The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, December 15, 1888, Image 3

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BABIES cry for it. MAUDS RELISH IT. gold by Druggist*. *<*#% Site., Sl.OO. Mtil. >gMtD»0M * CO.. WUMTd B, VT. Baby Portraits. PortloliO of beautiful b baby photo portraits, printed on SJL, fine plate pep® of 1 ' f Baby P»tent born within process, sent to Moth or any these pictures; a year. Been' W>y'» Mother wants tend at once. Give name and age. WELLSi RICHARDSON 4 CO., P.api., Burlington, Vt, FINE PERFUMERY AND TOILET SOAPS. -Also, a full line of- Drags, Patent 1 Medicines, Paints, ,0ils, ‘Brushes Ahd Druggists’ Supples, at bottom prices, ean ALWAYS be found AT DREWRY’S [DRUG STORE 28 Hill Streets BIFFIN, GA. WE KEFE ON HAND THE FINEST Flour, Sugar and Coffee, CIGARS AND TOBACCO. jgy* At the LOWEST PRIOE8 of any one in the city. We have the finest Whiskies and Brandies AND BEST OF ALL THE FLAT SHOALS CORN WHISKY! which is noted to be the finest that is nmde. All of the above for medical purposes. Com and see ns. GEORGE & HARTNETT. d&wtdec2fi A. LOWER, Practical Jeweler M Dealer in Diaiis, Watches, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, &C. Special attention given to Repairing. 20 Hill Street GRIFFIN, GA. —PORE PORK SAUSAGE! THE FINEST EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET! Oranges Fresh From Florida, In Any Quantity! THE FINEST LINE OF CANDIES EVER SEEN IN GRIFFIN. T. 2Sd. MILLS For)( Christmas)( Goods ........CALL ON........ W.M.HOLMAN&CO. We Sfandard A Sugar lor making cake. Citron, Currents, Prunes and all kinds of Extracts for Flavoring. The best Pat. Flour. Mince Meat, Jellies, end in fact anything you want. * TURKEYS, FISH AND OYSTERS. i tetr Leave us your order and it will be attended to. HOW ? HATS, SHOES AND GROCERIES of ft. F. S TRICKLAJS D, NO 57 HILL STREET. - GRIFFIN, GA: J^“500 prs. of 3 pie Shoes at less than wsale prices. Also a good iue of MEN.WOMEN ’S?ANI) CH ILDREN’S SHOES. Bought regular, at reduced prices. Calicoes, Sheeting and Checks, all marked down. Kentucky Jeans, all grades, 15 to 37^ cents pi r yard. Wc have, a full line of Mens’ Womens’ and Childrens’ IJose at 10 to Zo cents. Oui childrens’ mixed and Mack hose at 10 cents per pair is the best tiling in town for the money. Handkerchiefs, I Duels, Corsets, Flannel Collars ant] Cuffs, all at the luwe-t prices. Give me a trial and I will save juv money. R. F. STRICKLAND. SPENCE & SMITH, OPPOSITE BRICK WABEHOU8E.80LOMON St fjpr'Aie n< w rendj to do your wi rk. Repairing buggies and wagons is a feature o 1l*®ir buMM'FF, on which skilled labor only is used. Bring ns your work. We will build v< u anything c» * heels-Buggies, Phaetons, hurries » agona, Dr*\t, and Dtlivery Wugoi.s. Sign painting will wb a feature of nc ittle import Nothing but good work will be dene. W ill not take a shoddy job foi any price. '* u H. Sience at tbrtelm you cannot fail toyet fairdealing. Call onuatefore you buy. SPENCE & Solomon Street, Griffin, Ga. Shipment Finest Teas, It’s Easy to Dye WITH * __ DpOND Dfrs Superior IN Strength, Fastness, Beauty, AND Warranted _ to color Simplicity. IUid to more «!▼« goods than any other iuS Alk for th more brilliant no other. 