The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, December 22, 1888, Image 4

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. THE HOST GOODS JOB THE LEAST MONEY ! E. R. ANTHONri DRUG STORE, hbadquabtkbs fob . DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, TARNISHKSi etc. i Toilet Soaps. Fancy flair and Tooth Bros ha#, Perfame* and Toilet Ar- Don’t Buy Until You find ont the New IMPROVE¬ K MENTS. middleman’s PROFITS. MTSENDFOR CATALOGUE. J. P. Stevens & Bro., 47 Whitehall St., ATLANTA, GA. iarisi TOTS We have a large stock of Toys which we propose to sell cheaper than anybudy, Come to see us when you get^ ready to buy. Clark & Son. y> . m- w ; ?■' ■ K J,. JL MMi, «a., Dm. 22. Ball's Baby Syrip "i’STSirwitu?Rfulatt* tho Bo*els! Dav's Horse 4h POWDER, iBlWtlKwIw. Tryltl *I v and lor tha raUa? CoMOmptirc AtdrufgtaU. peraons. ““ tKOKE __ tu»f» %IH10 wui CWARCTTti irlgglf. for Co- Urr». Of. tit aU FUNERAL NOTICE. Tbo friend* and acquaintance* of Mr. and Mra. S. H. Wilaon arc invit ad to attend the funeral of the form er from the Baptist church, at 10 o'clock Sunday morning. Straight Pole Wood. 500 loads at $1,00 a load. Bring or tend the money if yon want the wood. B. P. Blanton & Co. Tax Collector’s Notice. I am compelled to dost my boeks oa the 20th of December, and every tax payer should oome up promptly. I will y« at my ofHoe at Patrick and Brook’s atore every day until the 20tb. J. W. Ti Pkavis, T. C. From aa impudent and characteristic postal card from the absoouding A. £. Smyth, we loam that that gentlemau has joined hia wife at Howell, Mich. He speaks of “the sleepy South 1 ’ as be ing fifty years behind the times. The South is several hundred dollars be hind in cash because of this rascal, and always expects to lag behind iu rascal i ty. Mrs. A- G, Daniel haa made some of the finest toilet sets we have ever seen. She at tbe solicitation of friends raffled off one of them yesterday for 810. Tha chances went like hot cakes, fur to one ooukl resist the temptation of trying to win such a beautiful present. Judge Boynton haa returned from a abort aeaaion of anperior court at Jack ■ ■on. Owing tc the illness of the alleged murderer of Tom McNair, hw case was not tried; but Will Jester, a colored murderer, was sent to tbs penitentiary tor life. Never bell doe* a mas, but it jrou meet ena with a bad cough you may bull dsse hint to advantage with Dr Bull’s Cough Byruy. Fries®. 'ROUND ABOUT. (’«M»raiar «od •*«. •ral Mmmm SaMp. M amnio*. Ir. marriage a failure ? If ao, ’twera better Tolov. then a git I get her. And not A warm Christmas a cold Easter. Fne shell oysters at Dock Ison’s. A light Christmas, a heavy sheaf. A green Christmas, a white Easter. This is genuine Christmas weather. A green Christmas makes a fat grave yard. R. Allen, of Creswell, visited tbe city yesterday. y. W.'Bullivan, of Erin, was in the city yesterday. A wind on Christmas day, trees will bring much fruit. Z. T. Scott, of Hollouvillo, spent yes tarday iu tbo city. Miss Alma Oweus, of Hollonville.was in the city yesterday. Reuben Adams, of Lifsey’s Store,was in the city yesterday. james B. Reeves, of Sunny Side, was in the city yesterday. Miss IJelle Perkins, of Hollonville, visited the city yesterday. W, A. Morelaud, of Lifsey‘« Store, was iu the city yesterday. Mrs. j. P. Crawford, of Hollonville, was shopping in the city yesterday. If ice will not bear before Christmas, it will not bear a man afterwards. /esse Vaughn, a prominent merchant of Crsswell, spent yesterday in the city. The family of Col. T. R. Mills is spending a month with relatives in Sa vanish. The tax collector of Pike has just is sued about 1800 tax fl fas. Tsxes and death are unavoidable. If the sun sbiues through the apple tree on Christmas day, there will be an abundant crop the following