The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, June 09, 1889, Image 4

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MPUmi MtiMPtAWMaWM - ..*"4 FINE )• vays find Chkkens at * T. & bon. i ? “ AREIV ALS! NEW ATTRACTIONS! : ' i : 1ST If '’ 141)HRS OF LOW PRICES! I ffld • See ■ Us - Vm - Weak - aud - We - W& ■ Offer - Ton - Some SPECIAL II t »i Clival 1 -J— ■ss r sales last week were mere than double our expectations. Low prices always wins. We can always sell you goods for less thf*n you can hoy them ’ sre. Our facilities for buying such to enable to sell^oedsfor less th^Ji called competitors for them. Note few of are as us our so pay a our prices --“P •*« «*• convinced beyond a donbt where ^bgj tg. future. J —gggpgggggg—F-—■ 4 J|piMBigca8acs Just Received New Lot . ....... cents per yard. Tr m.irn- j W ■ Sir - Kills - II - Hit - asd ■ Colml i-mi bmi^ Scontoperrart. New Undervests From 15 Coflts Up. ■h cento per yard. mmm aw. gi«, m m corsets, hji. r Goods m Proportion ! ^ In endless Variety at Prices that Can’t Be Duplicated. ... ■ .. } j '.:kiv vrv r r*n'vW»•irffirn r ” ! ‘-“‘-<^1 F * ---;------*r ......Jl'.yilW .——:--- i iKJJLllll! 1 !"""!, 1 TTTT! ! "W'.:r'.TF k*T sm CTT T i^TTi gN xnrNTd y " ; '■ ’^,1' *«' 2-SW^l * • ■ ■ >•* ■fysm&i -^ata^jayi | E. J. FLEMISTEIl'8. . ■*—~~Own | fi*e- JT' _ / ** |T d -- i , ,, f The Alliance Oil Mill stockholder, a meeting at the court ©rdflv n+ _ ooniinittfip with full powers to ga ' work, put bnild- i up a f the faH season, i now now in hand i ho complete the work.; mill will be erected on the provided there shaU be noMjuqtkmil n 8^ a ^ ld cht * mb * r in * hat GriffinewUtBiaeaa alwgp come to d, and we wish this 1 . of that success. “One v But gatW Can honey trow a weed* Those sewho who are wise, and and who w ho love the truth, will htitare what what we we say Mgr whenwetdMJwm thrt fc D*. Dr, Fieree% Bearars has done more to re than to science ”* internal ii dinpluceihents is It the only medicine for women, sold by druggidrtr under a positive guarantee from the manufacturers, that it will give feamte satisfaction in every jasga Esssa#*"®** s ■ >nnn .7 Bargains in Potato Slips East Griffis. dost Mtornire. joly 4 Will You Bead Thl* for $600? -faith, by { tor a case how bad iNB&niSV l Valued by'* Lady. “•'* '^aiady? 1 news „ irdlal, i case of cramp , *.„J relieving it teething. 1 _____________ _ re - ■ H„i».. Cleveland and Johnsen & Rob* t all freeh. Guaranteed » POTATOES. AND BONE LINIMENT 11! , N. Jh ’ B. -. n T~ '• —=* ‘Ml Me! ' • i., of Griffin, Ga., Is the only author ‘"'Old our celebrated brand of Kentucky Whiskey, i, and no ,ted w__ w »» ecu IW * CO. lowing opinion of the experimental farffi: • *-I don’t think there is in Georgia a place that can compare with it in all respects. If the commission had had at its disposal all the money it want¬ ed, it could not have chosen a better site for the station. It is simply per¬ fect. There is a great variety of soil, it is undulating Enough to exemplify all the tevefc and slopes we are ac¬ customed to see in the state. The *ww»v MUJWI1MUV u* farming. Then there is m just pro- portion of woods and cultivated laud, I tlfink that the farmers of Georgia should be shown, by the conduct of this station, that their woodlands are valuable. The under¬ brush should be cleared other away and clover, and orchard and grass¬ es that will flourish in the shade, should be sown under the trees. The low land on the farm,-in the grove behind the house, will make a most tit. m n ' excellent pasture, and a model dairy farm.” “Of course,” said the governor, “the accessibility of Griffin is Well known. In addition to the general accessibility of Griffin, it should. be noted that the railroad, running di- rectiy in front of the farm, will admit of a station being placed right at the idoor/’ ti Fruit Jars, -''' Globe, best Novelty in the world Co. 4. ''■« ‘ ■ You May be Too Modest, t% ^ article, ,. T writeB [tonic. | w^hyour Toni<j, This standard preparation is sold by all druggist* bottle. at fifty cents and a dollar a For sale by E. B. Anthony. WBkJm m ~ 0F ~ A K (; A i 500 Pa irs Silk AT 25 CENTS PER PAIR. 1 THE “ LESS THAN FIFTY 1 Kid Gloves For 50 Cy THAT POSIVELY CAN NOT^B^ BOUGHT ^LSEWHERE FOR LESS UNDRESSED MOUSQUETAIRE KID GLOVI For 75 Cents Per Pair. HP* THAT ARE CONSIDERED VERY CHEAP AT $1,50 ELSEWHIRE. \jgt - )o( ---- Ladies’ Slippers at 45 Cents Per Pair. tST We have a few sizes of these goods left at this price. We are Headquarters FOR- Embroideries, White Deeds and Laces. We have received during the past week our fourth assortment of Hem- * I stitched Embroidered Bouncings, and our prices are just a little lower than 4j any one else will make you on the same goods. Our Plaid and Striped Pawns are the prettiest m the city, and our prices the most reasonable. 1000 Y*BDS OF REMNANTS OF BLEACHING FOR FIVE CENTS PER YARD ! Sttowii i wr