The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, December 15, 1888, Image 2

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AM HLK88HEB, Miter A Prep’r - ~ i» ^llt(,tI*A<mM)ta 4nn>. Oee Toer............. XriMi, VMrili, Dm* I*. 1*W. Official Paper of Spalding Co. Official Paper ef (he CHy ef Griffin Advertialnv Rate** DAILY—Ose dollar per »qn»r* tor the •nt insertion, and fifty oent* for each eub- wqawnt on*. Ton lino* or leoo to be oerant- «dM aoonoro. 10 lin SPECIAL NOTICK8 cento andor per tbie or each insertion. No inaertion Wwd for le*. than 10 cants. All insertions for loss than one dollar mut bo paid for in idTUM. will be mod* with parti** Liberal r»to» thoir advertisement* wiahioa to ooutino* ioii/rr than one week. WKKKLY—Ham * ret**** for tha Dailv. It it propotad to make tbe inangu ration of Goseroor Fleming, of Flori da* an oosaaion to bring together tbe people of that State, thereby demon ■trating to tbe world that tbe late epidemic baa not destroyed the feel iog of State pride characteristic of Fioridiana. Tbe military organira tions of tba State will be present to participate in the inangural ceromo nice. - «e The young lady wbo waa very re aentl y married to Haweg, tbe tan p. eted Birminghora murderer, has been interviewed by a New York aewepaper. Tne interview was short, bat it was to tbe poiut. Tbe young lady said that if ilawoa is guilty, no fate can be too berth for him, and that, after the cruel manner in which ha has deceived her, she cannot be Sieve bis protestatione of innocence. Probably Hawes is a bad man, but he is entitled to s fair trial. THE ALABASA TRAUKDIE8. There seems to be a little doubt of tbe guilt of Hawes, tbe alleged murderer at .Birmingham. As far as circumstantial evidence can reach it does reach- in tbe chain of events which wind him in its coil. There is the motive, one of the strongest known to human passion, to fix tbe deed en him, and there are the dead bodies to establish the fact that tha deed was done. The corres pondenoe of time and place are com piste, snd tbe tell-tale accessories impress themselves upon the imagin si ion with a silent powergrsater than words. No loop-hole appears by which tbe poor wretch can hope to es cape. And yet—considering the an leeedenla of tbe murdered woman— Hawes m«y be, after all, the victim of one of those tragic and startling coincidences, which sometimes pur eue tha unfortunate, like a fate. Anything is possible iu tbe case of a woman like tbe late Mrs Hawes. Hhe is represented as at once pretty end licentious, and she may b«ve bad many entanglements out of which murder might have come. Tbe kill ing of tbe child is ecsily ascribnble to tbe theory that it stood in tbe character of a dangerous witness The single suggestion that leans to Haw Ob' aid*' of the bloody business is tba insensibility to consequences which ho displayed, if guilty, in tbe murder of wife and child, th* con tern poraneous marriage, and tho innuedi ate return to the scene of the horror for his boueymoon. On* would stir wise that the most brainless of id' ots&nJ crnal of brutes would apply to such an emergency a wurivr lin# of conduct- On the other I and, ibe old qties tioti arises whether it m not insanity, and, in this view, whether Hawes is not an example of many before him, wbo driven by eom- ii resistible force to kill, bad no capacity to conceal left them ! In any < T eut, hts trial will tie an interesting one, involving many cr.ri ons aspects ot circumstantial avi dance, and perhaps sums equally cu studies in human nature. The original tragedy *vn* dirk enough. But the bloody si qn»l contributed by the outraged people of Binning ham makes it in advance n cause cele bre, and invites the attention of the people fst beyond the local coniines of theso terrible event*. Stats of Onto, CrrT or Toi.sno, I Lucas Countt, S. 8. Praxk