The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, November 25, 1888, Image 3

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Customer*. Alight, Boarders, To be Bone lit Agent*, Silver or Gold, Merchandise Bold, Servants or Place, (ieods to Ap: raise, Lawyer or Ohm, Opening To Day a MUi-ira! Tear lers. Announce, Popular Preachers, Homes or Acres, Cook*, Bnteliers or Baker*. Book>, Votes, Boats, l'o lllreer •Office*. Dress skirt or flounce Basement, A cure for disease, firet Floor, A Handy Valise, Casement, A MaslInClieiuUe, To Purehss* a IV'. Chees IIor*e, Teas. Mare, Peas, Bees, Monkey or Bern , Bloodhound or -pitz Or Are Prone grei from H z, To Make Known, To Hire a Hall Your Store, Driver or team, t'arriage.ITry Hosiery, An Elegant ooda, ADOpnlent Marriage, Ball, Upholstery, Picnics. Play .Concert or ICxearaions, Bkates, Knick-Knacks, Plates, sell to creatur’*Di siona, To gay Clothes vet Ready' Made, Diamonds, Increase Pearl*. of Trade, Bings, Coal, Coke and Woo d Cnrl*, Pictures, Lecture*, Wash for Feature*, To bar Odd Things, All Works Kind* of Food Or »*U Odd Thing*, on Theology, Cate, Magic, Wealth Astrology, Felicity, Rat., and Mat», World-wide Publicity Flat* Flaga, Bat*. Rags, Pantaloon*, Bags, Nags, Hat*. landarJCravats, Dress shirts collars Mutton B#*p Beef, Almighty Dollar*, or or . Financial Relief, House for Rent, Stock*, Store, Tenement, Lynt, Clock*, Cash to be nock*, Cash to be Spent, Sock*, Tent, Scent, Portmenia or Hoi, Pig, Sheep Beau or Ox, RomaD Cement, OrEven a Go— Than in a Trice, Read the Advice, 1 Taka the Advice Far Beyond Price, Written Below— Written Below— ADVERTISE -IN TUB- Daily News ' To Business Men. \1 <> LABORED ARGUMENT IS NEEDED in these day* to convince INTJELL1 RENT men that it Pays Well to Advertise Mew Advertisements TO ADVERTISERS A list of 1000 newspapers divided into STATES AND SECTIONS will he sent on applleatioa—FREE. those the’radvertisingto To who want pay we can offer ne better medium for thorough and efTectiae work than the various flection* *r our Select Local List. GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., New»pvper Advertising New Bureau, York. 10 Spruce street. SPECIAL ELECTION, For Member of the Legis¬ lature for Spalding Co. OkiiinAK r s Office, i Spalding Co , Gkobcia, Nov. 10, 1888. j By Viltue of an order granted by Jno. B Gordon, Governor of Georgia, it i» ordered that an election be held at the court house and in the varioua election precincts of the County of 8palding on Tuesday, the 4th day of December, 1888, for Representative of the County of Spalding in the General Assembly ol the State of Georgia, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Hon Noah M. Ool- len*, Repreaentative elect to said General Assembly. that notice he It is fnrther ordered this published In the Grirfin Daii.t Nkws and the Gbipmw W»xklv News and the Grillln Daily and Weekly 8un until the date of said election. Witness my hand and official signature. E. W. HAMMOND Ordinary of 8paldicg County, Georgia. A GREAT YEAR ta as. of It* There is no *ac€ with tn© court* ©Tent*. Vetter way to do *o than to ©ubscrib© for The Macon Telegraph. Tt* th«South. new* kstllUae aae the fullest any Associ¬ paper ta In addition haaspeolal to correspond- ated Preea dlapatohae, U all Important cnee by wire and letter from point* u Seerala and the neighboring States. IFmriegth* .reseat aeaelen of Congre** Waah- tazteawlllM Ike meat Important and most In- uAwtinx new* eamtre In the country. The WaahlBfton Oorreepoodanoe of the Telegraph is '*----- 1 *---1 b* h*d. the I*t©it ent famiibea Frequent trom ™i dispatch©*. J. Ctininiing*, <teecial letter* Hon. Amo* Frankj^. Srptnier! B**6niber *f iSTw. Oongrem trom New York, A. Oofltat. fie Tel (graph la a Demoeratte v i Tariff lx v^iui Reform rz the SMsajsa/ national all campaign the bet f give news, .fit dtsouaa ell pnbfie l**ue* b from tht *t*na- pelit aelat ef of genilac gea ui a* liemoeratle Demoa faith. Subscribe one*.' •imily, *u year,..... 