The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, December 02, 1888, Image 2

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.... DOUGLAS ttLKSSXK*. Editor * Pr*p*r • AIAW ,(I» Adv»»e#)P#r Ammo......» irmtV.OnTMf............. ». jillli n llip — l I ... II . I "" — - . «to#r*l«, !*f. S, !»»*• ' Official Piper of Spalding Co. Qffiotol Paper ef the City of Griffin Adrortlslng Itato* DALLY-Ou dollar par aqnore for the asassrttftsssK.'s stst *K*oi2l^ NOTICES No insertion 10 onU oodar per lin thl» Or «U>h huMrttoii. All insertion* Mod for too* than *0 o*nt«. hr Imm than one dollar maat bo paid for in kl rotoa will bo made with partieo Wlaoioa «r to oontinoa their adoartiMinente ifc ^^KLT-^m*r»t»«** for the Pally. Tho more than 20,000 women who si* to Tote in the next municipal eleo tion in Boeton will bo expected to devote the entire day to their coun- ... Uj, or, Mtktr rather, nit*: city; but but no doubt •any of them will oontinue to do a )title shopping in the coarse of the , long election hours. ■m: The next Honae will bo Republi oan beyond any further doubt. If the West Virginia delegation be com poaod of two Democrata and two Bepablicana, aa aeerna probabla, the JEtepnblican atrengtb will bo 166; the Democratic , 159. The other fellows have U all. It will bo interesting to obeerte what they do with it. When oougreit meets on Mon day, President Oiereland will ahow in bie meesage that the Democratic party cannot afford to go backward with regard to the tariff, bat, on the contrary, that it muat continue to make an aggreaaive fight for tariff re dootion. The attitude of the party to right, and it will be maintained. Uiae Ethel Ingaila, daughter of Senator Ingaila, ia going to take charge of the aeciety column of tb* New York World. She eaya abe wants to make money in order to bny bar father a new library, in the place Of the one that waa burned. The purpose ia qnite commendable, and whether people admire Senator In . galls or not, they muet admire hiB daughter- The friends of the Blair bill are goin to try to drag that measure oat Of the pigeon hole in which it was I laced by the educational committee. It 4a not very probable, however, that it will be passed at the next session. If the Fifty^firat congress is Republi oan, it may becomes law, although Gen. Harrison waa opposed to it sev¬ eral years ago. It involves expendi ture of *77,000,000 It ia now almost certain that Har¬ rison’s majority in the Kleatoral Col iege waa securad by a minority of the popular vote of the country. The latest end most reliable returns from the various States show that out of about 11,669,825 votea, Cleveland re ceived 5,£09,990 votes, while Hum- received but 5,490,491 votes. This indicates a plurality of 79*499 for Cleveland. The increase in the popu Ur vote over that of 1884 i* about 1,250,000. Sunday ia a day of rest, and as a type beautifully illustrates that land of heavenly rest whose beauties no pen can describe. Whether it be bright with sunlight or datk with storm, its peaceful quiet ampbasixes the blessings of rest from the toil and from the cares that iafest the working dayr. Happy is the man wbe care-worn and weary, cau ,nter into the perfect enjoyment of such a season of rest! Wasted energy re eoperatea, tired brain is eased and j weary limbs find repose. But beppi eat ia be who cau tegard this day j of rest with that grateful set *•< which sbi aid cbaractei./.s lustre feelings wbe>> be tetnerubers the orig in and line significance of the d«y. The Courier Journal publishes an interview » with Hod. Roger Q Mills. Regarding the late election, Mr Mills aaya: “Money in Indiana and treachery in New York defeated Grov «r Cleveland, the best President the eouutry ever bad, and placed the Re publican party at the bead of the na tion’a affaire.” Mr. Mills, while ad ailtiog disappointment at tbe result, ays: *‘Tha Democrats have not yet given