The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, December 04, 1888, Image 2

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i.Afi«f JUitlXEE. Ml Ur * .««.«---------- UrMm, B i in h, Ore, «, 18»S. OBcial Piper of Spalding Official Paper ef the City of Advertlolag Bote*. DAILY-On* <UlUr p*r »q«*re t#r •ret insertion, and fifty osntti for esob MqSMt Mt. T*B tin** or 1*m to b« ; WSwS^HOTlCBS No in**rtion 10 oont* oader p«r tin or ***** insertion. ImI tor Im* than SO oonu. All (or Iom than on* dollar mut b* paid for njtl rata* will b« mad* with If tw oontinn* th*ir Tom Cebb Jackson, who recently nude sucb an awftil effort to figbt a duet with another Atlanta man, wsnt into • aborning gallery the other night and while attempting to hit the target shot a bole in hia .igbt foot. Theae Atlanta tiuelists are terrible Mh ""' People are withdrawing from the Army cf the Republic and from the National Woman’a Chria tian Temperance Union becanse tboae organizationa devoted too aach attention to politic* in the re cent election, and it ia no donbt true that tbe pnrpoaea of both coaid be eerried oat betier by letting politic# aloae. Preeident-elecl Harrison aaya he has big eara aod a very little tnetuh —in other worda, be ia liateoing while othera are talking. lie lay*, further, that bo ia looking about him carefully, and doea not propoae to •ffer, promise or appoint any man to office for some time to come, and will not follow the course of aome Pres! dents, who have given away in ad¬ vance more offices than were at their actual disposal. These are tad words for the hungry brigade. The bagging trust baa sot realized tbe bonanza it thought it would. Though tbe priee of jute bagging wue advanced very greatly, tbe have been very far below the usual fall average. There are twenty four toriea that manufacture jute bagging to the country, and of these sixteen are shut down by the trust, in to limit tbe aapply. The of sixteen with the combine will minate on Jan, 1 next, however, and after that date it ia probable that price of bagging will be reduced satisfactory substitute for jute bag giag will probably out into the of the truat yet more extensive y in the future, and tbe substitute will manufactured from southern materi al and ita manufacture will give *m ploy rnent to southern people. Replying to the question ‘‘.Should women propose marriage! 11 the Rev. l>e Witt Tulmage answered: “Why, you are centurieH too late in asking that question. Women always have proposed, and always will propose. Worda are very weak things comp* r ed with womanly affability and Jove lines*. The most splendid being on earth is a good woman, aud when, with ail her attractiveness, ah# makes up her mind that it would be well for her to be the wit# of aome good man. and that it would be equally well for h<’n. she captures him easily as a regiment c.purree one corpor il. It does not make any d fference whether her tongue proposes or not. her eyes propose, her smile proposes, b»*r mod- of ettiering a room pi opus «#. Until a tnsn get* m propoei tiou of that style be had better not make « proposition of ins own unless he wants to be made to feel i in n Iona die rest of bis hfetime.