The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, November 25, 1888, Image 2

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• 0 U 6 LAS 0 LB 881 TIK, K 4 lt«r A Fr*p>r •4U«.*,(I»A4V****)F*r ......**.«• miliT.Ou Tw............... t.— iSU if ,'«■ « - ..... ttrtMa, ttMTtta, JUT. *5, IMS. OlcLtl Piper if Spading Go. Mbbl PNMr .1 Mi» City d Sriffin , M AdT«rtl*lng Bate*. ><■ lisa* or ta*a to b« aoant- *» K0TIO3SS w e*nU p*r llM ■ties. N* iBMrtlon o»d*r thl* ' r tmm ■ oraU. All IftMrtion* thM dollar moat b# paid for in i nlM frill So made with parti** - t* --------------- amtUm* thair adT*rti»*m*ot» Manat T^BHUiT—Haw ahaa a** ml. far^PalW. * rata* a* ^ The Niwb bat no candidate for toy city position; but it wanta the gftinDi to have candidate*. Tbe workingmen of Europe bate begun to protaat againat war. The world ia i ndeed growing w iaer. The N*w« will support ita daareat enemy, if upon the right platform, with the eauie cheerfulness that it woetd ita worst friend. It is believed that if the oorkserew m anu f ac tur e rs had not bnUdowd- their employes. Gen. Fiak‘s tote would ba rs been mnch larg er. In Tennessee many of the colored Bepublioana appear to hara voted t wioe. There ia no doubt about tha ahowtog a colored Republican gat* in % Tennessee. i ■ .......... . — The number ef farm mortgages in Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan and Dv&oU is increasing. What would the American farmer do without hia ^bome markett” Franoe and Germany will not take onr pork. We have to go io John Boll sad the Belgians for customers, What a hateful thing ia “British free trade,” to be aure. __ “Old Hutch" haa scored only one suicide to date: but there may be an other and another. The Agricultural Department will n*ver be complete Until it get* the ancient HntchineoD. --- The New York Republican carpet works that has bad to discharge 900 Of Ita employee ainoe the election of Mr. Harrison may bare to get rid of Several more before another preai i dential election. l>o we really want to annex Cana de, e country where the mercury drops to zero ae early at tbe 20lb of November t Let ue, rather, ra form the tariff and build op the fear Booth. Nor then, Livingston, Lawton Blount and DoBigoon constitute the pieaant list ot aspirants for the next goveroorabip of Georgia, The lilt vrill ba added to and taken from aa tha campaign progresses. President-elect Harrison has tend wad tha poaition of Private Secrets ry to Mr.E. W. Halford, managing editor of tha Indianapolis Journal. ' Mr. Halford ia an Englishman, aged forty iva years, and baa been a news paper man for twenty five year*. He was a few years private secretaiy of tbe late Gov. Oliver P. Morton. “Oitiaena'’ ia wrong if he thinks * tbe Nawe has spoken of Griffin as worse than other plaoee. On the contrary, with all ite faults, we loTe it better, and believe it better, than moat otbar plaoee. But we are oblig •d to point out these faults that they May be oorrectad. lion can’t cure a bullet wound by patting e pieoe of 1 smooth court plaster over the hole. There ia nothing that enrages tbe average Northern Republican of the bloody shirt variety ao much aa the Sight of a '‘rebel flag.** Tbe Pitta burg Timea, on Monday, says: “A * number of gentlemen, well known in this city as business and professional met), some of when) served in the Hnion army during 'be war, met yea Wrday in the offic »>f J- H. Stephen ' ton, to enter a protest agamst tbe ; ) (banting Rebel flags, which has of laic become ao common. A bill was prepared to be presented at tbe next ■esticc of Cotgreae msk ng it a misdemeanor, pnniahable by a heavy fin* and Imprisonment of one to three peers, to display a Confederate flag parades or on other public occ&s ___ One Fact fa worth a column of rhetoric, said an Ameri ma atstsMBan- It it * tact, ettehliehed by affections Ait aria Q tlk«r ciiof ffl or THE FKBBSTAA ilevatkh the MAUTY. A eonepiceeua feature in the pre*e of tbe