The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, December 13, 1888, Image 2

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POUULAH QUaSWKS. Mltor A Pr*** <*A.IUbT.(UA«vwo*)rM kaaum. •MIKI,y.O»aTaa*............. UriOia, ftMrgto, D«. It* 1*W. Official Paper of Spalding Co. Official Paper ef the City of Griffin Adrertlaing Bates. eequeut m*. Tau line* or 1«M to b* ooont- 4* ^W»o3l NOTIOK8 No inaartion 10 oenta omd»r per Ito thi* or *sob teMrtiea. All insertion* i*»» than SO cento. paid tor in t«r loo* than on* dollar mast b* *iub«r*l rata* oentinu* will b* th*ir mad* advertisement# with parti#* wiaMoa to IO wEuCX/f-—Same rat**a* forth* Dailv. If the liter of tb# baa boan iaiprotod bj tha tefoaion of now blood, maybo tb* lights of iha oitj nay bacoma botUr aJao. Thara ia ao ooaanittoo on lights, and tharo ia a glimnaaring hops tbat tbera are now enough prograaaite man in tha whola council to gire na bettor lights. Speaking of tha cold facta, here ia ona: *'Tha Tanitory of Dakota ia nearly aa large as all tha Mew Eng land State*, Indiana, South Carolina. Sew Jersey and Delaware,” Tha Hint Director states aaaonnt of gold soia and bullion in tha Tnitad 8tot#a at $705,818,653; and silver. $808,659,178, besides 6,545,- 654 trade dollars. 8« there ia $402,- 159,000 wore gold than ailtar, or 132 per cent. wore. It waa Rolharford 13. Bayaa who. when ha saw that Mr. Tilden had been elected, declared tbat he was not aorry for biaiaelf, but tbat he was aorry for the poor negroes of the Sooth. Cannot Mr. Rutherford B. Hayea do something for the poor negroes of Ohio! He ia atill a citi sen of that State, sad thoaa puissant warriors, Field Marshal Halstead and Holy Terror Foraker.are ao busy securing tb# Southern negroes their rights that they have no time whatov er to devote to tha protection of the rigbta of tha Ohio negroes. THE REGRO ARB THE FRISCH IB*. So wash has been said by Rapubli can politicians at tbs North concern ing the political condition of the ne groea at tha South that tb# New Terk World baa set out to gather opinions from the negroes them selves. On Tuesday it pnblithad tbrsa eolnmns of interview# with rap resentative nagroes throughout the South, and the result ia deeply aug gaative. From only three points— Baltimore, Richmond and Greenville, S, <J., are there complaint* that tb* negroes are interfered with in the ex erciee of their rights aa electors. In •vary other section of the South the negroes say tbat they art not re stricted in auy of their rights a* citi sens. They are satisfied with the ex iating order of thing* They aak no interference upon the part of the in coming administration. They are aa n rule, content with what has been ac corded them, and tbeir testimony is in the main highly complimentary to the white people of the Sontb. Among tboseinterviewed.whoee opin ions are outlined above, are Jams* A- Anderson, a tobacconist of Wil mington, N. C., Rev. Benjamin Brown, of the Methodist Episcopal Cbarch, Lyncbbarg, Virginia, who bad never known of a negro being in timidated or resisted in bis right to vote. Rev, H. H. Mitchell, of Dan ville, Virginia, who never witnessed any ease ot intimidation, Itov. W. A. Jarkaon, of Parkersburg, West Vir ginia, James H. Jones, of Raleigh, North Carolina, once body servant to Jefferson Davis and captured with him, now the moat intelligent negro in Raleigh, W. G. Peaeon, of Dur bam, N. C., principal of the public school for colored children, Richard Harris, a colored merchant in Nath ville. Tenn., Jefferaon Long, of Ms con, Ga, an ex-memb*r of Congress, Prof. R. R. Wright, of Augusts, Ga., principal of the War* Normal School, and a dalegat* to tha Chios go National Convention, Rev. H. W. Conley, paator of a