The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, December 20, 1888, Image 2

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U0VULAM *4M ■»......#*.* fflUKK Hi , 0 ## Y #*# 1 «•..•«...•*.•*.*,. X.# MrllK SwriU, Deo. 20 , 18 * 8 . 5 ' , __ ---- Official Piper«(SpaWiag Co. HI I .............—rrrr-.r-- ’ — Official Paper of the City ef Griffin —p M— '■ ■ ■ " . A.dTortl«lng Rato*. DAILY-Oa# dollar por tqoore tor th* fc*t lo*ortjoB »ndfiftj’ <»nt« I f <£ J***!* 1 mem* OH. v Too lino* or looo to b» ooant- — ■PBoS“n‘(>T 10 KH 10 aoo to por Ho M -->■ IsMrtion. No iooortion uadsr this 1«m won fOooato. All iooortiooo f„ imi t*r~ oh dollar moot !>• paid (or in tKi rttM oontinu# will bo thoir mad* advsrtiaamanD with partioo -1 bTiarikan -1.4... to oa«wook. th# D*»v. rato*a« (or All Wuhiofftoa is commootioi? o» Senator Ro^an’* actioa ia appoint lag lit# wife prirato Socrotary to him*}?, at a aalary of *6a day. All Washington oxpoctod him to giro tha place probably tc some other ■tan's wife. Th# Philadelphia Naws want* Col. Buck, lormoriy of Mains, but now of Georgia, to go into tbe cabinet aa the sontbern member. Has Col. Buck got tbe recommendation of Chair- mnn Mathew Quay? If he htBii’t, be may aa wall hang hia harp on tbe n il- Iowa, so to speak. Aosording to th# official coust, tbs plurality for Governor Hill in New Yerk was 19,161. The vote for Representatives in Congress shows a Democratic plurality of over 10,00(). The Nnw York World claim* witk reason that “tbs pivotal State, tbe greatest manufacturing and oororaer- oial State,” approvee of th# Demo- aratie principle# and policy. Trinity Church, N»w York, w»» startled last Sunday by the appari- tioa of a atraage figure in tka palpit, whose sermon was short. He cried: “Whew ! Whoop ! Wnsre all ia the sonp!” And after all what preaeher ceuld better exprasa a Christian sentiment? Are we not all in tha aonp? If not now, there’s ao telliag when we will be. Let us re¬ ts embar that othera enter more than we, and when psnury appeals at Ouroharitable lintel, let us have a soup ticket to relieve tbe hungry and tbiraty mendicant. It ia not knowu how much iaiur- ance tbe late Col. Pulaifer, of the Boston Herald, carried on hi* life, but tbe amount must have been con eiderable. Ilia widow has just re¬ ceived $ 102,000 from one company, and in acknowledging its r#c# ; pt,sli« said to tbe agent of tbe oumpaay: “You are the first representative of tae numerous companies in which aiy husband was interested to call on me • add settle the claim.” If tbs cpw- pauit* are wry numerous, anil If the ainouuts all ran into the on* hun¬ | dred thousands, Mr*. I’uUtfvr will lie ! a wealthy widow. j TUB SIHCHIFF 1 I.TY. For a few day# past In* Nava lit* j houn running the mm urn .• «j ml of j t‘. G. Miuley, lh* 1*:« uiii. l jai of j tLin mly, as a omnlnlat# for th» office I of ali.nff. Hu sutiouncks himself n» J an iudepetii!«i.l and git.* uo r«*s"it ] or rxcuaa fur running ag limit H S. j C nn«l), tbe notuine* of til# L) in•> j ciafl.: primary OJ a h»n Isom, in jor ity. For this reason, vn tiad not sup posed that be would txpec the sup¬ port of Democrats, and not thinking that ha stood any cbaace of elsction, buve said netbing about bis candida¬ cy. Bui it seama that there are tbove who do not umlerstaml tin* po ait ion, and to thaiu we addrna* our b*Iv«*. fb* Nbub is dow and always tins been a straight out Democratic p iper. and from its hearty endoraemeut aa each believes its readers to ba the same, Tbare is only one Democratic candidate in tb* ti.fil and with