J. C'hsxst make* oatli that lie in tbe senior pn'tuer of the firm cf F. J Cue kst A Co., doing bitoines, iu the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm wili day the sum of ONE HUN- DREI) DOLLARS for each and every ca»» of Catarrh that eaucot be cured by the u»e of Hau.’i Catabbr eras. FRANK J.CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 0th day of December, A. 11 it' J , A. W. GLEASON, am.. ' Notary Public. aets list)’* directly Catarrh Cure the istaken blood and internally mncaa and eur J 1 upon Send for tetimonisis, tacts of the syyietn. J. O fre< F. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, tar novSdAwly Hold by Dragrists, 7J eents. Xetbxaf trial tbs potioDO* of 0 »oro tba a to is to • booking o THE WHOWIRH NOUTIf. Tbe Nee* York Press, in common with ether red bot Republican pspirt, is very much concerned aboat the showing tbe South will make when the next census is taken. The won¬ derful incrcss# the South made be¬ tween 1870 snd 1880 astonished the Republican papers. It even caused them alarm. A solid and rapidly growing South to them is a monetros ity, in spite of their sneers and slurs. Tbe Press evinces its alarm in the following paragraph: U lu a short lime another census will be taken. How will the South era States come out this time? Tha increase in represuntation cannot po3 sibly be so great. The Western States and Territories and the Middle States bars been absorbing most of the immigration.” The Press further says that no one can deny that the large increase be¬ tween 1870 and 1880 “strengthened the hands ol the South.” Of course it did. The census of 1890 will give her additional strength. Tho South was never more prosperous thin at present. Her advantages and re sources have never before been so wail advertised. Southern invest¬ ments were never before so popular st the North and East as now. More mills art being established in the South, and toreign capital it seakiug investment in her Industrie* and How ing through her channels of trade with an impetus never before known. Knowing men of all section* recog nize in tha South a land of unparal lolled advaatagea,unlimited resources and untold possibilities. Such a land eannot fail to increase in popula tiou. is importance and in wealth. Tbe Praia argues that tha Western State* and Territories are absorbing most of the immigration. In a me a sure, this is true, because most of tbe immigrants are landed in New Yoik or Bo*ton, which gives those sec¬ tions an advantage over tho South in this particular. But the South’s in crease comes largely from a more sub atantial source. It comes from a class of people who make the best of c’tixens. It coine* Irom the North, lbs East and the West, where think ing and well posted people have cotne to look upon tbe South as the most favored section on earth. These facts being generally recognized, there is no reason to doubt that the South will continue to grow, in spite of tho slurs heaped upon her by en¬ vious Republican organs. The Republicans have refused, per eistently, to permit a census of New York State and renpportionnieot of the Legislature,because‘hey believfd it would result to the advantage of tho Democrat* fit consequence of the growth i f Now Yotk and Kings conn ties, Tho recent election, however, showed Heavy gains in some of the interior Republican counties, and their demand for tbe necessary Ug islutif u is likely lobe heeded. Because it suits the purposes of Hour party, the Republican legislators are likely to gruut wbat they refused to New York and Kings comities, although their wealth and population nearly equal that of tbe tee! of Dio Slat*. * • * % Pimples* Sores, Aches and Pains. When a hunched bottles of sarsaparilla or otli*r pretentious specifics fail to eradicate in-born scrofula or contagions blood poison, remember that