country, during the past three years, has been the unstinted praise, the very extremity of flstleryrindeed, lavished upon the President's wife. Without entering at all upon tbe discussion of Heaiitf in general or this type in particular, we wish to call attention to the feet that history i* continually repeating ilaelf. In 1801, when Mrs. Abraham Lincoln took possession of the While House, she succeeded Mias Usrriet Line, who, according to tbe papers of that dsy, was the most stately beauty since the days of Dolly Madison. The correspondents turned their pens, however, into brushes, for the pencil ing of the ebartns of the new mis¬ tress of the Executive Mansion. No hair was so long, so beamtiful and brown, so silky textured as hers, no eyes were more soulfully blue, no teeth more pearly white, while ecsta ciea ware indulged iri over her su perb neck and abouldera. It is not so long ago but that readers can recall the vaat borizoned compliments paid to the genius, tbe intellect, tbe mental qualities of Miss Rose Cleveland, from which track, however, the marriage of her brother to tbe bright eyed, rosy cheeked Buffalo girl soon drew tbe train of recognition. W« mention this, because it is made significant already by the beginning of fluttering notices of Mrs. Harrison and Airs. Morton. The New York Press starts in by extending its “compli¬ ments to President elect Harrison aud hia charming and brilliant wife," sad the other papera, as though an¬ noyed at the early worm of business of Editor Porter, have since followed out the line with such startling em¬ phasis aa te convince the world, either that it has for nearly a half a century been ignorant of the mani fold charms of the lovely women, or that beauty without atatiou ia of no aecount. The point after all is that newspapers, like death, prefer a shin¬ ing mark. In anything the Nkws says or has said in the present municipal cam* paign, let it be understood that no re flections are intended upon the per aonal character of any alderman or official. Tbe fact is that they are all clever gentlemen and friends of the Nkws, and a number of them upon the aama line ot thought and policy. Our desire to see a little new lea« veil put into city affairs, is simply because the old leaven no longer works. Possibly it has overworked itself and needs rest. Tbe Democrats ot Spalding have during the past week turned out al moat en maase and nominated a good connty ticket, which will re ceive a united support on election day. All scrambling, excitement and baying of votes has thus been avoided • and a good example bss been aet to the city of Griffin how it may likewise control its municipal affairs. A man who ban prgotloed medicine for to year*, ought to know salt from sugar; read what lie says. TfiLBDO. 0., Jan. 10, 1887. Messrs. F. J. Cheu»y A Oo.—Gentlemen: .-•I have been in the general practice of med- loioe for most 40 years, *nd would say that In all my practice and experience, have never seen a preparation that I could prescribe with ■« much confidence of suocess aB I can Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by you. Have prescribed it a great many times and Its eficotis wonderful,and would say in con¬ clusion that I have yet to find b ease of Ca¬ tarrh that it would not oure, If they would take it aceprding Yours to Truly, directions. L L GOKSOBH, M. D Office, 215 Summit 8t We will give flOO for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured with Hall’s Catarrh Cure Taken internally. Toledo, O. F. J. OHKNKYAOO., Props,, ijP“ Sold by Druggists, 75c. novtt lm Advice te Mothers. M e. Winslow’s Boothino Sybup for ohildren teething, ia the prescription and of one of the best female nurses physicians in the United States, and ha* been U8©d for forty years with never failing success by millions Daring of the mothers for their children. process of teething its value is incalculable It relieves the child from pam. cures dys entery bowels, and diarrhoea, griping in tbe and wind colic. the By giving health S’ the child and rests mother. Price 25 cents «. bottle. augeodAwly The Toy the Child Likes Best —IS TUB— “ANCHOR” Stfflfl Mding Blocks. 