up tbe fight for principles and the right* of tbe masses against tbe demaoda and encroachments of tbe ctotsee. Tbe tariff issue will not be allowed to eink into insignificance, but from this time forward for tbe four yeare it will be kept before the people. Ttoete will be no slack tog up from oow ou until tbe dauioa bVa syetem of monopoly ia torn out tbe root." ig I BUSINESS IN UONUKEHM. On the House calender there ara asarly one tbou«»nd five hundred biila, and on that of the Senate over four hundred le.’t over from the last session. All this businesa will stand in the wav of new measures,„o matter how pressing; and if Congress goes on at this rate there will have to bo provided an annex —a sort of addit¬ ional Congress—to clear the cale* dare. But what should he done is, a constitutional convention should be held to amend and reconstruct the fends nental law of the nation. The present mode of Congress pass¬ ing ameadaienta to be submitted to States respicttvejy for approval, is insufficient. And the first amend¬ ment to be made would he a restrict ion against special legislation by Cun grets. The object ot the’ Congress is, mainly, to provide ways and means for railing money to carry on the Government, arid to appropriate the same. But this part of its business generally occupies but a very small modicum of its time, while the great er share is devoted to political discus siont and bothsnng with special mea sures and private interests. Ladies, beware! Mankind is about to poach upon your preserves and to invade your domains. lie is aboet to don embroidered trowsers, and this is but the first step toward a further embellishment of masculine attire. The waistcoat he has held on to with grim pertinacity. Slippers and smoking caps have tended to kesp the cherished object of his exis tsnee in view, and smoking jackets have been a brilliant success, and now for the embroidered trowsers. For many years a problem for a man in coming dress has been bow to be distinguished from a waiter. Black velvet knickerbockers and silk stockings, are all very well for gentlemen to whom sature has been judioiously kisd in the matter of calves, but the embroidered trowser Bolves the problem, especially as the embroidery is bound to extend till we shall revert to the magnificence of the Cavalier period,when brocades, fine lace, aatinu, silks, and velvets were as much worn by men as by women. What grim sarcasms on human weakness and pasaiona do the fatea or something work ont upon them now and than. A prominent Boston editor, with a large financial proposit ion pending in London, tired of wait ing while tortured by financial ern barrassments, and receiving a round about story with a bad look from Loudon, ha ended his life. The next day a report of the success of his milliou dollar undertaking, which would have restored his fo:tunes,was forwaided. And "‘a poor but beau tifuF’foreign girl came to this coun try in advance of her affianced and— waited. She wailed and hoped, but heard nothing, and ss her affairs had been sorely strained, she threw up the game and died by her own hand, A day or two afterwards, the lover’s letter came full of joy and tender ness and anticipation of the wed ding, as be was at once to sail, Two gas wells have bsen named in honor of Mr. Hanison. Ilonora of this sort should be confined to mem bera of Congress. A wan who has practised medicine for to years, ought to know salt from sugar; read what he says. Tpi ki>o. O., Jan. 10, 1887 Messrs. F. J. Cheney A Co —Gentlemen: ■ 1 have been in the general practice of med ioine for most 40 years, and would say that in all my practice and experience, have never seen a preparation that I could prescribe with hs much confidence of success as 1 can Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by you Hive prescribed it a great many times and its elh-ct is wonderful,and would say in con¬ clusion that I have yet to find a case of C’a tarrh that it would not cu-e, if they would take it according to directions. Yours Truly, I. 1. OwKSUBU, M. I) Office, 215 Summit Si We will give $100 for any ease of Catarrh that van not he cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure Taken internally F J. CHEN (■ Y A CO., 75e l’rops,, Toledo, O. ;Sold by Druggists, novtl lm Dr. Moffett’s TEETHWA (Teething Powders) Bowels, Alltyt IrrlLtlnn. Strengthens Aids tbe Digestion, Child,makes Kerolttes Teething the Easy Eruptions and Costs and Sores, only and ti Cents. nothing Teeth equals In a cures It for the bummer I roubles of Children of arty ope. It it tafe and sure. Try It and you will never b« •without TEETHINA as long at there are child- tm lu the House. Ask your Druggist. Who are Weak, Nerv¬ ous ami Debilitated and suffering from Weakness, Debility, Seminal Nightly Emissions, and all the effects of early Evil Habits which lead io Decay, Consumption or Insanity, for rears’ Treatise on Diseases of Man, particulars for Home Cure. Cures guaranteed No cure no pay, •!. S. t’>12 and 614 Church St.. Nashville novl4rt&wJy. New Advertisements. ADVERTISERS A list Of 1000 newspapers divided into AND SECTIONS will be tent on —FREE. To those who want Hte>r adverticing to pay e can offer n# belter medium for thorough efleotue work than the various sections eur Eel act Local List. , GEO. P. HOWELL A CU. Newspaper Advertising New Bureau, York, 10 Spruce street. ■ ’ _ Catarrh U a constitutional disease, caused by scrofe- Ions Ulnl in the blood. Hood’s Sarsaparilla, being a constitutional remedy, purifies the blood, builds up the whole system, and per¬ manently cure* catarrh. Thousands of people Who suffered severely with this disagreeable disease, testify with pleasure that catarrh Can be cured by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Mr*. Alfred Cunningham, Fallon Avenue, Provi¬ dence, R. I., says: “I havo suffered with catarrh In my head for years, and paid out hundreds ot dollars tor medicines, but have heretofore received only temporary relief. I began to take Hood s Sarsaparilla, and now my catarrh Is nearly cured, the w eakness of my body Is all gone, my appetite Is good—Is fact, I feel like another person. Hood’s Sar¬ saparilla is the best medicine I have ever taken, and the only one which did me perma¬ nent good, I cordially recommend it.” A gentleman In Worcester, Hass., who waa Cured Of catarrh by Hood's Sarsaparilla, says: " I would not take any moneyed consideration for the good one bottle did tne.” If you are a sufferer, do not put off taking a simple remedy till y<Wr bronchial tubes or lungs are affected, and consumption has gained a hold upon you. Be wise in time ! That flow from the nose, ringing noise In the ears, pain in tbe head, Inflammation of the throat, cough, and nervous prostration will he cured if you take Hood’s Sarsaparilla ■old by all druggiUs. gl; tlx for f5. Prepare* bf C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar An Important Announcement About six w*«k» ago while at business. I wn* suddenly attacked with excruciating palm h iu my 7 that^*twk feet, knee* anti hai hand* the att«*k ________ - my —- bed bed v —* Immediately, Ini ■ — —- —■"•r 1 y, and In two or throe double (lays :1ay» their my my nan Joii Joints atuxal wei «dze, ere swollen to a! from AtU After suffer- and sleep was .8 driven •m mo. b. for for week, lng In* using the'most the most excruciating ng pain other other aln remedies, a a motile vs eel lng friend liniments imum-nt* andvarit ana various nia re a friend who whoarmpi sympathised ed with with uuy my helpless helpiet condition, said tome: Swift’s ... „ 3: ipeolflc and ” Why don’t you get Bd If It (1 use It. I will guarantee a cure, nothing.” an n-.t the medicine shall cost you 8. 