The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, December 08, 1888, Image 2

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. au(rHI,.iS OLESSffEK, E4it«r * Prop’r ,».S.*I.Y.(I*Advta**!r*f Oiu. HTKBSII.Y. Oa* Yaar............. tJrirn», ttssrgU, Df«. 8, 18**. Offlcial Paper of Spalding Co. Official Paper of the City of Griffin AdvcrtiaiuK Rato*. OilliV —One dollar par *qu»re lor the ■rut Inaertion, and fifty cent* for eaoh aub- nqQp&t one. Ton linffi* or I®*** to bn ootint SOTIOB8 10 sent* par tin or aaeh inwrUon. No insertion aider tlm head for than lea than dollar *0 cent*. tnnat be All paid insertion' for u for 1«M one liberal rate* will be made with partial to oontinna their advertteementr '°^£kKXV—-H erniate* ae for the Daily- dg> To escspstb* hungry horde* of of fioo-Mtokors who baa* of bteieg ed bits, Gan. Harrison b*s taken ta tba wood*. He took hia gun with kim, and will doamne ahootingakould any aaOtureoome fellow pareun kim. Tha graou jary of tha United States Conri. in ssssion at Indianapo iia, it said to be inraatigntiDg Col. w. W. Dadley’s notorious letter re farxog to tha porch### of voters ia “block* of five.'' Th# charge of ■ Judge Wood* to the grand jnry con ifiAoaa many that an indictment will be returned. A warrant for the tr toot of (Joi- Dudley ha* b*en in th* band* of tb# Unit*d Stute* M«r*hal for oororfil weeks. The Macon Telegraph b*» voiced ottr »i«w* »o well in the following par agraph that wa must publicly *ub aoribe to them: “We regret to le*ru that General Longatraat haa writtea a letter to Mr. Hsrrisos indorsing Mahons for a teat i» the Cabinet. Long*treet and Mahon* ware both Confederate general*. Whet, they joined the Republican party they were forgiven, aud now never allud- ed to by the Republic*!! pres* a* “rebel* and traitor*.” Thos* epi' theta are reaerved for ex-Conleder- ate* who are yet Democrat*. Bet there t* * wide difference between Longatreel and Mahon*. The fora* r he* never been besmircksil in tic*, end hu alway* preserved iWlMMlt of th# neor 1 * ■ mnnyr whom he lived. The worat thing wa ever heard of him is hia commenda¬ tion of Mfthoa* ta * man It to cupy a Cabinet effiae. THE RACK WAR IX OHIO. Cornier Journal: While the Noith ««B Republican organ*, in purpose to keep alive for •Qda sectional feeling against Sooth, are raving ab ut lawlessness and the wtonga by the Southern negroes, is it not littl* oorioua that the only region Whiflh Ktl-kluxism prevail* today OB the aacred side of the Ohio io tha Northern Republican of Indiana aud Ohio, and that only place where tba negroes making an outcry agamat the aiosa of lb# whites is in this Commonwealth of Otdo ’ Th# Courier Journal referred terday to the outrage! nightly patrated by th* Ku-klux of Ohio Indiana, It seems alao that, in lion to these bands of organized raiders, Ohio ia also tbs scene of race war. which ia raging with virulence in Clermont county. ’1 whites of New Richmond have driven tba colored children from the schools, there being about two hundred color *d children in tke place who have thus been denied the ad von t age* of tbe school*. Th* negroes arc indig M8t, and insist upon thetr right to •end their children to these schools, but the white* BWMT swear tl.