Congressional Church and principal of the colored free school* at Anniston, Ala., and John L. Minor, sditor of the Pelioaa at New Orleans. The testimony of these men, wi*b that of others of equal prominence, relative to tb* ao atol and political condition of their race, is entitled to vastly more weight than the unsupported state masts of irresponsible |>olitieiaas who sever haw the Southern negro except at a convenient distance from TIE BLEEP! ASSOCIATED PRESS. Under the head of “A aleepy preaa agent,” The Roma Tribuaa make* the fallowing plaint: u Tke representative ef the Assocta tod Press at Birmingham, waa either fast asleep on Saturday evening or else so buey in sending special die- patches lect to apeeial duty papers of acquainting aa te neg outside the plain world with the of af the |tat* fairs existing in one of tb# Irat cities of the South. "Although the entire afternoon of Saturday, and the entire portion of the evening was full of sensational seenea and ominou* muttarings of the storm that bnrat later on, this young man, or old man, aa tha case may be, kept qaiet and inactive; until there was euly time to send out a brief me* sage for auch papers as take the final reportof tba ageacy, leaving entire ly unprotected, the interest# of these newspapers whose report* close at I o'clock a. m., bat who ar# fully en¬ titled to the best news tbat reache the central office before tba hour of II p. m. Either this office or the of ficials of the southern department in Wasbingtoa have been unmindful of the interests of tbeir palrena. ‘‘In either case, The Tribune will submit the matter to headquarters witn the request for batter treat inert ia any similar event ef the kind.” ~Tbia is very natural complaint on tb* part of tha Tribune, bnt only ex presses Half the truth, aa it doubt lea* only half relieves its mind for getting left. Associated The fact ia tbat tbe Press, as it is run in this part of tha country, ia a sleeply concern all the way through. Its work ia all routine and perfunctory, and it ha* been so long used to being a monopoly that it ean not show enterprise when en terprise is needed. There is no life in it and consequently no spirit in what reports it does send. Its main work at present, so far aa wa ean observe in our conteroporariee, is to report the dull routine of congress ioual proceedings with about as much unction as tba Congressional Be cord, enlivening its readers on Mon day morning with the additional in formation, telegraphed from Indian &polis, that President elect Harrisen bad gone to church in a very order ly manner the day before. No live paper any longer depends entirely upon tbe Associated Presa to give its readers (he news. Tbe Naws was among the four morning papers ia Georgia that gave its readers on Sunday morning information about tbe findiag ef Mrs, Hawes body and the riaing of the riot on Satarday night, which the Associated Press did aot even get to the New York papers until Mon day, and the Naws has since kept fully up with the progresa of the af fair. Tho News paid tha Associated Press for 7,500 words a ay for sev eral days to rseeiv# the full election returns in tb* recent presidential election, but it was only from its own regular service, running alt the time in addition te the Associated Press and Western Union, that it found out when Chairman Brie*gave up aad the fight waa over. Ye*t*r day morning, through it* own ter vice, this paper gave the first full tabulated statement tbat we have seen of the official vot* in all tbe different States at that electioa. The Nkws service ia that of th# American Pres* Association, which has been established in th# great cities of th# North and W«*t for a number of years past, and which now covers