The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, December 19, 1888, Image 2

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iMHIHL AS 8L8SSKEH, MItor * Prafr .* «.KK.T;(U4i«MM*)m i M n U.M ..... GrifUa, UtarfU, Dm. 19, 1899. Official Piper of Spalding Co. .......u a eziasig= g=r^^ Official Paper af the City af Griffin Adrurtlslng Bates. DAILY—On* tottar per h»»m tor th* ausawasssssatA *1l”ltcS!r«b'nOBa 10 oanU per Un «r oaoh insartton. No Insertion aad*rthii head (or tea* than Woanta. All maertion* (or ieM than oae dollar mtit b* paid for in *iuS»r»l rate* oontiun* will be their made advarttaeuient* with parti** Plaiting to >8 8l ^ilri,T .Ai?!r»i**a* for the Pall*. Jo*tpb Bw Foraker. tba graat jaw OovMaor of Ohio, ic being talked about for Secretary of War. Why aoi Prirate Dalaelll The White Cape here token to aeiftf dynamite. Oar Northern brethein, if they expect to lire in pMot, will hart to emigrate to oar qaiet and beaatifal South. Refageea from the yellow ferer arerapidiy returning to Jackaonrille. 500 arrived daring Friday and Satur day. Thay are met by bandy of mua io and orooeaaiona bearing banners. Buaineea ia rapidly reanmad with good proapecta for the eeaaou. Wagon atandarda ars gatting to be dangerooa weapone, A man wae knooked down with one, tbe other night, at Litbenia, and robbad of ISO, and another was killed in Oco nee eoont*. last waek, with tbe same murderous instrument. * Tbe wagon standard moat go. Fretty Boy, a bad Sionx Indian at Fort Frio# Agency in Montana, mar dered bin wife, killed two police of Acer* wbo attempted to erreet him, mortally wounded the third, and then, after UTering tbe rrteriee in beth wrists, shot himself in the heart. According to frontier tbeolo gy, Pretty Boy is a “good Indian" now. FBBL1SH THE LAWS. The lawyer ia a familiar charaotsr in all eoatsspnUie*; but Mr. Alfred Herrington, of Knaanael, thinks he is not indispensable. This gentleman, a young lawyer of ability, baa introduced a bill in the legislature which provide* that all gtnaral lawa shall tie published etioe in every eounty, and all laws affecting each county shall b* pub li«!ie«l once in tusk county. Said Mr. Herrington to a Journal reporter: bill deserve* thaa “My more pass, iag attention. It provide* the means by which every citizen of Georgia may keep informed as to the lawa of the State. It will thus afford tbe bast safeguard of th« in* terra's and rights of the people. To preserve the peace and harmony ®f the State, the citizen mtiat know the law*. Now w'usnevar tits trust triv tal thing ia to be done, or aey in vasion ol the right* restated, hr must appeal to sotus lawyer, especially trained to tell us what tlia lawa are. We would know what they mean if we only knew what they are. ‘I want the people of Georgia made familiar with their laws; acd wy hill seeks that end by providing for tbe publication in w^ry county of atrary law paasad which effect* that county generally or specially. “ft would practically make every matt his own lawyer, that destdrra turn of the bookmakers; for every man would have an opportunity of acpuaintiug himself with the laws. The pettifogger’s occupation would bn gone; a* only a iu the grave quv* tion* weuld au appeal !