The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, November 23, 1888, Image 2

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»)UOLi* tHKHMSBR, Editor * *Aa&V,(Ia44v»aM)rn «»»■ . ainiT. 0.»T«t...... GriSU, (ifsrfU, Jit. 28, 1888. Official Paper of Spalding QfUial Piper of the City of Griffin : .\ AdTertialnir Rate*. ftULLY—On* dollar p»r iqnare tor •nt IworUon, and fifty eent« for e«oh >na»mt m. Ton lino* or lOM to be ’*AmL"»<nmn ssc'zrs:, __ Me insertion to mbU under per line _ _____10 cents ill lags i t** eii dollar must be paid for i rates will be mad* with . to oontioos their *&.**—’ rate* as for the Oalir. *S The The battle battle for eoond ecooontio ideas baa juat begjun. The Itopub find it iupossible to 00 aaj of their pledge#. We aba II IN boar far tfaey will adopt Demo critic policies at their own remedy for the arils of war taxation and the yif pina jo (be Treasury. Oar opin loo tt that the real trouble is within tbeoiaelveo, and that a break-down lamentable. Be itoure, therefare, to watch and wait ; serene in the faith of contoientioua tuen and sure of the enlightened vindication of ereata. 1%# latest weekly financial circa far of Henry CJews & Co., New York, oontains the following reference to the presidential flection: “It rnuat be allowed that Mr. Harrison‘s elec tion was dae rather to political acci dents then to a distinctly pronounc ed nations preference for tba policy for which he stands. The changes in the rote of the western, and some of tie eastern state*, are dearly indicatire of a growing hostil ity to, at leaat, the existing range of tariff dotie# ; and, in that sense, the reanlt of the election is signifi esntly suggestive of future tenden eies. • • * “The result has been to enoourage the tat iff reformers, rattier than to discourage tbem.“ Mr. V* Clews, in a review of the man agementof the treasury department snder sir. Manning and Mr. child, says: “It has been both bold and masterly. It could hardly •xoeiled.“ The Herald’s Washington pondent telegraphs as follows: distinguished Democratio leader, recently talked with the President garding the election, quotes laud as saying: I am told that out the tariff i»s»e in the last paigfl Iwe should have carried country; but the time had when the issue between the two ties bad to be made, and the crais made it. I dou’t regret it. is better to be defeated for honest principles thaa u> win cowardly subterfuge. Some of friends say *« ought to have before the country on the clean ministration we have given the pie. Idifferfrom them. We ed a clean-cut. well defined We were defeated, it is true, but principles of tariff reform will win in the end. THE COPULAK VERDICT, The recent vote for President - probably reach 1*2,000,000, audit is uncertain whether Harrisou or Cleve lttnd h s a majority of the popular rote. A majority of 10,000 is claim •d tor Harrisoo, but rs not fourth of th« States »re officially res ported, Cleveland is quite as likely to have the popular majority. The Republican majorities seem reduced a beat 4,000 in Cslifor nit,about 3,000 in Illinois, about 8.000 in Minnesota, about 2,000 in New Hampshire, shout 10,000 in Ohio and about 2,000 in Rhode Island. The Democratic majorities •earn to be reduced about 1 000 ;n Connecticut, ubout 700 in Delaware, about 1,000 in Kentucky, about 6, 000 in Maryland, about 10,000 In South Carolina, aliout 4,500 in Yir gtuia and about 3.000 in Westlir gitiis, while New York changes from 1,100 Democratic to 13,000 Republi can snd Indiana changes from 0,400 