B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) has gained many thousand victories, in as many seemingly incnrablo Instances. Semi to the Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, (la. for "Book of Wouders,” and he convinced. It is the only THf* m.ooD i-uhinek. X Roads, Qn., (J. \V. Messer, Howell’s writes: “I was afflicted nine years w ith sores. Ail the medicine I could take did me no good. I then tried B. B. B., and 8 bottles cured me sound ” Mrs. 8 M. Wilson, Round Mountain, Tex as, writes; “Alady friend of mine was trou bled with b n bs took and three pimples bottles on of her B. B. face It. and neck. She and her skin gut soft and smooth, pimplcsdi* appeared, and her health improved greatly." .las. L. Bosworth, Atlanta, La. writes: "Some years ago I contracted blood poison. I had no appetite, my digestion limbsso win I rn tied, rheumatism drew up uiy could hardly walk, my throat was cauterised five times. Hot Springs gave me no benefit, and my life was one of torture until 1 gave. B. B. B. a trial, and surprising as it may seem, the use o' ■’> Bottles cured me." novlG-lm SEALED PROPOSALS will be r cent tut the ofllee of the Supervising Architect, 'Irons nry Department, Washington, D. ( at til" o’clock p. in. on t lie 2Tth day of December, ISSS, for the labor and materials House required and Post for enlarg ng the l . 8. Court Office building at ATLANTA, t■ A , in ac¬ cordance with the spi cifioiition and drn wings copies of which maybe seen at this Cilice the Office of the Custodian, Atlanta, (la., Builders’ Exchange, Baltimore, Md , Build¬ ers’Exchange. C m innuti, <>.. Builds:!-' A Traders’ Exchange. Chicago, III. and Louis villc, Ky., and Mechanics’, Dealers’and Lum¬ bermens’ Exchange, New Orleans, lai Each kid must lie accompanied by a certified Archi¬ cbeeofc for $1,000. The supervising tect w ill furnish a limited number of copie. of the specification and drawings at five dol¬ lars a set, upon receipt of that sum in post office money-order, draw n to the order ef the Treasurer of the United States. WILL A FREPRT, Supervising Architect. December 4th, lS8S.~tues,thurs sat. Advice to Mothers. M.a. Winslow’* Soothing Stri p i for cbildreu LfetliinR, ia the pretcription anil of oat) of th« best female an ref* physicians in Ibe United States, ami has been used for forty years with uerer j failing snocess by millious of motliars for their children’ Dotting the proems* of teething it* value ia incalculable It relieve* tbe child from pain, cure* dya eatery tod diarrhoea, griping in the •xmeiis, and wind ‘ i s tboibiidau WBCAT Xfl SCROFULA It is that impurity In tho blood, which, ac¬ cumulating In the glands of tbe neck, pro¬ duces unsightly lumps or swellings; which causes painful running sores on tho arms, tefjs, or feet; which dcvelope* ulcers in the eyes, ears, or nose, often causing blindness or deafness; which is the origin of pimples, can- ccrousgrowth*, or the many other manifesta¬ tions usually ascribed to "humors;" which, fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption and death. Being the most .ancient, It is tho mo-1 general of all diseases or affections, for very few persons arc entirely free from it. How Can CURED It Be By taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which, by the remarkable cures It has accomplished, often when other medicines have failed, has proven Itself to bo a potent and peculiar medicine for this disease. Soma of these cures are really wonderful. If you suffer from scrofula, tie sure to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla. •• My daughter Mary was afflicted with scrof¬ ulous sure n ek from tbe time she was 22 months old till she became six years of age. Lumps formed in her neck, and one of them after grow ing to the size of a pigeon’s egg, became a running sore for over three years.