The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, June 08, 1889, Image 3

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1,1 .... , ‘ to a medicine, * disguise. never fails to ■ m a sue- ..:jS3 testimonials are on edted by the use of s Sa rsaparilla. PREPARED BT r' fc Co., Lowell, Maw. v i*. Worth $5 a bottle. hLBJEB. r asrsnres the *t< ys- . **ggP. Headache, •- * j Costiveness, Rheu- , Sallow Skin and Piles. XMSS rhere. m ,iew Atlvemsements. a curbs m*. kTtllUUUtl • knrdtkUuUr. < life *- Tr afAtft ■Clnss*«*.*$ i it;aKth*"* Itihwr Hair K !| Yoo to its ‘ _ jK&p _____-RCORNS. /ITALIT'i MISL.'iES r be cored sth KSS [ojiaauatjs & ASH.s^xoiaaaaa ‘iajqJBjj'J in aSn.,FUls v Ps> HIRES f«» HIRES’IMPROVED Me IT BEII i I IN UOUID NOBOaiNC EASILY MADE THIS PACKAGE MAKES FIVE GALLONS /was& s/itr G4M&VS iJM&Wtr/ mSr «» »oit APP»njnK« son wholssokb rnMPHRAjron pn anc tc tn» worm, wrrrr. * Aak Dragglst Oroeer for It. * roar or c. C, HIR^S ^Philadelphia. „ SHOE *°*L**'**- CENTLEMEN, •3 SHOE l-SEWSimOR ^MEb"*8HOE. fAMS CALF SHOE. SHOES, a rr not stamped E. Douglas ~**a.00 Show for landladies. FOB SALE BT & wm, m* ’" eniPriN. I Rig G has given unlvw rnlrs^B'ciro . ----Lai satisfaction In the of Oonorrhcea and BUS Gleet. I prescriU l»«nd teel safe m recommend fog It to all sufferers. sS *££*, ' —i-, crop in Measles are prevailing in some parts of Dooly county. A can’t-get-away clnb will lie or. ganized at Thoroasville for tbe sum¬ mer. “ ; s Tbe Milledgeville alumni of the state university have effected a pei- manent organization. T Reports from Tattnall idicate that the fruit crop this year will be great¬ er thin ever known. Fires have been raging in TattnaU as well ai in Liberty county. J. T. , fiad a great deal of fencing and rails destroyed. " It is said that the bugs are playing havoc with watermelon vines in Sum¬ ter county, greatly retarding their growth and injuring prospects for fine melons. , , A rather strange coincidence hap¬ pened at John I. Parker's residence, at Thomasville, Sunday afternoon; Of the seven male persons present, all of them were named John. In spite of the heavy rain and ad¬ verse circumstances the sale ofj| lots at Lyerly, near Rome, closed with a grand success. Lots brought good prices, and over fl5,000 worth were sold. A gentleman of Viena says the rats are so bad at his house he dare not leave his socks on the floor at night. He says he either puts them under hfe head or ties them around a chair post. Fannin superior court has adjourn¬ ed. Considerable business was trans¬ acted, Judge Winn fined one man $100 and costs for selling a coffee pot For $1, evidence being adduced show¬ ing that said cofieepot contained brandy. While J. P. Heard, of Viena, was on his way to town Monday morn¬ ing be met his Jersey bull which t at- tacked him, and before Mr. Heard could escape the beast rushed on to his horsfe and gored it down, the horse falling on Mr. Heard. Neither was hurt seriously, though the horse was gored badly. At Harrison a shooting affray took place at Perkin’s quarter Monday night between Millege Simmons and Nathan Jones ((colored) in which Jones received a fearful wound in the left breast, the ball entering just lie- low the nipple. Dr. E. S, Peacock was called iq, and be says the negro may die. _ Why aches, is it so pains, many kidney suffer from diseases, rheu* tism, etc. liver ? complaints, It is simply because heart affections, they will not come and be healed. All diseases begin from a want of iron in the blood. This want of iron makes the blood thin, watery and impure. Im¬ pure blood carries weakness and dis¬ tress to every part of tbe body. Sup¬ ply this Bitters, lack and of iron using will Brown’s find Iron you soon yourself enjoying perfect and freedom iff- from aches, pains, general henlth. The Editors Who have Plums. •‘t™ Chicago New*. There is nothing in thip wide world so trustful, so meek, and so concilia¬ tory as is the able Republican news¬ paper which has been pampered with official plums. The IndianadoUs Journal is a good newspaper. But its own John C. New and ‘Lige Hal¬ ford stand with the elect. Now day by day it is gazing at President Har¬ rison and murmuring, half uncon. cautiously: “flow great! How good!” Dear Indianapolis. Journal, who discovered America? “Please, sir^Rejimin Harrison.” He also wro|p the declaration of in dependence, did he not? “He did.” It he who fought the battle of New Orleans, fas it not ? “It was.’ Was it he or his grandfather who trounced the Injuns at Tippecanoe? “He sir.” Was it he who put down the rebel¬ lion? “It was.” And reconstructed the South ? “Of course.” And licked Grover Cleveland? “Yes—he and we.” Very good. Now you may jump down and run away. The Universal Verdict of the People Who have used Clarke’s Extract of Flax (FapiHon) SkferCure award it the flrst and highest all place of Skin as a Diseas¬ reme¬ dial agent in cases es. Eryipelas, Eczema, Pimples, erupj un¬ sightly Boils, .blotches, Carbuncles, humiliating Tetter, etc., tions all yield to this Price wonderful $1.00 for prepera large tion at once. a bottle at Dr. Nr B. Dowry’s is gpod Drag Store. Clarke’s Flax? Price25 Soap cents. tor the Skin. Try it. Advice to Mothers. \i * WisswwV Sob-rawo. Srwm for children teething, is the prescription and of one of the best female nurses nhvsieiaus in tho United Stole*, snd failing enooess by During the for their children. vslnc incalculable process of teething its w It relieves the child from para, cures ----the great dvtt war. ........ New York have advanced as a novel excuse for not serving that they are opposed to execution by electricity. appointed, AAfissaat: by Gov. Beaver oae of the commissioners from Pennsylvania to the Paris exposition. Mrs. Hannah Kilrain, mother of the pugilist, Jake Kilrain, died in Baltimore on Monday, aged 68 years. She was bom in Athione, Ireland. Jake’s right name, by the way, is John. Peter Brains Sweeny, of Tweed ring fame, has profited financially during his his exilo. exile. Joe Joe Howard, HowMPiJ who Irnnwa knows him well, gives credence to the story whieh places his wealth i at $|^0,000,- 000. , William Roane Ruffin, , gfsat-grand- son of Thomas Jefferson, died in Chesterfield county, Va., Monday, of consumption. He was for years rector of the board of visitors of the University of Virginia, of which his distinguished ancestor was found¬ er. At Mr. Spiugeon’s church, in Lon, don, on a recent Sunday, earnest prayer was offered for the conversion of the Prince of Wales. Evidently the need of this conversion was deep¬ ly felt by his audience, for a chorus of “amens” broke forth from the tab¬ ernacle worshipers. Impurities oi the blood often caufe great annoyance at this acaeon; .Hood's Sareapa- rilla purifies the blood, und cures all such afj lections. • Haggard is getting more certain every day that Sir Edwin Arnold will come over next month and attend commencement there. Sir Edwin, would be most cordially greeted in America, as would also Lady Arnold, who is a grandniece of William Ellery Charming and a second cousin of Col. T. W. Higginson.* ■ -- •—*--*- Will You Head This for $500? , For many years the manufacturers of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy, who la, are abundantly responsible easily ascertain, financial- by as any one can enquiry, standing have offered, in good faith, a of nasal catarrh, reward of $506 for a case no matter how bad or of how long standing, which they cannot cure. The Remedy is sold by druggists at 50 cents. .Secretary Windom has appointed Morris >S. Wise, of the Trade Mark Record, the honorary representative of thb treasury departraentto sent the same at the international congress for the protection of indus¬ trial property, trade marks, etc., to be held under the auspices of the French government in Paris on Aug. 5. “One breaks the glass and cats bis fingers But they whom Troth and Wisdom lead, Can gather honey from a weed.” Those who are wise, and who lore the truth, will, believe what we say when we tell them thrt Dr . Favorite Prescription has done more than to relieve all other the sufferings ffiedicenes of women, known now to science. It cpres all irregularities, internal inflamation and