The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, May 29, 1889, Image 4

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Ht mid purgAtireon thewiirkct. Um «®8 /A«?/8 / JT» to »M» *«*k »«<» «•»* of mould ' • M. D. MITCHELL & CO. 17 Hill Street, GrHttn, 0* IB SALE! ■ b and Ont-honse, Poplaf street......... ♦1,250. attached, 18th “ ........ 1,250. o! land 1 mile from town, well situated, having two good hooa- h all necessary barns and out-house. Two acres planted in grapes Wild Goose Bums, one acre in Peaches, one acre Apples and i good investment at, $2,000. 1B «“(kTw* TO............. wlUl Elding, si,200 ........................APPLY BRAKE, 1WELL B. BEAL ESTATE AGENT. BEEP HAMS, / WAYMAN’H LARGE, PI STRAWBERRIES. (Daily) CHEESE, 1 ST Always find Chickens at FACT STBIPrt. otjr store. 13^ Prompt D livery W. Clark & Son. u:* IPs ; - Griffin, G*., May 29. la Petato the next thirty i counter Potato i a hundred. Rartdenee * Jos. Morris. oMr* ,G*.,May 27—Our r harvesting their irt the crop as much PMQ® than lit i has been J. Manley, Sr., who , me time with Hampton, returned Way man made a * * yesterday. i , of Lovejoy, and , of Concord, with are spending a few i their parents at this place. lb Dorsey, of Hampton, lay with Pomona friends. Elder, of Sunny Side, gave leant call to-day. rattens and daughter, Miss F Rover, spent Sunday here te of S. P. Gray and family. , Jim and John Barfield, Side, were calling on * yesterday. Snona’syoung ladies are i Alice Manley, one of oung ladies, left this i to the regret of some of i) for an extended visit Mrs. W. P. Wilson, Bn Chapman and wife, ^weretn town prominent Saturday. ' . P. Wilson, a it of Hampton, was in town 1 and wife, of IHiaui Blanton penfc Sunday with relatives i Susie and Emma Mattie Nutt, ties of Luella, were Misses Susie and i oi Mrs. S. R. to learn that she overing from her severe weather has caused i in this place ’ hopingfor rain. Alliance will bi-monthly A full attendance >and J. Ogden, of M —*— in this city. Fish, today. iii.-C.V- Beef Tongues, Sweet Pickles in Bbis. ★ Fine Breads . ?:• u, ■> ’ROUND ABOUT. City Note*, and New* mam ftt Md Adjoining Counties. Tbe son rtOm top*, pfeaiant the norm are dry And furnish shade; The Mason's lemonade. here lor pfenie pie And picnic Richard Futral, of Jackson, is in the city. J. H. Powell has retamed from a week’s stay in Macon. J, P. Ilaine, of Atlanta, was in the city a short time yesterday. Mrs- W. E.H. Searcy has returned from a visit to Hillman, Ga. Mrs. Mary Fowler and Miss Hill visited Atlanta yetterday. " Mlai Hipt Hadson and Markhan spent yesterday in bus. H. C. Brown, associate editor o the Former and Fruit Grower, is Atlanta, Mrs. D. W. Patterson is Mrs. Chas. A. Sindalland other in Atlanta. Hon. W. L.. Peek, of Conyers, periment farm commissioner, was the city yesterday, W. B. Hudson left yesterday ing to spend a week in Georgia and Alabama. Col. E. W. Hammond and J. Aycock went to Flint River for a two days fishing. Central R. R. Inspection No. 1 ] ed up theVoadyesterday, having eft here for several hours. Mr. and Mrs. I). Wing arrived yesterday from Rochester, -N. earning by way of Savannah. Beeks Johnson, who has been cated at Empire for the past year visiting relatives in this city. Mrs. A. Randall, Miss Annie dall and Miss Maude Johnson visiting friends in Atlanta, for a or so. - Will Searcy returned from Ga,. yesterday somewhat by the electric treatment there. Miss Claude Freeman, of Cres spent, a few hours in the city terday. Sim left for Atlanta in afteftioon. Zeke and General Baas andJ. Dickenson were among the the tors to Atlanta yesterday this city. * A large number of people took vantage of the cheap rates to Atlanta yesterday. Between 00 70 tickets being soljj from this Many of them witnessed the j Dgysof Pompeii