The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, December 04, 1888, Image 4

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THE iost goods for the least MONEY ! - -to- C. R. ANTHONY’S DRUG STORE, hsadqimktism poll DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, VABNWHESt ETC. J*bjrftlci*n*’ Ao#rriplloni •cctut^ly fio/jKYOdeu, day or nijrbt, iii-—-—--' r. 1 11 1 l,B,M 1 1 ““ * ______ Iton’t Buy I ntil You j Find out the New IM PR 0 V FO¬ •& MENTS. j I ! J Have the | middlemans PROFITS. •srSENDPOR CATALOGUE. J. Pi Stevens & Broi 47 White halt St.. ATLANTA, 'JA. Thanksgiving Turkey ! t * Give us your order for a Thanksgiving oysters, Turkey for Thursday. Will have .shell Savannah and Norfolk Oysters. Everything VA11 WRlltff c- W. Clark fc Son. HH ttrifti. «».. Dtp. 4. municipal announcements. For Mayor. J. A. Stewart ia the people* for hi» c*n didst* for Mayor. Vote — •ee that your ticket ha* hie name oa it. For Mayor. I am a candidate for Mayor at the approaching city election and ask the tote* ot my fellow citizens, whom I respectfully refer to my past lengreoord in the service of the city, whose best interests 1 shall endeavor to subserve if elected. Uespeetfully, BOYD. J.I). For Alderman. Edito* ^Vews—IM ease announce Dr. J. L. Moore as a candidate for Aldermen from the Firat \\ ard. end Oblidge Maw Citizens. PEOPLE'S TICKET. For Mayor, lion. J. D. BOYD. For Aldermen, lit Ward—W. B. HUDSON, and «• — M. F. MORRIS. 3rd ** — S.H. DEANE. 4th “ -R. II. DRAKE. For Clerk end Treuaurer, THOMAS NALL. Many friends, both white and col ored CITIZENS TICKET. VO» HA YOU, M*.i. J. D. BOYD. lOR ALDKKMKN, let W»r<l—J. L. MOORE. 2nd '• —J, D. GEORGK, « —s. H. DEANE. 4th “ —J, H. ROWELL For Cierk and Treaanret THOS. NALL. An Unpledged Candidate. I hid a candidate for Alderman from the Fourth Ward, and if eleotod Will endeavor to serve the best infer •eta of the ciiy. I am hoc er uo pledges to vote for any one for chief Of WJlice policemen or any other ’ H. POWELL. 0«ce. J- To the People Of Griffin. I am a candidate for rc-electiou to ibe office of Chief of Police of thia city. uitj. I * have served —• tbia -— p people -,. in marshal and chief . oi the capacity of C^^onJa b “‘ k ShLT“li charge the dutiee of my office. I ap peal to iny record and the financial agent* of tbecity a* to my fidelity to •eery trn*t reposed. I solicit aasriss alltSi duties of the office, if the cor ftdence of the public is continned. Reepeotfolly, T G. Mam.kv. Is Lire Ylcrth Living 1 lloir often doe* the patient l mother l who bu just laid away the little little one ooe Bat .Red from the effects of teething, nnk tbie question. If she had known of Dc. Bigger* Huckleberry Cordial, life might tbt have been brigbter. Ar Saturday, Bee. 1st. ^ •iymmI Turkeys Imported Jams All the Canned Meals and Fruits Craoter __*r/l#« Fine Celery. Mince Meat. •M Bava rn m c ot Java Mobile Plants. Norfolk and Savannah Oysters Brtaklaat I«a, Edam Imort*d Bd Swiss S*ai«8 and and Cream Cream Cheese Cheese lai lUMna Suck wheat Flour Maple and N. 0 Syrup. Red rrincti Prunes Thurber r fine Fruits, in heavy syrup *H kinds Fieh. Fine Cenfectionary. Nuts Raisens iSfMf.•*r*u>*' 9“**-U ’(mpoitedl iesr. jowl re BLAKELY 'BOUND A1J0ET. Kanin ( *M,nla| IPpopI. aid |.»* • rat I*wi Woiilp. TA1.X1KC IN 81.4KI.. She war » Boston maid of high degree. incande*<#nt With ryes that ghone like lights, such pouting tips to And Just invitee. ti» serins me The kies I met her o* the common'* grassy sod, Near where the fountain playe in erjuirtive mood. She stood reflective, while chewed. aplastic wad Of gum *he "It does one good to seek this spot,' 1 laid I, "When weary of the city’s hum and bur./..’’ She censed her waxle pastime to reply "That’* what it does." "This sylvan spot," then softly I averred, "Thr foot . - of ,y man , seems almost to defile. Here vciire came, »weet as notes of wood¬ land bird: "Well, I »hould mite ' The balmy breeze* whispering oveihead With such enchanting softness kiss th* brow ! ” Iu tnoesof liquid melody she said "You’re shoutin’ now “And have you noticed, fair one, how each bird voonl Seems here to choo*c .its sneetes U»mf" h»r word I dwelt In rapture ou every "I’m onto them." “Aud now the leave* like moving emerald* •eem, breeze they Wh*n in reepon*<: to th* sweet shake !” Her voice cauve soft as echo from a dream; 'They take the < ake.’ ’ I "Dost wander often ton sylvan spot, V’ Th* dreamy eenee of quietude to soek Soft purled her answer: "Wei', i takes trot 'Bo*t once * week In *onvt'r»esweet J lingered l>y her aide And felt that there forever l could dwell, And *« 1 left her Rfter me nhe cried "So long, old f*I 1 «m not viApturvU by her voift so rich, Nor with her lovely f*cc, ho fresh hiuI But willi \ht sweet dexterity with which Her xlang she eliing Today is return day for county esutt: Ab Cleveland Bpeat yt gterday iu Con oord liev. F. M. Daniel left yeaterday on * vi»it to Atlanta. Wjna Bethel, of Tbowaston, i* n the oity for a few days, Mrs, J. River* returned from* visit to Augusta ye*today. The old conuty farm will bo sold at public sale today. Mrs. E. i.. i rocker returned yester¬ day from a visit to Atlanta. Abner Payne and wife, of Hampton epeut yesteaday in tlie cily. , C*pt. W. C. Lyou*, of Macon, spent Sunday with Captain Shelian. Mw s a Sullivan, of Zebu Ion, w*» J yesterday J ' shopping, A. Moreland, one of Zebulon _ , , . * protm nent citizens, w*a in the oity yeeterdav. new candidate for mayor appears in onr tnn , ni n*cment column tin* morn ing. j Head and wife, of Bruehv, were in in , in* llt city n4t 'it ,» slmppiug tmr yester ta-we "... ..............- j frag* for John H. Mitchell for repreeen I t*tive. Mia* Fsuuie U*dtiway, * charming young l«dy of Milner, visited the city C ''T Harry Brows, of the Macon Budget, spaut spent Suudey Sunday with with hi* hia mother mo her Mrs. Mrs M R. Brown, of thin e ty, Emmett Boat wick, ot Atlanta w*» ib j the oity Sutdsy au«l vi-itcdone of <m- | V rot » eat - TQml * * die8 CrenwdS, of Davis Elder, of one Spalding county’* moat proup#roil* farm •ra, was iu the city yesterday J*ok Stewart left yesterday k>r Atl*u fa. Biff ttianv friend. wit) be glad to learu that lie a » Ip to atten ! to bn»i no»ff ac* n. VV. J J MiH» mid Uo J It. ' lilt tie >-Xj>pcta(l oa Uin f*»r oiaii tiita iu<> ini'K, Called by fhr> criin'ftl ifluee* i f Mrs. Etii bettr Mill*. Aims Atltiie Yarborough, a beautiful auil fuiciuatiug young lady of HTlJium soo, »»h iu (ha city visiting friend* and kiiopfiiug yesterday. i'at H. J. Andrews ami John H. .Mill* returned from a >eVfi», months visit to iVaytiealioro Tinter'.sy, > tier* tiiry have b,rv> buying cotto.i. Two f-icction days in anoceasioo make* a au,g time between drinks for o,.im wot,ny pitmens, fin '.iw doubt ie-» Ui to eonb'tupiabd ‘in'ti an K«' *! H. W. Hearty f Balmgbroke, vim ed Ins nude W. E. H. Searcy, Sunday, ttu<2 in oompHnj mth in* cou^iu WIN JjgUN called ou two <>|' our piattust young ladiee. ,», iiiui • is ft protty ,, gmxl - rule , to . follow: . ,, don’t repeat airy private tcuudai you may hear. Ten to one there i«n’t word of truth in it, and if there u, io re peat it 3au only do harm. W. VV. Walcott has a pair of bras* bound 8. eotacUs, l.tely turned over to him, that were brought to ttue country ou the Mayflower by a direct auceeter of his, MistreSa May Kggleatou. ohadrick Mitchell, an Orchard Hill negro, is said to be making a etill buut for the legislature today. Turn out and vote for the Democratic nominee, aud let there bo noVbance for any oilier to be elected. The oy Bier supper tor the benefit of the Baptist church will take place to night over the New York Htore, from 4 o'clock ]>. iu,, uuti! 11 o'clock p, m. Everybody ahonkl liberally patronize this good cause. Rev. U. B. Wilkinson, of Newunn, spent Sunday in the city aud paid the New* office a pleasant call, along Rev. F. M. Daniel, before leaving yea today morning. Both geutiemeu are a* sound in Democracy a*4bey are in re ljgion. Dr. Bradley preached a tonehing and elorpicnt farewell sermon at the Methodist church Sunday night. lie leaves for Conference this week. Wo stucerely trust