The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, November 20, 1888, Image 2

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ttOTOLiS ULBMMKRR, E4iUr * Prop'r ... .aAJUfc*,a»A4»»»w)l>*r *«««» . ..........mmiT.O..T«r........... 1.00 r —^-WMKTWSiiKnUT. BO, 1888. ' ; JLU: "- •■ • ■- ■ Official Paper ef Spalding Co, —---* -rr t:rzzr*r -~:-r r - 0*iW Ptp«r of the City of Griffin rtf' AAvrtMmlng Baton. the •AXLT-OM dollar par *qoar» lor a i m <-««s£'“* St'S CtSS: 'NOTICES 10 oenU uderthi* per line 1, No Insertion LU insertion* a 10 cento. paid for dollar moil be in „ rate# oil! be m»d» with parties to oastiotie their advertisement* an oaeweek; forthe Dailv. IjY— Hoia* rateeee r ■■ ■ ; would be poxtnmiters The OTtny of |« olone enough to crush an incom lug President. Boodle and iatimidatiou ara only It be tolerated when they are used north of the Ohio. ____ A at. Lonis Cleveland elector has failed in baaioeaa. May bia credit ore ell be Republicans, ——♦ --* The etatement is made that the f %, Knights of Labor bare lost 800,000 ^pwstwre the part year. A St. Louie family ha. been poia oned by eating meat. No doubt tbe ■tuff was motion from a high tariff •beep. According to the eternal fitness of things Murchison, tbe California let ter writer, should be sent as Minister 10 _____ Th. Grkdj boom *•* in b.rmon, with ft. subject: specious and bril¬ liant, brief and unsound; in another »ord, .k,-,ook«y,. _ I, Kuna, witb her 82,000 if m.joril., (■ a gressboper State, and a swam of ••office banting locusts” from that quarter alight on poor Mr. Harrison they will finish him. Fite thousand dollars a year is a ■ g good ealary for a first basernnn. Out •• going honest Democrats of tbo Gov eminent service should consider tbo ft ... , ^ possibilities of tbe baseball. A Republican appetite for four years i# fiercer than s Democratic ap petite that has fasted for twenty-five. The Democrats had forgotten the «r*i taste of fat, but the Republicans have m* hot. *‘ ¥ If part of the offices are to be kept for ‘‘holdover 1 * Republicans and tbe other part given to ‘‘protection Demo orals,” there is going to bo sorrow in numerous Republicans lionso holds. Judge Hail is chairmaa of the judi oiary committee,the first committee of the Senate. He is also on the fol lowing committees: On halls and rooms; public sohools; and corpora¬ tions. Is Mayor elect .Grant, of New York, on the road to the white house? He has been sheriff, now he will be mayor, and his friends assert that he will be elected governor in v "; 1891. The next step would be the presidency, if he is to follow Mr. Cleveland. The Philadelphia Ledger is doing America no service by showing how life may be lengthened. There are not enough offices for even tbe short lived of our people. Besides, what Democrats want a long life if the lie publicans are always to be in power as they now threaten ? Dr. Felton lost no time in striking at tbe trusts. Some of the bills be introduced in former legislatures failed to receive the number of votes required for passage, but it is proba ble that bis anti trust bill will get more votes than it needs. Tbe Georgia legislature is not composed of monopolists. Tbe word roorback originated in 1844, when a fictitious story was pub fished for purposes of political in trigue ami which purported to an Attract from Biron Boorback. The Baron's name has thus b. come a syn onym for a campaign lie, although be himself was innocent of any snch gnile. He was sinned against rather than a sinner. Governor D. B. Hill is a bachelor, arhiie