-y will pra veot tbi* at any eo-’. New Richmond, Tv the aav, is a ltspoblicsD town “t y • t cuujOT) * ly.” In Felicity thia fi jut g^.uuat th« negroes is even tuui- • tmuinad Not only do the utntr at that place isfose to ftdmit tbe cotore.l children to the public schoolv. bavins; forcibly •Jactsd tbena from the school hoosss. bat they are making a war of extsrm iistisfi upon tb* negroe* so general. When s Degro in F-lioity venture* to (tart his eaiJdteo to school at si], he it compel Sail to provide thro* with *o •rsasd guard, suit a i tmiei has th* (••liug of tbe wliiiei bfi-oujs sgsinat tbs black* that the latter ere constant ia daUgei of urn g BBtd i>« <t. Tti* vbites b«v* already atta* k> d tha b»n*es ./the nsgross at night, brok was ts. titir iltHir# sod windows, bat tend titeui with alone,, and in aevar •I ioabUMW mads vsolsn i assault* O ps i* tbs Begrowt Ibstwsvivs*. A i Batavia says that “st stioa are completely under cow, and, there are relief granted them by ftoding guilty those indicated, they will bare to abandon their reaidtncaa and seek hornaa alaewhere. wbitee, not aatiafled with their ent victory, are carrying the war Africa, and trying to exlattuinate the blacks. The whitea have formed an organiiation whereby they agree not to employ a black man nor help tb*m to a farthing. Even the black washerwomen bars been discharged, and every family i* doing its own washing," This place also, it might be obaeiv ad. alway* rolls up a big|majority for the party which is conataatly prating about “equal rights” for the negro. What is tU ChicagoTtribuna. with its bellicose contemporaries, going to d i about this state of tb tigs! 1* cer tainty ought to da something. And tha least it could possibly do would ba to reprint that gory editorial about the negroes of Uio South, merely sub etiurting for the word “South* the word *‘Obio.“ For inslaece, a para agraph of that editoiiul, with only the revision anggented. would read thus, as applied io the Ohio situation: “The source of trouble ia that the black a will not tight for themselves, and any coercive power to enforce tbeir right* must be need from the out side. Whito men or Indian*, situ ated as the Ohio negroes are, would make the rivem of Ohio run red be fore they would submit to usurpa¬ tions and wrong which the black* pm eively endure. Oppressed by genera tiou of aiiirsry, the negroes non combatant*. They will not shoot aud burn for their rights,” Meaawliile, until the journalistic warnors of tb* North and East can train t.heir gun* from the white* of the South to the white* of Ohio, where are Field Marshal Halstead and Holy Terror Foraker ’ Ia it poesible that they are sleep ing on their anna, in thia the hour of Ohio’* peril* The very thought i* enough to make every Confederate flag confined within the State Capitol quake with dread. THIS KIMTRU,'TIO> OF IM.MlbKA- TIOS. Congressman Outes of the Ford Investigating Committee has pre¬ pared a bill, which will be presented to the Llouae in * few <!»)*, for the restriction of immigration. One of it# features is a provision that any one desiring to immigrate to this country mast obtain a cartificate from the nearest United State* Con¬ sul to the effect that he comas within tW* luar aaliirvh »• tiawt It* ■!«»* l> • neither* pauper, lunatic, criminal one under contract with an employer in this country. Other aeotion* the proposed law levy a tax an all immigrant*, cm! impose a heavy pen ally on transportation companies which violate any ol iia provisions. The most important part of the law is undoubtedly the section requiring the immigrants to saeuic from American conauia. This not entirely atop vicious | lion, but it would materially j it. It would lie impossible te vent evasions by tlm immigrants took th# precaution to go Canada; but this i* by fat ike non effective remedy thus far proposed. A man who lift* practised medicine for years, ought to know salt from sugar; read what he says. Tolkmo. U., Jail. 10. It'l'T. Messrs. F, .1. I honey .t Co —Gentlemen: — I have been in the general practice of med¬ icine for most 40 years, and would say that in all my practice aud experience, have