The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, May 28, 1889, Image 2

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mi , all is peace condition ' * ‘Wp# after a short illness ---i dead by two reput- ' s. While they were dis- Btton whether her d by heart failure, m. siw opened her eyes e was not dead. She - - * - * ... „„„ ot being * ' . y i, in a letter' to the New ». calls attention to i whieli animation was that the beet- wens deceived. t of Col. Townsend, who his own volition to sim- . L T death so closely ns to deceive ‘ of tbe Tribune letter from Dr. W. B. Carpenter's ;y,” oslollows -.“It is quite t an apparent cessation of i may takeplace loss of vitality id leave the organism in f a dead body, liable by the chemical and physical a.” It is alleged—and ; trnthfully—that there are men '* who permit themselves to b , e at a time without i of life. Sir Claude _ -> in 1837 was the British : the court of Loodhiana, i the Fakir of Lahore was >r six weeks. He was put in- m****Xb~*-‘ . When the vault was ^!zrz 3 Wtiij qtifekly v c &o k zr::: vault his legs, arms and body of this kind are recorded occurred in India, and not appear to l»e any reas¬ on to doubt that they were genuine cases of suspended animation. The number of persons wbobymis- are buried alive is no doubt very i, but it will scarcely be question- I titiat such mistakes are made. Whether or not Bishop died a natur¬ al death or was the victim of the dis- seeting knife is a question that will never be settled to the satisfaction of everybody. , Convincing Proof. fit many instances it has been proven that B, B. B, (Botanic Blood Balm), made by ' ~ will blood cure even when al other treatment fail*. A. P. Bra neon, Atlanta, Ga., whites: “I had 94 running ulcers on one leg and 6 on the other, and felt greatly prostrated. I believe ‘ '»?X& , S8XI,‘ dYl “ 0 '“ I experi- and — my MM despondency m was had sixteen bottles, 1 kept and using all the It taken ulcere, rheumatism and all other horrors of blood poison have I *U disappeared, agate, after stt and at experience last 1 am of an » of torture.’ bom* , I lost me a burden, . w.™ ^^“^erthelere, of B. B. B. T was writ. Hundreds of scare can now be seen on me. 1 have now been well oyer twelve months.” Eradicated of quinine, of its various into Active existence again t the slightest apparent provo- l the smo nlderi n g em tiers than to subdueit system. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters is all saftcient.. When every resource of the £fitt4}r& uominer it —will remove X vestige Of it. Nay, more, the the value of our homes hero consists in the improvements, and renters are usually so cureless with improvements that they damage the sale of a place more than the rent will repair, so I am waiting and hoping for a chance to sell. My month is watering for some of your luscious peaches and pears, articles of fruit we do not en- joy here-our trees bloom but the trees east their fruit before it is ma¬ tured.” The wife of the writer of the above says,'“I have got the Georgia fever bad I almost sick.” ' so am If there was a fair sale for farm¬ ing lands in the Northwest, Georgia would have thousands ofsettlers from ______________ T. R. Gibson, editor of the Augus¬ ta News, will deliver the literary or¬ ation at the centennial commence¬ ment exercises of the State Universi¬ ty on the 7th of June. | Lost.—-I don't know where. 1 can’t toil * "....." ’ el Mug of blood. ant every wail body to try it this Reason.” ft is sold hy gifts. Onslrandn ’ doses one dollar. TRAINING THE PHYSICAL MAN. Hi* Muscle :>« Well as the Mind Should Hsva TWr Qualities Drawn Out. Exhibitions of remarkable skill and anduruuee on the the stage stage or or in in thecir- the eir- sus l ine however useless uscless the feat per¬ form!;}, ... MKiy , .. Lave .