3 <colora; cents ® eachT^ Diamond, and Uie 10 WELLS, RICHARDS ON A CO., Burlington. Vt. For Gilding or Bronsiag Fancy Articles, USE DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only to Cents. A DISCUSSION ON GRAPES. FOLLOWING THE READING OF MR. OETTER’S ESSAY. The Further Proceedings of the Horti¬ cultural Society at Last Tues- day’s Session. Viler the reading of ike essty by Mr. Getter, aa published in ya.'ar- d*y’. News, * gentr.l n took place. Dr. Mitchell aaked Mr. Oetter to name threw or four varieties beat suited lo this locality, to whiclf ha ra plied tk.t .here wen* sev.r.l bna- dred variatua of Labrusca class, but Ives and Couaord are most widely known and roost profitable; Norton's Va.and Cyntbi&na most highly val¬ ued of Aeuvalia class which is natural here, being confined to the south At liutic coaat, not north of the Poto¬ mac. As they are natuial bare, ha thinks they will prove dost valuable, but it will not do to entirely discard the Lahruaca claaa yel. We may have seedlings of Ives that will be an improvement on the parent Worden i» of Concord. lu Kiparik class are seme grapes of value and greatly improving as for instance, the Missouri Railing. He has fruited it forlwa years with out a sign of rot, growiug next to Peter Wyile, which was almost all de stroyed. It is a white grap» ripen iog a week later than Coucord, of medium size bunches generally about derail, very fair for table nae and made a white wine that he thinks will compare with best types Rhine wiue. During the grape hat* vest of’87, however,the heavy con tinued rains destroyed the fruit, bursting tba skins of ripe grapes so the orep was almost destroyed. Mr, Jones stated he has Cenuord, Ives, Catawba and one kind unknown to him which from his description was decided to be Isabella. Catawba fruits well hut has some rot. Some vines four years old had 40 lbs grapes this last season, probably because he had left too much wood on vinca. Mr. Van Dyke asked for experience abo^ut slopes, and ditection beat suit ed for grape growing, to which Mr. Getter replied he preferred a south er southeast slope for the first early ■uu to dry dew before tba tempera, ture of air had risen high eneugb to germinate the spoors ot rot and mil¬ dew, which required moisture and beat. Mr. Hus.ed thought that free circulation of air was an important agent in drying dew from vines and would select a slope toward the most generally prevailing morning wind, no l>ai dings, trees or oichardi to preveut free circulauou of sir. Dr. Mitchell agreed that free eir eolation of air is necessary, but asktd if a s'ope is necaasury and why would not levei ground do, to v (nab the President quoted the old tdage, •‘Bacchus loves the little hills.” Mr. Sutherland thought a west or south slope best. Mr. VaiiDyke said grapes on his south slope were first to dry and he always etmmeiiced early morning pishing there, because his west slope was slow to dry. Mr. VVayinan has grapes ou east north and tout!) slopes and Ives season only rotted on the north sides. Mr. Vandyke asked lor the cheapest and most successful roeth o 1 to plant a vineyard ou ground that is now unprepared. Mr. Sutherland will run rows 10x8 but noith and south, vast and wee?, paying no attention to e'r, make a trench by continued it g two feet wide and subsoil deeply ai possible. Mr. Hosted says, select ground, loosen and deepen tho 20 iocbca if possible and if ground is not capable of b loosened up to deep it will not be suitable pleee for a vineyard; lay off’ ro»i 10 or 8 fe-t apart, row oo the level nnJ if necessary in abort rows whenever tiny need come owing to »uy change of in slope, bat keep every row on level and by