00 AwUy, six months, .... *00 Dally, three month*, • * - t 00 Bally, aa* at oath, • • * *78 Weekly, an* y# . . • 1 oo Terww: Caab la adyanc*. Addreaa THX TELEGRAPH, NUoax. OeoeeiA. Resist ration Notice. Book for the registration of voters of the city will be opened at my oifi e, at the brick warehouse on Thursday, 15th inst and remain open 10 days. NALL, THUS Nov. 10, 1888. Com of Registration. For Sale. Old Poor Farm of Spalding Co. Situated about four miles from the court house, consisting of 292X acres of land, of which about 45 acres in the woods. Contains a good fife room dwelling house, one tenant hones in good repair, two good stable* and one To good In* sold corn crib. terms of X cash, balance at oo Ie and t«o yean, with intercut. PATRICK. M. T. 3. BROOKS, If You Are Sick da, Conittpatlon, With Biliousness, Headache, Female Blood Neuralgia, Troubles, Humor*, Rheumatism Fever Ktdnev and Dyspep- Disease Ague, w Bleeploesncss. Partial Paralysis, or Nervous Pros¬ tration, use Paine’s Celery Compound and be cured. In each of these the cause is mental or physical overwork, anxiety, exposure or malaria, the effect of which la to weaken the nervoui tem, resulting in of these sys¬ the one diseases. Remove csusi with that great Nerve Tonic, and the result will disappear. Paine’s Celery Compound exited Warranted to color more good* than any other Nerve* u dye* ever made, and to give more brilliant and a Tonic my case a single bottle durable colors. Ask for the LHamomcL and take no other. aiMppei ___ A Dress Dyed - 1 hTO ®« A Coat Colored Will Cure You! Garments Renewed j cents. A Child can use them! Unequalled tor all Fancy and Art Work. For the Aged, Nervous, Debilitated. At druggists and Merchant*. Dye Book flee. WELLS, RICHARDSON & C0„ Prop*., Burlington, Vt FINE PERFUMERY AND TOILET SOAPS. --Also, a full line of- Drugs, Patent Medicines, Paints, ,Oils, brushes And Druggists’ Snpple3, at bottom prices, can ALWAYS be found AT DUE WRY’S iDRTTG STORE 28 Hill Street,GRIFFIN, GA. WE KEFP ON HAND THE FINEST Flour, Sugar and Coffee, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. W At the LOWEST PRICES of any one in the city. We have the finest Whiskies and Brandies AND BEST OF ALL THE FLAT SHOALS CORN WHISKY! which is noted to be the finest that is mnde. All of the above for medical purposes, Com and see ns. GEORGE & HARTNETT. d&wtdee35 A. LOWER, Practical Jeweler ui Dealer; ii lioefls, Watte, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, AC. Special attention given to Repairing. 20 Hill Street GRIFFIN, GA. I will have to-day nice mixed fish. Fresh Oysters Shrimp, Crabs, Rice Birds, only Celery, 35c doz. Bananas Mixed Pickles, Pickles, 70c gallon, 85c gallon, Sweet Plain Pickles, 00c gallon. Cheese 15c lb to-day. A large lot of A. E Crackers just received; 20 different varieties. Schweppe fine ginger bottle. ale, soda water and Lemonade I2c per 50 lb any Patent flour §1.05 to-day. T. 3VT- MILLS II . M. Holman & Co. -HAVE FRESH-- Magnolia -> Hams, Cooked Corned Beef 12£ c. per lb. Blue Fish, better than fresh Mackerel Sweet Water Flour. Water Ground Meat. All grades Sullivan's Tobaccos And the BEST LINE OF CIGARS IN THE CITY, HOW? to Save Money By buying your DRY GOODS, HATS, SHOES AND GROCERIES of R. F. NO 57 HILL STREET, ... - GRIFFIN, GA: 53F"500 prs. of plo Shoes at less than wsale prices. Also