D«-tt.ociaiic to about 2,000 lit publi eao. Ti.e Republican wajoritie* appear to iodcase about 4,000 in Colorado. about 10,000 m Iowa, about 18,000 it* Kaoaaa, about 3,000 iu Maine, •boot *,000 io Maeaaehueetta, •bout 18,000 ip lltcbigau. about 9,000 in lljbnili r about 5,000 in Oregon, K ou * an* About 7,000 in Wisconsin Tbe SHtoOuralw niaji>riiiea increaae about 3,400 » Kiundi, .bout 16 000 in k b wyta , about S 8 , 0 C 0 w Looieaua. M lo.nnow Tmwwf. gaveCleveland 132,000 four ago, but no reliable estimate of the majority this year h».s yet been given, Its vast territory and bruited facili ties for getting return:* from tie many remote districts make it the lust Stale to furoiah (lie official vote. CURRENT COMMENT. A IIrlchi Future. Philadelphia Record (Ocm ) The great recuperative po-.ver of tho Southern people bus nuinf. ated itself in many practical ways, and in the f ice or greit difficulties The future of tbe south in cheeringly bright. A Democratic Day. New York Herald find.) It was a typical democratic day yesterday. It was a little down in the month—so to speak—in sparkling the ear ly morning, but cheerful, and bright, with a regulu tariff ic foitn sky, all the afternoon. Good for the Country. UuUunora American (Rep.) There is leas drunkenness iu the professions nowadays than ever before in the world’s history. There are fewer drinking clergymen, fewer drinking lawyers, fewer drinking journalists, fewer dunking pbyei ciaDS, fewer drinking statesmen, Temperance ia recognized not only as a virtue, but as an element of sue cess in professional life. The yrting man who tries to accelerate bis pro gress by alcohol makes the greatest mistake of his life. It Did Not Work. New York World. (Dew .) The complete returns of the elec tion in Now Hampshire,another state with heavy manufacturing interests, show that tho '‘tariff scare*’ did not work wtiero it was expected to. The democrats cat the republican plaralt ty down to 2,281, against 4,063 iu 1884. And the democratic vot< in creased 4,257. or 10.89 per cent, against an increase of only 2,478, or 5.72 per cent., for the republicans. One more campaign of education will do the business. What the Trouble is with Hie Country. From the Boston Transcript. An old friend of the Listener’s tells him of a queer bit of dialogue- that ho heard in a street car bound to the South End, the other day. Two old women, he says wore sitting near him who were apparently born on tho Emerald Isle about twenty- five years ago. They were exehang ing views on the great value to this country of the accession to its popula lion of the large mint her of thei- eoun try folk. “What would this country be,” said one, “if the Irish hadn’t come here?” Then she went on to enumerate their indisputable services in directions. “Who was it,” she de¬ manded, “that opened tic navigation for the railroads?” The other could only lift her hands in admiration. Then the lirst went on to their help during the late war and allowed her fancy to depict,what would accomplish iu ibe future “Vis,”sail! the other breaking ‘‘but the trouble is we have many Amerikins in this country ! ” A muii who lias practised Medicine for years, ought to know suit from augur; rend what tic says. Toi.kihl O .duti 10. lxsj. Messrs. ‘ . .1. I heney .1 (*o (Jentleme; - I have heeu in the general practice of uievt ioine for most 40 years, and would say lint in all my practice and experience, have never seen a preparation confidence Unit I could preset-She with an much of success as I can Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by