The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, December 13, 1888, Image 3

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—-J rmarrun* nuNoy other Import&nt prepared Advantages Foods. over All MJ/£f CRY FOR IT. MVAUDS RELISH IT. Pt Health* Babies. I the stomach and Bowels, ate. BSe*M>e. f SJ.OO. SOW < CO., mmmtrofc. *t. \y Portraits. A Portfolio of beautiful Inly portraits, printed on tine Mother plate paper by Baby patent plioto within process, sent free to of any born a year. Every Mother wants these pictures; send at once. Give Baby's name and age. WILLS) RICHARDSON A. CO., P.ops., Burlington, Vt, FINE PERFUMERY AND TOILET SOAPS. -Also, a full line of-- Drugs, Patent 1 Medicines, Paints, 0 ils, 'Brushes , And Druggist*’ Supples, at bottom prices, ran ALWAYS be found AT DREWRY’S IDIITTG STORE 28 Hill Street,MUFFIN, GA. WE KEFP ON HAND THE FINEST Flour, Sugar and Coffee, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. |_}y At the LOWEST PRICES of any one in the city. We have the finest Whiskies and Brandies AND BEST OF ALL THE FLAT SHOALS CORN WHISKY! which is noted to be the finest that is inside, All of the above for medical purposes. Com and see us. GEORGE & HARTNETT. dAwtdccST) A. LOWER, Practical Mr ai Dealer ia JEWELRY, CLOCKS, &C. Special attention given to Repairing. 20 Hill Street GRIFFIN, GA. -PURE PORK SAUSAGE!-- THE FINEST EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET! ——(„)-- Oranges Fresh From Florida, in Any Quantity! ---(o)--- THE FINEST LINE OF CADDIES EVER SEEN IN GRIFFIN. J- 3ME- For)(Christman)( Goods ........CALL ON........ W. M HOLMAN & CO. We Standard A Sugar lor making cake. Citron, Currents, Prunes and all kinds of Extracts for Flavoring. The best Pat. Flour, Mince Meat. Jellies, and in fact anything you want. ★ TURKEYS, FISII AN1) OYSTERS. ★ ves~ Leave us your order and it will be attended to. UDW llU TV to Save 2 Money I By buying your DRY GOODS, HATS, SHOES AND GROCERIES of R. F. STRICKLAIM ), NO 57 HILL STREET, .... GRIFFIN, GA: jgf“500 prs. of 3 pie Shoes at less than wsale prices. Also a good line of ,. MENiWOMEN S-ANI) CHILDREN'S SHOES. Bought regular, at teduced prices. Calicoes, Sheeting and Checks, all marked down. Kentucky Jeans, all grades, 15 to 37| cents per yard. We have a full line of Mens’ Womens’ and Childrens’ Hose at 10 to 25 bents. Out childrens’ mixed and black hose at 10 cents per pair is the best thing in town for the money, Handkerchiefs, Towels, Corse.ts, Flannel Collars and Cuffs, all at the lowest prices. Givo me a trial and I will save you money. It. F. STRICKLAND. SPENCE & SMITH, OPPOSITE! BBICBWABEBOU8E,SOLOMOI» St par Ait tiuw reach to do ) our work. Repairing baggie* nod wagon* is a feature o their business, on which skilled labor only is used. Bring ns your work. PVT We will build you anything on wheels—Buggies, Phaetons, Surrii.e, Wagons, Drays, and Delivery Wagons. Sign painting will be a feature of nc little impert Nothing but good work will be done Will not take a shoddy job foe any price. Wit H, Spence at the helm >on cannot fail to get fair dealing. Call on ns before yon buy. SPENCE & , Solomon Street, Griffin, Ca. Shipment Finest Teas, CRACKERS, ALL SORTS, I5c. Ib. HAMS, BONELESS SHOULDERS. ETC. FINEST FLOUR ON THE MARKET. ,.r.; It’s Easy to Dye Diamond Dyts Superior IN Strength, Fastness, Beauty, AND Simplicity. “»d to giro j good* than brilliant any other Aik fcr the more and no other, -r— —cpr- j6 color*; to Diamond, each. and tako cent* WELLS, RICHARDSON j CO., Burlington, Vt. For Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Article*, USE DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only to Cent*. — —■ __ AUTHOR OF “ ROBERT KLSMIR 1 ,” Mrs. Humphrey Ward’s Literary Career and Personality. Boston Advertiser. In Mrs. Humphrey Ward. Iha author of “ Robert E!»in#re,” the world without * doubt