The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, June 15, 1889, Image 2

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rill is.oo l.oo. eS fi^^*r - r 15, lg80. ' : n. : . .:• ■ Raiding Gu, Advertising «ar« tor the first ■pi* 1 tor lew __ -jp In sdvanee. » with parties with- • ratee as for the Eioilf i 'Ajjii > charac. Opinions and expecta- Democratic not he. ..... _ _____fraternity, or more k tine future success of their “ » contest of last year had _ahx victory insteud of de- What is the foundation for Ration under circumstances in l depression would naturally be *wer in simple. The mem- Be National Committee ac. r ac7inTheSt« represent the feriing of the ties from which ■ MEW accredited, and fii a Unanimous one of u the past and assuredf aiih in (p1.> jf- ible causes of the success of ' the-Voters df the coun- of the presidential itiftl ofllcss the nomr .tojofrity; are onivereally Sever again will it be the will of the jy a repetition of the election s of 1888 any any more more than by t»U„l»t.Wrttan «, o, ■7f. ter year of Republi. fan has sufficed to .g a contrast to Hie «. .word that it is almost • forth# Hepublican party ter from the effect of the blow Jp£" •’? ’ 1 . iment by partisanship in _ane»of law, favoritism and Of the grossest sort, «a- ^regard ofthe rights anddig- ooordinate branches of the rnment, and especially and revolutionary nfc- isnociKsia peop . _r such abasement j^ohor M : gauffers {or a brief time confided. s il^g^^fpotadvanced wwteittiti' . Employ- uRW* IIvv «At mnre uiui “ . is true, and the direful emwfcqwceere which campaign Spell- ttPerii depleted us the results o f •WpMcrdtfc success follow the on- foreement of Republican policy. That il, commercial and industrial ansa are not more severe is dne oftlv to the abundant resources ot*n>ost productive land and the v^or of a people thatnoadministra- tibri can rain, because of their ability in control their Government through relections. thlican trhttau it vrifi toot ■* 1 be — necnssary watt congressfoLd for the ^presidential elections «rw?l",___. The ____ i ____i elections .1__ a: __... of 1890 ism Sft dnce administer a lesson a partial but effecti ve retn - such circumstances, justly 5 the advantages of our ad. s determination to use » the great resources patronage but relying on feutAflPP Jettee and And virtue Ilf of th« the tieh insured victory in 1884, I ster?*; , tfraeife party puts its orgnn- te order for steadfast, snter- and prudent pursuit of Which, If faithfully B sweeping I Dollars reward for , Praia.. Toledo, p. Jdra -2 l IN ALABAMA .Jfcnmster of Jer- isan reasons, , c «. uu ., al- ,iad nearly two .Jdent Harrison has again by replacing _____________ MrsMaryL. i the postmistress ■ • ■ of Huntsville/Ala., With a serviceable Republican. Mrs. Clay is said to lie WOUIHU women Ui of Intelligence and «.»*!« to w have **m.v^ performed her duties satisfactorily, •Jv.4 but she had to go, although her terra did not 1 expire < s. by ... 1 Jaw ... " nntil Jan. i ».2— n 9, CApiir I/J IBW UUWI «««. 1892. Her offence, however, was a very grievous one-that of having a husband who was a Democratic edi¬ tor. The facts are that Mr. Clay has been crippled by paralysis and that the salary his wife received was need ed by their family, did not soften the heart of Postmaster-General Wana maker or that of the great American Cabinet tamer, General Harrison. Mrs. Clay was told to resign; and When she did not do so promptly, but dared to ask the nature of the charges against her, she was incon¬ tinent! v bounced. If the President thihks that he is distributing the patronage of Ala¬ bama in the way to build up a strong Republican party there, he will find that he is very much mistaken. His appointee to the District Attorneys ship proposes to read all the colored men