The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, December 09, 1888, Image 2

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Paper of the City of Griffin Adfwrttatnff Batoa. ^j, r p*r sgaere tor the and fifty cents for each tnb- tt eoe. Ton line* or lees to be ooont- fturs. 10 lin NOTICES oenU uader per this i iaeerttoa- No insertion ____■ )•«« than *0 osnts. All insertion* r less than oas dollar mast bs paid for in rates will be made with parties to oontiaas their advertisement* ’"than oas week. for the Pally. R*LY—H*»* rata* a* Up » Ohio they declare it infelici tew fore colored citizen to eend his children to white echoole in Felicity. If the Btgro le to be boycotted, the while* will her* to do ail the work. Aftd thet would bring on wuch more eerious trouble then any here. Efc: The Weshiegton —— chgplain whocese mended the I’re ident elect to the protection of the Almighty inad* quite tha ... kind ol proteet- * mistake aa to Moo tailed to a high tarif l’resideat. tlad the Republicans UajH the war geiag as lively while it was with ua M they do uearly a quartar of a cea lory after ita oloae, the Coafederaey would bare gone down in a twelve *o»tb. K: Somabodf bat pratenttd Mr. liar riaon a thotgua. Ardant citizens oa their way to Tadianapolit to arge thair claims will do well te take ne- tiee of thi# fact. The sew Preti- daut’t hatred of rebels msy bs tura- ad into aaotber okaanel at any mO- assat. Air. Willismsen. ike Philadelphia bachelor millionaire, instead of giv¬ ing 912,000,000, for a school for hoys shoald hare devoted the money to Mbool for girls. What is to bscom# of the girls if all tht boys of Mr. Wil Hansons’ schools aba)t follow bis •spenanea and bacome rich old bach •lora? ■muiw Hum OolBBbna Eoqoir.r Sun: Th. Sivniosh Naws’ idaa of local land —a *«•"»» !»«• gil, orgftoixad to indaox tloifftble *•» "> mooay, (»ya tba Macon Telegraph,ia an — admirabla on*. ___ r Ii «i « ,imniTAr a appsar in alcuoat any coaamtinity in , Wbum ... b.«i. lo B.r. about laoda, and prices will ba run up t« .uo». lb. Mur. Ther* ought to ba iatalltgant aaaiat ffiMi to intandmi aatt - lltaraatad in tha growth of tha **^®* ___________ r **^ *®“ " I f ,„k In, BO profit to tbaraaalve* except from «* r*WI-, TU. i. .nbr. ly praeticalda if a pnblia spirit can ba jgfiMMd that Will carl* cU . Th# distinguished editor of tha Morning News haa a more uuyior tact sekemn to sacu'e miHiigralioa thaa ***"■ tba oua mantioned bv lLa Tala - graph, bat w« DOt JPt •••n it a-thMBi.tu. ~i.m~ oi ti». Morning New* rhia aohatua is for P*atM> M MttUml, ba in .S.N*. of nl Im rnigratioa, to charge aompa I~t ..<1.0 w CO.K1..I.J opo. buainais prioeiplaa. Tba object of ’ (hi. bureau ia to aacure option, on nil of tba lands of the Slate offered for anl #4 any for twalva months. Tba land, to offered are to be carefullv 1 *n,j*i tj-»p.i~i ~m~«. the employ of the bnraan and Ds i •nDtive , . Matter .. will aeeotapsnv the ., i« . ac^ompi » raport of tba •arv*vorv. Tii* link! will than ba , , >■ .ii -h* ban i of {•at aganta in tba nor b. Iv-M pi Wwt, th« eotuuiiMionof *l..i M p«a*M to ba da<Incia<l fi in ib« •moant of tba «•)#. Of eouraa it would tvk* good ra n agam«Dt aud a erraat deal of work to iBBBgarata tba bnraau and randaet it BarMaafally. Ooca f.irlv under baadwav, however, we bt-beve tba' it i woald raealt id great and laating ben •SU to th* Htate. A at an who her practised audit in< f,,i 40 jeara, ought to know ..nit from sugar read what lie .