8., after I at once secured the and using It the first day, had a quiet night and refreshing reshlng sleep. sleep, In a week I felt greatly and beneflttea. [tea. In In three thri weeks I l could could sit sit up up ana walk walk about about about the the the room, r room, and and after after using six bottles ties I I was was out out and able to go to business. Since ;e then then I I hav have been regularlr feet from at my nine pc •ost to of duty, and stand on my ten hour* v day, and am entirely free from frem pain. Thoso are the plain cheerfully ami simple fuels all In my case, and I will answer inquiries relative thereto, either in person or by mall. Thomas Markilu*. U W. 18th streets New York City. NashyilM, Tin* — I have warded offaw- ▼ere atta- K of rheumatism by u timely where resort to Swift’s relief Specific sought In all this cases medicine a per¬ manent U com¬ mends Itself for a constitutional treatment that thoroughly eradicates the seeds of ills- ease from the a *£ev."\V. P. P. HiFtRMOK, D. Sew York. 51 7th Av*.—A Poison fter spending $2<JU to be relieved of Hlood w ithout any Iteneflt, a few bottles of Swift's* Specific worked a perfect cure. C. l’oRTKft. Viknha, MS, Oa.—M Ga.—M y y little little had girl, girl, scrofula aged aged six, six .and and the bov, aged four years, In Worst ami sickly. aggravated grarate* To day shape. they They healthy were and puny ro are bust, oil tne result of taxing 3. S. S. Job T. Collier. Lady I.ak*. 8rimm Co.. Fla.-Y our s. 8. B. lias 8 fh J' t»roved r a wonderful success in doubt. my oas**. se. The cancer on my face, no would 1 have have sooi soon hurried me to my grave- I do think It U wonc iderful, and has no equal. ti. 11. " Byrd, livED, Postmaster. Post mast< Waco, Trias, May 9,13vS3. ft. S. Co., Atlanta, Oa. : Gentlemen-Knowing that you pleasure appreciate ▼oluntary testimonials, we lady take customers has ia stating that one <>f our regained her health by the use of four large bottles of your great remedy, after having been an Invalid for several years. liertrouble waa extreme debility, caused Sc Co., by adlseasc pe¬ culiar to her sex. Druggist*. application. Three books mailed free on All druggists sell 8. S. S. Bfkcific Co., Tint Swift Drawer 3, At Junta Oa. hew York, 756 Broad way. Tutt’s Pills RflmnlalcNllictorpiil IliedlgoMhc liver. regnlatestiic Mrengfh* ens orgwns. bowels, uu«i are uueqiialed as an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. In malarial distrlrls their vlrtneaare widely reeognlxed, a** they possesN pec¬ uliar pr«>pertioN lu freelnic the syNtvin coated. from that Done poi«on. Miuafl. Klegantly Price, Wu^ur 25cts. Sold Everywhere. Office, 4 4 Murray St., New York, EXCURSION RATES. What li Will Cost to Go to Macon. Co¬ lumbus and Augusta. The Central railroad ollcts the following kctirsioi] rates to tho Georgia expositions: TO T1IK STATE F UK, To be held at Maeorj, Gu., November f»th o Niiveinber 10th, inelusiv, Btirnesville. ...... Milner ...... 1. 50 Orchard Hill............... 1 00 Orlflln................ 1 . 70 Sunny Side . ; .85 Brooks Hampton 1 1 .95 HO St it tion . Senoia..... 1> H These rat< s im irnh .idmis-ion I » K;;ir ground. ( hihlreti o\* r 5 y .irs old and un¬ der 12 Half 1 iekets will be pho < d on sale Novdtnl.*rr -Ith to 10ih. ::: i : 1, -: V t*. good to retura until N* veni' e- dh. inelil TO THE ' HATTAlD'OeiiF.i: E vPOSITK N. To be held at (’oiumlius i*a., N 'vmher 5th to Ihu'.emhcr 1st, it<< in-;Ye Barnesvillc — .... . ’>110 Milner. ..... 3.30 Orchard Hill -I ‘V Snnn y Side f»0 Hampton ... .40 Brooks Station. • V5 l enoia.... 10 Thf-e iiiflnde streetcar fare :n:d ;id mU-i-ei lo ]• xj'ositit.n minds i h dren over .7 \t .* * and under Pi ye . h.-et rate-. Tickets \\?ii be phie< 1 on s.»!•> November Htt. f«» ;1 ludu-ive, ;'i- >1 1 iv tin n o>, ami until Heceniher 2d, ine ! ;u.ive. To TUE A l lil STA \ A T n > N A I I.U'UMTION To be held at \uuusl;!. Ga , Ncvt-nd er s tti to December iMh, incinsix Barnesvillc . ... ^4.9o Milner. >05 Orchard Hill. . o 15 Griffin . 