The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, November 28, 1888, Image 2

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»}C6L1S QLESSKtl. MlUr * •AUV,(tittau«|H> inn. «$■■■>.¥. OaeTwv. emu, OMrvu, fur. m, ih«. « Oflelil Piper ef Spalding Co. OflUfel Pkptr of tho City of Griffin ▲dreriUlac Bute*. SAILT-Ow* ffatlar por wars for ths SUrSir« , £2~i»sts* : £ **TOOcSFl llbnOHS ftarttiSjsis: 10 Mata psr HO jot jstrtt lam dollar nut be p*ld for in t«*a M* iQSniU libftrft! ndn will hs with parti** amtuMat tholr ».irwilw^»U iMMrtlMUl ••• W»#V. th» Polio- XTOMUiT-Hame -»»••*• for II It oaderstood m coming from ■ who ciooo to tko now Preoi Ikflts ut what font tbot bo boo no intention •tot of recommending any meeeare to tbe regniotion of b«M tali. Tbe Oboioe of tbe People bee hie opiotaie, u e metier of coarse; but be is net disposed to interfere te » metter which might prosodies* Irons to bis Administration. It might be well, boweser, fot a few base bell clnbo to call on the great men sod get, at least, his good will. Ur. John 0. New oompleine of the tseftetency of tbe postsl service, which sn Indians Democrat inciden tally explains in aoconnting for tbe kite defeat pf bfa party in that State. •*1 will tell yon one reason why we loet the State." said he, “on nearly •ter f train that etopped at a station in Indians, a Republican poatal clerk would pot bit bead ont of the win dow and yell for Harrison. This mould make tbe Democrats so darn •d mad that it wss sll we could do to get them to tote,mnch less work," Perhaps Mr. New is correct When be becomes Postmaster General he Ibonld "tarn tbe raeoals oat." On# of tbe rays of light that pene trate tbe polUioal gloom is that ex Btnstor Mshone has been sat upon in Virginia. He lost all influence over a wavering class of demoersis some time ago, and now the oolored voters of his oosgressionsl district have repudiated him. In the in the Fourth district bis msn otherwise Judge Arnold, seems have run behind Langston in elmoet every county, and there pears to be no doubt that both been defeated by tbe candidate, Mr. Venable. Add hie setback tbe fset that shone not likely to be very popular with the Harrision administration, the iot of tbe wily little boss to be sn enenvisble one. Tbe young Emperor William Germany evidently believee that has come to etsy. Ha has ed tbe imperial crown and to be altered to fit him. Even with tbe throne be baa found fault,and baa ordared conaidorable alterations to suit bis taste. Taking each libtr ties with each sacred tbinga has bor rifled tbe more conservative of bis Msjf tj‘- subjects. But young Bill hi undoubtedly s tbrougbbred, and Will pleaee himself. Besides, why should he be compelled to wear tbe bat bis fstner or his grandfather wore, any more than any body else ? Where ie tbe use in bemg on emper or unless you can bar# a crown and mantle, and throne to snit yourself T Second-banded clothing and gear that don*t fit would make any man feel like a panper. Emperor Bill is a product of the age, and the trum per? ,*t thrones ia loaing its eacred ness even among royalty. Tb« November utimatm of sir. Dodge, of the Department of Agri culture, is of no current interest io re*peet to any of the crops mcluded except cotton. As to corn, be tolls us toorely that the yield ia quit# a* largo m wo tboogbt, and to other cereal* oo woll os this it ia bis custom, a* we recollect, to publish definite inmina riea by State yield aod total* io Do eember. As cotton is the ooly live interest it includes, it is uofortuoate be did not the neceaaity ,ity of oi making himself explicit, For in be published - stance, juat a year ago tbe estimate that the yield ia 1887 would be 6,300,000 bales, which, on ibe 18,961,000 acres of 1887, would be at tha rate of 33 per cent, an acre. Bat be afterward* found out almost M boot as the rent that the yield was 49f par cent, of a bale per acre, and m Mr. Dodge says that this promise# aboat tha essue By tha rata of yi i ll predicted for 1887 the crop* of IMS would be 6,190,000, bat by SM tafeteatMed for that it woo Id be 7.