3 * K«*l Stone Color*. A Oi.htia rn««itY for child¬ ren of All For 11.75, or $100 a food AY«raf« box. DaaettpU-r* application CvOaicsfUA «cnt ; post frvH> on to F. Ad. Richter & Co., 1IO BROADWAY, MtW YORK. ootvd Awrm TarkEfFS HAIR BALSAM Clean*.* aad b#*utffle* tfc« hair, frumous a luxuriant growth. Gray ftlavar F«i!fl to R«»toro Hair to it* Youthful Color. OarM«e&lpdUrn*t’«au<tkair Caillrm HINDERCORNS. foava |A oeataal Uaugvuu ancvr ■*•»*», JL »• - Catarrh _ toaecoattfsticnal dlseasa, caused by scrof*. IMS taint In lbs Wood. Hood’s Sarsaparilla, being » constitutional remedy, purities llio Wood, builds up tbe whole system, ami i-er- n« Miiiy cures efttarrh. Thousands of people Who sulfsrsd severely with tills disagroealda testify with pleasure that catarrh Can be awed by Uklng Hood's Sarsaparilla. Mr*. Alfred Cunningham, Fallon Avenue, Provi¬ dence, K. I., says i “ l have suftored with catarrli in my head for years, and paid out hundred* of dollars for medicines, but hare heretofore received only temporary relief. I began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, and now my catarrh Is nearly cured, the weakness of my body Is all gone, my appetite Is good —la fact, I feel Uke another person. Hood's Sar¬ saparilla Is the best medicine I have ever taken, and the only one which did me perma¬ nent good. I cordially recommend It.” A gentleman In ’Worcester, Mass., who was Cured Of catarrh by Hood's Sarsaparilla, says : " I would not tako any moneyed consideration for the good one bottle did me.” If you are a sufferer, do not put off taking a simple remedy till your bronchia' tubes or lungs are affected, and consumption has gained a hold upon you. Bo wise In time 1 That flow from the nose, ringing noise In the ears, pain In tha bead, Inflammation of the throat, cough, and nervous prostration will be cured If you taka Hood’s Sarsaparilla hid by all druggists. *1; six for JS. Prepare* Vy C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Dowell, Mas#, IOO Doses One Dollar ’ S :§..§■ 'X. ■ :r . ”” -------- |')t:):4 1*HDD's Kill, Trxas, Jutj« 20, Oa.—Oen- Swift Specific Oompanj. A€la itA. tlcnnen : Ons of my children was troublea with rhsum*tism uruX bolls for shout two ysart. W# gore her various kinds of medi¬ cine, but without profit* and b#gan ^rsuaded to despall of coring her all. I was to try your Swift’s Bpcclrto. After she had used Mv«rAl and ; ih« tbs fcottlei Is Is now now lb© halo* halo, dlfraiiss hearty hearty oil disappeared, on4 « healthy * * Another child has twelve years old. notne I ---------- - ---------- ;hs ittino t&itu way, ----_ and ___________________anticlt am uaing tho 8. ». 9. and anticlpato C. a prompt and and permauent permauent oura. curs. N. Waooohke. Rich IIill, Mo., July 7, 1888-The Bwift Spaetno Oo., Atlanta, Oa.—Gentleman: Our Uttla girl when but three week* old broko out with eoxoma. we tried the prescriptions without from eeverabgood baueflt. We dootort, tried but B. 8., sod by any tho •pedal B. time one bottle was gone her head taken begun lix to heal, and she by the time Abe had Now bottles was complete!/ eured. ebe haa a full and heavy head of halr—a robust, hearty child. I fed it but my duty to make this statement. Kospeotfally, H. T. 8 hobr. cmaivawooau, T«mi. # June 27, lW8-The Swift Bneolrto Co., Atlanta, Oa.—Gentlemen : Bn 1880 I contracted blood poison, and at once •ought a physician, who treated me for sev¬ eral months. By his advice I went to Crab Orchard Springs, Ry., where his courao of treatment wae eairfully observed. I recov¬ ered, as I thought, but the next face spring and body. pim- nlo« began gradually to appear Increased on my ar.d These ho to sores ft. 8., run¬ and ning ulcers. 