5 2*5 Sunny Side .... 5 40 Hampton 5 4.5 Brooks Station 5.50 Scnoia...... 5 05 ^ The rates iueulde transfer e.mpoi:^ t«> and from ttie Exposition, and also admission coupons to the grounds, t hildren over 5 years and under 12 years, half rates. Pas*en¬ must pmrehaac tickets before getting on train, aa voneuetorswid not be authorir.e'd to tlie above rates 'I ieketg will be on sale November 7th. and continue on sale until and including December 1,5th, unless otherwise ordered Ticket* will limited five days from date of sale, tent n no case later than December 17th, 1888 K T CHARLTON. Gt n. Passenger Agent. MEASURES. Rrind children pick their now, their teeth, reetleee, nnnaturai in their appetite, thr\ a* likely troobled with B.A.Fahneitockk Worm,, prompt mea* aboula be taken and kuuratUj be riven then chiIdfro»3«th accordinr to direo a u4 yarn tweet child from — early rrau Georgia Midland RR oiul U«**ai I-lite With Throujfftk Co«»<*H cm Between COLUMBUS and ATLANTA. ONLY ONE CHAN'.K TO New York, N asli vilie or Ci neinnatl. SO. 50, rarafsoKB, SOUTH. Leave McDonough..... ...... 7:30 a. m. (Jriffln.... .....8:15 “ ......... “ .......8:25 ” .......... Columbus ...... NO. 51, PASSESaEK A8li Mail . NOHTU. Columbus..... 1.415 |>. m. Griffin.................... 3:at>. SO. 53. P4HS*?iOKK A8H MAIU, SOI Til, Griffin..............4ff»p. “ m. Coiuuabna............ -...7:0 5 SO. 53, I’ABSENOEB, NORTH, Colnrnbua............. 4:10 p. in. Griffin...................7:M *’ “ 7:'J0 MeDonough ..... SO. 1, FRKTOHT, N0B1H. Columbus.............. . 7:00 a, in Griffin................... 1:25 p. ro “ 2 ;30 •’ ................... McDonough............ 3:35 *‘ NO. 3, FBEWHT, SOUTH M e DonougU........... . .7:45 a.m Griffin .8:50 “ ... ............. “ .9:35 “ ................... Columbus.............. 3:30 p. m M. E. GRAY, Supt. C. W. (.HEARS, Gcn’l Pass. Agt, Columbus, Ga. New Advertisements. Sf’CMT C WANTED. Write Geo. A. Sau- I O horn, Sec’y The Boffaix) Mo- hat, Accident and Sick Benefit Associa¬ Buffalo, New York . ».« Jfm England Mtdieal Journal Lwiyl: v “ w alea’ IN V IStBUE Sound Disc. i tor deAfneM, coneeatrstA* sound nni ’ J on the drain. »nd outrank, nil d«vicM grant of ’’ of oar »*• and it, WALES, poMlSUltiM Bridgeport, nr* Cti For nni* by B. B. $525 Aqents’ profits per month. Will prove it or pay forfeit New portraits just out. A $3.50 & sam- Son, pie sent free to all. W. II. Chidester ’38 Bond St., N ■ Y EXHAUSTED VITALITY THE SCIENCE OF LIFE, the great Medical Work of the age on Manhood, Nervous ami ( Ptiysical Debility. Premature 1 Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untold miserk-seonsofiuent thereon, :so payes 8vo, !S5 prescriptions for all diseases.. Cloth, full gilt, only $1.00, bjl tuail, ____ sealed, lllustrativo sample free toalljoumr sed middle aged men. Send now. The 0.,id ami »o. welled Medal awarded to the author l,y t|„. Nl t’.njd Medical . Association. Address p. o h .,, J«)3~doston, Mass., or Dr. W. II. PAItKKK, grad. Uateof Harvard Medical College,»years’ practice *" Bvwtcn.who may be consulted conflda:tlallv. Sneetaltr.Disease,, f Man. Offltn,No.4Butr.nch$r ‘4 ^3Cicun-.fcS HAIR U&LSAiW Hcl 1. ;.'i!ii. ;s the hair. iRrotnoics a luxuiiaiit growth. I iNever Fails Youthful io Restore Color. Gray Hair to its biut-lniir and hair falling r* t”v. a:»'l yl brtig triNfs. MARVELOUS DRY ’3COVERY. toy hook learned in one reiiding. Ylinil nanderinx cured, SfteakiHi: nlilioui notes. I*ir»€ s rondetinirflli.r toupr«*ii»#» Court* inti luetnenli to i»rre*po.\c« clusses. Win. A. Prospectus, with ■ billions of Dr. IhuiiM nml. the wniM famed 8| <•< 1 nli.-t in Mind di*ea-t'*, Pniiid lireenh uf Tiiunij tin* grout Psvt holou^t, J M Hm kl*-y, !