The Griffin daily news. (Griffin, Ga.) 1881-1889, May 21, 1889, Image 2

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»rd did t^but „n v oi party, doubt- , . ip le i- n >r ts a- h. ly ■k ■d d i it ■ solely out of if o , as the father of Mrs. s. m. No Republican n the selection, and tested that it >ouk1 not is rs-K t it a salary of fS.QBO, 100, • '=rs tag the -- . —.9 House. W* -•—-- • maft —- i Ac and b street and Manhattan avenue, 1 ’ York, is expected to be the it building of its kind on the .. i to oe ~~ , y©ars ®V« . * r ' * is no prot o anything I her rights ---- . or any other sum. .,1 .«■ -■ * k e'apurtieularlj «, but to intro- 1 cease to be a s health of this . WHY J the matter down right: and pro- Because a home can be made with little labor. Because a great variety of products can be grown. Because the yield Is large and prices always ________________ remunerative. j.: __ “ Because life is a luxury in a land where the sun shines every day. Because there are chances for a poor man which he can never hope to find in colder countries. Because the country is advancing and property values increasing. Because the vast and varied re- sources of the country are yet to be developed. Because a man can make a liveli- hood hero with less labor than in any part of the United States. Because good land is becoming more scarce, and if you don’t catch on now your last chance will soon be gone. Because the workers receive fair compensa tion for their labor. Because the wealth of its farming valleys and its grazing lands and its forests will yet build up a great and prosperous country, Because there is health and strength and vigor in every breete Becanse the settler need not spend & IHet5m ® in trees and grubbing out stumps. Because vegetation is so rapid that in two years the home is surrounded by a growth of trees and shrubs which would require five years in a . The Republicans concede that the Democrats have control of the Mon- tana Constitutional Convention by a majority of from three to five. Mr. Russell Harrison is not a shining stie- proven that i), made by ^ V f 1 ! Bh°w whether or not he faithful, probal ix |l jl permit pm.urilrimd.hipt, dictate _ * £ , * ~! L * ” M ? " * ’ ( f h COKRENT COMMENT. Judgment Passed Upon Him. New York World (Dem.) Between nepotism, big-headism and spoilsism, Benjamin Harrison is al¬ ready a dead duck. . •; ^ Can’t Afford to Work tor It. Boston Glofie (Dem.)) If Mr. Cleveland should receive the Democratic nomination for the presi¬ dency in 1893 it would come to him aa the practically unanimous choice of the ilemocraticparty, and not as the result of i. any efforf or intrigue been on his part. man who has once President of the United States can not; afford to make a fight for an¬ other nomination. The Pittsburg Dispatch, which is a very good Republican paper, calls on Commissioner Tanner to furnish sta¬ tistics to prove that there are 10,000 and soldiers honorably of the discharged Union armies sailors in alms houses of the country, and says that the O. A. R. is intended to pre¬ vent that sort of thing. If there is B mr- , _ The Georgia Midland RR COLUMBUS and ATLANTA. TV /YWt? ntiAVCt? 'Pii Arrive Griffin.....,.....3:56 “ A rrive Atlanta.................... 6:40 ‘ SOUTH BOUND TRAIN Leaves Atlanta....................3:15p. to. Leaves Arrives in Griffin...;...........!! Columbus—......7K?f> ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. WOSTX HOUND ~(DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY), ave Colu tubus—-Midland depot, rriv s atGriffin------------.. .... rriv at McDonough........ SOUTH BOUND -(D1H.T EXCEPT »UN»A*?. Leave Atlanta....................030 a n: Leave McDonough............. .6:50 *' >.e»veOriftln......................8 .2:05 30 Amite Columbss. Midland depot, p. ip SPECIAL THAIS - Sunday Onut. Leave Columbus—Union Ik-put. 8 25 t. . -.rrive Griffin................ -Arrive McDonough.............13:20 Atlanta...............t:19 p. Arrive at RETURNING-South Bound. J-ewYe Atlanta............... • ..6:50 a. ro. Leave GrilJli:..................8.15 McDonough............... j e,*ve 11:25 “ rrive Columbus— Union Dcput, Ask for tickets to AtbvnUand points be¬ yond over the Georgia MU land UR. Tick- « ih on sale at Union Depot, and at the Cffice in Georgia Horae building. M. K. ORA'-’, Gupt. O. W. CHEARS, (•». Gen'l Pass. Columbus. Aclmi! *’s Sal©. By virtue of i ed by the sr'fs .1 ty, sm at the May House door in 1 legal hours of Jane. 1880, and te tnd RR. B and one inter* #400.00. due b property of Eli distribution. md®^'**** ff" -.......... 300,000 * 100,000 1,908 frizes of *300 are .......• • <399,000 3J134 _#3,150,600 June Sheriffs Sale. Ordinary’s Advertisements. i < \RDJNART’S OFFICE— Si'aldinm Oofn- t ty, Guardian Gkoeoia, May the 3rd, 1889,-James Children W. of Willis, J. late of minor deceased, Mary application Willis, of said leave county, sell the lands makes for to belonging the to third his wards, district to-wit: of Pike Fifty acres of it land in county beisgin the northwest corner of lot No. 103 and adjoining a piece of woods lying in the west of said lot E. C. Akin on the north and Thos. Baird on the south. Let all persons concerned show cause be¬ fore the Coart of Ordinary, at my office in Griffin, on the first Monday in June next, wny such permission should not be granted. Flemister and Arnold and on the west by the and creditors. Let all persons eoucerened show cause lie- fore the Court of Ordinary, at mjr office in Griffin, on the first Monday in June next, why snch leave should ncit be granted. #6.00. E. W. HAMMOND, Ordinary. { t \KDIN ART’S OFFICE— Spalding Coi f TY, GEOBGlA.May 3rd, 1889.—A. M.' virtue of an order froni the Court of Or- ry. will be sold befor thee Court House ! • 8, A’ — T H FULL LINE OF TELEGRAMS, FULL LOCI 0 EP.Rl.tH., FULL FARMERS DEP.RTMERT, SOUND DEMOCRATIC EDITC INTERESTING MISCEI MORE AND BETTER MATTER FOR LE$ . THAN ANY OTHER PAPER PtIPLISB: ■to*-- ■ ■ TWENTY-EIGHT COLUMNS DAILY FOR •1 - ' ^- r ■w • ' ; - :V ■' 1 $ 5.00 Pm- ' * - ? FORTY-EIGHT CQLU 50 Cen