*' NO l THE it* ENTERPRISES, special reports lo th* Mhi'tif .c lurora Record from all ju rlr of tbe south show that einee llie excitement attending tbe political contest ended, (tier# ia a very general disposition to give renewed attention to industrial matters, aud tbe outlook in all direc • tons point to an almost nnpreesdeut •d activity in the development of the south’s unlimited resources. A large number of tbe leading bankers of * New York and Philadelphia are now io Virginia making iuveatigatinti# as tw the opportunities for heavy invest mauls in that stele Work is being pushed on tbe t"on ship building J»rd at Newport New*, which will be the first eoterprtae of tbst kind south wf Maryland, act wbi-k will oonbi tee* be fwHwww-t by oiuere suit forth %stfwta Jivgotiatn/iis tn> pend aaothtr fuinsoe »t j put up at Hlnffton, Ala., and there re rumors of several o»n*r» at «Me # Birmingham, and elsewhere. Rome, Ga., ia to have a rolling null and cotton tie factory. In Laurel county, K>\, 10,000 acres of coal land have been purchased for $100 000, and two $25,000 mining plants aro being jut in. New Eoglmd capitalists mo making heavy invest incuts at Forth Woitb. and will build a cotton factory of 15,000 spin dies; a company tis* been i<rguoiz*d with a cupi'al stock of $3,000,000 to construct a deep wuUr harbor at Corpus Christ). Texas. Camden, S. C,, ia to hove a cotton mili to cost $400,000. Memphis a $100,000 fur niture factory; Meridun, Miss., a fnr niture factory Bolivar, Tenr., a woolen mill, and Fort Worth, Texas, a new electric jihuit; hirge granite qumries ure to Lo opaned at Austell Ga.. a $800,000 gold iu umg cornpu ny to operate in Cleburne county, Ala., has beeu charter) <1. Boston capitalists have commit ed, so it ia telegraphed, to invest $1, 000,00J in Birmingham enterprises, l'he activity in southern industrial in terests, which ia barely hinted at by these enterprises, which are but a few of the leading ones reported to the Manufacturers’ Record for one week only, is not confined to any one atute, bat exists over the entire south. Virginia and Kentucky threnteu to enter the field against Alabama in the development of di versified industries, in building cot ton mills, wood wot king estnblisu nients of ail kinds, and other enter prises that will add to their prosper) ty. Tlia Manufacturers’ Record feels safe in predicting that this win ter will see greater activity in indue trial development than ever before known in tha soatb, and that every one of the southern states will snare in this prosjierity. TIME FOR PF.RFORMAJil'E- A circular composed by a working man whose vote was decided in the recent Presidential electior, by th* promise* of “plentiful work aud high w*g*s’’ mad# by tbe leader* of the successful party is being scattered abroad throughout Pennsylvania and other manufacturing States urging workmen to combine and organiz* to get what they have been promised. Without a resolute demand upon Congrea* and tbe Executive there is danger, the wi iter fears,that the ante election engagements will be forgot | ten. He appears to have no doubia as the wisdom and feasibility of the plan of enriching the people by tax* lion; bis only solicitude iathai vic¬ tory at the poll* may be followed by neglect to ficcuie the blessing* high er uxea would produce, “A t • w President and Congra a. n* ’ “have •>eetl‘el*cted bj v>.nr \ •> e» on promise* which, il keju, will •ciuie emjiloymenl at higher wag. * lo ©very working man mid eotniort mid abundance in every workingman’s home. These