The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, December 12, 1888, Image 4

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THE MOST GOODS FOR THE LEAST MONEY ! • --- to;---- STORE, E. R. ANTHONY’S DRUG HEADQUARTERS FOR DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, VABNISHBSi ETC. fBBSBSSSSSSSc=-~ •; ........ m : ■ * _ Don’t Dn.v Until You f***' Find out the New IMPROVE¬ MENTS. gif' ■ -*•" g| middleman's PROFIT S . SsTSENDFOR CATALOGUE. J. P. Stevens & Bro. *7 Whitehall St., ATLANTA. SA. TOYS ! ■ We have a large stock of Toys which we propose to sell cheaper than anybudy. Come to see us when you get ready to buy. G’ W. Clark & Son. Mews ... -. Orlffln. tia., Dec. 12. UXADOR Curt! Liver Coitloeneu. Btliaue Affection!, At druggllte. SB 0 . DF BULL’S 1 GOUGH - 4 SYRUP CUKES COUGHS & COLDS FOR 25 C Salvation fried only SS Ct$. Sold by ell drugglite. Will relieve Rheumatism, Swe lting s, Bruit Toothache, Soros, Headache, Cuts. Scalds, Backache. Wounds, * Tobacco CHEW LANOi'S riVCS, The Great tUfctdl~Price 10 Vt>. At all awn* j. W. Franklin, • proraiuont chant of Zebnlon, visited the sijy day. Oon. Paaa. Agent C. W. Ohcaia, the Georgia Midland, was in the city ‘•nliiy. Mits Eula Gray, a charming lady of Sonny Hide, was in the city terday. Miss Alice Gelhouso a young lady of Vineyard,spent in the city. Capt. K. /. Androws left for Covington and other place* he will bny cotton. M. C, Graddy wout to Riverside, on Saturday and returned with his wife and child. The Central railroad ia putting up crank car Lions* tod supervisor's in front of the Motel curb*. Misses Bailie and Lena two beautiful and fascinating young dies of ZebuloB. were shopping iu city yeetrrdsy. Straight Pole Wood. 500 loads at $1,00 a load. send (he mooey if you waut id. B. P. Blanton k Co. Collectors Notice. * ai ^compelled to close my ike 0 f December, and every lax p*y*t«hou!d come up promptly 1 will v* a, roy office at Patrick Brook's stoA icvciy ever v d*v d»y until until the the ' J. \V. Travis. T. C -- * s.rwyi. the Frexident’s Rile” Is as far ahead of any other flour iu the marV«t.a 8 Alra Cleveland beauty beauty. 0 1 Its populavuy is shown bv the fact that its saR. i B not confined to a few, but it is soi-.t hy every deal in Griffin. Ro sure and »rdtr “The TfMide&t e ^ife. 6epl*J3 m .’BOUND ABOUT. Mailer, < oncvralag .»nd ©■■a *r»l »ewi Ciowlp. LITTLE HOMORA MULLALLY Poor little Ilonora Mullaliy, At the close of thelhaukagiTing Day. Wa* Blending in front of her alley, A-watohingsome children at play. Her gown waa a wonderful garment, All patehaa from shoulder to hem, And her hat and her ahoes— well, I hesf you’ll excuae remark* ahont them. Any farther Toor little Ilonora Mullally, Hnd a face just a» bright as could be. And no flower in meadow or Tflllry Wus ever as (iretty as ahe And so thought an old woman, who i>a»e- Stopped iny, moment to smuiagly a fay, “Why, bleaeyour dear heart, I am sure you have had A good dinner to-day ” very ‘Via, indade," eaid Honors Mullally, “1 did; for my (ricrid, Mis. Down, Had a hape of aweet tatcra that Sallie, Her eiatcr, baked lovely could and brown, Wid—oh, ma'am, if you have »een It ! — The fattest and follies! of bine, Aud they giv’ me the gir./ ivl ami neck of that hiu, And all of the sweet later skin*.' Only tlurtesn day* until Christmas. Have yon engaged your turkey yet? Jake Alenko visited the city yester day. The old straw hat has departed for good. Better psy your taxes, aa the time is short. Brush up your resolutions for year. Now ih the time to plaut shade fruit trees. Drummers ull say that trade is dull oil the road. j. B. Kstis, of Clay, spent yesterday in (he city, J. A. Kitcbins, of Moleua, was in the city yesterday. \V. L. Thrash, of Oakland, vtaitad ttie city yesterday. \V, 1’. Blftutou, of Zotella, was iu the I city yesterday. Dr. J. AI. Kelly left yesterday for . Washington, Ga. \V. Williamson, ef iVilliamson, was iu the city yesterday. J. B. Beeves, of Bunny Bide, visited j the city yesterday. Issac Howard, of Oakland, epent ye. t*rday in the