a full vote io ibe primair ib*r« la uo alle gaiiuii of Unfairness in tbn result. K. M Connell, tb* present iucntubviit, was fairly and squarely nomiurted aud should receive tbe vote of every tin* Democia'. It ma.lere not what ji-raonal grounds there uiay be for voting any other *»«y, the man who itl tiouiuated--tud we know of no objection to bun personally or as an officer—is entitled to tbe support of «very ofie who pretends to l>e an ad Aercnt of tb* Democratic party. Let ■ot tbe danger be underestimated, but j«t every Democrat torn oat on tbe Ant Wednesday in Jaonary and east * vote for Connell. * Catarrh m ongmUe* m scrota loot taint "' "------parties tbe hlood. ami PICK AN A PK!)A(J«fcit’f. ft ia fipity that every farmer ia ;he land can not see and study a car loon ii left week’s Pack, picture, whioh is broadly and power lolly drnwo, represent# a primitive room, ia which tb* pupil* are fellowa who bate grown gray grinded tilling tbe soil, sad tbe teacher ia Puck. Tbe tariff is tbe which tbe class has been study bat theplsin and simple tintli* which tb* earnest and nusaltisb in has been endeavoring lo in into their minds have not sa yet fully comprehended, und be ex a littlo provoked, p#rb»pn,but good natured: “Boje.tbis ecbool remain in session for some timo com*. Your last examination was dead failure.” No matter what pivotal causa or determined the result of tb# election, it is certain that the classes, particularly in the Northwest, did exhibit a stale of up parent oblivion to their tiue inter eet that was unexpected and surpiie ing, though by no mean# discourag ing. If tbero ieany proposition that a reasonable man, free from preju dice,'ought to bo easily eouvinoi d of, it ia that tbe tariff, as at present levi ed and as it would be maintained by tbe monopolist* .who have gained of tbe Republican partj, is unqualified source of oppression wrong to .tb# agricultural class Ttte course of a lar^a per cent, tb* profits which the (armors wring from tbe soil jrj constant and unremitting labor may be traced into tb* pocket* of the Eastern robber as easily and direetly as caa that of the water which flows frost Ohio iota the Mississippi. There to be no hesitation whan a man shown, a* in Pack’s leason, that be is taxed 47 per eent, on every ar be bays, about his demand fora of such an unjast and nne distribution of tbe law ■ favors. Wbat excuse can an intalligent farm giv# for persisting in his contribu tions to ibe fat bank nccouuts of tbe plutocrats, who delude him and com stroke their chine tb# while in derision of Lie folly? Wbat interest in cornwou hna th* plain, iudustriona jeomaa ard Sor.- in-law Shepard, who stands up in tbe princely balls of bis New York club and declare* that its nnmbership must be confiaed exclusively to rich men? W hy should that great body of honest and frugal citizsna who plant and reap, tbe salt aud hope of the republic, leud themsalves to con summatiug the schemes of tbe ctr rapt *nd umcrupnlons Quay, the ■anctimocions Wanauakei, tbe alien Carnegie* Tb# farmers ate doing these very things by remaining un heedful of tiio lemon# which tbe Dem octetic teachers have been enrnii-tly and hopefully putting before them. It ha» been demonstrated that in the item of cotton tics the Southern planters arc paying $35 tribune to a few cupatulials iu Pennsylvania on every $100 worth they buy, and ti< t content with this revenue, the cor nioruins arc seeking through the in satiate Allison Tariff Bill to et.large the margin of their unlawful profit# to double its | level,t vize. Form nately the Southern f .imi i» me u : tv aware of the iniquity which is practiced agniiivt them and stand ready and anxious for their North tru un i \\ out m n fid’otf wofk -ib fO j un 11 ?t hi -in put ii h *j> fti Pnciv ly i 1 >• i-»■ i m* hiidship re tv up >n the I-tin that in y be shows i ruiMi’ i i. w 11 h tbi cotton t es of . tb,- (u in. i. In:, ns Pink iilllio i*i c» tli* t»*, t t.’ <- in i' ’iiu seem* to be niCM-nn , > t * . u.Hhtcry ot tie pii.t>|. it, Tba: 'h< \ « i I In! y un d i*'.!, i ii fi . illy m tbe fervent be iu,(, i« ii i- tin* h po, of the sincero w»rki r». foi ini iff ri foi m, Th* un li dlo ■ ill atu mp 8 of Republic, o desper ,,Io«h to galvmiiz • and set in motion tin- pnastotiv of a war w'm b ondril r.rvr a quutii ot a ce’ tmy ago. can not impede th* spread of a healthy and pure int^cst in this great economic qiuvtioc. It is a aul jc< t truiv fit to stand as the »ub structure of a great nation*! p >'tty. It lift* tbo mind upon apl >u# win re sens*, judgment aad ii fomation *re controlling motive*, and presents for consideration v n pic «a much su|)«rior to tho pritic pal on* th* Republicnna h-»* in »tock as at* th* fair and pleasvat « venues of « grot', ciiy to its <!«’ koet and dirti .-t • irm. On it a gentt victory »ii! yet b* woti if tbe hearts of lh* p*opl* m* still sound, *ud we believe they arc. t*tk o» Ohio, Citi or Toumo, / Lrc** Coe nt v, S. 8. I K»*sk 3. Cheney uiaWet oatti tliit lie is »etiior partner of the firm cf F. J Cm- A Co., doing huainrst in tho City of Cpunty and State afori said, and that firm will d*v the sum of OS IS HUS DOLLAKii for each ami every casj of tb*t oaucot be cured by the use of Cat* rkh Ci bx. CHENEY. FRANK J. Sworn to before me and «ub»crited in my this tith day of December, A. D.'Sti. •| . - j. A. W. GLEASON, ff i. Notary Public. Hail’s Catarrh Cure istaken internally and directly upon the blood tnd .mncos ear of tke tyyiera. /. Send for telimomai*, F. CHENEY * Co.. Toledo, O. Bp” Sold by Drujrgists, Tftcent*. noritd**!/ The effects of lawlessness are ing sadly upon the city of ham. Businea* ha* decreased p«k cent. An eatimmed lias quarter of a million dollar# has felt and lb# city Law beau given bad rfsnae. This la in addition lb* horror of th* tragedy. ing bee* are expensive. The enly right way is te let the law (akn course in (lie usual •ehannels. Be Sure If you have made up your mind to buy Hood’s Har.vaparllla do not be induced to take any other, flood’s Sarsaparilla Is a peculiar medicine, possessing, by virtue of Its peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation, curative power superior to any other article. A Boston lady who knew what she wanted, and whoso example is worthy Imitation, tells her experience below: To Get “In one store where I went to buy flood’s Sarsaparilla the clerk tried to induce mo buy their own Instead of Hood's; hetoldmetlieir's would last longer; that I might take It on ten days' trial; that If I did not like it I need not pay anything, etc. But he could not prevail on mo to change, f told him I knew what Hood’s Sarsaparilla was. t had taken it, was satisfied with it, and did not want any other. Hood’s When f began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla I Was feeling real miserable, suffering a great deal with dyspepsia, and so weak that at times I could hardly stand. I looked, and had for some time, like a person in con¬ sumption. flood’s Sarsaparilla did me so much good that I wonder at myself sometimes, and my friends frequently speak of it.” Mrs. Ella A. Gorr, Cl