promises, if kep', vvt: 1 bring a long era of good 1 ini s, wuh plenty and bappineaa to every home in the land. But there are tiliradjr signs that you will be cheated unless you continue to demand honest treat merit.” Of thr»e signs two uro en¬ umerated; first a revival o! !he ink of u#intf ,| 1( , su ,pl us in the federal treasury to buv lionfls at the bmul- holder’* price, snd second, the pro- posai #f the Itejiublican St-nate (o pas* a bi|) to reduc# the revenue. Both, tbe author of the circular maia-- t«uis, are inconsistent with the idea on which the country was '•anted for Harrison. “ WUtkint; nen ! ’’ he cries, I “don’t Je chea'ed. It is nut tine thai the naiinna! revenues sie exces sive. li is not true that tlie surplus siioui)l !■« cut oft. The true inteiests of thecmintiy demand tiiat th» sur¬ plus he in. (eased to *1 ieaal 4L’0(F, 000,000 ayeai. At lesst thst sum tnus 1 he s-j.e! ' iq i-n usetnl ami r eces i.irv jiiihlu- works so s*'O < nrr o the wOla'O.^no • "I - V in *•» oh at titl- dant ( inpio, no o' a ii • • Ai > .can W il^e * , ! I; it is >V I :. ■ ' X I . ri lor -to'eet n \.ti*-. ii w rknieu and set ure L tn > inj nr t ' »l good Autsriran '’ wages A aiun wli" Im- jiraotlciHl know -alt tin di, from ine for to years, ouirht to sugar; read wlmt he says lei mo. )>.. !0, IvsT. Messrs. K. J. Cheney A Co —Oentlemen • I have been in the uem'ral era. Uee of mt',1 ieine for most 40 years, unit woolil any that in all my practice and experience, 1 have prescribe uever aeeu n preparation that eon Id with as much eonfldenec of success as I can Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by you H »v# prescribed it a j-reat many times and its efl ct is wondsrfni.and would say in eon elusion that 1 have yet to find a ease of (’n tarrh taka it that aeonrdinsr it would to not directions. cue. if they would j Your* Truly, OOK8UBH, il l. L M. # OtHee, S15 Summit 8t We will give hi $ lot) for any ease of t atarrti ! that ian not cured with Hall's Catarrh; Sure Taken in’ernally F J. CHFN'r YAC5U . Crop*,, Toledo, " j l-0~ Hold by HruVRiats, 75e nov« l m S, SMTITKMU (M* Mn) AJtfi Dl j 1 * » eon*tltntion»l dl##*.sa, raii’fj by sorr.fR- lou* taint In the blood. Hood'* Harsa|.arlU», being a constitutional remedy, purifies tlio blood, bauds up the whole system, and i-ei- aaaontly cures catarrh. Thousands at people who suffered severely with this disagreeable disease, testify with pleasure that oatarrb Can be eared by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Mr*. AUrod Cunningham, Fallon Avenue, Provi¬ dence, It. I., #aya: “ I have suffered with catarrh in my head for years, and paid out hundreds of dollars for medicines, but have heretofore received only temporary relief. I began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, and now my catarrh Is nearly cured, tlio weakness of my body is all goue, my appetite is good —ia fact, I feel like another person. Hood'* Sar¬ saparilla is the best medicine I have ever taken, and tbe only one which did me perma¬ nent good. 1 cordially recommend U.” A gentleman la Worcester, Mass,, who wa* Cured Of catarrh by Hood's Sarsaparilla, says : "I would not take any money, d consideration for the good one bottle did ine.” If you are a sufferer, do not put off taking a simple remedy till,your bronchial tubes or lungs ar* affected, arid consumption has gained a hold upon you. Be wise In Umc! That flow from the nose, ringing noise in the ears, pain in th# bead, inflammation of the throat, cough, and nervous prostration will bo cured if you taka Hood’s Sarsaparilla ■sill by *11 drnggius. gl ; »U for *5. Prepare# br C. I. HOOD £ CO., Apothecaries, Lowell. Mas*. IOO Doses One Dollar An Important Announcement About slv while at buphif't. 1 midti. Rly Htt»r'*t‘-a WITH liantls. Pirrnnrir^ S»>6ever« lu my Teel, kne.