The Griffin daily news and sun. (Griffin, Ga.) 1889-1924, June 21, 1889, Image 1

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M >- »*- - ""' 1 j »; j ■ . -'’J felvj . -j 8. A. |Mffi*W*| © !, prow this s %**rf si, it hai bUHt and j*rt Into _ Stefo*?, yeMstartofithe * 100,009 cotton wheel* if ol mote than twice that capital, k tip a lar** iron and brae* foundry, ., an immense ice and bot- r __________ worked a sash aad' blhH %rtory, a r large oil tup** finestsystemol electric Wlin'te- fWoewefi, aad baa ap- ra. It l etafe fotatod on the greatest system in Booth, the Central, has second connec- witfa its important riral, the East Ten- (g^a-aad Georgia. It has obtain- ! . ^anooga td direct independent connection witji Chat- >. and the West, and will break ground I ion lew days fora fourth road, connecting j with a fourth independent system. With its flvs white and four colored church- f 1 arooad ttistios itsborders by nearly on. fruit from nearly growers every State in thw Hftion, until it is now sur¬ rounded on nearly every side by orchards and vineyards. It has pot up the largest 1 in the State. It is thshome rhas in- and simply shows tits progress oi an already : admirable city, with the natural advantages ol having the finest climate, slimmer and r winter, in the world. v*±£Sr*£:’^s , '^OTK i healthy, fertile aad rolling country, 1150 feet above eea level. By the ^census of ffiW, tt will have at alow estimate between6 000 and •T,000 people, aad they are all of the right sorb—wide-awake, np to the times, ready to welcome stranger* and anxious to secure de¬ sirable eettiers, who will not be any less wel- need badly Just now, and that is a big hotel. We hats several email ones, bat their accom¬ modations are entirely too limited for onr s published—daily and weekly—tbe best news¬ paper inbheEmpireState of Georgia. Please eoeloee stamps in sending for sample copies, and dsscriptivt pamphlet ol OrifflnJ This brief sketch is written April 12th, 1889, v and will have to be changed in a lew months ' o embrace new enterprises commenced and om pitted. _ PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. HENRY C. PEEPL 1 FJLi - ATTORNEY AT 1 » Practice* oct9diwly ©arts. Uf! 3 (JM£UttPSV 3 E^a«. Dp ^dX j i/ rHOS. R. MILLS, ATTORNEY AT, LAW, ^sfrtM»«a±K nov2tf BOOT.ifi, iiAte. ' STEWART A DANIEL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, (Tver George ft Hartnett’s, Griffin, Ga. Wffl practice in the 8tate and Federal oorts. julylMti CLEVELAND A GARLAND, _______ D. L PARMER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ] Wufpraetic* to all business! in aH.flw Courts, and where ver bnsineas calls. •fir Collections a specialty. iMfflu sg , The J. Farm B 55 ACHES l load---*— good < ’present growing Is limits, room bouse, ami “ jl" vaeaut *M§mE lots too i lj|g§P !TB 'Ti■ • s - * tmitikl _ a : deuce intlte Cronin Caae. • ' ’ : ___, ”' '■'■ * 1 i ■ ■ He Is Said to Have Made --C.ean Braaslof n^ ; an oncer Mow Ka Route From Chicago to Winnipeg to Identify Him—It U Re¬ ported Through Cardinal Gibbons That WnnqpBO, Man., June 30.—It is re- ed Martin Burke, the young on suspicion of onin’s murderers, has made a clean breast of the whole af- ^ Burke to has has tea been been Wumipeg extremely extremely chief nervous nervous of polite since since life* his capture ami has now broken down I chief refuses to say anything abpubttoeoirfeeskm suited the Chicago officer, until he who hasoon- is the here now prisoner. on way It is to known take positively oharge of the Burke has offered that be¬ ing to return Without extradited if allowed to turn state's evidence. He was brought before a Tuesday and remanded to « Wltate . To Identity Bnrke. lins, Chicago, June 20.—Officer John Col¬ of the Central detail, has left for Winnipeg MartinBurke for the alias purpose Delaney. of identifying 3 charging him with the murder of Cronin. The. indictment -*■' in counts, the first being for tbe unquali- names Frank Woodruff Daniel Cough- Sullivan, and other unknown persons as the co-conspirators. When the indictment was handed Judge Shepard he glanced at it and then handed it to a clerk, who at once repaired ttlSBSISe* to Clerk Gilbert's office to - THE C LAN-tfA -GAEL. The Catholic Church of America Will the Olan-na-Gael that have been brought out by the murder of Dr. Grbnin will, without consideration delay, of receive the highest