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such article of diet that a constitution m be ^dually buiit up until strong enoU gh to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. Wc may escape many a falal shaft by keepingourseivec well lortilled with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” —Civil Service Gazette, milk- 8o!d Made only simply half- with pound boiling water Grocers, or labelled thus: in tins, JAMES EPPS <fcC’0„ Homoeopathic Chemists, London, England. EXHAUSTED VITALITY The science op life, , h * great Medical Work of the afte on Manhood, Nervoua and Physical Deblllte, Premature beeline, Errors of Youth, and (he untold miseries consequent thereon, SCO pages Sro, 125 prescriptions for all diseases. Cloth, full gilt, only *1.0(1, to wall .in.-.- .. . —... and middle age,] men. Send , »«B*doston, Mass., or Dr. W. H, PARKER, grad uateof Harvard Modlcal College, a years'practice In Boston, who may be consulted conltdomtlally Specialty. Disease . of Man. Office No. 4 Bulflneh « MAS N Thecal-: . • j resent follow ’orm by (mJ \ makers i i lcuents, Wt ttw? Mar i ruaia- Utim’d thfir m- ’ rid. Mason & 5 . of the aneauallc'l > r :.i' * that it all of U" tymt ol Pane. ISO7, [■e t'u ion •rith lx'8t if. f coun- Hies, they h .J.'ly * rik— *n the hi”" -rs. IiiuB- irated t at- Mancn *. i .ke the ex- traordinary : tiiey are wperior to tbe hi^h tzcelience .’-••rsi in the irt of | . riority. This t.V v ible ini- provem •r 1 ns 2 , »n<i n \v . Piano String e:, y of which b sec -t pos- lible j*nr.’v y fiient of t- l ready in- rreaiM-tl : r suuiding B tuive h ’ >i •: A cin Inr, . i.j from three fcandred j ;rc ! * . , uu. i luners, sent, logethcrw Pian n i ‘t l , to or any applicant, i r c^h:i easy pay- sients; also f l. MASON & HAML’** 0' ■'•N AND PIANO CO. BOSTO . V * tl llCAUll. HOTEL CURTIS 3RIFFIN, GEORGIA, Under New Management. A. G. DANIEL, Prop'r. K0~ J rn tt if mtet all trains. feblSdly ADVERTISERS :an learn theexae, cos* of am nroposed "ru ,\<\\ertismg in Ameru papers by address: ,co P. Rowell ( 1 ssitnnep "wrt>stn *iurc 1U f pri’ , New Y 'ru w ; i .»■ 1 JO i'-fflije H rn. WITTIEST,PRETTIEST JUVENILr* QUEER PEOPLEi-i-Vrms 01AKT8 GOBLUfS 4 fif) WHIM 8 TIHGS ti.eo By Ktoprt>*e».« »fthe Frof? and the Mou*<. Juvenile artist** >«*llln« imitirnaely. C rti*< ^-SoSs —Hon aka Howard nvaby. jMjjet JTr~r aivf Unci* C »»;FNTfi 1SX Chreteet W ANTED- Ktrvcl. MLPffAHD Philadelphia. B«Og. Dm. To CLABT8 BUSINESS COLLEGE KUIE. FA., tor cireofiB*. The twet eeboo. tn America, rail term beguu An*. M Me n t ion thl* paper. k AST ALL PRECEDENT ! Over Two Millious Distributee!. L.S.L. Louisiana State Lottery Company Incorporated by the Legislature in 1 H»> ,r Educational franchise and made Charitable part of purposes, the pres. ■ ] its a by State Constitution, in 187V. an over¬ whelming popular EXTRAORDINARY vote DRAW¬ IU GRAND (June and INGS take place Semi-Annually, Nt M- December i. and its GRAND SINGLE BKIt DRAWINGS take place cm each of the the other ten months in the year, and are all drawn in public, at the Academy of .Music, New Orleans, I-a. ‘•We do hereby certify that we supervise the for all the monthly and Semi¬ annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot terv Company, and in person manage and cor the Drawings themselves, and that th* same arc conducted with honesty, fairness and in good faith toward all parties, and we authorize the Company to use this eertihca.e with fac-similes of our signatui r» attached it its advertisements.” JYX roiun»l»»lonfT». YVe the undersigned Bank* and Bankert will pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisians State Lotteries which may be presei ted at our counters: It. Jf.ITAXJISXBX.Pm. le.Xafl »• P. UVllX. PtchialeSal I Bit. A. Bkl.UW I.T,Prr>. NT. O.Xht l CAUL HOll.T. Pro*. I'alon ViSael, Mammoth Drawina: At the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, December 18, 1888, CAPITAL PRIZE, $ 600 , 000 , 100,000 Tickets at $40; Halves $20; Quar¬ ters $10; Eighths $5, Twentieths $2; For ¬ tieths $1. LIST OF PBrZES. 1 I’BIZECF fOOO.OOOis.......... $000,000 200,000 1 Prize OF 200,0001s.......... 100,000 1 Pbize of 100,000 is.......... 1 Pbize or 50,000 is.......... 50,000 2 Prizes of 25,000 are......... 50,000 5 Prizes of 10,000 are......... 50,000 12 Prizes of 5,000are......... 80.000 25 Prizes ok 2,000 are......... 80,000 50,000 100 Prizes of 800 are......... 200 Prizes of 400 are......... 80,000 500 Prizes or 200 are......... 1U0,0«) APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Prizes of $1,000 are............. 100,000 100 do. 800 are.............. 80,000 100 do. 4U0 are............... 40,000 Three Ncmheb Terminals. 00 Prizes of $800 arc ...............