The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, December 21, 1888, Image 4

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1 1 ....... ■ THE MOST 6800S -FOR THE LEAST MONEY ! -U-lo;- STORE, E. R. ANTHONY’S DRUG HXADQULKTMtt FOR DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS* OILS, VARNISHES? ETC. Hair Atf Mu aud Tooth roo'S Bntbw, Brass**, Ferfome* rerium. i. and «ri Toilet Ar- , G1 «m. Pattr, Ump« and Chimnryt, - rponded, day pr night. - It * Don’t Buy Until You K£ Find out the New r*. IMPROVE¬ MENTS. \ ■ ilgW middleman’s PROFITS. sSrSENDFOR CATALOGUE. ► t J, P. Stevens & Bro., ♦7 Whitehall St, ATLANTA, SA. Si TOYS We have a large stock of Toys which we propose to sell cheaper than anybudy, Come to see us when you get ready to buy. iC*W. CIs mmiil - m (irUbi 6 i«i 21* __ tm tmvil h frag rant I Umttag 1 Price *» Cta. Laxadoh Cars* Utar CottlrtimuBtllout " tlo»t, Irugglttt. U6 e. Df BULL’S COUGH SYRUP • i. caucus h colds raa Salvation W MtoaltMOU.tdldHolUruggltU. Wiit r$Han Rhtumaiitm, — ..S f ____1 _ __ chew vssyzsbW’yv Straight Pole Wood. 500 loads at f 1,00 a load. ' * or aaml aha money if you want wood. B. P. Blamton & Co. Tax Collector’s Notice. I am compelled to olosa my on the 20th of Deoember, and tax payer should oome up I will wi at my office at Patrick Brook’s store evety d»y uDtil the J. W. Travis, T. O. Leap Year Almost Over. • Thay^wera alone. At ||(Mt they would bar# alette if it bad uat haeit for eibar. TW Jltbar’a footstep sounded the stair. j** *• They knew whose footstep it beoause,-«n» ef bia lags was perch* au'd habitually walked out lass wits the other. “Bad I not better be going?’’ asked anxiously. **Wky? Simply because pa coming? Why you den’t know Ha taya he thinks you are tbe eat young man that aver cam# to hovaa.” ‘•Indeed!” gasped the JWK? *Yaa, and be thinks you are to rise in tba world. SBd that would not for an instant be afraid trust mf happiness to your •f "• nt any urns' you might aae fit—” Adolphus’ chair was empty. Ha bad just turned the corner r< blocks away. ■* *... • -...---- ‘ It is within the resell of ail for 25 U * w« mesa Laxadar, the goldso for . dytpesia. Indigestion and janndics. At » druggists. ________ >• Fit UIT *'4 * • ' ' v RBE WORKS! At Wholesale to ’ROUND ABOUT. MaiMn Csstsntsf lS»w«plw and «*» .rsl OMSip. , TUB MS*« HAST’S SALTATION. Advertis* well I You will nsvsr repent It; Nothing more wise oan * business inan do, Htlek to this motto, and never forget it: Advertise will pull you safe through. “Take a chance” is now the ory of the streets. f. T, Rickets, of Neal, was in tbe city yesterday. Elijah Barnes,of Nanl.waa in the city yesterday. William Brown, of Patillo, visited city yesterday. J. R. Evans, of Rover, paid the city visit yesterday. Josh Elder, of Creawell, was in oity yesterday. Will Howell, of Zobnlon, spent ter day in ths city. U. Y. Beckham, of Zebulon, was th# city yesterday. J. R. Jackson, of Meansvdle, tbe city yesterday. T. O. Sullivan, of Ooucoid, spent teiday iu tbe city. J. W. Ridley, of Meausvilia, was tba city yesterday. Mrs. Newt Wilson, of Zobulou, yesterday in the city. W. N. King,of Meansville, paid oity a visit yesterday. W. H. Futral, of AtluBta, speut terday with friends iu ths city. Miss Liiazie Mathews, a youug lady of Atlanta, is visiting in the city. Bill Lawsou was seen upon tbe yesterday wearing a beaver hat wou tbe Stewart election. Mra. J. W. Cox and her - week Miss Minnie, are spending a friends in Savannah. W. H, Johnson and his charming ter, Miss Emma, of ratilio, spent terday shopping m the city. Five oranges for a dime is getting down so tine that even the poorest can buy his five children a present. Harry Fisher, of