*» and ilio attack that I took my bed Immediately, joiut.s s iuJ in two or three day* tbcfriiaturp.lFlie, my were 8vvo»li*n to aimofit double nr.fT^r a: ,nd dleftp n an driven from me. Aft- r the most excruciating pain other for remedies, a week, tr liniments and various help a friend w * ho ho sympathised sympathy with my lens condition, said to me: Rrrlft’s Specific and “ Why don’t you get use it. I will guarantee a cure, aud ud if ir it it does re t the medicine sl»aU coat yt»u 8., nothing, after i at cnce once secured Becurei! the the 8. 8. 8. ». 8.. ana ana using it It the tbe first first day, day, had had a a qu. fjultt I felt night Ight groaily and and refreshing Bleep. In a week oould ild and nefitted. lu three weeks I filt filt up up and walk alk about about t the the the room, room, and and after after using using six six bottles I wuj is out and able to go to business, luce then I have been regularly from at my nine post of dutv, and stand on my feet to ten pain. hour* These * day, the and plain am entirely anti simple free from fact* In are my case, and I will cheerfully In answer a 1 inquiries relative thereto, either person or by mail. Th mam Mahkiu.ik. 11 W. mh street, New York City. Nashvitt,*, TfVk.—I hAve warded ofi* a se¬ vere altark of rheunt»T‘tiMii by a timely resort to Swift’s Specific. In all eases where a per¬ manent relief Is sou : hi this medicine com- meuds itself for a constitutional treatment that thoroughly eradicates th© seeds of dh* eato from the sy» lu »ein. D. v. w. P. Harrison, D. New York, 51 7ni Ant~Aft«*r !'• spending to’ lw» D-iieved <f Blood W-'U without any benefit, a few b*»tUo» of Swift’s Specific worketl a perfect cure. Pobtsh. Vienna, Oa.—M y little girl, aged six, and boy, aged four year*, had scrofula in tha worst aggravated To shape. they They h* althy wore aud puny and tdcklv. day "of are ro Lustt all the result taking 8. 8. 8. Joa T. Collier. Laot I.akic, flr'MTFR Co.. Fla. Your S. 8. B. )>u» j.roved a wonderful (success In my case. Ti n cant er « ti ny face, no doubt, would have soon hurrb-d n«e to my grave. I do think Jl 1- v. ontJerfui, and Postmaster. no equal. B. . ii. li. By By h hd, Atlanta, %Vaco, Texas, 3Iay 9, 1888. 8. S. Co., fa, Ga.: that that appreelate Gontlen jen Know Km .owing lng you you appree ▼oluntarv testimouiais, itlmt OuiiUS, we we lady take take pleasure pleasure has in la stuti ing f tha that one one of our customers regained Ined her her health health bea l»y by the the its® u»o of of four four hmviii large larji bottles of or your your mr great great s remedy, remedv. after alter having been i an an invalid i :id ' ’ fo fi»r * at* prfl Qrnl I years. yr;ir«. Hertrouble . was extrem debi d. Hlt> iity, sed by atHsense jm> Collar to hooka he set mailed Wi: A’JM.H [led & v' 1 '., , application, Druggists. ngg: diet Three (Too fri ojq Alt iii u©*lsta ell r 1 ’HK i SrErtno C0 . Dr ro v«t • rA'ianfa C, A*ia Gil Ncu Y