>• made to tbe courts. If the people knew thetr legal rights they would maintain them; if they knew the Ie^al rights ol their neighbors they would respect them. “Tttr only weak point in the bill is the amount u be paid to the pub¬ lishers. It is, perhaps, insufficient. But lha good which may be accom¬ plished by tbe bill as it is, is incal¬ culable.” Salt Rhcani. With it* interne itching, dry, hot skin, orten broken into painful crack, und the JitUe watery pioiples, often cau*. a.indescribaWe wonder¬ suffering, BtoouV Sarsaparilla It has parities the ful power ovor this disease. Mood and expel* the humor, and the skin beat* withont a sear. Send for book contain log many statements of core*, to C. I. Hood A Co. Apothecaie.s, Lowell, Maas. (f) When Happiness la Feaod. Where ia happiness found? In the diettouary, HMkMsny and Cordial, ia the use of Dr. Diggers’ which saves so *t patio and anxiety io relieving the * Ms teething and ebofera io JETTS. . to taking att ooexpecled and tomatimea Striking view of things, gives bb tbo foU.twint; A heated fight ia in progress in North Carolina ovnr Senator Rm sotn’a neat. Ransom’s tarm expire* with the present aesaion of Congreaa, and tbe Legialature will elect hie auc censor in January. He ia a ctvndi date for re-election, and hia friend* are vigorously pushing hia claims, He ia being opposed by Col. A, M. Waddell, who made a brilliant ean vaea of the State aa a Cleveland and Thurman elector, Ex-Gov. Thomas J. Jarvia also baa a great nombir ef strong friends wbo are doing telling work for him. The friends of Capt. Sid B. Alexan der, the President of the Farmer’s Alliance, are alao using him a* a farmers’ candidate, or aa a suitable man to represent their interest in tbe Senate. How disgraceful aocb a conti at in a settled community I How much more decently we do things ia Geor gia ! ’ Oar Monte statesmen select three card*, and decide the stations they will accept without unseemly dispute. The first threw puts Brown in tbe Senate and Gordon out. leav ing Colquitt Governor. Tbe next throw, Colquitt goes into the Senate, Gordon leaps to tbe executive and Brown remains in senatu quo. The third toss, and no chaDge happen*. When the cards are ahuffled the fourth time, there is no telling what disposition tbe pasteboards will make of the triumvirate. We, believe,how ever, that Gordon will go to»tbe Sen ate and join his sister-in-law, and Senator Brown will remain in Geor gia as Governor. Nobody baa thought of that, but it will happen. If Mr. Brown retires from the Sen ate, requitiDg Gordon for j ast favors in thus retiring, the Senator will con sent to nccept the Governorship. And for the first time in the history of the Executive Mansion, it will be conducted in a style comporting with Georgia's rank atnoDg sovereign na tioua. Tbe furnishing will be of tbe best; tbe long lams of servitors will bo properly and punctually compen sated, the wiuee and cigars will be in moderate abundance, and rising statemen will know where to turn ia a financial crisis. Matt it, Georgia's next Executive w;ll bo Gov. Jos. E. Brows. We havosholllsd the cards carefully,and read the portent thoroughly. All point to tbe present Triangle ss un changed—Senator, Governor, Sena tor. Only two Ijsvo changed places. Co'qniU is fixed for six years. Gor dou is ineligible for another torus Governor. Brown would like to oblige Got don by cheerful teiiieuient frotu the S •. ate, hut he is too you g to go into piiv i « life, 11a will be the next Governor; JOE BKOWN’S KKSIUXATIO.X, The talk about the anticipated re- *ign.ttio« of Senator Jos. E. Brown, as told tit our Washington slid Allan ta dispatches last week, was not without basis. At the tune, Henry Gratlv’a friends are said to have made a canvass of the legislature to see if he could be elected to (ill he vacua cy, but found i',»t uai**d Gordo., would ba put in with a rush. Tbay also found that if Brown resigned after the session of tbe legislature Gordon would not appoint Gtadr. All talk of Brown r**iy<uiug tSen erased, until it tue ott er* icbeme could be put on foot. Let Henry Grady profit by the , x ample tit Hknrv Mcln.osh, »t.d s ie* <u