Newuan, was in sity yesterday, and according to Christmas wish as expressed in tue stitntion will probably spend here. Avery pleasant rooeption was to City Edttor C. G. Morris at the tel Cnrtia last night, at whioh prominent people were present aud very good time was had. Geo. McMahon, the engineer on goober, was oiling hi» engine in yesterday when the firemaa and caught his bead, injuring him severely though not seriously. He brought down ou the four o’clock The Macon Telegraph gives u# first information that “Dirt was for a eotton factory in Griffin last We arc getting so many cotton in Griffin these days that even the oan not keep up with all the new one s, George Daniel and a paituer Drought up iu onDty court yesterday forplayiug a “shell game"—tbe monte scheme that was played iu loo on circus day—aud plead guilty,aud in default of £10 ;acb were lodged iu tbe jail last night. Only sbwnt 100 gallons left of our 3 year old, Domestic wine, both dry and sweet. Send snd get s gallon for Christ rum. S. W Maugham Ac Sons. - CAKE ! *. . $»r“L*teT' Dark ★ FiBE WORKS! Merchants, big stoek. •iRo, air,*’ bn yepHntl to the* life i< *nr adds liolmt .r, •‘there ii m> nit, id vast ibgttuj of jour time on me. The way Ituforejny life i# to he oar.fill aliat l p0ju taf moatb," aud b. lit soigar. Uu »Qd turned hk back' on the agent Sttw it the Country editor boxy writ img ngsiunt the sin of rstavngauee ia miking present*, as lie leluc'autly pee pMtt to squauder half a year’s subscrip tioa in baying hi* wife a new pair ol dJ ored stocking*. Bat the merchants nod the holiday denier lutketh not so. As the «either becomes store rigor on* and th« people are compelled to stay in doors, there will be increased r* ports of fires, and horrible burnings. The toy pistol will'give p!-ot> to the ker oseue lamp snd open grate iu making np the chapter of the world's accidents. Everybody is preparing f *r Christmas. Have you thought of the poor i f onr city who will bo suffering for want w hile you sr.- rolling iu luxury, with every thing the heart could desire at your com maud? Yonug man, you who are pre paring to priscut your girl with an ex peuaivo present,'have you thought how easily you could lighten the heart of some poor creature by devoting a poi tion cf the money you intend to givo for the present to them? Young lady the santo to you. Pause before you act and put your name wi:h a libe al coutribu tion opposite for these poor creatures on the petition there is now in circulation aud take our word for it yon will never have cause to regret doing so. M | . - ........ *. Catarrh originates in seroluloas taint Hood’s Sarsaparilla purities the blood, ailil thus perma nently cur es catarrh . 1. EVEN ATLANTA BEATS GRIFFIN. qn Securing Four Hundred Electric Lights for ih# Streets Insfessdsys Atlanta will be sup plied vtith. fquL hOftdrsd slectris lights. Councilrhafi Wosdward hss already located three hundred and thirty seven of them and the remain ing number to make four hundred will be in position by Sunday next. The city will then be brilliantly light ed iri every section. The lamps ar* being located at the corner ofs’.reeis hung so ss to throw the light in every direolisn. Councilman Wood ward is pushing this work forward • ■ rapidly as possible, Chris'tnss night the city will be one blaze of electric lights. Despite the very best attention bostowsd upon the bahy, it will grow sick and trsnble sem* by reason of colic, diarrhe a, teething •to. Do aot fail thea, to nse I)r. Boil's Baby syurp. Price 25 cents. A Brutal Aet. Un Tuesday night last tome un¬ known fiend entered J. M. Slade s stable lit Zebulon and stabbed one his fine botscs. The wounded am. nal made such a