never seen a preparation that! could proscribe with as much confidence of success as 1 cun Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by you Hive prescribed it a great many times aud its effect is wonderful.and would say in con- elusion that I have yet to Hud a case of C« tarrh that it would not eu-e, if they would take it according to directions. Your* Truly, OuKSUBH, M.I> I. L Office, 215 Summit St We will give $100 for any case of Catarrh I that cannot he cured with Hair. Cat orh Care. Taken internally AY Toledo, O. F J. CHEN Jl CO , Props,. : V Sold by Druggist*. 75c novfMm Advice to Mothers. yj , vmshlow * Southing stum- | for children teething, t* the proscription uud of one of the best female nurs.-a ; physicians in tbe United States, and hft* bei-n used for forty years w:th never j failing success by millions of mother* | fl ’ 1 11 l ' ili 'dreu. During the in-invus ol teething it» value in iucalculable It rdit-vt s the I'hiUt from pain, cutes dy* Butury aud dierrb<»a, griping iu the bow eta, ssiel wind colic. By giving health c the t hild atul rest- the mother, Pco. 25 ivu ( « - bottle. augeodAwly Th» Bert * r-nk Luutfw, a#. m», lodk iwllei , In' vti. • t udUi.. i i i-mhuunif iMnuir Uui i •rft.l.-\r'.m-iuti:t)g> unknown known to r, other ;i exort remedies, * »4Uj lo < nirs, Kncnnuitt.-un." n, Kuuvio Ct»wp4sunU. and iho dls>rce*.mfiBa« f tw«*M >um< u*o J h,L*>e., Khliieraaitd Bowwia ore dr ai.-v n^ thou.'VunJs to the gn\"» who would reoo IBcfir bwisUiiTvtftv UitH'iv «*t i a»u£RH ToKia Vrkft l«t«new Itfeond strength to As Ogr*d 60o. at rtsts lilacox 60 . iwd lYUllatnOtnHrL K. Y THE ‘ WHELESS STAMP - PRESS CO- 743 REYNOLD STREET, AUGUSTA, G* Agent, Wanted I Cuvlogue FKKK ! RUBBER STAMPS, SEALS, BADGES, CHECKS,STENCILS, STEEL STAMPS, Ac. i Sole Man ulkc tur r» of Tho Wheless Printing Self-Inking Pres*. Rubber Stamp s ifcflfe.. Sure If you have nuda up yonr mind to boy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not bn induced to take any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a peculiar medicine, possessing, by virtue of Its peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation, curative power superior to any other article. A Boston lady who knew what she wanted, and whose example ts worthy Imitation, tells her experience l>clow: To Get * In one store where I wont to buy Hood’s Sarsaparilla the clerk tried to induco me buy their own Instead of Hood's; ho told me thetr's would last longer ; that 1 might take It on ten days' trial; thatlf ldld not like It I need not pay anything, etc,, But he could not prevail on me to change. I told him I knew what Hood's Sarsaparilla was. I had taken It, was satisfied with It, and did not want any other. Hood’s When I began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla 1 was feeling real miserable, suffering a great deal with dyspepsia, and so weak that at times I could hardly stand. I looked, and had for some time, like a person in con¬ sumption. Hood's Sarsaparilla did me bo much good that I wonder at myself sometimes, and my friends frequently speak of it." Mrs. A. Gore, Cl Terrace Street, Boston. Sarsaparilla - Sold by all druggists, f I; six for f5. Prepared only by c. I. HOOD A CO , Apothecaries, Lowell, Marl. IOO Doses One Dollar I HNM 6 WIFI’S SPECIFIC In rntircly * ▼•gotablo preparation con¬ taining no Mercury, Potash. At-calc, or oth«f poisoivou® luhV.ancVs SWIFT’S SPECIFIC Has cureil hundreds of casus of Kplthello trva or Cancer of the Rktn, thousands of cases ol Eo z cm a, Ulood Humors and Skin Diseases, and hundreds of thousands of eases of Scrof¬ ula, Blood Poison and Bloo** Taint. SWIFT’S .SPECIFIC Has relieved thousands of cases of Msreu- rfal Poisoning, Bhemnatlsm and Stiffness of tho Joints. c'fiattanoooAa Tkxn., June 37. Swift’s 8 peolllo co. f Atlanta, Ga .