The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, December 11, 1888, Image 4

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THE MOST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY ! E. R. ANTHONY’S DRUC STORE, HEAOQDARTKR8 FOB DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS. VAHNISIIESl ETC. ygT Physician,' Prescriptions accurately oo.r ponded, day or nlyrlit, a i . - ■ ....... . ■ ■■■ —---------- Don’t Buy Until You Find out the New IM PROVE- M ENTS. ■ middleman’* PROFITS. He^SENDFOR CATALOGUE. J. P. Stevens & Bro, 47 Whitehall St., ATLANTA, GA. «■ T --- We have a large stock of Toys which we propose to sell cheaper than anybudy, Come to see us when you get ready to buy. c- W. Clark & Son. GrtBn, Ha., Dfc. II. -fragrant I Last Lag I Price SB CU. »ae»aroacaB. ’’Bold U 1 %£ A f|AR Curt CotiiiniM*.Bfllout i Uotr LAXADuR A Cutth L Orugglti*. Ho. DF BULL’S COUGH SYRUP CURES COUGHS 6c COLDS FOR 25 <S Salvation Frlca only IS Cti. Sohlbij alt ttrugghtt. Will relieve Rheumatism, Swellings, Bruises,Lumbago, Headache, Tootha.cho, Soros, Cult, Scalds, Backache, Wounds nnrui lAHPi'S PIVOS, Tht Ortitt Tobacco linen uuttitl—Price IQ Ctt. At all The Christina* present i* nearer, atill n*aiear. with the New gift courting it at the heels. Now the young man aturc at the album in the book store window, wonder unto himsalf what make* ivory music box cost forty while the maiden arrangeth her before the glsae and saith uuto **I wonder what John is going to me this year?" —- ---- » • Straight Pole Wood. 500 load* at $1,00 a load. or sand aba money if yon want woed. B. 1*. Blanton & Co. Tax Collector’s Notice. I aa, compellad to closa my oa the 20th of December, and tax payar should come up I will i# at my oflBce at Patrick Brook'* *tor# every d»y until the J. W. Tkavis, T. C. Auction Sale* *ycry day at ninghatn’s of New Stock just rived at half what you ean buy where else. “The President’s Wife” Is as f»r abend of any other 8onr the market ns Mra CleYelund is above all competition in tank and beaafy. Us popularity is shown tbe fact that its sale is no! to a few, but it is sold by every in Griffin. Re sure and order President's Wife.’* seplfidSm YYtiere Happiness is Found, Wbera ia happiness found? Iu tbe dictionary, aud intheoeeof Dr. Huekleberry Cordial, which paves mnoh pain and anxiety iu relieving tlie little one* from teething and cholera in fentom. Red Snap! Orcssec Tin keys. Yam Potato«s 50 c bushel, Savannah and Norfolk Oysters Cream Ch ese 15 c Celery. All Pork Sausage Cabbage 3 c. lb. New Hams Fresh Lemons. •raakfast Strips i box Raisins Crai bernes, Turnips CiJron and Currants I Patataes Unions Buckwheat Oranaaa 26 & aeier Maple Syrup Haiiar‘ a Caff*** and Canned 6*oos Impart** Jams Cakes BLAKELY ’ROUND ABOUT. Mjil.n I’.nceraiJiff [People j.n.1 *Ann • ral I.iri Vmlp. ’ HBR MWSCTION. A* we played at wily p«ker mlinl Tried I hard to r,»U tier la the varions poker sought aauguage to find. “Telling” phrases of hope she scattered Rat toy chips with hand fair, As an* drew, so ricking up the cards, she muttered: ‘‘Jack, 1 do not want to pair.” The dust is effectually settled. Toon Brnunoa visited Zebtilcn jester day. ioa Ford visited his Uoneord girl Sunday. Ham Kafka, of Neal, spent Sunday in the city. Joe Ij inch, of Zatella, visited the city yesterday. C. W. Wbalwy, of Moieua, visited the city yesterday. E. L. ltodgera, of Brushet, waa ia tlie city yesterday. Charlie Norton, of Creswell, was iu the city yesterday. Claude tiutohiuaou, of Atlanta, spent yesterday iu the city. Jnnlr Walkar, ,»f Double CuLiuu, visit ed the city yesterday. The days are growing quite short and it is nearly dark by four o’clock. , Dr. Turner aud wife, of Williamson, were shopping in the city yesterday. Mr,. Oscar Wilkinson and children leave this morning on a visit to relative* in Alabama. Jim Key, a rising aud influential young man of Concord, apeut yesterday iu our Bity. When it rains in thit, country at this •oasoii, it generally miikee a good job of it before it leta up. Harry P, Browu after several day* vieit to his mother, Mrs. M. R, Brown, returned to Macon yesterday. Our