you tt iva prescribed it it great many timesamt its etIroti* wonderful,mid would any in eon- elusion that I have yet to lind a ease of Ca tarrh that it would not cu e. if they would take it according to directions. Your* t. Truly, I. UORSUHH, M. t) We will $100 Office, 215 Summit St give for any ease of Catarrh that cannot tic cured with Hall's Catarrh Dure Taken internally. F. CHEN r/YA CO., Prop*., Toledo, O. 1 Sold by Druggists, T.V novH Im Advice to Mothers. M a. Winslow’s Soothing Syiu’p for children teething, ih the prescription of one of the best female nurses ami physicians in the United States, and lias been used for forty years with never failing success by millions of mothers for their children. During the process of teething its value is incalculable It relieves the child from paiu. cures dys entcry amt dumluea, griping in the bowels, and wiud colic. (ty giving health ~ the i toll) and rest- the mo’h r, Pnoe 2.5 ceijis “ bottle sngeodAwlv I> l.ife Worth Living:’ How ofteu il ♦*« the patient mother who haw j ant laid away the little ( a * that lied from tin* effecte of to«*thiag, ask thu* qtieatioo If she had known of l)r. Uiggcra* Huckleberry Cordial, !if< might have Utfu brighter When children pick their noxe, grind their tect>> are reg(l«M, unnaturaJ in their appetite, they at* quite ah likely hi Iy be troubled troufiiea taken and wan v* jth^\Vorrna, R vvdfnia. A.Ialiru “'ill prompt pr ft iiark^ mra.% urea oni Vernlflff be |r«ven them according to dirro tion* U haa taxed many a child from death aid | ARE YOU ga?an.aarirai |!5P r*roo Ooothy BiY>T»rhf l l49, IndiiretUnn f Utw • tmm ut r? -a* lung', aitd iliw au . * aridmr from Impure ding bimi h! and >n The and ‘ atfok, ‘ aUrtMCffW®* * ainunKt dia*w$w>, and amwlr drift utg l# fcr'wsrtflJ'SK^rFE th* araw. will •iiitH*an’r i in in ****** caaea caawa rwwvwfh, rawer th? v W **ith by I I'arkrr’u (Uncnr & Tonlt. Niton gerowa. dlaordem Tab# of It eu>niach lit *4«wft a»«l 1* 4n*a»u£4>l« ci» eOa. »{ fwr> *,i* «u»d EAhiv^V c’ r I LLSI ______ KaialMm **!**#'■ *g*r*r “** Catarrh Is A constitutions! disease, caused by scrofu- lous taint In the blood. Hood’s Sarsaparilla, being a constitutional remedy, purlfb •*, tbe blood, builds up the whole system, sr,d per- uumeritif curoac.-itarrli. Thmoandt of peoplo who goffered aeveroty with this disagreeable disease, testify with pleasure catarrh Can be eurrd by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Mrs. Alfred Cunningham, Fallon Avenue. Provi¬ dence, R. I., says: **I have suffered with catarrh in my head for years, amt paid out hundreds of dollar* for uiedlrines, but have heretofore received only temporary relief. I began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, and now my catarrh Is nearly cured, tho weakness of my body ts all gone, my appetite Is good — la fact, I feel like another person. Hood's bar- aapartlla Is tho best medicine I have ever taken, and the only one which did me perma¬ nent good. I cordially recommend it.” A gentleman la Worcester, Mass., who waa Cured Of catarrh by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, says; "I would not take any moneyed consideration for the good one bottle did me.” If you are a sufTerer, do not put off taking a simple remedy till your bronchial tubes or lungs are affected, and consumption has gained a hold upon you. Bo wise In time I That flow from the nose, ringing noise fn tho ears, pain in the head, Inflammation of the throat, cough, and nervous prostration will be cured if you take Hood’s Sarsaparilla ■old by all drugifijt*. *1; *1* for $*• Prepare* by C. I. IIOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Dowell, Maaai 100 Doses One Dollar 1 tjakWF Peud** Mill, Texas, June 20, The Swifr Specific Company, Atla it*. Gm.