ulceration, It displacements the only and medicine kindred troubles. is for women, sold by druggist, from the upder manufacturers, a positive guarantee, it will give satisfaction in that every case, or money will he refunded. This guarantee has been prinsed on the Dottle-wrapper, for and faithfully carried out many years. The following story is told qf Sir James Hannen: He was hearing a divorce case, in which one of the wit¬ nesses, a rather bumptious person¬ age, inquired with an air of one wfio is putting a poser, “Pray, my lord, am I to give my evidence for noth¬ ing?” “I think,” replied Sir James, “that you wffl have to giVe it for what it is worth. Unhappy Unhappy and unfortunate mar¬ riages are of too frequent occurence nowadays and the saddest or most unpleasant results arise, from the impaired health of either or both of the contracting contemplating parties. matrimony Young men or women should see to ft that they enter on this important event under proper auspices and conditions—healthisthe mam point as everything depcnds.on that that alone almost. See the blood is in good order—therein is the foundation of happiness. Heroic and spasmodic treatment methodical is not the desid¬ eratum. Mild and are tbe proper and reason steps In so essential an affair as health build¬ ing. P. P. P. is the great renewer of the blood (Prickly Ash, Boke Root and Potassium). It does its work quietly taints and thoroughly, and repairing eradicating blood perma¬ nently the rrsping, For Rheumatism, creaking bodily Mala machinery. Syphilis, Scrofula, rial poisoning, Ulcers of if audSkin and Skin eruption, eruption, and and it it is is the ultima ration of medical mCnt, hence its reputation and high rank as a blood medicine. Pure blood is the essence of life, All drug- gists sell it. maylTdAwly. A Flah Valued byto Itody. Wh **“ii’ 5 W ease, se oletelv germ of blood saved, the experience of otters comes as i mighty revelation. Common sense tells him actual results are the only sure proof of curative virtue. Read the following true testimony: • tion was truly h &S$r£;S£ mm tite, did not ske; tion was in ’ ulcers, and total wreck, I hadbeen mtof several of the leading of Atlanta; tried nearly . remedy adver¬ every b tiled} mained went several to Hot? recelving ts, where I ben- re- no . still clung tome • Three vears acr hud up with drawn up not leave mv bed for months. ages of death. My -life was a fingering; torture, and I had despaired of ever get- Mine recom * an to use it at , and find my anently cured. . G. and numerous others who know of jK. BOSWORtm Atlanta, Ga. tary blood prison, and to toy utter aston¬ ishment one bottle cured him. In Feb¬ ruary my elder son, twelvd years of age, was his legs, literally and covered terrible with ugly sores his on head. He a cured with eruption bottles on of was two B. B.B. As a quick blood cleanser it has no equal. James Hill, Atlanta, Ga. * For several years I have been suffering from a constitutional blood poison, which has resisted the treatment of our best physicians, and the use Of the most noted medicines. I was covered with a copper-colored eruption all over my body ana limbs, with loss of appetite, excruciating pains^sn mjr tKroat and ’ illifrliote I became incredulous, great but being nervousness. tqjd that B. B. B. was a sure, enough blood purifier and that it did not require a patient to use a gross before he was cured, I commenced its use. Within two weeks’ tinie I felt im¬ proved. I have taken ahpnt ten bottles and feel r.s well and sprightly as any man. My appetite and strength nave returned and my Hair does not fall out I do not hesitate to say that B. B. B. has no equal as who a general will only blood purifier, bottle and will any be one use one con¬ vinced I still continue that it has its no equal it in is these splendid parts. and keeps use, as in a fine tonic my system a con¬ dition-. You have the liberty to direct any suffer# tO:me in person. B. K. P. Jones, Ga. Atlanta, I had 2i running ulcers on one leg, and 8 on believe the other, ir, and ana felt felt swallowed greatly greatly prostrated. p: barrel of