—Gentlemen : lathe •arly blood i>arr of the present year, a bad case of taking poison H. 8 8 appeared advice upon me. I began , . under of another, and to day I feel greatly Unproved. I am still taking the medicine nnd shall contlnuo to do so unt.l I am perfectly wrelL I believe It vrill effect a perfect cure. X^oc. Your* ir* truly. truly, P. Howisri, 111 West Sixth It. Spoolflo CoiTTiniA, Atlanta, ft. 0 ., July 7, lftSft—Tho Swift Co., Ga. Gentlemen: emen: I I was was a tfreat sufferer from itn museu lar rhearaatlsm for two years. I oou mid lid get get no n permanent re- lief from auy »uy medicine me Ida© pr rest: ioribed hr my physician. tty cii- ” S i uu, " 8 S., " I «nd end took over ^ver I I a do < ten well bol ____ ittles of your Was , now now am am aji os well *s as I I ever ev in my life. life.____ I am sure your medicine cured mo. and 1 would recommend It to any one »uff. ring from auy blood disease. Yours trul O. B. Hughs®, Conductor C. AU.K.i wife Waro, of Texas. 51 May », 1988—Gentlemen: The wire or one i of my --------- was terribly * afflicted with i a a loatl loathsome skin disease, c that covered her whole i body. She Bhe was confined to her bod for by this affliction, and could not help herself . at st aJL alL She oould »t sleep from i a a violent violent Itching it and stinging the skin, The disease baffled the skill of the physh flnt ilclai s who treated it. Her husband icgon od she commenced menoed Hiring hi* wife improve lm Swift’s almost 8 peclfle, to to im- parently nedlatsl; well. ind in a few week® the * at ap- looking She Is now a hearty flue- left, l&dy, with no trace of the affllotlom yours very truly, J. R. Rbars, Wholesale DruggUt, Austin Avenue. T rcatlsc on Blood on d Skin Diseases mailed fra.* Tor firm.*,, t\j ou., i/rawsr t, Atlanta. Ga.; Now York, 736 Broadway. If You Have No Indigestion, Flutnlenoe* Nick lloadaciie, *‘isll run <lown," lo»« lug flesh, you will find Ms Pills the rernnl)’,on necl Thev lone np the weulA Hlonierh und build ui. lbf> flagging cncrglim. rles. Nuffercr» from .......... or iili.vRioal overviook will find relief from them. Nicety gug.rmlcil SOLI) EVERYWHERE. New Advertisements TO ADVERTISERS A ii%t of 1000 newspnpers divided into STATES AND SECTIONS will te sent on application— those FREE. ndvertihin^to To who want the'r pay wc can ‘itTer no better medium for thorough and effeetiAe work than the various >< rtions »f our Select Local Li.-t. GEO P ROWELL & CO , Newspaper Advertising Bnreau. 10 Spruce street, New York. Who art* Weak, Nut- out* a»d Debilitated aud suffering from Debility, Wrakneftft, Seminal NivchtJy Euiisffitor h. and all the effects of early Evi; Hiibitjs which lead tp Premature Deeay, Conanmplion «»r Insanity, bend for I'eur*' Treatise on Die» :* t - of Men, with Cure.*' particular* guaranteed for Hom^ No* Cure. .1,8. nrt rt» p.t>, Peaus, f»l:i oml »T4 ('lurch St., Na-hville Tenn. novHchlwI). » s-mowi. muuiVIIIL ■■■ correct* all Irregolarltle* ...••and W1JED an#bvtrHr from which and trouble* v* aicn so so many many li las!loa suffer. It glv«a tb* weak.dehllltated woi otuan health and *tr« renirtt n fth.*nd makes abeerfUl the d« tpondenu ndent, d deprea**d In spirit*. In chan ire of life »lady ‘ should be w 1 th- oat INDIAN WEED. U ia Second UnfaiHng, Ask y^ur Druggist, E. R. .\uthony, (triflin au< VC F, ^wiB Oehard HlH, (ia, The Toy the < hlld Ukw Br ut -IN THE— ANCHOR Stone Blookii ->» &**. Stcns Thro* Odom. A Olbtwi Pm wmmxr tor ekUd ran of ail oaroa For *171, or fl id a food arerofw box. l.Veacnpti-r* ‘ otaiortM) am poat fraMs oc mpplicmdoa to F. Ad. Richter & Co., 3IO BROADWAY, NSW YORK. PJIPJil* «u, w a.waa.roiu.r^ u kt. wZULi Um The Georgia Midland HR filhortcat and Beat Line With Through Coach am Between COLUMBUS aod ATLANTA. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Washington, New York, Nashville or Cincinnati. NO. 50, PASSING BB, SO ITT It. Arrive Leave Griffin....................8:15 McDonough............7:30a. “ m. Leave *• 8:85 " ................ Aarive Columbus ..............11:25 “ NO. 51, PASSBNOER AX1> Mill, NORTH. Leave Columbns..................1:05 p. m. Arrive Griffin.....................8:56 ‘ NO. 52. PASSENGER AND MAIL, SOUTH, Leave Griffin.....................4:08 P- m - Arrive Columbns................7:05 " no. 53, passenger, north, Leuvc Coinmbus........ .4:10 j>. m. Arrive Griffin....................~14 •' *• Leave “ ,7:20 Arrive McDonough............ 8:02 “ - NO. 1, FREIGHT, NORTH. Leave Columbus...............7.4)0 a. in Arrive Griffin....................1:25 p m Leave “ ...2;30 Arrive McDouodgh.............3:35 " NO. 2, FREIGHT, SOUTH. Leave McDonough ............7:45 a. m ;; Arrive Columbus.................3:30 p. in M, E. GRAY, Supt. C. W. CHEARS, Gen’l Fasfl. Agt. Columbus, Ga. New Advertisements. arLWTC WANTED. Wrile Geo. A. San- f|ULIX Accident 1 O born, Sec’y 8 The Benefit Buveaxjo Associa Me UAL and i< k tion, Buffalo, New York. / I u UM irmm, uA ntrM .1 »U 4.#mi of .(swN* ulVir ..4 IU WALES, poMiMUtH. »rt4f»yorl u. 9* f.r H. 3. ( $525 per month. Will prove it or pay forfeit New portraits just out A $3.o0 sam¬ ple pent free to all. W. II. Chideftter Son, ^ Bond St , N. Y. EXHAUSTED VITALITY rr»H* ^ SCIKKCX OF LIFE, ih» groat Medical Work of tba ajre on Manhood, N*rvoas arulf Phjsfcal Debility, I’remaiare ' Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseriesconsaqaent thereon, 300 pages 8 vo, 13S prescriptions for all disanaos .. Cloth, full gilt, cmly $i.on t b)» mall, sealed. Illuttrative sample fr*>e to all wrung And middle agtnl men. Send now. Tb*- <1 -!.i ■ :.<l J* welled Mesial awarded to the author by t! Xiv- f'.-nM Mtnllcal Auoclallori. Address V. O. box lft95™io*tou. Mass., or Dr. W. H. PARK Kit. grad naieof Harvard Medical Collogs:,26 years’ iiractic** In Boston, who may be cousuited c<‘nfl l«*itipi!y. SnecloltY. t)lseas«i of Men. Office Mo. 4 Bulflnebvt gf?' .•*. r. .rt,klSii l 6 . aa^ HAS:? i2ALSA*yi hair. C.v-tui, -cs . .It ••»•-* tii*s IPrOfllott' a 1 t u- 'iwlh. |Never \r\* ■% Restore Color, Gray Hair H ita Youthful 'revwtta Pnmb ,;T ai *t hair fnlilng !**r. and ;■ i c> 3 .‘. 1 'ntsrei*l MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. l.t book in «nr r«‘adlliK. mud n.nil.rliix turi'il. Nprukinx nllhout a»t«. I'lrufi c.nilfuiu.ii liv nupmmr ( iihi I. Cirri.,' ln«tnr«uirul» to corvr.poArr claur,. A. Prospei tus,with world-famed opinions ol Dr. Speeiallst Win in Hanm-ond, the Thonipso'i, Mind diseases, Daniel Greenleaf the greiit Psychologist, J M Buckley. IV II. Editor of the Christian Advocate, Billiard Proctor, the Scientist, Hons Judge Gihsou, Judah P. Benjamin, und others, sent post free by Prof. A. l.OlSETIK, 2J17 Fit’lli -We. New Yoik HINDERCORNS. Tim* only sure Care f'»rl'orM. U:r-".rvS comfort to the *efe«l. feet. lflaat Druggist*. Ui^o»x,S: t o , N. 1 • PARKER S GINGER TONIC i he best of uU remedies for Inwxrd Pains, Colic, Indiges¬ tion. Exhaustion :tn<l ill Stom¬ ach and Bowel trouble*. Also the mast effective cure tpr Cough i. Colds, Bronchitis and affection* of the b—athiug organs, ft promotes the re: reshing sleep improves nervousprouratl appetite, overcomes n, ^^“V and gives new life and itrcngth io the weak and aged. 50 c. and $ 1 . 