«a> * Tei ano <»...lsiti 10, Iv>T Mcwn. k. J. Cbeney A Oo — Uentlamer, —I have been jn the gem ral pia< tine of n« <1 Mae tor mi*t Blyeai*, and would say tint in all BH praotxx and expermitee, have nt vor •tana preparation ihat I could prcftriln- ;--ga HUpreCaUrrh a* Much confidence of mooes, nr i c t Cura, mauuf.cturcd t>y v< Sana prwwrlived it a great many tunc-n,d Need eti* wonderful,and would «*v in < Ut lrt u that a Ur. i Save yet to Bed a cm of C* Ulih it would not cue 1 h*j I it .ceordjDi; to direcUoi». Yawn Truly, 1. L OUttSCKH, M I> will tlBB UBca, Cur Sift Stuoin i m ■ (P** any ca n o( Catann 1 »ith th Haii a Catarrh IrilTSV fpm*., t«A*dp, <». ■I- . ■ WOVfllto ALASKA’S WHAT A FORMER RESIDENT OF THE COLONY SAYS (,'migreu Mi mi M look Into, Hie Affair, Our Colony mill Stop These Things— l,<u».e Moral* Prevalent In the Country, Ktc.HMB BOSTON, Dec, 8.—Now that congress seems di*iK«e<l to investigate the alleged Alaskan horrors anything concerning that country is interesting. There are few better posted on the subject than Lieutenant O. C. Hew let, who was stationed off the coast of Alaska during the KDiuiers of ttfinnd'iL. The lieutenant said, when interviewed by a reporter : “1 was stationed there. I was acting as executive officer of the United States revenue cutter Bear, umlcr Capt. Hea¬ ley. 1 went there about the 1st of May in 1880, and canrc away in September. The next year I made another trip to the islands, staying two or three weeks longer. I was there only in the summer time. Now, I'm sure none of the out¬ rage- mentioned it that story was com¬ mitted then. I should have heard of them had they been committed. The men behaved th rnscdvCs all the time our vessel was stationed there. I found the agents of tiie Alaska Seal company a very jolly, pleasant sort of follows. They showed none of the traits mentioned in this story, but, of course, the winter would change everything. In the sum mer time the men are busy. They have something to occupy their minds, lathe winter the circumstances are altogether different. Then the men have to endure a long period of cold and darkness, and I've no doubt are ready to do anything. Men get desperate under those eondi- tions. “What were the stories you heard “Oh, the same an arc mentioned in tin newspapers, only not so much in detail. I heard that one Russian of the company's bring ins agents wife had ordered a to to tha agency. Now I've this to say about that: If it is true, there is no rea son why the man each cannot of be settlements picked out. There are in those only a limited number of white men. There are two government agents, the agent of the company, the sub-agent,the bookkeeper,the carpenter and the school teacher. They are tho only white men in tho place, and it does seem as though tho could perpetrator of any such outrage tie brought i» justice. The cap¬ tain of the revenue cutter has the power to summon witnesses, establish a court of inquiry and remove any of the com¬ pany's employes from the island in case of any criminal act. Having such power it seems odd that official action has not been taken. It is the duty of the gov¬ ernment agent to report any misdemean¬ or to the revenue the captain.’’ “Is it true company lias absolute control of the islands'/” government “Nominally, has no; two in nun reality, each yes. island, Tho r on but they ure dependent upon the compa¬ ny for their board and house. All tha property on the islands is ow ned hv tho esses xtis himself agreeable his board costs noth- from one year s end to tho other. That good Isdunioi fmui the sustfz standpoint. Under these circumstance.' company's the agent naturally tries to make lum- >elf agreeable. If he doesn’t, he knows r;', 1 charge food, and can its own prices. or it may be $'.*0. Then, too, the com aide quarters if they have a grudge against him. I know one case where that was done. V man who had Wen employed appointed by the deputy company marshal ns carpenter by the was ETSi AuK' Z done hv th» company. Who « a the when I left he was occupying a hut on one end of tlm island. I'hat was because l, « “What i-the attit ado 0 tiio.o.npam toward the mum-. Ilio imtivt.s ai*■ rn .Uf.i all 1 i-i\t >o long ns thf N floa t fiml fault. Tin’ miMt s; for their work KJSnSESU llenaii luce four I or do am tiling in opp.-ati..n t • ih- empa t<*'. tlm i.n t.< buy all tlmii ! ■««t«-f Th; " HM ‘ i » 11 How id out th morality < the n,< , l|wn ., (tlink i( , SUIlU , un ,„, u>a-t <<f. Von know that dm <f people iaxi auiat tlcir moral- which would not not i <<■ «• lol9i lot Sated at»*il hen. Id Tlm are \<<s- siinnlp m thpir tyle ot living, anti avp ei.-ib t<- |*i< <1 U pK'-iiis \\<iul Hi le i <>- iiile f,-v an agent ?, of .. .......... , Seuec in ■ i-e lie bad wron ■ i in r 1 think a non calico dress i Illa , vnv «i«n. ll,< tin luiabamh Mibmi! niockly to such interference with their domestic relations -' “Weil, they may storm a little within doois. tliev don't dare say anything outside. They are very subdued when the agents are around.” “Hu vou believe any man would mii render his wife without a protest Yes. I think they would obey orders. Vou iini-t remember, though, that mu side considerations would prevail. All the natives are inordinately ’fond of liquor They will do anything to gratify their i have known them to make punch oil of Florida water, and they ilrick cologn gieodih I have heard that the omen yet drum, l.e uor at th* a!l the tiouhlc if I had mv -,y I would riot allow any <iti<»k ng i,m to ie qi authoritv. There is n do <in tha ii:ue of the company's agent, are dr,n ! »i ig men. When they ti ii or they mav they < imml all sorts f li ihgnities. hut as are in author¬ ity win is to pieicut it 'r Then tco. the officials are also, oftentimes, ng meu. slid they have a natural in | sit is by where with the other government men who is drink. weak. of it« agents are lenient with Uiiers. I don't nay that the gov- agents nv lutluenoed bv ^ tuonev -----------s-4 but they are led other to •■'/**» Q' W RUHtsmetnnii of a very Bra; <• mnedy na rare; winild rod SlUr^ODt v ‘* 1 'Want I would have congress appoint charges a committee to investigate these fully. Thev have been made broadcast, and tJi -re should Is* no trouble now in getting evidence. Of course the com¬ pany will try to hush up the matter. Put docifd> e work on the part of the<om- ntilM-'. and prompt removals of the wrong doers, would make a great differ¬ ence with the condition of affairs on those islands. The Michigan m»n who se Irs t» his bruther-in-jair's kouss because that siiser'y relative would net give kim $10,000, kss given brothsr-iu laws a lestoa they