bis opponent is a married man. . H'lgb Grant, mayor elect of New York, is a bachelor and ad bis oppo- Dents married men. Glevelend was iltfltai as a bachelor, bnt defeated t ~ a benedict. JT’ii* may not answer qneation ■ wfeetner marriage is a to prove some IIMl TO THE FROST. fork Kvoning Post (raging view of the jtiug men of tbe coon iinj| to the fnitil. It ^ of ‘‘The present L-gi*UWUo Georgia is remarkable i icm^of the youtlifultx ss of its presiding < fli. etH. The President of the Semite, Mr, Fleming duBignort, and tbe Spanker of the iiou.e, Mr. A. S. C’.av, were both horn is the year 185.') They wore still ware boys while the war w ih raging, and entered upon taoir politicil career after the bitti-nun■ of the reconstruction era hud p i set! away. The bringing to the front of the young men of the South is becuin ing very noticeable. Gov, Seuv, of Alabama, is only forty live years old. Representatives Phelan, of Tonnes e», ami Simimons, of North (.'.rolina, are two of tbe youngest men in Con gress. The delegates to the >St. Lua is convention from Georgia were id most without exception of the now generation, and two of too pt-j t.ien tial electors just chosen in that Stato have hourly attained their ui i jority. West Virginia bus been for years noted for tbo youthfulness of its Governors, Senators and Ropsc sentatives, but the more Southern States are now conferring honors upon oven those who aro too young to have had any war record. There is little or no concerted effort to sot aside the "old colonels;” on the con trary, they are honored, because, in the first place, they were prominent and worthy citizens before they were colonels, and, secondly, because of their gallantry and noble soil’ sitcri fice. But it is obvious that they are beisg supplanted by men of fewer prejudices, of fresher ideas, and of greater vigor. Some Democrats,in contemplating tbe result of the late election, say: “It will be a long time before the Democrats get a President again.” We are not so sure of that. The do feat of the Democrats in 1872 was so groat that they received only 42 electo ral votes, while General Grant receiv ed 280 electors! votes—n majority of 244 in the electoral college. This war at tho thno a most disheartening result. Tho future gave no promise of success. Four years later, the Domocrnts elected their candidate, but he was counted out by one vote in the electoral college. The Demo eratic defeat this year is nothing like it was in 1872. There is nothing in it to discourage the hope of success four yeara from now. The Macon Evening News, snarl¬ ing and snapping at Cleveland because of his defeat, says very Ita¬ ly: “It is * strange phase of human nature that prevents some men from appreciating ibe fact that they aro dead.” If Albert l.amai had been capable of appreciating tha full truth of his own saying, he would have quit writing several years ago. lu a two column letter m Sun day’s Constitution announcing his desire to be made a senator without first being a candidate, Henry Grady comperes himself to lieu Hill. This was infelicitous. Ben Hill hasn’t been dead so long that people have forgotten that he bad convictions as well as ability. Nobody denies Grady’s ability. A man who has prgetloed modi, in.; for to years, ought to know salt from sugar; road what lie says. Toledo. tali. 10, 1*87 Mr tars, F. J. Cheney «t Co— Gentlemen: • -I have been in the general practice of mod Icine for most 40 years, and would say that in all my practice and experience, have never neon a preparation that I could