cultivating toward rows, every row will be a terrace than save the apace of a regular race. The question then arises, haps in doing ao, too much will be held at the roots and tbs sdy is onderdraining—which prevent soil from surface will allow all the important — elements of rain to be retained the coil ae the water through from the surface Mr. YasDyke says drainage ia lately of veins, bat aa it ie too ' fast in row to sate wire, aa 8x8 is tnoch too close. Mr. Way ms n says deep plow,eg necessary, He planted last yam groaud that eras terraced, rows parallel with upper and lower terrace of eaeh land and filled in c«n ter or wide ends with abort rows a* need*,! mid accommodated slight dif by widening and nairowing distance of rows slightly. Mr Sulherlsnd, in reply to Dr. Mltchu.l, sttiud lie preferred * la'gul rows in order io cross piuv,--!*", iu irg Unit good cultivation taut. In reply \o Dr. M ici eu s qac>y a boat proper manuror, sir. Ociur arid grade, atber, sui or muri ne of potash, or ksimt art iht brut fertilizes, A proper iu.x tare o! k.lint and potash at low ra of 3 to 4 lbs. to each viu-* woul t ol heuefi’. if be Usd pieuty of post aotll.i broadcast on ground, if not in such quantity would in drills before planting. The Secretary ibeu lead from late bulletin of the Department Agriculture the followirg r«rueJi< for treatmeut of black rot: B'KOKAUX MI XT nil* Dissolve It] lbs. of sulphate of per in 2*2 ga 1 . of wstei; in vessel elake 30 lb*. Inns iu 6 water. When the Mler has pour slowly into tho copper using care to thoroughly mix flaida by conslaut stirring. Mix days before it is needed to apply stir as sprayed ou vines.’’ For geaenl use the following recommended: ‘Sulphate of copper........ 6 Lime................... 6 Water............... .....22 copper in 1G gal. water and liroeiu 6. and mixed and applied above." Meeting adjourned. Due notice place of next regular msetiug will given. Wm. Wardkb, Sec’tv. One Tact Is worth a column of rhetoric, said an oan statesman. It is a fact, established the Hood’s testimony Sarsaparilla of thonahnds does of scrofnla, people, cure rheum, and other ciseases or affections aria ing from impure state or low condition of blood. It also overcomes that tired creates a good appetite, and gives fc) to overv oartof the evatem. Trv it. Br. Moffett’s TEETHIMA (Teething Powtfers) guy and Cojt* only S5_C«nu. ^T«ihlr|» cure* . age. It Uta/e and ture. Try It and yon will never n b* without TKETHIN’A a* tonga* there are ChUd- ted In the Uouie, A*k your lirnggUt. WATCHES! ★ JEWELRY, ★ DINNER AND TEA SETS! —M - DECORATED LUSTHE AND PLAIN WHITE ENGLISH GRANITE WARE. DECORATED AND PLAIN CHIN'A PLATE SETS, GLASS. TiN AND WOODEN WARE. KENTUCKY COOKING AND HEATING STOVES. SEE THEM AND PRICES. NOVELTY CO. BOOTS, SHOES AND LEATHER 22 alius’ Shoe Slew 22 Hill St. Hill St. Home-made Shoes ami Leather a Specialty. SST We warrant all wjtk and shall make it a point to misrepresent noth ing. Just reosiyed a largo shipment of Gents, Ladies and Misses fine goods and school shoes for Children. H, W. HAStsELKUS. A. S.MURRAY Call* your attention to his Superb Line of Furniture! COMPLETE SUITS OR SINGLE PIECES. Suits of 9 Pieces from $20 to $ 100, Tables, Chairs Bedsteads. Spring Beds, Wardrobes, Etc, A limited number of Sewing Machines of the best makes tor sale very low. I am always ready to serve my customers, both day and night Mrs. E. E. ( ROCKER, 20 HILL STREET, . -*A8 ALL TMI* Latest: Styles: of: Millinery — Farm and House and Lot For Salt A StiSU' acre farm In 3 miles of Griffin, G* of vrootb, 120 In splendid state ,d for improved farm machinery. will sold Mat-hln- with cry, stock, corn and fodder be farm V wanted, fill ready for business acotb- •r year. Alto,a tarn roomy house end two acre lot \,\ Griffin, da. For particulars ad- drew, me at Griffin, Ga., care filark Jfc Son. laptTVtl&wSra TH A D CLARK. Mew Advurtisemems TO ADVERTISERS A list of 1((X) newspaper* divided into 8TATK8 AND SECTIONS willle sent on appUeation— FREE. To U»o#« who want thetradvertiidns thorough to pay we ean offer u« t eller medium for and etleetUe work tiian the various section* of «iir Se’e< t I/ieal List. OEO.P. ROW RI.L AVI), Newspaper Advertising Han an, 10 Ppruoe street. New Yoik. V. lily ,« m- it. ;< L. N erV- 1,0• il t •< I'liilaUd «!i - if r c from I < b .i ,, r-. > n a I 'V . tti,; N i i I' ! ■ y K . i*en> s, ■* d a lie elfee.s * 1 1 I'.vii llahlt* w. i- it i ad to l’reraatore Decay, Conanui|dlou «,r It - nitty, send for Pears' Treatise on I'iaea es , f Mali, willi particular* for Homs i ure. Cures .j on ran teed No cave t o : ay, .1.8. Feah*. 013 and 614 Church 8t.. Nashville Tenn. BCvUdftwItr. THE. WHELESS STAMP -PRESS CO- 74S REYNOLD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA Agent* Wanted! Catalogue FBJCEI | RUBBER STAMPS, SEALS, BADGES, CHECKS, STENCILS, STEEL STAMPS, &c. Sole Manufacturer* of Tho Wheless Salf-lnklng Rubber Stamp Printing Press. A CREAT YEAR xn Hie hihiQTi oilhe United State* I* notr apon os. Every person of Intelli^eBce dertrw to kpep puce vriib the course of IU etenti. There if no better way to do §o than tONubacribe lor The Macon Telegraph. fu new* faciutioi addition are nnmrpaued the fulleri by any AmocJ- paper lu the Boath. In to correapond- ated I*rc*« dispatche*. Utter it haa from apeolal all Important enee by wire and neighboring Bute*. point* fn Georgia and the Wn*b- During the present eeuion of Congree* lngtou lcfe*tlng will be the centre moat Important tn the country. and meet The Jtf new* ot the Telegraph l* ^^n^^^deSTf-rnlrit- Washington Corrc«pondence the l.uat *ws and gorsip In full dlspatchea. Frequent 'peeittt tetter* from lion. Amo* J. Cummlug*. member of Congree* trom New York, Frank <1, Carpenter, and W. A. Croffnt, three of the be*t known newepaper live*! writer* Important at the laeue* capital, of di*- tho cun the and mo*t '/he Telegraph thoroughly h 1* ia a a Demncratte Demt tin# with with Tariff ... the the Reform policy paper, It Is in > of President aident Clevriaud and a the Democratic party. In the coming national campaign the Tciegrapb will not only giro all the new*, but will discus* all public l**nea from the atand- point of genuine Democratic faith. Subfcfibc •. \ once. *«,ily, wne year, • ■ • • . 00 Jutty, six month*, .... dOO Daily, three month*, - • - * * OO • Unity, one month, .... .78 Weekly, one year, • • - - . 1 OO Term-: Cash in advance. Address TH* TEI.EOEtAPH, Manas, Oaoania. —L-Lims ' .las s rsgsggs:— Sheriff Sales. I XfJLL BK HOUJONTHR F1R8TTUJC8- Yf day IO Hooar, Jaatmry next, tha before of th# Griffin, door the t onrt to city County, to-wlL Georgia, tbe following do- propeitj, land bounded by th# branch Six a err* of from Waddy’a point where steam the mill ditch on th# t, south at the run¬ fre tn the spring empties the Into Inlet the section branch of by line drawn from ditch and branch, north by the land Hoe K. CJ. beinr KirkpatrK-k and of lot Jx*. A. Beck*, six acre# District of a originally part Henry, nupher l‘J9 hiro then now Spalding County. the Third AI*), District sixteen res, more or less, tn of lletirv. th know: 189, re nod of said tot running cast five all.