1 was advised try 9. immediately after taking It X commenced to Improve, slowly and at first, nothing but more remained rapidly afterwards, of trouble. soon My blood 1* thor¬ to tell my now oughly cleansed, and my system free from t&iul, and I owe niy present oonditloa—s perfect cure - to y our medlotne. I chearf u 11 j give this statement that othen ier» who suffered^ys I h*v« may re^j the fiame benefit. Honan, La., May Oa.—Gentlemen 35,1888—The Swift About Speciflo two Oo., Atlanta, general health : years ago my gave way en- 11 rely. 1 was »o debilitated that I almost despaired of ever feeling well again. A that that the the physicians physicians done done for for me me brought brought that i no permanent relief. Friends Instated I should gWe it---^---*--------- ----a 8. 8. 8. a fair fair trial, trial, although although I I though...........— After taking would a thorough l>e throwing fh cou.-,, course, away my money. health ------ and strength returned, and * 1 * must si s soy - that i 8- 8. 0. alone cured me, as 1 discarded Isca all others while using ng It, It. As As a a tonic tonic > 1 1 o can most Brill tily recomm tend peelfie. It; for general dcbilltv, t certainly la a spse w. F. Bridoxs, J. r. ______ Homs ism. I .a.—I know Mr. W. F. Bridges, and will say if {.hut i.----------------------------- his Abatement Is correct. -Tocsj-h -Tokbj h Bhxlton, Shelton. Drugglft Druggist Treatise on BUv.<I and iid Skin Skin Diseases Diseases mailed malic free. Tnr: bwirr Srr. *r.< uric CXx, Drawer A Atlanta, Ua. EXCURSION RATES. What It Will Cost to Go to Macon. Co¬ lumbus and Augusta. The Central railroad otters the following xcureion rates to the Georgia expositions: TO TUB STATE FAIR. To he held at Macon, Ga., November 5th o November 10th, inclusive. Burnesville....................... .$1,35 Milner................................ l-~ Orchard Hill.......................... 1 f>0 Griffin........ 170 Sunny Side........................... ! Brooks Hampton............................ Station.... ' •*' ................... • ...................................... 2.10 These rates include admission to Fair ground. Children over 5 years old and un¬ der 12 Half Rates. Tickets will be placed on sale November 4th to 10th, inclusive; good to return until Novemlier 13tli. inclu¬ sive. TO TUB CHATTAHOOCHEE EXPOSITION. To be held at Oolnmbus, Ga., November 5th to December 1st, inclusive V arnesville.......................... 5-9® Milner........... 30 Orchard Hill...... 3 Sunny Hampton.......................... Sido... •••• •; j*[ Brooke Station............... 3.40 t enoia..................*.......... — These rates include street enr fare and ad mission to Exposition grounds. Children over 5 yea. b and under 13 years, half rates. Tickets will be placed on sale November 14th to 30tli inclusive, good to return on, and until December 2d, inclusive. TOTU* AUGUSTA NATIONAL EXPOSITION. To be held at Augusta. Ga., November s th to December loth, inclusive. Barnesville..... ......... $1 90 Milner........................ 5.05 Orchard Hill... .5.1.) Griffin...... .... . o 25 Sunny Side... ■ • ............ 5 40 Hampton......................... Brooks Station 5 50 .. ................ Senoia..............................••• 3.95 The rates inculde transfer coupons to and from the Exposition, and also admission coupon* to the grounds. Children over 5 years and under 12 years, half rates, passen¬ gers must purchase tickets before authorized getting on to train, as eoneuetors wi.l not be observe the above rates Tickets will be placed on sale November 7th. and continue on sale until and including December 15th, 18NH, unless otherwise ordered. Tickets will he limited live days from date of sale, bat u no case later Ilian December lVth, 1388. K. T. CHARLTON, Gen. Passenger Agent. hs rsniHLb niLumiiu. mmom Bv giving tone to *»d strengthening IhS-Cler- lasSyitrm Lxdiax and building up werd the general health, esrrert, *11 Irregnlarltle, snd suuoyln* troubles from which «omany