Terrace Street, Boston. Sarsaparilla Sold t>y all druggists, gl; §lx for $5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lovell, Mass. IOO Doses Ono Dollar For Sheriff. To 'nm Voters or 8 pali>in» Cocstt: By the solicitation of my many friends have consentad to run ns Use candidate for Sheriff of Spalding My long experience as Ciiief of i’olice is ficient proof to all that I aai net au man. If elected to this position I will deavor, to tho bent ol my ability, to walk the straight path and to discharge the pertaiaing to the office without fear or T. If. MANLEY. KXfEfaa IM IMARfir :d No Mercury, Ms Potash, Or any other Mineral Poison. It Is Nature's Remedy, mada exclusively from Hoot* and Herbs. It Is perfectly Harmless. It la th* only remedy known to the world that Ha* ever vet Cured oontaviws BUxx I J\>i+on {nail Ha It cur«* Mercurial Rheumatism, Cancer, Scrofula, and other blood disease* heretofore considered Incurable- It euros any disease earned from Impure blood. It is now pre- scribed by thousands of the lw‘st \ lvysk laiia In the United States, a* u U ulc. We append the statement of a few • I have used S. 8 . S on patients conraleso- '.lit; fro •III fever and from measles with bv*t rw» bUitH. J. S. C'UKNFV, U D.. Ellavllie, Ua.* It IIukmen, ii km KN, O Oa. a.—W —Willie illie White ____!te was was afflicted afflicte ilh scrofula seven > * ears. air». and I I robust prescribed prescribed obi bor. b. Sfi. , and today be Ia a ft t PAIUUta, u M D. c. W. ’AUK Riciimomp, Va., Pec. W, 18S5 L—I -I have ) taken hive bottle* of Swift’s S;:<-elflc C fi.$ foj 6 c"HidnrY polsou. It actn much better betu U hh pot¬ ash or any other rctnedv^I B F Winfield. e ^ er T M. D., Formerly *. f Sussex Co., Va. Db. Fa. j. Hal*, the well-known dntgKl*$ and phv.dolan, of Snshville, Hownrd County. Ark u lilts: ” ilavlt.K kaowl.'ugti as to . S. vi.lii|K.«v.l <if. I ,v!uit S. 8 . U t nil nkln Ulin rioronimtmi It ns tbo the t be. eases, It mutteri* uut whut uamfi may We have a l>ook irl'ing a hlstorr of this wonderful remedy, and it*i cures, from all over the world, wide « will convince you that oil we say l* true, and which we wtll mall free free on on application. N » family *hmild be without without it. i Wo have another on Col 'otitaglous Blood ivisLin, sent on same term*. Write un a history of your cam*, and oux physician will advlae • it!* y* u by letter. In itrlctest conlideuce. We will md decdv# you kuowiugly. For iale by all drug !>ts. Tun bwirr ft Specific Specific AtTanta, Co., Co., O* 1 ■ uwer .wer S, S, Broadway. Atlanta. New York. rk. 756 756 Broadwa#. Loudoa. Luj,’-. 63 Snow HHL T utt’s T» pure eowllvenewH tl««? inctHdne be more tliaii tv purgative. To be in uncut, It iniiftt contain Tonic, Alterative Cathartic Properties. riitt’N Pill** ponenfi the«e an eminent degree, utnl Speedily Restore > the bowelio their nutiinl regularity peristulti tot ion. »*o mential to • Sold Everywhere. Tho Toy the Child Likes Best -LS THE— ** ANCHOR** Stone Building Block Real Stono. Three Color*. A Cr.rvER Phesert for child¬ ren of all area. For $1.75, or $2At) a good average Ihjx- Dooriptiv* Cntaloruo nexxt post-free on application to F. Ad. Richter & Co., 310 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. By giving tone to »»d ^ “ e f I3VXJI^vis^ corrpett til Irrrgaltrltln and annoying troubles from which lomsoy Udln suffer. It gives the srssk.debilluted woman uan hefiltb hpsltband and •trength.