the whole continent. This paper wa* the first to seek tbe establishment of a branch office st Atlanta, and through tha co-opera tion of a number of other paper* in Ibis and neighboring Slates this wa* attained. Being aa yet a new office we do not claim perfection for th* service, bat it is already far *up«rior in readableness and wide raDge of it* news,and tb* crisp and fresh wan ner iu which its mens is dished up. It is constantly improving iu us reg uUr method*, and what it can do on special occasions our loaders have noticed and have not htaitaled to eomplimant it* performance ovar other papers. The A.*»ocmi,d l’r«*s i* behind the time*; the Naws never is if it can help it. Th# new mayor said tbat the p*o pie had spoken in unmistakable tones in favor of a complete ehang*; but we have the same chairman of the street committee. Was there nothing said about the streets in lbs recent election 1 At leaet there waa a good deal asid on th* streets. 8t*ts of Ohio, Citt or Toledo, I Lucas Cots tv, S. 8 . Fkauk J Cuesst make# oath that be ig tbe Senior partner of the firm cf F. J Cne- **t A Co., County doing buginen iu the City of Toledo, and State aforesaid, and that said firm will day the ran of ONE HUN¬ DRED DOLLARS for eaob and every case of Catarrh that oaucot be cured by the use of tiaxx’i Catakjsh Cibe. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me aad subscribed in roj preee a e*. this 6th day Of December, A. D.'Stt , —. , A. W. ULKASON, j s BL. ■ Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Oar# ietakea Internally and tgF soeMAwly Sold by bvaggieta, 7T oeata The Georgia Midland HR Nhortext untl Beat With Through Coaoh oh Botvroen COLUMBUS and ATLANTA. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Washington, New York, Nashville or Cincinnati. no. 50, oaestsoBB, south. Le«ve McDononifli. .............T:ii0a. tn. ArrivaGrifflu....................»U5 ’* *' Leave « .....................ti:25 Ajrive Columbus...............11:35 “ NO. 51, PA8SMOE8 AND MAIL, NORTH. Leave Columbus..................105 p. m. Arrive Griffin.....................3:50 “ NO. 53, FASSCSOXn AND MAIL, SOUTH, i^ave Griffin......................-1:05 p. m. Arrivo Columbus......... : .......1:05 " NO. 53, I'AHSfiXOEB, NORTH, Leave Coiutnbus..................4:10 p. in. Arrive Griffin........ 7:14 *' Leave •* ,7:20 “ Arrive MeDonougii...............t>:02 “ NO. 1, FREIGHT, NORTH. Leave Columbus..................7:00 a, m Arrive Griffin ..................... 1:25 p. m Leave “ ..2 - ,:t0 Arrive McDouougb................3:35 “ NO. 2, FREIGHT, SOUTH. Leave McDonough................7:45 a.m Arrive Griffin.....................*:50 ” Leave “ .....................9:35 “ Arrive Ceitimbus.................3:30 p. m M. E. GRAY, Supt. C. W. CHEARS, Gen’l l'uss. Agt. Columbus, Ga. New Advertisements. ftGENTS WANTED - WrUe Geo - A - Siin ‘ born, Seo’y The Buffalo Mu- mi Accident and Sic s Benefit Associa¬ tion, Buffalo, New York, 1%t Jf«e HKjiiwid Journal. »*t « A" Wales'IN VISIBLE Sound Dlao, flTCACl R>r tuluu, eo»*«»r»Ui *ou»4 warm I UtMT 1 on th. dram, and poMthilltlM onVrnnk* .11 a# pet" 11 ot ---W ff'For of oar off. ud tt* Brtdg*por», *r. ON ul< by H. H. WARM, $ 525 Agents per month. Will prove ; it or pay forfeit. New portraits just out. A $3.50 A sam¬ Son, ple sent free to all. W. I(. Chidestor M Bond St., 5. Y. EXHAUSTED VITALITY 'THE 8C11VCK OF LIFK, the great Medical Work of tiio age on X&nbood, Nervous and! Physical Debility. Premature Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untold mlsericsconsequcnt theroon, 9J0 pascs 8vo, 135 prescriptions for all disease*.. Cloth, full gilt, only $1.00, by* wail, sealed. Illustrative sample froe t i all young sad middle-aged men. Send now. The