the very authority serious of tbe Catholic church in the UnitedStates. It is a matter of record that the church, as a church, is opposed to secret societies. j The Irish secret societies in this ooun- have always occupied an anoffiulous ition. The Ancient Order of Hiber- galia other; prohibited attending in in ohurbh, cha mass rd and as an order on one e in an- r- In it__ the case ____ of it-^rr^Un/l the-Cmfced Brotherhood ’Dwvih however, while its ex-] 1 awn ' ' opposition &rin tion being bei entesrtiuned w f' mmz nected* with the Cronin tragedy tiagedy with as a r _________ of the Buffalo »lo trial, trial, have have; laid attention to the order and ! ground-work for serious inquiry _ to w rhethertha prouunciameuto directed against of the; it. church rch should should not be To quote the words of the of one of who the largest close dioceses to the of the; country, stands dinal, and was summoned to Baltimore rate*SJSMK* Mtig ties in their investigations of the Cronin conspiracy conspiracy before before if it will will take take action. ac If •i_ * « a . « -«— -- a a ' 9 Clan-na- for this deplorable affair, I have no doubt but . that steps will be taken as will warrant the order being condemned the by name The, by all the archbishops the church of is country. plain in the duty of and itg, line of action very is clearly marked matter, out by the decrees of the third plenary co uncil. 1 ’ _ A HAP PY TERMIN ATION. New York, June 20.—Little Anna Maria Beiff arrived all alone from Wur- temburg, Germany, on the steamship tsmstfs, ' “ ten. When t her streamed her rosy tears ___ ____ face. down down her her Anna Anna is is 14 14 years years old. old. Five Five years ago her her mother, mother, stepfather stepfather and and tv two left left the the fatherland fatherland and and went went t to Cambria g&ggHPg Matron Stecklin took charge of the Just a week liiNB^ before fi l I m , ,,,,,, toe, Anna’s hich wi ouid _ilace, with __ enough money to loving defray her letter expenses, telling Anna together of the with comforts a that awaited her in her new home. pnt him¬ Superintendent Jackson has "Johns¬ self in communication with the town authorities, and will try to find *~ out whether Anna’s father and mother mi and brothers are among the^ “Famfly < = GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. FRIDA! MORNING. JUNE 21 , 1889 . m PAiTH CURE FR A008. Disease Mid Dsatk GeMiag to Its Work Among the CfexfeMMt Selentbu. Sykaoobb, H. Y., June Christian Scientists of Syraeuse hAw filed articles of incorporation with Christ’’ It is believed that this is charter preliminary step to an application for a from the state The Chriatiah Scientists her® are fol¬ lowers of Bey. Maty G. Eddy, of tan. A number of prominent are among the converts. Thsy disclaim any connection with Mrs. Plunkett her free-love theories or practices. 1* ""Ifimrehave been A number ot among patients treated by Ohristisn Science leaders here, but ®<his seams in nowise to diminish the faith or enthu¬ siasm of the followers of the' new ateed. Mis. Edwards, a devout believer the scienoe, sustained a severe fracture of the hip. She refused to be treated after. A 12-year-old girl injured her knee. Her parents retied upon bath as a cure. When at last it became neoessary to call a surgeon the injury had ad¬ vanced so far that amputation erf the ]$g Mrs. Mason, who suffered from cancer, did was persuaded and, though to try the faith cure. She so, she continued to grow she worse, getting they better. persuaded She her finally that was died. Mrs. Mortimer Vincent, an earnest advocate of Christian Science, and a professed suffering “healer, ” undertook to cure a woman from consumption. own throat with a table knife. It was with life was difficulty saved by that the the prompt “healer's” own of a surgeon. Mrs. Koval E. Fox, an earnest believer in Christian Scienoe, died a month ago injpeatagonyaftqja oourse of prayer In nearly all fatal cases physicians are called in at the last moment and tee Christian Scientists attribute tee lack of success to failure to adhere to the faith treatment The number of believers is increasing day services and in they of hold tee regular fashion¬ Sun¬ one most able flats in Syracuse. They also have a number regular of children Sunday uwhool, taught in the Which doo- a ore trines of C hristian Science. A JER SEY CITY FIRE. Machine Works Mid