loud noise that it attracted Mr. SUde‘s attention. He hastily arose and snitching his gun hastened to the stable. He reached it just in time to pera^iv# the form of the fiend as he was dissapearing. Raising hi* gun he fired at him and next morning a portion of his ear was found. The horss is badly wounded. If the gentleman who** lip* pretaed the 1*. dy’s *n*wy brow and thua caaght a serera cold had hut use* Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup, no doctor’* bill would have been necessary. At The Arcade. In buying your Christinas liqsors, do not forget ths old reliable house of Dock Ison, where you can find the finest and best assort nent of all classes of goods ii. town, from a pint of country corn whisky u» a bag ket of sparkling champagne, all at lowest prices. Those who want a good dinner or •tbsr mval during tbe holidays wiil find always on hand the chsicest of viand* of the season, prepared by ex¬ pert cooks. IfyOtiwAut a nice quiet gams of bllisrds or pool, call at tbe Arcade tf. __ Sums g*niu» propose* to introduce paper shirts. Wearing paper shirt* rneani bearing: rheumatism. With Salv.tioa Oil, however paper shirts might *til! b* a anecess. Eric# 25 cents. The Girl We Left Behind Us. At thu banquet given by the 1).-1 ta Ktppa Epsiloa Fraternity of Hamilton college, says the Utica Ob server, A . Miner Griswold (the “Fat Contributor”) responded as follows to the toast, “Tbe Girl \V* Kelt I5e hind Us”: Mr. President and Brother Drkr* —Tbe toast you tmve.assigned me Is one that toucher* a very tender , chord in toy heart. T h Vc always felt sorry for she girls *« i«*b I ehind ns. ft seemed cruel at the time,but. bow could we help it? Circuits tan ces w«r« mic* that we wouldn't pos¬ sibly lake ySeai along,— vc ha 1 .'O j j leave ihem behind us. 1 think i ; ptomised three or four to cotnt* ! ark to them' it. the spring or earl? su- lurnn, b«t wt.s loo busy for severs! years t(» attend to i', snd alter risai — well, 1 was afraid my wife wouldn’t .lika it. I met one of the girls we leff behind us iu tbe street the other day. Tbst is, I thought f did. Fne Sj’me stiff brown eres.the samesw^et. sunny smile. “Is it possible,” I said, •‘that l be New Goods Every Day From Now Until January 1st, 1889 Leave your orders for all Goods in oui lir.e and and they will be filled FRESH GOODS at LOW PRICES! Cigars in the city. ★ Fresli Cake all the time. J, H. Keith &Co. EO. E. PRICE. J. P. FOSTER. Xt, k • Price & Poster, -DEALERS IN- Boots, Shoes, Upper and Sole Leather, French and American Calf Skins, Shoe Findings, 4c, Means’and W. I,. Douglas’ $3 Shoes a Specialty. 64 Marietta Street. ATLANTA, <»A. t3Sr Special iattention given lo visitors or orders trom Griffin and viobnty Mr. THEY ASK THE QESTION WHY 1$ IT AND HOW IS IT ■ THAT J. H. Wliitt, Jr., & Co SOLD SO MANY GOODS THE PAST MONTH ? J. H. White, Jr., & Co. Answer by saying its because they keep the BEST STOCK OF CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, ETC., IN THE CITY, AND SELL THEM For A Smaller Profit THAN THE SAME GOODS CAN BE BOUGHT ELSEWHERE. Their entire stock was bought from first hands and why ehonld they not sell CHEAP Y Respectfully, J. H. WHITE, Jit., & CO. PRICES ★ MARKED DOWN LOW, AND THE ★ HOOK STORE —IIS FULL OF HOLIDAY GOODS! BRAWNER, DEANE & CO. GUI FFIN, GF.OBGIA, Go To farp I Hartnett’s^ CHRISTMAS ! if 1,000 GALLONS FLAT SHOALS CORN! ★ 500 gals Finest Ryes, 500 gals, other brands of other Liguors. 500 gals, cf Rum for Egg Nogg for Christmas, all of which we sell for the LOWEST PRICES! IF 1 You are unable to de:i<lc on a Chris- mas Present look through iny beauti¬ ful display during this week, ami “JUST THE THING” wiU'stfggist itself. P. FAILLE, Sit. Jeweler. 