out of the party, and his treat¬ ment of Mrs. Clay has aroused all the chivalrous instincts of the South, ethers. Republicans a# well as Dem¬ ocrat# pronounce her removal an outrage. At the present rate of pro¬ gress under General Harrison’s plan, the ^consist Republican party in Alabaiga will ton! only of .officeholders, A MOST FLAGRANT sioNrH^^H TRANSGBHS- -WMSSA.Vsoi -• SION •* ! ~' i '- ‘ The madness of those whom the gods would destroy is the only con¬ ceivable explanation of the record the Administration has made in the removal of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in the Territory of Utah. To dismiss a high judicial officer of the United States on such grounds as are expressed by Attor- Uey-General Miller is a monstrous attack on the independence and in¬ tegrity of the judiciary. The letter Of dismissal says: The President has become satisfied that your administration of the office wa» not in harmony with the policy he deemed proper to be pursued with reference to Utah affairs, and for this reason he desires to make a change, and out of courtesy gave you an op¬ portunity to resign. So not merely Revenue and Postal officials, but judges, sworn to con¬ laws against an who disregard mem, even against the President, are to deem It a courtesy if they are permit¬ ted to resign whenever their official conduct does not harmonize with the policy General Harrison chances to favor. With what a mighty voice the people of the United States will declare their condemnation of this usurping Administration 1 jfe toasl j ■ _ : » Georgia land is the land to invest your mosey in. As is known, the fa¬ mous Etowah property in Bartow county, Ga.,containing 17,000 acres of mineral land, has been purchased by General Granger, of Philadelphia compa’ representing a Pennsylvania ny, for fl00,000. Of the purchase money $4,000 has been paid, and $25,000 more is to be paid on the 15th of the present month. Itisun derstood the property has been pur chased tor the Bethlehem Iron Works company of the famous Lehigh Val¬ ley. The purchasers will begin by mining iron and manganese ore on a large scale and shipping it to Penn¬ sylvania. When, in this way, the eqality and the availibility of the ore is practically demonstrated they will build a series of furnaces on the prop¬ erty, and probably also a manganese furnace and rolling mills. Conviasihff I’root. In many iD«tau<'e» it ha« been proven that 8. B. B. (Botanic Wood Balw), made by Balm Co. Atlanta. Gfl., wilt Mire Wood vpoiebn in it* »or*e, even when al "st.her trentnient (nils. A. P. Brunson, Atlanta,Ua., writes: “Ihod 34 running nicer* on one leg and 6 on the other, and foit greatly proatrated. I believe factually swallowed a barrol ol medicine, in vain effort* to enre the disease. With little bad tMk»o botttei*, and all the ulcer*, rheumatism and all other horrors of blood ,a . .. . 4 “"d and at at last 1 am , experience of *r an i nnlana U« face, fwM head houd and iind shoulders . were » eating ptioo, skoll and HHHB. fluidly hones. the My disease bo hens [ my my i . . ached: ray kidneye were deranged, burden. 1 lost ______IT flesh ATI said and I strength, enrei surely and die. life became bnt nevertheless. a must mn*t when 1 hail used ten bottles of B. B. B. I woe pronounced ironouuced well. well. Hundreds Hundreds of of scars scars can ca now be seen on me. 1 have now been we fell over over twelve twelve mouths.” mon seemingly Eradicated With repeated and powerful doses ite ol quinine, chills and fever. In some one of varions froms, springs into active existence again. — -------- less It when »^w^ li rages Bitt«i fiercely in the fe ____ every resource of the piamacov«iH in vain, th* Bitter* hoe been conquer exhaunted it-will againetit remove rritWn the ***^^^^ REPENT A NOB TOO LATE. The members of the South Fork Fishing • ‘ * Glut - are considering a pro. position for .v-. turning that resort into an orphan asylum for the children who lost their parents in the flood, They say that the place is admirably adapted for such an institution, and that it will easily accommodate 100 people. this dub When the ---- members ------------ of ~ ^ have satisfied the claims of justice it will be time enough for them to be generous. _________ —fflt.Ait They mrtfr may Via be all nil tram; very vwn. ♦"V “"V — .....