prescribe with as much confidence of success as I can Httll's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by you Hava prescribed it a great many times and its efiret is wonderful,and would say in eon elusion that 1 have yet to find a case of Ca¬ tarrh that it would not cure, if they would take it according to directions. Your* Truly, I, L. Office, GOliSUBU, 215 Summit M. I). St. We will give $100 for any ease of Catarrh that can not he cured with Hall s Catarrh Sure Taken CHENEY* internally V. d. CO., l’rops,, Toledo, O. te?” Sold by Druggists, 7fic nov9 Im Advice to Mothers. M. a. Winslow’s Soothing Syiut for children teething, is the proscription of one of the beat female nurses and physicians in the United Stall's, and has been used for forty years with never failing success by millions of mothers for their children. During the process of teething its value is incalculable It relieves the child from pain, mires dys entorv bowels, and diarrhoea, griping in the ami wind colic. By giving health © tbe ( hild and rest- the mother. Plica- 25 ecu's ». bottle. angeod.Vwly Registration Notice. Book for tbe regi.stration <>f voter*’ "i the city will tie opined Thursday* at my otli 15th e, at tlit* brick warehouse on inst reinaiu open 10 days, T1IOS NAU. Nov 10, 1SN8. Com. of Registrar i<.>n. PROMPT children pick MEASURES. grind their nose, their teeth, restless, unnatural in their Worms* appetite, they atf ] should likely be troubled taken sn.i with n.A.Ialnu’flnfkH prompt mens be given them According to dirco it hss saved many a child from death aid preserve your tweet child from an earlv crn\t ....... ........ I I nnd W>l*k«yXlaV >tlsM*i8 ttsearec L’-WWaiK Catarrh ll a constitutional disease, cau.ed by scrofn. loss taint m tbs blood. Hood's Harsaiiarilla, batng a ronMitotioiml remedy, purities Uio blood, builds up tbe whole system, sml per mUH-Btlycarsaeatarrh, Thousands of people who suScTCd severely wltli tills disagr* ealilo disease, leetlfy with pleasure that catarrh Can cured by taking flood's Sarsapsriila. Mrs. Alfred Cunningham, FaHoa Avenue, Provi¬ dence, B. 1; says: “l have suffered with catarrh In my bead tor y«ars, and paid out hundreds of dollars for rnedieiaes, but have heretofore received only temporary relief. 1 began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, and now ruy catarrh Is nearly cured, tho weakness of my body Is all gone, my appetuo Is good—la fact, I led like another person. Hood's Sar¬ saparilla Is the best medicine I have ever taken, ami tho only one which did mo perma¬ nent good. I cordially recommend It.” A gentleman In Worcester, Mass., who wax Cured Of catarrh by Hood's Sarsaparilla, says: "I would not take any moneyed consideration for tho good one bottle did me.” If you ara a sufferer, do not put off taking a simple remedy till your bronchial tubes or lungs ars affected, and consumption has gained a hold upon you. Bo wise in time! That flow Irrau tbe nose, ringing noise In the ears, pain in tha head, Inflammation of the throat, cough, and nervous prostration will be cured if you take Hood’s Sarsaparilla *old by *11 druggist*, fl; six for I*. Prepared by C. I. HOOI) & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mas*. IOO Doses One Dollar POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Representative. At, I he solicitation of many friends I an¬ nounce myself a candidate for Representa¬ tive of Spaldiug county, to fill tho vacancy caused, by thadeath of Hon. N. M. Collons, subject to the Democratic nomination. If elec'.ed 1 pledge