—G en¬ tlemen Ons of my children wai troubled with rheumatism and boll* for *>x>ut two year*. Wo u avo her various kinds of medi¬ cine. but without profit, mid persuaded began fo dopalr to of curing her at *»U. i was try your Swift s Specific. After she had used sen ml bottles the diseases all disappeared, lind t he Is «ow ft hale, hearty and healthy Ifirl twelve years old. Another child ha A 1 Just become afflicted in the same way, and am using the s. 8. 3. aud anticipate C. WAqoonkk. a prompt and permanent cure. N. Rich If ill. Mo, July <ia.~Gentlemen•* 7, The Swift Our pectfic i’o., when Atlanta, throe weeks old broke o girl tut Wo tried the prescriptb« prescriptions out with eczema, w© tr "‘tout from ni several st've good docb , but without any ai •cial benefit beo \V« tried S. B 8., sm d by tho Mate one bottle “ was was gone gone her head ,d Itegnn l to heal, bottles und she by tho tho completely complete time time time mpletel/cure<L she si she cured, had had taken taken how Now she sho six nix was ts ha t a full and 1 heavy heavy head hea*._______ of Lair ___ i robust, ___, hearty child. If i it but t my my dut; duty t.o make Hits sta' dement. !;.■■>peetfuily, H. T. Shobe. riiATV.kNoooA, Thus , June 17. ISR^-The Swift Speclflo Co., Atlanta, Oft.—(Jentlemen ; In IT A I contra ‘ted blood poison, and at once sought eral a physician, lijr his who treated I went me for Crab sev¬ month m, Kv., advice to Orchard Springs, whore his course of treatment wan can fully observed. I recov¬ ered, rh I thought, hut the next spring body. pim¬ ple* began graduaily to appear on toy face and and * has© increased to sores run- nlng ulcer 1 *. I was advised tr> try 8. 8. S , and immediately Improve, slowly after taking first, it but I commenced rapidly to at more afterwards, and soon nothing remained to tell of my trouble. 31y blood is now thor- onghly taint, idealised, •leauscfi, 1 I and ana my my jiro^eitt Byitem B) stem condition- free freer from Ri) owo my a per prfect-euro iliA to your tliftt mecUcln© other others I who cheerfully have MlY vt» tlv a Hlftteimiiit blatoment Uiftt ffore-1 «- 1 have may roa*> tbe fodio benefit. liAULY Atari M. M. Burt, Burt, ti 24 West West Ninth Ninth St. su IXoMKn, 1 a., May 25. 138$—The Sw ift Speclflo Co . Atlanta, Uft.—-Qentlomen : About two > r.rt-iv. t*nrB a I l •> my general <k*bilUate<t <U biiuate<t health health that that gav« I I wa almost ay en- y I yvivs Nviva «<* well All nig ml physicJaiis <f t »*r f*?«llng again. t . at th*> relief. Frleutls «1one f'lT lnslslol mu brought tliat no I p niionont b‘»ouM th.eight g'vo H. H. M. R. R. ji ft fair trial, although I It would tio throwing away away money. money. After taking a thorough 1 -ourse, •tr4c, my my health health ami R. H, strength al returned, eured ami i i I I must j dbearued say that all S. me me, as .. others while using It. A* a tonic 1 1 can < most heartily It rortaiuly rec-mmend It specific. It ; f.>r W. c»- K. UaiDOEB, ml al ficbtlUv acbilltv. J. I'. a f a I know Mr. W. F. Bridge.and w IK >ay F •.• UU - ’meut. H correct. J nil Rhklt-*v. BruggUt. Treatise i.u D ■ ’ S’.in I :.sea .cs mailed fnv>. Tit Tv.vivi iuj-j Ca, I»rai rawer S, Atiu .la, Li.:.. EXCURSION RATES. What K Will Cost to Go to Macon, lurnbus anti Augusta. 