last night. p stant j 8 f ur pierce, the doctor, which Providing safe remedies, of is eoncoctor. Pleasant to taste, and easy to 1 Purgative Pellets now “bear off ! cake.” H — f* 4n,' : To Be Delivered *« «» City Util TomorHSw Sflflit~Kv«i)flHHljr Invited. . Chancellor Wm. E. Boggs, of the State University, has writtentoRev. McKay that he will deliver a lecture in Griffin on tomorrow (Thursday) night, on the subject of “Education in Georgia.” The City Hall has been secured and wilt be well provided with seats, and everybody is invited to attend the lecture which will be free. The Chancellor win doubt¬ less deliver a most interesting dis¬ course, and should be met by a good audience. Mr. and Mrs. Jfio. F. Maddox, Miss Mollie V. Irvin and Dr. J. A. Williams^ of Concord, were in thecityyssterday shopping. The “Pigs in Clover” puzzle will shortly be succeeded by one far more difflulty to solve—mosquitoee under the net, how to get them out. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Warde, Misses Fannie and Lena Warde and Miss Peak! Johnson went to Atlanta yes¬ terday. They will return today. Capt. H. H. Colquitt, of the Atlan¬ ta Journal staff, left yesterday after a pleasant sojourn of several days in the city, where he is very popular. Col. and Mrs. E. W. Beck and son, Master Lewis, of this city, who have been spending the past month in Ken¬ tucky and Tennessee, have returned home. W. J. McCaslan, J. D. Boyd, Clark Brooks, Henry Bass, C. G. Mills and W. B. Hudson were among the num her who accompanied Stonewall Fire Co. to Columbus yesterday. The body of S. T. Coleman, who died suddenly Sunday morning in Boston, was carried through here to his home in Macon yesterday even¬ ing, in the charge of his family and his brother Robert. John H. Parnell, the great fruit man of West Point, made his first shipment of peaches to New York on Monday. The peach crop in that section is fine both as to quantity and quality. The fact that good health, strong muscles and sound nerves are attain¬ able should encourage every invalid to an earnest endeavor in the right direction. Remember all diseases owes its orign, more or less, to alack of iron in the blood. Iron in the Healthy men’s blood is full of iron. The best method of supplying this lack of iron is by using Brown’s Iron Bitters, a sure cure weakness for dyspepsia, and all general debility, ss wasting diseases. SPECIAL CARS FOR MELONS, Central Hallroad Preparing Handle The Big Crop. The Central railroad, is ready for the melon season. show that the gcreage along its is larger than last year, in quenee of which and the increase melon and fruit culture, the has put out a late order for hundred additional ventilated the first installment of which is pected within a few days. Fifteen twenty cars are expected per thereafter. As they are received will be placed at the different ping stations along the line of Florida will be supplied first. connecting lines with the Central road are also sending their pro of fruit cars down and by the that the season sets in the will be well supplied with cars for transporation of melons and fnfit, Ti),» prevalence of scrofulous taint in blooii ie much more universal than many aware, hut few person* are free it. Fortunately, however, we have in Sarsaparilla, the most- potent remedy discovered for this terrible affliction. # Council Meeting. Council diet in regular session terday evening. Present # Stewart, Aldermen Deane, Burr, rick, Morris. Word and Moore. The city assessors were voted $36 for their work. The petition of Mrs. A. T. Johnson, asking for a reduction of one-half her taxes on account of t^e of her house, w:u» granted. The petition of T.C. McLaurin others, complaining that the tion of their Taylor street at $2,800 was accessive, and of E. W» Rhodes asking