ladle, suffer. It give, the weak, debilitated woman health aud strength.snd makes aheerful tbe nflife despondent, depressed with* la spirits. In change WEED. noJadrshouM be out INDIAN Jt it S<*ftani UnfaUtog. Ask your Pruggist. E. R. Anthony, Griflin arid M. F, 3win Ochard Hill, Ga. Who are Weak, Nerv¬ ous and Debilitated and suffering from Debility, Seminal Weakness, Nightly Emissions, aud all the effects ot early Evil Habits which lead to Premature Decay, Consumption or Insanity, ISDd for fears' Treatise on Disease* of Man, with particular* for Homs Cure. The Georgia Midland RR VhoPtvRt «**<! Uosl Lino Wltls Xhroi*sr»» Onivh «m llotwcpn COLUMBUS and ATLANTA. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Washington, New York, Nashville or Cincinnati. NO. 50, PSrSVHOtB, SOUTH. Leave McDonough• • • ........ 7 :U)n. in. Arrive Griffin...................8:15 * \[ Lenve Columbus...............ll:-5 ‘ .. .......... AJrive NO. 51, PAH8ESOBB ‘-NO MAil., SOUTH. Jjeave Columbas........ .........1:05 p. m. Arrive Gridin..................... NO 51 PSSHKSOKJt ANO MAII,, SOI Til, Leave Griffin........... Oolumbns.................7:05 ..........P- NO. 50, I’ASSEMIEB, nobtii, Leave Columbus.................d:l0 p. in. Arrive Gridin............. 7:14 *' Leave 11 ,7:20 Arrive MeOonongb...............85)2 no. 1, fbsiohx, Nom n. Leave Columbus..................7:00 a, in Arrive Gridin....................1=25 p. ,m Leave “ 2;'10 Arrive McDonongli............ 3:35 1 NO. 2, FEX1UHT, SOUTH Leave, McDonough................7:45 ..................jJ'-SO a.m ‘ Arrive Gridin 2:85 Leave “ .... Arrive Columbus............. • ■ .3:30 p. m M. E. GRAY, Snpt. C. W. CHF.AHS, Gen’l Pass. Agt, Columbus, Ua. New Advertisements. Hf'CWTC WANTED. Write Geo. A. San- 1^0Li v I O porn, Sec’y SlCK Thf. BENEFIT Buffalo A'ROCIA Mu- UAL ACOI DENT AND TION, Buffalo, New York. Ir\C A rr\ tor desfnss*. con«em»r»ts» soaiid wsvss ( Ut-Mr J OB th* drum, snd ontrsnk* sii devices of $525 Agents’ profits per month. prove it or pay forfeit . ^___portrait* just out. A $3.50 ple pent free to all. W 11. Chideater A . 28 Bond St., N. Y. EXHAUSTED VITALITY r PHE SCIENC?, OF LIFE, tha 1 great Medical Work of the age Physical on Manhood, Nervous and 4 Debility, Premature 1 Decline, Errors of youth, and theuntold miserlef consequent thereon, SCO pages 8vo, 145 prescriptions for all diseases, BKfKXtW Cloth, full gilt, only *100, b) mall, sealed, lllustratlre samplo trie to all voting sad middle aged men. Send now. The Qold and -oweileti Medal awarded to the author by th,- Va- Medical Association. Address P. o i„, x J'tKKtostou, Mas«.,orDr. W. Ft. PARKER grad, uateof Harvard Medical College, year,' practice In Boston, who may be oouaulted confltl^ttlally. Specialty. Diseases o{ Man. Office No. 4 ButOnch st nMA-taw** JMi HAiR BALSAPol beautilics the hsu*. 1 % ■ »*H(jtj cailseS a n,| I'fOtiioic* a luiiuri.uit growth. Gray Ncv»*r Fa It to Hettors 1 Hair H its Youthful Color. l r*v*nU i>anil« «ff and hair falling’ HINDERCORNS. The only rare Caro for Corns. Stops all pntn. i-onifortt-s)— '-•* ot Drtlggifcl*. lllsuoXACiq. PARKER’S GINGER The best of all remedies lor Tnward Pains, Colic, Indiges¬ tion, Exhaustion and all Stom-* ach and Bowel troubles. Also the most effective cure for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis anci affections of the breathing organs. It promotes refreshirrg sleep improves the appetite, overcomes nervous and prostration, strength and gives siew life —- lo the weak aud aged, 50c. and $1.00, at Drgguists. MASON The cabinet & Introduced in Us * organ was form by Mason & HantJin in 1801. Other followed in the manufacture of these hat the Matron & Hamlin Organs have always tained their supremacy os the best in the world. ) Mseon ft Hamlin offer, ss demonstration of Uneonalied all excellence ot their organs, the fact at of 18«T,1nS% the great World’s Exhibitions, since that Paris, rlth best m&kl n A ■ SI trated catalogues $23 TO 9900. free. * Meson & tlamlin do not hesitate to make the traordinary claim for their pianos, that they tuperior to all others. They recognize the excellence achieved by other leading makers in •rt of niano attribnte btiildLng, bat still claim This tney solely to the remarkable provement introduced bv them in the year and now known ae the “Mason [abon A «fc Hamlin 1 Tamun Btbinoer,” la secured th© by . greatest the use of Bible purity ami I 'wtth refinement lone, crossed .... together cspoci- . 