urk/.yi Broad wi Tulfs iitimiilatea flic torpid liver, ens flie (litfeNtive orgunt. bowelM, and are mieqiialeU an an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. In malarial dhiricis (heirvirines widely reeojfnize«l. an they po**ae**a uliar proper!ien in freeing from fliut poison. I hunotly routed. Dose Nmun. I’rtce, Soctit. Sold Everywhere. Ofliee, 4-1 3Iurray St., New New Advertisements TO ADVERTISERS A list of I* 00 nrM>pniMTr5 iJiuucd STATKsS AN1) SI « I'lO.NS will it- bent on application— To thoRe wliowant FRKK. 11><• :t«1 vertir*i*i • r lt to pa> w«‘ ' uii offer h<*< l etter medium foi r and effect iAU woik tlio ii tbe v non* -«’« * i <. >ns #{ our iSolev’t Loi'.i! I/-'. GKO. V HOWKL1. tV io , Nu a- t|vuj» r A«iv♦ *rti-i il? Hun t li) Sprnee -t pt <-t, \*» u York. Wi, \\t ah, X.rv- ou- l h Wi itatud nnd i ; from I • tn i a a 1 v u t) v * • ,i 1 th* try Kvil llabn i ! *.’:sil to Ln iiiatu t« I'• - '*”1’ I ~ *niiy, semi for i « ■ • » with part • u! it CiBi- liar -tfeoti It, aJ.Sa I’EMIH, »’d 1 *o I k ’ ire! Nitshvillb Trim. TlOVlIcitV V. J y DR. MOFFETT’S FEMALE MEDICINE Bv plrlug tone to a-d etrrnethenlng the Ttor- Ine by INDIAN ?tcm and building up thr general hralth. WISED enrri'cifi all IrrrgnUriHen and annoY Ing troubles from which ho many indies suffer. It given the weak, debit I tn ted woman iie‘Tllha:id strength.and makes aheerftil the d**sf»ondenL denresne.i in spirits. DI In change of | ;:< it.»ladv Safe sh-Mif-i be w ith¬ out IN v N \v i F. I >. li is and Unfailing, A&k your Uruggist. i: n i i)y, & Griffin rtl Hi; a. of DON'T losing child BUN by permitting 1 BISK v. ;r Worms to work out it» deatruclii ■ When a child fail* to sleep well, is restless, unnatural in its appetite and grinds it* teeth, yr.j have strong indication* of Worm*; the positive < ;re for thia it II. A# Fahnestock's Vermifuge* Ask your drugy »t for t: U f ti" c'v ' »o.iy save yont child from it* g rave J The Toy (he Child Likes Best *TP TTIK— ANCHOR * Stffljg Slocks* ^ Baal Stone. Three OoJere 1 arurraal'aaamrrStrektki reril Mterl I ' leu of ail are* ria» a«nes areregebra. m amBS3Ei * Co., The Georgia Midland Hit: mill Best Line With 'rhi-oiifiTli Conch »•** Helvv<‘<‘» COLUMBUS and ATLANTA. >>S I.Y UN K CH tNiil. TO Washington, New York, > ilSflVille ( IllOimiatl. . .. i or j V. -----r». ! s. -K Lave McDon. , 1 lie , L-«r ....... t-'JN " | Airive (‘“iiimbuj* ....... 11:23 ' j SO. at, r"(,' ft ,M» MAIL. SOUTH. Leave ! olumbus........ 1:05 p.m. Artivs Oriftin H.oVi “ .... so hi i'x.suenuek xsi> m tn., sot th, icivc (iritBn ____ ...406 p. m. ArrIV# Co'Uiabns..... .“: 0 j “ NO S3, I'ASSENOEB. M'BTH, LeaveF Cuhiinbus,............... 4:10 jj. in. Arifte GrilHn............... .7:14 " |jc:ive “ ...,7:-’U " Ariiv# Mt.Oonough .... s :d-' NO i, fscioiit, SOUTH. Leave Columbus ... . .. 7:00 jt m Arrive Griffin................. ls»p. •* m Leave " ‘J:30 Arrive McDonough............ 