00 , at Drgguists. MASON & HAMLIN The cebinet organ iwm _________ introduced in Its present 1 by Mason A Hamli a In 18*1. Other maker* followed !n the manufset ore of these Instruments, bat the Mason A Hamlin Organs have always main . tatned thetr supremacy as the best in the world. Mason St Hamlin otter as demonstration of th« •Dequeued aU the excellence World’s of their organa, the fact that at of great Exhibitions, since that of task “’fffifi ORGANS * ilflcompettUoa of all ccmn- ere btea, the they highest have in variably ZUn*. tak- eo honors. Crated cataiogaes *22 TO *900. free. Maeon A Hamlin do no t hesitate to make the ex¬ traordinary claim for th eir pianoa, that they are superior “ to achieved aH • * others. • * by I.Tiey .*•- recognize - the high .Y excellence o ...a. ther leading «• makers ,__ # ta t Si*4 art of of nlann piano knil.line boil ding, K b at a,IU atilt claim .1.7 M superiority. This they attribute sole 't>^ !y to the remarkable im¬ provement tatrodneed them In tbe year 188S, and now known ta the Ttox A Hamlin Piano lnuiraik r ‘ "PIANOS^ the of which nse la secured greatest pot- Mbie parity therl IflllUWv reflnement of tone, d together _______ 0UHSSOTSI3HT. _with greatly Sn- rs tat e capact ty for standing 1c ----other tune and oth tauiortant advantages. A circular, eootaining testimonials from three hand red purchaser*, musicians, and toners, seel, together with descriptive catalogue, to any applicant Piano# and Organa told for cash or easy pay- b«nt* HASdN alto raotad. rented. k HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO. ^ BOSTON. NSW KOK.1l. CHICAGO. Crateful’-Comforting. COCOA EPPS’S BREAKFAST. "by thorough knowledge of the natural 'awr icb govern the oparations of digee tiou and nutrition, and by a cart ful applica lion of the fine properties of well selected oaooa. Mr, Epps has provided lur provid¬ ed oor breakfast tab es with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills It is by the judicious use of such article of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there ia » weak point We may escape many a ta'&l shaft by keepingourselvec well jortifled with pure blood and a properly nourished ft awe." —Civil Service ttatellc. Made simply with boiling *,:*! or milk Sold only in half- pound tin*. Grocers, labelled thus JAMES EPPS Jt CO.. Homoeopathic London, chemists England ft 7 Ss.31 ^■■■P^Pffilishrsn* STlSBaWHs!!’* ST o “^“ C ,SV a .,nb 0 , e d L.S.L. State Lottery Company Incorporated by the Legislature in !8Gb f »r oca tion ftl and Ch^rlUhle purpose*, present i'i franeiiise made a part of the Constitution, in 1879, by an over¬ popular vote DRAW¬ IU GRAND EXTRAORDINARY (Jane and take place Semi-Annually, SINGLE NI M- and its GRAND DRAWINGS take place on each of the other ten months in the year, aim are all in public, at the Academy of Mnsio, Orleans, La. “We do hereby certify that we supervise the for al) the monthly and Seim Drawings of The Louisiana State Lo 1 Company, and in person manage and cob the Drawings themselves, and that tht are conducted with honesty, fairness in good faith toward all parties, this certinc«s* and we the Company oarsiirnatnr to use attached io fae-ftimileaof c* advertisements.” CommlHlonrri. We the undersigned Banks and Banken pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisians Lotteries which may be presented s1 JI.WALMSLei.Pr*., La.Xat'l »• LAtAl'X. fve.Silaie .K'at I Hk. BAtnWIT.Pm. V. O.Sat'l Kanb ROHM. I*re«. t’nion VI Bank Mammoth Drawing At the Academy of Music, New IS, lt>o Orleans, 8 Tuesday, December , CAPITAL PRIZE, $600,000, 100,000 Tickets at ?40: Halves $20; Quor Eighths *5; Twentieths $2; For¬ $1. LIST OF I'lilZES. ! PlUZECF $000,000 is..... * 000,000 1 Prize of 200,000 is..... 200.000 1 Prize of 100,000 is..... 100,000 1 Prize of 50,POO is..... 50.000 2 Prizes- of 25,000 are... 50 0<X1 5 Prizes of 10,000 are — 50,10b 12 Prizes of S OOOare — 60.000 25 Prizes of 2,000 are — 80.000 50.000 100 Frizes of S00 are — 200 Prizes of 400 are — 80,( O0 500 Prizes of 200 are......... 100,000 approximation prizes. 