0HASS CFB13HT. for greatly * ty In tune and other Important advantages. hnndred A circular, containing testimonial* from together with purchasers, descriptive musicians, and tuners, snd sold catalogue, for cash to any Pianos Organs or easy ments; MAS6N also rented. BOSTON. & HAMLIN NEW ORGAN AND PIANO t. YORK.. CHICAGO. Crateful-*Coniforting. EPPS’S BREAKFAST. “by thorough knowledges of the laws U'h govern the operations of tion and nutrition, and by a careful tion of the fine properties of well Coacoa. Mr. Epps haa provided with cur ed onr breakfast tables a flavoured beverage which may save us heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the use of such article of diet that a may be gradually built up until enough to resist evt ry tendency to Hundreds of subtle maladies are around us ready to attack wherever there is weak point We may escape many a shaft by keeping ourselvec well fortified pure blood and a properly non-ished —Civil Service Gazette, Made simply boiling water or milk. Sold only in pound tins. Grocers, labelled thus: JAMES > EPPS r,rro ft aLU., CO. Homoeopathic London, Chemist!*, Knglaud. PROMPT MEASiiiu > When children pick their nose, pnr... ‘i e:r are restles*. unnatural in their appetite, they unite likelv troubled with'Worm* prompt me ures should be taken and A, l 1 Vermifuge U has saved be given them a child according from death to ions many hijd^5 ]^ „ i v preserve votir *^ect c ^.^* r m WHELESS _______-PRESS CO- 748 REYNOLD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA Agents Wanted! Catalogue FREE! RUBBER STAMPS. SEALS, BADGES, CHECKS, STEEL STAMPS, &C. Sole Manufacturers of Tho Wheless Self-Inking Stamp P rinting Press. Tftf iV/v* ’.S i UoS a.lve*v. ■ JTi P ASTAU PRECEDENT ! Ovar Two Millions Diatribntpa ____ L.S.L. Louisiana Stata Lottery Compai y IneoriNjruted by th* Legislature in 1303 >r Edueational and Charitable purposes, ; -1 its franchise made a part of the prow t State Constitution, in 1879, by an over¬ whelming popular vote He G KAN 1) JCXTRAORDINAUY DRAW¬ INGS take place Pemi-Annually, (June and Deoeiuhcr), and it* (.HAND SINGLE NUM¬ BER DRAWINGS tako plac a on each of the the other ten months in the year, and arc all drawn in public, at the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Ua. “We do hereby certify that we supervise the arrangements for all the monthly and Semi¬ annual Drawings of Ths Louisiana State Iaii tery Company, and in person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the same are eonduoted with honesty, fairness and In good faith toward all parties, and we authorize the Company to use this eertinec^- witli fae-simUesof oursignatuies attached id its advertisements.” rooiiulssltfaert. We the undersigned Banks and Banker! will pay all Prize* drawn in The Louisiana State Lotteries which may be presented al ouroountors: B.M.1V.tIJtftI.El'.Pr«i.La.llai'l PresStsteJst l Bit. H *». XASACX. Bask A. BAlBWIX.Pres.* O.lSat’I CABS KOIIN, Pres, t alon 1’lflaal Mammoth Drawing At the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, Deoember 18, 1888, CAPITAL PRIZE, $600,000, 100,000 Tickets at |40; Halves *20; Quar- 'ers?t0; Eighths t5; Twentieths $3; For¬ tieths $1. LIST or PRIZES., 1 Prize cf $000,000 is.......... $000,000 300,000 1 Prize or 200,000 is.......... 1 Prize or 100,000 is......... 100,000 1 Prize or 50,000 is.......... 50,000 2 Prizes or 25,000 are......... 50 ; 000 5 Prize* or 10,000 are......... 50,000 12 Pbizf.s or 5,000 are......... 00 000 25 Prizes or 2,000 are......... 50,000 100 Prize* of 800 are......... 80,000 800 Prizes or 400 are....,— 80,000 500 Prize* or 200 are......... 100,000 AEPROXJMATION I’BIZKS. 