a reduction on house from $1,600 to $1,200, referred to committee on petitions. There was the usual talk about no¬ tifying the owners of the property, the Holman store property and the Engel corner to fix their side¬ walks, and the council adjourned. Tb« entering w«4g» of » complaint that BUky prove fatal ia*oftea a slight cold, which AdOee or tiro of Ayer’* Cherry Pectoral might have cored at the commencement. It would be wefl.l**wfpr»te keep thi# remedy within reach at afl timet. . For Nerve rand Dyspepsia, use liver Fills. sJJsSS tdM K preventive 'S Food. Food- 1* i hns no orjiial. TRY IT. If not wathdfed will return For safe by W * H. Keith & Co Drewry’s : Drug : Store Hm just received a foil supply ef Landredth, C!ev< land and Johnson & Bob¬ bins Garden Seed—also field seed—all fresh. Guaranteed EASTERN SEES POTATOES. STOCK POWDERS!! NERVE AND BONE LINIMENT!!! N.B.DREWRY. NO. 2 BUSTED! Columbus and Americas Carry tie Prizes. Colcmbps, Gx.,May 28.—[Special] The city was crowded to-day with the firemen and their friends and thousands from the surrounding country who came in to witness the great firemanic tonrnament, and were entertained in Columbus’ usual hospit able style. Some of companies ar¬ rived the night before, but none were received more enthusiastically than the Griffin Stonewalls on their special train, who arrived acouple of hours before the parade, though most of their running sqnad came last night. At twelve o’clock the Columbus de¬ partment assembled on the east side of Broad street, with the right rest¬ ing on Ninth street. The assistant engineers acted as marshals and formed the parade in the following order; Platoon of police. Mayor and Council in carriages. Visiting chiefs in carriages. Wide Awake Band of Americus. Columbus Fire Company, No. 1. W’heatly Hose Company, No. 2, of Americus. Rescue Hook and Ladder Company No. 1. Stonewall Fire Company, No. 2, Griffin. JefLDavis Fire Company, No. 1, Bamesvllle. Stonewall Hose Company, No. 4. Montezuma Fire Company, No. 1. Young America, No. 5. Amid thecheers and enthusiasm the throngs of spectators, the cession passed up Broad to teenth street, out Thirteenth to cond avenue, down Second to Tenth street, thence to street, where the parade was missed. The companies were ed before the Mayor, Council Chief of Department at the action of Second avenue and street. The *... ________ reception rooms “ various parts of the city are somely decorated and the baft been made a regular gala day all the citizens We were unable to hear further our correspondent, who was laid out, but learn that the walls of Griffin had last place in contest and busted in each Columbus No. 1 carried off the prize and the T. Wheatleys, of icus, the second . *500 Not Called For. It seems strange that it is ry to persuade men that you can their diseases by offering a to the man who fail to to receive efit. And yet Dr. of Sage of cured t housands cases catarrh with his “Catarrh who would never have applied to if it had not been for his offer of above sum for an incurable Who is the next bidder for cure cash? THE COMMONWEALTH. The New# a# Gathered Over Quitman wants a savings bank. Alderman C. A, Klink. of bus, is dead, The brick indfistriesaround are flourishing. V, A. Clegg, a prominent of Lee county, Is dead. An attempt is being made lish a canning factory at The colored people's district ence will convene at Monroe in A negro child was strangled to by its nurse on JohpRedipoud’s near Watkinsville. Mrs. A. B. Foster, an aged of Fairburn, died suddenly last at the home of her daughter, Cochran. * . An Athens wife, dressed jn her band’s clothes, challenged a to wrestle and threw him. Her band quit her. “ Irwin Blair, of Yaldosta, has curiously malformed hen eggs. are smaii in the middle and large Loth