see. a woman who wislic* thet it were indeed possible to publish one’* first uud second books »fter one’s third »nd most suc¬ cessful work ha* appeared »nd prepared the golden way. To listen to the author of *’ Miss Brethcrtou,” or yet to the author of “ Milly and Oily,” the world stopped a very little while; but to the autnor of "Robert Khmer* ” the world has hearkened with all the meekness of a fairy loving ohild for months. In the Hilda of easuytm and utagaiine criticism Mrs. Ward has done more than in fiction. tier critical articles show the variety of her tastes as well as her familiarity with the modern literature ol the Latin races, A glance at some of these papers throws con¬ siderable light upon Mrs. Ward’s intellec¬ tual attainments aud upon the character of her critical work. Among them are articles on "Marius, the Epicurean,” a review of Walter I’atcr’s book with that title; “Style aud Miss Austen,” a charming essay apropos of the recently discovered letter by the au¬ thor of "Pride aud Prejudice;” “A Swiss Peasant Novelist,” a sketch of the life and review of the work* of Albert Blizius, who wrote under the pseudonym of “Jeremia* Gotthell,” and “M. Renan’s Autobiogra¬ phy.” Personally Mrs. Ward is short, rather heavy iu build, very pale and endowed with brilliant, though small, dark eye*. Geneal¬ ogically as well as by culture aud iu mind Mrs. Ward is first, last and always an Ar¬ nold. Sait Rheum. With its intense itching, dry, hot skin, often watery broken pimples, into painful often crack, and indescribable the little causes suffering. ful Hood’s this Sarsaparilla It has wonder¬ power ovor disease. purities the blood and expels the humor, and the skin heals without a scar. Send for book contain ing many statements of cures, to C. I. Hood &O 0 . Apothecaie.s, Lowell, Mass. (1) Trapping Fish at Erin, Kata, U*„ Dec. 11.—One of the mtit un- reaienable thing* that ever occurred on Flint river teok placthere last Saturday even niug and it is worthy of note. While there ia no doubt but what it will be disputed by a large majority of your readers, neverthele** it is true. H. G. Sullivan, accompanied by his broth¬ er T. A. Sulliv*n, who is a resident of Texas, rods dow* to the fish trap and to their amaze moot they found the trap alive with flth. The matter was reported at the mill and ia a short time there wt* * wagon sent to the trap and the fish were gathered up and seat back to th# mill and weighed on a pair ef Fairbanks scale* and to eur surprise they tipped the beam at four hundred and thirty- four pounds. They were all blue cat, not an e«linthelot. Such a quantity of fish waa never caught before on Flint river. Wash Manly was present aud it seemed for a while that he would go into convulsions in spite of all that Dr. Hogg could de. So Erie is on top, railroad or no railroad, Tour correspondent and other Pikers at¬ tended an oyster supper at Mt. Carmel Acad emy last Friday night that excels anything of the kind that I ever witnessed. Oysters were not the only thing that was served, but there was bird, chicken, turkey aad cake oooked in every imaginable way. The supper was overlooked by Mr*. T. J. Robert»ori Mrs. R. M. North and Mrs. J. W. Hogg. Dr Hogg was treasurer and reported a nice i»- ceme. The yield of our cotton is much better thau we expected, and Sullivan has ginned about six hundred bales, beside* what other gin* have done »ud the cotton i* all »oid or nearly so, and the debts nothing like settled. There ia something wroug with our people, and I hope the legislature will look into the matter and enact law* that will make men more prompt i* lettling their debts. Our worthy merchant, J. I’, Morgan report* hi* book* nothing like g#ttl«d, but it* jait a* esc leg* to disen** this qutstion a* it i* for th* Alliance men to try to controls the bagging trust, therefore I will change it. T. A. Suilivan, who is here for his health, will leave in a few days for his home in Texae His Georgia visit has mnob improved him. Later—Since wri'ing the above there ha* been forty-four pounds more fish caught in the trap and they are still rami ing. Z. T. M. Note.