- AVe gave her Hood’* Sarsaparilla, when the lump and all indications of scrofula entirely dis¬ appeared, and now she seems to be a healthy child.” J. S. Caklilk, Naurlght, X. J. N. B. Be sure to get only Hood’s Sarsaparilla bold by at! druggist*. |I;»lxforfS. Prepared only by C. I. noon Jc CO., Apotiiecari**, L-wcII, Mail. IOO Dodos One Dollar YlAfelv. No ierciry, Or any other Mineral Poison. It is Nature’s Remedy, made exclusively from Roots nnd Herb*. It la perfectly Harmless. It i* the only remedy known to the world that has ever yet Cured cuntayfous Blood Poison in all its staves. It cures Mercurial Rheumatism, Cancer, Scrofula, and other blood disease* heretofore considered incurable. It cures any disease caused from impure blood. It Is now pre¬ scribed by thousands of the best physician* tn the United States, as a tonic. We append the statement of a few • “I have used S. 8. S on patients convalesce 4 jjit from fever and from measles with the host results. J. aN. Coenky, M. IX, Ellaville, Ga.” Urkmkn. o a.—W illie White was a fflictcd with with armful scrofula a seven seven year*. years. ar». and and 1 1 1 present* prescribed pr boji boy. S. 8. 8., and to day / he he L» I* a a fat fat robust robust C. W. Parkier, M. D. Richmond, Ya., Dec. IS, 1885—1 have taken three three bottles of Swift * Specific foReecondary than blood poison, It net* much better pot* R*h or any otbe. remedy I have over um 13. IJ. V. 1*. WINFIELD, >> M. ju. D. is., Formerly of Sussex Co., Ya, I>n. R. J. Hale, tho well known druggist ami physician, of Nashville, Howard County, ArV- writes: ** Having some knowledge aafely as to what *8. 8. *S. *S. ..... 8. 8. Is Is composed emii the |yosed remedy *-•-- of. ol for I all can skin dis- recoin amend It ns c eases, ,, it matters not what tbe name may y be.*’ l Wo r e have have a a book book giving giving ft ft ft history history of o this wonderful tdei fid remedy, remedy, ur.d ur.d its its cures, cures, < from fr< nil over r the the. world, world, which which will will convince convii you that all we say Is true, uati ' which which v wo will ill niafi tree on application. No family shoul iu Id I be without It. We have another on Contaj ■gious Blood Poison, sent on same terms. Write v\s a . history ! of your case, and our physician ytflclan will will advise with you by letter, deceive In strictest strictest confidence. confidt We will not you knowingly. For sale by all druggists. The Swift SWIFT Snccu SFKCIFIC CO., Or. Drawer York, 7.XJ 8, Hroadwar. Atlanta, New IIUL London Eng^ 85 8now Tiffs Pills To core cost Ivcnoss Uiomeillrinemnst lie more than a purgative. To be per* muiient, H niiist eonluiii Tonic, Alterative and Cathartic Properties. fiualitivs i«« rntt*rt PUN poHieNH tl»o*»o an ciulucut degree, ami Speedily Restore to the bowels their natnul perisf ultlo iiiotloit, no cnnciiHuI to regularity, Sold Everywhere. Tlit> Toy flic Child Likes Best -IS THE— “ANCHOR’ Stone Building Slocks, Real Real Stono. Stono. Three Three Color*. Color*. A A Cl.tvitR Clever l*RicaxxT I'kicsest forchlkl- forchlkl- ron of of all all good anos. For $1.75, or $2.(» I a a goi average dox. ive application Catalogue sc * post-free on to F. Ad. Richter & Co., * 3IO BROADWAY, NEW YORK. correct* *IJ Irregularities and annoyitvg troubles from which so many ladies suffer. It glv vos the weak, debl MB woman health and strength.and gth.and makes make* cheerful cheerful the the .despondent,, de*;|>ondei denresse depressed ssed lu iu spirits. In change of life . with* INDIAN no lad y should he ewtth- out WEED. H Jtis is Safe Sa and Unfailing . Ask your Dragglst. F-. K. AnUioi.y ( riflin aid } Ochitrd Jiill, L»*i. ............. MEASURES, PROMPT grintl their teeth, When children pick their nose, are restless, unnatural in their Worms, appetite, they a* quite likely troubled with prompt meaffi ores should be taken and Verm if Uire be given them according to dirco tiot s it has saved many a child from death nnd mr\v preserve vour sweet child from an early gravt New Felts Jl’ST UECK1VEDD AT MRS. M. L. WHITE’S Millinery Store. Clark Building. Corner ofjHIil and Broadway. IlfESLmN Earn INSTITUTE, Wsi __ ctupvTCIK VIRGINIA — The Georgia Midland RR. slhorteat and Beat Line With Xhrougrh Couch e« Between COLUMBUS and ATLANTA. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Washington, New York, NashyUIe or Cincinnati. Bcliodnlc in Eifuct Wfdnesday, Dec. 5, 1888. TRAIN NORTH Leave Union Depot, Columbus----1:05 p. tn. Arrive Griflin.....................3:35 “ Arrive Atlanta ....................5 ; 40 “ SOUTH BOUND TR.vIN Leave* Atlanta....................2:15p. (Jriffin....................4:05 “ m. Ijeave* Arrives in ColnmUna............. 7:05 “ ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. KOKTII BOLJgtl—(DAII.T XXCBPT SUKDIV). Leave Columbu*—MUland depot, 7 M) a. m. Arrives at Griffin.................m. rri ves st XI*Ponoug-h.......... 3:30 “ iOfiTH BOCXB-(DXII.T EXCEPT SUNDAT). Ijeave McDonouL’k................”:45 Atlanta....................ti:50 a. “ in, Leave Leave Grilfin......................0 35 “ Colntnbua, Miulaad depot, .3:30 p. in. SPECIAL TRAIN-Sokuay Oslv. Leav* Colninbus—Union Depot, 8:25 «. m. Arrive Griffin................... U:25 “ McDonousli.............12:*) 1:10 p. “ m. Arrive at Atlanta............... RETURNING-South Bound. Leave Atlaota....................6:50 a. ’* m. Leave Griffin.................^...8:25 McDonough...............7:35 “ Leave “ Arrive Colum but—Union Depot, 11:25 Ask for tickets to Atlanta and points be¬ yond over the Georgia Midlaad RR- Tick¬ ets on sale at Union I)*pot, *nd at tke office in Georgia Home buildutg. M. E.GRAV, Snpt. C. W. C HEARS, Ga. Gen’t Pass. As;t, Columbus, New Advertisements. a/ CNJTO WANTED. Wr te Geo. A. Sau- gC Li'I I O born, Sec’y The BbmbWV Bcffaix? Ahb*k;ii- Mu- vm, Aiciaesr am> 8i- s tion, Butfalo, New York. \ | far d«Afn«»«, c»»*e**r»M. *U “»»“»»»*• HO" 1 on tfc. *nun. l»* oa»»ak* * r 7 of oar ax* an* tt» poMttUltt** *ro pat <M for oaZa by E.B. WAi**, a* m a mm Agents’profits per month. Will kL K* J K prove it or pay forfeit. New U/V«i*w portraits just out. A $3.50 ifc sam¬ Son, ple sent free to all. W. IT. Cliidsater 28 Bond St., N. Y. EXHAUSTED VITALITY rpIIE 1 SClENOiS OP LIFE, the great Medical Work of tho age on Manhood, Nervoo* and Physical Debility. Premature Decline, Errors of "oath, and the untold miseriesconsequent thereon, 380 pages 8vo, 125 prescriptions for aU diseases. Cloth, full gilt, only $1.00, b} 1 -.nail, scaled. Illustrative sample free t- > nil j oung i„d middle aged men. Send now. The Bold and Jr.-walled Medal awarded to the auttior by ti e .,»■ Medical Association. Address P. O. box P95, dii-o-in, Mass., or Dr. W. IT., grad- uateof E ward Medical College,25years’ practice In Boston, who may be consulted confldvmtially. Snoclaltv.Disoascj cf Mail. OflicuKo 4 Bulfinchst feiiS A/ytLam Cleanses H Al H au-i a hcautiiics A L3 the A M hair. Promotes *1 luxuriant prowih. Gray Ncvor Fails to Re*tore Hair to its Youthful Color Movent* l>nndrn(T an d hxlrf till Lag amt ** iARVELOUS DISCOVERY. A nr book learned in •*»•» rraillntf. .tliiid Hiindering: cured. Nprakinf vsilliuut Botes. Pirttff f omlrninsfi by Mupr**ns* C'ourls Cirnii i«i«|uc*€ , n««*«it* to c®rr«»po.Kce clo»Hr*. ot Dr. vvm. Prospectus, with world-famed opinions Specialist in Hamrrond, the Mind diseases, Daniel Greenleaf Tbotnps D on, D. the great Psychologist, J . M. Buckley, Richard Editor of the Christian Advocate, Proctor, the Scientist, Hons. Judge Gibson, Judah P. Benjamin, min, and others, I'Hivro, sent - - * past r free by Prof. A. LOISETTE, 237 Fifth Ave. New York. HI NDERCORNS. The onlv sure Cure for Cams. StopsnU Utscox&t pi, in. in ,N. urrs