The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, April 12, 1889, Image 1

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•*'' ' OUSE. - ,.ah,mutton- • - and office is making every the No p.ul of trouble nidi into is anticipated this limited from enormous only about very 10,000 tract. There are quar¬ ter sections, and about 100,000 people States drops the hat. It is true tliat many of these will be prospectors and speculators, and money lenders of all kinds: but the most reasonable estimate that can be made puts about live claim¬ ants on every quarter section. For every well watered and well situated quarter section there will be a dozen claimants, safssasr# be simply impossible to determine who lAnal-suf Rmf irst. and tvn/1 Knni)nd» hundreds of rlianutoS disputes ? to be settled by a primitive ap- 3 £ic;±.ii: week from next Monday Oklahoma a there will not te»’amw^ will get no land, because e*s 5 8 certain to camp down upon all the unoc¬ cupied land of the civilized Indian tribes. It is very doubtful if the them government off these would attempt to drive lands-with the bayonet, and nothing less it. than the entire army could accomplish The boomers will get the land and the government will probably settle with the Indians. The Cherokee outlet, be containing thrown some by fi.000.00p acre*, may open FIRING ’EM FAST President BarrUoii Bouncing Seventy-Five Democrat* Daily. Washington. April 12. — President prison toW a senator that he could not 7 heKmWtoght A furi last Sute^hcar the case of seven disorderly students conduct. of LaFayette, They arrested for had were fined $3 each. The fresjynen an kept th# MW^m^ughinn. half The and fracas the up an hour or more, police had hard work quelling it. S;; The Spring Adjourning Crave. Madison, Wis., April ll.-The legiriw hue at noon adjourned sine die. The teerion ful and has but been few comparatively important legislative unevent¬ A Convention of Milkmaids. EAPto Cm, Hal., April 11.-A co, ™” mm gsj~»«j conveyed whichhaebwn; by t the sad situation immensely ifc that noor face with people famine, have been brought fi owing to the fail; the potato crop. The families to be * ed have been providing seed from n supplied by private charity. Fathe be evicted, is a prisoner in attei il, and I must leave the disi to to attend my trial trial under under the the coercion coercion law at Letterkenny to-morrow. We feel, therefore .that the time is specially chosen by the authorities when they believe the people will be left defenceless." HANNA CALDER’S CASE. It Wonm Appear That the Marylander la a Woman, After All. i 4er, Bp-LAffti who married.Kafe Mdi, April Beall 1U—Hanna last Febru- Cal- Fxndlay, O., April 12.—Thomas Ber- gel, a cruel farmer in the southern part of Union township, is charged with a terrible crime. It is said Bergel awakened yesterday morning abopt/9 o’clock by sounds of a terrific contest his front porch between his dog and some person who was pegging in piteous tones for help. The farmer, instead of Com¬ pelling his his dog bloody to desist, work encouraged until at.last the animal in ROASTED HIS FEET Because He Wouldn't Tell Them He Kept HI* Money. Sharon, Pa., April 11.-A gang masked burglars broke into the of wealthy Lewis Patterson, near treville. yesterday morning, and ed the large sum of modey which supposed was concealed on the Thev took him to his bam, attempted hang him, and finding that the old would would not not reveal reveal his ms secret, secret, carried carneu to feet the into house hot and stove, deliberately burning thrust them a terribly that amputation may be sary- After left thoroughly with gold ransacking watch bouse they a- less than $50 in cash. Parties are um,h A Tew Girl'* Horrible Fete. Brownsville. Tex., April 11.—A accident occurred at the rancho ton. up the river, yesterday, Barnente.-. a handsome, blue-eyed, haired girl her of clothes twenty-five, catching was fire hunted by retire for as she was about to the The flames caught her skirts, and. seemed to become wild with seized a buritet of water and dashed 'V ^ *** ? ’' Afa.* • Jj ^i’fi ■ nr„-T . J-’-’ | .( * , to the Arctic ocean. The pat te^Axc^Ooeanfe about one year, ...... » - f Aosfnl "'SfM ’ failed New Yo«, April partygi* J^JSi to attend the Basbaly bottle on the evening for their He marriage, staid to her becam gr« cation. m£tot away said she warrya bal togetout :; , Killed by Eating Candy. VV Stapleton, N. Y„ April il.—David Ellis, the 4-year-old son of Joseph Bails, a cigar dealer, he^wasjoisMWd died yesterday, by candy and it is suppo^ %S%V%} pur- ana soon after violent pains t j Pan lightship, the hawsper parted and the baric went adrift in the gale. There they have perished. White Republican* at Birmingham. - Birmingham, Ala., Aprfllt—The con¬ vention ta organise white republicans in the sputh met here yesterday, and wai el 1C«, QUAJpK In id money i i ' - - ^ • - 1 wtorjitakAr ... r-- - .April 12.-A hiU for the bet- torn by right of life and prop. akers, 'ssszsmi in addition to imn- ^wfcfcfc ther nowliable, any are vately of wllS*ped* can^be^giverijmt n An rears age comee from Ligonier, a small own “■» SSstfS — ■eipless S&&£Sf in unconscious an conditibn. .as fled tor parts unknown. - *«-. •• —- ■— S, April 11.—Emperor William » up his residence at the Neut has always year the emperor vHH use the large four- oar for him pWwIS^IkMt, at Richmond. which has been built M. W. Beeeber: la HnawUm. Brooklyn, F, Y., j been decided at last to church a memorial t Henry The rite Ward for Beecher. the stati eecher to be ^p.has upon: but it acted fin the Of hear Where the hurt W* f has stood for more than . ■*»* roaMlaiimd IS?' s £SSi SJassA the beck. He says ESfSs 1 “" —- Rert-ted What I Wn.KesBA.RSE, Pa., 2SISS £ in ! street, chloroformed L, $**> in cash, the mr aBS&StfZBSiat Another Ve..el Overdue. Savannah, Ga., April 11.—'The freight steamship V1.1 Juniata is now two days over- A,,,. swurl^r v mTgjywjhaMMaflr w ' writ! liiSr 1 " t mm '"A i : \ t < 1 ......... —j