ends. Sever 1 citizens, of Greensboro, devoting much time to taming The birds are very intelligent can be easily taught. Several lady members of the odist church of Lexington have terested themselves in raising a tp pnrchaseao organ for their church. A negro living peftT Crawfordvjlje is making big money by ma m.facto* v? ing willow chairs. He makes them by hand, and has more orders than be can fill. Prof. T. C. Newton, of Union Point, for several years principal of the Union Point academy, has been ap¬ pointed to a clerkship in the civil ser¬ vice department and has left for Washington. A very remarkable freak of nature exists on the farm of Mr. J. H. Carter, concession 8, lot 20, township of Te- curnseh, county of Lincoln, Bond gSSS’Sfe. lambs and calf. He is two a a respec¬ table farmer, who would not under any circumstances be fraud guilty of the an pub- at¬ tempt to palm off a on dant circumstances were such as to leave no shadow of doubt on his nAid as to the correctness of the statement. The lambs are to all appearance per¬ fect, but larger than ordinary. The calf, a male, is also perfect The ex¬ pression in the face of the lambs has a peculiarity, while considerable hair is mixed among the wool, both in .the fleece and on the legs. Mr. Carter «ml U f™i lv °Mr r Ontario’, iM lecturer on others Agriculture have been ter visitors, and many is parallel So far as known there no ease on record.—Toronto Globe. Life in Plzen Creek. Col Whipsaw (of the Rattlesnake ranch, being shown to his room in the Bad Lands house)—Wb-what does it say on that air sign up there? Landlord—It says “Guests will please re¬ move their spurs before retiring.” “By the north fork of the Great Crooked Bitterroot! Go out to the corral an 1 git my hoss an’ I’ll mosey! If the effete ways of the worn vwAwn out eecf east are n rd otouhlTl^ sneakin’ in in Vt hero am like 1 1 ba this tJllil I I shall start f under w»t to-nightTexas Sittings. NOT A PIMPLE ON HIM NOW would never grow. Cured by cutieura Rem¬ edies. Hair splendid and not a pimpfe on __________- I cannot say enough in praise oi the Cirri Cuba Remedies. My boy, when one lost year q rith eczema that he al never, grow i ^ ^ from Remedies, physicians, and, began I the use of the cctu-uba »a remedies, and, i am ; "not a pimple m him. I recommend the ' Rem edies te mothers as the most speedy, I I________._______rare nomica], and sure cure cure for for all'the all the si 6k1n es es mother oUnfant* of infants who has and and an children,^and^ferf children, afflicted and child feel that will that ever; me for Mrs. so doing. M. E. WOODS0M, Norway, Me. A Fever Sore Eight Years Cured. I extend to you the thanks of one of my tomers, who ha* been cured by using the ticura Remedies,- Rkm KniKs. -of of an an old old *ore, *ore, caused caused by Dy a long spell cf sickness or fever eight would years hav« ago He was so bad he was fearful he tohave his leg amputated, but is happy say he is now entirely well,—sound as a lar. He requests me to use his which is H. H. Cason, merchant merchant of this JOHN V. MINOR, ' 'NOB, Gainsboro, Druggist, Ten* Severe Scalp Disease Cured. A few weekBago my wife suffered very from om a a cutaneous cutai disease o" the sealp, and ceived----' used used until sue tried cvticcba. a ne c promptly while yielded to this entirely treatment, well. There and in short she was been no return of the disease, and ■aiiKS No. 1 in our estimation for diseases he skin. Rev. .1, PRESSLEY BARRETT; fil l ; D. it. D,. it.. Raleigh, N.C. Cntlcura Kcinedle* Are a positive cure for every form of scalp, scalp, and and blood Wood disease, disease, with witts loss loss of ot from pimples to scrofula, except possibly ich thyosis. Sold everywhere. , Price, Cpticitba, 50e.; Soap, 25.; Resolvent, 12. Prepared by Potter Peps and