year. Mias Myrtia Ford, a charming and beautiful young lady of Zebulon, spent yesterday in the city with t riauds. Miss Cora Malaiar, a beautiful aud fascinating young lady of Snnnv Side, was shopping in the city yesterday. The machinery is being put in the new factory as rapidly as possible, but it will be tbe first of Februrary before it will be in operation. Sheriff Connell is stirring things for his re-oleetion aud should reoeive the as sistanee of all his friends and all friends of tha Democratic party. Tha ycuug men of Jackson give thair sixth annual hop on Thursday night, Deoember 27ih. These are always very larga and enjoyable aflairs. E. W. Doe was presented with a fine 10 ponnd beby boy last night aud Mr. Doe is so happy that when he walks hs only hits the gronnil in high places. There seems to be an organized gang of sneak thieves iu Greenville. Last Sunday morniug iu broad open daylight the house of Cherry Gill, qolored, near the cemetery was broken into and ten or fifteen dollars stolen. Another color ad woman had $8 or 210 stolen from her house. Corn aud cotton are stolen in every direetioh. Only about 100gallons leftofonr 3 year old, Domestic wine, both dry smi sweet, i Bend aud get a gallon for Christum*. S. W Maogham ASons._ m Tjjn Mmj TTTfU A J. m r A f • “• • M • • * Pontiff Cake, Jumble* Jelly Site**. Leffy Finfere. Mateo* Grape*. Dark Grapei 25 basket*, all varieties.* SEE ThE HOLIDAY LUXURIES ! FIRE WORKS I ★ FIRE WORKS! M Wholesale tc Country Merchants, big stock. j j BLAKELY ; I New Goods Every Day From Now Until January 1st. 1889 • Leave your orders for all Goods in out Itiw and and they will be filled with FRESH GOODS at LOW PRICES. Best Cigars in the city. * Fresh Cake all the time. J. H. Keith A Co. O EO. E. PRICE. J. P. FOSTER. Price & Poster, -DEALERS TN- Boots, Shoes, Upper and Sole Leather, French and American Calf Skins, Shoe Findings, Ac.’ Jas, Means’ and W. L. Douglas’ $3 Shoes a Specialty. Q4 Muriottu Street. ATLANTA, GA. F *3T Special 'attention given to visitor* or orders from Griffin ami vi^nlty^ygMr. THEY A8K THE QESTION why is it and how is it THAT J. H, White, Jr., & Co SOLD SO MANY GOODS THE PAST MONTH ? J. H.White, & Answer by saying its because they keep the BEST STOCK OF CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, ETC., IN THE CITY, AND SELL THEM For A Smaller Profit THAN THE SAME GOODS CAN BE BOUGHT ELSEWHERE. Their entire stock was bought from first hands and why should they not sell CHEAT* * Respectfully, J. II. WHITE, JK., & CO. PRICES * MARKED DOWN LOW, AND THE BOOK STORE —IS FULL OF HOLIDAY GOODS!-:- BRAWNER, DEANE & CO., GR, FFIN, ..... GEORGIA, Go To tor® k Hartnett’s For Your CHRISTMAS * 1,000 GALLONS FLAT SHOALS CORN! * v - 500 gals Finest Ryes, 500 gals, other brands of other Liguors, 500 gals, of Rum for Egg Nogg for Christmas, all of which we sell for the LOWEST PRICES! IF 1 You are unable to decide on a Chris- mas Present took through my beauti¬ ful display duriug this week, and “JUST TI1E TBIXG" will suggest itself. P- PAILLE, SIt. Jeweler. 52 Hill Street. DEATH OF S. H. WILSON, of Spalding’s Moat Prominent Citizen*. This community was surprised and yesterday morning to learn the death ofS. H. Wilson, which about nine o’clock. Pneu was the causa, the attack hav come on several daya sgo and at about twelve o'clock night into congestion ot lungs. Mr. Wilson bad a long severe attack of pneumonia time ago, from which be re with difficulty. Mr. W ilson was bet ween 68 and years old at the time of death. He here from Albany some fifteen ago and lias since lived on his and comfortable farm near northeastern edge of the city. industry and good management, well as good fortune, be had amass a fortune of probably sixty tbous dollars, owning stcok* and as well as large tracts of land