- 1BE TRUST* AT WOKK. Since tbe election Senior Allison bee announced that it is bis purpose to pnah through the Senate his bill “revising” tbe tariff. Thia bill in cresses the dniies on wool and ad vancea tbe duties on munofaHnred woolens about 6 per cent, on the av emge, tbe greatest increase being on tbe low priced articles, the result be ing to inerseae the cost of nece>«»ry articles to the consumers. This is one of toe fruits of the victory of tbe protectionists, but we hear nothing of a corresponding increase in wages. Another tffect is an advance in the price of cxrpeta by the carpet trusts. On November tbe 15 tbe National As ■ociation of Carpet Manufacture;§ met in Philadelphia and agreed to ma’te n*generol increase on "extra snper ingrain carpet.” 'I his wi 1 add 2 1-2 cents a yard tc tb: price of the article to tbe retail dealer, which will result in an met ease to tbe cod S umer of not less tuan five ceuts. This advance does not apply to the higher priced carpets, such as wealthy classes use. It is an ad vance 'on the ••ingrain*’ carper, and falls upon those of moderate means. Before tbe four years of Mr. Harri son's administration »re over, the people will have many object lessons, teaching them that the tariff is a taj, and that the Republican victory meant aD increase in taxation, espec iall in that portion of tniation that goes to tbe manufacturers who con tributed liberally to the Republican campaign fund. Pennsylvania Democrats. The Democrats of Pennsylvania are not discouraged bytbeiesuliof tbe late Presidential election. lion. Cbsuncy F. Black, President of tbe Democratic Society of Pennsylvania, has issued an address to the party in that State, in which he says that wherever the recent political battle raged tbe fiercest, and tbe people were tbe best instructed, there the Democracy won and the truth pre¬ vailed. lie says: “We respectfully urge that etery Democratic society in Pennsylvania shall continue its organization aud its activity; that they shall hold meetings as olten as it may he con¬ venient to the members; that they shall invite their neighbors of every political faith and of every condition of life to participate in their sions of this sll important end that they shall even now to perfect their State considering what amendments profitably be made to tbe conatitu lion of the State Sooiety, and iag their most intelligent and members to serve as deputies m next General Assembly. suoh societies have not been lisbed, we nrgently advise tha undaunted and aggressive racy to see that they are instituted.” This is timely advice and to other States as well as vania. Tbo Democratic party lose no time in fortifying itself the great battle of 1892. I be paign of education must be ued unceasingly and with unabated vigor. Four years of hard work in this direction will pave the way for a great Deosaciatio tariff reform v ! tory in 1892. i nan who has prgctlsed medicine for years, ought to know salt from sugar, lead what lie says. lhtw. Tei.spo. O , Jan. 10, Messrs. F. J- Cheney <fc Co,—Gentlemen: ined —I have been in the general practice of loinc for most 40 years, aud would say that in all my practice and experience, I have prescribe seen a preparation that could with as inueti confidence of success as 1 can Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by you H*ve prescribed it a great many times and 1U efl.-ct ie wonderful,and would say in eon elusion Usst l have yet to tind a ease of Ca tarrh that it would not ee-e, If they would take it according to diree.,ons. Tour* L. Tru’v, Oty'SUBH, M. l> I. Office, 215 Summit St We will give #100 for Buy case of Catarrh that can not bo cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure. Taken internally Props., Toledo, O. _ r. J . VUESt Y A CO., J-JT Sold by Druggist*. 