have long ■••Jed. Tbs man wko will n*t circulate hi* money in kis own family ia fit for slraNgeias and spoils, and probably kis kid soms thing to do witk Re publican ward polities; A number of prominent clergyman ami jHiei* met in New Yotk 'I bura day lo arrange for si.oil laligiona ser vices ia tha cburchss tbrougbout the contdrv to be bald on tba morning of April 30, 1889, the centennial of tba inauguration of Washington. Mayor Hewitt presided, and the l J r*« idem wsi! be asked to iatue a procla oration for divine service*. The congressman reported in our Washington dispatches ei yesterday •a expsetiug to solve the race prob¬ lem hy boycotting the whole colored eoaiatunity, tnuat be one of those wild Westerner* who wear only one shirt a year. Down here we are not vet rea ly to do our own wash¬ ing WHAT IS SCROFULA It is that impurity in the blood, which, ac¬ cumulating in the glands of the neck, pro¬ duces unsightly lumps or swellings; which causes painful running sores on the arms, legs, or feet; which devclopcs ulcers in the eyes, ears, or nose, often causing blindness or deafness; which is the origin of pimples, cau- ccroiis growths, or the many other liianifesta- ti<uia usually ascribed to “humors;” which, fa-tcnlng upon the lungs, causes consumption ami death, being the most ancient, it is the most general of all diseases or affections, for very few persons are entirely free from it. How Can CURED It Bo By taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, by the remarkable cures It has accomplished, often when other medicines have failed, has proven itself to tie a potent and peculiar medicine for this disease. Some of these cures are really wonderful. If yousufferfrom scrofula, ho sure to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla. My daughter Mary was afflicted with scrof¬ ulous sore neck from the time she was 22 months old till she became six years of age. I.umps formed in her neck, and one of them after grow ing to the size of a pigeon's egg, became a running sore for over three years. We gave her Hood’s Sarsaparilla, when the lump am! all indications of scrofula entirely dis- api«‘.ire<l. and now slip seems to be a healthy child." ,i s. caiu-h.k, Naurlgbt, N. J. N. It. He sure to get only Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold hy all druggists. ?1; si* for $!>■ Pre pared onir l,y r. I »lool> X < »>.. ApothocArios, Lvwell. -Vlaja. jOO Doses Ono Dollar SWIFT'S SPECIFIC I* . nllroly a ▼•gotsblo j-rrparatton cou tatnlUK no Mercvary. Pottu>h. Ar«ralc. or otheg polMinous ^ub^tatro^ SWIFT'S SPECIFIC ria,s enrrd hundreds of omm of Fptthsllo niA or CancoT of the Skin, thousands of cases of Eczema, IJlocwl FTumors and Skin Di»k»«lsos, and hundreds of thousands of cases of Surof- ula,l!lco<l Poison and tllo*** T alnv SWIFT'S .sPKCIFIO Han relieved thousands of eases of Merau rial Poisoning, Kheumatism an l HtlfTness of that Joints. Ourr a, Tknjc Junes:. —Swtfc's BptHJlflC •ail; 1) Co., of A tlanta, Ga.—Gentleman •o : : In In tha tha •ai part (ha present year, • bad oas* of blood poison appeared upon m«. I I began began taking H. s. M. under advlo# of another, her, and an<l today day l feel el greatly greatly Improved. Improved. X X am am still still taking tho me< nediclne and Khali continue to do so unt.I I am ii perfectly pei well. I beliare It will effect n perfect ■re. r Yours truly, Doc. P. HoWabb, 111 West Sixth »t. H C.. July 7, 1SS9 Tho Swift Fpeolho ( o.. Atlanta, Ga.