comforttothefoot. tte.atUramUt*. l. PARKER’S GINGER TONIC 1 be b<;si of .ill remedies lur Inward Pains. Coli , Indiges¬ tion. Exhaustion and all Stom¬ ach and Bowel troubles. Also the most effective cure for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis and affections of the refreshing breathing ^ organs. It promotes sleep improves the appetite, overcomes rtcrvou* prostration, strength and gives new life and Drgguists* to the weak and aged. 50c. and $1.00, at MASON cabinet & introduced HAMLIN ia it* • The organ A w&ti present form by Maaon Hamitn In 1361. Other maker* followed in the manured arc of these instrument*, bat the Mason A Hamlin organs have always main. Sained their supremacy a* the best in the world. 4 * Mason & Hamlin offer,, as demonstration of th# wllhl th test mak| IUI * It M \T ors of all conn. tbe highest W I ■ W SI I V Whonors. invariably Hlna- tak¬ en tiated catalogues $28 T 'O $900. free. t * Mason A Hamlin do no t hesitate to make the ex¬ traordinary claim for th eir pianos, that they art superior to all others, i. 1 ,Tiey recognize the high excellence of piano achieved building, by b o ihor leading makers superiority. in tho art nt still claim This they attribute sole ly to the remarkable Im¬ provement introduced 'by them tn the year 1388, and now tenown ssthM “Mason A IT ahum Pi* no Btrinoeb,” is secured the by iPIANOSiS! slble purity andi tons, toget her S I fill V W with greatly in¬ creased capaci- OJA OJA SB SB * h UF2I3HT. WJI3HT. ty ty for for standing standing to tune and ether cental lerimiportant containing imi portant advantages. advantages. < , hnndrcd A circular, purchasers, aing mnslclsr.s, musicians, testimonials testimonials from from three threo asers, and and tuners, tuners, sent. sent, together with deocrlp live sold catalogue, for to any applicant Pianos and Organs cash or easy pay¬ ments; also rented. a MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO. a BOSTON. NEW KOKH. CHICAUO. a Grateful-* Comforting. EPPS’S COCOA BREAKFAST. “by thorough knowledge of the natural law- Jcb govern the oparalion* of diges tiou and nutrition, and by a careful applica¬ selected tion of the fiue properties of well Coacoa, Mr Epps has provided cur provid¬ ed onr breakfast tab’ee with • delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many hsavv doctor*' bills. It is by the Judicious use of such article of diet that a constitution ma> be gradually bail! up until Strong enough to resist evtry tendenoy to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us resuiy to attack wherever there j* a weak point Wc may escape many a ta’al shaft by keepingoursolvec well lortitied with P ASTALL PRECEDENT! Distributed Over Two Millions msM ■ Louisiana State Lottery Company Legislature iu 1868 ’ >r Educational Incorporated and by Charitable th* purposes, i 1 . it* franehieo made a part of the presc State Constitution, in 1879, by *n over¬ whelming popular vote. DRAW- It* GRAND EXTRAORDINARY BEK DRAWINGS take plac* on cadi of the the other ten month* in the year, and are ail drawn in public, at the Academy of Musio, New Orleans, La. “Wedo hereby certify that we supervise the arrangements for all the monthly and Senii- tnnoal Drawings of The Louisiana State Lot tery Company, and in person manage and con trol the Drawing* themselves, with honesty, and that fairnesa tho same arc conducted and in good faith toward all parties, this certlnc«.o and we authorize the Company ourslgnutuies to use attached io with fac-similcsof Us advertisements.” Conmlolvaeri. We the undersigned Bank* and Bankere will pay ail Prizes drawn in The Louisian* State Lotteries which may be presented at oureounters: B. H. W4XMSX.EV.Pre>. L*.llat'l a*. p. LAXATX. Pre»»tal*S*lT Bb. A.Bli.BWI!