a good line of MEN!WOMEN S-ANI) CH ILDREN’S SHOES* Bought regular, at reduced prices. Calicoes, Sheeting and Checks, all marked down. Kentucky Jeans, all grades, ID to 371 cents per yard. We have a full line of Mens’ Womens’ and Childrens’ Hose at 10 to 25 cents. Out childrens’ mixed and black hose at 10 cents per pair is the best thing in town for the money. Handkerchiefs, Towels, Corsets, Flannel Collars and Cuffs, all at the lowest prices. Give me a trial and I will save you money. F. STRICKLAND. SPENCE & SMITH, OPPOSITE BBICKWABEH0U8E,80L0M0N St tar Are uow ready to do your work. Repairing buggies ar.d wagons is a feature o theirbupiness, on which skilled laboronly is uwd Bring us your work. Drayln r-tf” We will build you anything on wheel*— Buggies, Phaeton#, Surries. little Wagon*, fa and Delivery Wagons. 8ign painting will be a feature of dc .mpertan Nothing hut good work will be done. Mill not take a shoddy job for any price, with H Speiue at the helm you cannot fail to get fair dealing, tall on us before you bu y. SPENCE SMITH, Solomon Street, Griffin, Ca. Shipment Fines! Teas, CRACKERS, ALL SORTS, 15c. lb. HAMS. BONELESS SHOULDERS, ETC. FINEST FLOUR ON THE MARKET. MMul, Boyles & Co’s. Christmas Consolation- To look hack upon the pa»t y*«r, and see how little we have striven and to wbut small purpos ; and how [ten *r have been Corardly and huu^ hack, or teinriarious and rushed unwisely iu; and how every day and all day lon^ w« have transgressed the law ol j|indne»>»; it may seem a para dox, but in the bitterness of these dia cove nee, a certain consolation re» siiies. Lite is not designed to mini# ter to a man’s vanity. He goes up on his lonjj business most of the time with a banking head, and all iho time like a blind child. Full of rewards’ and pleasure* as it is—so that to sec the day break or the moon rise, or to meet a friend, or to hear the dtnner- eall when he is hungry, fills bnn with surprising joys—this world is set for him no abiding city. Friendships fall through, health fails, weariness assails him; year after year, he must thumb the hardly varying record of bis own weakness and folly. It is a friendly process of detachment. When the time comes that he should go, thert need he few illusions left about himself. Here lies one who meant weil, tried a little, failed much, surely that tnay he his epitaph, of which tie need uot be ashamed. Nor will he complain at the sumuious: which calls a dbfeated soldier from the field: defeated, av, if he were Paul or Marcus Aurelius !--but if there is ktill one inch of fight in his old spirit, undisnonored. Give him a inarch with bis old bonea; there, out of the glorious sun colored earth, out of the day and the du6t and the ecstaoy—there goes an Other Faithful Failure !—[E’lom R, L. Stevenson’s “Christmas Sermon,” in the December Scribner’s. Is Life Worth Living I How often does tho patient mother who has just laid away the little oue that died from tho effects of teething, ask thie question. If she had known of Dr. Biggors’ Hucklebetry Cordial, life might have been brighter. More Accomodatio, a Needed. Ono day last week a certain ono of the popular boarding housed in this eity received nine applications for board from northern people who wished to spend the winter mouths here. As tlm house was already filled the applications were necessa rily refused, and these people, who were willing and anxious to stop among us, were compelled to go fur ther south in search of aeeomoda tions. In the face of snch facts as these, an 1 fact* that are of almost da ly occurrence, it does seem that steps would be taken to provide suitable hotel accomodations for the many who would come here could they pst a place to slay. Thomasvdle is the Mecca towards which the faces of hundreds of northerner.