Southeast Geo-gia. He took out thousand dollars life insurance August on the train between and Albany, and may have other insurance. He leaves a and four children, as well as numbers of kinsmen and friends mourn bis loss. A sister with a family was expected here last to make her home in Gridin educate her children by his kind Mr. Wilson was a plain and nnoa naan, whose main endeav was to do right. Ho was a faith member of the Baptist church, a devout Christian. He was in a high degree, and the praise that can be said over will simply be that the will miss him. Belay always Induces ultimate trouble and la this true m its application to human sjstc m . Lumdor always saves and trouble by prompt ase iu the be¬ of sickness- The Best Point to Attack Samlersvllle Progress, Tbe orgunizitioo of (he Farmer*’ Alliance, as we understand it, :b for the apacific purpoie of making an or ganized fight upon tbe adverse eir cutostaDCe8 wnicb stirrouod tbe avo cation, out of overhanging adversity to bring a flood tide of prosperity. The object is not only justifiable but piaisiworlhv und meritorious. The line of attack in general Las varied agencies of warfare and oontemplatee in various directions; tbe interstices between pronunciamentos of aggres ivenoss being nicely tilled in with res elutions of internal reformation. And it occurs to U6, that tbe most vulnerable point of altack, against this generol adversity of the fartnere, lies in this item of reformation of system within themselves; that sue cess as an organization wrought by a complete change of a constantly fail ing system would give more honor and credit tDau tbe crushing of a mercantile combine ; would be a vie tory permanent and subatantial, un assailed by any rallying foe and com petent of ever increasing measures. For instance—If the farmers of Washington county had raised woeat for their own consumption and a lit tie to spare, tbe effect of ‘ Old Hutch’s corner 1 * would have made them chuckle over their independence acid afforded them a fancy p ice for the little overplus. Again--If the good old custom of closing tbo crib doors and flinging the corn tu at the gable until the ridge | ole was reached, obtained day a combine which would run corn to $2.00 a bushel would be a bless ing, and the farmers would feel rath er like canonizing than cursing the monopolist who “cornered'* corn. If the waste iands were sown to rye and barley und horses und mules for our own use raised nnatbematiz ed mortgage for unacclimated stock would be a relic of the past. If worthless curs were sacrificed to flocks of sheep to browse upon tbo fertile bills of Middle Gsorgi* and afford home made wool for th« spinning wheel and loom, the volum". of cursiug uga nst high pr ces for un ion filled goods would be materially hushed. f If tbe tesonaut squexl of good fat hoi^e ftunibbed the matiu and vesper music of evetv farm home in Wash ington county, the high prices of dis . , , . . . . ease * °e ,u *“ < rom * ! l 1 l’ ,lre leaf lard ' I* made,would*>e subjects ( of discussion for the tpwn folk, not tbe farmers. * II ilie compost heap*, manipulated al LOU'U imo valuable fer i i*art at small cow, would i ks toe ,nuco of the commercial C°ode which smell SO loud and seem cs. strong in the annuo but -re odorless and '“o- 7*'“ the lands would gmcionaJ/ improve in tertihty. Ad of these with many otbef articles which ran kw produced at home. --------• , beyond t! j would place the calling farmer the e j necessity advances, rf make upon him nti mer b chant for dependent mau, tbe master i f bri own property amt signa’me Therefore, wbiie the Alliance is le j ^c^gonl’ o j 0 - ementP> t | )e leading thought, the j important work to. which the ene rgy of tbe institution should be dine d _______________ is the building up.of a bulwark of defense