Quid and Jewelled Modal awarded to the author by the Na- t'onel Medical Association. Address P. O. box ’^"loston. Mass., or Dr. W. H. RARKFR, grad¬ uate of Harvard Medical College, 25years* practice in Boston, who may be consulted confidentially. Specialty. Dis(J4u«w of Man. Office No. 4 Bulfinch st Dyspepsia Make* the live# of many people miserable, and often lead# to aclf-deatrurtion. Distress after eating, sour stomach, sick headache, heartburn, los* of appetite, a faint, "aJI gone” feeling, bad ta#te, coated tongue, and tmgu- Distress tarlty of tho bowels, are game of tho moro common gymptomg. Dyspepsia docs _ , rot get well of itself. It Eating requires careful, persistent attention, and a remedy like flood's Sarsa¬ parilla, which acts gently, yet surely and efficiently. It tones tho stomach and other organs, regulates the digestion, creates a good appetite, and hy thus Sjck overcoming the local ejrmiv toms removes the eympa- Heaoacnu thetlc effects of tbe disease, banishes the headache, and refreshes tha tired mind. *• I have been troubled with dyspepsia. I bad but little appetite, and what I did cat __ distressed me, or did me Heart- _ little good. In an hour bum after eating I would expe¬ rience a faintness, or tired, all-gone feeling, a.- though I had not eaten anything. My trou¬ ble, I think, was aggravated by my business, which Is that of a paint, r, arid from being more or less shut up In a Sour room with fresh paint. 1 ...u spring I took Hood's Sarsa- «Omacn rllla — took three bottles. It did me an Immense amount of good. It gave me an appetite, and my food relished and satisfied the craving I had previously experienced.” George A. Page, ’VV.Aurtown, Mass. Hood’s Sarsaparilla g^dby *11 druggist*. 01 * 1 * for 05- iTepared only by C. I. IIOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Matt- IOO Doses Ono Dollar S.'S, »#4ip 5 *'— - s * J ‘KEGT®’ - ’”-*----^ SWIFT'S SPECIFIC Is entirely a Timetable preparation con¬ taining no Mercury, Potash, Anenic, or othec poisonous substance*!*. BWIFT’S SPECIFIC Has cured hundred* of of EpP.hello ma or Caucer of tbe Skin, thousand* of easel of Eczema, Blood Humors and Skin Diseases, aml hundred* of thousands of cases of Scrof¬ ula, Blood Potion and BlooM Taint. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC Has relievod thousand* of cases of Mervu- Hal Poisoning, Rheumatism and Stiffness of $b«* Joints. CBATTANOOd, ia, TBinr, Ga-—Gentlemen June 37.Swift's Specific wuiitu; Ca, V.W., At! Atlanta, : in tha •ari: riy part of the present year, a bad case of blood xl poison appeared upon me. I began Ufclnj & ing 8. 8. S. under advice of another, and lug “ the I feel medicine l rrcatiy greatly and improved. improved. shall continue I I i am to etui do •o •OU1 until mil | I . aru aru _____ perfectly perfectly well. well. X believe It wUl effect a perfect irfttait cm*. cure# Yours ours truly, truly, Doc. P. “ Howard, oW; 111 West St MUt& M St. Speotnc cotrvwu, Atlanta, 8. a# July Ga.—Gentlemen: r, wss-Th# sw iff Co,, 1 was w a jor great sufferer ^rotn^muscular rhenmatli nmstlmt iuf two from ___________get years. medicine prescribed no permanent by re- physician. any I took dosen bottles my over X a of your a. 8. S., and now am as well as I ever Was in tny life. X am sure your medicine cured me, and I would recommend disease. It to any eoe $ uttering from any blood Yours truly, Conductor O, K. C. Huojum, O. R. JL A wife Waco, of Tmcab. one of May my fc customers 1888~0©ntl©men was terribly : The afflicted with a whole % a loathsome loathson body skin 8he disease, that eovered Jo bar was confined her •uld bod for r several several veral yea years by this affliction, and ooi not help violent herself at alL She could not of the .he tie ‘p •kin. skin. from The The a violent disease disease itching itching baffled i and and the Stinging stinging skill of the p physicians physician finally who treated it. Her husband and l>cgan gAn she she finally oommenped giving his his wife wjfo improve Swift's Bwift's almost Specific, and a she oommenoed oom to to improve aim im- mediately, parontly parently ^lately, well. welL and he tn She a few if wt-cks heartv she to as fine- ap¬ looking now a Yours lady, with w no traco of th« afflictlox Ml. ivui* vei »e*ry truly, ■uiy, J. BL Bears, Wholesale Druggist, Austin Avenue. Treatise on Blood an 1 Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swirr SntciFio Co.. Drawer A Atbuita, Ga.; r. New V York. ’Txy; 756 Broadway. r If You Have a«5!itttfW«Si5Ss:M» will I inti lug flvah, j «u Ms Pills the remedy yon need. They tone np the weak energies. stomst'h %nd Hnfferers buil<l ui> from the meutasl flagging mental physleal phy«i..------- oferwook nil! find or or Nlcelyingarcoaled relief from them. SOLD EVERYWHERE. tr ' i/.i&luv* i H&1& a A LG A S3 ..:<d l e.iut»ncs the hair. ^ Prom 1 • ft .'.US' wth. I ■ Never Fads Youthful to Restore Color. Gray Hair t y it* iFreventa Writ i *-#'• -ii-**and I^mgglrtts. liair falling 6*c. S’:al MARVELOUS III EMORY DISCOVERY. Any book learneil in ono reading. .Wind wandering cured. Mpoaking nlthoat note.. kreai IMracy condemn***! by Nnprouio ( nnrl. inducement, to corre.poAce classes. A. Prospectus, with opinions of Dr. Wm. Hiiiuirum,, the world-famed Specialist in Mind diseases, Daniel Greenleaf Thompson, the great Psychologist, J M. Buckley, l>. D. Editor of the Christian Advocate, Richard Proctor, the Scientist, lions. Judge Gibson, Judah P. Benjamin, and others, sent post free by Prof. A. LOI8ETrE,2S7 Fifth Ave. New York. HiNDERCORNS. Th« only sure Cure tor Coma. Stop* all pain. Tnmre* omforttotbe feet. 15c. ai Druggists. HisooxACo.,b . i- PARKER’S GINGER TONIC i he best ot ail remedies for Inward Pains, Colic, Indiges¬ tion. Exhaustion and all Stom¬ ach and Bowel troubles. Also t the roost effective cure tori Coughs, Colds, 1'. viiL'.itis and I affections of the breathing! organs. It promotes refreshing sleep improves the prostration, appetite, overcomes nervous and gives new life ami strength '^<-0*^21^' lo the weak aad aged. 50c. and $1.00, at Drgguists. s MASON The c*blnet & introduced HAMLIN in its present form by otgan & wm Mason HamU n In 1S61. Other maker* followed In the manuf&ct ure of the?e Instruments* but the Mason & Hamlin Organa have always msia* Uhied their anpremacyas offer., the beet iu the world, $ Mason & Hamlin off. as demonstration of tha ■neoualled excellence of their organs, the fact that at all of tho great World’s Exhibitions, since that of K JMaftDn ;vs;UnuHlio5l AMO' invariably tak- bated #23 Illvuh . » Mason catalogue* & Hamlin do T '(> bet.sate #900. free. make the A nc t to ex¬ traordinary euperior claim all others. for tb eir pianos, that they are excellence to achieved by . o* 1 .her ,'hey leading recognize makers the In high the art or piano building, b at still claim superiority. This they attribute introduced sole ’ ly to the remarkable im¬ provement and By them In the year 1983, now known nath*. “Mason & IIami-in Piano Stringer," d by ffa | — ■ || AM the use of which ire creased capaci- capi 03A SS k TTP3I3ST. ty for standing . ______________ In tane and ether lm> lortant advantages. A circular, con tat ning testimonials from three hundred purchasers, musicians, and toners, sent, logether witl^deecrip tire catalogue, to any applicant. Bents: also rented. **** 1 MASON 4 HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO. a. BOSTON. NfiVY YORK.. ClUCiUO. a Grateful- • Comforting. EPPS’S COCOA