(,PrM. !l. O.kal'l Baal CARA KUHN. Pre.,lalea 4’IBaal Mammoth Drawing At the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, December 18, 1888, CAPITAL PRIZE, $600,000, 100,000 Tickets at #40; Halves *20: Quar¬ ters *10; Eighths 15; Twentieths *8; For¬ tieths $1. LIST Ot PRIZES, i 1 Pbizecf $600,000is.. $600,000 qflO. PQQ 1 Puizk o» 200,000 is.. 1 Pbizk of 1C 0,009 is..... 100,000 1 Prize of 50.000 is..... 50.000 2 Prizes of 25.000 are... 50.000 5 Prizes of 10.000 are____ 50.000 12 Prizes of 5.000 are.... 60 000 25 Prizes of 2.000 are.... 50.000 100 Prizes of 800 are.... 80.000 300 Prizes of 400 are.... 80,COO 500 Prizes of 200 are.... 100,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 100 Prizes of $1,000 are............. 100,000 100 do. 800 are............... 80,000 100 do. 400 are................ 40,000 Three Number Terminals. 90 Prizes of *800 are................*79,200 99 do 490 are................. 39.6C0 Two Number Terminals. 900 Piizes of *200 are...............*180,000 900 do. 200 are.............. 180,000 8,146 Prizes of amounting to......*2,118,80f informa¬ For Club Rrates, or any further tion desired, write legibly to the undersign¬ ed, clearly stating your residence, with State, County, Street and Number. More rapid return mail delivery will be as- surred by enclosing an Envelope bearing your full address. Send POSTAL NOTES, Express Mosey Orders, or New York Exchange in Ordinary letter. Currency by Express (at onr expense) addressed to M. A. DAUPHIN, \ ,1 u ( |v-i*»4ITTR 1,4 or M. A. DAUPUIN, Washington, D. C. Address Registered Letters tc MKW ORliEAS* 1*ATOMAIi BANK New Orleans, La. REMEMBER KJSS BXS5JU and Surly. wk*ar« la charge *f .he drawings,is a guarantee of absolute fairness and Integrity, that the chances are all equal, and that no one can possibly divine what numbers will draw a Prize. REMEMBER, also, that the payment of Prizes is GUARANTEED BY FOUR NA¬ TI NAL BANKS of New Orleans, and the Tickets *re signe J bj the President of an In stttuticn whose chartered right- are recog t.ize<J in the highest Courts; therefore beware of all imitations or anonymous schemes. S< l liNGMi k SOUS, WHOLESALE AND BET AIL DRUGGISTS, CRIFFIN, CEORCIA* We guarantee the purity of our goods and make our prices lower than compe¬ tition. HOTEL CURT IS GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, Under New Management. A. G. DANIEL, Prop’r. zgr i'o-ters meetall trains. febl > lly A—: ..■st.-synaA'* DVBRTISERS i learn the exact cost r r n\ nroposed line o: .'tismg in American s by addressing T> A . Rowell & Co., • oaptr Ad'-srtioing Bureau, o ! pm- At., New York. u‘ « or tOO-P*a* Paraphlae Skt WITTIgST.PBRTTIKST dUVBMIt.Eg QUEER PEOPI.Ep*i.Vrr.x fiy Haf.mHtHt -ft** r*-ejr and tkc it*** n.rm\nm ■I * an*-*. ____________>n* bf rn» Mrlttu Httle *2d J* mu my «r*A /» wum mylk wf«* Csks sad Dm*Mam** Hoy Howarddroato UMPT1V/E . triir xr L IRY - if - FROM-1 UNTIL January 1st., 188 WILL BE ■;$5M A Grand Bargain Dai! Store ! We have a large choice stock, with new desirable goods, coming in on every trat * that we are determined to convert * money. Now is your time to Secure Bargains! SS’ Received on yesterday one lot of * LONG WRAPS at $6,50 worth 810. Few childrens’ Wraj to he almost given away. WILL ADD SEVERAL BAR6AIN COUNTEI the giving present stock week. Look inspection. to ^our interest by j my an BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL WOOL DRESS GOODSj SHAWLS, JERSEYS, ETC. i hoe Department! 'M G . ■:\ v Making (u$tom FOR i. j. mmm. Mm Special o|WTioi prices uriicfi uii on all an Shoes to w reduce 11uuw stock, lot t of of Eagle Eagle Shoe Shoes just received. Best ( n^BhI Co. Ladies’ Retton tton “ Boot Boot mMMMrnm in in the the city city for for ~ the money* too manp 9 Men’s hit’s FI Fine ■ up Hand If and Sewed Kpwpd 8hoes 81______ in such 1 iar mvkes as, Hanaos. Emeisou, #6,«» worth #6,50 to Si,0U that we will oeti *t $5,50. Haven’t time to enumerate more. (01 see J. F