76c novP I m ls Life Worth Living t How often does the j.atieut who has just laid away the little that lied from the effects of tent Mug, ask thie question. If she had known Dr. Biggvra’ Huckleberry Cordiui, might have been brighter. Advice to Mothers. M i, Wijjhlow’s Soothing Brut for children teething, is the prescription of one of the best female nurses and ibysicians in the United States, and jus been nsed for forty yeurs with failing auocesa by millious of for their children. During the process of teething teething its ita value value is is incalculable i B relieves the child from pain, cures dys entcrv and diarrhoea, griping in tire bowels, and wind colic By giving health £ tbe i bild and rest the mother. Price 25 oeuls w boitie. augeodA wly The Toy the Child Likes Best -IS THE- ** ANCHOR’* Sip Wag Blocks. InllMu. Muss* Colo**. A CUtvra r*«**jrr for child p»t-ft*«oBap*&c*lie«to Ba i Sl S w r< * if .P» »TT71 Jff Catarrh U a eonalilutlonal diaeanr, rauwd by *crofw loua taint In th« blood. IforKi’* Samparllla, Using a constitutional rrracily, parifi--. tUo klood, builds up the whole aystern, and i*r- marientiy cures catar rh. Tbouaanrlaof people Who suffered merely with this disagreeable tUeUf, testily with pleasure that catarrh Can be cured by taking Hood s Sarsaparhla. Mr*. Alfred Cunningham, Fallon Avenue, I’rovl* dence, R. I., says-. “I have suffered with catarrh In ray bead for years, and paid out hundreds of dollars for medicines, but have heretofore received only temporary relief. I began to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and now my catarrh Is n- arly cured, the weakness of j fact, my body I feel Is like all gone, another my appetite Hood’s is good — gar-J laj person. sapartlla Is the best medicine I have over taken, and the only one which did me i-errna- nent good. I cordially recommend It.” A gentleman In Worcester, Mass., who vra# Cured Of catarrh by Hood's Sarsaparilla, says: i 1 would 1 A not 4 take «bn any a r > i > moneyed tvx.rihVofl k consideration */ tVt « itll'*rJll for the good one bottle did me.” If you are a sufferer, do not put off taking a simple remedy till your bronchial tubes or lungs are affected, and consumption has gained a hold upon you. Be wise in time I That flow from the nose, ringing noise In tbe ears,pain in the head, inflammation of the throat, cough, and nervous prostration will be cured it you take Hood’s Sarsaparilla •old by *U dnrgsd»t». *1; »H for *S. Fr*pM«* If C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mas*. IOO Doses One Dollar I’sup'R Mill. Traas, Jane 20, 1888-The • wlft Spcclllo Company. At la HR. Oa.—Gen¬ tlemen One of my children was troubled with rheumati m ami Lmil, for about two yearn. We gave her various kinds of medl- cint*. hat without profit, and began to despair of curing her at all. I wa* persuaded he had to used try your Owin'* Opeeiflc. disease* Aft+r all a disappeared, several bottles the hale, hearty and healthy nu t she is now n Another child girl twelve years old. hai Just become afflicted In th# same way, and I am using the S. 8 . 8 . au l anticipate C.'Waoqunkr. WAaaoa a prompt and permanent cure. N. C. Rich Hill, Mo, July 7, 188S-The ' fiwlft Specific llo., Atlanta, Oa.—O' Jentlsmen: Our lull* girl «iicu wu* iuivo weeks old v.w broke v out with ocxema. We tried the prescriptions from several good doctors, but without any •pecinl benefit We tried 8 . 8 . 8 ., and by the me one one bottle bottle was was gone gone her her head head began begax to *al and by the time she had taken bottles the was completely cured. Now ha. a full and heavy head of hair ~a robust, hearty child. I f< 1 it but my duty to make thi* statement. Respectfully, H. T. 8 hor*. Chattaroooa. Tenn., June 57, 1»<—The Bwifi Hneclflo Co., Atlant*. Oa.—Gentlemen : Mi ^ f I contracted contracted blood blood treated poison,---- iK>l»on, and at once sought a physician, who me for sev¬ eral months, by hie advice I went to Crab Orchard Springs. , K>\. Kv., where where bis his .course course of of treatment treatment was was carefully carcfu’ observed. I recov¬ ____,______iugbt, ered, bega began as 1 thought, but but tbe the next next face spring spring and J*xJy. pim- pim¬ ples gradually to appear increased on my to ar.d run¬ * he*# gores 8 and ning 1 wa* advised to try . 