—B* suspicious of persons who re command any other article as “Just a* good aa good,” and take nothing else but Dr. Bull’* Cough Syrup. A party paid ten dollar* for a horse at an aucties sal*. The hors* was lame and brnis edallovar. A bottle of Salvatio* Oil cost iug 25 cents was used; he is now valued at two hundred dollars. Mfatakeu for a Clown. Buena Vista (Ga.) Patriot. A right funny thing happened at Cutlibert Tuesday when the bridal party were going from th* depot up town. It seeuis that a circas was expected, and the fact that the young men who eompoeed the bridal party wore silk hat* aroused th# suspicion of the street gamins who tre always ready to catch on to anything of th# kind. “Boye, the circus ho# come,” remarked one of tho little street Arabs to his companions. “You bet,” replied another, ‘‘end that big fellow (pointing his finger at Tom Dunham, the groom elect) is the elowu.” The boys in the party consider this * geod joke on Tom *nd enjoyed it heartily. I’inipies Horn, Aches and Pains. W lien a hundred bottles of sarsaparilla or otherjpretentious specifics fail to eradicate in born scrofula or contagions blood poison, remember that B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) ha* gained many thousand victories, in as many seemingly incurable instances. Sena to the Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga., for “Book of Wonders,” aud lie convinced. It is the only tec* blood pceifixk. G. W. Messor, Howell's X Roads, Ga., writes: "I was afflicted nine year# with sores. All the medicine l could take did me no good. I then tried B.' B. B., and 8 bottles cured me sound.” Mr*. 8. hi. Wilson, Round Mountain, Tex as. write*; “A lady friend of mine was trou- bled with bnmb* and pimpiee on her face and neck. She took three bottles of B. R. B. desdis I greatly.” writes: "Some years ago I contracted blood poison I had no appetite, drew my digestion limbs waa I ruined, could rheumatism up mv so hardly walk, my throat was cauterized fire my life Simple CsiitrivteM Vo* Apple fiekeM. Attention ia called fax Country Gentle¬ man to packer# a simple heading contrivance applet), fat tiae among for up which D shown in the cut This contrivance ooo#i#ts of ! a a plank, , info on* upper end, and a pin runs across to ro- contrivance fob apples. ceive tlio end of the lover, d, round which may be six or eight feet long. A board ia used ua a follower, to bo placed upon the head; and across this board fa placed a inches cylindrical in diameter piece (and of wood flat about tho lower three on side), moderate on which tho lever fa placed. A pressure at the end of the lever, and a lit-tio practice in its use, will enablo its tho operator to bring precision the head to position with great ease, and accuracy. Import**! t-i seven out of every tea pee pie—The moment ceaetipstionbegins, th*i moment the bloek begin* toll* impure end the system to demand the use of L8xedor. If yos w»nt to b»ve your beby heelthy sod besatifnl, four things are necessary: Fretb sir good feod, bright Suimhiue end Dr. Bull’* Baby Syrup, The Holidays And the colder winter weather *re now rapid ly apposokings the joyful season is eagerly anticipated by yeuug folks in thousands of homes; elder but ih nearly all the there cold are one and or more one* to whom wave* th* storms menu renewed suffering claimed from rheumatic beck er limbs. It s not that Hood’s Sarsaparilla is a pesitlve gpeclf- succe** Hood’s Sarsaparilla has hud in curing this afiectien is sufficient reason tor those who are suffering to try this peculiar medi- cId*. Advice to Mothers. M.j. Winslow’s