Other Bntidtogs De¬ stroyed—Log*, 8173,000. brora&’rt 6usfi&gV^Sc&£e works, at tee foot of Morris street at 10 o’eloek Tuesday night The building was a five-story and brick filled structure, with partially 50 by manufactured lOO feet, was elevators and other stock. ■ de- ngs spread longing George to tee same D. Tucker’s firm. The molasses flames to refinery, on the west and crossed the street to the Wallis iron works. Theo¬ dore D. Smith's extensive machine works, on Essex street in tee rear of the The Wallis firemen works, are delayed also in danger. by were aeon- fused alarm. The westerly wall of Cushing'-s machine works feu at 10:40. The fleet of the Pennsylvania Bailroad company and other tugs'were suoeessful in saving the Bed Star and steamship piers, whifcb adjoin the burned buildings on the east The fere was confined about to the limits named. believed The damage was $175,1)00. to be fully in sured. ____ Planting John BoP's Capital Here. Nbw York, June 20.—Samuel Uater- myer, which the agent for purchasing the English American syndi¬ cate is breweries, says there is no truth in the rumor thathe the'brewer has made a proposition "* 13 1 to “ — -- iuum. is not uuiS syndicate, syndicate way, “but merely a number of English capi¬ a mills talists, is going to invest in flour and rolling mills. We are of already ne¬ gotiating ior the purchase different mills and propose to manufacture steel mils in this country. I am not at lib¬ erty now, however, to state where these manufacto ries are. ’ ’ MiiiSjiji, ^ . Stnpendoun Chicago. The June 20.—A Milwaukee morning and paper Ht, lays: Railway Chicago, has m»de to tee Paul company New United States Trust company, of go for *150,000,000. This !■■■■■■■■ le road aj tional double tnveks and make other lay addi¬ im¬ provements necessary. *It gives It is be- whole property ae security, bonded debtedness Beved that the funding lower of its of at a rate will place the company in a much financial condition. ■ . .. ..... ..... ««■** - . ! '«■ — Heavy Raim fti Cnba. ooeurxed on Sunday last. The came down in such volume that of the streets became roaring torrent*. Walls were undermined and houses district lapsed. In the Vuelto Abajo the damage done was quite serious. barge and tee was village swamped of Bataband in Bataband partly bay, was reported wm StonS bv Keek Other. ‘ Ltwootw, NWS., June 20.—ft was rently reported Tuesday tea of confederation local assemblies Wsire signed of the hood night of by Engineers, firemen, brakemen, switchmen and Knights of Labor, ing mutual support in tee event stnke on the Union Famffc. This strike has been threatened for ^bZ d in ^the propoeitim ia to the officialg of Mlekiaaa Talkie* Two Cento n Mile. Lahsiho, Mich.. June 2d-The a mile or over; two aad a half -—-Vie Over Fire ft People Threatened Wi i Starvation. Clay TosUfytoJ* County C >mml8sloners F.ot, And Appeal to Gome for Hover lor Be¬ lief—Tito Bunlan M Too Great for On* County to. Bear, *■£ A.ul.tanee From Outside Sonne* SluetOome Soon—G«y« BUAZtt, Ind., Juno 29.-The Clay county commissioners have adopted the following request for a relief proclama¬ tion. An improved condition was re¬ :JSS£’*" -r, ss trim called to a state of Indiana to the suffering oondt- tlbn of a large nambriof man, women and children of our musty until we had notified you of their condition. We have the tame evidence of their suffering condition as wag presented to you—the word «f the author¬ ized representatives of the striking miners, who have carefully Investigated the condi¬ tion of the miners and their dependents In tiie present contest between tee miners and operators. You, ■. - as tbe chief ejtecufcive of Indiana, are no doubt aware that we have no power or legal authority to appropriate mot from our county treasury to the relief of poor and needy exoept upon the order several township trustees, who may the pressing wants of the paupers. If we hud the power to appropriate m< for such purposes it would be a great for our county alone to provide su; 5,358 persona, the number shown- to need by the report of the authorized t sentatives of the miners, which reppi take as true. -We are not disposed to treat paupers those citizens ot our may now be temporarily idle 3 and ana rniato* to earn sufficient support for thftnseives and families by reason of a demand of ators that they shall work than they have been