100 Prizes of |l,000are............. 100,000 100 do. 800 are............... 80,000 100 do. 400 are............... 40,000 Three Number Terminals. 99 Prize* of *800 are ...............*79,200 99 do 400 are............. 39,600 Two Numheu Terminals. 900 Prizes of *300 arc...............$180,000 900 do. 300 are............. 180,000 3,146.Prizes of amounting to......$2,11*,800 For Club ltrates, or any further informa¬ tion desired, write legibly to resideuce, the undersign¬ with ed, clearly stating Street your and Number. State, County, mail delivery will he More rapid euciosing return Knvelope bearing as- surred by an your full address. Send POSTAL NOTES, Express in Ordinary Money Orders, or New York Exchange letter. Currency by F.ypress (at our expense) addressed to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans La or M. A. DAUPHIN, Washington, D. 0 Address Registered Letters tc IIWORlEAk* BASS iSew Orleans, La.^S REMEMBtK ZZZXf. and Early, who are In absolute rburge fairness at the drawings,is a guarantee chances of all and integrity, that the possibly are divine equal, what and that no one can numbers will draw a Priz-. REMEMBEK, also, that the payment of Prizes is GUARANTEED BY FOUR NA¬ TIONAL BANKS of New Orleans, and the Tickets arc signed by the President of an In stitution whose chartered rights are recog nized in the highest Courts; therefore beware of all imitations or anonymous schemes. s w. mi k soi, WHOLESALE ANl> RETAIL t DRUGGISTS, CRIFFIN, GEORGIA* We guarantee the purity of our goods and make our priees lower than compe¬ tition. HOTEL CURT IS , GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, Under New Management. A. G. DANIEL, PropY. I< ui: n < 41 lD Uaibs. febl5dly ADVERTISERS :an learn tbe exact co -‘ A aii) nroposed line ach-ertismg in America: papers by addressing jeo. P. Rowell 8l Co., "•wspape? Ad-rortismf} Bureau, iO Spn* it, New York, s ..i_ iO'* *o»“ lOO-Pstflo Par-jphle» ». WITTIEST,PRETTIEST JUVENILES QUEER PEOPLEFM.Vrc«x GLUttS 0 BULKS A ^ WIKBS*/^ , A'TL'J 51.00 % liy Mail i ft'loMinFiil »ftiU and th* House.) L'.-vi .nnkc (•linrniinff r Btorie* ■tones sn l!l K: Prlnc«* < SelUn« homeawlF. if* irttA d«hoht.~ Critic CHtlr snr of it « m lt*U m y UtU* uiid 7can Hon ClintonB. Fisk "Dmn't*«nd mr anoOier for iZ a* JE*rv snd Cl©«by. ?Ti CUE'S BQSIKE&S COLLEGE SKIS, FA-, ft* Circular*. Th*be*t acboca in America, fall tam begins Ang-W. Ksfttkta tala paper. . FLiMISTER’S GRAND LOW PRICE SALE m HAS BEEN QUITE GRATIFYING. * pOT While we closd out many of offered, we have added >Tew-:-Ones! it Swill be to your interest to visit my CROWDED STORE ROOMS if you wish to Bargains. Department. mis department of my business does occupy as much space as some of my com¬ it nevertheless contains : Rich : Drives I Will offer this week 75 Men’s Cassimere Suits $10,00; worth from $12,50 to $15,00. These were purchased in the last ten days, late the season and the party that I bought from anxious to sell. Leave your orders for Suits, or Overcoats and I will have them made by the best house in the country, JACOB SONS, of Philadelphia. No fit, no pay Department. Have added largely to this line in the past few weeks. TREMENDOUS BARGAINS -IN Misses’ and M Cblm's Wrens, LADIES’ JACKETS, V !: W M A R K E H H, Mojeskas,'Jerseys, Ae. Shoe Department Find that I am over stocked in Childrens Boys’ and Misses’ kM M Will have you 40 to 5 , per on lids line Shots. r f OR Just received big stock ■ FLEMISH. Sweet Sherwood’s Cel- E. J, Ji Shoes ebratefl \at Hand $4.00. Sewed As good m any $7 goods. B uy my Eagle Shoe Company’s P)emteintiary Made o es for Ladies’ and Misses’ and you wll have no e rs. All at the lowest priees, at f E. J. PI >t;GT S. • • •’ J*. 7 7 -ta ' - . r v %