in borne production. Thus fortified, organized effort, well dii ect ed. would becerne invincible. If your baby i« sick, suffering and cr)ing with pain of cutting teeth, soothe it with Dr. Bull’s Baby Suyup. Price 25 cents. I wai most ready to return a blow ami won d uot braok at all this sort of thing,for I knew I would cure all damage* with Salva ! t' 311 Oil. 25 cents Will aud Charlie Simmons had their trial in the county court yesterday oil the charge of burglarizing Scheuermau A White’s store aud were acquitted. Wi'l Simmons, however, was convicted of carrying concealed weapons aud fined $20 audeoets. C. G. Morris, who has been acting as j city editor of the News for several mouths past, left for his home in Green ville, Ala last night to spend tbe holt , days. He will return next year and j take a p< s tiou with the Sna. May his holidays be happy, Advice to Mothers. , „ ^ teHhmg< female is tlie prescripts and Q / O oe of the best nurses physicians in the Ouited Stot«, and value is incalculable S,SS of teething its It relieves the child from pain, cure* dye -23, bowuis, and muse. the' OJ mother, ** Health r the tkitd and rato pr-c- $n nesto « buttle aacwnUrwly WHIT FOR CHRISTMAS? and Christmas Presents is the all ab- sorbing theme in every household. What ; a fl to give our friends and family and where to buy them anothea im¬ portant question. . __„ £ Wif . MAKE SOME SUCCESTIONS to what to buy. both useful and orna- | : 1 Beautiful Silk and Wool Muffler. Beautiful Silk Handkerchiefs. Embroidered Linen H’d’k’s for ladies. Embroidered Linen Hdks. for gentlemen Silk Hose for your mother or sister. 1 A nice pair of Kid Gloves for a lady or a ---tot- Carpets and Rugs! WE DON'T ADVOCATE SELFISHNESS, but you might as well buy somethin 0, that will be comfort to yourself as well others. There is nothing more welcome as a pr esent at any time than a nice Brussels, Three-ply, or Extra Super Carpet; or Smyrna Rug. Now Is the Time to Buy These Goods! Just on the heel of the season when we are anx¬ ious to convert all the above goods into money. Another W elcome Present for the ladies, is a Wrap of some Kind, either long or short, Woolen or Plush. What there is leit in this department we are sac¬ rificing to close out before the holidays are over. -Lot¬ - Overcoats Must Move !■ Any Overcoat in tlie house may be bought, from now oil, AT COST ! Men’s, Boys’ and Children’s Overcoats all reduced. Nothing spared. WE WERE ABOUT TO FORCET to mention those beautiful Angora Goat Rugs, but then there are many things we have not mention¬ ed, that we will take pleasure in showing you at any time. Scheuerman & White, A roint 111 celery Culture. Celery of any kind, whether self blanch ing or not, is much more crisp and tender if banked with earth. A good way of preventing the earth from sifting in among the stalks, says a correspondent in Garden and Forest, is to wrap each plant in a strip of butcher’s paper, say from eight to ten inches wide. With a garden trowel earth enough to bold the papers in place should can be hilled easily managed; then the plants be up almost to the top of the papers. This plan is recommended for early early celery, celery, anif anil i is not much more extra work than the tying up practiced by gardeners. the Care while must be token to hold plants erect put- 1 £ 0111 e paper.-,, A believer in grapes claims that they sre good for that mysterious disease, ma¬ laria. Eat all you can, but be sure they are ripe, is the advice. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thu Powder never vane*. A. marvel o ________________ canty, strength and wholesomnea*. — More economies] toon to. ordinary kinds, ^ and can powder* Powder* Bold Bold owl owl n c «u. mas. RotIceIkim TUtlUW Powwm L*wt* Go., |(« entmu Wall « lat/uv Maw Tork *«*. i 1 4th MR. /