-, are already turned, and ere another month goes by that wide awake and enterprising city will be fairiy run over with orsfrom the frozen uordi. This was the s. ason for G-lffin to have put forth efforts to divert apart of ibis travel to herself, but as usual noth ing has been done, an i mote pro gresaive towns than she secures the golden priza. When will she ever awake from her lethargy an I bmld that winter resort hotel ? What l armors Tell One Another. One of the last things written by tho late E. P. Roe was a letter commending the “Banquet” strawberry, whose vigor and hardiness bo was testing. Ho said: for those who like a sweet berry it leaves little to bo desired in flavor.” “I believe tho enterprising farmer will warm the water for his stock in the near future,” says Waldo Brown. Professor Samuel Johnston, of tho agricultural college of Michigan, says: “1 think that the experience of wheat growers rule: Try generally varieties wul sparingly commend this now until convinced by repeated tests tnat they are adapted to your soil and latitude.” The editor of Gleanings in Bee Culture says: “Tho best conventions I ever at¬ tended were in the winter time, when it was 60 cold that nobody wanted to run outdoors, and some of them were held in small towns, with only a moderate number in attendance. I cannot remem¬ ber one held on a fair ground that I thought the was mentioned; very much or a success, for perhaps reasons after yet all.” they might bo a success Professor Henry claims that the im- stantly portant hear point in Stork mind feeding i:> to con- in that tt young animal gives letter returns f< r i c d con¬ sumed then t.’i < " <■. . A pound of meal or u jxjund .T !■ , e ore to the weight when of a rah i' i animal gror- Pimples, Sores, Aches and Pains. When a hand red bottles of sarsaparilla or other pretentious specifies fail to eradicate in born scrofula or conlvgioa*blood poison, remember that B B B (Botanic Blood Balm) has gained many thousand victories, in as many seemingly incurable instances Sena to the Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga.. f*r “Book of Wonder*,'' and be convinced. It is the only tkcx blood purifier. (i. W Messer, Howell’s X Bonds, Ga., write*: “I was afflicted nine years with sores. All the medicine 1 could take did roe no good. I then hied B. B. B-, and 8 bottles cured me sound.” Mrs. 8. M. Wilson, Round Mountain, Tex as, writes: “Alady friend of min* was trou¬ bled with bnirbs and pimple* on her face and neck. She took three bottles of B. B. B. and her skin got s*fl and smooth, pi tuples dig appeared, and her health improved greatly ” Jaa. L. Bosworth, Atlanta, Ga.. writes: “Home years ago I contracted blood poison. I had no appetite, my digestion was ruined, rheumatism drew up my limb* so I conid hardly walk, iny throat *** cauterised five time*. Hot Spring* gave me no benefit, and my life wee one of tortnre anvil I gave B. B. B. atrial, and surprising as it may seem, the uee of 5 bottiee cored me.” nortfl lm Sobacrib* for the N*wt. MANURE8 IN THE VINEYARD. 