- Gentlemen : 1 was a great sufferer from muscular rheumatism f>>r two y» ar«. I could get no permanent re lief from any medicine prescribed by or physician. I pwik ov#r a dozen Itottfes of % Oiit In S is. S., and 1 now no I am aa well as I <*v»r cas my my life. lift*, I i am am sure sure your your medicine met cured Hi me. me. und und I I would woi recommend it to to any any suffering from any blood disease. Yours ^ Conductor O. K. Hl'OMKS. C. at G. 11. U Wa« O, Tfxab, May 9. ISSS-Gontlenien : The wlfo of ono of my customers ---------- was ----.Tlbly terribly aWlctvHt loathsome loathsome . with h skin skin disease, dim that covered i her her whole whole body. Ih She was confined to her bed for r several several •ral years y years by by this this afliictio^ nffl and coil ii Id not help ▼!ol. her irself at all. She ooul not sloe sleep from a ’ olent Itching and sttn^jn^ of the tho skin. skin, Th< ** tho i physlclai physicians j who treat«*d It Her h»s! husband U U-gi gun finally gb iug his wife Swift's Specific, ami Hhe • commenced to lmpaws mproi alnu*»t n\ost tm- Im- mee ilatel «n-I in a few wcokg the as ap jtarun She is nfgl fin# Jot. kin Mj latly, with no trace or the af fnictloa lef Yours ours verv a pry trulr, trulr, J F. 8 k, Vltolesnie Dragiilst, Idrugg Austin Avenua Treatise on Blood an ! Skin I>i»oascii mailed fr> The Swift Srsciric Co., Drawar 1 Ai; >.:fa Ga., N.'v Y’ork, TV* Prn«ilwju, The Toy the Child Likes Best -IS THE- £ 44 ANCHOR** Suing Mi Real Sion* Three Colon* A A Ou Ovkvkr I’REIIYT far eAikl r»n on of of all ali af*A afoa For $1.71* or $100 a feed %Y*ra$r* ho* D e icrt pUYA Catalofue i ^ sk P' , »t on appUeatiou ** ittout- to F. Ad. Richter & Co., 310 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, of DONT kmng chM RUN by •ermlttJaf 1 RISK Wm to roar V work out H. dMtraciioB. h.c ■ child fail* to chd5 4 ial for i* It» limtly f, rom it* CTtv«4 OeiilNUi Th e Georgia Midland RR 1 Rlliorteat ami Beat Line With Through Conoli «• Between COLUMBUS and ATLANTA. ONLY'ONE CHANtiK TO Washington, New York, Nashville or Cincinnati. MO. 50, PAMnoKB, HOUTD. Arriva Griffin............ ... .3:15 ** Leave “ ........... ........H.’25 “ Arrive Columbus........ .......11:25 “ no. 51, raasENOER avi> mail, mouth. Leave Col umbos......... .........1:05 p. m. Arrive Griffin............ .........8:56 “ SO. 53. FA88KMOER AND MAIL, SOt.'TH, Leave Griffin........ . . .........4:05 x>. m. Arrive Columbus........ .........7:05 44 xo 53, I-ASSF-XIIKK, NOKTfl, Leave Columbus... .....4:10 p. in. Arrive Griffin........ ........7:14 ’• Leave “ ......... .......7:20 “ Arrive McDonough... ......8:02 “ SO. 1, FBEIliHT NOBTB. Leave Columbus........ ........ 7:00 a. m Arrive Griffin............ ........1:25 p in Leave “ ........2,50 ............ Arrive MeDonougu____... ..... 3:85 *• NO. 2, FBED.IIT, SOUTH Leave Arrive McDonough...... Griffin ____.____7:45 a. m ........8:50 “ Leave ........ “ ........9:35 “ ............. C. W. CHEAR8, M. E. GRAV, Snpt. Gen'l Paea. Agt. ColuinhuB, Ga. New Advertisements. AGENTS WANTEU ' Write Geo. A. San¬ born, Sec’y The Bcvvalo Me cxi. Aroingicr .van Sick Benffit A-socia riON, Buffalo, New York 1%4 Ita» naqlamA tMiial I Journal, * Walea'I* 'INVISli VISIBLKSoundOlao, ____Mmnntu eul *>'« I n n U, ww »■*■< tram, ud •»« nbuti ■ ■ ■* »U — !