hit newspaper. I lit* United Stans sena'oreltip is nothing to h ur. or Ohio, City or Toi.mio, t Lucas t'ot ntv, s S. i Frank J . ('it knew makes oath that lie ia the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cue nky A Co., doing butlue*, 111 the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, mult hut said firm wili day the sum of ON’K II I N- DKKD DOLLAKS for each anti every cas> of Catarrh that caucot be cured by the use of llA!.i,’ii Catakuh Cl hr. KKANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before ms aud subscribed in my presence, this0th day of December, A. 1).’8»1. . -*— , A. W. GLEASON Notary 1‘ublic Hall’s Catarrh Cure istaken internally and hcU uirectly upon the blood anti mucus sur faefs of the ayyyeni. Send for tetiraonmle, fre < F. J. CHEN EY A C< >„ Toledo, O l^gT novWitwly Sold by Drugjists, 78cents. Br. Moffett's TEETHIMA (Teething Powders) Allays Irritation, Aid* Direst Child,makes ion. Regrjlat^s tha Bowel*, Strpugtheu* the TeethJuf £u 7 and Cost* only 25 Cent*. Teeth I na cure* Eruptions and Sores, aud nothing equal* ll for the Sommer troubles of Children of any ape. It it toft and mre. Try tt and you will never S* without TKETH1N A»k A *« tons DrusgUL *• there am cUUit- tid lu tb* lioute. your For Sheriff. To Tit a Voters or Sfaliunu Oihxtt: By the solicitation of my many friends I him: consented to run as the la dependent candidate for Sheriff' of Hpnlding County My long experience as Chief of I’olico is suf¬ ficient jtroof to all thtil I am net an untried man. If elected to this position I will en¬ deavor, to the best oi my ability, to walk in the straight path and to discharge the duties pertiiaing to the office without fear or favor. T. G. MANLEY. Wu CONSUMPTIVE I Ckmtrti. ^.aacMtk TONlOt«MjMasr. Asthma, Ini!t*r**itonl C*o It ***• CINCER t and tiaff havt reMieily ima i»y w tltoi «• wrtM OCUM-h u I affDsiaoun trow 4 Mm bit* b;<*oai utwaffiffiaAiffiMiMlMiffiffiM ... *<>d tv.t ami lu’tr*. ami 1 he Jin-as fin 1,19 s | rom Imjwiw Hututtrr affittinitc <n»*i tlowlv drti ___ tffit «ira«rffiHMr wlH ^nailh * W grave. >» m*ny enw tmturvr Ibt by tWllOMly toMo(ImHK«r 4 *aiacar JtSifrkvaltmbte l l\N»k%bttttlft, trisu. Taka tt dmtm fra timm. fe*r“fr un and rtt«ukd Iwwvi* ai »>*■«*«■•* ^ == ■ spepsia VUCktB tht Uim of many peopte miserable, end often leads to self-destruction. Distress after eating, sour stomach, sick headache, heartburn, loss of appetite, a faiol,« all gone ” feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and irregu- Distress larity of the bowels, are some of the more common After symptoms. Dyspepsia docs _ - not got well of Itself. It Eating requires careful, persistent sttentton, sad a remedy like Hood’s Sarsa¬ parilla, which acts gently, yet surely and efficiently. It tones the stomach and other organs, regulates the digestion, creatds a good appetite, and by thus Sick, overcoming the localhymjv toms removes the sympa- ncatiacrMJ tliettc cfleets of the disease, banishes Uie headache, and refreshes the tired mind. “ 1 have been troubled with dyspepsia. I hail hut little appetite, and what I did cat g, . distressed me, or did mo Heart* Uttl0 g(K ^ lit an hour bum after eating I would expe¬ rience a faintness, or tired, aU-gima feeling, as tlicngli I had not eaten anything. My trou¬ ble. I think, was aggravated by ray business, which i t that of a painter, aud from being more or h ss shnt np in j 3oUT with freslt paint. I ’ ' room . ^ dtqmacn „ _ _. sprit g i tot.k flood s sa ,a- rilla— took three LutUes. It did me an Immense amount of g< 1 d. It gave me an apiictite, uiitl my fond relished anti satisfied the craving I had pe’.l.mdy experienced.’* Gjcoittt;.. A. Pace, Watertown, Mass. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by «:) tl ..-yiju. gl; »t* for *». Prepared only by C t. Hoop a CO Apottfecirtes, Lowstt. Mas*. . ICO Doribb 0*no Dollar ___-— S.SSs ■Q9AHJ No Mercury, No Potash, Op any other Mineral Poison. It la Nature’s Itemedy, made exclusively from Roots und Herbs. It Is perfectly Harm lets. It It tbe only remedy kuown to tho world that has ovor yet Cured contnjioug Blood J\>lson in all its stages. It euros Mercurial Rheumatism, Cancer, Scrofula, and other blood diseases heretofore considered Incurable. It cures any disease caused from impure blood. It it now pre¬ scribed by thousands of the best physicians in the United States, as a tonic. We append the statement of a few • “ I have used S. S. S. on patients convaleso- luf? from fever and from measlos with the best results. J. N. Cukney, EUaviUe, M.D., Ga.*’ Prjike*. Oa.—W illie White was afflicted with i i scrofula seven years. fat and I robust prescribed bor. S. tt 8., and to-day ho Is a C. W. i’AHKEU, M. B. RtcnMOKD, Va., Dec. 15, 1885.-I have taken three bottles« ‘ ~ “ '* rt- *'“* blood ash or ■iTFi remedy for All e f »a&K skin dls- recoi mincnd It a< the be.” casei s. It mattcra net what the name may Ve have a book giving a history of thU wonderful remedy, and its cures, from all over the world, which will convince you that ell we say la true, and which wo will mall free on application. No family should be without it. We have another on Contagious Blood Poison, sent on same terms. Write us a history of your case ami our physician will advise v 1th you by letter, In strictest confidence. We will not deceive you knowingly. For sale by all druggists. Tu* swirr Sruciric Co., Drawer S, Atlanta, Gtt. Lbadua. New York, lto|., 75# 0G Broadway. Snow Hill T utt’s Pills To enre cost I venes« Hie medicine must Ire more than u purtfative. To be per* muiieut, it inuHt contain Tonic, Alterative and Cathartic Properties. n»nli(ies tu I ,ill’s Pills possess Ihesc un c-miuent degree, and Speedily Restore to the bowels their nutuul reKw^rily. pcrlstultlo ■notion, so esMeiittal to Sold Everywhere, Tho Toy tlio Child Likes Best —IS THE— “ANCHOR’* Stone Building' Blocks. -n. Real 8ton«. Threo Color*. v. A Ci.kvkkI’ruiknt for child¬ ren of all aRcs. For $1.75, or ’ $2.00 a good average box. post-free Descriptive application Catalogue to scot on F. Ad. Richter & Co., v 3IO BROADWAY, NEW YORK. DR. MOFFETT'S ffiw FEMALE MEDICINE___ luo Jiy Sy«tem glvlDgtoneto AAd etrengthenlng tbe.Dter- And building up the general health, INDIAN WISED correct* all irregularities and annoying troubles from which »omany ladies suffer. It gives the weak, debilitated woman health and strength.and makes cheerful the despondent, depressed in spirits. In chamreoflUc no lady should be with¬ out INDIAN WEED, /t is Safe aud Unfailinga Ask your Druggist. E. AnOi<d,v f |Griffin 1 nr A A . F, Fn ii Ochard Hill, Ga, A GREAT YEAR tu the history of the Doited States Ia now upon u*. Every person of Intelligence dealres to keep pace with the course of ita event*. There is no better way to do to than to subscribe for Tun Macon Telegraph. It* news facilities are unsurpassed the fullest by any As.-,«<■!■ paper Ita theSoath. Ill Addition to special correspond ated f’icas dispatches, it has enec by wire and letter from all Important tHijuts in Georgia and the neighboring whites. V\n.