receiving. We* therefore, say to the charitably dis¬ posed people of our state teat there number is much suffering and misery among a large of peraons, men, women and children of our county, so much so that it would be a great burden to the people of our county alone to relieve, charitable and we Stink, therefore, to call uffen such and benevolent persons as feel disposed to contribute to their relief to the committee appointed by the miners, who will cheerfully take charge of any contribu- UgH And and respectfully see that they ask are nronarlv an- we you, as governor ot Indiana, to make known to the people of onr state the suffering condition of 5,283 people who are asking charity to relieve dis¬ tress. Jacob Hovfhaw, J. GK Kima, _A. J. Faib. Suggest* Arbitration, Indian APonis, Ji une20.—The governor is i acquainted acquainted with with witn the tne feet tact that mat |he me uiav Clay juntv commissioners have formulated mation petition caning praying him the to people issue a for procla¬ aid of tee suffering upon miners, but tee fact as has not been commuioated to him offi¬ cially he claims that ho cannot act. Tuesday night be held a conference with members of the state board of charities, gestion teat i laying they before make them personal the sug- in- on me a a perso: spection of the ratoation ana act act as a arbi- trators, and he will officially con- commum- with the and . miners, cate operators " asking if they will consent consent to the board as a enoes- ft Bev. O. G McCulloch, John h and Judge Martindale, of this city, and Timotey Nicholson, of Richmond, and it Mr. is equally McCullough divided has politically. already made a partial examination of the fiela, and his sympathies are with the miners, as he oharecterizes their struggle as “a fight to live.' ’ He was present at the confer¬ ence, and expressed his readiness to serve in the capacity suggested. PATRIOTIC SONG‘OF AMERICA. The National Convention is Now to Session in Washington City. Washington, June 20.—The National convention" of tile Patriotic Sons of .America opened here Tuesday in Elks hall, with about 100 delegates present After the convention was called to order by President District George Commissioner P. Smith, Douglass of Chi-, , welcome, ered a short address then of asident Smith delivered his ........M of eddrew. He reviewed the his¬ tory quently tee of its organization aims and tbe, and work spoke it had elo¬ Steady be tee object accomplished. of the members He said it to should instill in the minds of their children and friends the true American spirit, and above all to see that the schools should action; that the order had been lying comparatively that it should show idle lireg enough, aggressive and a more epirit. Its mission had only com¬ menced. A few more Haymarket riots det ers would give the tunity would to not support be enough its __I re and telephone poles m the country to hang the miscreants who care not how much reproach and odium tehT bring upon tee name of America, so long as their personal ends are gained. In conclusion, President Smith said that during the year just ended- tho notable years the Over 200 new co _ At noon the convention went into secret session. Among the subjects to be dismissed is the admission of colored people into tbe order, and how it can best be made t o prosper in the south. Ione 20,—At the TEMPORAR Y BUSINES S HOUSES To Bo Braoted to the PnbUe Barks ot Johnstown—More Bodies Becovered. Johnstown, Pa. June 20.-The first effort looking to the establishment of civil government here was made Tues¬ day afternoon, when Gen. Hastings met the few remaining oouncibnen and rb- organizod that body. President Ken¬ nedy reorganizing presided it at the meeting, derided and allow after was to business men to build temporary struc¬ tures place. on tee two public parks of the parks The buildings eighteen axe to months, remain on it the is for when thought the city will bo cleared up ready for rebuilding the business » fund oan be dwtosited and distributed to teoee really m need. After the meeting ■I Gen, Hastings Haatin of-. fared to withdraw the troops at " once, but the oounoil asked that they be al¬ lowed to remain here far a week longer, when it is thought the citizens can as¬ sume Occasionally oharge and manage is the found place. buried A „ tee debris and a corpse rubbishr- throughout the town, but the most