•’tf liberal men—no doubt they ore—but their philanthropy is out of place just at present. The Coroner’s jury has found the officers of the club guilty of gross negligence in regard to the dam, and, with that verdict in exestance, their proffer of an asylum to the orphans of the victims of the disaster is a good deal like a mur¬ derer offering gifts to wipe out bis crime. ’* m ®. It is just possible, too, that these generous-minded stockholders, when the litigation growing out of this calamity is all settled, may not be in a frame of mind to found an or¬ phan asylum. Some of them, indeed, may have almost as much need for such an institution as the Johnstown orphans. They certainly will, if the club’s responsibility for the disaster is clearly traced. Coming at this time, with the club apparently re. sponsible for the terrible destruction of life and property that occurred, the offer,of the members, if it is sin¬ cere, is utterly out of place. But it is’more likely that it is simply in¬ tended to distract public attention and enable them to evade Jheir re¬ sponsibilities. Their repentance is too late to be likely to be sincere. libleinan prefers wealth to _____.. Some few have both; very many haven’t either. Whieh Weil,you will may have first choice. you take? “Heath.” Very well, what’s your ailments? “A little of every¬ thing.” What’s the cause? “Blood out of order, kineys weak, digestion bad, heart’s action frregular.” Yes, and every disease ean be traced to these same sources. Just take a few botles of Brown’s Iron Bitters, it will remove the cause of disease and re¬ store vou to robust health. A Fish Valued by a Lady. What fish is most valued by a lady ? Her-ring. Let her ring the glad Cordial, news of Dr. Biggers’ Huckleberry ol '"lying her child trom a case cramp »lic, and relieving It teething. - A Woman’s Love. Will undoubtedly improve when a man the mentally and morally; bnt blood and man is needing a good will take place liver medicine, nothing contains those of Calieaya Tonic. It properties which serve fora thorough purification of the blood, and improve¬ ment ©f the working of the liver—that most important of all systematic functionaries. In malarial districts it is a sine qua non for all disorders at¬ tendant on living in such basis places, of the for the calisaya bark> the best known antiperiodic medicines, which It contains, does a thorough all work and frees the blood from ma¬ larial poison. It is sold by all drug¬ gists at fifty cents and a dollar a Dottle. . For sale by E. It. Anthony. Marianna, Fla., Bros., Jan. 26,1889. Messrs. Lippman Savannah, Ga., Proprietors P. P. P. For a long time I suffered with Ca¬ tarrh an ulcerated throat. I took S. S. S., but derived no benefit from it. I)r. Qwens, who represented Lippman Bros., Savannah, Ga., told me that P. P. P. would cure me, so I began taking it. I have taken bottles (small size) and I am entirely well. 1 feel like a new man and consider P. P. P. a wonderful medicine. * Pete Manning. A MARSHAL SAVED LIFE AND HAIR. Monticello, Fla., Jan. ffcvannah, 24, ’89. Messrs. Lippman Bros., P. Ga., Proprietors P. P.: For the past eight years I have been suffering with malaria, rheuma¬ tism, dyspepsia, dropsy; mV diges¬ tion was bad and my hair all came out. In fact I was nearly a wreck. I had taken kidney and blood medicines which did rneno good. When I be¬ gan taking P. P P., about 3 months ago, I was as weak as a child. I have only taked four bottles (small and size) and today I am a well man my hair has “come again.” highly. I cannot recommend P. P. P„ too \V. F. Ware, Marshal, Monticello, Fln.