myself to represent the citi- 7,ens of Spalding county without regard to class, ( idling or occupation. JOHN It. MITCHELL. For Ordinary. To the People—I announce myself as a candidate for Ordinary, subject to nomina¬ tion of the Democratic party. I trust that rny past administration of the office has been satisfactory to the people and that they will continue to give me their confidence and support. E. W. HAMMOND. For Sheriff. Editor News—Please announce my name aa * candidate for Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Democratic nomination. If elected, J. II. Nutt will be my deputy. II. P. OG LET REE. For Sheriff. Editor Nkws—P lease announce my name ns a candidate for Sheriff of Spalding Coun¬ ty, subject to a Democratic nomination, if one is held. It. 8. OONNEI.L. R. H. Johnston For Treasurer. I am a candidate for Treasurer of Spalding County, subject to nomination by the Demo¬ cratic piirty. R. It . JOHNSTON. For County Treasurer. To TJHE VOTF.BH UK Sj’AI.OlNO C'OL'NTV—I hereby announce myself n* h cnndklute f<»r re-election as County Treasurer, subject to the I>em<KTatW'^nomination. I respectfully solicit yonr totes. J. C. BROOKS. For County Ckrk. Ennon News — l’leoae announce my name ns u candidate for re-election to the olllcc of County Clerk, subject to a Democratic pri in Ary, if one is held. tv . M THOMAS. For Tax Col lector Editor News Please announce my name ns a oandidate for Tax Collector, subject to a Democratic nomination if one is held. W. H. IIORNE. For Tax Collector. I am a candidate for Tax Collector ef Spalding County. Subject to the Domoerat- nomination, if one is held. VV. M. GRUBBS. fax Collector. Editor Nkw:—A t Ihc retiuest of friends I nnouneo myself a cundidutc for Tax Collec¬ tor of Spnlding County subject to Democrat io nomination. My only reason for so doing I lost my right arm lu serving my country and can't plough. J. Y. PATTERSON. Sunny Side, Oct. 24, lsys For Tax Collector. Editor News:—P lease announce my name ns a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Spalding bounty, subject to the Demo¬ cratic nomination if one is held. n. a. yarbroegh. For Tax Colleclor. Km tor > ews:—M cn-t 1 aiincmiL't' my name as a candidate for re-election to th office of Tax Collector of Spaldiny eounly, .-object to the IU’Jiita ratio nomination, if one is field. J. VV. TU A VIS. To the Voters of Spalding County. At the solicitation of friends 1 offer ter the position of Tax Collector of Spalding county, subject ton nomination c>f the Dem¬ ocrat party if one is held. H. D. BREWSTER. For Tax Receiver. Kun -m n KW 8- l , !t ;ts«‘ my name a." a randidate for Tax He. . i\* r <>f Sjuildinir County, subject to^tho IfmmB ratic nomina- ion, 1 0 vc UeUh II. T. t'l LLKK. For Tax Receiver. V i>i inu Sexx - —Pica^e m ’ my name as a t an.lit! »t* h-i rc-oirciion to lfm tdliiv of Tax Uooeiwr of Sjm diuu. cvuiuty, sul»je<t to to (! - IViimcrulic nou’iiiat \- n. if one i> held. U. A. 1IAHDEE, DR. MOFFETT'S FEMALE MEDICINE 1 ! By plTlngtonotonad ttreDptlwnlnfr Ihe.t'ter- I I lne npUjegrr^r^teH^th, corrects all Irregularities and a ,nn< noyln^f troubles from fr-*m which wDleft Romany to many ladle* ladle* Ic* suff< suffer. '• Jt It i?lve« g\ the nv e ak. ak. tiebll debilitated 1 1 at ed woman Avonan n health health th« and and strength.and strengtl lakes t*s «beerftil afteerfhl the the iife’noladeshould dc di>*(tondent* denreased in spirit*, In in chamreof eh an re of life noiady should l»e t»e wlth- with¬ out INDIAN W E ED, it, Li Saj'caxid IIHfailing* Aek your Druggist. K. K. Anthony, Griffin ai d M. F, 8 w in UiU, Ga** tiriv- ■ * * .. . dr**» MfOwc t » . r ► - •jhorti'nt ttinl Heat Lino WitU Through C‘oi»<-Ii on Botwwn COLUMBUS and ATLANTA. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Washington, Now York, Nashville or Cincinnati. M). f)0, SASRSNOEB, SOUTH. Leave t.riflln....................H McDonough............. ” :fl0a^ rn. .....................8:b5 . ‘ Columbus...............11:25 xo. 51, lMgsmmxn »xi> mail, north. Columbus..................' : 9' r J l’ - " 1 ' Orlffin...................... NO. 51, P48SEXOBR ANI> MAIL, SOOTH, flriffin.....................4:05 Columbus................." ;,J 5 p. in. XO. 68, I'ASSEXOEB, NORTH, Columbus..................4:10 p. m. Griffiu....................f:14 McDonough...............&02 " ,...................,7:20 NO !, VBBIOBT, NOBTH. Columbus..................T:00 a. in Grillln.....................1:25 p. ( m “ .....................2.80 McDonough...............3:85 “ NO. 3, VBEIOBT, gOUTH. McDonough...............7:45 Griffin....................8:50 a.m " “ .....................9:35 ‘ Columbus ................8:30 p. m M. E. CRAY, Supt. C. W. CHEARS, Columbus, Ga. Gen’l Pass. Agt, New Advertisements. PARlCKff; air! h;:*i!t:ties the hair. Promote* a luxuriant Restore growth. Gray Never Fails to ic^-- gzww Hair to its Youthful Color. aTfcslNfiB / ^^^^Fruvonts JA £•»*>. and Danflrutf ?1 Wi.a.t and l>rviL>tri hair -tA. failing Grateful--Comforting. EPPS’S COCOA BREAKFAST. “by thorough knowledge of the natural icb govern the oparations of diges end nutrition, and by a careful applica¬ of the fine properties of welt selected Mr. Epps tallies has provided with cur delicately provid¬ our breakfast a beverage which may save us many doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious of sueh article of dietthata constitution may be gradually built up until strong to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are lloating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. Wo may escape many a fatal shaft by keepingourselvec well lortifiedwith pure blood and a properly nourished frame,” —Civil Service Gazette, Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in half- pound tins, Grocers, labelled thus: JAMES EPPS AGO., Homoeopathic Chemists, London, England. exhausted vitality rpiIE SClENOiS OF LIFE, the sreat Medical Wort at the eve on Manhood, Nervotw and l l eys al Debility. Premature 1 Decline, Errors of V’outh, and the untold miseries consequent thereon, an pages 8ro, 125 prescriptions for all diseases.. Cloth, full giJt, only ®!.oo, by * man _____ sealed. Illustrative sample free tnatlyoung t d n l,l ; l p !lRfM >" e «- Send now. The G., W ~’ ' Tc U * SI<Mlal awarded „ n ,l to the author by the So B'H5 ’ AoWon.Jkwt.orDr. . ,Mc “‘ Association. W. Address It. PARKER p. o. j maeof Harvard Medical College. KMl ‘J «•*«»“. 25 years'practice who may be consulted confld,*itiany teoelaltl.DIsoM, '--f Man. OmceNo.4B„lf!nch-u The ca i • t^ent form by ' • .. :i!:ers followed . ■ , merits, out the >.!■:. inaio- '.aincii th: r ;'.t. Mason > i of the iceciuHli ■ 11 i t that it all ef r> ' t .Kit Ol Paris. hen 1SC7, :*• tii ion with » • co in- tries, the they 1 u-i Guy iak> 9n li n«)»d. Iilua- irated ea: Mason .'<0 tho cx- iraor.linar they arc superii Jxce/lence r m the hhjh of . «:s in tho This irt they j. —•riority. .bio im- r ' • ar 1^2, md n> w V ■ Piano Stringfl, ’ >f which H sec af t 1 t P o 8 - pur. ; nient of t rroatlyin- standing • r tune ft 1 * A cir. btr. • tri from three \ parch, tuners, sent, Pian \ i , f > any Applicant, >9 i r us : i or easy pay- n’ ■ c: AND PIANO CO. HU T .