meicbants are getting ready for the holiday trade. They will give more goods for a dollat this year than aver be fere, MisaB. E. Madden, one of Concord’s besntiful, ehauuing and accomplished youog ladle-, epeBt yesterday in ths «Tj. Howard McCall has gone to .Macon, the firm in Camilla for which he was keeping hooks having givsu up the ghost. Hiss Emma Elliott, of Uaruesville, who has been visiting fnsuiis at Neal, passed through here on Sunday, escort ed by Col. S. J. Kafka. The public schools will close on ths 21st iust. aud reopen on January 7th. This will givp scholars and teachers a good long holiday vacation. Miss Mary Baruss, a beautiful young lady of Woodbury, who ha* been visit lag htr cousin, Miss Ella Barnet on Taylor street,left forber home yesterday to the regret of her many frisuds. j , , .. J * ■ Oeorgl * ar * for « lu 8 to , th< ’ frout , 111 P° h i tlca - lu lbp recent election for Mayor * n the city of (irifliu, Mr. J. A. btewart, a young man only twenty-two years of I age, defeated Col. J. 1> Boyd. The Mayor elect is a son of Congressman Btewart snti ik a young tnnu of muoh promise. ’* You arc aware of course, that inaetivi ty ludaee* dyspepsia with with all it* j wretched eousvqunees. The remedies needed for *ucli case* a re judicious ex ercie end Laxador. Price 25 ornt* Master Purest Oa rison ha* accepted | » position in the Post Office. We ood gratulate Mr. H wdoin so hi* selection tod commemi Po. < st to the good people of Orilliti. fin i* ns hoot st c., vor asd iudastriou-youug man ami *e cnuumd him to the public an such. The pocrwe have always with u*. Lot opeu our I tarts ami our purate to and dispense that mercy which him ihat gives and him that Kmdlo the Christmas tire in homes of the poor, am! they will your head warm f rover A Public Park. Linffio is very iniica in seed of a path, be w urbaa or suburban ns locanon- » place of rraurt ihat cieii an atttaciies lor those is of pleasant pastime and rrciea Nearly a! of nor cities have pitce*, and the crowds which irsqusnt thsm alien their pop Ths beautiful _p*ik in .Ssv with its delightful walk*, urn trees, odoriferous tlowrra shrubbery, and it* playing fou„- j make an endianlian * cue j one dehgnis to linger. Allan poitos wii* pride to tier beautiful parks ami her citizen* fits! them a sourer ol recreation and from ths tirsaome cates of lit*. Macon has realized the idvxuUge 4 com pari live necessity of such s sn4 Cruup’s 1’aik, situated ike terminus n£ the dummy a, the suburb# of the citv, has transformed into, place of'j Delightful park* jniaasent other citte* in Oeeigia, Greigta, and slid, , bsauty and utility render '.kern j of pride *nd pleasure to tbeit j rtspenivr citizen*. There i* no reason why Griffin ; shou'd be wiihout ibis pleasure—giv ! iag emphasis to its enterprise. It has j tb* advantage of aiicady having de ^ airabla ground* *nd a pleasant grove j right ill the heart of the *ity—the j large grounds in front of (ha Sam Bailey institute, A liltl« wnrk *u<i a little money could make this a very attractive retort, and by energetic »c tion the li uds eould casi ly bo rxued. It won id greatly enhance ; b* value of the property surrounding- ‘he place, and nuke all th« lot* facing it two or three times t* desire ED* a* they now are. If the new ceuncil goes in for the improvrutent* that it ought to mako in our ligbn and s'irrtx, it will prob aldv have no mosey to spend in Ibis direction, and it must be done by priv Ac aubscriptiou. But it the Counuil yiraviua** to nh‘pt the e..y going, dii nothing policy of its prede c-ssur, ii could at least wake *n esay and imperishable favor by the comparatively cheap proces* of gir ing u. a city park. Catarrh originates in si'rofuloos taint Hood's Sarsaparilla pontie* the Wood, mid thus permanently cures catarrh. 7. Heather Mrs. K. M. Wilton. Mr*. E VI. Wilton, the lady v,ho was severely burned at Dr. Collier » residence Saturday morning, died Sunday *; f) o'clock a. w. She was more seriously injured then it wss for asveral boar* li#r soul took iU departure. She came to thi* city from Jacksonville, Fla., where aim bad be»n employed as a nurse for tbe yellow fevvi Buffersr*. She wss ju*t i*cov*nng . from au attack . of this dread diaeata whan eh* stopped i__... i* "tire , ... i.