> W it ness: W. C. Owens. maylTilAwly. _______ i iY FAB -TO— NEW YORK OR BOSTON -IS VIA- ^AVANNAH OCEAN : STEAMSHIP : LINE' Central Railroad of Georgia. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS Now on n Rale Rale at at iTcHioel fVduc*<l rates. rates. Good Good lo iv- turn until OetoberSlst. 18S9. Majoiifk-ent Steamer and eluant service. Rran from the beat, and doat. Incident to All- itaii Betttno. If yon are Rick the trip will in¬ vigorate and bm'M you up. Go East by Sea amt You’ll not Regret It PoRReogerR, mufea,'would before purchasing weii tickets via do to inquiry first of the^aertte oft-be Routevia Savannah. Fnr- the ycMSi* Ktutioo ot to II. S. BKLKXAP. ’The Chief Beneo> for the great suo cess of Hood’s Sawaparllla Is found in the article Itself. It Is merit that wins, and the fact that Hood’s Sarsaparilla actually ac¬ complishes what is claimed for It, Is what has given to this medicine a popularity and gale greater than that of any other sarsapa- WiflS tUla ’ or b |“ od Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Billo usnesa., overc om es T hai Tired Feeling, ig, creates creates an aS-Appetfie;strenglh- -A ens the Nerves, builds up the Whole System. ■food's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all drug¬ gists. flt; six for #5. Prepared by 0. L Hood 8 Go., Apothecaries. Lowell, Mass. torpid liver I say regulates re era. the wmm- , ||UUh ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. Sold Everywhere. Office, 44 Murray St., New York. Pulsw Rill* TAIWtiVOij SPECIFIC. EY AOMltHSTERlMQ DR. HA1RES’ BDLDEH It can be given In a cup ol coflee or tea. or In *r- tides taking of food, it; without it is absolutely «ie knowledge harmless of and the per- will 4oii ■MBHT * pemanent —**---" a complete cure in every instance. iiag® ww* In 1S831 contracted Blood Polsoii of bad type, and was treated sarsaparilla with mercury',' mixtures,grovyjng potaeh and all toe time. .rtodk T’smal! 1 worse whi__ [cured bottles 8.8 . ol me entirely, and no sign dim i the dreadful disease : has has returned. re J. C.l Jan- 10 W. Hobbyv i h d fer a long time; More thou £0 } i ccs of bone came out of her lor*. :* -• I the doctors sate amputntion v:;)! :eculy *5e remedy operatro to _____r) eate b' r 1- • f - o. ft. I I r'fst’pcd r' fi I t ho op- and pnt h< c v i and Bho is now tn ;*pnKdac-iv?i any Book Feb. child. 11, Blood ’Ca. JLso 'd-Uttas Diseases Annie Columbus, good sent Geesuno, health free. Ga as on Co. I Straw: Specipio Ga Drawer 3, Atlanta, PYPJEfl LIIVM/WS, /\SURECUr\Efori ^FtvtRf 1 CHILLS DUMB P[GUE'F\ND ^LARI- rut * VLB BY ALL DBTGGIsm ess. igfc' -Oases. “SsSWS ladles 1 . ■......,‘s ..UL- soft MEN ONLY! PUNION^ CORNS, _ smoWARTS, HENDEt?CORN8. •TIig only ^ure Cure for Corns. Stops IiD»uox&CU>.,N. nil pain. V.n*nr<* 1. iom fort to the f<»t. luc. at Pmgfpsts. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC Tbc best of all remedie* U Inward Pains, Colic, Indige tion. Exhaustion exhaustion and and allSton all ach ____„jd Bowel troubles. Al* .. the most effective cure ? ^ Coughs, Cold.;, bronchitis and affections of the breathing organs. It promotes refreshittg sleep improves the prostration, appetite) overcomes nervous and gives new life and strength ingth to the e » weak and aged. ;oc. and$t t.oo, at Drgguists. Sewinff*' lT© »l OW9 fronds where tire people cah re# them, we win eciid f ree to on* I5« werW,wilh »en4 all f thv aUfu romplct# hipeuu. ,K*$ Wo wiH alto : «o«ly 1. and ree vtlaahk a aft ef