8 . 8 ., Immediately after taking it I commenced to lowly at first, but more rapidly or w a in t, and soon soon nothing nothing remained re •mall_____ to tell I of my n trouble. My My bl blood _ la now thor- ____ . free free from onghly V cleansed, wv—, and — -*■' in my system stem taint, ___________ on ind I owe my . present prei condition—a perfect cure—to your ir medicine medi I cheerfully give this statement that others who have suffered 1 as I have mar reap ft the same benefit. Hardy M. Burt, West Ninth St HowcR, La., May —Gentlemen 25,1R8R—Tbe Bwtft About Speclflo two Co., Atlanta, (ia general heaitn : years tirely. aro X was my debilitated that gave I wav almost en¬ so despaired of ever feeling well again. All that th« phy»lclans . ____ 3 done done for for mebrou me brought no permanent relief. Friends insisted that I should g*ve 8 . ft. 8 . a fair trial, although I thought it would be throwing away money. health Ing gth a thorough and course, I must my that and Rtreiig returned, cured ured I I discard! disc say led all 8, ft. me, me, as as other jjf * w pllllill hi I* u ising ____„ it. ... _ As ■ a general tonic ______ I I can debility, mo heartily Illy recommend It ; for \V. F. Bkidoxs, P it certainly U a specific. J. Houzr. La.- I know Mr. W. F. Bridges, and will my ti at hU « iternent la correct. J >#£TH 8 HELTON, Prugglft. Treatise on Bl<v>! and kin I)lsea. r es mailed fi-»-e. Tn/ Kwirr bm inc Co., i Prawer A Atlanta, Ur.. EXCURSION RATES. What It Will Cost to Go to Macon. Co¬ lumbus and Augusta. The Central railroad otters the following xcursion rates to the Georgia expositions: TO THE STATE FAIR. To tie held at Macon, Ga., November fith o November 10th, inclusive. Hnrnesville........... $1.35 I.***) Milner................................ )•<» Orchard Hill....................... 1-70 Griffin...... Sunny Side.......................... 1 85 Hamilton............................ T GO Brooks Station...... ................ 1 -O' Senoiu.............................. 2.10 These rates include admission to Fair ground. Children over 5 years old aiul un¬ der 12 Half Hales. Tickets "ill be inclusive; placed on sale November 4th to 10th, good to return until November 13tU, inclu¬ sive TO THE * IIATTAH^OCHER 81 POSITION. To be held at Colambiift, (Jft.. November otli to December 1st, iuclosWe jo amesTillc................. , *.v2>0 Milner . .. 3.30 Orchard Hill • 50 Souny Side , 3 Hampton—..... 3.40 Brooks Station....... . .. 3.25 ienola......... 3.40 These ratualn» Intie street mr fare and ad mDsion to h a position R r vmnds. Children over 5 yea - and under 12 years, half rates. Ticket a will bvi placed on sale November 14th to **0lb inchi'ive, fp)«-d t-c turnon, and until December 2d, inclusive. TOTH ft At til Vi A V A TI < > N A 1 I XPO*nlO\ . To be held at Anmi*du, Ga.. Novend i Nth to DvceUlbu hdl 1 , ;io . Burncsviile. ' I Milner..... 05 Orchard Hill. . 15 Griffin • } 25 . Sunny Side *> 40 Hampton...... 5 45 Brooks Station •’» >0 Scnoia.. >05 The rates in- ulde 'rails * r (••»’*; on? 1" and from the Cxp--sition, and hNo m«S. illusion coupons to the ttrouiidi. t liiidr< n «*v»*r •» years and undt r 12 years, h *1 f i ak>. i’ns en- jjer* inu?tI'tirclm?** t:r?<ets before i;« 'tin*; on train, am eoneuetoi wi.l not be aiithori/mJ to observe ilie above rales - ick's w jl l e placed on pale Nuvt a bi r Til and l "Minin 1 on sale until and ibcludins; I vc> mher 18BS t unless othereviat ordered. ‘I ieket* will be limited five ays from date of gale, but n no ctiM“ Ifttcr than December l*th, ISSS. K. i CHARLTON, lien. Passentfer Agent. DR. MOFFETT'S [IF FEMALE MEDICINE' iNDIAPtf VVIJRD corrects all irrcgularttW and annoying trouble* from which so many ladle* suffer. It give* tbe weak, debilitated woman health and depr.t.ed"ia strength.and Ml.Vn. niAkr. *b..rful the th. dB.twvnAi.nV *lpst«>ndpnt. .hoofa in aptrtt.. INDIAN la cbanue<ai'Uft-nnl.dv.hoara WEEP, ........... /; JC it Sa/tand b. t>. with- out Ml MraggUt. Unfailing. your E. R, AnlliOtir.