BREAKFAST. ‘‘by thorough knowledge of the natural law? icb govern the oparations of digt-s tiou nnd nutrition, and by a careful applica¬ tion cf the fine properties of well selected Coscoa. Mr. Epps lias provided i ur provid¬ ed our breakfast tab es with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such article of dietthata constitution may be gradually buiit up until rtrong enough to resist evtry tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point Wc may escape many a iatal shaft by keeping onrselvec well lortifled with pure blood and a. properly nourished frame.” —Civil Service Gazette, Made simply w ith boiling water or milk. Sold only in half- pound tins. Grocers, labelled thus: JAMES EPPS <tCO Homceopathic Londo don, Chemiate, England. V -■ ' ■ r SaII W Tlio Toy the Child Likes Best -IS THE— ANCHOR” Sine Building Block Beal Stone. Three Colors. A rt.EvgR Present forehiW- (M of *11 ages. For ■ Jl-Ttt, t 82.00 a good ATeraga s box. IVjjcriptivo appUeadou Catalogua sent | post-free free ou ou application to F. Ad. Richter & Co., 310 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. DR. MOFFETT'S ill**' FEMALE MEDICINE Bv giving tone to a*d stren iu * e System and bulbil eorrects all irr»* TeguUrltlcs and annoy^iivg troubles from which so stren^guf.and weak.debilita ted woman health and makes makes cheerful cheerful th< the despondent, depressed in spirits. In change of life noladv should be vith- out INDIAN WEED. It is Sofcand Unfailing. ▲tk your Druggist. E. Iv. Antlioiiy,|Grillin' ai.d M, r v win Ochard Hill, Ga, ar YOU hAs hxs vured VUTOU tMany It. All tin u. . ■ <e « oi-st "a #:>«[ 1.' i tile U»S I fur aJI a.*fecU*.!,.•« 'f thM titn Al hr i,i lungs, and ilw< arWng fr\»« im^f-ire luoud and evho'.^nun. The f and &*.•*, strung iii*r agatriKt di?e«8^. »i.d - ,-vrIy wly tlr.r c.. . - ? is the (fraro. » t«l in iraany C.u-,‘9 r i... ' If - the (IumIv uw t f Parker s Ginger Ionic, Put , ISroua Take it in umn. It L> lnvn!u/u-\. f •ad dtaftkrderuof aLattwii and bowel* a* vx at i *r THE WHELESS STAMP fSimCOMBlMT* -PRESS CO- 748 REYNOLD STREET, AUGUSTA, ▲gents Wanted! Cstalogue FREE! RUBBER STAMPS, SEALS, BADGES, CHECKS, STENCILS, STEEL STAMPS, &c. Sole Manufacturer, of Tho Wheiess Self-Inking Rubber Stamp Printing Press. nmmm' Rick their When ehiUiiVB roie, ?n-, c are rtetle##, aanaturai In U>«r qoite likely troubled wuh Worm*, jt. 'ire..hoo'.d be taken»rdB.A.Fabm>'.o< VeriBtfU(rc be yiven them according b-• •Jor.. it has many a child from death n?» nav tmr ve vo^r.weetchiWfrom aoeiriy gr. • lilWWW 8C0LIEI :r* term bejtc* ” Aeetaa thi* ja,**. L’>L. Louisiana State Lottery Company Incorporated by the Legislature in 19*>8 ! >r Educational and Charitable purposed, i a t its franehise made a part of the prestut State Constitution, in 1879, by an over¬ whelming popular vote. ItsOKANl) EXTRAORDINARY DRAW- BKR DRAWINGS take place on each of the the other ten months in the year, and are all drawn in public, at the Academy of Music, New Orleans, La. “Wedo herebycertify that we supervise the arrangements for all the monthly and Semi¬ annual Drawings of The Louisiana Slat® Lot tery Company, and in person raanageand con trol the Drawings themselves, and that th# same are conducted with honesty, fairness and in good faith toward all parties, this ccrtine««e anil we authorize the Company to use with far-similes of our signatures attached ia its advertisements.” (Ionnal..l..era, We the undersigned Banks and Bankers will pay all Brizes drawn in The Louisiana State Lotteries which may be preeeLted si our counters: B. *. WAlNSlEY.PrM. La.X»l'l p, lim x. Pisikuts Nat I HU. A. B*J.»WM,Prs», If. O Sal’l Bask (A HI HOllf, Prss.Tnioa f’l Bask Mammoth Drawing At the Academy of Music, New lSs> Orleans, Tuesday, December 18, 8 , CAPITAL PRIZE, $600,000. 