hnfir tntr cost «. In return wc e»k ihnt you we tortutw to who >i«y dlLar saher the Nnwf before patent - * TTto ron out: #»:*. with fMtni.. »h* it told for i«ttarh»eiits. and and now now fell* telli for for Best, «tron|rc*Ln*oatn*e- EltESI July Sheriffs Sales. the Court House, in tl*« ■ On*, black bull ab about eix years old, one about flye yeare o’d, white one one ... ... cart, two two-horse wi satisfy fl la isi levied on And sold to i .. .. v one from the County Court t of of tow, Coweta in lave J. E. Atkinson & Co. vs. Bme L. and L. • Key. Aleo, at the same sold one spaldlhg proveme-----1_„ County, Geoi . lands B the - of Wm. — and east by of estate •Boyd, soutlrby plank road and weet by^land favor of K. L. Snider vs. A. A. Levy made by G. D. Johnaon, _ ... turned over to me, Tenant in poeeesRiou U at*the willbe sold Also, same time and place, ldt ol land No. 35, containing 303H acres ol land, also north half ol lot Na. 84., contain- ■■l ■ I rw.I. ft fa issued Balhi. LeTH. from Spalding sold to satisfy one in favor of Prank W. Stanley Superior Court, ol W. vs. Mary E. Ellis, administratrix J. Ellis, Ellis, deceased. deceased. Mary Mary E. E. Ellis, Ellis, tenant tenant in 1) ”“ Ul ' ft’&mELi, b!S Receiver’s Sale. © matter ol McCone, wanace a co. vg. *. aughn, Bill. &c., in the Spalding house Superior door t, will b« soldbelore court .aiding county, on the first Tuesday in dug property of J. L. ie-half interest in one liv ery stabli JV «.„, v _____j. Zion camp ground the in Spalding ding county, 80x60 leet, bounded JohnConnal- qn west i, north andeaatby landgof ly, , on ju the south by Mt. Zion camp ground. Also, the one story residence frame containing building ' " r*om«, with lot of land res, bounded bounded in Cresw*!!, the the Spalding north north by by eftunty, public public Georgia, the on on Griffln and Fayetteville rood, kn .own aB road, on east by said road and of Baptist J.‘ W. church „ uu .v u lot, on B. F. sonth Norton by and land* west by J. W. Tanghn Vaughn. and Terms of sale cash. f6.00. BOBT. 8. CONNELL, Receiver. Ordinary’s Advertisements. f \RDINARY’S OFFICE—Spacdino Cocn- VF ty, Georgia, May 31,1889.—W. E. Alex¬ ander applies to me for letters of Dismission on the estate oi Wm. Woodward,late of said county, deceased. Let all persons concerned show cause before the Court of Ordinary, at my office, Septem¬ by ten o’clock a. m.,on the such first letters Monday of in dismissiou ber next, why should not be granted. W. HAMMOND, Ordinary. 16.15. E. .RDINABY’S OFFICE— Si’acdino Coun¬ dta ty, Geok u, May letters 31, 1889.—A. Dismission J. Mad- applies to nie for ol an guardian of the Anderson minors*. Let ________persons ail persons eoneerned eoneerned si show eanse before the Court of Ordinary,, at my Monday office, in by July ten o’clock next, why why a. M . m., such such ,-T -| on le letters the ' firat^ ------llUlrt^ of *” Dismission should — not , granted. IlM* be t»* llltXUlW. $3.00. E. W. HAMMOND, Ordinary. /"VUDINAKY’S t OFFICE—Spalmn&Cocnty, \ Geoboia. May 31,1889.—To theered itors and id next next of of ion tan of of Nicholas Nicholas Goodin, Goodin, lab late ol said county, deceased: You are hereby no- ...... ' • at the Conrt of Ordl- m. on the 1st Monday tly next, to be held atmy office in Griffin, and there s to to show show cause eaui why thr le admin- - not likely HAMMOND, to be represented. Ordinary. #3.00. E. W. / t t RDINARY’S OFFICE—Spa gding Coun- \ ty, Geoboia. June 3rd, 1889.