■*« —---- at ntnraf ud tU powlMlitlw an |mt * T.r ui. *7 ■. M. WA US, «k $ 5251 A«euts^""^M it per forfait month. Will New prove or pay $3.50 portraits* just out. A A sam¬ Son, ple sent free to all. IV. 11. Chidester M Bond St., ». Y EXHAUSTED VITALITY ryUK 8C1KHCX OF LIFE, th« great Medical Work of the I* Hgrou Manhood, N«rvon* audf Yhy*kr*l Debilitj, Premature * Decline, JSrror* of Youth, and the untold mioerlesconsequent thereon, 9^0 pages 8vo» 135 preserlptloua for all diseases.. Cloth, full gilt, only $1.00, by* •siall, Maled. Illustrative sample free to all»oung */»d middle aged meu. Send now. The (»«>!<! • ? <j J*.welled Medal awarded to the author bV ih \\ 1 - fopnl Medical Association. Ad-lrehs l J . O. l*>x IQKjJ^ioeton, Mas*., or Dr. W. H. PARKER, grad uateof Harvard Medical College, J5years*practice In Boston, who may heoonsulted confidentially Sr>eciaUv.T)l»eH*o* of Man. OfRcoNo. 4 Rulflru’h ■‘Vn s »'. -Jdi.rt' -i m HAS* SAi.GAM c - • * U * . m s i iic hair ^ro Nevwr fa *» to Restore Color. Gray Hair to its Youthful wm 2L Prev A-nki handrnir und hair falling Wc. an*i Si *o«i _ MARVELOUS I iEMORY DISCOVERY, In. book learned in one reading. 3f Ind wandering- cared. Nprultloy without note*. Piracy condeuineaby Supreme Court kregl indneement* to corre«poSce cluopt. Wm. A. Prospectus, with opinions of Dr. Hnmiroml, the world-famed Spceiali.-I in Mind diseases, Daniel Greenleaf Tliompsou D the great Psyehologist, J M Buckley, 1*. Editor of the Christian Advocate, liit liard Proctor, the Scientist, Hons Judge Gibson, Judah P iienjatnin. anil otliers, sent post Tree !*v Prof. A. UOISETfK, 2.°.T Fifth Are. New York HINDERCORNS. Th* only gureOire 9 Cor* for for Coras*. Coras*. St«*ii*all Uis»coXA( |«iiri. fit ort lomforttoUMfeet- 15c. at Dniircri.'ta. <» ,.N. 1 PARKER'S GINGER TONIC The best of all remedies for Inward Pain., Colic, Indica¬ tion. Exhaustion and all Stom¬ ach and Bowel trouble*. Alto the most effective cure for Coughs, Cold-8, Bronchitis ami affections It of the refreshing breathing \ organs. improves promotes the sleep prostration, apjxttite. overcome* nervous and gives new life atul strength and $1.00, Drgguists. to the weak and aged, 50c. ;it MASON & HAMLIN The ubioet organ & i Introduced in ita present form followed by _ Maaon the manufact Hamli n in 1841. Other maker# in urn of these Instruments, but the Mason & Hamlin Organa have always main , lelned their supremacy as the best in the world. Mason A Hamlin offer., aa demonstration of tha ■nequalled all excellence of their organs, the fact that at of the great •e*t Work World’# 2 ’« Kihlbitlons, Exhibitions, since that of Paria, with an tratedcatalogues tries, the beet they I8 1S»1 highest' «b‘PnnO hare makl ORCANS I *22 T’O ■ llftcompetitlon _ _ .Invariably er* honors. of all conn* JDiu tak- Hamlin #900. free. Mason & do no t hesitate to make the ex¬ traordinary claim for th eir pianos, that they are anperior to ail others. '! ,’hey recognize the high excellence achieved by o ther leading makers in tha art This of they piano attribute building, sole b ly ut to etill claim superiority. the remarkable im¬ provement Introduced ’by them In the year 1382, and now known aa th'a “Mason A Hamlin Piano B nuNaxR,’’ theU by *k I I |S ■ || |y A I I%■ A the use of which ia secured I U la I ■.