^Grinin an<! M. >’. Oclianl Hill, »ia. Who art- Weak, NVrv- ovi- and Dibilitated and AufferiBg from Pvtiility, Seminal Weakness, Nightly E'tiisRionK, and all the effect, of early Evil H-bits which lead lo Premature Decay. Conaomption or Insanity. sand for t*ea>. ir»’ Troatiae on —— DiMiue. —— of Maa. with partfealar* for Henna Oar*. Caros gnar*Wto*d Ho car. po ff*y, J. 8. ^ 814 Chorch Svi The Georgia Midland RR nml Bent Lino Witts risroMiyti Conch cm Between COLUMBUS and ATLANTA. only one CHANGE TO Washington, New York, Nashville or Cincinnati. xo. 5«», I'A^fNGKB, norm. McDonfinirti• • • ........ 7 dOa ni. Arrive Griflln..................»;E r » “ Leave * **-.*35 ’ Arrive Columbus ...........11:’£> no. 51, i-ak-znorb am, mail, north. Arrivi- Leave Columbus..................HO-j Griffin -Cob P- ®- ............. no 5! passksobh and mail, sorfii, i^ave Griffin..... Cohimbn..................* ---f^P- ™- Arrive NO, n-i, I-ASSENOKB, NOBTH, Leave Columbus...............4:10 p. t Arrive Griffin ......7:14 *11 «• Leave “ ....... ......7:20 Arrive McDonongh • .. . 8:02 NO 1, FBEIGHT, NOBTH. Leave Columbus..................T:00n. m Arrive Griffin..................1:25 p n> Leave “ ................2;80 Arrive McDonough..............22J5 ’’ no. 2, yaetBHT, boi th. Xi<-ave .McDonough...............T;45 .............S'-®) a, '* m Arrive Griffin..... ....................« Leave ’• Arrive Columbus................2:30 p. m M. E. 0BA v , Supt. C. W. CHEARS. Gen'S Pass. Agt. Columbus, Ga. New Advertisements. /^GENTS WAN t E1 ?’ v I rite i'^°’ A 8 a n ' born, Bec’y The Bcffmlo . iic- . ,---- _ SlCK BENEFIT A-SOOIA CAI. ACCI DENT AND tion, Buffalo, New York. k“FSSSs333S J omtTMlu Ml IntMl •< 0 . U. drMB. »»4 ***- f r of oar ag« and its posslbtlitia* *rt4g«P«rt, ar* f* 1 OS. For .At. by H. a. WAiia, Agents’ profits per month. Will CpOtoO I prove it or pay forfeit New portraits jnst out. A ff3.50 sam¬ Son, ple sent free to all. W. H. Chidester .A 2S Bond St., N. Y. EXHAUSTED VITALITY THB A SCIENOi? OF LIFE. th. great JtedtcAl Work of the «F<* on Manhood, Nervon* anrtf Physical Debtllty. Premature Decline, Errors of youth, and the untold miseries consequent thereon, Ml pages 8vo, 125 prescriptions for all diseases. Cloth, full gilt, only gl.OO, 1 *------r-nrmriT mall, sealed, lllnstratl re sample freep>»liioi i- men - Sendn ” w - The (Told nod -•.welled Medal awarded to the author by the v«- t-cai Medical Association. Ad,Ires, p. o M 0rDr t*>, ’ n ' *“" W H PA RKER, grad - ' - prater uateof n , Harvard Mellc.l College, 26 years’ In Boehm, who may be consulted conn,Itmtially Soeelalty. Diseases of Man. OBtce No. < BulSnch * t- . .■ . . i si HAS.? BAL.CAR1 hair. \tx-. es the liK.Li-lex k luxuriant growth. ■ I Never i - ‘s to Restore Color. Gray "PrevMite Hair to its Youihful !>rvn 1 rn*T anfi hair failing 4 iGc. *kx aivi anrl 81 $1 #■» D'H it Dr rtnig^v-r*. ELOUS - IM 3 Any Look li>atu»4 in on* reading, vs inel nandering cured. Spentlng Milhous notes. Crent’ X*!racy roeidemnrei by supreme insluceitie-uto *o vlasnes. Prospectus, with opinions of Dr. Wm. Hammond, the world-famed Specialist Mind diseases, Daniel Green leaf the great Psychologist, J M Buckley, D. Editor of the Christian Advocate, Proctor, the Scientist, Hons Judge Judah P. Beniamin, and others, sent free by Prof. A. LOISETTE, 337 Fifth New York. HINDERCORNS. Th« only «ure Cur# for Corns, i'fujfRist#. fttops biscuit all |*alti Co., r.ri comfort tG the feet, iia ol PARKER S GINGER TONIC 1 he best of all remedies lor Inward Pains. Colic, Indiges¬ tion, Exhaustion an l all Stom¬ ach and Bowel troubles. Also the most effective cure for Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis and affections of the breathing organs. It promotes refreshing sleep improves the appetite overcomes nervous life prostration, strength d gives new and Vo the weak and aged, 50c. and f r.oo, at Drgguists. MASON 1 he cftbtuot & Introduced introduced HAMLIN » —- ------p—. organ & was *as in in Us its preseal present followed form by Mason In the Ilamlin in 1S6L Other maker* manufacture of these instnunente, but kuv the ioxx 7 Mason moeuu & ur Hamlin iiauum Organa C/rgeUIH have Il»VO always EUWBJB main* Iu gained their supremacy as the best in the world. 