3:35 ‘‘ SO, 2, yaEl'iHT, SOUTH Leave McDonough...... ...... *:50 7:45 a. “ ra Ariive (iritlln ... ---- I^ave " y:t!5 “ Arrive Coitimbus . .............3:30 p. in M. E. <iRA v ', Hupt. C. YV. CHEAKS, Gen’l t’.,sr. A"t, Columbus, Ga. New Advertisements. IfTMTs WANTED. Write Geo. A. San- ■ Ll\ I O born, Sec‘y The Buvfaia) Mu- i at, ArcinzuT ast) Sn k Benefit Ashocia tion. BtitTaiu, N'. w York rtl, JV«e BifllanH MedPal Journal, “Wat 0 «MN V IStBt-S Sound Dl#o, • tor cone*atrat*« «oona w*tm ob th« drum, and outrank* all dfiylew or of oar agfi and it* po»»lblliti«* ar* $Tfiat.” Tot bj H. a. WALES. *rt<4«port, 0*. $525 Aceuts* profit per month Will prove it or pay forfeit New portraits juf-t out. A $3.50 sam- pie pent free «’*• W H. Chid ester A: Son, tm Bond St X V EXHAUi’.TED VITALITY rpHF. SCIZA’cy OK LIFE, tha Streat itedlca: Work jf ^ lt'\ of the age on Manhood, Nervonj .mi *■*■“*“•'* - Physical DeWUty. Premature l)idine, Errors of Youth, ami t he u n tokl miseries consequent iherron, ’Jtj i ages 8 vo, IJ 5 j ie.*ci li.ti ,ns for all diseases., i loth, full gilt, <ni ly *1.00, t,j OKTBm&SCfaZir mail,sealed. tllustraUvesample fre. p, a„'.l middle ag,M men. Send now. I lm n i,j 'j oeliod Medal „ -■ awarded to the aulh. r Iw t: p-'imj Medical Association. Address l\ 0. 1 !■<<■. Hostnn, Mass., Dr. ,,, or U.’. tr. I’AKKKIt, grad Uap-'.r Harvard Medical College,25yeundprec;lev In Tl.i itnii, trim may he consulted onfldwitUlly So..dairy. Diseases of Man. Office M„. 4 Bui: nchar If o' rSAib gAL.GA£V! It air. 4 • • tic--. th« Yen grow ih. Nevir F<. '» to ?ufhful Heatoro Color. Cray Hair t j U Y Pro, ;U 1 - - « dI hair-foiling *••_ an<i ■: i • • i <r Hirers'*. 4RVELOUS f f !SCOVERY. 4 m» I•»»»•• n«*«l in «n(* rcaitiiijf VI litst w .finala*ring currdi >Y|i<'stki«ii niiltout uofr*. I*iii»« fi tuiidcninvii lir fiujimm* C'otirt* 4. i isuliif f« < t»rrcsp«\< c CiiMfiCfi. " Priwju’etn•• with Dpiuioiis of Dr. m A . Itaimi •■),'!. (lit) «niM-fnmcu sp, (•■•ilj.-i in Vue! !:- -cs, tmni- ! Ttwmi -•>'» tie a" J I Pd.vTioo'irt'!, -1 'I I'-l Hey.:' I). I*dill>i of lie' (Tiri-tiai) \dvoc;ite, Ki irnrd I*i . t," : ciw;ti.-t, Huns .liiJirv iift)-(>n, .liii.ili 1' Banjauun. amt other-, -eat po-t ; r i.y |»rof. A. i.OISF.TI li, 2:'o Fiftl Ave. N. u V KSNDER CORKS. i* only sure Cure for Corn*. cemforttothefect. l.,c, aii-rugglrU. lliscox&c GEfi TONIC l he [< Cst <'{ ud t :• <i i'S Inward Puinfi ? C<)K*\ Indt^ tion. Esth lUNiion an . all Si »m- nch and i . Y. *. A!- ) , the most effective cur- t rl C ‘.’.ch’. f-cu.! ■, Hi s and I affections It of tee ref broalhing renting ^ organ*. improve* prom'»i:*s ti ..ppciite. \ slt'*p ■ overcom-:* iterN’otis Meand pros? strengil- \. t m a. and ptves new and $ »o the weak and at J. ? c. MASON & HAMLIN t he cabinet organ was Introduced in it* present roun by Mason & Hamlin in lsdl. Other maker# followed in tbe manufacture of these instrament*, btit the Mason & Hamlin Organs have always main. (Allied tbeir supremacy as the best ia tbe world, i Mason & Hamlin offer, as demonstration of th# unequalled excellence of their otwans, the fact that st Paris, all of the great In A World’s Exhibitions, since that of >aris. 1667, 156?, ORGANS FY rt (9 * | ^competition with best mak ersofa!! cotuv- tries, they have invartablrtalt- en the highest honorg. lUoa- traied catalogues §22 Tt> ,«!K>0. free. Mason A Hamlin do not hesitate to make the ex- traordinary tordtnary claim claim for for their their pianos, pianos, that ** -* they ----- *r« •operior excellence penor ccltence to to achieved achieved aii all othera. others. by by other other They 1 hey leading leading recognize rccogn maker* the In high the ffirt t of of piano piano braiiding, building, but but etiil still clffihn din enperiority. This they attribute eoieiy to the remarkable im- provemeiit introduced by ttieia In the year 