Soothing Strop for children teething, ia the proscription of one of the beat female nurse# aud physician# in tho United State#, and has been used for forty year# with never failing success by millions of mothar# for thoir children. During the process of teething its value fa incalculable It relievos the child from griping pam. cures in dy# entery and diarrhoea, the bowels, and wind colic. By mother, giving health c the child and rests the Price 25 cents a bottle, augeod&wly Or. Moffett’s TEETHHM (Teething Powders) Allay* Irritation, Strengthen* AldsDlmtlaa, the Chlld.make* Regal Teething at*; the Bowel*. Cent*. Tetthlna Kaiy and Cost* only *6 nothing equal* It care* Iter __nntl------------ ion* end Bore*, and - ------ the&nmmer trouble* of Children and of wffiWGib. ittaft andrure. Try it you w child- VOlimet TEKTHIKA aa long a* there are tea lu the Bouse. Ask your Druggist. F«rm a r Ml Haute and Lat For Salt A 202W sera farm ia 3 mile* of Griffin, Ga SO acres In wood*, cieered l£0 of in splendid and tacks, state fix- of cultivation, improved stamps Machin¬ id for farm reecWoery, ery, stock, corn and fodder will be sold with farm If wasted. All ready for bovine** aaoth. *r year. Also, a large roomy bouse and two acre lot In UriSo. Griffin, Ga. For particular* Clark A 8<>n. ad¬ dress me at Ua., care sept I'JdA wto THAD CLARK. WE PAY AGEN1 S'aU*A~ AND ALL EXPENSES. To travel-or for lo¬ cal work; ttate which preferred, al*o salary wanted. SLOAN Jt CO., Manufacturer*.'AH George St., Cinelnnati, O. novfifktrt Wnoarc Weak, Nerv¬ ous aud Debilitated and suffering from Debility, Seminal Nightly Weakness, Emission*, and all the effect* Habits of whi< early h I cod Kvll to Premature Decay, CoDeamption or Insanity, send for ('ears’ Treatise wn IHeeare* of Man, With particular* for Homo l urc. Cures guaranteed N > cure ’ c i uj. •1.8. Feta*, 612 and 614 Church St.. Nashville Tenn. novUdAwly. New Advertisements. TO ADVERTISERS A list of 1000 newspaper* divided into STATES AND SECTIONS will l e w-nt on application—FREE. To those who want their advertising th thorough pay we can offer ne better medium for and eflectiie work tha. the various section* ef eur Select Local List. GEO. P. ROWELL A CO., Newspaper Advertising New Bareaa, York. 10 Spruce street. A GREAT YEAR ta the blriorv o! the United Bute* 1* now upon u Every person of intelligence dezlre* There to keep ware with the course of lta evenU. 1* no better wey to doeo than to*ub*cribo tor The Macon Telegraph. ru new* faollttie* addition are nn*urj»*»*d the fullest by any Amur.i- paper te the Soeth. In to faring will the present the meet session important of Congress and moatin- W*sh- lagtes be the The w fencing news centre in country. Telegraph L Washington Correspondence that be had. of the the very bast correspondent nan furnishes the latest lu regular full dispatches. Frequent lews and ml gossip Irom In Hon. Amo* J. Cummings, *peoial member lei letter* of of Congree* Congree----- trom New York, Frank <*. r three ol .... the best Chrpsntcr, aad W. A. Croffut, the capital, die known newspaper lived writer* at of tho ■aa* the end most important issue* “A. Telegraph thoroughly 1* a Democratic line with Tariff the Reform policy STr It i* Otevdand lu Democratic resident and the Kfagrept Iu tli* coming national campaign the graph will not ujiljr give all th* news, but Will discuss disci--.. all public r ------— issue* from --„ th* stand- polat ef genuine Democratic faith. Bubacribe , ,, at once. ’>ally, to* year, • • • - - »7 OO daily, sis months, .... d OO Daily, three months, . . . . * 00 Dally, on# month, - • • • *16 Weekly, on* year, - - - • • I 00 Tara*': dash la advance. Address TH* TELBGBAPB, Matas. Beoanta w . nn fllott* li •** fil * L «' # K*v>Vi*DMIM5f ''vh'ha •us fh iw u i . >■ ,.w von i c WATCHES! ★ JEWELRY, ★ DINNER AND TEA SETS! -)o( - DECORATED LUSTRE