100 Prizes of $1,000 are............. 100,000 80,000 100 do. 800 arc............... 100 do. 400 are............ 40,000 Three Number Terminal* 99 Prizes of *800 are ...............*79,200 39,010 99 do 490 are................. Two Ncmber Terminals. 900 Prizes of *200 are...............*180,000 900 do. 200 are............. ISC,000 3,146 Prizes of amounting to.....*2,118,S0( for Club Rrates, or any further informs tion desired, write legibly to the undersign¬ ed, clearly stating your residence, with State, County, Street and Number. More rapid return mail delivery Envelope will bearing be as- surred by enclosing an your full address. Send POSTAL, NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange in Ordinary expense) letter. Currency by Express (at oar addressed to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans Li or M. A. DAUPHIN, Washington,D. C Address Registered Letters tc SEW OM.EA.VM kkTOlUL BAMS* Hew Orleans, La. REMEMBER ZiXXZ&r'™* ranrvsraril ai and Early. Him arc in charge wt the drawings,is a gnarantee of alisolute fairness and integrity, that the chances are all equal, and that no one can possibly divine „w hat numbers will draw a Prize. KEMKMBEK, also, that the payment of Prizes is GUARANTEED BY FOUR N.\ TI N’AL BANKS of New Orleans, and the Tickets -ire signed In the President of an In etitution whose chartered rights are recog nized in the highest Courts; therefore beware of all imitations cr anonymous achemes. S ff. MAUGHAM & SOUS, wholes alt: am- retail DRUGGISTS CRIFFIN, GEORGIA. We guarantee the purity of our goods and make our prices lower than compe¬ tition. HOTEL CTJRT IS j BIFFIN, GECRGLA, Under New Management. A. G. DANIEL. PropT. tsr j ■■ t n * eltrains. febir.dly HERTISERS .'earn tbe exact cos’ • >ronosed 'me -ig m America! by addressing Co^ P. Rowell 8z a t -^rt»5in9 Bureau, «c , New Yark. j- UX>» } age Paunophlef WITTIEST, PRETTIEST JUVENILIS QUEER PEOPUEpahnVr^ 0IAKT8a FAW8 a OCBLUfg CLAWS • 1.0* • 1 00 Bn MaO. imiilUiRy l.'immna »f Um and the JuieflUe Jmecllt' irU.U. Hrlllnc ^riii.t ''I. tmmVHMlv Mfl* < * U>> »f It ! tO. «F ■ riH ,n!h 4, Han ‘ik. Clinton B Fs«: Hi ~r*m' D. ta it. rtddrtm •« to kal - - tC M. C««U Stllm S “Jut -a*., .mi mndHttam "-Hoc Cxrt M h# «U IVuJW^ H [on c Howard H.:h Urosl.v . wimni HUbBARri PbUwSelakta. RKOk. i i Vrn.m Street 1 . I*». - im - mi - m VS TIL 1st., 1889 1 WILL BE A Grand Bargain Day! I ls/Ly Store I We have a large choice stock, with new desirable goods, coming in on every train, j that we are determined to convert into 1 money. Now is yonr time to Secure Bargains! - . lk*Bv ■ tjL- 'JsPtk Si m m "-P- ’M M 10 £ ' | ; | Received yesterilnj lot of on one L ON a I VPS + SO,.50 worth 810. Few childrens’ Wraps be almost given away. WILL AOD SEVERAL BARGAIN COUNTERS the present week. Look to your interest by my stock an inspection. BIG REDUCTIONS ON fiLL WOOL DRESS GOODS SHAWLS, JERSEYS, ETC. i hoe Department! ri-BLEWiS. . \j m Mi/ig Custom #ui( * I J. FLEMISTER. fc. Special prices oil all Shoes to reduce stock. lot of Ea^le Sho<‘ Co. Shoes just receired. Beat $2,0® Ladies’ Button Boot in the city for the money. too manp Men’s Fine Hand Sewed Shoes in sneta pep®" lar makes as, Hanans, Fmeison, Sehmertas, worth to that we will sell at $6,00 an ^5.60. Haven’t time to enumerate more. Come m see FLEMISTBR