198S, and now known ns the **M \-o\ A ITamun Pxaho P niivorn,” by ^ p G y ft the use of whidl Is secured theU B It ns 9 IV*greatest pos¬ sible purity arid r I gw ( 8 -^refinement of cre*«ed tone, together! C212fD • 18 8 Cr2I3H?. 1 \*r '|#witU greatly in- in capaci- ft ty for etandlng: tune and other important advantages. A circular, containing testimonials from thre# hard red purchasers, musicians, and tuners, eent* logether with descriptive said catalogue, to any applicant. Pianos and Organs for cash or easy pay¬ ments: also rented. MASON & HAML»N ORGAN AND PIANO CO. , HOaTON. NEW YOKK, CH1CAUO. Grateful- Comforting. EPPS’S COCOA BREAKFAST. ’•by thorough knowledge of the luttural Ir *"a .1’ govern the opuration^ of digtif o i, -..d liUiritioii, .*aidiiy a careful apn’*ica il, *t of the fbic propertie- of well selected •icon. Mr. Kpp* has |*r4»vid«xl • ’ir delicately provid¬ ed on breakfast « s with u fluveurtd lievcrage which may save n- m:in> heavy lectors' hi Is. It i- by the judicious line of sn h article of diet that a * on^tituti »n mny 1>* gradually Ha:it t.j»> until disease strong efiuugh to resist c vt ry tendency to Hundreds of subtle maladies are ii >aiin^ around us ready to attack wherever there ia » weak point VYc may escape many a ta'al Hsaft b) keepingoursolvtH well lortitied with pure Mood and a properly mm idled frame," —i boiling ivil Service water Gazette, milk. >k>ld Made only simply half- with or in pound tina, Gmeem, labelled thus: JAMES EPW Chemists, &UO., Uomceopa! otmMnc Loodv hie bBglffiSld. 4), winuftsywj* I sviy M p AST ALL PRECEDENT ! Over Two Millions Diatnbp’w.1 L.SL. Louisiana Lottery Compary Incorporated by the Legislature in 1868 <r j Educational aad Charitable purpose*. > ' ita franewise made a part of the prest '-t . Si a lo Constitution, in 11*19, by an over¬ whelming popular vote lis HKAMJ KYIKAOKI'iNAHY DRAW- INGS take emi- 'imuslR. ( June and luluT i. ;*i I it** l*IL\N 1 SINliLL Nl M- HKK DXAWINCS take place on each of the he other tm months in the j. ar, and are all in public, al '.he Academy of Mono, Orleans, U. •We do hereby certify that we supervise the for all tbe monthly and Semi¬ Drawings of Th* Louisiana State Lo) Company, aud in person manage and cot the Drawings themselves, and that th* are conducted with honesty, fairness in good faith toward all parties, and we the Company to nse this c erticen.o fac-similesof oorsignatuies attached ir advertisements.” CsuinlMlsnsn. We tne undersigned Banka and Banken pay all Prizes drawu in The Louisiant state Lotteries which may be preset ted st R. Iff. WtL.lfSLEl.Prea.‘1 H. *». LX.tilX. Plea Stare Mai 1 Hk. A • RA LltWIS, Prea. X O.SalT Bank CARS. HOIS*. Prea. Anion %'Ulaal Mammoth Drawing At the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, December lb, 1 bo 8 , CAPITAL PRIZE, $600,000, 100,000 Tickets at J40; Halves $30; Qua - - ers $10; Eighths $5; Twentieths #' J ' For- v “ tietha §t. LIST UT PRIZES. 1 Peizbof §CKX),()00 is......... $600,000 1 “it ,zb op 200,000 is......... 300,00b 1 Pbizkof H0,000 is......... 10)1,000 1 Prize or 50,000 is........ 50.000 2 Prizes of 25.000 are........ 50,CSX) 5 Prizes of 10.000 are........ 50,(01 12 Phizes of 5 000are........ 60.000 25 Phizes of 2,000 are........ 50.000 iOO Prizes of 800 are......... 80.000 2<J0 Prizes of 400 are........ 80,1 00 500 Prizes oe 200 are......... 100,000 approximation phizes. 