'l ilt* Cent ml railroad oil* i ^ the following v cut^ion rat< s io tho <•(.• »» .» < xj osilion TO TH F > 1 A t i'. U .UU l ii bp held al Macon, <it., Vovu.’idx’r '»th ■ Novcmbut lOtli, iitf’up-iv- U.U lVL*riV illc............. Milncr ........... ......... Orchard 1 i?I ................. i <>0 Uridhi . ............. I »0 Sunny Side... ....... ! s . r > UftHlplop...... ••••• ^ -‘ wv Brooks Si if ion ... ... ! * J?*-’Uoui....... ... Mi TIiCvC rnt* ' iuclmit’ a Im’Hsiou t<> Fair ground ( ldhii t'D t>vt i ’» y. .c - old and un¬ der 12 Half l{;t!<s. Ti< keis will he jtlaifd <01 sale N i»V *»* i \! ’ I'is to F 1 ’. -nctu MVt*. good to reliit t until N oect -l 1 r»!li. inclu¬ sive T«» T'Ji; * u.\T t All*’< a’lua: i‘\ e<»-a no.v. To la - held a (’oin.'iihn N’‘vutnbur 5th to Deefnjher im !n * ^ amurvil i...... • .. ,u M ilner Hiii 0 Sunny >"ide i '* Hampton. . Brook.** Sta!ion. 25 i enota..... TO These rales iiiulinle 'tret car far* and .id tniseion to F. \ position gnmiids Chtidreii over f) yea s am! under 12 years, half rates. Tiekfcts wi'd he y-'..\evvl on saU* N^vcuv. * y H th It* : *dlh inclusive, go*»d l<* return on, and until December *J<!, inclusive On TO 111! VI ilfsTA \ A T 11 < N A 1, 1 X TO-'IT (ON . To be ht’td nt \u!XU'ta, 1 1 u., Novumbi i th to I b'l 1 ‘inbrl lot h, .Iiclu - i vu Biirnesvilb’ $1 ' Nl Milner ' 05 On*hard H :ii. . ■> b5 Griffin • 1 -•> Sunny Sulu . ■ Hamid-on. Station ....... ; }' vo ItrooKs . , . Senoia....... ’ , *5 Thu r:<tv< iuvuUlo iransfur ou\\\ o).< Vo and from the Exposition, and a -o ad.ii --ion eoapons to tin* irv<»unds. Children over 5 years ami under 12 years, half rate--'. I'as^en- s^ers mil'' pure^ase tieket> be l»e tore muMjom’.- gutting »i on to train. ;i« eoncuet*e vvi i u *! oi»Herv - the u ot ratt I i»'k« wv' be plaet ti on sal*. Noxfii Ner T’h and eontinue on sa!;’ until and ineiudini: 1 *ee* :a5r*r l.**h. 1 shn. • . f»;l. .v. i- ■ i. I !• -kel.H will i ' need 'five luy - fr tie. > e i e bit’ I) ft V>t em\> }• i < H Mil ; *N HiWDERCaFtNS. immm •omforttot the fc-et i’$C al Urug-guj x ER TONIC 1 he U >t t t Inw.uJ I * lion I xh nt t arh and iJ• • w <■ the m ’ « C'AUgh'. L f affecti its . organs. It p sleep tin overur'tr. i • and give* new »o the "cak a. ffiSIli-. The !» : A, ^ , Awcr***- Are Urarsrmg tb their tw* ft It to nee hr# V ti 1 I i i»mj *n*t« Hiaco i suk IfJ l it* cured ^taome Bookof iQun wifi ptur I The Oe orgia Midland HR *4ltos-Cesst ami Line With T ln oiiKli Oonoh cm Between COLUMBUS and ATLANTA. ONLY USE CHANGE TO Washington, New York, N ashville or Cincinnati. NO. 50, pAeHfHOI TH . Leuvtf McDonough ....... i r.iOa. m. Arrive t.ritnu................... ...................” Lcavs ' ‘Iw* A.irive Cotttinbu* ........... NO. 51, I'ashenokk »m> mail, north. Leave Coluuiims..................! :05 p. in. Arrive Grifiin.................•’*’ NO. 53. 1>,*SES«KU ASI> M AIL, SOI Til, i.eave Griffin....................4:05 p. m. Arrive Columbus................. NO. S3, l'AHSEN'OEB, NOBTH, Jjeuve Columbus... ..............4:10 p. in. Arrive Griffin..................,7:1+ 7:W) *‘ fz ave ** ..................... Arrive Meflonollgti.............tWi NO. I, ancmirr, NORTH. I.e.ive Columbus..................a. in Arrive (Jriflln.................1:25 .....................2;30 r ,m ] -cave •* ' Arrive McDonough............. 7f:.‘i5 “ No. 2, ru Eh git, 80VTH . Leave McDonough...............7:45 ..............8:50 a. “ in Arrive Griffin ...................#:* .. .. “ Leave “ Arrive Cohunbus ................3:30 p, rn M. E.GRA V , Supt. C. Vi. CIIF-AKS. Gcn'l Pass. Agt, Columbus, Ga. New Advertisements. hCp.