$79,200 99 do 490 are................. 39,8(0 Two Number Terminals. 900 Prizes of $200 are...............$180,000 900 do. 200 are.............. 180,000 3,146 Prizes of amounting to......$2,118,80< l r or Club Rrates, or any further informs, tiou desired, write legibly to the undersign¬ ed, clearly stating your residence, with State, County, Street and Number. More rapid return mail delivery Envelope will bearing be as- aurred by euelosing ari your full address. Send POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange in Ordinary letter. Currency by F,zpress(.atourexpeuae) addressed to DAUPHIN, M. A. New Orleans La or M. A. DAUPHIN, Washington,D. C Address Registered Letters tc MKW OHI.Kk.NM JiTOJkl BIX* New Orleans, La. REMtMBER fiV.TS .3 and Early, ahoara In tharse «< the drawings,is a guarantee of absolute ftiirnesB and integrity, that the chances arc all equa , and that no one can possibly divine what numbers will draw a Prize. REMEMBER, also, that the payment of Prizes is GUARANTEED BY FOUR NA¬ TL iNAL BANKS of New Orleans, and the Tickets ire signed by the President of an In stituticn whose chartered rights are recog nized in the highest Courts; therefore beware of all imitations or anonymous schemes. THE GRIFFINSTREET RAILROAD CO. Application for Charter. Notice is hereby by given, that application will charter be made to the next "The legislature Grillin Street for a incorporating Railroad Companyto give said company full corporate powers, permission to grade the streets and alleys of said city and lay its tracks upon the same, run the said rail rosd longitudinally or across the streets and alleys, to propel! the cars by horse, electrici¬ other ty, motor or other power; and such and further power as is necessrry to success¬ fully put in operation and operate a street railroad in the city of Griffin. oct3w4 8 W. MAIM & SONS brute Ajetey CRIFFIN, :E CCORCIA Strongest Companies, Lowest Rates, Prompt Settlements The Toy the Child Likes Best -IS THE— “ANCHOR” Stone Building Blocks, » Beal Stone. Three Color*. A Clever rREsrrrforehild- re n of all at;es. For $1.73, or a good average bor. - , "^7 km post-frtf‘ iv«criptive application Catalogue sent on to F. Ad. Richter & Co., 310 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. oct9d\«2nr -Ar'kER'S V Asthma, Indiion! L'to OILCgR ONIC u Gt delay. It s cm wursto ov- - is Use - - ly : -r Aii ait leM ■: the rt^it and lungs, ant! i;n'.v.' 8 Arising fn ... ... imp bio . an«1 exhaustion. The f«n • e . :>•-'• •'ick. Kiruinrio c a<rii aiMrit disease, ffuui tuowlr dnf'.i' g t»» the p grav*. grave, will w ill ;n in nmnr inn ca.*-*** rwco' ' er th< lr health t-y the timelvof l*.TrL>*i '*t GingerToi & »«*, bet delay is —Ian- d; gv rotis. it 111 ; time. It ft invaluable f.,r i«,x ail a a,i jsa.n |nuna j •uixirdors of s' ■ iuiu.ii aod bowels. 30c. at t>rujarit4a. HINOERCORNS. The only sure Cure for Cora*. Stop*ail pain. F.nnoreff comfort to the feet lie at Hiacox <1 Co., N • Y. PARKER S GINGER TONIC The best of all remedies for Inw-ard Pains, Colic. Indiges¬ tion. Exhaustion and all Stom¬ ach and Bowel trouble*. Also the most effective cure for Cough*. Cold*, Bronchitis an<I alec no as ©{ the breathing organ*. It promotes refreshing sleep improves the appetite, overcomes nervous pros* rat too, and gives new hfe and strength to the weak and aged* 90 ------ c. and 1 ft.oo, at Diggukts. FLEMSTER’S GRAND DOW PRICE SALE Tie Fast Four Weeks HAS BEEN QUITE GRATIFYING. While we close) out many ol the B offered, we have added ew-:*Ones I it will be to your interest tn visit my CROWDED STORE ROOMS if you wish to Purchase Bargains. Clothing Department. While tms department of my business does not occupy as much space’as some of my com¬ petitors, it nevertheless contains Some : Rich : Drives Will olfer this week 75 Men’s Cassimere Suits for $10,00; worth from $12,50 to $15,00. These floods were purchased in the last ten days, late in the season and the party that I bought from was anxious to sell. Leave your orders for Suits, Pants, or Overcoats and I will have them made up by the best house in the country, JACOB REED’S SONS, of Philadelphia. No fit, no pay. Cloak Department. Have added largely to this line in the past few weeks. TREMENDOUS BARGAINS —■IN— Misses' aiii CHren’s M Wraps, LADIES’ JACKETS, \ KWMARKERS, 3iojeskas, Jerseys, &e. Shoe Department l Find that I am over¬ stocked in Childrens Boys' and Misses' Stliil Sloes, Will save you 40 to 50 per on this line Shoks. Just received big stock E, J. FLEMISTER. Sweet & Sherwood’s Cel¬ ebrated Hand Sewed & Shoes at $4.00. As good as any $7 good§. Buy my Eagle Shoe Company’s Penitentiary if tie hoes for Ladies' and Misses’and you will have «> thers. All at the lowest prices, at E. J. Plemister’s.