* Mid twenty roods, tbeio-e due no th to second branch twenty. eight chains, up the northern prong of the branch lo the original land tine between said k.t and lot west of it, now occupied by J a* A. lte. k*. thence south alou, said linn thirty and i hum* to the beginning corner. Walter ia:v»rd C. o,i sold a* tl e property of Hecks and Wm. M. Becks, admlniatratora of estate of J *. A . Heck*, deoeeacd, by vir¬ tue of a mortgage tj fa Issued from Npaldlog Court in favor of da* V , Horne T*. v niterG. Berk* and Win. M. Beeka, admin i>t'at,,r* of the estate of J as, A. Beeks, Wm. M, Hta-ka, Icnaut in i*o*»e*sion, legally uotU lled. 09.90. Also, at the ««me time and place, will be sold that tract or parcel of land (slug in Snskiing Oounty, originally Henry, hotind on tlie Ben north tiyT. C. Andrews, oti the west by Dorsey, on thcaoulh by W. L. on the east by Jesae Griffin, con¬ taining 64 reside*. acre*, being Levied the lot on which Pr. f tit Miller on and sold a* the of Frortlt Miller by virtue of a mortgage ft fa issued from hpnldlng Superior Court in favor of Geo. W. wood va. Frofflt Miller. Froffit Milter, tenant iu posaeeaion, legally notified. fit 00. be Also, at the same tunc and place, will 25 acre* of land tn the southeast corner of tot No. 56 tn lOUMth district U M. of ftpald County, south bounded land of cast Jnn by H. Bishop, T. Fatter- son, bv land by F. Gray, north K. weal of B. by other Unde of B. P. Gray. Levied ou aa the property of B. P. Gray by virtu# of a mortgage ti fa ia* sued from Bpaldlng Superior Courtjin favor of Koppe Mnchinc.Co. va.,B. P. Gray. B. P. Gray, tenant in , oasession, legally notified. A)*.), at lire time and place, $ will 6 . 00 . be same nold a one thiid undivided interest in a cer¬ tain store house in occupied the city of Griffin, Spald¬ ing County, now by D. W? Shaffer, formerly Hill occupied said by Sti'well A Keith, on -tract brick iu building, city, and the bounded inane being a two story north by Hie store house of A. 8< hcnerruan, cast by Hill street, south by store house of ft. P. McWilliams amt west by an alley. Levied on »nd sold m the i r»i>erty of J, H, Keith to satisfy three fi fas issued from Bpaldtng County Stilwell Court <fc in Keith. favor of Il.W. H. B. Shaffer, Claflin & Co. vs. ten¬ ant in possession, legally notified $6.00. sold Also, at the same lime off end place, will No* b# seventy-five District acres of of lot of land 145 in the 4th Spalding County, the naid seventy-five seres of land being strip the entire length of said tot on the aontlt side, bounded on the north by Head’* Creek, on the south by land of James Dnffy, on the east by the lot on which I now live, and an the west by lauds of Win. H. Touchstone. Levied on and sold bv Wrto# of a mortgage ft fa i*#ued trom n Spalding Spalding Hoi-ne Superior Su G 8.W, Court In favor favor of of James James U. U. Ho.-ne vs. vs. Q. Farker, G. 8, W. Parker, in powesaiou, ,___ tenant legally notified. 06.10. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold one fenrth of an acre ot land In the city of Griffin, bounded on the north by Isaac Mitlene; west by U. T. Dat.lel.sooth by c«rt of the Barae lot, east by Kightn street. Lev¬ ied on ss the property of Henry Prudence, to satisfy justice one jostice court li fa Issued from the court of 1001st district G. M. In favor of B. P. BlanJon its Co. va. Henry Prudence. Levy mode by Geo. 1). Johnson, L. C., and turned over to me. Tenant in | 0 )-ef'i<H,n legally notified $6.00, R, 8. CONNELL, Sheriff. IF YOU WHY Customer*, Boarders, Aught, To be Bought Agents, Silver or Gold, 0 < ders, Merehsadiee Sold. Servant* or Place, Gauds to Apprais#, Lawyer Musical or Teac Can#, Opening To Announce, Days jers, Houses Cooks, Popular Preachers, Butchers or Acres, Bakers, or To Books, Hire Let, Boats, Votes, or (ifllces, Dress skirt or floune# First Basement, Floor. A A cure Handy for Valise, disease, Casement, To Purchase Fet, Cheese, A MuslinCbemise, a Mare, Horse, Teas, Bees, Monkey Bloodhound or Bear, Or Peas, Prone Free Fits, or Hpitz To Are Make Known, from To Hire a Hall Your Store, Driver An Elegant or team, Carriage,Dry Hosiery, AnOpulent oods, Play.Concertor M arrlage, Ball, Upholstery, Picnics, Skate*, Plates, Excursions, Knick-Knacks, To sell to gay creator'sDiveisione, Diamonds, Clothes Beady] Made, Pearls. Increase of Trade, Carls, HingB, Coal, Coke and Woo d Wash Pictures, Lectures, for Features, To buy Odd Things, Ail Kindsof Food Or Cats, sell Odd Things, Magic, Works on Theology, Huts, Wealth Astrology, »ftd Felicity, Mats, World-wade Publicity Flats Flags, Bata Bags, Pantaloons, Bags, Hats, Nags, Resplendei tCravats, Dress shirts or collars Mutton or Beef, Almighty Dollars, Financial Relief, House for Kent, Stocks, Store, Tenement, Clocks, tocka, Cash to be L:nt, Cash to he Spent, Sock*, Scent, Portmoniu or Box, Tent, Fig, Sheep or Ox, Homan Cement, Or Even a Bean— Go— Then in a Trie*, Head the Advice,* Take the Advice Far Beyond Price, Written Below— Written Below— ADVERTISE -IN THE- Daily News To BuaiiiosHMen. XT i-N O LABORED ARGUMENT 18 NEEDED GENT In these day* to convince INTEXJU men that It Pays Well to Advertise ^Piireiipr HAIR BALSAM! C Ugffi ffi — Mtol bcsatiftdtffi tJiffi Fiitf toxi/rteal R*««*r* jrrt'wtl #« I OlorffiffiffiCAte dimtum HINDER CORNS. Executoj^s _ — M»‘bf tint IrueSIaybx \ ----- for the purpoee o# tttrtri . the heir#, lo-wit: Two city let# described a* follow*,* eaciwo /ot„ . and lot on the corner of 15th and Pep. -V.e9 streets, oise foorth acre; and one fewr houae and lot on Taylor 1 “ ‘ Te: in* r f sale, eaeh on day <««. : - 06.00. Ex t cutero^R»tod^.Do^l2rd : Sale By virtue of an order granted by the r$MT Utdlnary the highest Of bidder, Spalding County, I will **<1 before the court house in Griffin, during the legal hours of oft the first Tuesday In January, 1«M, deceased, tor th# pturpoM of distrlbotlon ; the heirs, t»-wK: One hndred eed a* atnn* district, acres bounded of lend, north mor# by ne land less, of In f and 6. H. Wilson, e**» ‘ ‘ 8 H. Wilson, south by land of 8. «*. and a. It. Lawton and west by DO- Term* one third cash tn it halese# in one and two years, with wight per cent, J. C. BROoKJL Adm’r ot Mrs. M. L. Lewton.dw’d. Jftt.UM. - : 1st rater’s Sale. By virtue ot an order granted by the Coort SM Grdinary the highcat ot bidder Spalding Connty.IwiH ae» before the court house in uriffin, tlii during l* «- on nrri d» of ot of the the stock ti. U.O.AA of C. the Ac A. 8. BR. KB. W. BB. Ca, Co., Co. twenty-five twenty-five and owe 3 of rtock of Central BB. end BnafciSff Terms of day #6.00. Adm’r of Mrs. M. L. Lawton, Wd. Ordinary’s Advertisement*. Slid foiintv deceased a____ on