-h During the present session of Congress lagloii will be the m»»st ImporUnt nod most n Washington uivstiug news Correspondence centre In the of the country. Telegraph Jpe is ih»- vei .r best that can be had. . revular correspondent furnishes the lntt>t and gossip in full dispatches Ereqnc ;t fHS’iul letters lrom Hon. Amos J. Cunumn-s. member of Congress trom New York, frank •*. C*irp«*Hter, and W. A. Croffttt, three o! the be-t known newspaper writers at the capital, dis curs the livesi aud most important issues of the J Damocratic Tariff Reform 'f he Telegraph thoroughly is a line with the policy putter. if It is CltvcSand in president and the Democratic pnrtv lu the coming national campaign the Telegraph will not onlj give all tbe news, but will discuss all public Issue* from the stand poiut of genuine Democratic taith. Subscribe . i once. •niljr, on* jroor, --*•*•“ 00 Jutlj All utonths, .... 4 OO , Daily, tliroe inontUs, • • - - * <H) one month, .... .78 Weekly, on# .......... 1 00 Torm-: CSuii la sdfmneo. Add res* TBO* TELEOBAFII 11*00*. StOBUI* g The Georgia Midland RR. shortest aud Boat Lino With Through Couoli oa Betwoon COLUMBUS and ATLANTA. ONLY OS* CHANGE TO Washington, New York, Nashville or Cincinnati. Schedule iu Effect Wednesday, Dec. ft, H88. train north Leave Union Depot, Columbus----1:05 p. m. Arrive Griffin..................... 3:5 5 “ Arrive Atlanta....................®’<<® SOUTHBOUND TK.xIN Leaves Atlanta....................2:15 ji. m. Leaves Oriffln.................... 4:05 Arrives in Colnmbns.............7:0/* ,, ACCOMMODATION TR A IN. sonrn boukd—(daii-y except scrdav). I-eaveColuinbus—Midland depot, 7KX)a. in. Arrivos at Griffin.................1:25 p. “ m. Arrive* at MaDouoagh............3:21) SOI TU BOUNU—(DULY EXCEPT SUNDiV). Leave Atlanta ............... 11 m - I^ave McDonongh................7:45 “ Leave Oriffln......................9 8ft 11 Arrive Coinmbut, Midland depot, r3:30 p. m. SPECIAL TRAIN—Sunday Only. Leave Columbu*—Union Depot, 8:25 a- m. Arriv* Oriffln...................0:25 ” Arrive MeDonouKlt.............12:20 1:10 p. ra. Arrive at Atlanta............... RETURNING-South Bound. Leave AtlantA....................t!:50a. m. Leave McDonough...............7:35 '* Leave Criffin.....................8:25 “ Arrive Columbus—Union Depot, 11:25 “ Ask for tiekets to Atlnntnand points be¬ yond over the Georgia Midland KK Tick¬ ets ob sale ut Union Depot, aud at tbe office in Georgia Home bdilding. M. E. GRAY, Supt. C. W. CHEARS, Gen’l Pass. Agt, Columbus, Ga. New Advertisements. ..... '.o.Uri hair. Ot> ■ .....- 1 the Proiiiol* > i.i.'.ut iriiit i.rowth. Neviir Ks 'a io Reklor« Color. Cray Hair ta it* Youthful PrevniU P.Miflrutf nnd Imir fftllwig ’ 5'V. an-'' *1 Drtv^l’Q*. Aching Siuxs aVd Back, Hip, Kidney and U terine Pains, Rheumatic, Sciatic, Sharp and Weakening Vuina, selieyhd Pain in Peasteb. one minute The by tbe Cuticuba Anti- first and only instantaneous pain-killing, $1,00 strengthening plaster. 25 cents; five for At druggists, or «r Pottex Dhdg and Chem¬ ical Co., Boston, PIM Pimples,blackheads, chapped p| UC > < * * I and and oily skin cured by Cu-' LLO ticuua Soap. MADE WITH BOiLINC WATER. EPPS’S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA MADE WITH BOILINC MILK. CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS SEX) CROSS DIAMOND BSAKD. reliable Original, pill boat, for sale. only genuine Never Fail, nnrt v Aak for Chichester a English ^Diamond KuUllff boxes, Brand, acajed with in red bluerib- me- (fbon. other. At, l>rufgtntn. All pill* iu Accept paste¬ no board boxe*. pink wrappers, are a dArigcr- our counterfeit. Send 4c. (iump») fur particular* and “Kcllef for Ladle*,” in , letter, by return mail. Name 10,000 testi¬ monial* _ from LADIES who have used them. Paper. t inches ter Wtcuileai Co., Madison Sg.,I’hUa.,I’a- THE GLORY OF MAN STRENGTH.VJTAUTY! thc gitnee, ormn nnd Physical Debility, ImpnriUegof the Blood. Exhausted Vitality Untold Miseries binding, embossed, full gilt. Price, only *1.00 I™- by malt, post-paid, concealed In plain apply wrapper. ino tratlvc Prospectus Free, if you now. distinguished author, Wm. II. Parker, M. MEDAL Dm re¬ ceived the COLO AND JEWELLED from ror^he the National Medical Association, PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Porker and a corpa of Assistant Physicians may be consulted, «ontl- dentially, by mail or in person, at the efflee ol THE PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, No. 4 Itnlfinrh St., Boston. Mass., to whom all orders for books or letters for advice should be directed as above. HiNDERCORKS. 7 *' o:''.v pure Cure for Corn*. Stops *11 t*iio. T .' rt-a rouiforttotbefcet IA©. at iTrugffistti. Uiscox&Co,,N. V. PARKER S GINGER TO 1 he best of a\\ remedies lur Inward Pains, Colic, all Indiges¬ tion. t’xh.uiNtion an J Stem* ach ami Bowel tr iable*. Abo a the most ctT-:- tivff cnr« fori Coughs. Co! li onchitis ami I affections It of urnne.refrediin,; t r brtatliin; | organs. impr ]>: sleep • .s t!ie prostration, appetite, overcomes jit. v gives new life and to the weak and ; ,;-J. 50c. nnd $:.<x>, at Drgguists. C rateful v-Comfort ing. PPS’S COCOA BREAKFAST. “by thorough knowledge of the natural icb govern the opa rat ions of diges tion mui nutrition, properties and t>y a careful veil aptilica ted of the fine of tele 1 Ooacoa. Mr. Epps has provided cur provid¬ ed oar breakfast tab’es with a delicately beverage which it may save judicious ns many doctors’ bills, is by the of such nrtide of diet that a ■ oustitution be gradually built up until strong Hundreds to resist every tendency to disease. of sublie maladies art? floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a point TVo may escape many a ta'al tdood by keepingourseivec and properly well ished tortified frame.’’ with u non Service Gazette, Made simply with water or milk. Sold on!) in half- tins. Grocers, labelled thus: JAMES EPPS A CO., Homoeopathic London, Chemists, England. , O WANTED. Write Geo. A. Sau- 1 born, Seo’y Th* Bi ffaxo Mp- 0 A*. Acotnnrr asp Sis'* Bniffit Asducia- Buffalo, New York. UNPRECEDENTED U ATTRACTION l Chrer a Million Distributor Louisiana State Lottery Company Incorporated by the Legislature In 1808 >r Educational and Charitable purposes, 1 it its frauehise made a part of the presos State Constitution, in 18T8, by an over¬ whelming popular vote IW MAMMOTH DRAWINGS take place Semi-Annually, (June and Deoember), and it« GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DRAW- 1NG8 take place on each of the the other t«n months in the year, and are all drawn in politic, at tbe Academy of Music, New Or¬ leans, La. FAMtOFOR TWENTY YEARS, For Integrity of its Drawings, and Prompt Payment of Prizes, Attested si follows: ‘•Wedo hereby certify thaiwe supervise th# arrangement* for nil the monthly and Semi¬ annual Drawingaof The Louisiana StateL01 tery Company, and in themselves, person mpnaKeand and that cos th* trol the Drarwings simo are conducted with honesty, fairness md in good faith toward all parties, this oertim and ws authorize the Company to tise «.* witli fac-eimilesof ouraignatnies attached ia its advertisements.” ti.mUil.aeri We the undersigned Banka and Bankart will pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisian* State Lotteries which may be presented at our counters: It. Vi. VT * LNMKI’.Prd. U.Val'l U. P. LAVAt'X. *»><•■ Mtat* Mut 1 Ilk. A. IIAX.I>WI!« 1 Prei. fC. O.Sal’l Bull C1BL HOIIX.Pm.tilan VIBaal Grand : Monthly : Drawing At the Academy of Music, New Orleana, Tuesday, January 15, lko9, Capital Prize, #300,000 100,800 Ticket* at Twenty Dollars Each. Halves 810; Quarters $5; Tenths $2; Twen¬ tieths $1. LIST OF FKIZM.. 