-! L-^tC* -iMa'iSsim s .. ! ! ;:..wt. :cs the hair. Promotes a luxuriant growth. Never fa ii^Vouibfut It* to Restore Color. Gray "^K^lProytnte Hair in !‘jtii<lr.i!i arid hair fall lag •rug Grateful--Comforting. EPPS’S COCOA BREAKFAST. “hy thorough knowledge of the natural law- icb govern tho oparations of diges tion and nutrition, and by a careful applica¬ tion of the fine properties of well selected Coacoa. Mr. Epps lias provided cur delicately provid¬ ed our breakfast tables with a flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such article of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong 1 no ugh to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around ns ready to attaci; wherever there is a weak point \Vc may escape many a la’al . haft by keepingourseivec well lortilied with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” —Civil Service Gazette, Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in half- pound tins, Grocers, labelled thus: JAMES F.l'PB ifcCO., lloiiKeopathio London, Chemists, England. EXHAi-'ffED VITALITY 'pin: sciK.N, of life, the 8’cat Medico’. W.,rlc of the ;u "'' Maafcoo<i. V.rn.u. ami i !' > leal Debility, T'reniatnre 1 !h "A* ■ I s ,,f y, )Uti!> t e'-untoM mtfterk-scouaoijaom He re,in, W pay.-, 8va, 1^5 prescriptions for all diseases.. C’I.jI l», full gilt, only gl.oo, 1,1 ^ •nail, ______ scaled. Ilhi lratlvo sample free L. all , rj - 0.1 middle aged ,. IIK men. Send now. The a„!d ami ......... Medal owanled to the author hy i he v t, ;m. Medical Association. Address J». o. ’«ton,Ma s.,or Dr hoc S . PARKER, grad . mvte of Marvard Medical College, 25 years’practlce 1 ",‘’ton, who may be consulted confidentially . falts.Disease f flan. OniceK.,.4Ruiri:„.| 1 ^ MASON & 'i be cabinet ores: an was introduced In Us form by Mason & Hamlin in list. Other followed in the manufacture of these hut tbe Mason <fc Hamiin Organs have always tained tbeir snpremacy as the heat in the world. > Mason & Hamiin offer, as demonstration o' unequalled all of tho excellence of their organs, the fact at great VVorlffis Exhibit Kins, since that Parte, ViiiU bps’. 1S67, maU ORGANS of 1 all era i tries, they have Invariably en l tnc the his highest' honors. _ _ _ trated ratable atom** 922 TO SHOO. freo. Mason & & J Hamlin do not hesitate to make the «X~ traordinary superior claim for their pianos, that they high are to nil where. ’Miry rt-cognlze the excellence achieved by other leading makers In the art of piano building, but still claim superiority. This they attribute solely to the remarkable im¬ provement introduced hy them In the year 1884, and now known ns the “Mxson & Hamlin Piano Bthixorb,” secured by PIANOS [the naeof ia the greatest poi- j Bible purity and refinement tone, creased together GSAJTD ffP2I3ET. _ _r with greatly canacb * ty for fltanding in tune ana other imi>ortant advantages. hundred A circular, containing musicians, testimoniaia from together with purchasers, descriptive and tuners, gent, Jhanog and Organa fold catalogue, for caah to any applicant. or eady pay¬ ments; aiso rented. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO. 1HI3TO.N. NJBW YOUK. CUICAUOo^ The Toy tho Child Likes Best -IS THE— ANCHOR •At Stoss Building Slock Real Stone. TT'.reo Color*. A ri.rvml’HKSEXTforchild- n "f 4'nil nil aget*. ages. For For $1.75, or a good average box. Descriptive Tree » appilication Catalogue catalogue seat b« i poat-lreo on on to F. Ad. Richter & Co., 3IO BROADWAY, NEW YORK. o cc.M.xu 2 m DR. MOFFETT'S FEMALE MEDICINE By __ L.eS' giving tone to and fftrengthcnlng the.Vter- Nteni and bulldl tig up tbe general health, ixihax \vi:i;i> onrrprt* all trr, imUrltl^. and annoylrm trooble, from which »omany Uille. suffer. It gives the weak, debilitated woman health and si rrnitth.and makes cheerful the despondent, depressed In spirits. In chanire "flip, no lad? should be with¬ out IN 1H\N tt I i n. HuSa/eand Oifaiitng. Ask your Druggist. K. K At tliouy Ci;ffin and M. K, 8w Ouliarvl Hi'-. Ha. Who an- tVi-nk. om ami l>< and initfvru g Ih hility, 8 i m i a a W» atiiH--- N i c h 11 EiniMflriL -. iiu•: all effucta ot <-arly Habits wtiH Ii leuil | \ Fro mature \)- > ay, UonsruupViou Dimou-es or of *eml for t'oar^ , Trtsuii*** on [with particular* for llora« Curt*, Cures Luiarantoed No core r?o pay, Pk uts, Ll‘d and *>14 Church 8t., Nashvillb Tcnn. novl4d&wIy. OON I RUN IH RISK tit losing your child hy nermiturtg Worm* to work out it* de*tructionl When m child fail* to «p nd* well, 1* rertle,,. nnnatuml in it* indieaUoM appetite *nd grind* it* tt* teeth, teeth, you you have have (tronf Mroac ol Worm*; the pontive cnee tef Hue aS^: draCfliM rahnnlock'* for it. It* timely Vrnuifagc gee chili front it* grave, y AST ALL PRECEDENT « | Over Two MillioDB Diatribitttd L.S.L Louisiana State Lottery Company Incorporated b>‘ the Legislature in 1-M»8 ir Educational and Charitable purposes, i . t its franchise made a part of the prest -.t State Constitution, in ltsTO, by an over- wholming popular vote IU GKAND EXTRAOUDLVAKY DRAW¬ INGS take pltu e Ei-ml-Annuall>, SINGLE (June NUM¬ and De coin her), and its GRAND BER DRAWINGS take place on each of the the other ten months in the ji-ar, and are all drawn in public, at '.lie Academy of 5.nsie, New Orleans. La. ‘•Wedo herebycertifythatwesupervise the arrangements for all the monthly aDd Semi¬ annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot tery tery Company, Company, and and in in person person manage manage and aim con cou troi the Drawings thcmselvea, and that the same are conducted with honesty, fairness and in good faith toward all parties, and we authorize the Company to use this certinei-.,* with fac-similesof onrsignutuies attached m its advertisements.’’ We the undersigned Banks and Banker* will pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisian* State Lotteries which may be presented at our counters: H. Jl. W *l*SlEl r .Pr«. l.»A»l 1 ». I*. XAilAlX. PrMSiat.Sal l Bk. A. BAEDWlff.Pm. IS. O.Sat'l Bank CAM I, KOUil, Prv,.V»l«» VI Bari Mammoth Drawing At the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, December 18, 1888, CAPITAL PRIZE, $600,000. 100,000 Tickets at #40; Halves $20; Quar¬ ters $10; Eighths $5; Twentieths $2: For tiettis *1. list ot raizES. ! Vbizecf *600,000 is.......... f000,000 300,000 1 Prize of 200,000 is.......... 100,000 1 Prize of 100,000 is.......... 50,000 1 Prize of 50,000 is.......... 50,000 2 Prizes of 25,000 are......... 5 Prizes or 10,000 are......... 50,000 12 Prizes of 5,000 are......... GO 000 25 Prizes or 2,000 are......... 50,000 100 Prizes of 800 are......... 80,000 200 Prizes of 400 are----,.... 80,100 500 Prizes of 200 are......... 100,0(A) ArPROlIMATION PRIZES. 100 Prizes of |1,000 are.....1....... 100,000 100 do. 800 arc............... 80,000 100 do. 400 are............... 40,000 Three Nu.mher Terminals. 90 Prizes of $800 are................$79,200 99 do 490 are................. 39,a0 Two Nvmher Terminals. 900 Prizes of $200 are...............$180,000 180,000 900 do. 200 are.............. 3,146 Prizes of amounting to......