■ a a certt certain . value to Of [t...ii„i>rl tiiougirtfhl as demonstrations the machin¬ of the j. , fvetion to which ery of d,il| huo iMiiy exorcise. be brought The by con- *tant n’id gyin- ftasL;. dancers and jugglers do simply things {jivafijx- that K«‘.m they almost impossible, -for trained jheir and muscles years eves to per¬ form i>, hi'.ited’ mnv.lmr of operations, have j r; eiici-d incessantly and made their luux-eiiiculs almost automatic. If tr ; l:';r. ('o those things, that simp** . .v t.> amuse other people, and they . y-simb.'i perseveranee in useful ■ ■ ■■{.:%. !,• - v .: r out of consid- . (V- . : ; iu. however, • .... -f as much to , , . . fu.-fe «-r talent) ; , rsacuauical. oocu- dhvotwi :v»*i-rated and • ’r yr t '.'. s & r grebtorrar' practice . peri. ...... •- of juggler tho nand practice al- #er< ■. • , . mmM . , far years before he fe ■-.I. i.ifora (skilled as to bo able .. by his sioight mechanic mocha of hand >>ri focntmtecs. A equally <’. voiM to the business.of get¬ ting hix band tunned to do his will would be Oils; a ivmarkable workman in much Ik: to. The fact i= that too Jittlo attention sibilities has heretofore "h.'iid Iteeii training given to for the useful pos¬ oi Work. The yap..'shown faiago and tho circus that there ring have for us is scarcely any limit to be put to what man may accomplish through the training of his muscles. Crowds have wondered with at greater and applauded intelligence perform¬ 11 than ers no — the average spectator, and have never j thought of ' applying inlying t raakn making better the the less lesson of to it themselves | " ' ana use than that of posing for ter the tee am nient of the public. The gymnast, the acrobat, the juggler are men who have learned how to use their mus¬ cle-.. who have trained their eye to quick seeing, decision, their who judgment have taught to prompt t-lves"to beep control of their in an emergency, and who have, ove all, practiced certain move- ts vo diligently that they can per- . them without have effort, almost assumed un- • i.iisly. •■ution They is be applied not only ■[ to to ...L...r...i, but. frequently applied to educational the neglect iter, have muscles U> tho of their body ... ;her people neglect One may i .iagino a skilled juggler who wonder quite as much at a ilmy’s ready answer school to boy questions would tactic as the \ ate of balancing or sleight of wonderment in each case . dent upon the ignorance of • and the skill of tho other in ' ; t are open to both. Until re- ms it has been assumed that : ueed little training that s o acquired in special the ordinary instruo- v.i’ life without i Tort. The results achieved -.•lists should, however, correct “ rmans have carried this : i a logical generally conclusion than other by - more • i- the training of hands and kindergarten and for carrv- >itar exercises in their turn- (». N •■■ ■■ is not to make gymnasts . reaching U of foe of pupils drawing any in more the ■ ■ools is intended to make ar- 11 who receive such instruc- ie purpose is to give health- useful exercise, to train foe mid lay the foundation for . . loonsent of skill of hand in • i-rtalring. This is not done ; :;pense of mental education, experience physical healfo, shows, it by quick- pro¬ mo ; strengthens the mental facul- ihe same timrf giving ; n lief from too ‘ t'udencies of ‘iHifiaTs II ’ • : "y. ' R«n*«» for tho ho great sue CCBB ofited's __S *- 5 article itself. It Is merit tl: fact that “ ” " it is claimed for it. is what ! Z] Merit 1 riOa or Mood fler before ss. overcomes Tlial an Appetite, streiigtb- “ (tsJI sss Lowell, Mass. _ email. Sold Everywhere. Office, 44 Murray St., New York. ■ "a R 1 ' : , - s'alb bt . BRITGGJ? TU. The Georgia Midland RR Shortest nntl Best Line Witl» Through Coach ee Between COLUMBUS m ATLANTA mNUH'NE UIaXBR TO Washington, New York, Nashville or Cincinnati. Schedule iu Ktlce* Jan,8, 18S9. TRAIN NORTH . rrl ve Atlanta....................5:40 ” SOUTH ii' .L'NI) Tile IN irevee-• ACCOMMODATION TRAIN liOUVH BOUMD -(DAH.I EKJKVT SURIUV). t>I« io bue—Midland depot, :,! (iriltln................ M MoDo ion jii........... SOUTH BO OSD -imiw MOETT SCNBXV). A Hu [i'a..... ...». .Rrf'iO # fie Leave MeDoneagh. ......6 AO ” i eaveGriffin................... .830 Arrive. CoioroUw?, Ji'.dlami de| o f ,.a*5 p. ui SPECIAL I ttAIN SosdxtOsiw, Leave Colombus—L’nioo Dep*>t, S S « Arrive Wrtflin............... -Uric \niv» Mt-Donengh.............12:80 p. Arrive at Atlan ta............... t:10 “ RETURNING Smith Hound. Le«ve Atta.'Ta... ............6:50a. m. oLonongh.............. . 7:35 '* IXritfiti........ ........ .8:25 ** Ctilouitms—Uaku! I>. pot, 11:25 ** Ash f. rtiekire ^ .A laiUaand ^iota te- * and at the c-flice M . K t • RA v , »uj,t 0. W. Gen’l Pa6«. A. i.. i.'..liinjl>ue. Ga Road Carts! Klf Ten p' thPB r cer>tP3heapp anybody Buggies! *&" Don* bny 1.flora getting ourpricreand catalogued. STOCK ELL CO., THE GEO. VV. NriHie this paner. NASHVILLE TENS ■j-'-.- -.... - . l!AN k AALS&in j MB: Ml sfecri.' w ftij I R.!i; , * inistrator’s Sale. of Ordinal of" M.tice to Debtors bm! Creditors. ; i • W ' t We the B d Bonkers m In The Louisiana State h may te presented at ourcc vr - Mammoth Drawing ' At the ^udemy ol^Mumc, Itew Orienns, < apltalPrUe,« 600,000 Fortieths list or Maxes. 1 Pmxe or *000,000 lOO’.OOO 50,000 is...... is............ is............ m 50.000 1 Pkizs op a 2 PRIZES Prizes op OF 20,000 a are.......... 40.000 JfiSH 'Si are..... .... 800 are.......... 600 are.......... 400 are,.....,... APmoxnuTioN rmxES lOO PrixesJ do/ of *1,000 are............... *100,000 80’,000 100 800 are............... J.00 do. 500 are............... 50,000 two ncmbeb tfrminalr. 1,998'Pritre oi *200 are............... *899,600 *3,169,600 AG ENTS n ANT ED. For Club Bates, or any further information an Envelope bearing your fall address. important. Address M. A. DAUPHIN, f Orleans. La. Address Registered Letters Contain¬ wkXllMK*) ing Currency tc .vxtv X 1«U1 Sits - New Orleans, La. ’ C^mNATlO^X ! lieware of all imitu- nf the smallest part, or fraction of a Ttoket ISSUED BT US in ered any Drawing. less than Anything Dollar in swindle. otur nape of- for a is a June Sheriffs Sale. the Court House, In the the city following of described ing County, Georgia, P 'xfacres t of^ind in Spalding County, Geor¬ gia, being off of lot No. 149 in 3d district of * originally Henry Jas. now S. Boynton, Bpaldmg south county, * ‘east by by mmwsm inmg^ands. Tenant fa possesion legally ” 0t ' Steriff' B. S. CONNELL, Ordinary’s Advertisements. U rvRDINABY’S OFFICE— Spaldino toon- TV, Gkobou, May 3rd, 1889.—James 1889—,fa: W. Willis, Guardian of the minor children chilt of land in tfie third district of Pike county it bring in the northwest corner of lot No. 108 and a piece of woods lying in the west of said lot adjoining E. C. Akin on the north and Tho*. Baird on the south. Isit all persons concerned show cause be- l«wt*e Court of Ordinary, at my office in ariffin. on theflrst Monday in June next, wny \ FNBDINART’S A OFFICE-Spalwno Comt- TV, GnonoiA, May 3rd. 1889.-J. H. Keith, admistrator on estaterf W. 8. Brown, deceased, has made application for leave to sell the uudtvided half interest in an acre of Flemister and Arnold and on Mrs. the west Elixabeth by the other Brown property and said belonging for the to benefit estate, of heirs let all persons coocerened show cause be¬ fore the Court tot Ordinary, at my office in Griffin, on the first Mondayin Janenext, why simh^ve *6,00. shoul<^o* E. W. HAMMOND, te iwwrted Ordinary. Hon*on P th^eetato of John D. George, late o said county, deceased: Let all person.concerned show cause before nary, the first at my Monday office, by ten in June letters of administration ■■■illlSifiRMriMBMRiMiHiM *3.00. a guaranteed « / The editorial e Bar publication i WaAhmgt^D, B. C R.j. zmpmQut Al»bai«- ^ m^^ntofautore-inefadtorno ta fcw | dee cover every depettmeat of f afiord to he THECULTIVi Gao. W. H-ARiusoN, J )■ - ---------... . . ^ - Manager. mm T H-Mmm jXr. cmmN THE GREAT NEWSPAPER OP GEORGIA ★ WILL LONTHN DURHtG 1889 ★ - ’* ' U- ■ Aijli T - FULL LIKE OF TELEGRAMS FULL LOCAL DEPARTMENT FULL FARMERS DEPARTMENT, SOUND DEMOCRATIC EDITORIAL - INTERESTING MISCELLANY. HOBS AND lU.TTElt THAN ANY 0THEB PAPER PliPJ.lSBSD.