1.1 Dtp Astir* and Hoops for Ur«|M Vines. Wtirn to Apply Them. The fall nnd early winter is tho best time to apply any course manure* to a vineyard or orchard, but manure*! may be applied later in proportion to their sol ublhty. Aslse* Isas loug been on teen as ono of tho best manures for grape vines, because ashes contain litno and pot ads, Isotli of which a! sound in tho ash of until tho about vine. the Ashen time should the vine not lie start* applied into growth in tho early surface spring, and and gradually they may be scattered on the worked in during the cultivation of the crop. But lime is known not especially he important unusually unless the soil is to deficient in tliia element, as most clay soils or fresh soils of any cliaracter con¬ tain an abundance. Moreover ashes con¬ tain even more lime than potash. If tho ashes are unluachcd and ary, lifty bush¬ els would lio a liberal application improjier per aero broadcasted. It would lie to apply the strong, unleached ashes ira- mediately around tho vines, lynched ashes may lie safely applied in almost any To ,oInsure (quantity. that t l the vines will grow off insure i speedily, prepare the ground by by deep good plowing, coatiug or spading, of well rotted turning stable under a ma¬ nure. Secure well rooted vines of one or two years old; cut holes off large the long enough and and all bruised enough roots; dig take in tho entire deep system, fill to the Itottom with rich root in at top soil and rotted manure; should cut the vines back to two eyes, which lie just at the surface of tho ground around when plant¬ ed; press tho soil tho stem. When tho two eyes have put forth cancs and tho latter have grown several inches, mb off tho weaker and train tho remain¬ ing ono to a stake. Cultivate the sur¬ face frequently nnd mulch at tho begin¬ ning of hot weather. Bones may bo broken into coarse each pieces vine and and a forked pock scattered around in. They will become slowly available and last many years. Fine l>ono dust may bo used if moro immediate results are desired, sprinkling the same over the surface at the into of two or three pound.) to each viue And in a circle of three feet in diameter.—Southern Culti¬ vator. BBBfcAaaiias Tli/E Hutdtou CoTurh. UronchJtJ*. TONIO AfftttTTta, Inrilr^itlrtnl U»« PARKER’S CJNCER of otuNNtuml without | d«iay. uiii f4y It fiAi cupffiu many worst w w« t> ftir all affection* if th* throat u<l liinjfvi, ».nd dl**A.'W» ariairnj from blooti nnd KttMUtton. Ibe ft*« lilo and the hick, Rinurv wl1 lntf * ln ayaimt iIIacajh*, anti slowly Iht, K taRh drlfUnr to timely of I‘arker'e niany GlnjrfcrTfiiilo, caMM recover but«U by the iim & for^ yft-rotii. Take It In time. It inralunMe ........-pi. Mi* Aiul Uisordcni of atomucli anti boweJ* FOa. at at iiyn iHrWfr- JX. $50 FOR A PARLOR ORGAN! $ 225.00 R AN ELEGANT UPRIGHT PIANO. cheaper Everybody in Savannah knows that In musical Allanta, instruments We will, can be from bought this than Oa. date, Bates' sell PIANOS and ORGANS just as cheap as Luddca & wholesale music house of Savannah, Ga., ceiabrated and cheaper than you can get them in Atlanta. We sell the Msth- other ushek, Arion, Chicki ring, second Mason fleer A Haroiin, Packs.d, and many Instrument*. Our Is full of Planes, Organa, Banjos, Violins, *Vc. Our firat floor ih stocked with ItnokB. Music, Stationery, Fan Wall Paper, Window Shades nnd Holiday Goods and Toya ill endIcs* variety. BRAWNER, DEANE & CO. m WATCHES! ★ JEWELRY, ★ DINNER AND TEA SETS! -)o(- - DECORATED LUSTRE AND PLAIN WHITE ENGLISH GRANITE WARE. DECORATED AND PLAIN CHINA PLATE SETS. GLASS. TiN AND WOODEN WARE. KENTUCKY COOKING AND HEATING STOVES. SEE THEM AND PRICES. NOVELTY CO. BOOTS, SHOES AND LEATHER 22 alto’ M Store 22 Hill St, HU1 St. Home-made Shoes and Leather a Specialty. Z-*tf We warrant all work and shall make it a point to misrepresent noth ing. Just received a large shipment of Gents, Ladies and Misses fine goods and school olioes for Children. H. W. HASbELKUS. % A. S. MURRAY Calh your attention to his mi m i LJlIlU of Furniture! COMPLETE SUITS OR SINGLE PIECES. Suits of 9 Pieces from $20 to $100, Tables, Chairs Bedsteads, Spring Beds, Wardrobes, Etc. A limited number of