prolific spot is tiie mass of wreckage above the railroad army of men on tee wreckage at that point the are rapidly clearing that tee would place, but contractor says he yet have several weeks’ work before his con* true* is completed, f Great Improvement, Dynamiting of gorged drift still is oontinues. gradually disap¬ The mass pearing bleared of and wreckage. tee streams Work will will soon then be be commenced on clearing out tee cel¬ lars. Great improvement is being wrought in the condition of affairs in has Pennsylvania begun work Children’s house oosting Aid so- on a ..... to be used as general headquar¬ it, ters after so long which as the this society bunding may require wul be turned over to the Cambria Aid society. Beaver Again at Johnstown. Governor Beaver accompanied by tee ; members of the relief commission ar- lived here about 11 o clock Wednfeday morning. _ On reaching _ general ^ head- quartore the party arty mounted mounted 3 horses imd proceeded lasted until on a tour of inspection which af ter 1 o’clock . Belfast, Ireland, liaised *3,300. Dublin, June 20.—The mayor of Bel¬ fast has cabled to Gen. Hastings, at Johnstown, to draw upon him for £500 as an installment of the oitizens relief fund for the Conemaugh flood sufferers. .-eu-foi' *r '.-jiirjfWttVV’* ' " Ho Drafting for the Army—A Batch of CritAe* and Aecidentz. Cot of Mexico, June 20.—Hereafter the Mexican army will only be recruited by voluntary enlistments. The appoint¬ ment of none but graduates of Chapul- tepec as officers, and the enlistment of none but volunteers, will raiso greatly tee personnel of the army. Scheme to Bob s Bailroad. ductor Recently R. the H. Mexican Truly, A National freight con¬ rail¬ on road, robbery. was caught He in a gigantio house scheme of Ota- of went to the hegur, at San Luis Potosi, and proposed to sell 25,000 pounds of coffee at a very low price, $5,000; be to deliver it at the Jesus Maria station, on the railroad. The clerk sent to receive the coffee no¬ ticed that it all bore the brand of F. A. Monterey, F. Armendaiz, and the house gave notice to tee company, whereby Mr, 'Truly was overhauled and jailed. Notes. The city of Oaxaca is to bo lighted with 100 electric lights. The state of Guanajuato has a new law, making attendance of children at school obligatory. antediluvian Tbe bones of a gigantic ani¬ mal were found recently near tbe Fatrla mines, state of Vera Cruz. The other day at Qjinaga, the Chihuahua:, Gregorio He Carrasco died descendant*. at age of 105 years. leaves 365 Valentina Lozadn, daughter of the famous revolutionary ‘chief Manuel Lozada, known as the tiger of Alica, was recently stabbed to death at Thpic by her paramour, the result of jealousy. The other day two high-toned gentlemen of 13 years of age left the capital for the Chapultopec woods to fight a duel all over a question of precedence with some fair lass of ten summers. At Pohuatlan, Puebla, a day laborer named Juan Jose de Dies, hid himself be¬ hind the door of the house because his father had scolded him, and cut tbe old man’s bead off with a machete as he en¬ tered. Recently at a ranch near Santiago Tanga- mandapic, Michoacan, tho house of Jose Maria Gonzales was assailed by Cirilo Her* mandez, accompanied by ten or twelve others, and the daughter of Gonzales stolen and taken to the mountains. Recently, at the Yerbabuena ranch near Jalapa, a laborer and hie yoke of oxen took refuge daring a storm under a very large tree. A stroke of lightning struck the tree and converted man ami oxen foam into shapeless masses of flesh, every bone being broken. „ _ Attempted Train Wrecking. Wabash, Ind., made Jane Monday 20.—A desper¬ ate derail attempt the northbound was night train to tee Cincinnati. Wabash passenger Michi¬ on ana gan railroad, which carries tee through Indianapolis point eight and miles Grand north Rapids of this coach, city. at a The rails engine which ran had over been a pile securely of ties and fas¬ iron tened to tee track. The engine was to wreck this train" with the same engine and engin eer. Murdered M* BoM**- Bikhutokam, ALx, Jitne SD.