52 Hill Street hold Miss Sally Jones?” ‘‘That was iny motber’o she smiled, ‘-before she was I um married now, and I have my b.iby r^r. tna. Great heavens! Tbe girl I left hind me was a grandmothei! I told tbe young lady who I aud sb« said she often beard mother speak of mens one she to know a great many years Then I naked about too girls I to know, ■ and what bad become them. I found that some, *lae, deud. Others, who were wished they were dead. Some, weit widows, bad iovers seeking tL, ii I andrt. Otbus not yet sv It Wek ug for tliv ices. Oil. those SMuiimry p.iii*if age!—bow >-.!! did tegret tb. m l ibiL'-i Ur—except p >o» folio"- who cbiped wi b ono i liit-m. He has isgrei’td all bia that be didn't leave tier behind the test of them. But we bad topo at d ieavo Fate Ltcloiu d us on. And, iu CAses. the faculty urged us*to Were we to blame, tbe , for runiy tba debts—I the girls we 1- ft Libpxl t.r! V\ i sou.* ot ns bud tc leave r-ur St links A lste cuiitctitti of gili* «r*re, gtntlemtn. as I reenil a*iw. Tail, willowy- girl*, plump giris, blatk-syed girl* tb.-it. wsrc ready to Inks a b'.aek ey« any lim*, fair oompiexioned brown grr!?, Smith girts who, not in'Auburt', ing able to match tb«tr..own Utida Syracuse. "era cdtopellcd In fact, to buy iu or «... was about ,c„nt ...rv avtry ktnsi kind of 01 pirl g-n lb«n insn tbat tbere is dcw, * xcept tb€i ! made girl, wb* sesms to b« altogetb sr a modern creation. Still, tbs lat ler has points in ber favor. Wbil# tbe girl I so tenderly recall psssess o» virtue, beauty, intelligence and many engagiag ways, I must admit that shs somehow lacked to get up- in fact, she hadn’t tbe bustle of the girl of today. j No, brothers of tbe olden time*, j we mint confess tbst, in coaspstison with the tailer-made girl of today, j the girl we left behind us bad-^rery little left behind ber. [ Still, we remember her with ten derness ucibcii and fkuu respect, and Auu let at u« all an join iu a bumper to the girls of Jong ago. , j ! | POWDER ( Absolutely Pure. This Powder never varies. A marvel o parity, strength -find-wholesome ess. More of low te/t, *hort weight, stem or phosphate rc *w < tei> AoYti on! 11 * 11 *. Hots BauxO Powimh ^ lrtj N<JW Yoii «f2- Uviy ton 10 or tti, ouv, - J WHAT F CHRISTMAS? Christmas and Christmas Presents is the ail ab. sorbing theme in every household. What to give our friends and family and where to buy them anothea im¬ 1 portant question, MAKE SOME SUGGESTIONS As to wliat to buy, both useful and orn&»j mental. -lot— Beautiful Silk and Wool Muffler. Beautiful Silk Handkerchiefs. •«5 Embroidered Linen H’d’k’s for ladies. Embroidered Linen Hdks. for gentlemen * • Silk Hose for your mother or sister. A nice pair of Kid Gloves for a lady or a gentleman. * | Carpets and Rugs WE DON’T ADVOCATE SELFISHNESS, but you might as well buy somethin^ that be comfort to yourself as well others. There! nothing more welcome as a present at anj time than a nice Brussels, Three-ply, or Ext Super Carpet; or Smyrna Rug. Now is the Time to Buy These Goods Just on the heel of the season when we are ai ious to convert all the above goods into mone -J Another Welcome Presei for the ladies, is a Wrap of some Kind, either lo» or short, Woolen or Plush. What there is left in this department we are riflemg to close out before the holidays are over. -Jot- -Overcoats Must Move .1 rfll Any Overcoat in the house may be bought, fr now on, AT COST ! Men’s, Boys’ and Child* Overcoats all reduced. Nothing spared. WE WERE ABOUT TO FORGET to mention those beautiful Angora Goat Bag^ then there are many things we have not menr d, that we will take pleasure in showing any time. 1 *r* M Scheuerman & Whit mm Sst :