Sewing Machines of the best makes for sale very low. 1 am always ready to sene my customers, both day ami night. Mrs. E E. CROCKER, 20 HILL STREET, —n*s *t.i. tn*—— atest: Styles: of: Millinery AND TRIMMINGS. Saxony Wools, best goods and ilf a sorted eaters own Wools. « mr Call and ezamine my goods and prices. oetlOdAwfm * * " ...... CQltftoSoI, weof*, UU la H for Improved In «*•»/*<» „ farm of hb>«ry. Machin¬ * ta ,u lur ma< ery, stock, corn and fodder will I* sold with farm if wasted. All ready for hsaine** anotb- •r y#ar. Also, a large roomy hoas* and two acre lot In Griffin, La, For particular* ad- dress me at Griffin, fj»., c are Stark >% Hon. s*ptIWAw3i>. THAU CLARK. Homestead Notice. t Augustus B. Jone* has applied for ex-mp turn oW[>vr»»nttllty, and setting Til apart and valuation of homestead, o'clock and I 27th w day pass upon the same at TO or* the of Ko v*mbcr, 1888. K. at W. my HAMMOND. ofllc* Ordinary. tl 50 I For Sato! 10 acre. oj In <1 ini>h<r < <>r|«> nlr limit*. The w<m> i tti.i m :u!v p!,j for it.and then the if nd i- w. it’- ov r pn*< afiedforlt U45 . tv-, !oh in wood* part im-ide 1 f city Unt¬ il •'>!> nc i - in ‘Id city licit*. Ui move la¬ de • iu mill W Hit od lM'W hudse upon it d • itii - ii .idf rits li-nllf*. T rooin hmire' out Lous'-, burn* f > nit., Ac. All above ui. !>«■ Jit di d in In * and (told itt Houses Urge profits. and lota in portion* the difTcn ill of city for »al* and to rent G. A. (WNNINGHAM, Real Katate Agent. Administrator’s Sale By virtu* of an order granted by the court of ordinary, high highest of ui ‘ Spalding j diuiiip, - bidder -- Count), vuuin; ----- Irefore , we PW will n t*» sell to the - the court house door tit Griffin during the legal hour*, of sale, on following the flr»t Tuo*d*y In D.cember, the Ins*, eetate the of *Vm. Hcoft, property la»e of belonging *ald to eoonty, deceoaed for the pnrpo** of distnlmtion dred amongst nnd the severity heirs, to wit: of Isnd.moreor About two hun¬ leas, acres lying in Line Creek district, tn said county, all iu enu body and known aa tha land that wan set apart oa a dower to Mr*. Nanoy Scott, out of the estate of Wm. Scott, do ceased, and bounded as follows: On the north by Glenn Sangon, taat by 8. A. Scott south by F. M. Scott, west by W.F. Manaid Land in elegant neigliorhooa. Ncarvburcb- e* and e -liooL. Moat desirable property, Terms cant!. 8. F. A. M, SCOTT. SCOTT, Adm’t* Ue bonis non Wm, Scott, deed. $0.00. ----- ■151 III VW of day in- Dromber Bert, 8pa the Court House, “ O) Id! ag C<*!«i*y, G*»m j Fitly property, toiwfc acre* <»f land more or Ie*a,ia the north Bpiudii,*County by ft. F. “ ( of Mrs, Andrews, k OUmon Hastf,’ ____ and 'lhoin«i* Riehurd Gibsee. Levied mm property of N. T. Gibson by fl fa Untied from Spalding Superior favor <4 U. Bbsaell vt. JT T.Ch *.Gibson, tenant in poew Alao, at the same time and l'kfeth plaee, will t » acres of land In the district* Ofonty, said land being the *01 irfiaid lot that la north of the Alabama rat' aartof lot number 52, said OB % flic north by a part of tai a*»t by Perkin* Brother*, M . _xab, Griffin and North Alabama! and west by J. U. Btarr, troatee.. d on and sold is the property of law to sau,fy three fl faa district Issued G. free ! court of the 1068th of E.’P. Croeder v*. Lacy £. 