—A sec¬ tion foreman on the Louisville a ’ Nashville railroad was robbed and m dered here The Tuesday crime night committed by unknown in parties. lc* First was in thickly cm open on avenue a within populated of of neighborhood, electric electric light light and There is lOOfeet 0 feet an an > dew to tbe assassin. *4 PEACE JR WAR? All ^Europe Again Ashing Itself the Question. The Wisest Statesmen Unable to Furnish an Answer. Notwithstanding tho Peaceful AMantSM Prom Berlin, Vienna end St. Petersburg, Ruwia anil Anatrla Are the Powers Most Directly Affoctod by the Itnmor*. Other Foreign Ncwa London, .Tune 20.~4fca«p at war? Ibis is the question < j, Europo is ask¬ ing itself now aud yet the profound®!* judgment Europe is of the wisest statesmen in unable to furnish an answer. Those who Speak for the government most like immediately involved with war¬ clare rumors, tlmt are ready enough to de¬ there will bo no war. These are the assurances that come from Ber¬ lin, from Vienna, and St Petersburg. But it is noteworthy that while tee words that issue from the lips of those who hold tho destinies of of Europo Europo in their hands are peaceful, their aote vor much more of blood and iron. The powers most directly ate affected tee war rumors in the air Russia, Austria, Krairtffi and however precise maybe assurances of * ‘ ‘ quito^E are > peaceful; peaceful, about about the the thmeisno ever sr groat great extent of tike war preparations at this moment be SSawBttt the zsfSi escape argus-cyed Russian censors. Immense Wav Preparations. SNUKHrif©MSS Notwithstanding this, however, the fact without question that immedi¬ ate war preparations are going on in Russia, and on a scale that has not been equalled Ausjfrm has sineo greatly tee war with Turkey. of augmented tee foroe the men Dwma engaged m fortifying the Servia toe frontier. line of river on That the character of these words is ex¬ Vienna, tremely and formidable while Austria is' not denied at insists that nish for an incursion into tb J territory when the time for action arrives, via and Montozmgiw. by Servia, governed as she is for the time a weak executive, and hampered by ------—------------* cial _ support atene^c, from Russia, aided is of: already armed to the teeth and her army is cm a "wax footing. Vrepnriux tor Action on tho Water. Russia is constructing armored ships on tee Black sea, and pushing them for¬ ward the to Pacific completion she in is hot increasing haste, while her on fleet, fortifying her harbors anew and generally If tec clearing of tee all docks this for extraoxdi- action. outcome ,nary fie preparatiott-is then it to will be beoome sweet and gen- peace, usGess hereafter to pay any heed to tho most significant facte which may portend war. I’rincess Stephanie, London, June 20.—Princess Steph¬ anie, widow af Crown Prince Rudolph, of Austria, is now free to leave Austrian territory if she so desires. This she could not have done before, as there was a possibility that she might give birth to an heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and be avoided serious if complications tee heir first oould tee sea ' saw elsewhere than his own dominions, court doctors have now decided that princess royal is not household eneiente, and and the tee officials ladies of the who have been in constant attendance upon her have been withd rawn. Concerning the Kaiser. Bekmn, June 20.—Elaborate ^ tions tion stone ore making of statue for laying of Emi inpetorWill- the founda- a, iam I at Metz, on June whicb cere- mony The will kaiser be will performed / three the kaiser, weeks' go on a the At Gastora Tuesday of Emperqr a monument William, to of Germany, memory unveiled. was Servia in ject* Russia's Proposal*. London, June 20.— The Daily News’ agents Belgrade have special rejected says that toe Russian the Servian pro¬ posals for a military convention. This section was dne to a peremptory demand on the part of Austria for an explana¬ tion. The cabinet has decided not to permit fearing that the young his absence king from to visit Belgrade Paris might give rise to Berions trouble. - NEWS I - Zt {. | . — Holly ; . James T Baste slaughter at Yates ( : fcss eWemUaai' or* J. BL h ?edfroi Bwnij oi y sending an c During a a? ““f" as and Belle routed at 1 murder of James Wai night, brutally« taurant and was a battl ssa and their boat e were drowned. SHss-- ***’ AtNsw York, Antoaf ian lost released front« having stabbed Ms wi crushed tew total with a I-- Dennis 3 touted the Jeffersonville I to John Buede, age SSI: floor. The the ta works of the - r v 'of The badly d omul on the 1 John wounded f afar upon which ^ now pending, i MAT *»Wl T.HF PH" i