1U0,000 Tickets at {40; Halves $20-, Quae ters $10; Eighths $5; Twentieths $2; For tieths $1. LIST OF PRIZES.. 1 Prize of $000,000 is.......... $000,000 200,000 1 Prize oy 200,000 is.......... 1 Prize of ICO,000 is...-....... 100,U00 1 Prize of 50,000 is.......... 50,000 2 Prizes of 25,000 are......... 50,000 5 Prizes of 10,000 are......... 50,000 12 Prizes of 5,000 are......... 00,000 •25 Prizes of 2,000 are......... 50,000 100 Prizes of 800 are......... 80,000 200 Prizes of 400 are......... 80,000 500 Prizes of 200 are......... 100,000 approximation prizes. 100 Prizes of * 1,000 are............. 100,000 100 do. 800 are............... 80,000 100 do. 400 are................ 40,000 Three Nuvdbb Terminals. 99 Prizes of 1800 are................$79,200 99 do 400 are................. 39,00) Two Number Terminals. 900 Prizes of $200 are...............$180,000 900 do. 200 are.............. 180,000 3,140 Prizes of amounting to......$2,118,80f informa¬ For Club Rrates, or any further tion desired, write legibly to the undersign¬ ed, clearly stating your residence, with State, County, Street and Number. More rapid return mail delivery will be as- surred by enclosing an Envelope bearing your full address. Send POSTAL NOTES, Express Ordinary Money Orders, or New York Exchange in letter. Currency by Express (at our expense) addressed to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Oneans La or M. A. DAUPHIN, Washington, D. C. Address Registered Letters tc SEW OlltEASS SJTUStL BASH Flew Orleans, La REMEMBER ZZZXu and Early, who a re In charge of ik« drawings,is a guarantee of absolute fairness and integrity, that the chances are all equa', and that no one can possibly divine what numbers will draw a Prize REMEMBER, is also, that BY the payment FOUR NA of Prizes GUARANTEED TlilNAL BANKS of New Orleans, and the Tickets sre signed by the Presidentof an In stitution whose chartered rights are rccog nized in the highest Courts; therefore beware of all imitations or aneuymous schemes. S' W. MAUGHAM SONS, WHOLESALE AND BETA1L DRUGGISTS CRIFFIN, CEORCIA. We guarantee the purity of our goods and make our prices lower than compe¬ tition. HOTEL CURT IS 3 RIFF IN, GEORGIA, Under New Management. A. G. DANIEL, Prop'r. ' r -t8~ ) <• it:.* i: i *: i >: trains. feblfdly ADVERTISERS :nn learn the exact cost •i an} nroposed line oi ' f-rtisingin American :s by addressing •co. P. Rowell & Co., •vspaper ArVrwPtiaing Bureau, iO fpn>> 3t., New York. H v ■ ,u» 1 OO-Pafle Pamphlet Iha WITTIEST,PHCTTICST JUVENILE* QUEER PEOPLE PaltoVrCex tLurrs * wares 4 FAWS 4 GO BLOT ETnres 'Wa CLAWS $1.00 T5«. $1 00 By MaO. i Blopontent of the frog and the Urn ffla*,?.rjar 1 **.. KRT of ttI Mt my ittiU /o, r/orfci. Han. Ciintcn B. Pis*. bmd ”—U "Dm-'ti* H (V raw t Km 4>Ur« tn R TONIC * raHiuriureu.' 14 W - 1 ru uumrai , *> i*sa ra c5TSltata£*5SSt*.T. ta * r Bauuxacw., UNTIL January 1 st., 1889 r a art-DC WILL BE A Grand Bargain Day! IMIy Store j We have a large choice stock, with new desirable goods, determined coming in on every train, that we are to convert into money. Now is your time to Secure Bargains! Received on yesterday one lot of * LONG WRAPS * at 80,50 almost worth given 810. Few childrens* Wraps] to be away. WILL ADD SEVERAL DAR6AIN COUNTERS the present week. Look to your interest by giving my stock an inspection. BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS,) SHAWLS, JERSEYS. ETC. . S hoe Department! I ra. »»■—^.1 1-1 ra—w^rara * r rara raw. m m wra rv v w » wra Vw ■ — - y,ra lar mwkes as, Hanans, Emeisou, Sehmertzs, worth $6,50 to $7,00 that we will sell $5,50. haven’t time to enumerate more, tome see E. j. p: A. r: {■.. i.. .