> D. Kditnr of Die Chri-tian Advocate, Kiehartl Prootor, the. Scientist, Hons Juduo (»il»4on, Judah 1' Henianiin, X. ami others, sent post free b v Prof. 1J>ISKTI’K, “i*>7 Fifth Ave. New York. HINDERCORNS. The only »n nr© Pure for Corns. Stop*all liiscox pain. A Co., F.nsur** N. Y* comfort toth< u' foot 1 >C ai Druggihts. PARKER’S GINGER TONIC The best of all remedies tor Inward Pains, Colic. Indiges¬ tion. lixlmustioii and all St nn- arh and Bowel troubles. Also 4 Coughs, the most Colds, ctTc tive l»ron« cure bins and f«‘r| I affetlions If of tli« refreshing brathiag^ organs. improves pt'-'inotes the sleep appetite, overcomes nervous and pro.strati streng’h >n, and give* new life lo the weak arid aged, soe. and $i.oO, at Drgguists. MASON & HAMLIN ■ The cabinet organ was introduced in its present form by Mason <fc Hamlin in 1861. Other makar* followed in iho manufacture of these instrument*, bat the Mason A Harniin organs have always main* ialned their supremacy as the best in the world- < oneonailed I Mason <fc excelierce Hamlin offer, of their as demonstration of the tT^ans, the fact that at ail of the creat World’s Exhibitions, since that of Paris- 1S67, lr. I I RAA IJ 1 B ft ml ||||compet \*ersof itiozi with Dost have! mak I || III all coun- tries, they highest^# I Whonors# invariably tak¬ en the llw si « IUqa* trated catalogues f*22 TO £900. free. * Mason «& Hamlin do not hesitate to make tha *X- traordmary claim for their pianos, that they are excellence an peri or to achieved all others. by other They leading recognize the !ntS« high makers art of niano building, but still claim saperlonty. This they attribute introduced solely by to the remarkable im¬ provement them 1n the year 1889, and now known as the “Mason <fc Hamlin Piano Stringer,’’ by f* LJ 1 | fi ft llj S I VV the use of which Is secured ti; || I llwl P 08 * Bible tone, purity together and r I |U I fl Ira If g v I Ja %/with refinement greatly in¬ of creased canaci- C2AKD k r?SIj2?. ty for standing in tune and other important advantages. A circular, containing testimonials from three hundred purchasers, musicians, catalogue, and tuners, sent, together wii h descriptive lor to any applicant Piano* and Organ* aold cash or easy pay¬ ments; also rented. , MASON BOSTON. & HAMLIN NK1V ORGAN AND PIANO CO. v YORK. CUiCAGO. ^ Grateful- Comforting. EPPS’S COCOA BREAKFAST. “bj thotouirh knowlvdce of the natural lau- .. i> govern the oparations of diges timi an J nutrition, and by a oarvful apolica- ih n of the lin<‘ propertie.- of well selected (Vacoa. Mr Epps has provided i ur provid¬ ed oar breakfast tab'es with a delicately flavoured bevcraiye which may save us many heavy doctors'bills. It is by the judicious use of such article of dietthata constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating us ready to attack wherever there is a point We may escape many a ta’al by keep ngourselvee well lortitied with blood and a properly nevti ished frame." Service Gazette, milk. Sold Made only simply half- with water or in tins. Grocers, labelled thus JAMES KIM’S A GO.. Homompathic Chemists, London. England. W • III! - UNTIL 1st., 1889 WILL BE A Grand Bargain Day! 3VCy Store I We have a large choice stock, with new desirable goods, coming in on every train, that we are determined to convert into money. Now is your time to Secure Bargains! Jill "titf ■Hqk&h t, i-i Mi • -TS fe’YL. o Received on yesterday one Jot of LONG WRAPS at 80,50 worth 810. Few childrens* Wraps to he almost given away. WILL ADD SEVERAL DAR6AIN COUNTERS the present week. Look to your interest by giving my stock an inspaction. BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, JERSEYS, ETC. Shoe Department! Special prices on A/., ail Shoes to reduce stock. lot of Eagle e Shoe Uo. Shoes just received. Best ? Ru worth id,50 to $7,00 that enumerate we will sell ___ at $5,00 Come to $5,50. Haven't time to more. see E. J. PLEMISTEB. ii.S.L. State Lottery Company Incorporated by the Lejfialature in 1858 ’ >r and Charitable purposes, ul franehise made a part of the