( . ... uui'Aun. Tho Toy tho Child Likes Best -IS TTIE—■ “ ANCHOR 99 Stone Building Slocks. Beal Stone. Three Color*. - J ACr.KVKRl’HEfiETrforehikl renofall $2.iX) ages. For $1.75, box. or n good average rvsoriptive free application Catalopio seat pout on to F. Ad. Richter & Co., 310 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. oetl'd&wllm ew Felts JUST RECEIVED!) AT MRS. M. L. WHITE’S Millinery Store. Building, Corner ofjjdill and Broadway. Wii- > art Weak, Nerv¬ ous ami Debilitated ami suffonri; from Di bill tv. S « in i a u 1 W* aklle.- - N i iz ii t i V Km!>«!<* - in ! > it’ 1 the etfi-cts of early Evil Habits which lead ti» Premature Dceay, C-onsiunptioti »*r Insanity, for for Pears*’ tVar>‘ Treatise Treatise on <»n DisetoeR msca-eR of Man. v.,l,„ . {«r Cure Cures Loiaranteed No cure ro pay* .1. 8. t»l*J and t>14 Clmrcli 81.. Nashville novHd^wly. Conirh. Uroocbltt*, TONIC Arth-na, IndijjCNtknit Use CINCER wv>nfl 1 *Ubout mtlM delay. remedy remedy H ettrea^manr «i7 ur Ui« <vv>v^a d j ail affection* jf the throat and lungs, and diecasct ffisw _ from from impure impure Wood and exhaustion. and BPBBwl alowly The driftinc fidili feeble sick, etruesdinff will -**eaith the rr are, la by ■ s -gm Lottery Company Incorporated by the Legislature in 1868 >r and Charitable purposes, i I franchise made a part of the prese "t Constitution, in 1879, by an over¬ popular vote. Its GRAND EXTRAORDINARY DRAW¬ take place Semi-Annually. (June and and its GRAND SINGLE NUM¬ DRAWINGS take place on each of the other ten months in the year, and are ail in public, at the Academy of Music, Orleans, La. “We do hereby certify that we «npervD<; the for all the monthly and Semi¬ Drawings of The Louisiana Slate Lot Company, and in person manage and con the Drawings themselves, and that the are conducted with honesty, fairness in good faith toward all parties, and we the Company to nse this certintno* fae-gimilegof our signatures attached iD advertisements.” J'Y Xrc Com uiiieiouttri, Wo the undersigned Banks and Banker* pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisians Lotteries which may be presented el n. .n.wJxnsiEr.Prsa. x*..v*ri ». P. tAXAl’X. «•***»,ate 3 »at I Hk. BAtim iX.PrM. NT. O.Xal i Bank 1 St OH N, Pr«, lalon VI Bank Mammoth Drawing At the Academy of Music, New 1888, Orleans, Tuesday, December 18, PRIZE, $600,000, 100,000 Tickets at ?40; H alves ?2fi; Quar¬ $10; Eighths ?5; Twentieths $2; For¬ $1. LIST OF PHIZES.. ! Pbizecp $000,000 is......... $600,000 200,000 1 FiiizE or -00,000 is.......... 1 Feizeof 1(0,000 is.......... 100,000 1 Feize of of' _ 50,000 is......... 50.000 2 Phizes 25,000 are........ 50.000 50.000 12 Peizes of 5,000 are......... 60.000 25 Phizes of 2,000 are......... 80.000 50.000 100 Phizes of 800 are......... * 200 Phizes or 400 are......... 80,COO 500 Phizes of 200 are......... 100,000 APPROXIMATION PHIZES. 100 Prizes of $1,000 are............ . 100,000 100 do. 800 are............. . 80,000 100 do. 400 are............. . 40,000 Thbke Ndubeb TEBimtiX.*. 99 Prizes of f 800 are ...............?79,ii00 99 do 490 are................. 39,600 Two Numbeb Teemihals. 900 Prizes of $U00 are...............*180,000 900 do. -’00 are.............. 180,000 3,146 Prizes of amounting to......