1 Muon A Hamlin offer, aa demonstration of tha at tmeqtrailed all of the excellence great World's of their Exhibitions, organs, since the fact that that at ^^flDPJl II bft UOSSSKISS 11 trated catalogues ^22 TO 9900. free. j * Mason A Hamlin do not hesitate to make the IT* traonhnary claim others. for their pianos, that they are •nperior to all They recognizo the high excellence achieved by other leading makers In tn# art This of they piano attribute building, but still claim superiority. introduced solely by to the remarkable Im¬ provement and known the “Mason them &. In the year 198Z, now as Hamujv Piawo eTltiNoziL’’by|N| Is secured theU 1 If ■ B Oi ■ A I IOygreaUet M the use of which sible parity and r I il 111 11 refinement pos¬ of tone, together I I fl 11 W Wwwitl; greatly creased capaci- CSAffS S CT7SZ3ST. ty for standing In tune and other important advantages. A circular, containing testimonials from hundred purchasers, musicians, and tuners, scat. snema; also remeo. Crateful--Comforting. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. Ihurough knuuledgo ol the natural )■ ^ iv ____— iiilira oparutions of uigt-s ti- ii u: d i u’.ritiou, uud *>} a can-ful - - up:ili<-» relented ii ii of the Cm- propel tic-of well i’ acoa. M- F; ps'lms provided i ur provid¬ ed onr iireukfu^t tal c« with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save n- many h«av\ doctors’ bi Is. It is by the jadicioas use of such article of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until vtrong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundred, of .ubtlc maladlea are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak p dnt We may escape many a ta'al shaft ti> keep1ngoui-3e!vec well lortlfled with pure blood and a properly non ish d frame.’’ —1’iTil Service Gazette, Made ‘ -nply with boiling water or milk. Sold only m half- pound t!n= Grocers, labelled thus: JAMES EPPS <tCO., Honneopathic Chamiata, Londo don, England. .ASTALL PRECEDENT! Over Two Millions Diatribnted mam Louisiana State Lottery Company Incorporated by the Legislature iu IKWi ir Eda.-ational and Charitable purpeees, » 1 ita fraoebiae made a part of the prest it State Constitution, in lf*79, by a® over¬ whelming popular#ot<* Ita GRAND EX 1 RAORD1NARY DRAW- IShS take place hSial-AtmoaUv', (June and December), and ita UJtAND SINGLE NUM- BEK DRAWINGS tafe place on t-ach of the tbe other ten months in the year, and are all drawn in public, at the Academy of Mcsio, New-Orleans, La. “Wedo berebycertifythatwesnpervise the arrangemenis for all the monthly and Semi¬ annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and in person manage and cob troi the Drawings themselves, and that thi same are conducted with honesty, fairness and in good faith toward all parties, and we authorize the Company to use this certiccwe with fac-simileaof our signatures attached ie its advertisements.” ConniMleaer*. We the undersigned Banks and Bankert will pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisiam 8tate Lotteries which may be presetted at ouroounters: B, 9f.W aX.SISX.Eir.Prw.. I.s.fsl l B. P. imi X. BW. a. XXAJ.IiWX3f.Pre.. M. O.l.t’l B»«li CiBl KOlflf. Pre*. III*. 4 IB..I Mammoth Drawing At the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, December 18, 18o8, CAPITAL PRIZE, $600,000. 100,000 Tickets at $40: Halves $20; Quar¬ ters $10; Eighths $5; Twentieths #2; For¬ tieths ft. , ' list or PRIZES ! Pbizecf *000,000 is.......... $800,000 200,000 I Prizs or 200,000 U.......... 1 Pbizeof ICO,000 is.......... lOti.oOO 1 Pbxzi of 50,000 13 ......... 