present Constitution, in 18TC, by an over¬ popular vote Its G KAN 1) EXT RAO RDINARY DRA W- take place Semi-Annually, (June and and it* GRAND SINGLE Nl M - DRAWINGS take plat# on each of the other tan months in the year, and are all in public, at the Academy of Music, Orleans, La. We do hereby certify that we supervise the for all the monthly and heiui- Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot Company, and in person manageand and that con th« the Drawings themselves, are conducted with honesty, fairness in good faith toward all parties, this certinca^ and we the Company to use fac-similesof oursignatuies attached in advertisements.” Atm. Co mm tut oner#. We the undersigned Banks and Bankers pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisian* Lotteries which may be presented at ooun tors: J*. W *IMSlBr-Pn*. La.tsl l B. 14IUIX, Pro# Bf into Mat 1 Bk. BALDWIS.Pro#. JX. O.Mat’l Bank A HI. In OHM, Pro#. K aion M’l Bank Drawing At the Academy of Music, New 18o8, Orleans, Tuesday, Ltecwimber 18, PRIZE, $600,000, 100,000 ^ieketa at $40: Halves $30; Quar¬ $10; Eighths $5; Twentieths $2; For¬ $1. LIST OT PHIZES.. 1 Pbizecf f600,000 is.......... $000,000 1 ViiiZR of 200,000 is.......... 200,000 1 Fuizeof 1C0,000 is........ 100,000 1 Pkize of 50,000 is.......... 50.000 2 Prizes of 25,000 are......... 50.000 5 I’kizes OF 10.000 arc......... 50.000 12 Pbizeb of 5,000 are......... 60 000 35 Phizes of 2,000 are......... 50.000 100 Phizes of 800 arc......... 80,000 200 Prizes of 400 are —,— 80,000 500 Phizes of 200 are......... 100,000 approximation pbizes. Prizes of $1,000 arc............. 100,000 do. 800 are.............. 80,000 do. 400 are.............. 40,000 Three Ncmkeh Terminals 99 Prizes of $800 are ............ ..*79,200 99 do 490 arc............... .. 39,*. 0 Two Ni mhkh Terminals. Prizes of $’300 arc.............. .*180,000 180,000 do. 300 arc............. . Prizes of amounting to.... . $2,118,80( For Club Rrates, or any further informa¬ desired, write legibly to the undersign¬ clearly stating your residence, with County, Street and Number. rapid return mail delivery will be as, by euclosing an Envelope bearing full address. Send POSTAL New NOTES, Exchange Express Ordinary- Money or York in Currency by Express (at our expense) to M. A DAUPHIN, New Oncans La or M. A. DAUPHIN, Washington, D. C. Registered Letters tc MEW 4>RI.EAMN M ATOM AI. It AM 14 New Orleans, La. REMEMBER Tbal the presrnett of Urarral, Brunrsfaril and Early, aha are in charge fairness of the a guarantee of absolute and integrity, that the chances are all equal, and that no one can possibly divine what numbers will draw a Prize. REMEMBER, also, that the payment Prizes is GUARANTEED BY FOUR NA TI -NAL BANKS of New Orleans, and the Tickets are signt J by the President of an In stitution whose chartered rights are recog aired in the highest Courts; therefore beware of all imitations or anonymous schemes. S W. IMM k SONS, WHOLESALE AM* RETAIL DRUGGISTS J CRIFFIN, CEORCIA. of We guarantee tlie purity our goods and make our prices lower than compe¬ tition. HOTEL CURTIS li BIFFIN, GEORGLA, Under New Management. A. G. DANIEL. Propr. I <* t< u n al" trains. feblSdty ADVERTISERS Mh learn the exact cost ; : n proposed line o .tisiiigin Americai. pa t ;ers hy addressing ' ieo P. Rowell Sz Co., '•’’cwhpapf.r Advertising Bureau, iO Spn* + Jt., New York. SrinU U vt *i *o»* lOOPag* pAfOphlef WITTIEST, PEOP^^i-Vrc« PRETTIEST JUVEHILE8 QUEER GUkJfTS A WrNGB A FAWB * GOBLINS BTT7IGS CLAWB $1.0* 7*c. • 1 00 Bit M j Hlopnnent of the Trof and the Horn • Full of the odd*-»t rrnuka rlin rmiti# stnri, I n u«h-»ro v akin# Ulunirationn im«Ben#»ly. by th» I’rln 4 Juvenile artists 8rUin( folk. utUi ,.vA dr 1 r: nnr of It : " n *o., my Httl* for! ' Hon. Clinton B. Fin#. "Dtmlinmd m< mother ■ \ 4w To CLAil’S BUSINESS C0LLE8L KBXK, PA.. 'SSESZ&ZXSZ A » MlBtMtt thin Of. p#p*r. .".w'*sa