^refinement greatest pci- aiblepurity andr of craaaed tons, together! capaci- OU I S3 fl A I ITPSI3ET V %f Vwlth for greatly in- lb tone other im\ vortant advantages. tv standing ana hundred A circular, purchasers, containing musicians, testimomaia from three and tsaers, sent, together r with w descrip tlve catalogue, to any applicant. Pianos and gaaa aold for cash or easy pay- Bienta; also HAMLIN renti MASON BOSTON. & NJBW ORGAN TOSH. AND PIANO CO. c CHICAGO, a Grateful'-Comforting. EPPS’S COCOA BREAKFAST. “li< tiiotouKh knowledge of tin natural law- U-1‘ govern the oparallons of dige s tion and nutrition, and hy a careful applies Uon of the fine jiropertiee of well selected tji'acoa. Mr Epps has J>rovidvdtnrprovid- delicately j ed our breakfast tab es witli n flavoured t“overage whieli It may save jadn ns many ious heavy I’ootora’ bid* i< by the > n«e of snet. article of dietthat a •■on*tituti >n enough nmy be gradually resist hnilt tendency up until lo disease strong j to ev, ry j Hnudr. d* c»l snlstii uialadie* are H utting around ns ready to attack where\er tiiere t- we.k itj p, i it pillg VVe may escape Well many lortltied a la'nl j | sll.i’l he ' nil i*ee W Itb —Civil pule hi.,oda:i.1 Ser'ice a |rf ojh i ly n Mad' >u i *i Ited id, f .mu'." with I j i, untie, in boiling pound water or aitlk. Isbelied ^*d i thus only in half- j tins, t.moers, J \ VIES F.PBd .V CO , Homeopathic Isoodon. < .'heinists, England. Th cat. HmSUra p ASTALL PRECEDENT! Over Tvro Millions IKstribntud L.S.L Louisiana State Lottery Company lncorjiorated t>> 1 he Legislature it) 180S w Edocational and Charitable purpotes, i I Its fraueaise made a part of the presi ~t State Constitution, in 1879, by an over¬ whelming jiopular vote Its GKAN1) EX lRAOttDlNAKY DRAW¬ INGS take place Semi-Annually, l.Jui«’ and Deoeml i-rI, and its GRAND SINGLE NUM¬ BER DRAWINGS lake place on each of the the other tan months in the year, and arc all drawn in public, at the Academy of Mnric, NewOrleane, La. * “Wedo herehycertifythatwcsupervise the arrangements for all the monthly and Semi¬ annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lo tcry Company, and in person manage and eon trol the Drawings themselves, and that the same arc conducted with honesty, fairness and in good faith toward all parties, this and we authorize the Company to use ecrtittCnM with fae-similesof oar sign atm <■ .Utnchedio its advertisements,” Cammluliinsri, will We the all undersigned Prizes drawn Banks in The and Louisiana Bankers State pay Lotteries which be presented may m ouroounters: It. 3I.IT tl.ffl.M.EI'.Pre*. l.a.Val l ». I*. ttSMX. l , if.Slsn- Sal I ISb. A. BAL»WI3,Pm. 3 O. Val I Hunt URI It Oil 34, **r««. t alnn VI Oatii, Mammoth Drawing At the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, December IS, 1 So3, CAPITAL PRIZE, $600,000, 100,000 Tickets at f-IO: Halves Lit; Qua* ters tieth* *10; $1. Eighths $f>; Twentieths t*2: For¬ uimt or fkizes. ! PlilZECF $600,(KH) is...... ■ioo. 200,000 1,000 1 u iuzf, of -lOO.t’OO is.... . 1 Prizf. of If 0,000 is...... lOO.'.’OO 1 Pbizk of 50,000 is...... 50.000 ‘i Prizes of 25,000 are..... rk*,oixi 5 Prizf.s of 10.000 are... 50,100 12 Pbizf.s of 5.000 are..... 60.000 25 Prizes of 2.000 are..... 50,000 X00 Prizes of 800 are..... . 80,000 200 Prizes of 400 are..... 80,UK) 500 Prizes of 200 are..... 1 OO.OfrO Arrr.oxiMi'no.N frizes. 