—J. II. Ma~ lair applies to me for letters of Administra¬ tion on the estate of Martha of said county, deceased: Let all person© concerned show cause before the Court of Ordinary, at my office, by Ju’ ten o’clock a. in., on the first Monday in next, why such letters ol administratic should not be E. granted- W. HAMMOND, Ordinary. $3.00. Notice of Local Legislation. nous and malt liquors within tl Union Baptist Church in Cabir Spalding County. Notice of Local Legislation Notice is hereby given that i plication will be made to the General As r oi the Shat Georgia f- Notice of Local Legislation Notie application will lbly of the of adjourae' Georgis Midway Methodis Spalding County. Notice of Local Legislation Notice Notice is is hereby hereb given that application will be made to the he General G Assembly of the State of Georgia forth le passage ol a bill at the July rrohibit the sale ol seed Spalding from the “ ~ th day of De- Legal Notice Legislation. of Proposed lion will e Ueber- ly of Georgia, that build convenes and in te Jttly next, for a charter to opera a street str railway ilway in in the eity of Griffin. Notice of Proposed Leg is lation. * Notice is hereby given that a bill will be in? troduced at the summer _mer session session of of the' theLegisln- SpaTding ture to authorize; <; the; county of to issue six! teen thousand dollars is is (#16,000) in bonds, or as ffliueh leh thereof thereof as as necessary, necessary for the purpose of paying for, improving and repairing repairing public pu e property property in iu the the method method pTO' pro- Tided by the Co: mstitution of this State. Notice of Local Legislation Notice is hereby given that application will ne made to thcti'eneral Assembly of the State of Georgia for the passage of a bill at the July adjourned session to prohibit thesaleof farth products in and the county of Spalding between sundown sunrise. ■“ , - Legal Notice of Pro T x)sed Legislation. • Notice is hereby givj® that a bill will lie in traduced in the next General Assembly o Georgia, to prevent the sale ol intoxicating liquors within three mile* of the Methodist church at Orchard Hill, Spalding „ county Georgia. may9-5w Notice to Debtors and Creditors. Notice is hereby given to nil who ore indebt¬ ed totheestateoi John D.George,deceased,to WHAT i SAYS. ^ «oe Ao*icm.*c**, Acrvm, J SXCBXTABV ( and do i —* Boothim Cultivator to tho »ri m a; i Journal of' It (honld bo in the homo of ever? i ft 300,000 Readers 1 IfiBf Leading " in 18881 ' ...... »MM THE SOUTH CULTIVATOR ADD HUH HAUER, -A-TXaAJSTT^. O-IEOiRra-I^, |(H . _ rffo-w isx It* apoyty-ete-vsnatlj. TTraajr of ^’aa'telicatlon. A BRILLIANT CORPS OF WRITERS. ~h | . '. . - — Th* oditorfol oorre of writer* and contributor* i» un.urpuRod, if^fnallod. by toot of ony rim- ilar publication in »U the Union. HON. W. J. N0RT1IEN Is the Proildont of th* Georrio BteU finaSafv. fltiil fl farmer of the most thorough culture, au4 his article* are *» A * AL. _____A__L. „ fo. f nw vanre vlfhlflllv Cfimmiulnwi.. .i AlobomaCMot*°Exporimont mont Btatlon Station and aaa stood stanui jin in tho tno rroniran* (rontronkof **x*cu*u« ogricultu-ri eduM-.ora «uucii»«ra gr.a ar.J * , bel« worth raors than awbole yw’.vubacrlption to any former who reads and think, in subscription. —IthoutTRE ________omranninAB SOOrHSBM CULTIVATOR. Wa- “ ih. *• u «“ __a- * '1 1 Ok. read volume oi QXwaitra mihhih»h*'m »*«*»*«•» -w• ?-v- Subscription, $1 rear- f fpr the form, flreside ond oonntlnt-room. P*r *”**'•” the cultivator publishing CO., Gxo. W. Harrison, ) Drawer 8, Atlanta, Ga. Manager, j a . ml /or sample copy- r I':H cuts NEWS, THE GREAT NEWSPAPER OE MIDDLE (GEORGIA ★ WILL CONTAIN DURING 1889 ^ AuL THE NEWS FULL LINE OF TELEGRAMS, FULL LOCAL DEPARTMENT, «! FULL FARMERS DEPARTMENT. SOUND DEMOCRATIC EDITORIAL INTERESTING MISCELLANY. MORE AND BETTER MATTER FOR LESS COST THAN ANY OTHER PAPER Pt I’Ll SB El). TWENTY-EIGHT COLUMNS DAILY FOR ONLY $5.00 Per Year. EORTYrEIGHT COLUMNS WEEKLY FOR . V . • 50 Cents a Year. No one can afford to be without it. Everybody can afford to take It. Subscribe nowand get all the news} dur- -t v ’ Ml J tl