$2,118,80( For Club Brutes, or any further informa¬ tion desired, write legibly to the undersign¬ ed, clearly stating your residence, with State, County, Street and Number. More rapid return mail delivery will he as- surred by enclosing an Envelope bearing your full address. Send POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange in Ordinary letter. Currency by Eypress (at our expense) addressed to M. A. DAUPHIN, La New Oricaus ,.r M. A. DAUPHIN,Washington,D. O. Address Registered Letters tc 11 IV »B1EAI« HaTOEIAL HAAS* hew Orleans, l.a.9 REMEMBER Thl “ ,1 " , ilcanrczarif i ,T '‘ m * nc * oi Cicn.raH _______ _ and Early, who arc in elaurgt* «f Ih* drawings,is a guarantee of absolute fairness and integrity, that tbe chances are divine ail ©qua!, what and that no one can possibly numbers will draw a Prize. REMEMBER, also, that the payment of Prizes is GUARANTEED BY FOUR NA TIONAL BANKS of New Orleans, and the Tickets -ire signed by the President of an In stitution whose chartered rights are recog bized " in the highest Courts; therefore beware of alt imitations or anonymous schemes. s i mwi s sons lttnatit Ipty CRIFFIN, CEORCIA Strongest Companies, Lowest Rates, T Vnmpt Settlements HOTEL CURT GRIFFIN. GEORGIA, Under Xew Management. A. G. DANIEL, Prop'r. Ggr 1 to u >t a t < t nil iraiiis. feblSUty ADVERTISERS learn the exact cost r 'roposed *me o ' lsnig in America! ry s hy addressing Co^, P. Rowell & • . «'r /* jrtibmrf Bureau, T>r»* , New York. luO-»>»ge L*a» .phlef »• WITTIEST, PRETTIEST JUVSHILES QUEER PEOPLEi*ai«« GIA.VT0* PAWF dt GOBLIH8 CLAW? Ji 09 $1 00 U, l loprmmt of the Froy and the Nw Pull of th« oddrwt fnrwnk^ rktrmlnf by n tone* lituMh-provokina iUuetmitiona tb* Prince Juvenile arUrita Selllnf tmaaCMfly. Critic any of It» “ft •»* '»«T* /«>Ui u\Ui vUh deho >,t 'Inevwr ■orsU* ; ,r.,i.i, «Ml ««u»~lrfw™.i"-Hon and #Iep*»at "—Hob ft H ft N roa. ‘a** Fs** <U iwr <md VneU ”-HoE Howard < roahy. IUENTN 7*3 ( hrnnal H ANTKII. Hlrwrt. lit I’hllad RIJAKD lArlphla, BKOg, I'm. Tecum BUSINESS COLLEGE SBXE, PA., far Ltraaten. The Wet n-br»v in America. Vail Mm Wgttu Aug Mv Mmaioii tkte peper. J. FltMISTER'S Grand low price sale ttlf* >t, Poor Weeks HAS BEEN QUITE GRATIFYING. While, we closd out many of i gains offered, we have added 3>T ew-:-Ones ! And it b\v ill be to your interest to visit my CROWDED STORE ROOMS if you wish to Purchase Bargains. Department. While this department of my business does not occupy as much space as some of my com¬ petitors, it nevertheless contains Drives Will offer this week 75 Men’s Cassimeie Suits for $10,00; worth from $12,50 to $15,00. These o’oocls were purchased in the last ten days, late in the season and the party that I bought from was anxious to sell. Leave your orders for Suits, Pants, or Overcoats and I will have them made up by the best house in the country, JACOB REED’S SONS, of Philadelphia. No fit, no pay. Cloak Department. Have added largely to this line in the past few weeks. TREMENDOUS BARGAINS Misses’ and anfl Gllrei’s Wraps, LADIES’ JACKETS, \ K XV M A It K E It H, > Mojeskas/Jerseys, &e. WB Shoe Department l Find that I am over stacked in Childrens Boys' and Misses’ Sclaol Shoes. $ai^g (y per Will on save this line you Shoks. 40 to 5 fy' Just received bi£ stock FLEilSTEK. Sweet & Sherwood’s Cel¬ E. J, Shoes ebrated at Hand $4.00. Sewed As s:ood as any $7 goods. Buy mj Cagle Shoe Company’s Peniteintiary Made hoes for Ladies’ and M isses’ and you wll have n o thers. All at the lowe st prices, at Flemister’s.