100 Prizes of f 1.000 arc............. 100,000 100 do. 800 arc............... 80,000 100 do. 400 are............... 40,000 Thhee Js’cmbeb Tersii.wu.- «t Prizes of 1900 are............*79,200 99 do 490 are................. 39.6C0 Two Nvmeep. T'ehminai.s. 900 Prizes of $200 arc...............$180,000 900 do. '-‘00 arc........... 184',000 3,140 Prizes of amounting to......$2,llS,gO( For Club Rrates, or any further informa tior, desired, w rite legibly to the undersign¬ ed, clearly stating your residence, State, County, Street and Number. More rapid return mail delivery will be as- surred by enclosing an Envelope bearing your full address. Send POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange in Ordinary letter. Currency by Express (at our expense) addressed to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans Lx or M. A. DAUPHIN, Washington,D. C Address Registered Letters tc f(W OHUDX XcTUXAL BASS New Orleans, La. ntlYlLIVlDtn RUMPMRFR Tb “« « h ’* prvsvnc* <>i CJcnoral. BMBWiraril and Early. «bo are its charge ef the drawings,is a guarantee of absolute fairness and integrity, that the chances are all equa , and that no one can possibly divine what numbers will draw a Priz . KEMEMBKK, al»o, that the payment FOl’K of Prizes i« GUARANTEE!) BV \A TI NAL BANKS New Orleans, and the ticket** ,,r e ifiigiu i h> the Preeideiil of an In dtituticn whose chartered right? are recog ized in the highest Courts; therefor# beware of till imitations r anwnyiuous schemes. S W. lAMHAIt k WHOLKHAI.K AN I* HKTAIL DRUGGISTS, CRIFFIN, GEORGIA. of We guarantee the purity our goods and make our prices lower than compe¬ tition. HOTEL CURT IS 1 BIFFIN', GEORGIA, Under New Management. A. G. DANIEL. Prop’r. q? ■ • i) i el si iraitii. febtSdly iVBRTISERS rn the exact cost •roposed line o. oiigin American by addressing !> i Rowell & Co., i~->rr Ad"«rtiaing bureau, 'j r-yn- it , New Vwrk. • i* IOO-Ptgo P»**Ophlel WITTIEST,PRETTIEST JUVENILES QUEER PEOPLE PalmVrCx r.luprtnrn! ofthr Trog end the Mou* U .4 the a#<lr*( iTank., rharmln# by tbe sten. Prlx Isiiiah-pro.wliia# Juvenile arttet* Krllinn iminriiaely. J'i v of ® f It! |t i "ff ~ n s^i smi ny my Utils tutis fulka folia utld srssa im« vrifh d*U < iwublwnaatanjalmnt”— Hou. S teCox *FWn»-<.- ,-«Smf C»rte Umrn. ■ -Hi* HowHToal'V Ui ffl^22V^Wt£Bg£!1£ means Uk-II.IW CQLLKt ) 'Ai&'i if m sux, nu, r« r * . irtaS Ml - UAV - Fill - It UNTIL January 1st., 1889 WILL BE A Grand Bargain Dai! ZsZEy Store I desirable We have a large coming choice in stock, with new goods, determined on every train, that we are to convert into money. Now is your time to Secure Bargains! U w ;W liS Received on yesterday one lot of it LONG WRAPS i( at ^(>,50 worth MIO. Lew childrens’ Wraps to he almost given away. W|LL ADD SEVERflL BflR6A|N C0UNTERS tlie present week. Look to your interest by giving my stock an inspection. BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS. SHAWLS, JERSEYS. ETC. 1 hoe Department! r. j. Special prices on all Shoes to reduce h-uumj stock. ! , lot of Eagle Shoe Co. Shoes just received. Best $5,$® W*\ Ladies’ s’ Bolton Bi “ Boot in ------ the city for the money. such too manp Men’s Fine Hand Sewed Shoes in P®l worth lar mokes $<i,50 as, to $7,00 Hanans. that Emeisou, will sell Schmertlji* at $6,00 we $5.50. Haven’t time to enumerate more. Come see TP. T HIT MIS'