AND PLAIN WHITE ENGLISH GRANITE WARE. DECORATED AND PLAIN CHINA PLATE SETS. GLASS. TiN AND WOODEN WARE. KENTUCKY COOKING AND HEATING STOVES. SEE THEM AND PRICES. NOVELTY CO. BOOTS,SHOES AND LEATHER -AT- HJ11 s t. . Hill St. Home-made Shoes and Leather a Specialty. Hi? Wo. warrant all work and shall make it a point to misrepresent noth infs. Just recsiyed a large shipment of Gents, Ladies aud Misses fine goods and school shoes for Children. IX. W. HASbELKUS. A. S. MU PRAY Call* your attention to his Line of Furniture! COMPLETE SUITS OR SINGLE PIECES. Suits of 9 Pieces from $20 to $100, Tables, Chairs Bedsteads, Spring Beds, Wardrobes, Etc. A limited number of Sewing Machines of the best makes tor sale very low. I am always night. ready to serve my customers, both day and Mrs. E. E. C 20 HILL STREET, -Haa ALL Tax : Styles: of: Millinery AND TRIMMINGS. Saxony Wools, best goods and all asorted colors. Also. Gertnon* January Sheriff Sales: of wn the rizsnsxsxtisa House. In the city Griffin, Court of Spalding County, Georgia, the following de- •ertbed property, to-wlt; .Six acre* of land bounded by the branch running from Waddy’a steam mill ditch on the ea-t, ea»t, south »outh st at the the point ixfant where the ran- ntogf rt m line Die drawn spring from empties ihe into Intcrawriion thebranch of w«*t by branch, north land line the ditch aud by the between aatd at* B. 0. ticlug Kirkpatrick part anil of hit Jas. nnmWr A. Beck*, 198 acres a in Pike, Third District Hipnldiiig of originally County. Alad, Henry, then now sixteen erren, more or le*», In the Third Dlctrict of number l.W, commencing ruirntng at the eouthweat corner of »#td lot and eSM five c! a.ii? ai.d twenty rood*, twentj^eight thence due north to tin: second branch . ihalna, thence up the northern prong between of the branch to the original laud line e*Ht l»>t aml the lot west of it. now oecupted tw fife*. A., lleeka, theuoe south bafiAtefag a'ung Mdd lifiK' thirty »'•* < twine to the e>«ter. Levi*'<* o*i and sold as tic BMpertf of Walter C. Beck* and Win. M. Beck a, adrafai iMratprr of the estate of J»s. A. Bctks. de eased, by vir¬ Superior tue of a morlgsga Court in fl favor fa i**j»ad w.Ta*. from 1. Horne vs. . WattcrO.. Beck* WW 'Win. M. ltecka, admfax istiatora of the estate of Jas, A. Beaks. W»n v M, Berks, tenant iu posscseion, legally noth fled. t'.I.OO. sold Also, that at the tract same parcel lime tind of land pfaee, being will be in or Spalding County, originally T. Henry, bound ed on the north by Q. Andrews, «u W. the t. w»t by Ben l>org«y, on fate koulh by Jackson, on the cast by Je**e Griffm, eon- tainiaglM Miller acres, being the loton which Prof fit resides. Levied on and sold a* the property of Proffit Miller by virtue Superior of a Court mortgage fl fa issued of from Spalding Wood Proffit in favor Geo. W. v*. legally Mater. notified. Proffit Miller, leu ant in poaeewioD, if" * Also, at thaaiirno tfan* and jdiww, Wtll l>e sold 2b acres of land in the southeast corner of ing lot County, No. 55 bounded In 1088th district by O 1L M. T. of Patter Spald cast son, by land smith of B. by P. load Gray, of J#o north E. by Bishop, either land* wv»t of U. P. Gray. Letted on as the property of B. P. Gray by virtue of u 'mortgage it f« is’ sued of offer from Machinc.Go. Spahllug Superior .B. P, Court,in Gray. favor B. I', K vr legally t, ray, tenant in posseanion, not'(led. A!