Chemical Corporation Boston.' Send for “How to Cure Skin Diseases,” 64 niafs. t pages pages, 50 illustrations, and 1C 00 ' D DriP A DV> I O v Bfelu and Scalp preserved and beautified by Cutkuba Soap. Ab sqlfitely pure. Every Muscle Aches. Sharp Aches, Dull Pains, and Weaknesses relieved in MRS, L L. BENSON AUNT SH ADY wish to inform their friends hey will open their NEW '300DS on MONDAY. Call and see the WONDERFUL REDUCTIONS in the FINEST MATERIAL* P^THATS from Ten to Tweny-five Cents EVERY DAY. Legal Notice of Proposed Legislation. Notice is hereby given that a WU will be iu Orehurd Hill, county mmmmmr.t $ tide “JJJ” particular line and pRICES PLEASE THE LADIES, "M We show a line of Plain and Striped Organdies that cannot fail to p] the most fastidious. There is no reasonwhy any lady should leave ourstorj — expecting to be better suited. * 1 • In fact anything you may want. Embroidered Floiincings/n Every Widfh, Quality l Many additions to our assortment of Hemstitched Flouncings. Narrow goods to match. . ARRIVE FOR THIS WEEK IJ ALL SILK MITTS, FOR 25 CENTT! In black and colors. These goods are worth fully twice the money, but to move them the price has. been made 25 cents per pair. STRAW MATTIN .>8. MOSAIC PATTERNS * I I right. Window . Shades „ Curtain Poles I < Linen Shads in all Lengths, Widths and Colors. Extra lengths and widths made to order without extra charge. We show a line of POLES in solid Brass, W T ood with brass mountings and soldid Woods, and will dupli- cate prices here or elsewhere. Ladies Low Cut Shoes. In endless variety, and would be glad AMI to have you compare qualities and prices with any dealer, in the state. assortment of every style and grade of Shoes- -WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR- W. L. DOUGLAS’ $3 SHOES. Also, a full lipe of his $2.00 Boys Shop, and his Men’s $2.00, $2.25, $3.0# and $4.00 goods. Price and name stamped on the bottom of every pair. “They Are The Best In The World.” Scheuerman & White. W. D. DAVIS, Hardware, Stoves. And Farming Implements. Have just received a nice line of CEDAR BUCKETS, POT-WARE find PISTOLS. * * * PISTOLS ! PISTOLS! ! * * * Come and see pie. For )-( Cheat) )-( Goods ........CALL ON........ • W. M.HOLMAN * CO. We Standard A Sugar for making cake. Cifron, Currents, Prunes and ai kinds of Extracts for Flavoring. The best Pat. Fleur, Mince Meat. Jellies and in fact anything you want. , . .. TURKEYS, FISII AND OYSTERS. Leave us your, order and it will be attended to. Attention, Public! This is to certify thafi John Ison, Esq., of Griffin, Ga., is th» only author¬ ized and exclusive agent for the sale of our celebrated brand of “Old Gup. Spring” Kentucky Whiskey, in the city of Griffin from this date, and no other parties have this noted brand of whiskey to offer to the trade. Those wishing a pure and unadul- terated whiskey for aBpurjioses, will find'it only in the hands of John Ison. Kentucky,” 26dl and wherever known, for years. THOMPSON, may: WILSON & CO. A. LOWER, PMctical Jeweler eei Dealer* in Diamonds, Watches * JEWELRY, CLOCKS, &C. Special attention given to Repairing. * 20 Hill Street 6RIFFIN, 6A. New Goods Every Day Which we propose to sell Cheaper Than Anybody. isriteytesiax’saefs. stejasaL . Confectioneries HPM Canned of all kinds, Meats Nuts and Raisins, tWisiE?, JcBy, Jelly, Florida riorn Oranges, Malaga Grapes, Michigan Aplea. All Ail kinds kinds f Sauce. Large assortment best Cigars, Rest grades Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Hams and ~ all “ kinds - Fresh Mami 3 always on hand. Fork, Beef, eet, Link Link and and Dab “Sausage, and ail kinis Fresh Fish. & Cos’. Town and rar Goods. Send us <*m doeea*, and wo wlil send yon sample that ne , amir ‘Mart si art you youma THR^RIU you from flOO tofStO per HR:HM0N!> ^CONSUMPTIVE I