100 Prizes of §1,000 are............. no, coo 100 do. 800 are.............. 80,000 100 do. 400 are........... 40,000 Three Number Terminals 99 Prizes of $800 are ... ........ 9il do 490 are Two Number Terminals. 900 Prize* of $200 are............. ..8180,000 900 do. 900 are............. . lht.,000 3,140 Prizes of ainoiinting tc —S2,ll8,$0( For Club Rrates, or any fu -r informa¬ tion desired, write legibly to ( i undersign ed, clearly slating your r ' mee, with Stale, County, Street ana Number. More rapid return mail delivery wil! tie as- surred by enclosing an Envelope bearing your full address. Send POSTAL NOTES, Express Money- Orders, or New York Exchange in Ordinary letter. Currency by Expressed ourexp.cnse) addressed to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Oraisus I. or M. A. DAUPHIN, Washing too, D. ( Address Registered Letters tc SEW OKI,E.i3» SrTOSAl BA3k 8 ew Orleans, La. REMEMBER That ih«* pr^M iuv of anil Early, alio l*pn, in ial« charge llpanr^anl ut cb«* h r«* drawing»,is Integrity, a guarantee the ehanee- of absolute falrnu-? and that are id! equn , and that no one can possibly divine w het numbers will drew a Prize . HEM KM BEK, also, that the payment of Priwsis GUARANTEED BY FOLK NA Tl NAL BANKS of New Orleans, and the Tickets '.re eignt 4 lit tin Prescient of an it' stituticii whose chartcred uigLts are rvug ui zed in the highest Courts; therefore beware of all imitations r.r tuo njmous scltemes. S W. IANGHXH & ii. WHOLES-*I.*• ANT) KU All. DRUGGISTS < CRIFFIN, CEORCIA. We guarantee the purity of our goods and make our prices lower than compe¬ tition. HOTEL CURT IS 'll! IF FIN, GEORGIA, Under New Management. A. G. DANIEL. Prop'r. 5-f.- ' ii i < i : trains. febU'dly ) A v BRTISERS arn the exact cost • roposed line o iiGf in Americav by addressing \\ Rowell & Co., - Advertising Bureau, jt » New York. UXkPtge PafQphlet OA, WITTIEST, PRETTIEST J0VCNILES QUEER PEOPLEiWcrtav (SwtVra ..awn; ..... thr Klaprmnnl uf Uia Vrno and N<»i III f tbs iuMct prank* elmrniiiw st - lauah-prntshiua iliustmt: . by th. l»ri. ii'y^m, 'llntnoK. r v lieu Fuis. II H Ck*n«U.JD Con •ell. I* ' ye O..A ildrn la hi -_U H- oMt trndoitytm ~*j Hon 8 R' Ol AMarl »*v «« t**d L mris Hou. HoYvwxU*nw WANTUn Itl VUIAIII) HKON. I best ii hi Unset. Pblladriphla. till *--- !*a. 0L f \ ^Tl CLAIIS BUSINESS oOLLEGI &SBCBE SIS • I 111 •»» x vnr, Januarf will hi: A Grand Bargain Day! \T Is/Ly Store ! 6i wEEsmaam We have a large choice stock, with new desirable goods, coming in on every train, that we are determined to convert into money. Now is your time to Secure Bargains! 'ikJ? f m *, •r'. If tr’-l a*!--:-. - u ■ : ' -A Heooivpd on yostonla.^ one lot of ^ LONG 80,50 worth 810. Feu clil Id reus’ Wraps he almost given away. WILL ADD SEVERAL BAROAiN COUNTERS the jiresenl w< <‘k. Look to join* interest l).y giving' my stock an inspection. BIG REDUCTIONS OR ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS SHAWLS. JERSEYS. ETC. hoe ilepartment! -7? TO f? FLFMISTEB. SjM'cial prices on all Shoes to reduce stock. -New lot of Eagle Shoe Co. Shoes just received. Best $2,50 Ladles’ Button Boot in the city for the money. Have too nnmp Men’s Fine Hand Sewed Shoes in such popu¬ lar limkes ii**, Hanons. Kmcisou, Sehmertzs. &<*•» worth $0,50 to $7,00 that we will sell »t $5,00 and $5.50. Haven’t time to enumerate more. Lome to see £. ■ *i J. tt if'LEMISTEB. y ■ ~m jrTpinn^lTI