&nd strength,and make* ebeerful the f deiiYondent, c depreased la spirits. In change of life 1 no lady should be wfth- out INDIAN WEED. Jt i$ Sa/tand Unfailing . Ask your Drajglst. E. R. Anthony, Griffin aid V. F. Oc-bard Hill. (ia. \ R o E u CONSUMPTIVE ilST« PAR all sffecUwiu <t tb* Uu«»t Md •»!*»">. ♦e’fkfsr* sj+du* and rick. from ritW impoiT Sag mraiBft binod »nd diseaw. cxhuu-tJop. «*l skwrij T he dr ^rilling’ fcc 1 l *j» .. hU .. heedta by EIAl ‘ The Georgia Midland lUl. ^hoeteat uml Il*#t Him* With Through Coaeh ess Betwwn COLUMBUS and ATLANTA. ONLY ONE CHANGE TO Washington, Now York, Nashville or Cincinnati. Schedule In EUect Wednesday, Due. 5, IdSS. TRAIN NORTH Leave i'nioii Depot, Columbus — 1:05 p. in. Arrive OriBin.....................Si.5f> “ Arrive Atlanta....................5:dU SOUTH BOUND TIL,IN Leaves Atlanta....................2:t5 Griffiu....................“ p. m. Leaves “ Arrives in Columbus............T:(5 ACCOMMODATION TU A IN. NORTH HOl’NIl— (Dill.V EXOEIT SI NOAV). Leave Columbus—Midland Griffin.................1 depot, 7:00 :”o a. m. Arrives at p. «u . Arrives al McDonough............O .U) “ SOI TII BOU-ND—(DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY). Leave Leave .McDonough................L-h} Atlaidn....................JjaY’J a “ in. Leave Griffin.....................® 85 Arrive Columbus, Midland depot, .3:30 p. tu . SPECIAL TRAIN—tJostiAY Only. Leave Columbus—Union Depot, H —5 a. nt. Arrive Krifltii...................117-5 Arrive MeDonougb.............lffi’JO 1:10 p. ill. Arrive at Atlanta............... RETURNING-South Bound. I.e.ave Atlanta................ —6:50 n. in. Leave Critlin.....................8:25 McDonough...............7:35 “ Leave “ Arrive Columbus—Union Depot, lluio Ask for tickets to Atlantaarid points be¬ yond over the Georgia Midland lilt. Tick¬ ets od sale at Union Depot, and at tbe office in Georgia Home building. M. E. GRA V , Snpt. C. W. CHEARS, Ga. Geii’l Pass. Agt. Columbus, Mew Advertisements. » litc liair. i'rc'.Hut • iai.vai .'.ii growth. Never F.: li to Restore Color. Cray Hair to '.t* Youthful Pnevv-ntti.l '* 7 vndmlT mid liair falling 5Sc. ami f 1 M'Jpt I'rngr*rml*. 7k % ^ Aching Sides and Back, Hip, Kidney Sharp and and Uterine Pains, Rheumatic, Sciatic, Weakening Pains, Anti-Pain relieved in one minute The by the Cutk uba Peasteb. first and only instantaneous lain-killing, $1,00 strengthening plaster. 25 cents; five for At druggists, or ef Potxbx Drug and Chem¬ ical Co., Boston. DIM Pimples,blackheads, chapped D] CC rllVI aud and oily skin cured by Co- 1 LUO ticitba Soap. MADE WITH B0ILINC WATER. EPPS’S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. OOCOA MADE WITH BOILING MILK. CHICHESTER'S CNOL1SH - PENNYROYAL PILLS A 2Sfi CE0S3 DIAMOND BUND. OrlrinmL bmt. **ly and reliablfl pill for **lf. Never JSnglUhCQ Fail. Jk Ask for ChicAester a > bon. other. At Urugfliit*. All pill# in Accept paste- \/ v no danger¬ board counterfeit. box«#, pink wrapper*, Bend 4c. are <*tamp*) a for ous L*dJco,” particular# and "Kelicf for »»» _ IfHrr, by return mail. 10,000 tcotl- monloiftfrom lAftlES wb0 6a v « u«ed them. Name Paper. I’». v VUcii eater tiiemical Co.. itaiUsoa S<i. ) rtil*. i THE GLORY OF MAN STRENGTH.VITALITY! KNOW THYSELF.___ ^ ami Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood, ExhaustedVitality miseries ^untold j^^raiW’wKSw'sss mail, Mst paid. concealed in plain wrapper, lllns- trativo Prospectus Free. If you apply now. A be cotvecHbe C*OLC) h A ^EWELLD^DAL PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a corpa of Assistant Phvslclana may bo consulted, tonfi- dcntially, by mail or In person, at theeffice of rilK PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, No. 4Bnlfinch St.,Boston, Mass., iowhomaH orders for books or letters for »dv;« eUQtttd directed as above. HINDERCORNS. • • tnlr sure CMre for Corn*. Stops ail pain. Ln^ircia Y- cu ii fort tothe feet 1.