1 Pbizbcf f.300,000 is.......... fSOO.OOO 100,000 1 Prize of 100,000 is.......... 1 Prize of 50.000 is.......... 50,000 1 Prize of 25.000 is.......... 25,000 2 Prizes of 10.000 are......... 20,000 5 Prizes of 5.000 are......... 25,000 25 Prizes of 1.000 a re......... 25,000 TOO Prizes of 500 are......... 50,000 200 Prizes of 300 are......... 00,COO 500 Prizes of 200 are......... 100,000 approximation prizes. 100 Prizes of #500 are............... 50,000 100 do. 300 are............... 30,000 100 do. 200 aro............... 20,000 TERMINALS PRIZES. 999 Prizes of $100 are..................*99,900 99,SCO 999 do 190 are................. 3,134 Prizes amounting to.........|1,054,80< Note —Ticket* drawing Capital Prizes are notentitkd to terminal Prizes. For Club Rates, or any further informs tion ed, clearly desired, stating write legibly to residence, the undersign¬ with your State, County, Street and Number. More rapid return mail delivery Envelope will bearing be as¬ sured by enclosing an your full address. Send POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange in Ordinary letter. Currency by Express (at our expense) addressed to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans Li or M. A. DAUPHIN, Washington,D. C. Address Registered Letters tc XEW OltLEA-VS .1 ( YON 11. UAXH New Orleans, La. Prizes REMEMBER, is GUARANTEED that thc payment FOUR NA¬ of UY TL NAL BANKS of New Orleans, und the Tickets *re si^ntj bj the President of an In stitution vrhose chartered rights are rrco# i.ized in the highest Coi:rts; therefore beware of nil iii.itnfini * r uiionyniou» 60'lH’U ^ . ONE DOLLAR is the price of the smallest part or fraction of u 1 ickei ISSUED BY l b i:i any Drawing Anything iu our name of¬ fered for than a I)oUar U a swindle. fb Novelties iii Chi¬ na, Glass and Sil¬ verware. line of Elegant new Cali and Lamps and inspect compare out- prices with other houses. S t MGHAM k Ml HOTEL CURTIS ii HIE KIN, GEORGIA, Under New Management. A. G. DANIEL, Prop'r. *w I tcrF moot all train*. V 1 : s by advkc P. Rowell _ .V -j.Ht .-1 / ' - kttein e l O I pp * -1 , Nc a-v i \ ♦ * >*- it K> s'*- . tW WITTICST.PRETTltST JUVSNII.E8 QUEER PEOPLEp.i»Vrcox 01AKT8 4 ?AttS A U0BLIK3 CLAW8 $1.00 $1.00 By ilati: Movement of the Trog ami the Mont'-.' •the ~~ ------- - ------ iigh-l>rovoltin« lilusfr Imauewselr. Co JUTI s K ;YYu‘. rt '-h .--v!"‘ ^ Ifirik mn. delt‘ ^aroW, rrf ikirMUrm u. teJ.' -B. Hon. H ConweU.D. 8.8. Cox. D. "lee omtoiutehtoM LocU K«uu.'’-Ec;:.HowAriSCroi "- aod UIF-NTH WANTED. Hl’BBAHIt Philadelphia. BROS. 723 Chest iibi Street, Pa. jKfVyfl Agents’ yoii s per month Will VjrvifciVportrait* P roT * i* r,r P») forfeit. New all. jost II. out. A $3.50 sam- uleaeat free to W. Cbidester* Son, 28 Bond Et., N . Y * \ - DAY - FROM-101 UNTIL January 1st., 18 WILL BE A Grand Bargain Day! ^/L-y Store I We have a large choice in stock, with new desirable goods, determined coming oil every train, that we are to convert Into money. Now is your time to Secure Bargains! Received on yesterday one lot of * LONG WRAPS * at $0,50 worth §10. Few childrens’ Wraps to be almost given away. WILL ADD SEVERAL BARGAIN COUNTERS the present week. Look to your interest by giving my stock an inspection. BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS SHAWLS, JERSEYS, ETC. hoe Department! F. J. FIFMTl. * l lot K&pecial of Eagle prices Shoe on Co. all Shoes Shoes just to received. reduce stock. Best Jew Ladies’ Button Boot in the city for the money. R a y too manp Men’s Fine Hand Sewed Shoes in such P°P®' lar ninkes as, Hanans, Emeisou, Schmertzs, $5,00 «c., worth $G,50 to $7,00 that wc will sell at an® $5,50. Haven’t time to enumerate more. Come w see E. J. FLEMISTER.