I I actually a medicine in yam efforts to cure the dis- ----- With little hope, 1 finally acted on )a d c^ange bat d!s- tism, and other horrors of blood poison .have disappeared, and at last I am sound and well again, of after an experience of twenty years torture. A. P. Brunson, Atlanta, Ga. KennesaW, Company—M Ga., Sept. 11,1887. B. B. B- y Dear Sir: I take great pleasure in acknowledging tbe great benefit my wife has derived from yonr great aad wonderful she medicine, B. suf¬ B. * B. For two years was a great ferer from Scrofula, or some blood dis¬ ease which had lain dormant all her life. We had attention from some of the most to no c her ever recovering, solid ulcer, and for two months or more her body was broken out with sores until she lost a beautiful head of hair, also eye¬ lashes and eye-brows; wreck. in fact, she seemed to Now be a complete the secret which 1 all comes the world great know: That want to bottles of Blood Balm medicine has done the work which would sound incredible to any one who did not know it to be so. Today my wife scrofulous is perfectly taint, healthy and she dear from any ana now "has a three-month-old respectfully babe, also per¬ fectly healthy. Very Glen Alpine Station, N. C. ) * February 18th, 1888.) This is to certify that three years ago t had my left leg amputated four inches below tbe knee, caused by blood poison and bone affection. After it was ampu¬ tated there canoe a running ulcer on the end of it that measured SB inches one way and 4R inches the other, and con¬ tinued growing worse every day until a short time ago. I urns riven »p to beard die by the best doctors in Cbarlqtte. 1 I of the wonderful B. B. B. resolved retry teat My weight at the time I com- «- d * Weigh tttt pounds ant i ■&h«foe worked h a certainly J. R. WILSON. J»*»t*' sizes, with i # it -sch ■ lo¬ mon ti secure one free, oar J*rg« *nd ral- f These sEmptes. as vmXw R|S?«SJwL<«i IlM Mopte ca« K. *»*naasSPsB« [ n» f.m >v.-p Sri 1^4 A feprPS % OPENING OF -(o|- l bavenearehedt fr mm Iw lllll 1 min & Co., o lf«t-k«d ii If ill mill ill i iijii'- j; | | 'I Uavet tbe I most tleeirnble | III llji I II cm n- From II to $10. What comfort in i (’oat, when f* “ 1st ‘ ‘ GEO. dAw to jnlyl ■ 1845 I.ife ‘ -J , -jo<- T HE . w m i . y. i ■.- Q i y NEWARK, NEW JERSEY. ——-!--)oi________ Income Purely Mutual. Seven Assets Million over Dollars. FORTY W0 MILLION D0LLJ over La ge and Annual Dividends. No “Tontine Estimates,” The best Life Contract on the market. We invite s comparison of eur Policies with those written by other Companies. S. W. MANCHAM & GRIFFIIV, GEORGIA. CLARENCE V AN6IER, State Agent, Atlanta, 6a. SOOTS, SHOES AND _ HASSE'KUS’ SHOE Home-made Shoes and Leather % 0 - We warrant all work and shall make it a point to a “iSSrjri^r large shipment oi Gents’ and LadW and Misses’ fine g__ cord Vrid for 300 cord, ot Tau-bark. „ ...Crff-rt For )-( Cheat, )■( W. M.HOLMAN A CO. kinds We of Sfandard Extracts A Sugar Flavoring. for making cake. Citron, Cor and in fact anything for wafit. The best Pst. Floor, you , * TURKEYS, FISH AND OYSTERS. m~ Leave us your order and it will be attended to. ___ A If BROOM SWEEPS Cl i«i»?i «i SPENCE & SMITH. BT We win handl Jin Mijtbinp t« Lu«gio,H,*fh i», fniritv. lt m» Drays, and Deliveiy.^egore. food work win It big, i% j V’d't i u v 111 be a Jeill.t. <1 ic Unit Sup Nothing but the helm fall l e i«»fait < t it te n >)ti f) )■!-«, rs> |li«- H, 8prn< e at jon cannot i« d* sllrg. C .11 < t nt t cf> >, j m b SPENCE & SMIT Solomon 8treet„Criffin, Ca. PATRONIZE HOME AfCOCt Mfflfjctlil ........MAHTJFAOTUBBB8....... Sash, Doors, Mantels, Moulding!, Ballusters, Resells, Etc., Etu. Dressed and Rough Lumber. Laths and Paints, Oils, Window Glass and Putty- ghiffin, t -s-.r-f - all, both at nanSva to price u* hr mm You paid.for 8x10x12 liglit Sash $1 10 “ 8x10x18 “ 1.75. “ 10x16x12 “ 2.00. “ Door* $200 to $2-50. “ °"' ,in Vert'S Sllr m h 99 Plank or 0 $kb 20s • to For Dressed and Matched Lnmber noV 3 ffi.Aw 6 m PARKfR yw ii MW h ww j aw*** M *~^**' ra '' * S. GINGER I-;.,- ■$'" "" ■ mm a... mm&m IPfflgPBCT Fort or M. A »rr I