^ at i>rugg twt »- lliscoxA t <' , >• PARKER'S GINGER TONIC i he best of ail remedies for Inward Pains, Colic, Indiges¬ tion. Exhaustion ami all Stom¬ ach and Bowel trouble*. Also i Hie most rile rive cure fori Coughs. Col .5, I , znc’mti* and I iiSeutioas of I t breathing y organs. It promotes refreshing sleep imp: • s the prostration, appetite, overcomes nervous and gives new I •!« and strength and $1.00, Drgguists- to tiic weak and ag-*d. 50c. at Grateful--Comforting. EPPS’S COCOA BREAKFAST. “by thorough knowledge of the natural law* leb govern the oparationsof diaes tfon and nutrition, and by a car, fill apulia*- iicu of the fine properties of well selected Concoa. Mr. Epps lifts provided with cur delicately provid¬ ed our breakfast tali'vs a flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bi Is. It is by the judicious use of such article of diet that a constitution may be gradually bniit un until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating ■round us ready to attack wherever there is? a weak point Wc may escape many .1 ia'a! shaft bj keepingourselvee well lortificd with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” —Civil Service Gazette, Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in half- pound tins, Grocers, labelled thus: JAMES EPPS JtCO., Homoeopathic London, Chemists, Englaud. gvLlf »f TWTC I WANTED. Write Geo. 4. 8an- vJ born. Sec’z Th* BuffjU) Mc- caz. AccmiMT a»D 81 C 1 BanariT Aaaocl*- tyon, Buffalo, New York, INPRECEDENTEO ATTRACTION! Over a Mi!li*n Diatribu'etl j_ L >L Loirltiana Stale Lottery Company Incorporated by the Legislature ip 1868 ’J Edneational and ChsriUbl# puriioses, i -1 ite frauetiee made a part of the prfft- 't State Constitution, in 187V, by an over¬ whelming popular vote IU MAMMOTH DRAWINGS Uke place Nemi. Annually, (June and December), and it. GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DRAW¬ INGS take plac« on eaeli of tbe the other Ln monthsin tin year, and are #11 drawn in public, at the Academy of Music, New Or- feaua. La. FAMhDFOR TWENTY YEARS, For Integrity of its Drawings and Prompt Payment of Priies, Attested ns follows: •*Wc do hereby certiiytbai we supervise the arrangements for all the monthly and fetmi- itnnnul Drawings of Tbe Louisiana State Isn tery Company, and in person raanngeand aud cob th# troi the Drawings tliemselvea, that e nut are conducted with honesty, fairness u din good faith toward all parties, certiEt<.»e and we authorize the Company to use this with rac-similesof oursignatm es sttadiedii its advertisements.” t:«<unalulan-r. We tbe undersigned Banks and Banker, will pay all Prize# drawn in The Louisians State Lotteries which may be pieseLted al ouroountors: It. M. W ltX 8 I.EI .Pru. L» X»l'i »*• 1 *. LiUl X. Pie.Siate Hai l BI. -S. BAi.BWII.Prr,. I*. B.Iat’l U..t CARL liOIS!*, Pr«. Xnton Vlflwnfc Grand : Monthly : Drawing At the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, January T5, Ihot), Cuprtul Prize, #300,000 100,000 Tickets at Twenty Dollars Each. Halves $10; Quarters $.5; lentlis $2; Twen¬ tieths $1. list or ruizaa. ■ I Paiziicr $500,000 is......... $300,000 1 Vkize or 100,000 is......... 100,000 1 Pbizeof 50,000 ia......... 50.000 1 Pkizk of 25.000 is......... 25.000 2 Pkizks of 10.000 are........ 20.000 5 Prizes of 5.000 are........ 25,COO 25 Prizes of 1.000 are...