estate of naid ( departed thie Ufa and left and the admlnistraUen of th# unfinished, that If this la of to notify all persona nose the creditors or next kin of deceased shall apply for tetters #f i*tration on asid estate by the first * i sa45sr“s, , s!ar** of Ordinary of said connly will CM* H unfinished 'WfflSB&’SSS admtnistnition of Mid estate | , ' »«.oo. aald county deceased: N M CoUsm th# on estate of said deceased this life and left said eatete deceased ahell apply for alters of admin- on said estate by the first Howto* January 1889 by ten o’clock, the aonrt of ad«1^^«n^^ft2S5r departed this life »ad Mtaaid estate and the administration of the uulinUhed- this te to notify eredU.. ail i that if none wfttte u, ot kin of deceased ahell apply for tatters admiiiletratlon on said estate oilock,^ by the first of Ordinary in Janaary ot im> aald by tea will the until. 1 *U ,*1 «uiuui>i*traCitm county of aaidcftate cast upoa. mm forth# widow and minor i have acted and made and filed their report In office. Let all petsons concerned show cans# ha¬ the January CUB rt otOrdLoery 1889, oa the first Moo- : M m if any cause exists, why ivsl report should not be madeth# judgment Ui« ceurt and be entered of record. $8.00. K. W. HAMMOND,Ordinary. dett, HordeU, administrator of Pr e w la * 8a»- late of Bpaldlng County. rtrOMMfi, failed to , make srsi£stijs. return*, and , auto- a are the t state of deceased; and & L having he petitioned the Court of Ordin¬ tn discharged from suretyship oa 18S0 and show first Mcedeyl not make return* cause and why why said foa E. I. your Ison should not be relieved as surety on your bond. All person* concerned are notified to appear at said tithe and pise# and show cause why a new sdatototntor should not be appointed ia case of your toil ore to comuly with this order. *6.00 E. \V. HAM MONO, Ordiaary. dAKDINAKY’S JFFICE-SPxlduwOov*- v/tt, Gsoboia, Nov .90th, iSffi—At A. Snider has applied to me for letters of ad ministration on the estate ol John Alk*, late of said county, deceased. Let ail person* concerned show cause be¬ fore the Court of Ordinary of said county, at in January, roy office 1889, in Griffin, on the first Monday snch letters should by not ten be o'clock granted. a. m., why *3 00. K. W. I1AMMOD, Ordinary. ( yJ "kUDINABY’B OFFICE .—Spaxoiso Cocjl ti, Gboboi*. Nov. 30th, vm-J. W. Hul lard ha* applied to me tor lettersof adminir if tratration, de bonis non, with will annexed '31 on the estate of N. G. Phillip* late of said . ! oonty, de< cased. » Let ali persons concerned show cause be fore the Court of Ordinary of said county, at my office in Griffin, on the first Monday in such January, letter* I8t» should by ten o'clock a. at-, why oat be gran tel. $3.00. K. MV. HAMMOND,Ordinary. m YORDINARY’S OFFICE —SaaxJiinoCoujr. V7 TT, t.aoBOM. Oct. 27th, 1688.—H. ti. Stanley, administrator of SsmT Bailey “ applied to uic for letters of diaaateaton ‘ hi* administration on the estate of I Bailey, Let late of said county, deceased- all person* concerned show cause lie- fore the court of Ordinary of said county, at my office in Griffin on the -find Monday 5 io February, 1889, by not tea o’clock a. &., why such Mu r* should be granted. $6.15. E. W. HAMMOND.Ordinary. For Sale! m 10 Here# wood land inside a The «i»4 will nearly pay for land Is worth over price an acre*, 100 ha wood* part ton it*. he .ere* mi Wte aty Rgdl aide Mr iraeit*. srttk good meet 1 it OS acres inside city Barite, 1 1