« i, at tlio same time and place, will be sold a one-third undivided interest in a cer¬ tain store lionse la the city of Criftin, Spaid- iug County, now occupied by D. W. Shatter, formerly Hill occupied ju said by Slilwell At Keith, on street city, the same being a two story brick building, and bounded north by the store house of A. Bchcnerinan, cast try liiii Mi eel, south by siore house of R- P. McWilliams and west by an alley. Levied, on and sold as the fi fas property from of i. It. Keith to satisfy (hr-c issued KpiiLling- CountyCourt in favor ef H. B.Clafiiu A Co. vs. Stilwcll <fc Keith. D. W, Shaffer, ten¬ ant in possession, legally notified Also, at the same lima and place, will tie sold seventy-five acres off of lot of laud No’ the 14b in said the seventy-five ttb District of Spalding of laud Coauty, acre* being strip the entire lengthcf said loton the south side, hounded on the north by Head’s Creek, on the south by land of James Dotty, on the: east by the lot on which I now live, and 3tl the west by lands of Wm. H. Touchstone. Levied on and Bold by virtue of a mortgage fi fa iaeued from Spalding Superior Cf. Court In favor of James U- Horno va. S. W, Porker, G. B, W. Porker,tenant In poeeeaeiou, legally notified. * Also, at the same time and pfaco, will h# aold one fourth of an acre of land In the city of Malene; Griffin, bounded by H. T. on Daniel, tbe north by by Icsoc wont sooth part of the same lot, east by Eighth street. 1 .fr¬ ied on ns the property of Henry Rrndenffiil to the. satfafy one justice < ourt U fa iwmed from In justice court of 1001st district fl. M. favor of B. P. Blanton ,C Co. vs. Henry Prudence. Levy made by Geo. D. Johnson, L. t’., sml lurned over to me. Tcnunt iu poaseasion legally It, notified. CORNELL, Sheriff.® S. if m fl Customers, Boarder*, Aught, To be Bought Agents, Orders, Hilver Merchandise or Gold, Bold. Servant* Lawyer or Cnee, Place, <lends to Appraise, Musical or Teacjera, Opening To Announce, Days Popular Preachers, Houses or Acres, Cooks, Books, Hatchers or Baker*, To Boat#, Hire or Let, Votes, Offices, Dress skirt or flounce Firnt Basement, Floor, A cure Handy for Valise, disease, A To Casement, Purchase Cheese, A MuallnChemUe, Horse, a Pet, Teas, Mare, Bee*, Bloodhound Monkey or Bear, Peas, Free from Fits, or tspitx.Or To Are Make Frone Known, To Hire a Hall Your Store, Driver or team, Hosiery, An Elegant Carriage.Dry code, Play,Concert AnOpulent Marriage, Ball, Upholstery, Picnics, or Skates, Plate*, Excnreious," To sell creatur’uDi Knick-Knack*, Diamonds, to guy Clothe* vei sions, Ready* Made, Pearls, Increase of Trade, Curls, Rings, Coal, Coke and Woo d Wash Features, Picture*, Lectures, for To buy Odd Things, All Kindsof Food Or sell Odd Things, Works on Theology, Cats, Rats, Magic, Astrology, Felicity, Wealth and Mats, Flat* World-Wide Publicity Bats Flag*, Pantaloons, Rags, Hats, Nag*, Bags, Mutton Kesplemier Beef, t Cravats, Dress shirt- or collar# Financial or Relief, Almighty Dollars, Honse for Rent, Clocks, Stocks, Cash Store, Tenement, to be L.-nt, Socks, i.ocks, fash to be Spent, Portmomu Box, Tent, Boent, or Pig, Sheep or Ox, Roman Cement, Or Even a Bean— Go— Then in a Trice, Read the Advice, 1 Take theAdvioe Far Beyond Price, Written Below— Written Below— ADVERTISE -IN THE- Daily News To Business Men. "XTO LABORED ARGUMENTS NEEDED GENT XV in these day* to convince INTELLl men that U Pays Well to Advertise Executor’s sale. deeeasetL among the for belr*. the to~wl.»: purpoee Two of dfatributioW^S city lota fas $ Griffin, house and described aa follows: one SSJh two room ii lot an the comer ef i Sat streets, one fourth acre; and o»* m room houye Terms and lot on Taylor stmt, one acre. of rale, eesh antoy " teUXfi Executor of Lhodali „ Administrator’# Sale. By Grille virtue of an order grunted by I the Court ol ary of NpeMing County, wit! nail dcccaae.l, ______ __ for tho purpoaa of among aong the the heir*, heirs, to-wtt: to-wit: One One k _______ erlewb seventy-five i ttbin* district, Mie# of lend, more Dismoke bounded north by lend « if 8. aud 8. H. Wilson, east fan • II H it-on, south by land Wi ton make. end Term* a. K. one-third Lawton rash and and west balance by IHi ie iu one and two year*, with eight pet eent. Inter**t. Adm’r Mr*. * M. J. L. C. fAwtOB, BROOM, dew'd. of ffi.OO . *........ A » (11JU1 , . Ili.StrjltOr’8 . , . . Sale. ' ■ 7* fi county, Inlmtion deceased, lor the purpose of i bond* among Hie heirs, to-wlt: Two $1, of the C. O. AJk. Kit. (Jo, slwre# of atWek stock of the $. W.RR. L» sliaro of of Central Kit. and _ . <o- of of Georgia Term* of »*%c«*h os day _ sale.- Adm’rof>lr».M.L.Uwtoi»,^?d. J . € BRuoKjB, H fO to. • *y Ordinary’s Adve ",- T - -*’S T - - .' I T *» Not, 30, W,—I o tB« or fed Hors and next of kin of Elizabeth Huff, fate of said county deceased : it. M, administrator o&estate of aaid im departed thia life aud 1 represented and the iuim cuucerncdtLat •ante null*fahed, 11 thie i* of to tin j none spplyl of kin of deceased Mudl ndmiiustnfitioa on ««f‘ * ’ Monday in January 18 court the unfinished of Ordinary of i admit upon the Countw Adu ^$3.00. ' K C«nnt- Hor* ered aad next of kill of _ _ of In id county deceased; N M tnuustrator on estate ef said t depaag « UnfinJ*Lcd,thi» t*5 of deceueed none shall of_______ apply telratlon on ' ’* *- MV# at fate of Mi* _ the adjoin fatrirtor on having departed this ■■ m.represented unfinished, and the adc earn# UtL U to concerned that it none “ ■H'A nos*of kin of cfoetraeed of administration on Monday of ia January court ilutittiffiLfitl Ordinary of kkcUuiH the County Adntl E. W. ere appointed for to set apart a ■upport the widow and minor W. H.T. Jones, late of said count have acted and made And filed this office. Let all person# concerned show emu* be¬ fore the court of Ordinary on the first Mon¬ day m January if any cause exists, \ such report should not be of the ceort and be entered ♦B OO. F..W. HAM / YRDINARY’S OFFICE—SrixWira Cotm. V/i r, Gaonoix, Nov. 30tk, 1888~To Mary A. flnrdett. administrator of ftressley Bur- dett, late of Spalding County, deceased. It betoi ...... removed 1 have failed to moke returns, managing l*on the petitioned estate of decoa.__,__ having the Court Of ary to bond, be dfacharged ordered trom that *n vour it is before the Court of Ordinary ef acid i by ten o’clock a. m., on the first Monday t January, Dv« and show cease why MiSl you should not make your retnrae and Why E. I. I*on should not be relieved as surety on your bond. All persona concerned are notified to appear at said time and place and #how cause why a new Administrator should not be appointed te case of your fail ore 10.00 to comoly ii W. with HAMMOND,Ordinary. this order. I - ministration late of said on tfae estate of Jcdm Aika, . «5 county, deceased. Let all persona concerned show cause be¬ fore theCourtof Ordinary of *atd county, at my office in Griffin, on the first Monday in January, 1389, by ten o’clock a. Hu, why such letter# should not be granted. «3.00. K W. HAMMOU, Ordhauy. la™ has applied to me for letters of ads trutration, tie boufa non, with will afin« on tbe estate of N. G. Phillip* late of i county, deceased. fore Let/hl Court person# concerned show —### fa# the of Ordinary of mid county, at my office in Griffin, on the first Monday in $3.00. E. W. HAMMOND, Ondinatr. , .. .... . .....- ............... .. . . ..... . JoTtv, / \KDlNARrsOFnCK —SretftowCocit. Stanley, administrator UftoaoiA, Oct. of 27th, SarnTBeitey Usstt-H. M. applied hay to me for letter* ef dismission hi# administration on the estate of j Bailey, late of said county, deceased. Let all person* concerned show cnase be. fore tber court vf Ordinary ft stid county, at in my office in Griffin on the first Itonffia inch February, letter* IbflO, by ten o’clock «, re., should not be granted. i, ' B. W. HAMMOND,Ord For Solo! 10 acre-, wood land inside • The wood will nearly pay te land is 100 worth woods over price “ i acres, in it*- £b«erasia*hfo*ii HmiteTwRli side It. C5 city inside cite acres ,’laits, et Houses large profit#. end lot* in < city ter sale and to i HAIR BALAAM CMflfc* *~’- I b-'SHdUOM b«Jr. BVaifkotsftk • gtqmih. Nmr Fkt'f to Doctor* Qm HA*r ta iU.YoutfcfWt