$3,118,80f informa¬ For Clnb Unites, or any further tion desired, write legibly to residence, the undersign¬ with ed, clearly Btatiug your and State, County, Street Number. More rapid return mail delivery Envelope will bearing be as- surred by euclosing an your full address. Sen<l POSTAL NOTES, Excluftige Express in Ordinary Money Orders, or New York letter. addressed Currency to by Express (at our expense) M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans La or M. A. DAUPHIN, Washington,D.C. Address Registered Letters tc XEW 01U.EAM* VTOSU HiXk New Orleans, La.S nLlViLlVlDLn DCI\/!CI\ADCD That the prewnce ol denrral.Heanrrjrard and Early, nhonn in of charge absolute of tho drawings,is a guarantee chances fairness and integrity, that the are divine all equa;, what and that no one can possibly numbers will draw a Prize. REMEMBER, also, that the payment of Prizes is GUARANTEED BY FOUR NA¬ TIONAL BANKS of New Orleans, and the Tickets ere signed by the President of an In stitution nized whose chartered rights therefore are recog in the highest Courts; beware of all imitations or anonymous schemes. S if. URDU i sms Inns In CRIFFIN, CEORCIA Strongest Companies, Lowest Rates, p rouipt Settlements HOTEL CURTIS GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, Under New Management. A. G. DANIEL, Prop’r. ’Sf 1 <» ’< •> i- (Hi.; trains. feblSdly ADVERTISERS m learn the exact cost i:i\ nroposed line o .'iisuigin America; s by addressing Co!, ?. Rowell & ni'cr A** * .’tisino 3ure»u, ■ ur'' .t. , New York. •»* tOO-Page .phle- WITTIEST,PRETTIEST vHIVENlLES QUEER PEOPLEi’*i»Vr(ox GIANTS ± WINGS PAWS A G0BLIB8 HTINGfi CLAWS $ 1.00 76C. $1 on !■ Mail. iMi'# F.lopeincnt of the Froff and the Mouse.) f iili of the ocldPNt prank*, cbnriiiiiitf etortee an laiifib-provoking Selling illustrations immnisfW. by the Prince t'ritV JuvenUe artists Utilt folk* folict wild wild irith irith delight. M(l x of ClintonB. it t "It b Fi»k. Fisk. a- a my “ i tend another far i lean' - Hon. * me t let the children to tti bed.'' bed."— R H. Con well. i>. D. "Incom- fxirably neat ideleoamtv— Hon. N. S. Cox. m Fasrinaf. <*«• Howard Crosby. »n«7 ing a* a* j£$op JT* and VncU Hemut ."—Hon UiKNTW WANTED. HI'BBARD BROH. 723 R 'jq f'Lnv.. Chestnut khtVWA|, Street. Phtltaii I kiielphln. l'». &W 4w I TO CLABI’S BUSINESS COLLEGE BUIE, PA., for circular*. The best schoo, i&c. GRAND LOW PR I (IE SALE rr HAS BEEN QUITE GRATIFYING. * 'i)SF While we closd out many oi i gains offered, we have added 1ST ew-:-Ones And it |will be to your interest to visit my a CROWDED STORE ROOMS if * you wish to ■ Purchase Bargains. While tms department of my business does not occupy as much space as some of my com¬ petitors, it nevertheless contains Some : Rich : Drives ! Will offer this week 75 Men’s Cassimeie Suits for $10,00; worth from $12,50 to $15,00. These p^ods were purchased in the last ten days, late in the season and the party that I bought from was anxious to sell. Leave your orders for Suits, Pants, or Overcoats and I will have them made up by the best house in the country, JACOB REED’S SONS, of Philadelphia. No fit, no pay. Cloak Department. Have added largely to this line in the past few weeks. TREMENDOUS BARGAINS A -IN— Misses' ai and Ciflren’s Wraps, LADIES’ JACKETS, \ K W M A R K E R S, Mojeskas, Jerseys, &e. Hip mm-. Shoe Department l ■ Find that I am over¬ slocked in Childrens Boys’ and Misses’ Still Sloes. Will save you 40 to 50 •-Vo/? per on this line Shoks. Just received big stock E. J. FLBMISTBR. Sweet & Sherwood’s Cel¬ ebrated Hand Sewed ifl Shoes at $4.00. As good as any goods. Buy my Cagle Shoe Company’s Peniteintiary Made hoes for Ladies’ and Misses’ and you wll have no tliers. All at the lowest prices, at E. J. Flemister’s. 4..L A