1 M one Of a twined from the ie li 1008th in favor of J. C. King for the aw I 'Vii-,m. McLean v*. Lucy E. Beeves a»d Levy made by_B. * Tenant C. Beed, . turned over to me. in l ■o A n i*o, legally notified. ( at the same time and place, ohl original!) fitly acre*of Henry Uni in the 1068th . the now BpaldiOff living of southeast corner 41! said district, and C. by L tends of T. £. Smith, eaet by H. O. Dupree, M!Um, Jr. and 8r , south Wn by * Kendall, went try h»d Beavley Leried o* wvhacroperty imu^ of . h, (tttktt iHSPcfi^ltricta.l S JKftk A ouuit or *“ ,f(Tv the of A.fl W. Wtffriy, exeent Court tt C. Head, U . J. Beauty, ten: A Ho. one at two the utory name brick time (tore and place,' house of Hit! street, Griffin, wcof) a hardware store sad turtl of city lot No. 1 in to 5? a* re___ west on said ttreet feet martir ____ iace running running d „ra^«»orcJ*j. hack Pack 80 80 feet feet wore wore or or lew lew aad and 8r by virtue «f mortgage fi fa ,, ? a from Spalding Hsipevrtr (kmtrtn fav¬ of John > *»l vs. Chris. H. J: tn possession le fS.00. K.S.----- Ordinary’* Adver ---- revv *./ bv.« VI1UW.UUH -witj of 15th One two and room PopUr house atrceU, and k*«o onc-fowrth ow¬ andoue/oar room houne and lot os one aero, of Urn property of the Court of office in (iriflln, on* the first Monday la #'100 E. W. HAMM ON D, CJMfBuy. / i KDINAhY’8 0 -gwiDtBO near TV.GgOROU 1888-J.C. Brook* L law ton haa — died to me tor sell two share Kinds liareaof Of *took the Bl-idtof ac of RaicnSs; of 1 of trihution- Ga, of the Li t ail person* show CUM bo- fore the Court of O .“SSJsaS'S my Dexiroiier, office iu Griffin, ten on 1888 , by w >iy such ton?* should O ' l T *T f l AfBOKCJjA, oE£?Sy Jwjr, DID, loW** _ Brooks,administrator tetafews.* on estate of Mr*. 1 •* moreorie«Nt«C»Ma I>i*muk» by land of of If. t>y land 8. Wf H- Wilson and A. K. nrt by ty Piamnkc; of M. L. s< Lawton, “ " «x ceased. late of Mid ocua Let all per*oti» coucemed \ tore the Court of Ordinary’ < my office iu Gtintu, y*. Uib D ecember, 1888. by ten o’el h leave i-hnuld not he j Sfi.'X) HAMA I. said deceased. Let all perBone conocfoed all foretLc C urt of Ordinary, at a Griffin, on the first Monday tn D«___ by ten o’elo<-k. a. m., why *ucb leave * not be granted, as udi $.r00 E, W. HAMMOND, Ordlwiry. applied may, adminiatfator for of Baw’l Belitg___ to me letter* of dUmhttloB from hi* admintotratloB on the estate of Sami Ball«y, Let late of »aid county, decttNi alt person* concerned »how cause be¬ fore the court of Ordinary of said county, at my office to Griffin rm the Monday in February, byUm o’clock a. m., why such letter*should not he granted. Pi IS. g. w. ham mo so, Ordlyy. Administrator’s Sale. By virtue of an order granted by Ui ordinary’of highi*! Spalding county, I wffl bidder before Mm oourto__ ourthOBM uoor iu Griffin daring the legal hour* of sole the first Tuesday in lleccrobar, ' Nancy property of bctonghigtol for the Scott,iate diktrHrtooB' raid count, portions of f hc-irs,to-wit: Twenty-two aeree < or in less, the in Line Creek district of ty northwest corner of lot eeven, being all of said let on weat______ Flint river, adjoining lead* of F. M. ft 8. A. OB the northwest aad south, said toad* . good neighborhood, near school* ■*'-*» Bad Term* cash. AfiUC. F M. SCOTT, Administrator of Nuacy Scott, deceased. Executors’ Sale. By waf virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary, house will be sold before the court door of Hpalding county totheetty of Griffin,on the first Tuesday in December next, be’weeu the legal hours of sale,t‘ land lot No, 12 in Fourth dis* Henry, then Faye!to. now. which was owned by Jaa. deceased, lying iu Ml. Zion district ___ twining ndlvided ICO acres, more or leas. Also, tMZeb- one u half 1nt> rest in tb« lot oo aiou road ia the city of Griffin km Henry Ae.'.ar.der io*, said lot con of an acre more or less. (The lot will be sold. 8. Gr a attend t terest, he consenting.) of G. Murray, Sold a* estate A. benefit of heira and creditow. feet. Term, nt sale, one-half cl in twelve montbe with interest at 8 ALEX. S. S. W. M ed.UU. .. —