city. W. II. Dupree, of Line Creek, was iu | the city yesterday. YV. W. Amis, of Greenwood, was iu the city yesterday. T. 1'atterson, of Brooks Station, visit , a , lie ci>y yesterday. Aii*. j. M. MoKnight, oi Fl*t Shoals, visited the city yesterday. Oi l. E. Womack, of Coviugtou, spent yesterday iu the city. Mrs. E Strickland, of Sunny Side visited the city yesterday. Dr. a, W, Pinkston, of zones' Mill, visited the city yesterday. flon. E.more Thrash, of Fiat Shoals, visited the city yeeteiday , Miss «»** robnuie rounuis Thaeatt, in*c»ii, of o Forsyth, is - guest of Miss Beecher Mis* Genie Conley, of Osxix, Fia., t* visiting Alia. J. C. Brook-. Mr . H, U d,.,>.ucouch,of sm .,*.*■ shopping in the city yesforJ ’, c F Beeves, of Crcsw. 11, will m ve Waldo, Arkansas nex v.,, k. The Alisftes Bright, o; 8m, y Hide, were shopping in the city yesterday j. g. Iltickaby aud wife, of Zabuion, ; were shopping iu the city yesterday. Med Snap} )er f Dressed Tuikeys. Yam Potatoes 50 c. bushel. Savannah and Norfolk Oysters. Cream Ch ese 15 c. ... Celery, New Hams- All Pork Sausage. Cabbage 3 c. Ib. Fresh Lemons. Breakfast Strips. £ box Raisins. tal.lWriM, Turnips Buckwheat- CiJron and Currants. dozen / Maple Syrup. h m Canned Goods, Imperted Jams. Mi&m THE NEW GOVERNMENT! THE NEW MAYOR AND ALDERMEN GET INTO OFFICE. A Neat Speech by Mr. Stewart -Some Talk on Lights—New of¬ ficers and Committees Couucil met i-o regular session fast nighf. P u sent, it!! except Al ter man Boyd. Alderman Word introduced « raso lotion stating an there was definite knowledge that a n«w railroad tvn# about to lie built frou Augusta pass iog tbrongb onAn, ib* Council received the »nn with grant pleasure and would do ail : iu their power to further the prog ress of the road. Adopted. * The report of Treasurer Nall from , Aug. 1 to date wu* read aad referred ; to the finance committee. The anna 1 al report whs hUo read and referred, , shoving total receipts ot $lti 880.43, expenditures of $10,525.94, and a bal j aaci) of $303,49. A number of accounts were approv ed and ordered paid. J. A. Stewart was than swttn in as Mayor and S. Grsutlaud dec!ar*d the council of 1888 adjourned eina die. Mayor Stewart in taking his chair ■poke as follows, his remark* being grested with applause by the council am\ the large number of citizen*, preiant: Gentlemen of the Council and Fellow citi xeiis: The municipal ailaira of the city of GrifEn rests in onr hands tor the ensuing year, lie! ns prove worthy of the trust re po.ved in us. The citizens, at the ballot j box have told us in unmistakable that they desire a change in the way the af : fairs of the city lr-‘ve bacti conducted. St is clearly our duty to make such ,manges as will guarentaethe relief desired. Let us be gin tonlcht, aud give one year ot our time to the progress, the advancement and the best interests of Griffin. I am duly cons cions of the fart, that the duties of the office to whirli I have Im u unexpectedly ealied, arc laborious, and that my Inexperience will require from you path-nce and for¬ bearance. 1 will labor, howevei, for s faith, fui performance of every duty: mud trust each of you will aid me in my desire to msk* the year 1 xSU a* successful ,aud prosperous oue for our eily The newly elected aldermen wer» the,i sworn in by 1 lie ntr.r mayor find took their neats mnid raore appl#u«o. A petition it an presented to tie council, stating that certain citizens 1m i applied to the legislature for a charter for a ettact railway, an l ask ing that the coined grant right of way of the strcc * an 1 grant exemp tion from taxation for a term of years Judge Dan e! urged imint diatu ao tion. aml oo motion of Alderman Newton the rules wero suspended and ti.oputuioD was granted, ex; tup tion being given for ten years. Alderman Newton offered the following iesolulien: It is hereby reiolved lay the May or and Council of Griffin that the city attorney be required to draft u bill to be passed by the legislature providing that the city ahull have the right to issue bondB to tfc# ■ mount of $— , to become doe ■nd payable a* follow*: That the money arising from the sale of said bonds I e need in provtd ing the city with good lights and water wotks. either or hosb. That said bill shall provide for *ub mitting the questtou. of issuing the bonds to the citizens of Griffin, end if issue is ratified by a two third* vote then the bonds to be issue 1 Sir. Newton stated in enpi >rt of his resolution that the poop's were desirous of better lights sod tie thought they con’d bo obtained this way without additional tax, maturing the bonds in 1890. Alderman Burr state.! that the charter Imd been bo amended that ad dittonai tax for the purpose could be raised, and that the city was prohibit ed from issuing bonds for r-.uch pur pose. Aiderman Deane spoke in same line, uid they wi.iu sustained i by the reading of the code. Ahlermati Word said he was for lights, 1‘U* thought taxes could le increased without hurting anybody. The resolution was tabled. Aldi i man Newton » *" offtrjd the foil, wieg: It is liereby resolved by th*> May or an ! Conned of the city of Gr ffin that the city attorney he rtquired to draft an amendment to ti e charter of I,.' n:v so er to author it« the .flavor audC luuoil t, actees# she « ,i f ■ i- ec.uf ,-i p l e. reg uiar and fXtr* police iih foic>«s: Ghiftf of police no; to exceed $<>td, police ai d ex i t not to i sect o $5 - l' c ad Dili is vi.’ten ; •IS 1 he sUitit to om rspioac it iiive in the UgisDiUic vith a nqu< *t • hsvc :t na*' 1 4 --P. I’tie fit ■ it ter ev i» h' reiiv suthenred . inibiisu titenotice . . • as re I quired by :t». j On motion f AlSennsn Morns the rt roluf’iiti w m tatiie !. The Oottrou th*.- 1 . weat into execu five wifioii fer the c’cct oO of 0!l y otfiotire, with the loiio-'ing result; Alsyor [no tern. — H. G Buii % Chief v n -i of u- Police i u -J. F. i M tnn Policemen—S* G- OnoninglKiA;, J. E ‘Mathews and It F Doe. Street Oyers#«r—J--G. Br.dg*, OHyS-Dofi-N J. Bolden. fresh Cake Even, -f A Leave your orders with UH" -~t hcy be flUed h.v Mrs. Ida^ ”ity ,nS ’c a il and we will >- save you money, J. H. Keith GKO E. PRICE I* FOSTER. Price & Poster, --DEALERS 1H- Boots, Shoes, Upper and Sole Leather, French &iid Aniertcau j Calf Skins, Shoe Findiags, So. Jas Mcans , all( , w . L . Douglas'$3 Shoes a Specialty tbl-l Mm'ii'lln Slr«“Ct, ATLANTA, GA.> ■arSp.-,lnl atl.-ntio.i aivcu ... .i-it-r. .,r order, frou, tirlflh, NS Foster. —.......... THEY ASK THE QESTION WHY IS IT «ND HOW It IT THAT J, H. White, Jr., & Go. SOLD SO MANY GOODS THE PAST MONTH ? •J. H. White , »//*., <(* Co. Answer by saying its because they keep the BEST STOCK OF CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, ETC., IX THE CITY, AND SELL THEM For j A Smaller Profit THAN THE SAME GOODS CAN BE BOUGHT ELSEWHERE l lioir entire stock was bought from first hands and why should they not s.-H CHEAP ’ . Respectfully, J. H. WHITE, JR.,& CO. Rxxxi Y 200 December Fashion Sheets to Give Away! A WRITING PAH FOR A PENNY. New Line Stationery, Beautiful Walt Paper and Window Shades. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments at Bottom Prices BRAWNER, DEANE CO., I GUI FFIN, ... G 101*01 V, . The Finest Bavin Griffin , to Ii, undoubtedly >srve their customer* that of Sclieror with the A beet llmi!'-. <'t ■•wrjiliii.. Ili 'y:,; , , l tin lady u- liin-. iittaJ sm up, li and as t'ne arc ^prepared Wliisl IVitie*, Beer, Cigars, jfcc. The best Count' mntry v born l U'hiskj at the lowest possible prices , »•“ Call upon them if yon want THE ileeitcwlm BEST LIQUOR IN TOWN. UoBte Watches, in Nickel, bilvt r and (J ltd Ladies Watches, iu Nickel, bi'ver »ud Gold. i F ttsd with Elgin, Waltham, Rockford In allthe Latest Designs and Swiss movement*. and W arranted to be as Represented. All the Latest Stylos in Ladies and Lents Plain Gold Rings. In all size*. Watch Chains in, Gold Rilveraad Plated Set Pi in i;s in Diamonds, Rubys, Camaosi Call aud Examine and Initial settings. The Largest Selection of Watches, Diamond* and Jtiwelery ever brought to Griffin i - AT P. PAtLlE’S, SR., 52 HILL STREET *£% City Phyaioian —Dr. T. J. Collier, City Watchman—John West. In the election for chief of police onlv out.