50,000 2 Prizes or 25,000 are......... 50,000 50,000 5 Prizes or 10,000 are......... 60 000 12 Prizes or 5,000 are..... 25 Prizes op 2,000 are..... 50.000 TOO Prizes or 800 are..... 80.000 SIX) Prizes or 400 are.....— 80,406 500 Prizes or 200 are......... 100,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Prizes of $1,000 are............. 100,000 100 do. 800 are............... 80,000 TOO do. 400 are............... 40,000 Three Number Terminals. 99 Prizes of $800 are,... ............$79,200 99 do 490 are................. 39,tit0 Two Number Tebh inals. 900 Prizes of $200 ate...............$180,000 900 do. 200 arc.............. IX,000 3,146 Prizes of amounting to......$2,11S,8CX For Club Rrates, or any further informa tion desired, write legibly to residence, the undersign¬ ed, clearly stating your with State, County, Street delivery and Number. More rapid return mail Envelope will bearing be as- surred by euclosiDg an your fall address. Send POSTAL NOTES, Express Money- Orders, or New York Exchange in Ordinary letter. Currency by Express (at onr expense) addressed to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans La or M. A. DAUPHIN, Washington, I). C. Address Registered Letters tc NEW ORLEANS NATONAX. BANK New Orleans. La. REMEMBER anti Early 1 , mho are In charge of the drawings,is a guarantee of absolute fairness and integrity, that the chances are all equal, and that no one can possibly divine what numbers will draw a Prize. REMEMBER, GUARANTEED alao, that the payment of Prizes is BY FOUR NA TIi INAL BANKS of New Orleans, and the Tickets sre signed by the President of an In stitution whose chartered rights are recog bized in the highest Courts; therefore beware of all imitations or ananymous schemes. S W. MAIM SONS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, CRIFFIN, CEORGIA. We guarantee the purity of our goods and make our prices lower than compe¬ tition. HOTEL CURT IS GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, Under New Management. A. G. DANIEL. Prop'r. i 1 • i»* train*. febl5uly ADVERTISERS ■ irn the exact cos f ' proposed line .* • ismgin America* rs by addressing jo P. Rowell Sz Co - vvspaper Art—orti#ing Bureau, IO Fpn* A , New York. • - I O' .or lOO-PaflO Por*4phl«* *W WITTIEST, FRETTIFST JUVENILES QUEER PEOPLEp.i»Vrc« OLAJfTS ft raws* G0BLUI8 claws H.90 fl oo Ily Mail. ZMAMitn (IT, Uoprmrni nfthm frog and the Moutr. Full rtf tbe iMlJeat [rub. ehnnalaa .tori. MET It t “9 *t« my lUtl4 folka wild tcitk d*h Hon Clinton B. Flo*. ‘'p+n't—*d me another for 1- ___ ,k__LX kuri "--11 H (VlTIWSll. Ii D. **/»(.' ________________________ . ] 'H CUB’S BUSMESS COLLEGE fyf , * DUS, FA., * r. tartbeata*. ThatntKhoo. J. FLEMISTER’S GRAND LOW PRICE BALE The • Fir. hi I'd HAS BEEN QUITE GRATIFYING. While we closd nut many of offered, we have added it |will be to your Interest to visit my CROWDED STORE. ROOMS If «» you wish to chase Bargains. Department, tms department of my business does occupy as much space as some of my com¬ it nevertheless contains : Rich : Drives ’ Will offer this week 75 Men’s Cassimeie Suits $10,00; worth from $12,50 to $15,00. These were purchased in the last ten days, late the season and the party that I bought from! anxious to sell. Leave your orders for Suits, or Overcoats and I will have them made by the best house in the country, JACOB] REED’S SONS, of Philadelphia. No fit, no pay Cloak Department Have added largely to this line in the past few weeks. TREMENDOUS BARGAINS Dial nl ill Htai’s Wrajs. LADIES’ JACKETS, \ K WMARKEKS, Mojeskas, Jerseys, &a*. hoe Department Find that I am over slocked in Childrens \ Boys’ and Misses' Making (ustom^o^ per Will on save this line you Shoks. 40 to 5 Just received big stocl f 1 Sweet & Sherwood’s Ce* iiHirai sar« good as any $7 goods. Buy my Eagle Shoe Company’s Peniteintiary have lor Ladies’aud Misses’ and you w 11 All at the lowest prices, af| B. J. Flemister’s.