-'... 25.000 TOO Prizes oY 500 are........ 50.000 3.0 Prizes of 300 wre........ 60,COO 500 Phizes of 200 are........ 100,000 APPROXIMATION I’KIZE*. 103 Prizes of *300 are............... 50,000 100 do. 300 are............... 30,000 100 do. 200 are ............... 20,000 TERMINALS PRIZES. 099 Prizes of * 100 are.... ...........$00,900 900 do l r 0 are................. SW,9tO 3,134 Prizes amounting to.........$1,054,8(X TSote —Tickets drawing Capital Prizes arc noteutitlid to termiual Prizes. Yor Club Rates, or any further informs tior, desired, write legibly to the undersign¬ ed, clearly stating your residence, With State, County, Street and Number. More, rapid return mail delivery will be as¬ sured by enclosing an Envelope bearing your fall address. Send POSTAL NtiTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange in Ordinary letter. Currency by Express (at our expense) a-'diegsed to M. A. DAUPHIN, New Oriatns L. or M. A. DAUPHIN, Washington,D.C Address Registered Letters tc JEW OiaCAIk .V . TO.VAl HAAS* >C» f)ri«HUH, 1*H. REMEMBER, that the payn.eut of Prizes ia GUARANTEED BY FOUR NA- Ti NAL BANKS ot New Orleans, and the Tickets - re signt i hi ilte President of an In stitutii'ii wliust eliai teri <1 rialtt, are rt cog I i zed ill the biybesl C.H : therefore ^jewiiiv • f i.]| in i?p.n< i * r ai.M.)iiiou»> so i*« n ONE DOLLAR is the price of the *u?»l!est part or fractiou of a Ticket I.SSIF.D BY l ^ in any Dinwiag A aiy tljinmr iu our mime of¬ fered for le*s than a I)ol!ar is a swindle Novelties in Chi¬ na, Glass and Sil¬ verware. Elegant newline of Lamps Call and inspect and compare our prices with other houses. S l MAN 6 HAM k Siii, HOTEL CURT IS GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, Under New Management. A. G. DANIEL, Prop’r. | Po te... meet ;d l trains. ADVERTISERS ; p. learn theexaei co.-* : . ,i\ proposed hne it V. ertismg 111 Ameriai papers by addressing ' ieo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Ad'>.'«rtieing Bureau, lO Spru < it., New York. Vri.a I( v *', <0- 1 OO-Paae Partiphle’ *W WITTIEST,PRETTIEST JUVStlSIl.ES ---- 1 *T , Palmer Cox PAWS fie CLAWE r |l .«0 1 EiomsmtiXt of the frog miel the Mouse c f 1st ull iiKh-prev of tbe oddrut akin# pranks, iUnatrutn rkarnint ns by sjori. Prta. t ■ srUntz. ririliBS fmmeBaely. Kith del, I t HoT, * • -I: ST’S»'*•«<*" ,.l, «!/ Httle /oiks \nld . CUMon K • ■ CO*. FotcioaU Croabz at' $625 Agents' piofl's per month Will prove it or pay forfeit. Ne* portraits just out. A $3.50 sam¬ Son, ple sent frea to all. W. H. Chide*ter * * t f Bond Rf --- N. Y. ., BB1- DAY - FROM - N#W UNTIL January 1st., 1889 WILL HE A Grand Bargain Day! I IMIy Store I We have a large choice stock, with new desirable goods, determined coming in on every train, I - that we are to convert into money. Now is your time to • • Secure Bargains ! ” T -; ’ : v : rt! . m . Received 011 yesterday one lot of if LONG WRAPS if at $G,50 worth 810. Few childrens’ Wraps to be almost given away. I WILL ADD SEVERAL BARGAIN COUNTERS the present week. Look to your interest by giving my stock an inspection. BIG REDUCTIONS ON ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS SHAWLS, JERSEYS, ETC. - *v «*- ^ hoe Department! f f on F, J. FIFIBTBB. & Special prices on ail Slices to reduce stock. lot Ladies’ of Eagle Button Shoe Boot Co. Shoes in the just city received. for the money. Best UJw too manp Men’s Fine Hand Sewed Shoes in such P°P “ lar lining nt. Uflnfni«. FlllPI Sf)II. Seh m ertliS, see E. J. PLEMISTEB. mm