* ballot was taken, a- folio .vs- J. F. Mann 5, T. G. Manlw 1, M J Patrick 3. The Mayor announce it’ f <liow j ing committees, afttr wb cl. - p a ijonvned Finance- Bair, Deane, Word. Ordinance—Morris. Patrick, N ton P. lice—Patiick, .Moore. Bar. Street—Burr Moms, D- me. Pumps and Vi el!« Deane, P vtdi, Moore. Gurneteiy ord, Poweh. Morria Fa s Depart nit st--Po well, D.-tirc, Moiris. Relief -Deane. Morris, Newtor. Prtttionr Morns, Patrick. Word Nuisauce—Newton, Powe.i.W rd. Public I’uild'not • Storrir. Lluir, i Patrick, Pi'inlingNewton, Palnck, Derr. Sanitary — Moo’e, Morris, Newton. i ”* — i ! A Few Words Regarding Mrs. Wil- ton's Oeallt. Wc i.e-u. to lender our i.«u felt j thu' K'to the many f, nd; f r tho j ■ kindness iiiJ r ai Ui.-jOil the I odeision .4 tb« tire ocean ed j on SrutdaVaMt at . ir lioaso. We wish . , also to txpressonr i-.pprechitn , _ ii of the geiiGi ous and timely aid exien de ' :i to tho unfortuuate ‘ ati.-.eger within onr gaies.’ It seem* rather a strange coincidence that aii the ! fl w*>rs vveie arranged in the foita of ctosscs. tit emblems of the many heavy crosses she b is oorue iu lifts. Iwt us hope that these lnve t'**B aside for an unfading . crown of ; immorialitv. We witi Dot wound the ieliuete wmdb.tiFesof those who oontribntwl to tbs burial food, by ’ publishing name- but we have the !iit and will keep it in memory of the good people who on this tcea ■ion have added new luster to their already bright record of generoas dtads Dr. and Mrs Cociier. Walter Bates aud family left yester day for Batesville, Ala., which will he their futliro home. We regret to lose Mr. Bates from onr midst. The prominent Meriwether couuty farmers brought 150 bales of cotton to Griffin yesterday. Com* again gentle men! We extend you a cordial welcome The beautiful and accomplished Mias Willie Ma.-ou, of Orchard Hill, visited t Ue city yesterday and left for Atlanta yesterday afternoon,where she will spend several days with relative*. Klf¥j|| La°GfiiT'.lvtaLd v POWDER Absolutely . '* . •■ .S. . Jt Pure. % 5 , * -'I . - - 't’bi* Powder never Vane*. -A in»rvct o economical than the orffiawy XirvU, end can «>tbe ^old the raultitu ’» of tew Seek, *hor.t weight, alum or phosphate . ..iUxiStt Tort Day! A TIME THE For AH Thnigs. THIS TO BE THE PROPER TIME TO BUY HEAVY WINTER GOODS. GOLD WEATHER HAS BEEN TARDY In putting in its appearance, but Sclieuer- & White have not been tardy in redtic ■ 4 man ing prices on all woolen stuffs. m Overcoats Must Co \ Too many on hand and we need the monev. Christ- mas is nearly hesr, and if low hand prioes by January will do it we Will not have an Ov ercoat on 1st in’s, Ibis' aid Hdn Is Will suffer too. Nothing in our will clothing this department is all w ill be spared. Competition for yourself. say PRICES WILL non¬ sense, but come, see TALK. Woolen Dress Goods! Will meet the same Tate. This line of our business is complete in every particular, we have been unusn ally successful with our Dress Goods this season and would have no trouble in selling our whole stock at present prices, but we delight in LOW PRICES. j ^||T QELIGHT IN PLEASING OUR CUSTOMERS, and our cut prices for the balance of this season, can not fail to please every one. i JACRETS, NEWMARKETS, MOJESKAS. I in The Middle largest Georgia. stock Our of W prices raps, speak both long: for themselves. and short, j “cut It is only prices” necessarA* them to and show they our sell wraps th( lemselves. and give our j on ----tad— FLANNELS, BLANKETS, LAP ROBES All reduced, to kiose out by end of season. -tat- Carpets and Rugs! Dnrlu Body Dmccolc Brussels, Tonoctri/ Tapestry Druccoic Brussels, ThrPP.PIVS. Three-Plys, Extra Supers, Ingrains. All made and Put down tree of cost to the customer. We guarantee a fit, quality we guarantee be equal our prices, in the we world, guarantee thej to to any ----- ★ "STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT.’ Ii you are wise you will not longer delay, make your purchases at once.