- c *vr» i.o , relatives to m uru h«i lo*v. S- e was buried in tb* cemetaty k*r# yes terday afternoon,* »ubsci iption be ing taken op^to pay the expenses •Sueay Side .SeiBUIaiiioa*, St N>rr Sim, Ga. Dec. 10.-—W* are h*vi»g plenty of r«:* Thv farmers are about dene gatker ing, and now taking r. re*’ prepar I iug for auotker year. B. I. SiercBs, of Garden, was up ; see hi* Sunny Side fries ds Sun. j .Mi*s Annie Iumiisoti, one ot our best young ladic*. ia visiting relatives »nd friend* in Meriwether county thi* week. j Mi** Blanche Millet w*» in Sunny ! Side Saturday *lt*rnouB . j S. if. VY»yBian, who k*h be*D spending some ume m Mi»*otiri, ti*s returned, *mi . injrcd . , ad , ! we sra g to see him back. Sunny Side we repr**en!ei] at the circa* last T*ur*d*j, and mini ol our hot* get* up a right good juke on *o»e of the adies abent riding the “Flying Jenny,’’ I*- w* don't hitme the ]*dir*, e* !*ey waat to e u j >T wh*t I* going cu i n this world «* wall a* the buy* Salvatiou Oil tire greatest cure i u eartli for paiu, has mad,- a tuo,t tiriiliaut d. but, V; ice ’25 eta. T’hllusopber* aay hat with aliairs ah'iuhi always be conducted a view to the good of tbe greatest number I)r. Bull's Cough Syrup doe* tlie great good to the greatest number. ’25 Tbe baby ha* ite prefereuoea aa well anybody, and Abe taste of Dr, I'm ii * Baby Byrnp routers it soeeptsble bottle. to everv mfati*. Price SR eeets a I refi/i Every Cake Day! Leave your orders with us---they will lie ill if (I bj M rs. Ida J udkins. Best Line of Cigars i n the city. Call and we will save you money, J. H. Keith & Co. I! K<» E. PRICE ,J p Price & Foster, -HEALERS IN- Boots, Shoes, Upper and Sole Leather, French and American Calf Skins, Shoe Findings, ta. •Ins. Means’ mid W. h. liousrhis’ *3 Shoes a Specialty. •yi Mariottn tklreot, ATLANTA, GA.. i-ff" Special jitiention given to visitors or orders from (iriilin and vicinity by Mr. Foster. octliklikwSm THEY A.SK THE QESTION WHY IS IT and HOW IS IT THAT J, H. White, Jr., & Co. SOLD SO MANY GOODS THE PAST MONTH ? -k [Jo m jr * f f £JEg 1 *j *Ji ~V Cl A* f f pj t r r op \y \J % Answer by saying its because they keep the BEST STOCK OF CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, ETC., IN THE CITY, AND SELL THEM For A Smaller Profit THAN THE SAME GOODS CAN BE BOUGHT ELSEWHERE. i heir entire sti ck was bought from first bands and why should they not sell CHEAP 7 Respectfully, J. II. WHITE, ML, & CO. IR/ixn Here! ■ 200 Decsmber Fashion Sheets to Give Away! A WRITING 1>All FOR A FOXY. New Line Stationery. Beautiful Wall Paper and Window Shades. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments at Bottom Prices BRAWNER, DEANE & CO CUM FFTN, - ii I ORGI A The Finest Bavin Griffin Is undoubtedly that of Scherer A Krauss. They are elegantly littad up, and are Whiskies, prepared to serve th*ireustomer«witli the best of everything iu iheir line, such as tine VYiue-,, Cigar*, Ac. Tbe best Country Corn Whisky at the lowest possible prices J-.7“ Call upon them if you want THE BEST LIQUOR IN TOWN. tV'-iV W \ 111 ( P. FAILLE, SFL iThe Watchmaker and Jeweler, 52 Hill Street. Dealer in Watches, Diamonds A Jewelry. i i_jy Call and S'* all the Latest Novelties in Watches, Clock* A Jewdry. Too Muili Afraid of Wet. TllP Southern paople have so i mi : * j 0 c teu«1 ‘ (ij*, d*t*n ''1 from . -rr goo g ov.t ,, Iut ir* thnu «i . ti po-ple. T a u -,. tl t ftuu g of the wi (, ime-;.., with nur kit (J f meeiiug ip city. Just why .I should be so ciu.’. explain, but • fact i* quite Loticealile, and is gt*< It to t)f< regretted. Men, eve:, n. rain an « xcu«e for not fillir-*_: tuen , B or discharging wufU c ' -uu their attent on kt ’■ duty. it is true that ri*« oat f t(u wi n Bt y that they did not g - because they did not think ary lio else would be present. 