that Dr. Bradley will Ue returned to us. Mr. Paul Flynt wul occupy tlis jzuljzit next Huiulay during Dr. Bradley’s absence. Mrs. Cora Smythe left yesterday her home iu Howell, Michigan, Bhe stated before her departure that tlioie was some probability of her meeting her hunbaad there, as he had intimated that snob was hi* miention iu a ie ter to her father. Blit- declared that it would be impossible for a dilation to take place, as her here would Boon begin proceedings her divorce from , mm. , The* Henry County Weekly *aye: •‘While we have never taken a chrotno as being tho handsomest specimen the unterntied.democracy , neither we, by reason of our erudition, »eh.nciior oi ii,. »*, ty, jot we ere more than ever e.l vnth the conviction that Editor aer, of the Gbiffin News is a ‘gol ed’ flue newspaper man.” The goes by this mail, Brother Speer. Vennor’n predictions, though in the pretty accurate, arc not infallible. But Bull’s Cough Syru\> was never known to to cuie a conjjh. Agricultural Society. Giuffin. tJiK., Dec. let, 1888. j The Spalding county Society mot at the office of the. rotary, S. \V. Blood worth It being its* regular meeting to point delegate* to the State tural convention which meet* Brunswick on th* second Tun lay Febuary next. Upon motion T. Ream?, P> N Barrow and J. Barne* were unanimously elected said convention. I’tier* being other special business the adjourned until the first Saturday January next, S o’clock j>. S NY. Blooiiwortu, Ptesidsct. J. H. Bunis Secretary. The pioiples and blotehee that your fare aud n*ck. sweetheart, are the min.tiou of nature’s effort* to purify blood Why not try 1*azador th c blood purifier Our Public Schoals Macon T legtaph. . With i,uu public puim- schools m-u which ' j j months i in h on v : ,-*»o e year. i gm is llot not liable to 1 ,. attract the ............ coantry to g Ul | freedom and u y f„r tlmma- ves and their children If we cannot u et the better clsss immigrants we do not want The legislature on^bi to paa.. billot Judge Hail to nipport echoo it foi an inonths in the ye If tht present legislature shall jouri without doinj, sotnethiu" improve out public school system fi e volet* of Georgia will Lave ri^hl U> feel that they tuivi s a,ndled kt n, « h PrpsidPIlf’H l rf hint III Wile” If j 8 M f„r ubead of any other floor lhe ma ,h*• t as Mn- «’levelind le , above a).’ eompetmou in tank b. ,utj. If. ipuuri « tb j the fact that it. sale 1 a not ' to a few, but it is sold by every . in Griffin. Re sore and order Prweulent's Wifa ’• acpild»m I Iresh Every Cake Day! Leave your order# with u#—they will be tilled by Mrs. Ida Judkins. Best Line of Cigars in the city. Call and we will save you money, J. H. Keith &Co UKO K. PRICK I 1 FOSTER. i Price & Poster, | ---okaLESS ---■■ tx- j ^0Q|§ Shoes, Upper and Sole Leather, French and American j ' Call Skins, Shoe Findings, Ac. Jas, Means’ and IV. L. Douglas’ $3 Shoes a Specialty. Ml Mnriettti Street, ATLANTA. VIA. S| 1 .iifention riven to visitors or orders from Uriflin ami vioinity by Mr. r^',, 1 " octl9dAw3in F() r THEY ASK THE QESTION WHY IS IT AND HOW IS |Yi T HAT J, H. White, Jr., & Co, SOLO SO MANY GOODS THE PAST MONTH ? j •J. If. White, Answer by saying its because they keep the j CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, ETC., BEST STOCK OF IN THE CITY, AND SELL THEM 1 j For A Smaller Profit ; SAME GOODS CAN BE BOUGHT ELSEWHERE THAN THE Their entire stock was bought from first bands and why should they Dot sell CHEAP 7 Respectfully, i J. H. WHITE, CO. LYJDDEN «£ BATES’ j Southern Music House, j SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. ) MK. B. it. CHiidb*, representing the above house is in (irifflu f<u a day? and can tie ] found at j BRAWNER, DEANE &. CO.’S j Book and music* .Store. Those wishing to buy a iirst-clae* Piano or Oman on easy terms and at low flgnrts will d* well to eonfsr with this gentlen an of long experience and known musical ability. A few ordeis for toning or repairing will receive prompt attention. , ... ■ .. ...... ... . .... ...... ... ...... . ..... ... ... ... i ■ ... ■ .............. . The Finest Griffin Ba s " strSSR^slnJiW^JK SASf m£. Wine-, Bier, Cigars, &c. The best Country Corn Whisky at the lowest possible prices Gallupon them if yon want ; THE (lech. «lm BEST LIQUOR IN TOWN. P. FAILLE, SR he Watchmaker and Jeweler, 52 Hill Street. Dealer in Watches, Diamonds & Jewelry. Call and 8*e all the Latest Novelties in Watche.", Clock* it Jewelry. s Ordinary's Court. The regular session ot (he < lidmary Ucurt wan held at Judge Uaniuicqul’s , offi c yesterdsy snd the Following chsss were disposed of; i 11. (.1. Burr, executor f t Rbi da H. Dor, granted leave to sell Un . J. r Brooks, S hninistratnr of Mil M. 1. Lawton, granted leave j U) #fi | | a|) j ra ij rogc j g!oe k. Jas. G. Matbewa, administrator of: A5r«. Josephine Padgett, yian'ed leave to sell land. ; Miss Mattie H. Darn*!,, appointed executrix of Mrs. Martha Darnell. j j Hunt appointed r r county .L antntrraior. M*tiah Tripp committed ! be asylum. bUt of betters. , A Iveitia.-d letters reiumutug m j po«toffice tt Griffin, fin.. Dee. i 3rd, 1888. which will be sent to the Dead Letter office if not called for • in 30 days : J. T. Burnley, (2). Satu-uel DeLoftcU Prof. J. B. Greenwood. Jno. Griffin. J. li. Hnicbii.soi-. Rev. A B Herrin" Mieft Mary rlixoii Mms Sy ■ it June* L II. Jeui ami. \Y I. Jones. J T. Joues Barto Johnaos \Ytu N Kierhow Jeck liii*' B. F Moore. M s* O X Taw.* Richard Yalcatio* M O. Lkiwj.oi*. P M j I Cwurrk ongiuste* m ecrotwtoa* u»«, Hood's HorsapsruU panic* Uic bln,id. »n4 the* |wewi*n*f»Ilr tow* e»fc»rrk Tin* View* of Hr, Powell. /, H. Powell, when int*rviewod *a to hi* sentiments ib regard to the im proveuient of the city, if elected a derman. say*; ‘‘I am i in m favor favor of of new new ligbi* I am ateo in fiworo. di*eh Rrg i ig any policeman who negieet* 1 " hi* 1 '* duty. To make ftcoDcise statement, I will say that I mean to pat forth every effort and earnest endeav orfi ^ or the advancement of the city a ent*re«t. ftOlA, m 5 AKlN C POWDER Absolutely Pure. This bowder never V*net. A marvel o rarity, urengtb &ad wholesomoeee. Mure iTonomiMi than the ordinary hind*, end c .n not be sold inoompeliitm with to mnltitu’* ^!owtot 4 .tort wei e ht,to»orpLosph..* pi'wn.* co., v* w*n,h New York ^ti-it*w!v-iop folgmn l» ? nr 4ti x*mer. I . IS if. THERE A I I For All Thnigs. I | OECLARES THIS TO BE THE PROPER TIME TO " -......-............ BUY HEAVY WINTER GOODS. ..... WEATHER HAS BEEN TARDY Inl>,Mtln8: inltsapl>earance ’ hut Scheuer. man & White have not been tardy in reduc. ] ing prices on all woolen stuffs. Overcoats Must Co ■ j I Too many on hand and we need the money. CL**»*. mas is nearly hesr, and if low prides will do it we ■ Will not have an Overcoat on hand by January 1st. Will suffer too. Nothing in our clothing department will be spared. Competition will say this is all non¬ sense, but come, see for yourself. PRICES WILL TALK. Woolen Dress Goods ! Will meet the same fate. This line of our business is complete in every particular, we have been nnnsn ally successful with our Dress (roods this season and w ould have no trouble in selling our whole stock at present prices, but we delight in LOW PRICES. - INF DELIGHT IN PLEASING OUR CUSTOMERS. and our cut prices for the balance of this season, can not fail to please every one. -tot— JAGRETS, NEWMARKETS, MOJESKAS. The largest stock of Wraps, both long’ and short, j n 3 [i ( | ( ]j e (Georgia. Our prices speak for themselves, jy g on jy nccessari to show our wraps themselves. and give our j ‘‘cut prices” on them and they sell i , FLANNELS, BLANKETS* LAP ROBES All minced, to kloso out by end of season. Carpets and Rugs! Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Three-Plys, Extra Supers. Ingrains. All made and Put down free of cost to the customer. We guarantee a '' we guarantee our prices, we guarantee the quality lo be equal to any in the world, ★ "STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT." ★ j I It ,, wise will longer delay, , . ont , you are you not * make your pnrchases at once. 1 ......nai x rtisiit