'I hi* j a easily construct*.] a* to cf indifference, and «*» y pul’ movement* ot the greatest tence have scfiVrecl »?ii msiy this disposition to consult our fori. We weoid like to *e« ed ptoveuiftit in tin* tespect in ank believe that if our 1 people consider w**:i the inter**, of the mumir that rubbers and would be called into requisition, rain and m • oukl be le** bie. SEALED t RUPOSAL8 will t.e the offie* of the Snpervisir.g Architect, nry Department, YYaabintrton, D f in’,il •’rlock j>. m ou th* 27th day of i>»c«mb«r l8es, for tb* ami material* Hon** required aud enlarffioj the l . 8 Court Office building *t ATLANTA, GA., in ac eordam • with the ipeeiticatloii and drawngs eopie* of which may be s*«ti at thi* Office tlie Office of tbe Custodian. Atlanta, »'•*., Huiiderg’ Exchange, Baltimore, Md , Build «r» ExcliMige. C ucinnati, O.. Builder*’ Trader*’ Eixcbange, Chicago, lit. and D)Ui, villa Ky.. and Mei hautcs’.Tlea'.er*’and Luiu hermen*- Exchange, N*w Orlean*, I>a Ei h but Btt»*t fi.OtKl. he ac.-empasied by a checek for The eup*rvi*iug tect will furnuh a limited number of of the specification and of drvwings at five lars a set, upou receipt that sum in post offie* money order, drawn to the order the Treasurer of the United filatws will a rRKt’r;, Are Sopervtaittt hi tec* December 4th, IS* -turn,Unit* sat. Dlc*t for a Run Down Horse. j n reply feed to the question, ‘‘What is the strength to give u and horse flctshV” that Massa- is run I down in chusettaPlowman says: If you cannot ;r< 7 pststurage. f.vd your horse fresh cut gr:: . or clover hay, with a few oats, any f. a’.r to six quarts daily, and give turn c :itle work or exercise so as to keep his .:. ipetite and digestion good. As he gains : length you can substitute corn meal mixed with cut hay for ono or two ra¬ tions daily using not over four quarts a day. torn meal alone is not so safe a grain for horses as oats; most cases of colic, we believe, are to be traced to injudicious use of corn meal; but horses fatten rap¬ idly to make on it it and safe it article is cheaper of diet than would oats; a wo advise mixing it with the same bulk of wheat bran or feeding in connection with oats and some root, say one half peck of carrots daily. 'P I’^MYAL'VswIt^i ^AKlM * 5 POWDER Absolutely Pure. Ibis Powder uever varies. A marvel o j purity, strerfgth and whole*omo#«s. More economical sold that the ordinary kinds, and ean I not be in on.apeti'oc with W oioltitu 'y of low te*t, short weight, alum or phoephwte f > owuert Koto oal u was, Box* bail* i Pownwa Co,. 10b Wail Stemt, New fork ! ntd-dArwly-top mtsmvi let or *tt twir». THERE IS A 1 For AH Thnigs. THIS TO BE THE PROPER TIME TO BUY HEAVY WINTER GOODS. 'i WEATHER HAS BEEN TARDY putting in its appearance, but Sckeuer- & White have not been tardy in reduc- 1 prices on all woolen stuffs. Overcoats Must Co ! Too many on hand and we need the money. Christ- is nearly liesr, and if low priaes will do it we not hare an Overcoat on hand by January 1st. Mb’s, Boys’ ifl Cite Ms Will suffer too. Nothing in our clothing department will be spared. Competition yourself. will say PRICES this is all WILL non¬ sense, but come, see for TALK. Woolen Dress Goods Will meet the same late. This line of our business is complete in every particular, we have been unusn ally successful with our Dress Uoods this season and would have n© trouble in selling our whole stock at present priees, but we delight in LOW PRICES. WE OELIGHT IN PLEASING OUR CUSTOMERS, and our cut prices for the balance of this season, can not fail to please every one. -to’- JAGRETS, NEWMARKETS, MOJESKAS. The largest stock of Wraps, both long and short, in Middle Georgia. Our prices speak for themselves. It is only necessary to show our wraps and give onr “cut priees” on them and they sell themselves. FLANNELS, BLANKETS* LAP ROBES iNT All reduced, to klose out by end of season. -;o:- Carpets and Rugs! Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Three-Plys. Extra Supers. Ingrains. All made and Put down free of cost to the customer. We guarantee a fit, we guarantee our prices, we guarantee the quality to be equal to any in the world. -tot- ★ "STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT.” ★ II you are wise you will not longer delay, but make your purchases at onee. Scbeueruan l White.